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Publication Date: 
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Document No. NO CHANGE in ' f DECLASSIFI C ass..AFIN A Auth: Date: UNTRY Yugoslavia SUBJECT Road and Bridge Cos st 25X1A2g DATE: 25X1A6a INFO. DIS?I. 31 January 1947 Ti. th the 78 from t,h* a;^d Stales. S Es JPPLEMENT 25X1X6 1. The following now or pro d reads hasvo bero roportod s Uzioo (40 6516) to Zlatl.bor area to .rat jova vodaa (now Paartioaansko vodo qC 6303) to Xoklim Brad ((j' 5978) to Sandjak area S4onioaa to Pri jopol jer Surdulio?a (YiP 4068) to Vlaoinaxe Blato (c.D 56) to K11sura. (WP 6174) avode (WK 5100) to Cry, Trava (WP 5361) Coke (RT 1643) to Potie Svo Nicola (RT 1537) a o In the Tibok River reallo7 560.61 forced laborers with 28,668 ox teams ounplotod the folly ing roads by late Deoomberrt Kai jaazovao (WD 5563) to Zaa jeoar (WK 6001) Nsgotixn to Prahovo (1 8943). Za jeoaar to Baas jaaa Brestovacka (WE 4320) to Y.a.gubioa. ( 2437) to Pavsarevaao Zc jeoar to Paxraoin (WD 9003) 117fogotin to S.tubik (W 7144) to Ia jdo,xpak (i 3861) to Kueeco (W 1870) to Pozarea o R lgoti.n to Kleadovo ( 9378) Steil bridge$a are open to traffia over tho Morava River at Oupri ja (WD 8811), at GIogovac (WD 0825), at ;i3ro or (WW 1514), at ICurvia grad (WE 1929),, and aasar Kin fseriross (WK 2439), ever tho Drina Riv+or at Zvoraik (WC 1381), and over'the Tauts River at Paneaavo and Baranda (RY 2847). The Danube rail bridge at Novi Sad and the reiuforood oonoroto bridge at Srbobra,aa (RS 8106) are also oPGA for use. 4. Baetareraen Sarajevo and been built at 0 bobs ( 0094) and over then Rum Riivar (XR 0063) to roplaaoe temporary bridges:. A 30 water bridge has beeea o: trusted at Pa.ario (XR 375), 5o A 140 ter rail bridgeta has been built at Zopoo (WM 2045) and a 50 meter bridge is uAder asaaastratotioaa at _Vardiste (WC 3209). 6o By aaarly Docamber 94 permaxont bridges with a total length of 4094 cetera and 289 to porr ry bridges with a total length of 6644 =tore had been oonstruated in Serbia. Two permaaaaent raiifora* d cosorete bridges with a total length of 1327 :aotero were .still under ooistruotiono WARNING NOTICE: THIS DISTRIBUTION LISTING MUST BE 25X1A9a EXCISED BEFOR IC RELEASE OF THIS DOCUMENt25X1 A9a CLASSIFICATION A D EP. CFC8 rts as^P _re.4 ca 9ncv;."e?nt is hc't'.hy regga