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o cument No. NO CHAN1 re fl DZCLASSIFIED. Class. CHANGED TO: TS S DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77 Auth: DD R G. 77,0.763 Date: 0 11 By: 074 e 2000/05/16 : CIA-RDP82-00457ROOW 00 CONTROL FOR U.S. 0 CIALS ONLY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE', GROUP 25X1A2g INTELLIGENCE REPORT COUNTRY Poland SUBJECT Condition of Railroads in Poland 25X1A6a ORIGIN 25X1X6 25X1A9a DkTE INFO. DIST. PAGES 25X1X6 20 November 1946 3 SUPPLEMENT ftlebgelELOIV 1. The dotbleetraok Grodno-Warsaw line via Bialystok and Siedice was destroyed by the Germans and rebuilt by the,Sovieteas a normal-valet, single-track line in March 1945. It was relaid as a broad-gauge line in July 1945; the seetion:ParsaweLososna? however; was once more reconverted to normal:. MUM) in September, 1945, 2. The Soviets have rebuilt the railway station at Grodno, which had been demolished during the German retreat, and added another stOry (with a flat roof) to the station buildings. Though the water tower was undamaged, the Soviets. had to equip the pumps on the Niemen with new motors to replace those destroyed by the Germans. The railway bridge over the Niemen was destroyed by the Germans, who smashed. the pylons down to the very foundations. The Soviets built a temporary bridge on seven pylons, four in the river, one on the Grodno station Side,and two on the Leeesna side, etanding on eolid ground. The r ilway depots in the vicinity Of the station were gutted, though the offices on the station preilees.escaped damage. In the statioknine tracks have been rebuilt. The single-track from Grodno to Lesosna is normal-gauge as is the Losesna-Suwalki line which lb, however, not in use at present. The switch points at Lososna have been dismantled and installed elsewhere, ,The roundhbeceoee which the Germans had considerably extended, was destroyed, complete with'turntables, so thoroughly that the Soviets built a wooden shed nearby the former Polish roundhoueee in which only two inspection pits were available. Although the station has been rebuilt, the switches have to be operated by hand and only the semaphores are automatically actuated from the signal boxes in the station Nay 1946). 'gnaw:Wm The station buildings on the Grodno-Wilno line (two broad-gauge tracks) have on the whole suffered but little damage, and operation (points, switches) is more or less normal. All the important bridges that were destroyed have been temporarily re-erected as wooden structures0 r r rut 25X1A9a 25X1A2g CI-ASSIFICATION -,- CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS On So x A DEP. X FST S- VTO DADSO FBK FBV PDS S DER xI EXEC. FBI F5St , FB2! SPDT $CO : fili i CFCS CONTROL FBM 2c CTRS tilANS 1 Apprpved_Forliiitefieas Ili is III. Approved For Release 2000/05/16 : CIA-RDP82-00457R000100210004-7 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP -2- Wilno 25X1A2g 54 The station buildings have rot been deMaged, and signals. are operated automatically. The railvey bridges over the Ostrobramska street and near the Rosa Cemetery wore also not demeged. Wilno e Lida 6. The Wilno-Lida section has suffered major &Image, end the station at Lida has been severely damaged, though 'the signalling equipment and switches erd functioning normally, l'he station buildings haVe been replaced by temporary wooden structures. Viostyierett 7. The Mosty-Lida section id nowa broadegauge single-track lino. The MostyeGrodno sectionwwhichii0 undamaged, is also brosd-gauge. On the Mosty-Wolkowysk section howeVer, the bridges oVer the Niemen were destroyed down to their foundations; here the SoVieta have erected a temporary wooden bridge some 300 motors below the old bridge and constructed a new embankment. Phe WolkowYsk Central Station vas ootpletely destroyed and has been replaced by n wooden shed. The water tower was also destroyed end the Soviets built a new one in May 1946.. The actual ? rod-bed was not damaged. The. first station beyond. Wolkowysk In the direction of Swilocz IA used at% marshalling yard for reloading shipments. A singleetreck line runs from awilocz to JanoWka. The station at Lsndarow is undemaged. 8. rhe Bielystok-Wolkorysk section is broad-gauge, and is linked up with the broed-geuge section Bielystok-Grojewo-Kalinin-Koenigsberg. 9. Only the sidings end depots of the Sokolka station on the Grodne line were not destroyed. The Czarna irlies station suffered damage, however, and has been replaced by a temporery wooden shed; the switches are hand-operated. The Czarny block signalling stotion has been dismantled and re-erectod at Vasilkow (6 km from Bialystok). The roof of the station et Bialystok ras burnt out and tho station hes boon transferred to the reilvey premises in Linora street (between the old stetion 8nd the two level railway bridre over the tracks). The road bridges heve been destroyed and replaced by tomnorery wooden structures. The signol system is in tart automatic; only the signals in the outlying signal boxes wove hand-operated. The roendhouse hes boon severely dumaged end the doviets have erootes1 n temperer:7 shod some 4 km fro si the stntion in the direction of ralkinie (on the Wee-sw line) beyond thn goods etetion which we's elso destroyed; this temposery ehed holds three locomotives, though locomotives ere pormelly serviced in the oper. Passenger trains arrive at and depart from the goods; station end rot the rnssonger station, lthough the platforms end treck escsped demae4 2731J11109.15 WM= 10Q This isee double-track, normel-gauge line. The station at Lapy and the workshops there were severely damaged and have not been repaired. The bridge over the Farew which was destroyed has only been rebuilt as a temporary structure. The station at Malkinia was completely burnt out, together with its equipment, which le now opersted by hd0 Thou the Malkinie bridge wee destroyed, its pylons escaped damage. A new temporary wooden bridge has been erected on wooden piers sunk between the old stone nylons. ONTROL . OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2000/05/16 : CIA-RDP82-00457R000100210004-7 Approved For Release 2000/05/16 : CIA-RDP82-00457R000100210004-7 ? 25X1A2g CaTRAL IFTELLIGENCE GROUP 731alzalQY - 1.ttax.e..11 11. The Mielsk Podlaskl statinn was completely -destroyed, including the station buildings and technical equipment which was still operated by hand. The station end shed at Czeremcha were ceveroly damaged. The station has boon replaced by a temporsry Tooden structure4 Si10122 * 12. Siodlce has not boon damaged, and the roundhouse is still tanding; tha block .signalling apparatus hen been rebuilt. ENTIAL uNTROL U.S. OFFIC ONLY Approved For Release 2000/05/16 : CIA-RDP82-00457R000100210004-7