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Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
US SR Energy
'Central Intelligence Agency
January 1985
' \ 11 Approved For Release 2009/09/01 : CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Approved For Release 2009/09/01 : CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
USSR Energy
Central Intelligence Agency
January 1985
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Superintendent of Documents
US Government Printing Office
Washington, D.C. 20402
Stock'number 041-015-00157-4
Table of Contents
USSR: Energy Overview ........................................................ 4
Domestic and International Issues :...... 4
Energy Decisionmakin
Energy Balances .................................................................... 6
The Energy Mix .................................................................. 6
Conservation and Substitution ............................. :............. 7
Foreign Markets ................................................................... '8
Hard Currency ...........................:........................................ 8
Trading Partners ................................................................ 8
International Energy Projects ................................................ 10
Siberia-to-Western Europe Natural Gas Pipeline ......... :... 10
Sakhalin Oil and Gas Project ............................................ 11
South Yakutia Coal Project ................................................ 11
Fuel Resources ...................................................................... 12
Oil and Gas ............................................................................ 14
Oil Reserves .......................................................................... 14
Natural Gas Reserves ......................................................... 15
Gas Condensate .................................................................. 15
The West Siberian Oil and Gas Region ............................ 16
Other Major Oil and Gas Regions ..................................... 20
Production and Consumption ............................................ 22
Exploration.. ....... ................................... 24
Drilling ................................................................................ '26
Recovery 28
Oil Refining and Gas Processing ........................................ 30
Pipelines ............................................. ............................... 32
Coal ........................................................................................ 34
Resources and Reserves ...................................................... 34
Production and Consumption ............................................ 36
Mining and Technology ................... ......... :......................... 38
Transportation .................................................................... 40
Uranium and Thorium .......................................................... 42
Minor Fuel Resources ............................................................ 44
Oil Shale ............................................................................ 44
Tar Sands ............................................................................ 45
Peat ..................................................................................... 45
Fuelwood ............................................................................ 45
Electric Power ........................................................................ 46
Electric Power Administration .......................................... 46
Production and Consumption ............................................ 46
Thermal Power ............. :.................................................. ...... 48
Hydroelectric Power .............................................................. 50
Resources ............................................................................ 50
Hydroelectric Power Stations ............................................ 50
Power Production ................................................................ 50
Regional Summary of Hydropower Development ............ 51
Nuclear Power ........................................................................ 52
District Heat Systems ........................................................ 53
Power Transmission ................................................................ 54
Power for Remote Areas ........................................................ 58
Alternative Energy Sources and Technologies ........................ 60
Coal-Based Synfuels .............................................................. 60
.Solar Energy .......................................................................... 61
Wind Energy .......................................................................... 62
Tidal Power ............................................................................ 63
Geothermal Energy ................................................................ 64
Magnetohydrodynamic Power .............................................. 64
Thermonuclear Fusion ............................................................ 65
Measures/Major Oil and Gas Fields and Refineries ............ 66
Major Electric Power Stations .............................................. 67
Gazetteer and Index .............................................................. 68
Administrative Divisions ........................................................ 79
Reference Map. ...................................................................... Insert
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
The USSR is the largest country in the world and the second-largest
"producer and consumer of energy. Its vast landmass and adjacent
continental shelves contain enormous energy resources. Only in recent
years, however, has the extent of the exploration and development of its
fuel resources spanned the entire country.
A nationwide quest for new energy sources has rapidly outdated Soviet
energy maps. Names like Samotlor, Fedorovo, Urengoy, Kansk-Achinsk,
and Ekibastuz have become as well. known to Soviet energy planners as
Baku, Romashkino, Orenburg, and Donets were a decade or two ago.
Likewise, the construction of oil and gas pipelines, electric transmission
lines, roads, railroads, and towns has required extensive development of
remote areas of Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Siberia, and the Far East.
Soviet energy is a strategic issue that transcends international boundaries.
Soviet oil and gas exports have increasingly become available to Western
buyers since the 1970s, and the Soviets also import large amounts of
Western equipment and technology to upgrade the capabilities of the
domestic energy industry.
This atlas uses a wide variety of information to portray many aspects of
Soviet energy. Maps, graphics, photographs, and text provide a general
understanding and appreciation of the major Soviet energy resources-oil,
gas, coal, and primary electricity-as well as minor fuels and alternative
energy sources.
Landsat photo on page 19. All others: TASS from SOVFOTO, further reproduction must be approved by
The representation of international boundaries on the maps is not necesarily authoritative. The United
States Government has not recognized the incorporation of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania into the
USSR. The southern islands of the Kurils-Ostrov Iturup, Ostrov Kunashir, Shikotan-To, and Habomai
Islands are occupied by the USSR but claimed by Japan.
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Energy Decisionmaking in the Soviet Union
-Secretariat of the
CPSU Central
Presidium of USSR
Council of Ministers
Energy-Related Committees
State. Committee for State Planning
Science and Committee
Technology (GKNT) (Gosplan)
Organizations With Primary Responsibility for
Energy Production and Management
USSR Academy of Sciences. Oversees research on new
energy sources and development of new methods of energy
resource production.
Energy-Related Committees
State Committee for Science and Technology (GKNT)
(A-U).- Sets energy research and development priorities;
evaluates research and development proposals from the
Academy of Sciences and the production ministries; assists
in acquisition of foreign technology; administers scientific
and technical exchanges with foreign countries.
State Planning Committee (Gosplan) (U-R). Coordinates five-
year plans in all fields, including energy; makes and oversees
plans for energy-related departments, including geology and
mineral resources, coal, petroleum and gas industries, power
and electrification, and transport; serves as a consultant on
energy policy.
State Committee for Useful Mineral Reserves (GKZ) (A-U).
Reviews geologic data from exploratory wells to certify
reserves and reservoir properties; establishes coefficients of
extraction (rates of recovery) for petroleum and condensate;
classifies petroleum and gas reserves; has final approval for
field drilling plans submitted by Ministry of the Petroleum
Industry; maintains reserve stocks of petroleum and fuels.
State Committee for the Supply of Petroleum Products
(U-R). Oversees the procurement, storage, and distribution
of petroleum products including those destined for export;
administers petroleum pipelines and storage bases; monitors
industrial use of petroleum products.
State Committee for the Utilization of Atomic Power
(GKAE) (A-U). Administers civilian atomic energy pro-
grams; conducts joint research projects with foreign
State Committee To Supervise Work Safety in the Atomic
Power Industry (A-U). Establishes and enforces standards
for nuclear power plant safety and radioactive waste
Power Machine
Electrical Equipment
Installation and
Special Construction
Energy-Related Ministries
Ministry of Geology (U-R). Conducts exploration for new oil,
gas, and coal deposits; monitors contracts with foreign firms
for energy resource exploration in USSR; directs develop-
ment of new prospecting techniques, equipment, and meth-
ods of mineral analysis.
Ministry of the Petroleum Industry (A-U). Manages produc-
tion drilling, extraction, transportation, and sales of petro-
leum; shares responsibility with Ministry of Geology for
exploratory petroleum drilling and extraction and processing
of gas condensate.
Ministry of the Gas Industry (A-U). Oversees the extraction,
processing, underground storage, and transportation of natu-
ral gas from established fields; directs offshore oil and gas
exploratory drilling and production; participates in onshore
gas exploration, gas condensate processing, and geothermal
energy production.
Ministry of Chemical and Petroleum Machine Building
(A-U). Oversees the manufacture and supply of extraction
and production equipment to the petroleum, gas, and petro-
chemical industries.
Ministry of Construction of Petroleum and Gas Industry
Enterprises (A-U). Constructs petroleum and gas pipelines
and field processing plants; has primary responsibility for
compressor station construction.
Ministry of the Petroleum Refining and Petrochemical In-
dustry (U-R). Oversees all aspects of petroleum refining and
petrochemical processing, as well as the production of
synthetic rubber, aromatic hydrocarbons, lubricants, fuels,
liquid paraffins, chemical feed additives, and chemical
reagents for enhanced oil recovery.
Ministry of the Coal Industry (U-R). Manages coal and oil
shale extraction and equipment production; participates in
the development of technologies for solid fuel liquefaction
and gasification.
Land Reclamation
and Water Resources
Ministry of Power and Electrification (U-R). Directs the
design, construction, operation, and maintenance of hydro-
electric, thermal, and atomic power plants; participates in
tidal, solar, geothermal, and wind energy production as well
as research and development of techniques for solid fuel
liquefaction and gasification.
Ministry of Power Machine Building (A-U). Provides heavy
equipment for thermal, nuclear, and hydroelectric power
stations; manufactures gas turbines, pumps, and supercharg-
ers for pipeline compressor stations and heat recovery
equipment for the petroleum refining industry; operates the
nuclear reactor manufacturing plants located in Volgodonsk
and Kolpino.
Ministry of the Electrical Equipment Industry (A-U). Directs
research, development, and manufacture of electrical gener-
ation and distribution equipment.
Ministries Involved in Support for Energy
Ministry of Construction (U-R). Performs basic construction
for energy production industries.
Ministry of Finance (U-R). Allocates financial resources for
energy production, research, and development.
Ministry of Foreign Trade (A-U). Oversees trade in petro-
leum, gas, and coal products, as well as energy resource
extraction, processing, and transportation equipment.
Ministry of Installation and Special Construction Work
(U-R). Constructs installations and buildings for the coal,
petroleum, and nuclear power industries; assists in construc-
tion of refineries, pipelines, and drilling rigs; conducts some
drilling and blasting work.
Ministry of Land Reclamation and Water Resources
(U-R). Participates in construction of hydroelectric plants, in
the control of pollution from thermal power plants, and in
the management of windpower facilities; also involved in
construction of petroleum and gas pipelines.
Ministry of Railways (A-U). Transports coal, petroleum
products, and other fuels.
-USSR Academy
of Sciences
State Committee for State Committee for
Useful Mineral the Supply of
Reserves (GKZ) Petroleum Products
Chemical and
Machine Building
State Committee for State Committee to
Utilization of Atomic Supervise Work Safety
Power (GKAE) in the Atomic Power
Construction of Petroleum Refining
Petroleum and Gas and Petrochemical
Industry Enterprises Industry
Power and
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Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Energy Balances
The Soviet Union produces nearly one-fifth of
the world's primary energy and is currently the
leading energy exporter and the largest producer
of oil and natural gas. The USSR is third after
the United States and China in coal production.
