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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87-00462R000100160009-0 SECRET) The Director of Central Intelligence W,shiogton. D.C. 20505 National Intelligence Council MEMORANDUM FOR.. Director Director tof1Central Intelligencentelligence Deputy NIC #05991-85 6 December 1985 FROM: Herbert E. Meyerational Intelligence Council Vice Ch ai rnlan, SUBJECT: NIC Activity Report, 29 November - 5 December 1985 OCI/DDCI-Ass ned Tasks with the assistance of the NIOs, prepared a NIO at Large (Hal Ford), draft NIC Outlook for C/NIC and DCI review. material for the DCI on SA/NIO/CT prepared background _ __. _.C lent forces. , with N/ nevi ~......_. pActr to an NSC meeting NIO/Economics l for and briefed t Acting he tro i a d mater l prepared on Senate Bill 812: The Financial Export an SSCI hearing on NIO/FDIA (H. F. Hutchinson, Jr.) attended technical issues of CI and security with the DDCI and others. IA Staff tant NIO/FDIA participated areas in, D/and IC/Staff, and ss s attended a meet ng of the DDCI , A/ DDI, Committee c airmen to discuss problem and committee DCI interactions. America (Robert Vickers) prepared an update on Central NIO/Latin America for the DCI. S&T (Julian Nall) met with the DC ace and Dr. Thomas Paine, NIO/ Chairman of the National Commission on p 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 SECRET 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87-00462R000100160009-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87-00462R000100160009-0 SECRET(--] 111. Of Interest This Week NI0/Africa (Fred Wettering) briefed Mark Edelman, Assistant AID Administrator/Africa, prior the meeetingiontthe HUMINT;Collection and chaired an interagency Plan at the request of the HUMINT Committee. Acting Assistant NI0/Africa AID desk officers. discussed Ethiopia with NIO at Large (Hal Ford) prepared a draft memorandum for VC/NIC on improvements registered in National Estimates since 1981. NIO at Large (MGen David Einsel) thee StateeDetartmentn DO9PandsOSWR nuclear i sues-, met with officers iossues? re ardin Assistant CBW attended a special interagency meeting on theNIO/ c emica warfare program; participated in a State Department meeting on guidance to the Brussels Suppliers Group on export SECRET 75X1 25X1 25X1 ,25X1 LOA I Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87-00462R000100160009-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87-00462R000100160009-0 SECRETL, s h i controls of CW precursor rinar i systemsfor treaty conceptual sponsored a Community on monitoring. (Charles Allen) Combatting Terrorism Robert Earl of the Vice Presidents Task Force h discuss a sensitive issue related esmma unity US Navy cont actoritto Dr. Ervin Kapos of Kapos and Associat discuss the terrorist threat in Europe, ble Navy counterterrorism exercise; briefed Senator Nancy anticnathe in terrorist threat in Central America, with C/DO/CATF; p panel discussions on future Dscussedefenthesterrorie threat in Intelligence College C/DO/EUR, discussed scussed member Oliver t emergency support teams at a meeting chaired by NSC st 4-A hv NSC member James Stark to ff h North; attended a meeting C nat opal securitasects of international discuss a draft NSDD on the drug trafficking; spoke on Community ism Assistant NIO/Counterterror counterterrorist organization at a Late/ /CTP-spotiored Antiiterrorism Cooperation Program for states of the attended with OGC officer SA/ NIO/CT legi on; [~r7~r s ~tl e 9 ~is 1 an IG/T meeting on the coordinaiciPateduinea panel on intelligence with CS/NIO/CT P collection managemen orthisereport onttha e0intelligenceligence College seminar; and presented contribution to certain maritimeecuurity Security. at a meeting of an Interagency Working Group on Maritime NIO/East Asia (Carl Ford) met with NSC staff member Gaston Sigur to Dick Latham, the discuss China; discussed