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NO C;,'%r E in ClasS. DECLASSIFIED Pass. CHANGED A ~~ DDA Morn Auth: DP_ Aa 11G. Date: COUNTRY Austr S=ECT Politl ORIGIN 25X1X6 25X1A9a has ag ntlocas Dr P1 The A W L-tol howeeave group w a.f or Totter Totter of a oleo 2, At the forenc lugger Corson the ME 'ThT8r aeicument is he.,-el,,/ t^9'adej to Gt?N't`3S3i" ";";A! ;n a.~c;. 'J-2,~ce with the yrv from the ~~.rc hie t of tho t ;cited States. Next (ev'e.v Date:: . Wim 4 o raA? r 1?xf DIST, 11 1Deoe beer 1946 PAGES 2 25X1A2g ~UPPL MEJ in Tyrol is fast lowing ground as the rosult of bad. 1eadaz~smhip. With tag era resignation from the ahairaaarship? this leadership question in oc into the foregrounds As a result of this leek of any suitable ore, possessing the necessary political experience and siasulteneously tug the respect of the variour groupingsD the party is today torn by rigues of aeoond-rate politician thirsting for power. head of the intriguers is Professor Dr, Gemper? At the annual oon- of the 4AAB (Qesterreiohlssoher Arboiter. rand Angeetell';;er-Bund) s ber l948 Gemper succeeded in conssolidaating his position. He was resin oha,.r an and aged to remove his opponent? tnnshruokes Deputy Mayor from the vies-chair hip in favor of a simple worker, a certain Brier. however,, remains an the executive board of the OAABQ Another opponent ar a s, a certain Tipotssah.D was removod from the executive board. G raper d st reverse when his c idaate for chief executive officeera, Brnet esae passed over in favor of Reiner of the Labor Chawbor. In genet alg D the outcome of the conference is sa viotory of t por e a reactionary, Pver the more progressive wing ecored another victory when, at a session of the executive board of he was appointed acting chairman of the psarty,? .pending the appoint- a successor to Dro Pl*tzgi ors The poet of acting chairman should ue to Landcsarat Muigg9 the peasant 2eeeder,9 an first deputy of ix ; r waited until. thee very and of the meeting, when Uuigg and his friends t, before raising the question of the temporary chairmanship. As a of this maneuver, he got the eppoin went? 25X1A6a .that Gamper realises that his chances of being confirmed. as. chair- the party Consequently,, he in sponsoring his brother- tresslao ? Cc iuts For further information on Grbssle r `~anpe 0 ~~ 25X1A2g against him is the "grey em3 nenoee ? of the APP In, Tyrol9 Ham Bador,25X1 A6a who discovered and made Kurt Schusahnigg. Bador is sponsoring Dr. the candidate of the younger r 4d more liberal elements. min t For further information on the APP in Tyrol, sae - - - ADSO $ A DEP. DADSO F89/A ;EXEC. FBL P RMSH X1_Pt-t= CLASSIFICATION 83G F bX { SPRY INTELLIGENCE GROUP U LUGENCE Won OFAMENt CFGB i 25X1A2g 25X1 A9a CONTROL iJgyO8p ed For Release 2000/05/16 : CIA-RDP82-00457ROQ,?90009-7 CENTRAL I1Tr1GLL1GjdC8b J)j 25X1A Letncaeshau iann Weiasgatterer refused to cam it himself'. He merely assured damper would not be eleectcnd,, The: elooti n of the new chvirvian is due to. take place at the annual APP le=~ ~,ateese t;onfrence, Echedulod for 17 November 1:74G0 Both Chancellor Fi;l acrd State Secretary Graf hive announced their intention of visiting, the Tyrol -to, attend thi conference,, 76 I,:a ar Iran ,4ollirt Major Moll n `Ls another oil' the intri;;uers8 Ni: closest associates today are )rte Iiaaus 13 who sttaekc:c Gruber in f rout of the Innsbruck Laudhaus on 27 September ?9' biz, d Landes:rat Or,- Oberhofe- ; who is about to retire from the Tyrolean Cl v oia,list i'a.rty 's'ite I' is 4 rofitin;; from the present disintegration of the APP. It has re- neived s, tr emeitdous boost throu :h its overvrhelmins success in the railroad cr:t;>loyeeesr' a .ectionr ;nd is convinced that it will be returned to power at the next rtes:i?al elvuTions,, Today it isb. seeking to in over some of the more respected Pint., progressive AP:' sup ,or?tert iy assuring theta that the forth- coming ,,oe allst ;ovcrrwtent will be drawn exclusively from the party's moder- ate wing li), this it is moetin with a certain sutcceess; some of those whom it has a,pp of-~c;he d argttn that it is better to seek to exercise a restraining influence an the al' then to continue their vain attempts to resuscitate the 1orale of tc no?oulatiort 10. Local reoraa is dceterinratIng d i.l;r On top of the blow concerning the status of the Son -1h Tyrol void the oe; ,r~st:rophic food situation, oarc-e the el.ec:tric power Cris s