Domestic production accounts for 99 percent of
total Soviet energy use; imports are more a
matter of geographic convenience than necessi-
ty. The USSR consumes approximately 85 per-
cent of the primary energy it produces and relies
on oil, gas, and coal for the bulk of its energy
The overall production rate of primary energy,
after expanding rapidly for two decades, has
slowed considerably during the early 1980s. The
4.5-percent annual growth rate of the 1970s
dropped to about 2.5 percent a year during
198 1-82. Soviet plan goals suggest that this
slower rate may continue during the remainder
of the I I th Five-Year Plan. In addition to the
depletion of the most easily exploitable reserves,
the slower rate of production is because of
inadequate technology and equipment, insuffi-
cient capital investment in some sectors of the
energy industry, and poor logistic coordination
of materials and supplies.
World: Oil, Gas, and Coal Production
Quadrillion Percent
(1015) of
Btu total
per day
United States
Western Europe
United States
Western Europe
United States
m China
The Energy Mix. EZI USSR
Production of major fuels (oil, natural gas, and
urope 0 Other
soviet energy mix. Oil production has begun to
level off after three decades of steady growth.
Output in 1983 was 12.33 million barrels per
day (b/d), just 300,000 b/d more than in 1980.
The production of natural gas, important both
as a substitute for oil domestically and as a
source of hard h
17.29 21.8
14.39 18.1
13.44 16.9
9.18 11.6
25.12 31.6
79.42 100.0
Excludes natural gas liquids.
Includes Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, and United Arab Emirates.
Source: Energy Information Administration, US Department of Energy.
cy expor
revenues, as USSR: Primary Energy
d i
mpressive growth since 1970. Gas
output rose from 3.3 million b/d oil equivalent
in 1970 to 8.9 million b/d oil equivalent in 1983. Million barrels per day oil equivalent
Coal output, although increasing 28 percent 35
since 1960 in terms of energy content, continues
to comprise a decreasing share of primary ener-
gy production.
The shares of different fuels in total Soviet
energy consumption have also shifted signifi-
cantly over the past two decades. Whereas
natural gas provided only 8 percent of Soviet
energy requirements in 1960, it accounted for
29 percent in 1982. During the same period, oil's
share rose from 24 to 37 percent. This growth in
oil and gas occurred at the expense of coal. In
1960 the Soviets relied on coal for more than
one-half of their total energy needs; in 1982 it
provided only 26 percent.
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? Production
Natural gas
Other I)
~N cgl.
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Including electricity exports.
Including pent, oil shale, rUelWOnd and other renewable
energy resources.
Conservation and Substitution USSR: Electricity Balances
Rising cost's of energy production have led, as in
the West, to a growing interest in curbing
1 400
system. Centralized planning and resource allo-
cation, artificially low energy prices, and incen-
tives geared toward meeting quantitative output
goals do not reward innovation or efficient use
of resources. Moreover, despite official goals
and pronouncements about saving energy, the
requisite capital and other resources have been
allocated to energy production rather than
One of the best opportunities the Soviets have
for reducing the growth of oil demand is by
substituting, natural gas for oil in electric power
plants and large boilers. Such a program re-
gas transmission pipelines, conversion of older
plants to burn gas, completion of new gas-fired
power plants, and expansion of lateral gas distri-
bution lines and storage facilities. Aside from
reduced use of oil in power plants and industrial
boilers, the prospects for substitution are limit-
ed. Oil use for transportation and agriculture is
not readily amenable to gas substitution, so that
the economy must depend largely on
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
The production of Soviet nuclear reactors has
also involved substantial East European cooper-
ation. A recent agreement between these coun-
tries and the USSR calls for the other CEMA
countries to specialize in the production of
Soviet-designed reactor components to be used
in an integrated electrical power system. The
increased nuclear power capacity of the Soviet
Union and the joint USSR-CEMA projects now
under way to improve and enlarge the power
transmission system should significantly in-
crease Soviet capability to export electricity in
the future.
Cuba, with limited domestic oil resources, has
been heavily dependent on the Soviets for virtu-
ally all of its, petroleum needs. The construction
of a Soviet-designed nuclear power station in
Cuba will improve Cuban energy self-sufficien-
cy and decrease reliance on Moscow for oil.
Western Europe
Soviet energy trade with Western Europe was
limited until the mid-1970s. Since then, the
share of sales from the principal exported com-
USSR: Hard Currency Exports
Billion current US $
30 Oil
=Natural gas
-25 =Coal and coke
80 81 .82
6 1975 76 77 78
Oil Gas
Million barrels per day Billion cub
14 ProdUction 600
65 70 75 80, 82 USSR: Energy Production Exported
12 E xPorts, 500
79 4 27.2 27.4
117 200 196
27.2 100
- as 2 26.5 22.4
0 1960 I 0
Exports its it Percent or tout] i)roduction.
For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
modities, oil and gas, has become increasingly
important. Currently, the Soviet Union's largest
West European energy customers are West Ger-
many, France, Italy, Austria, Belgium, the
Netherlands, United Kingdom, Sweden, and
Between 1978 and 1981, the rapid growth in oil
sales to Western Europe came to an abrupt halt
as conservation efforts-"aided" by an oil-
fueled recession-by the West Europeans start-
ed to take hold. Beginning in 1982 the Soviets
partially compensated for the reduced hard cur-
rency earnings from long-term contracts by
increasing their spot market sales of oil at major
West European oil terminals.
In the mid-1970s the West Europeans turned to
the Soviet Union in an effort to diversify their
energy sources. Existing gas contracts from the
late 1960s were expanded. This also led to a
number of new joint projects, of which the most
notable is the Siberia-to-Western Europe natu-
ral gas pipeline. The terms of many of these
contracts usually include compensation agree-
ments, involving either a form of barter, coun-
terpurchase, or product payback arrangements,
1975 76 77 78 79 80 81 82
Including Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary,
Poland, Romania, and Yugoslavia.
Billion kilowatt-hours
For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
in which future sales or delivery of a Soviet
product are linked to an advance sale or delivery
of Western equipment or technology. In ex-
change for providing technological help in con-
structing the Soviet gas pipeline system, the
Europeans receive guaranteed supplies of natu-
ral gas.
Energy trade with Japan will play an important
role in the development of East Siberian re-
sources. Joint Soviet-Japanese development of
Sakhalin Island oil and gas and of East Siberian
coal reserves is now under way. Progress has
been slow, however, as a result of financial
problems and harsh climatic conditions. Cur-
rently, Japan is the primary hard currency
importer of Soviet coking coal.
In addition to the hard currency, technology has
been a significant part of Soviet-Japanese ener-
gy trade negotiations. The Japanese are a major
supplier of energy technology; Soviet purchases
account for approximately 15 percent of Japa-
nese energy equipment and technology exports.
0 1975 76 77 78 79 80 81 82
Including Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary,
Poland, Romania, and Yugoslavia.
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
International Energy
During the 1970s the Soviet Union entered into
several'-foreign contract negotiations associated
with domestic energy development. The princi-
pal motivation for these cooperative internation-
al ventures was Soviet desire to increase hard
currency earnings and to acquire essential West-
ern technology and equipment necessary for
resource development. Of the many cooperative
ventures negotiated with Western countries,
three projects-the Siberia-to-Western Europe
natural gas pipeline, the South Yakutia coal
project, and Sakhalin oil and gas development
-have recently received considerable world-
wide publicity.
Two widely publicized liquefied natural gas
(LNG) projects of the mid-1970s were the North
Star project to ship Urengoy gas to the US east
coast and the joint USSR-US-Japanese venture
to develop Yakutia gas. Although both projects
have lost US support, the Japanese still have
some interest in Yakutia gas development.
Siberia-to-Western Europe
Natural- Gas Pipeline
The Siberia-to-Western Europe natural gas
pipeline is the largest international trade project
the Soviets have undertaken to date. Negotia-
tions for the pipeline began in 1979, and Mos-
cow signed gas purchase agreements in late
1981 with West German and French utilities, in
June 1982 with Austria's Ferngas, and in May
1984 with Italy. Included in the pipeline negoti-
ations were contracts for Soviet purchases of
large-diameter pipe, turbine compressors, and
related equipment from the major West Europe-
an countries and Japan. Installation of the
pipeline in the Soviet section was completed in
September 1983; all compressors were to be in
place in 1984. Plans call for partial deliveries of
gas to start in 1984 and full deliveries to begin
in 1987.
The Soviet Union has been exporting gas to
Western Europe since the early 1970s. Between
1968 and 1975 Moscow concluded several "gas
for pipe" agreements with Austria, France,
Italy, and West Germany. Under these agree-
ments, the USSR purchased large quantities of
large-diameter pipe and other gas-related equip-
ment with long-term, government-backed cred-
its. To repay the loans and earn foreign ex-
change, the USSR contracted for long-term
deliveries of natural gas to Western Europe.
The USSR will be able to use a combination of
the existing Soyuz (Orenburg) pipeline, domestic
trunklines, and East European transit lines to
supplement the initial throughput of the export
pipeline which began in early 1984. With the
completion of the new 32-billion-cubic-meter-
capacity export pipeline, total Soviet deliveries
to Western Europe eventually could reach 60
billion cubic meters per year. They were almost
29 billion cubic meters in 1983.
S ber a to Western Europe Natural Gas' Pipeline
Imported large-diameter pipe sections at Lenin- Pipe sections are transported by trucksfrom
grad port. railyards to the construction site.
,I r ,a6 & CRl1
Soviet-made excavator being used to dig pipe- Pipe sections being welded by manual, arc-
line trench. welding technique.
Welded pipe is coated, wrapped, and positioned Concrete blocks are used in areas of swamp and
within the prepared trench. permcfrost to support the pipeline.
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Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
iron ore deposit
iron ore deposit
U p I; ~n
n Neryungn
'rTh rmaltPower,
ltiBerka i
er crossing is the widest waterway on the route.
In the European USSR, the pipeline route cross-
es several of the country's most heavily populat-
ed and industrialized regions. Interconnecting
the region's existing gas pipeline network with
the export pipeline enables the Soviets to better
respond to changing demand for gas.
Sakhalin Oil and Gas Project
The USSR reached a general agreement with
Japan in 1975 for the joint development of
- 11.
140 14,4
Oil, and Gas Region
Area of principal
onshore oilfields
Scale 1:12,000,000
0 75 150 Kilometers
0 75 150 Miles
19 per0use Snare
Sakhalin's offshore petroleum resources. The
agreement calls for SODECO-a consortium of
Japanese petroleum and trading companies and
one US firm, Gulf Oil-to finance the explora-
tion and development of the offshore reserves
through credits extended by Japan's Export-
Import Bank. In return, SODECO is to receive
Soviet oil and gas at preferential prices.