the same subject with It. Col. Bill Belk of ACSI/USAF/Regional Estimates Division, and with Lt. k for a brief in on J an b Y or d to New USAF/INERT and travele met with Assistant Assistant NIO/East Asia Deputy Under Secretary of Defense and engineering plans for US/Japan NIO/Europe (Col. George Kolt) discussed the estimates pro ram with (F with BGen Norm an Wood, Soviet/policyiwi hetheiUS Ambassador to Norway; discussed R (Fritz Ermarth), attended at thenWilsonaCenter,nfeaturingst Relations. After the Two Pierre Hassner, Director of Research at the Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques; and Professor of Strategy at the University of Paris; with NIO/CT (Charles Allen), discussed Yugoslavia and SECRET 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87-00462R000100160009-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87-00462R000100160009-0 SECRET/NOFORN ith LTGen Weinstein, ACSI/US NIO/FDIA (H. F. Hutchinson, Jr.) met w Army, to discuss the FDIA Staff; chaired Wo rkingoGioupameeting with C/FDIA Staff fo p ions on ive measures; an w attended a meeting of the CI Working Group to approve the strategy for the 1987 CIA program. Assistant NIO/FDIA prepared talking points for the art DDI's meeting with Senatorpa prelimmet s aryhdraftsdeception study ODAC member and others to review prepared for the DDI. NIO/Latin America (Robert Vickers) discussed evidence DO;o Soviettar s deliveries to Nicaragua with officers of NPIC, DI, and house Foreign Affairs Committee on tNicaraguan on arar e Nicaragua stance with /ALA and C/DO/CATF; provided a monthly update to NSC raffded member Oliver North; ista connections to the ColombiandM-19,for information on Sandin Secretary Shultz' use in America to NSC staff memberaRaysBurghardt. Chinese policy toward l NIO/NESA (Graham Fuller) attended at mwith ega b evening seminar on Third World hostility toward the US; with energy issues in the Middle East; lunched with Senator Hart's foreign policy staff officer; A~airsthana d8attended anBrookings seminar specialist on Middle Eastern __,: _erab perceptions of each other. and C/ACIS, NIO/SP (Lawrence Gershwin), with A/NIO/SP Ivan in prepared responses to HPSCI questions related o es monY 9 September 1985. discussed the NIO/S&T (Julian Nall), with A-NIO/S&T Science Counselor program with Robert Morris, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State/ST, and Ambassador John NConr erpcenfor discussions ontopenhsource Merrifield of the Department artm technology data bases; and atteineSDi symposium at the byesenior Energy on areas of controversy scientists of the three DOE weapans labs. NIO/USSR (Fritz Ennarth) met staff member Steve Ockender to discuss the Soviet view Assistant NIO/USSR attended an interagency meeting on US/Soviet bilateral re brSovietefed US. Advisory Board and Agency 4 SECRET 75X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87-00462R000100160009-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87-00462R000100160009-0 SECRET/ Acting NIO/Warning addressed a group of Community operations center officers during a tour sponsored b the Washington Area Operations Center Chiefs; and with NWS officer attended a UTA briefing for D/NSA on Korean warning initiatives. IV. Future Activities NIO/Counterterrorism/Narcoticsy(Charles Allen) will attend a 9 ; --- - - will visit Sandia Lads and Los Alamos on _ chair an IITC meeting on 12 December. Herbert E. Meyer SECRET 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87-00462R000100160009-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87-00462R000100160009-0 SECRETFI 25X1 SUBJECT: NIC Activity Report, 29 November - 5 December 1985 VC/NIC:I1I:ba (6 Dec 85) 1 - DCI 1 -DDCI 1 - EXDIR 1 - SA/IA 1 -ER 1 - C/NIC 1 - VC/NIC 1 - Each NIO 1 - NIC/AG 1 -AO/NIC 1 - PO/NIC 1 - SRP 6 SECRET 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87-00462R000100160009-0