The joint Soviet-Japanese venture to exploit
Sakhalin offshore oil resources is similar in
many respects to the Siberia-to-Western Eu-
rope natural gas pipeline project. It includes the
purchase of Western petroleum equipment fi-
nanced through credits guaranteed by Western
governments in exchange for Soviet repayment
through the transfer of energy resources. In
addition, the project will boost Soviet hard
currency earnings.
Moscow will also acquire offshore experience
and technology that could be extremely useful
should the Soviets begin intensive exploitation of
the potentially rich hydrocarbon deposits of the
Barents and Kara Seas. The Sakhalin project
will give the Japanese an opportunity to further
diversify their oil and gas sources.
Work on the Sakhalin project has not met the
projected plans. Exploration, already hampered
by the short, ice-free drilling season, has also
been delayed by equipment shortages and deci-
sions to drill convenient but unproductive struc-
tures. Thus far, two fields-Odoptu and
Chayvo-have been discovered off the northeast
coast of Sakhalin Island.
South Yakutia Coal Project
A third major Soviet energy development facili-
tated by international investment and coopera-
tion is the South Yakutia coal project. Terms of
this cooperative venture with Japan, which be-
gan in 1975, call for the Japanese to receive
specified percentages of the 9 million metric
tons of annual coking coal production as repay-
ment for their financial and technical
The first stage of the South Yakutia coal project
includes development of the Neryungri strip
mine, installation and operation of imported
mining equipment, a coal concentration facility
to treat exported coal, and the first section of
the Neryungri Thermal Power Station, where
the first 210-MW generator started up in late
1983. The project, made possible by the con-
struction of the Bamovskaya-Tynda-Berkakit
(Little BAM) railroad, is scheduled for comple-
tion in 1985, nearly two years behind schedule.
Limited coal production began in late 1978
when the Little BAM reached the mine. Pro-
duction has grown from 400,000 tons in 1979 to
more than 5 million tons in 1983.
The Soviets are hopeful the new Siberian town
of Neryungri, in addition to being the major
industrial city and energy hub of the South
Yakutia region, will become one of the largest
industrial complexes in Eastern Siberia. Be-
cause of the high quality of Yakutia's coking
coal and the availability of nearby Aldan iron
ore deposits, Neryungri is also being considered
as a possible location for steel manufacture.
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The Pipeline Route
Geographically, the Soviet portion of the pipe-
line runs 4,451 kilometers from Urengoy in the
northern portion of the West Siberian basin to
Uzhgorod at the Czechoslovak border. The pipe-
line route traverses some 700 kilometers of
swamp and marshland, 2,000 kilometers of for-
est, and 550 kilometers of rocky terrain includ-
ing the Ural and Carpathian mountain ranges.
The construction route also crosses nearly 600
rivers and streams including the Ob' in West
Siberia and the Volga, Don, and Dnepr in
European USSR. The 2.5-kilometer Volga Riv-
The Pipeline at a Glance
Length 4,451 kilometers
Capacity 32 billion cubic meters
per year
Pipe 2.7 million tons, 1,420-mm
Operating 75 atmospheres
Compressor 41 (40 with three 25-MW gas-
stations turbine compressors each; one
with five 10-MW gas-turbine
Total cost $22 billion ($7 billion in hard
Completion 1983 (pipelaying)
1984 (compressor stations)
Coal basin
Coal deposit
Refer to page 34 for basin location,
Scale 1:5,000,000
I 50 100 Kilometers
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Fuel Resources
Until recently, the Soviet Union has been able to
find, extract, transport, and process its vast fuel
resources at a rate sufficient to support rapid
economic growth. But, beginning in the late
1970s,.supplies of oil and coal, which together
contribute nearly two-thirds of Soviet primary
energy production, have suffered setbacks. En-
ergy costs are rising because of the growing
remoteness and lower quality of the newly dis-
covered resources. Reports of fuel shortages and
a growing energy conservation campaign attest
to growing fuel supply problems. A current
slowdown in the growth rate of oil production,
uncertainty about the future world market for
natural gas despite long-term contracts with the
West Europeans, and stagnating coal output are
major causes of concern for Soviet energy
Historically, the large urban and industrial cen-
ters west of the Urals were almost totally de-
pendent on plentiful nearby fuel resources.
These western resources now provide only about
50 percent of the energy needs of the European
USSR; the rest come from newly discovered
reserves in Central Asia, Kazakhstan, the Urals,
and Siberia. Although the Soviets have signifi-
cant oil, gas, and coal resources in these south-
ern and eastern regions, with the exception of
natural gas they have been unable to develop
them fast enough to keep pace with the expand-
ing economy and replace the rapidly depleting
and more accessible reserves near the consum-
ing centers of the European USSR. Develop-
ment of these new ener resources has b n
Overhead view of mobile jack-up drilling platform,
or a var
y o
reasons, rang
rom t
need for specialized equipment and technology
to the requirement for enormous additional in- USSR/US: Reserves of Major Fuels, Yearend 19838
y, g
straints-climate, terrain, and distance-have
compounded the problems associated with ex-
ploiting and transporting these resources. Crude Oil Natural Gas Coal b
The Soviet system of reserve classification for
both major and minor fuel resources is very
different from that used in the West. The Soviet
reserve categories-A, B, C? CZ, D,, and D2
are based primarily on the degree of exploration
and delineation drilling that has been carried
out and cannot be directly equated to the West-
ern categories of proved, probable, and possible
reserves, which are based on prevailing econom-
ic and technological factors.
Range of
USSR United States 0
a The portion of total resources assessed as exploitable under local economic conditions and available technology.
b Yearend 1980.
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Soviet Union: Reserve Classification System
Prospective Reserves
The remaining 709, of C plus C,+Di+D,
"A" Category
? Geologically and geophysically examined in detail
? Delineated by exploration and production over the
whole deposit
? Engineering data demonstrate recoverability
? Represent reserves in current production
"B" Category
? Geologically and geophysically examined in detail
? Evaluated by drilling to a degree adequate for
development planning
? Engineering data demonstrate recoverability
? Represent on-hold reserves or unused producing
"C," Category
? Represent reserves adjacent to "A" and "B"
? Geologically and geophysically evaluated
? Verified by minimal drilling
? Engineering data demonstrate partial recoverability,
and average 30 percent will shift to "B" and then
"A" categories
"C," Category
? Presumi:d to exist, based on favorable geologic and
geophysical data analogous to that for areas contain-
ing verified reserves
? Some will shift to higher categories
"D," Category
? Speculative reserves presumed to exist on the basis
of geologic analogy to reference areas
? Some will shift to "C," category
"D," Category
? Speculative reserves presumed to exist on the basis
of geologic analogy to reference area
? Less geologically and geophysically evaluated than
"D," category
? Some will shift to "D," category
Reserves which geological and engineering or drilling
data demonstrate to be recoverable under existing
economic and operating conditions
Incompletely defined reserves estimated to occur:
? In known producing areas
? As extensions of endowed areas
? In undiscovered areas within known resource-bear-
ing geologic trends
? Recoverable under existing economic and operating
Inferred reserves estimated to occur:
? In undiscovered areas analogous to other known
resource-bearing areas
? Recoverable under existing economic and operating
Oil and gas exploration on Mangyshlak Penin-
sula, North Caspian.
Extraction of lignite from a Kansk-Achinsk.
surface mine, Central Siberia.
Viktor Muravlenko.
Construction workers study blueprints for
Urengoy gas turbines.
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Oil and Gas
The Soviet Union, abundantly endowed with
energy resources, is now the world's leading oil
and natural gas producer and a substantial net
exporter of both fuels. As Soviet planners have
become aware of their abundant supplies of
these resources over the past three decades, they
have relied heavily on them to meet the growth
in demand. Oil and gas have fueled national
economic growth, and the expansion of key
sectors of the economy is tied to their availabil-
ity. The Soviets' rich resources of oil and gas
have allowed Moscow to provide the CEMA
countries and other client states with low-cost
energy and to export crude oil, natural gas, and
petroleum products to the West in exchange for
hard currency. Oil and gas have also become
essential elements in the USSR's strategic posi-
tion and a symbol of national pride.
Oil and gas resources are widely scattered
throughout the Soviet Union but, by and large,
are poorly located with respect to areas of
demand. With the exception of the Volga-Urals
oil region and the Ukrainian SSR gas region,
both now on the decline, the economic and
population heartland in the west contains mostly
minor oil- and gas-bearing basins. The large
sedimentary basins containing the main reserves
that will provide the USSR with most of its oil
and gas for the rest of this century are in the
once virtually unpopulated West Siberia region,
where severe environmental conditions, inade-
quate economic infrastructure, and high devel-
opment costs will hamper exploitation.
The rapid increase in Soviet oil and gas produc-
tion is a testament to the size of the reserve
base, which by most estimates is among the
largest in the world. The Soviets' strong position
in oil and gas production should continue into
the next century since a number of major
potential hydrocarbon-bearing regions remain
virtually unexplored and exploration of offshore
areas other than the Caspian is just beginning.
Oil Reserves
Since 1947 Moscow has treated the size and
location of its oil reserves as a state secret,
publishing only occasional, fragmentary, and
inconsistent data. Most US and West European
oil experts believe that Soviet proved reserves
are in the range of 60-80 billion barrels, about
10 to 12 percent of the world's total. Reserves in
geologically promising but unexplored areas
such as the Barents and Kara Seas and East
Siberia could significantly raise the overall
amount of proved reserves, putting the USSR in
an enviable position compared to other industri-
alized nations.
Potential oil reserves, however, hold little signif-
icance for the Soviet oil supply during the 1980s
and into the 1990s. Current production will
depend almost entirely on hydrocarbon-bearing
structures already discovered whose reserves can
be rapidly exploited. As the Soviets have been
forced to move their search for new deposits into
more remote parts of West Siberia, they have
encountered smaller fields, lower production lev-
els, and increased development costs.
Baku, on the shores of the Caspian Sea, was the
earliest center of extractive activity, but it de-
clined rapidly after World War II. The Soviets
then moved in the 1950s and 1960s to the north
and east into their "second Baku," the Volga-
Urals basin. The Volga-Urals was the focus of
Soviet oil activity for two decades and is still the
second-largest producing area. Production from
this region is now declining as major fields and
reserves are being depleted.
In the early 1960s large new reserves were
discovered in the remote and environmentally
hostile West Siberian basin, which contains the
richest known nydrocarbon deposits in the coun-
try. This prolific basin provided most of the
growth in oil output during the 1970s and early
1980s and, according to Soviet statements, will
remain the leading producing region into the
Although West Siberian oil production is ex-
pected to increase for several more years, the
rate of growth has slowed. Some oil industry
officials are now arguing openly that the Soviets
must search more aggressively for new reserves
in virgin regions of the country such as East
Siberia and offshore basins in the Kara and
Barents Seas. The Soviets acknowledge, howev-
er, that production from these areas will not
begin during this decade.
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Natural Gas Reserves
Unlike the policy for oil reserves, the Soviets do
publish information about the size and location
of their enormous natural gas reserves. In Janu-
ary 1983 the. Soviet Union had explored reserves
of about 34 trillion cubic meters, 40 percent of
the world's total and enough to sustain rapid
growth in production for several decades. Al-
though the rate of discovery of new reserves has
slowed considerably since the mid-1970s, total
reserves probably will continue to rise for the
near term. The location of these reserves, how-
ever, has created serious production and trans-
portation problems because most are concentrat-
ed in remote Arctic regions. The northern part
of Tyumen' Oblast in West Siberia contains
about 80 percent of the Soviet gas reserves.
Soviet natural gas production, like that of oil,
has increased through the successive develop-
ment of newly discovered reserves. By the time
the North Caucasus region, which was predomi-
nant in the early postwar years, reached its peak
in the late 1960s, the Ukrainian gasfields had
been developed and accounted for most of the
growth in production until the early 1970s.
Subsequently, gasfields in Central Asia, the
Orenburg region of the Volga-Urals, and the
Komi ASSR. were developed and provided much
of the growth during the mid-1970s. Growth in
these regions has slowed, and West Siberia is
now the primary Soviet gas-producing area. Six
northern Tyumen' fields-Urengoy, Yamburg,
Zapolyarnoye, Medvezh'ye, Kharasavey, and
Bovanenko--together hold more than three-
fourths of West Siberia's reserves. Urengoy,
with reserves of almost 8 trillion cubic meters, is
the world's largest gasfield.
No new, large natural gas region is being devel-
oped as a successor to West Siberia, but its
enormous reserves are believed to be large
enough to support sustained growth into the
next century. Long-term future expansion is
likely to depend on finding new gas reserves in
East Siberia, the Soviet Far East, and offshore
areas such as the Barents and Kara Seas.
Gas Condensate
In addition to crude oil and gas, the Soviet
Union possesses large reserves of condensate-
the liquid hydrocarbons that condense from
associated and nonassociated gas when it is
extracted from the reservoir-which are includ-
ed in oil production statistics. Out of a total oil
output of 12.33 million barrels per day (b/d) in
1983, about 600,000 b/d are believed to be gas
condensate. Although Moscow has never pub-
lished official reserve totals for gas condensate,
limited data from the gas ministry suggest that
the condensate reserve base is more than large
enough to support current and future output
requirements well into the next century.
Reserves of ,gas condensate are widely distribut-
ed in many parts of the USSR, with numerous
deposits in West Siberia, Komi ASSR, Central
Asia, and the Ukraine. West Siberia may con-
tain as much as two-thirds of all USSR conden-
sate resources, primarily at Urengoy and the
large oilfields of the middle Ob' region. The
remaining portion of the known condensate re-
Night drilling in the Komi ASSR.
Reserves in geologically promising but unexplored areas such as the Barents and Kara Seas
and East Siberia could significantly raise proved reserves.
serve base is located at a relatively small num-
ber of large fields such as Orenburg in the
southern Urals, Vuktyl in the Komi ASSR, and
the high-sulfur gasfields of Central Asia.
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dle Ob' region. Here, during the 1960s, the surpassed Romashkino to become the Soviet's
Soviets discovered and began developing a num- premier oilfield and was singularly responsible
ber of oilfields with relatively high-quality for the rapid growth in Soviet oil output during
The immense Samotlor oilfield was discovered
in the middle Ob' region of Tyumen' Oblast in
1965 and put into production in 1969. The
supergiant Samotlor field near Nizhnevartovsk
was soon recognized as one of the largest oil-
fields in the world. During the 1970s Samotlor
Key Settlements
Most key West Siberian settlements developed along major
waterways as ports and supply bases for the region's early
exploration and development. Many became major supply
and housing centers on the road and rail systems that later
penetrated the region. They now serve as the focuses of the
region's expanding pipeline and petroleum processing
Labytnangi (66?39'N/66?21'E) Population: est. 11,000.
From this railhead on the lower Ob', cargo is transferred to
rivercraft bound for gas exploitation areas.
Mamontovo/Pyt'-Yakh (60146'N/72047'E, 60?45'N/
72?50'E) Population: est. 10,000. Housing and storage areas
at Mamontovo settlement and the adjacent Pyt'-Yakh rail
station support Mamontovo oilfield. .
Megion (61 ?03'N/76?06'E) Population: est. over 10,000.
Megion provides housing and logistic support for surround-
ing oilfields. All-weather roads lead to these fields and to
Nadym (65?3:2'N/72?32'E) Population: est. 50,000. One of
the largest urban centers in the northern gas development
area has schoetls, stores, and community services for workers
of the surrounding gas region. Its population is expected to
increase to about 150,000.
Nefteyugansk (61?56'N/76?38'E) Population: est. 72,000
(1984). This is the primary port and supply base for the
Mamohtovo and Ust-Balyk oilfields. It is linked to them by
all-weather roads.
Nizhnevartovsk (60?56'N/76?38'E) Population: est. 178,000
(1984). Nizhnevartovsk supports the Samotlor oilfield and
smaller fields nearby. It has extensive port facilities on the
Ob' River, a :rail tie with Surgut, all-weather roads, and an
Novoagansk (61 ?57'N/76?41,E) Population: est. 7,000. Lo-
cated at the western edge of the Var'yegan oil-producing
area, Novoagansk is a support base for oil exploitation and
Novyy Urengoy (66?06'N/76?35'E) Population: est. 52,000
(1984). Novyy Urengoy, served by rail and air, is the main
support city for the Urengoy natural gasfield. Industries and
high-rise apartments are under construction.
Noyabr'sk (63?08'N/75?22'E) Population: est. 55,000
(1984). Noyabr'sk, a new urban center for the Kholmogory
oilfield and other oil and gas exploitation, has a rail-served
storage area covering 3.5 square kilometers.
Pangody (65?51'N/74?30'E) Population: est. 6,000. Pan-
gody is the supply base of the Medvezh'ye gasfield.
Raduzhnyy ((12?06'N/77?31'E) Population: est. 5,000. Ra-
duzhnyy supports nearby oilfields and is the terminus of an
all-weather read from Nizhnevartovsk, 140 km to the south.
Sergino (62?30'N/65?38'E) Population: est. 6,000. Sergino
is a rail terminus where cargo is transferred to rivercraft or
to trucks plying the winter road to the Urengoy gasfield.
Staryy Nadyrn (65?35'N/72?42'E) Population: est. 2,000.
This expanding port serves the city of?Nadym (11 km
southwest) and the Medvezh'ye and Urengoy gasfields.
Strezhevoy (60?42'N/77?34'E) Population: est. 10,000. This
port, 60 km southeast of Nizhnevartovsk supports the
Sovetskoye oilfield and may support new oil exploration
along the Vakh River.
Surgut (610 14'N/73?20'E) Population: est. 188,000 (1984).
Surgut is the key housing, industrial, and supply center of
the middle Ob' oil region; it has large mechanized port
facilities, an all-weather airport, and rail facilities.
Uray (60?08'N/64?48'E) Population 'est. 20,000. Uray,
which supports an oil exploitation area west of the Ob', is
served by rivercraft and an all-weather airport; a dirt road
connects to a railhead at Mezhdurechenskiy.
Urengoy (65"58'N/78?25'E) Population: est. 9,000.
Development of Urengoy gasfields stimulated construction
of port facilities and storage areas. These facilities are ex-
panding along the left bank to the site of the railyard and
projected city of Tikhiy.
that decade. By 1980 Samotlor was yielding
about 25 percent of total Soviet oil production
and accounted for about 50 percent of West
Siberian oil output. Production at Fedorovo,
West Siberia's second-largest oilfield, started in
1973 and began to grow rapidly following the
intensification of drilling in the late 1970s as
output from Samotlor was beginning to level off.
In 1982 Fedorovo accounted for approximately
6 percent of Soviet national output.
Explored natural gas deposits in West Siberia
are concentrated in the Arctic regions of the
Tyumen' Oblast. Production from Medvezh'ye,
which began in 1972, and from Urengoy, which
began in 1978, is to be followed by Yamburg
and ultimately extend to other supergiants-
Zapolyarnoye, Kharasavey, and Bovanenko.
North of 64 degrees N latitude, West Siberian
oil and gas exploration and extraction are af-
fected by frozen ground or permafrost-a phe-
nomenon that occurs where mean annual tem-
peratures are below freezing. Permafrost
complicates all oil and gas activity and seismic
exploration; special drilling muds and concretes
are necessary to avoid alternate freezing and
thawing problems, and well casing has to be
carefully insulated to prevent collapse. Mainte-
nance of facilities is often more expensive than
their initial construction since seasonal freezing
and thawing cause the ground to heave, crack-
ing foundations and collapsing structures.
Population and Settlement
Population growth-particularly urban-has
been dramatic during the two decades since oil
and gas exploitation began in West Siberia. In
the two administrative subunits of Tyumen'
Oblast where energy development is now con-
centrated, the population increased from
186,000 in 1959 to 1.2 million in 1983, or from
one-tenth to one-fourth of West Siberia's total.
Whereas urban residents comprised less than
half of the population in 1959, in 1984 four-
fifths of the total lived in 44 urban settlements.
Of the 44 urban places, 38 were founded after
1960 and 26 of these are oil and gas related; the
largest are Surgut and Nizhnevartovsk.
The rapid and large population influx into West
Siberia has required the construction of a net-
work of settlements-with attendant housing,'
stores, schools, clinics, utilities, and related in-
dustrial installations. Lack of comfortable hous-
ing and amenities is the primary reason that
four-fifths of the 500,000 migrants who arrive
yearly soon leave the region.
Population Trends in
Tyumenskaya Oblast'
In the northernmost areas, permafrost is gener-
ally continuous and lies within 1 or 2 meters of 1.0
the surface, creating surface drainage problems.
Only a shallow layer of soil thaws each summer.
Southward, the surface layer that freezes and 0.5
thaws seasonally becomes deeper and the under-
lying permafrost becomes discontinuous. At its
southernmost limits, permafrost is reduced to
sporadic patches, as in the Surgut and Nizhne-
vartovsk areas.
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Tyumenskaya Oblast'
without two
northern okrugs
Yamalo-Nenetskiy Khanty-Mansiyskiy
Autonomous Okrug Autonomous Okrug
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Administration of West Siberian
The buildup of the region has involved the
efforts of 26 ministries and state agencies pursu-
ing their own plans. Concerned about the poorly
coordinated management of the region, Moscow
in 1981 established the unique, interdepartmen-
tal Territorial Commission for the Development
of the West Siberian Oil and Gas Complex.
Headquartered in Tyumen', this group includes
31 major directors and heads of organizations
responsible for development in West Siberia.
Representatives from the State :Planning Com-
mittee (Gosplan) and the Central Committee of
the Communist Party of the USSR also partici-
pate. The commission has no authority of its
own and must submit its proposals and recom-
mendations for regional development directly to
Transportation Systems
The construction and maintenance of a reliable
transportation network are essential in develop-
ing West Siberian resources, which are located
thousands of kilometers from material suppliers
and markets. Nearly all construction material,
equipment, and consumer goods are imported
into the West Siberian oil and gas region, and
transport systems are severely strained.
The Trans-Siberian Railroad crosses the West
Siberian plain a few hundred kilometers south
of the oil and gas region. In addition, only one
trunk railroad extends into the main oil and gas
region-a single-track, diesel-traction line from
the Urals, via Tyumen', to Surgut, Nizhnevar-
tovsk, and, in 1983, northward to Novyy Uren-
goy. The oilfields west of the Ob' are served by a
rail line from the Urals. Another line brings
freight to Sergino for transfer to ships and
barges on the Ob' or, in winter, to trucks for
long hauls via winter roads to the northern
gasfields. A rail line to Labytnangi on the Ob'
also brings freight to be transferred to the river
fleet. A temporary gasfield rail line shuttling
freight from the river port at Staryy Nadym to
the Medvezh'ye and Urengoy gasfields is now
being converted to a regular railroad extending
the line that reached Novyy Urengoy in 1983.
After 20 years of building, the region's road
network is still poorly developed, and the de-
mand for roads grows faster than they are built.
The situation is similar to the one faced by the
United States in exploiting Alaska's energy
Air transport, particularily by helicopters, is commonly used to augment road, rail, and water transport in West Siberia.
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resources. There are few all-weather (paved or
gravel) roads, and most others are often impass
able between May and September. In winter,
however, cross-country travel is accomplished on
ice roads built by spreading water over the
ground or on snow roads built by compacting
Without passable roads through the swamps,
many supply and construction activities must
wait until winter. Winter roads are vital to early
exploitation of new fields and for pipeline con-
struction and maintenance. An impressive ex-
ample that serves both these purposes is a 700-
kilometer winter road linking the Sergino rail
terminus to Novyy Urengoy.
Despite the short navigation season caused by
long and severe winters, waterways play a key
role as links between railroads and the roads
serving the fields. Most river freight to the oil
and gas region is routed downstream (north)
from rail/river junctions at Omsk, Novosibirsk,
Tobol'sk, and Tyumen' to the sub-Arctic ports
such as Surgut and Nizhnevartovsk on the
middle Ob'.
The navigation season ranges from five months
(late May to late October) at Surgut to less than
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
one month at the extreme northern port of
Nyda. During this season, much of the freight is
transferred to small ships and barges for trans-
port up small rivers, such as the Agan in the
middle Ob' region and the Nadym and Pur
farther north."
While air transport provides only a small per-
centage of the cargp moved into the region, it is
particularly important can be used
when other modes of transportation' are unavail-
able. Year-round air links' have been established.
between major Soviet cities, such as Moscow
and Chelyabinsk, and the larger cities of the
region-Surgut, Nefteyugansk, Nizhnevar-
tovsk, Strezhevoy, Novyy Urengoy, and Nadym.
Helicopter pads are located at almost every
settlement and drilling area. Helicopters are
used in laying pipe, building compressor sta-
tions, hauling supplies, delivering field crews,
and constructing powerlines.
During summer, river barges are frequently used to transport rigs to new drilling sites.
Samotlor oilfield and nearby Ob' River as seen from Landsat.
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Other Major Oil and
Gas- Regions
The Volga-Urals oil-producing region covers
about 500,000 square kilometers between the
Volga River and the Ural Mountains. It pro-
duces 25 percent of the USSR's oil-second
only to West Siberia. The region includes the
Tatar, Bashkir, and Udmurt Republics and the
Kuybyshev and Perm' Oblasts. Other oblasts
usually associated with the region are Orenburg,
Saratov, and Volgograd.
Production in the "second Baku" began in the
1930s, but growth in oil output did not start to
accelerate until the 1950s, when the supergiant
Romashkino and Arlan fields and several other
major deposits were developed. The Volga-Urals
was the leading oil-producing region from the
1950s until it was surpassed by West,Siberia in
Output from all major producing areas of the
Volga-Urals has been declining since it peaked
at 4.5 million b/d in 1975. Many fields have
been producing for 20 to 30 years and their
easily obtainable reserves are nearly depleted.
Production wells are lifting increasing amounts
of water with the remaining oil. Even with
deeper drilling efforts and expanded use of
secondary and enhanced oil recovery techniques,
the region's share of national output has been
steadily declining. It is doubtful that production
from newer fields in the Udmurt ASSR and
elsewhere in the region will be sufficient to slow
the overall decline of the Volga-Urals.
Significant gas production in the Volga-Urals
began with the development of the giant Oren-
burg field, southwest of the Ural Mountains, in
the late 1960s. Most of Orenburg's gas has been
exported since the CEMA nations completed
the Orenburg or Soyuz pipeline to Eastern
Europe in 1978. An additional large gas deposit
is being developed at Karachaganak, south of
Orenburg in Kazakhstan.
Timan-Pechora (Komi ASSR)
The Timan-Pechora basin is a sedimentary ba-
sin of 350,000 square kilometers in the north-
eastern part of the European USSR. It is part of
two administrative subdivisions: the Komi
ASSR and the Nenets Autonomous Okrug.
Development of the petroleum basin occurred in
two phases. The first phase was from the early
1930s to the 1950s when the area south of the
Pechora and Usa Rivers was explored and small
oil and gas fields were put into production. The
second phase began in the early 1960s with the
exploration of Arctic areas nearer the Barents
Sea. Two fields-Usinsk which was discovered
in 1963, and Vozey, in 1972-accounted for
more than 60 percent of Komi oil production in
Komi ASSR, one of the two oil regions outside
West Siberia, has shown no significant growth
in oil production since 1979. Although the re-
gion appears to have substantial oil resources,
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
]N f ASS, R Bas4ryk
Yamashr t{~Yenoruskino C lYE
okhranilishche Novoyelkhov ityt.'..
Cherernshan '
met y
Nurlat ~/
Udmurt r_ aya
INO LSergeyevka
%-Tarkhan /~ De~rrskoye
Alya"yevO-A Musing
Important . Gas
fields CD
Giant Orenburg
Other Karachaganak
Major pipelines'
- 1,020 mm -
and larger
- Other
May represent multiple lines
Refer to page 66 for
classification of field size.
Scale 1:4,750,000
0 50 100 Kilometers
0 50 100 Statute
Chermoz Istok
Vasil'yevskoye pl'
..Severe-\ - oo zna _1
O rmr
Krozubay Lob
b eve
P'.e m ya
J " 111 Mayak
rshki N zhovka7
o Osa ?lyanka
r~Votkisk, e lBatyrbay
Vodokhr ml sh :h e Cry blast'
QTanyp ODor hovkaa
Pavlovskove /
development has been slowed by the extreme
Arctic environment and by the heavy and paraf-
finic oils that are characteristic of the region.
Nevertheless, the Soviets hope to increase oil
output from the region again.
Komi ASSR gas production was insignificant
until the giant Vuktyl gas deposit was developed
in the late 1960s. While there are more than 30
gasfields in Komi ASSR, none of the others
approaches the size of Vuktyl, which in 1982
accounted for nearly all of Komi ASSR's ap-
proximately 18-billion-cubic-meter production.
Vuktyl gas production was responsible for the
construction of the Northern Lights pipeline
from Komi ASSR to Eastern Europe.
~~ V( Ky_ltayel Michau -/-ti4-
tSChib'Yu~ ~ VeII~IV~I 1
rti'areg - c Za,~,~Bdnyy Tebuk
amedc Dzh'ykrPashnya
a9 d ,,,(Izko,,,, ora', , ,k,Trortsko-Peck
r\ Pal'vu
etP`e e ~ vy~~t, Pragooereg 1" O,rKur R sso'k a
~ p~ `a `-.~ Tybjy u
4~--.-11 Refer to above legend 0 150 Kilometers
Vasil'koly_ it --c l rfl yu.------"-
Vane avenet My AOk
Nar ,ar a 0 ozh
'yan- Ma Sha king
{ Yuzhno-Stapkina~ ?
Archc C;rGe Verkh eg ubeshor Vozley M?
rr a-s
Ci--,I Scale 1:11.000,000
48 _(
Pechl oro `1!
Komi Luza
' Aranet6
'i lsako~Zapao
;fibr kaya
Oil and Gas Region
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
North Caucasus-North Caspian
The North Caucasus-North Caspian oil and gas
region follows a productive geologic trend more
than 1,500 km from the Ukraine eastward
across the Caspian Sea into'Kazakhstan.
The North Caucasus region, situated west of the
Caspian Sea, has been a petroleum producer for
more than 60 years. In the late 1950s, as output
from early producing wells began to decline,
many deeper wells were drilled to increase pro-
duction. Output in the North Caucasus peaked
at about 740,000 b/d in 1971 and then declined
to 400,000 b/d in 1980 as production fell rapid-
ly in the most productive area, the Chechen-
[ngush ASSR. Oil production in the region's
other areas-Stavropol' Kray, Krasnodar Kray,
and the Dagestan ASSR-is also declining.
East of the Caspian, Kazakhstan's oil develop-
ment is primarily located in three areas: the
Mangyshlak Peninsula, dominated by the giant
Uzen' field; the Buzachi Peninsula, with several
deposits of heavy oil; and the Emba region, the
source of early Kazakhstan production.
Natural gas production in the North Caucasus-
North Caspian has been declining since the late
1960s. A recently discovered field north of
Astrakhan' on the lower Volga, however, may
prove to be as large as the giant Orenburg field.
Astrakhan' gas is high in sulfur and carbon
dioxide (sour gas), and'the USSR is acquiring
Western technology and corrosion-resistant
equipment to develop the field and remove the
impurities) from the gas.
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Central Asia played a crucial role in Soviet
natural gas production during the late 1960s
and early 1970s by offsetting declining growth
in the European USSR during West Siberia's
e lr early development. From 1973, when output
surpassed that of the Ukraine, to 1979, when
output was in turn surpassed by that of West
Siberia, Central Asia was the leading gas-pro-
Caspian Sea oil workers. ducing region in the USSR. During this period
it accounted for more than 30 percent of total
USSR production. Turkmenistan has recently
Transcaucasus-Central Asia replaced Uzbekistan as the major gas-producing
area in Central Asia. Despite outputs from West
The Transcaucasus-Central Asia oil and gas Siberia's supergiant gasfields, surplus gas from
regions extend from the Georgian and Azerbai- both sparsely populated Central Asian republics
jan SSRs in the Caucasus Mountains under the continues to be integrated into the vast Soviet
southern Caspian Sea across Central Asia's domestic and export pipeline network.
Turkmen and Uzbek SSRs.
Oilfields near Baku, in Azerbaijan, began pro-
ducing in the 19th century. They accounted for
half of the world's oil production in 1900 and
more than 70 percent of Soviet oil output in
1941. Azerbaijan's oil industry declined during
World War II and, although it never regained
prewar production levels, again rose until 1966,
accounting for 8 percent of total Soviet produc-
tion. Postwar growth was spurred mainly by
Caucasus and Central Asia Oil and Gas pRegion
RSf c ~ pR a
S Sit
a Ski hanatala Martysht is"
ay y ?9 As akhan' ? Gur'yev
y tssk `' Kosch gy's
'Elista _Astrakhan A\aM -'f ?n
Beshkul'Tazhiga Karatol1?yy `t el
U the s oye Tengutin,oye Karaarh
NikolBy v tavropol' leynikov
?yskiy ortay
skoye Kaspi
L. vropol'skiy Kray
ci ZamankuyJ
arabula ?
dy 0;r& nikidze
uzhno- v hok Imsko e
Che hend- Tyubedzh
Ingu tt k,aya ASSR
PtaS I
`~Izberbash Caspian
~.- ~Kayakent --
s h ov
"j ' 0Shorke
stochno- Mollaker
Isli i h
J engiz
~~ ?Buzachi~`""
0 .,.i alamkas
-chi Peninsula
,ionn /ak Peninsul
?Zhiloy - ..._
' - "am"'
~'ag 9l % BullsBakbarl,April Livano l
More 28
araba ngya Lames
Gs1~ Krabagly ~`"
Ne/techala Zhdanbv
Astara KOTUR-
Zapadno? Erde
. Kuydzhi
I \ NaipU
Krrpichli O Severo-
Balkui F
Bezmein I .,, 0Ba
'May represent multiple lines
Refer to page 66 for
classification of field size.
Scale 1:10,000,000
0 100 200 Kilometers
Supergiant SHATLYK
Uzen' Giant Sakar
Siazan Other Keli
Major pipelines'
1,020 mm
and larger
100 200 Statute
r \eangikazgan
p Karabil'
Afghanistan h
offshore wells in the Caspian Sea, which now
account for more than 70 percent of Azerbai-
jan's output. Transcaucasus oil development ex-
tends from Baku westward into the Georgian
SSR, where oil production, though relatively
small, is rising. Georgia's output-about 60,000
b/d in 1980-is primarily from the Samgori
field near Tbilisi.
Future petroleum growth in the Transcaucasus
and Central Asia regions will probably come
from deeper drilling in the Caspian Sea rather
than from the current oil and gas exploration
efforts in western Azerbaijan and Turkmeni-
stan. Any new discoveries would require nearly
a decade before they would make a significant
contribution to Soviet oil production.
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Production and Consumption
For 30 years after World War II, oil production
in the Soviet Union grew at enviable rates.
During the mid-1970s the USSR became the
world's leading oil producer. In 1983 the Soviet
oil industry reported an average daily produc-
tion rate of 12.33 million barrels of crude oil and
gas condensate, about 20 percent more than the
United States.
The rapid growth in production was largely the
result of the discovery and exploration of a
series of large, giant, and supergiant fields. In
the 1950s and 1960s, the Soviets developed the
Volga-Urals and the massive fields of Romash-
kino and Arlan. By the 1970s, just as production
growth from the western USSR was beginning
to taper off, the Soviets received a boost in
production from the mammoth fields of the
West Siberian basin-Samotlor, Fedorovo, and
Soviet oil growth has begun to slow. The Soviets
failed to make either the original or revised
production targets for 1980 and have not
equaled or exceeded an original annual target
since the early' 1970s. Plans have been revised
downward to the point where the 1985 plan goal
of 12.6 million b/d is no higher than the original
target-later revised downward-for 1980. The
present 1985 goal, already lowered from the
upper limit of 12.9 million b/d, a provisional
output goal, represents planned growth of less
than 1 percent per year.
tempting to rectify this with substantial foreign
equipment purchases and domestic technology
Some 70 percent of oil consumption in the
Soviet Union takes place in three sectors of the
economy: electric power, transportation, and
industry. Although Soviet oil consumption dur-
ing the last 25 years has consistently grown
faster than total energy consumption, in recent
years the rates of both have been declining as
overall economic growth has decreased. In the
first half of the 1970s, oil consumption grew
about 7 percent annually (compared with 4.7
percent for total energy), but during the period
1976-80 growth in oil use fell to 4 percent per
year (versus 3.5 percent for total energy). Soviet
efforts over the last five to 10 years to slow the
growth of domestic oil consumption, except in
the industrial sector, have been minimal. Do-
mestic oil consumption in 1983 is estimated at
9.0 million b/d.
USSR: Oil Productiona and Apparent Consumption
These small increases have been possible only
USSR: Oil Product
because the Soviets have been able to keep West
Siberian production growing-from 6.2 million
b/d in 1980 to an estimated 7.4 million b/d in
1983. West Siberia's share of national output is Million barrels per day
now 60 percent. Outside West Siberia, only two 14
lesser oil-producing regions of the USSR are
currently able to raise output-the. Komi
ASSR, in the north European USSR, and Ka-
zakhstan, on the eastern shore of the Caspian 12
Sea. These three growth areas, together with the
declining Volga-Urals region, produce more
than 90 percent of Soviet oil and will largely
determine Soviet output in the 1980s. 10
Oil production in all other major Soviet produc-
ing regions has leveled off or is declining. Volga-
Urals production has declined by 1.2 million 8
b/d-or 25 percent-since its peak in 1975. The
drop was largely the result of a decline at the
supergiant Romashkino oilfield, the' leading pro-
ducer in the region and the second-largest field 6
in the USSR. .
The USSR's first-place position in world oil
production is primarily the result of its abun-
dant resource base, massive investment, and
sheer persistence rather than of any,unique
technical and managerial effort on the part of
its oil industry. Although accorded high-priority 2
status in the civilian economy, the oil industry is
troubled by many of the same problems that
afflict other Soviet industries-equipment short-
ages, technology shortcomings, and lagging pro-
and efficiency. Moscow has been at-
ion by Region-
North Caucasus-Azerbaijan SSR
1972 73 74 75 76 77
Including gas condensate.
Apparent consumption
I I I I I i I i
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Natural Gas
Natural gas, rather than oil, has paced the
growth in Soviet energy production in recent
years. Not only is Moscow turning to gas to
satisfy a large part of its increasing internal
demand for energy in the 1980s, it is also relying
on gas as an important source of hard currency
In 1983 the USSR surpassed the United States
as the world's largest producer of natural gas.
Soviet gas output of 536 billion cubic meters in
1983 compared with 450 billion cubic meters for
the United States. Even if the Soviets fall short
of their 630-billion-cubic-meter gas production
goal for 1985, they are expected to remain in
first place.
The European USSR-primarily the North
Caucasus and the Ukraine-supplied 85 percent
of natural gas produced in 1965. Following the
discovery of the Orenburg field in the late
1960s, the Volga-Urals and Central Asia fields
paced Soviet production growth during the
1970s. By 1983 West Siberia was providing
nearly all of the gas industry's growth and
accounted for one-half of the nation's gas
The first gasfields to be developed in West
Siberia were located along the lower Ob' River,
near Berez:ovo, where production began in 1966.
The center of the West Siberian deposits, how-
ever, is located much farther to the north and
east near the Arctic Circle. Of the six large
fields there-Medvezh'ye, Urengoy, Yamburg,
Zapolyarnoye, Kharasavey, and Bovanenko-
only Medvezh'ye and Urengoy have been devel-
oped. The opening of Medvezh'ye in 1972
marked the beginning of West Siberia's rapid
growth in gas production, and by 1978 it sup-
plied about three-fourths of the region's total
West Siberia's Urengoy gasfield, brought into
production in 1978 along with the smaller Vyn-
gapur field, is currently being intensively devel-
oped and will account for virtually all the
growth in Soviet gas production during the next
several years. In 1982 Urengoy's production of
117 billion cubic meters was less than one-half
the field's planned annual production for the
mid-1980s. The supergiant Urengoy field, with
reserves of 7.8 trillion cubic meters, is the
largest gasfield in the world. Additionally, the
Soviets are making preparations to start devel-
oping the adjacent Yamburg gasfield to the
north in the late 1980s.
Since natural gas production increments in
West Siberia exceed declines in the older re-
gions, the total USSR output continues to in-
crease. Furthermore, West Siberia has become a
principal supplier of natural gas to Europe
through several long pipeline systems that ex-
tend as far as France.
Currently, natural gas provides four-fifths as
much domestic energy as oil, compared with
only 63 percent in 1970. Gas output has grown
an average of 8 percent per year since 1970. The
Soviets plan to raise the share of natural gas in
total primary energy production from 26 percent
in 1980 to 32 percent in 1985.
Gas condensate, also called natural gas liquids,
is a hydrocarbon 'occurring either in natural gas
or oil reservoirs. Condensate is normally in the
vapor phase at reservoir temperatures and pres-
sures, but condenses either at lower reservoir
pressures or at the surface during extraction.
Condensate can be processed to yield fractions
usable as petrochemical feedstock, motor gaso-
line, "bottled gas," and raw materials for other
industrial uses.
Significant production of condensate was not
achieved until the early 1970s, when the Soviets
USSR: Natural Gas Production by Region
first began to add condensate totals to their
crude oil production output. By 1975 production
had risen to 250,000 b/d with some 155,000 b/d
coming from two condensate fields-Vuktyl in
Komi ASSR and Orenburg in the southern
Urals. Since that time national and regional
condensate production figures have not been
published by the Soviets. But 1983 output is
estimated at 600,000 b/d out of 12.33 million
b/d of combined crude oil and gas condensate.
Growth has been steady, but the Soviets have
encountered numerous problems in expanding
condensate output. Condensate development has
long taken a backseat in investment allocations,
with the oil and gas ministries preferring to
concentrate instead on easier and more reward-
ing oil and natural gas production. Consequent-
ly, a large percentage of both oil-associated
condensate and condensate available from gas
production has been lost because of inadequate
processing capacity and inefficient field recov-
ery techniques. Until very recently the Soviets
have lagged badly in developing their gas-pro-
cessing facilities and increasing their condensate
recovery totals.
The USSR is now attempting to upgrade the
capabilities of its condensate industry and has
set ambitious production goals for the 1980s.
Substantial production increases from West Si-
beria, Central Asia, western Kazakhstan, and
possibly Komi ASSR can be expected. The
Soviets hope to recover about 100,000 b/d from
the Urengoy field alone by 1985 and to trans-
port it by a major condensate pipeline to Surgut
which, according to some reports, will extend
westward to the Volga-Urals. Two other major
gas condensate fields, Astrakhan' on the Volga
River and Karachaganak in northwestern Ka-
zakhstan, are slated to provide together some
80,000 to 100,000 b/d of condensate-by 1985.
Ukrainian SSR
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Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Exploration and discovery of new hydrocarbon
reserves-oil, gas, and gas condensate-are a
slow but critical process that will largely deter-
mine the Soviets' ability to meet future oil and
gas production goals. Soviet energy planners are
actively developing a wide range of plans to
locate and evaluate both onshore and offshore
petroleum reserves. In addition, they are up-
grading their exploration capabilities through
purchases of equipment from the West, repro-
duction of Western designs, and strengthening
domestic manufacturing capability.
Historically, Soviet exploration philosophy has
been to concentrate on one hydrocarbon-bearing
province at a time. The bulk of Soviet explora-
tion is currently being conducted in West Sibe-
ria in the vicinity of the oil-producing areas of
the middle Ob' and the large gasfields in north-
ern Tyumen' Oblast. Exploration there will, by
necessity, be moving farther from the developed
infrastructure into the more remote regions of
the Tyumen' and Tomsk Oblasts.
At the same time, the Soviets have begun
limited surveys of the country's remaining 20
unexplored basins for a successor to West Sibe-
ria-the third "Baku." Onshore, East Siberia
and western Kazakhstan are scheduled for com-
prehensive regional investigation. Offshore, ex-
ploratory drilling has been under way since 1977
in waters near Sakhalin in a cooperative venture
with a Japanese consortium. Soviet exploration
in the Barents Sea is beginning despite the lack
of engineering and technical experience in the
Arctic offshore environment. Limited explora-
tion has also started in the Baltic and Black
Seas and the Sea of Azov.
Almost all of these basins, both onshore and
offshore, are located away from economic and
population centers. Some Soviet oil experts have
been suggesting that, instead of exploring these
remote areas, the search for new oil should be
concentrated in the deeper zones of the older
Volga-Urals, the North Caspian basin, and the
developed areas of the West Siberian basin. Any
major program to explore these deeper and more
difficult targets would require a significant up-
grading of Soviet drilling equipment and
Exploration planning for new hydrocarbon re-
serves in the Soviet Union is the joint responsi-
bility of the Ministry of Geology, the Ministry
of the Petroleum Industry, and the Ministry of
the Gas Industry. The Ministries of Geology
and Petroleum Industry are tasked with onshore
oil exploration; the gas ministry is responsible
for all gas exploration as well as offshore oil
Plans for petroleum exploration are drawn up by
these ministries with the assistance of the Acad-
emy of Sciences. The various plans are submit-
ted to the State Planning Committee (Gosplan)
for approval, after which they are announced at
the beginning of each five-year plan period.
During the current plan (1981-85) Soviet oilmen
were expected to discover and delineate oil and
gas reserves that will be translated into produc-
tion during the late 1980s and 1990s.
Technology and Equipment
Soviet geologists, faced with searching millions
of square kilometers of unexplored territory, are
using every available technique to locate new
hydrocarbon reserves and to decrease the time
lag between discovery and the onset of produc-
tion. Foremost among these is the use of space
technology to minimize mapping and select ar-
eas for detailed exploration. Research for this
effort was centralized in 1978 in Aerogeologiya,
a geologic institute which applies space photog-
raphy to terrain analysis to pinpoint promising
areas for seismic surveys.
The Soviets employ standard reflection and
refraction seismic techniques in exploration but
Exploration for oil and gas in the Soviet
are hampered by technology shortcomings. Re-
fraction studies can'locate large amplitude
structures-like Romashkino or Samotlor-but
lack the higher resolution to identify smaller
deposits. Seismic equipment in the USSR is
rated to depths of about 3,000 meters, and there
is little chance that this equipment will be able
to detect deeper deposits or the more subtle
stratigraphic traps.
The Soviets made significant strides in offshore
exploration technology during the 1970s, but
they fell far short of their original goals. They
had intended to have 10 mobile jack-up drilling
platforms in operation in the Caspian and Black
Seas by 1980, but only four were operating in
that year. Efforts to obtain Western offshore
Seismic Exploration
Reflected waves
Shock waves
Basement rock
Fixed drilling platform in the "April 28" oil-
field, Caspian Sea.
Baky" mobile jack-up drilling platform in the
Caspian Sea.
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Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Areas of Current Oil and Gas Exploration
I\ North
Timan- Q~
r shkino
"Shelf 2 "semisubmersible drilling platform in
the Bay of Baku.
of field
Area of exploration
0 Oil and gas region
The floating drill ship "Mikhail Mirehink" is
one of three built by Finlandfor the Soviets.
equipment and technology were delayed by pro-
longed discussions and negotiations which post-
poned actual deliveries.
The USSR plans to concentrate offshore explor-
atory drilling for the next few years in the
Caspian Sea, the Sea of Okhotsk near Sakhalin,
and the Barents and Baltic Seas. Fabrication
yards at Astrakhan' on the Caspian and Vyborg
on the Gulf of Finland are now producing
mobile offshore drilling platforms. The first
Soviet-built, semisubmersible platform-Shelf
1-began Caspian operations in early 1982. A
second semisubmersible platform-Shelf 2-
was completed in 1982. As of mid-1984 the
USSR had 11 mobile offshore drilling platforms
in operation-eight jack-ups and three semisub-
mersibles. Three semisubmersible and one jack-
up drilling rig are being constructed at Astrak-
han' and Vyborg. To begin exploration of the
Arctic offshore region, the Soviets have bought
three drill ships from Finland.
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Stages in Field Development
? Producing well
Dry hole
Drilling Methods
Lighter drill pipe
Turbo motor at
bottom limits
drilling rate; less
3,000 m. control
Stronger pumps
required to propel
mud, turn turbodrill
SEach stage of the
(turbodrill includes a
stator, rigidly
connected to the
turbodrill body, and
(rotor, secured on the
turbodrill shaft. In the
stator and rotor the
direction of the mud
fluid stream changes.
Mud flowing from
one stage to another
;gives up some of its
hydraulic power at
each stage. As a result,
the power or torque
generated by the rotors
in all the stages is
applied to the shaft of
the turbodrill and is
transmitted to the bit.
The torque developed
in the stators is taken
up by the turbodrill
body and the drilling
string, while an equal,
,but oppositely directed
torque arising in the
rotors is transmitted to
the bit via the
turbodrill shaft.
Lost hydraulic
power in depth; lost
return mud velocity
to clean hole
Drilling table-
turbo drilling
bottom drive
V illing
ble area _
The Mud System-same for both methods. From the slush
pumps (A) the fluid goes to the swivel (B), down
through the kelly (C), through the drillstem (D) to the
bit (E) washing out the drill cuttings at the bottom and
carrying them back to the surface through the annulus (F).
The fluid then travels through a,shale shaker (G) to
remove the cuttings and returns to the mud pit (H) where
the cycle begins again.
Drilling table/drive system-
rotary drilling
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Stronger drill pipe Drill deeper and
required more efficiently
Needs drilling More directional
collars control
Drill by weight on
drilling face
The past three decades have seen a fourfold
increase in Soviet oil and gas drilling in terms of
meters drilled. In an effort to maximize output
between 1965 and 1980, the Soviets emphasized
development drilling rather than exploration
drilling. Plans now call for even more rapid
growth in development drilling and a substantial
increase in exploration drilling.
In the USSR, development drilling within oil
and gas fields follows specific phases. After a
discovery, several confirmation wells are drilled
to learn more about the dimensions and geologic
parameters of the new field and to obtain early
well production data. Based on the results from
early production, as well as on information from
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
exploration wells, a field development plan is
designed to establish the optimal initial well
spacing for the entire field. Finally as the initial
development plan is completed and more details
are learned about field characteristics, infill
drilling (which creates a denser network of wells)
is begun to produce the hydrocarbons that can-
not be produced from existing wells or to pro-
duce them at a faster rate in the near term.
Technology and Equipment
Although Soviet drilling technology lags consid-
erably that of Western countries, most of the
drilling equipment, including rigs, pipes, casing,
and bits, is produced in the Soviet Union. The
Soviets rely on Western imports to fill specific
needs such as additional drill pipe, high-pressure
blowout preventers, and offshore drilling and
logging equipment.
The USSR produced oil and gas drilling rigs of
all types at a rate of about 500 per year in the
last decade. The average service life of a Soviet
rig is about six to 10 years, compared with 15 to
20 years for rigs built in the United States.
Until recently, nearly all Soviet rigs were built
at two plants-the Barrikady Plant in Volgo-
grad and the Uralmash Plant in Sverdlovsk.
Some 75 percent of the production has been at
the Uralmash Plant. A new drilling rig plant
was built in 1981 in Verkhnyaya Pyshma, north
of Sverdlovsk. Productivity has risen during the
past decade as improvements have been made in
Soviet rig design, but there are chronic com-
Directional Drilling
Approved For Release 2009/09/01 : CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Whipstock Method
for Directional Drilling
drills, the bits from the new Kuybyshev plant
should operate for significantly longer periods
than conventional Soviet-made bits, increasing
productivity because of reduced downtime for
bit replacement.
Administration and Organization
Three ministries-geology, oil, and gas-are
responsible for drilling exploration wells. Of
these, the oil and gas ministries are normally
responsible for the detailed assessment of field
size and potential and the drilling of develop-
ment wells.
National. drilling efforts by the oil and gas
ministries are coordinated by Administrations
for Drilling Operations. In addition, drillers are
supported by research institutes in Moscow,
Tyumen', and other cities. The gas ministry
controls offshore drilling for both oil and gas.
sad _..~'
Water sand
sandy shale
A turbodrilling rig at Zhetybay oilfield, Man-
gyshlak Peninsula, North Caspian.
plaints that the mix of rig types is inadequate;
especially lacking are portable rigs for use in
northern climates.
Turbodrills are used for more than 80 percent of
the oil and gas drilling in the Soviet Union. The
turbodrill uses a downhole turbine powered by
drilling mud that turns only the attached bit and
not the entire drill string as does the rotary
method used in the West. Turbodrills have been
effective in developing the shallow, hard-rock
formations in the Volga-Urals basin and for
directional drilling from the cluster drilling pads
in West Siberia. The original appeal of the
turbodrill was that it enabled Soviet drillers to
avoid many potential problems associated with
the use of low-quality domestic drill pipe and
tool joints that could not withstand the stresses
of rotary drilling operations. Turbodtilling elim-
inates torque on the drill string; consequently, it
reduces the amount of time lost as a result of
broken drill pipe. In addition, the turbodrill is
characterized by a high rate of bit rotation
which increases the initial rate of penetration.
The higher rate of bit rotation in turbodrilling,
however, causes a drastic shortening of bit life
(meters drilled per bit), reducing the rate of
penetration in deep drilling. Lost productivity
caused by frequent bit changes in deep drilling
increases dramatically as the drilling depth in-
creases. The USSR now produces about 9,000
turbodrill motors annually.
The quality of Soviet drill pipe is generally
adequate for drilling shallow wells (less than
2,000 meters). At greater depths, the poor-
quality steel cannot withstand the torque re-
quired for rotary drilling and often fails. Even
with turbodrilling, pipe inadequacies are often
severe. Problems relating to the quantity and
quality of drill pipe and casing produced in
domestic plants have been cited as factors in the
failure to meet recent West Siberian drilling
targets. Moscow has been negotiating with
Western firms to purchase a turnkey plant to
manufacture drill pipe and casing.
The Soviet Union's output of drill bits, including
standard, diamond, and experimental hard alloy
types, is about 1 million per year. Although the
quality and performance of Soviet drill bits
improved during the 1970s, they are still much
less efficient than those produced in the United
In 1978 the Soviets bought a turnkey drill bit
plant from the United States for installation at
Kuybyshev. The plant, which began operating in
January 1982, is capable of producing upward
of 100,000 tungsten carbide insert bits per year.
At the high rotational speeds of Soviet turbo-
The basic production unit in the Soviet oil and
gas industry is the regional production associa-
tion, which oversees all aspects of drilling activi-
ty including rig assembly and well completions.
Drilling is conducted by drilling brigades, usual-
ly comprising 24 men, who generally operate in
four teams on a single rig in shifts of up to
12 hours' duration around the clock.
Offshore Drilling
Soviet offshore drilling began nearly four dec-
ades ago in the shallow waters of the Caspian
Sea. As oil and gas fields were discovered,
development wells were drilled from small
wooden platforms connected to the shore by
trestles to facilitate movement of equipment and
supplies to the drilling sites. The Caspian Sea is
still the Soviet center for offshore drilling and
production technology. Currently, nine of the 11
Soviet-owned and -operated mobile offshore
drilling rigs are operating in the area. Offshore
oil output in the Caspian is estimated at 200,000
b/d, more than three-fourths of Azerbaijan
SSR's production.
By 1985 the USSR plans to boost offshore
drilling activity 50 percent above the level at-
tained in 1980. New drill ships and platforms
from foreign yards and new construction in
Soviet yards are part of a major effort to explore
the offshore Arctic and Far East. Much of this
increased emphasis on offshore drilling was
stimulated by geologists' reports that potential
oil-bearing sedimentary rock covers more than
two-thirds of the Soviet shelf area. Development
of the offshore oil potential will be important to
the Soviets if they plan to maintain oil produc-
tion at high levels in the 1990s. Western equip-
ment and technology will be essential for suc-
cessful development of offshore areas.
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During the past decade the Soviets have found it
increasingly difficult to locate new oil reserves,
to increase development drilling, and to under-
take offshore exploration. As a result, the rapid
production growth of the postwar period began
to slow in the late 1970s. Essentially, all of the
important oil-producing regions in the country
are confronted with difficulties: major oilfields
have been intensively exploited and have
reached peak production or are in decline, new
fields are less productive and more difficult to
develop, and discovery of new reserves has not
kept pace with the growth of oil production.
Although the Soviets produce most of their own
petroleum equipment, domestic manufacturers
have been unable to meet the accelerating de-
mand of the oil industry for more and better
equipment and techniques to improve oil recov-
ery. The lack of sufficient high-quality equip-
ment and technology has hampered efforts in
several areas, including drilling in West Siberia,
and the enhanced oil recovery program.
As a result of domestic production inadequacies,
the USSR made selective purchases of Western
equipment and technology in the 1970s. Among
those oil recovery items imported were high-
capacity electric submersible pumps; gas-lift
equipment, including compressors and treat-
ment units; well completion units; steam genera-
tors; and associated insulated tubing.
Various secondary and enhanced recovery techniques are necessary to offset declining production
at all major Soviet oilfields.
Mechanical pumping units are commonly used to offset low reservoir pressures and lift well fluids.
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Periodic servicing is required to maintain mechanical sucker rod or beam pumping units.
Recovery Methods
Primary recovery is the initial production of
fluids from the reservoir using natural sources of
energy to produce oil and gas. Once this method
can no longer cause the oil and gas to flow
through the porous rocks into the wells, various
secondary methods including waterflooding, me-
chanical pumps, and gas lift are used to recover
additional amounts of oil.
In the Soviet oil industry, waterflooding is ap-
plied at a very early stage of a field's producing
life to maintain reservoir pressure and to in-
crease oil recovery. As a result, in 1980 the
water content amounted to 55 percent of fluids
recovered. More than 85 percent of Soviet oil
output is recovered by waterflooding. The high
percentage of water in the oil has increased the
demand for artificial lift equipment-submers-
ible pumps, sucker-rod pumps, and gas-lift
units-to maintain or increase oil production.
Pumping units-rod or beam pumps and electric
centrifugal pumps-are brought on line as wells
stop flowing because of low reservoir pressure or
as the amount of water in the produced fluid
becomes too high. Rod pumps are used for low-
flow-rate wells, while the high-capacity centrif-
ugal pumps are used to lift large volumes of
fluid. During the 1970s the USSR purchased
more than 1,200 high-capacity, downhole sub-
mersible pumps from the United States. In 1983
about 60 percent of all producing wells in the
Soviet Union were on rod pumps, and 20 percent
were on submersible pumps.
Gas lift--a process of lifting fluids from a well
by a downhole injection of gas to lighten the
fluid column so that the natural reservoir energy
can lift the fluid-is an alternative to high-
capacity, submersible pumps, although it costs
considerably more to install. Soviet petroleum
officials have become more interested in the use
of the ga"s-lift process for lifting fluids in the
oilfields because of the high frequency of repairs
on downhole pumping equipment. In 1969 US
gas-lift equipment was installed for the first
time at the Pravdinsk field in West Siberia. As a
follow-on, the Soviets installed gas-lift equip-
ment at the Uzen' oilfield in Kazakhstan and at
the supergiant Samotlor and Fedorovo oilfields
in West Siberia.
The Soviets are also interested in using hydrau-
lic pumps in their artificial lift program. These
pumps are submerged and are driven by high-
pressure fluid from equipment at the surface,
instead of being powered by electricity as are
conventional submersible pumps. Although the
Soviet oil industry did not use hydraulic pumps
in 1980, plans call for the use of 300 such pumps
by 1985.
Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) refers to recovery
of oil from a petroleum reservoir beyond that
economically recoverable by conventional pri-
mary and secondary methods. Three general
categories of FOR are chemical flooding, car-
bon dioxide miscible flooding, and thermal
The Soviets have expressed high hopes for FOR
techniques to increase oil recovery from older
fields and to produce undeveloped fields that
contain heavy oil. Although they have experi-
mented with FOR programs in many fields and
tested most of the available methods, only about
60,000 b/d can be attributed to enhanced recov-
ery at present. This yield has primarily come
from the application of steam or hot water
injection and in situ combustion.
Soviet FOR efforts have been hampered by
severe shortages of equipment and chemicals.
The Soviets have not as yet been able to build
the steam generators needed for thermal recov-
ery or to produce sufficient amounts of surfac-
tants or polymers for chemical and polymer
flood programs. Continued efforts are being
made to acquire Western technical assistance
and equipment to promote EOR.
Workmen waiting to lower sucker rods into
Recovery Methods
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Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Oil Refining and Gas
The rapid growth of oil and gas production in
West Siberia during the 1970s has required
major increases in Soviet crude-oil-refining and
gas-processing capacity. Moscow is constructing
new oil refineries and adding crude oil distilla-
tion units to existing refineries. A major effort is
also under way to speed construction of gas-
processing facilities to prepare increasing quan-
tities of gas for domestic use and export. Al-
though Soviet professional journals contain few
production statistics, they occasionally have dia-
grams, flow charts, photo illustrations, and de-
sign capacities of crude oil distillation and gas-
processing units.
Oil Refining
In January 1983 there were 53 oil refineries
operating in the Soviet Union. Although the
Soviets do not publish the total crude oil distilla-
tion capacity of these refineries, it is believed to
be in the neighborhood of 10.5 million b/d,
second only to the approximately 16-million-b/d
Section of Baku No. 2 Oil Refinery, Azerbaijan.
capacity of the 220 operating refineries in the
United States. Four-fifths of the Soviet refiner-
ies are located near population and industrial
centers west of the Ural Mountains. Many of
these refineries are also located within large
petrochemical-refinery complexes and provide
feedstocks directly to the chemical processes.
Before the mid-1950s the Soviet petroleum in-
dustry consisted of about 30 refineries with
small crude oil distillation units of less-than-
20,000-b/d capacity. The only secondary pro-
cessing units of consequence were thermal
crackers designed to break down heavy oils.
Between the mid-1950s and mid-1960s a con-
centrated effort was made to upgrade the indus-
try, both in crude oil distillation capacity and in
secondary processing. Several standardized
crude oil distillation units with capacities of
20,000 to 60,000 b/d were constructed as well
as a wide variety of secondary processing units
such as catalytic crackers and reformers, de-
layed cokers, and hydrogen treating and lubri-
cating oil units.
With the development of the Volga-Urals oil
resources in the 1950s, the Soviets stopped
concentrating refineries in the crude oil produc-
tion areas and began locating them near points
of regional consumption, such as Omsk, Kirishi,
Kremenchug, and Angarsk. The refineries re-
ceive more than 90 percent of their crude oil
from pipelines; most of the remaining is deliv-
ered by rail. Conversely, only about 10 percent
of the refined products are transported by pipe-
lines; about 90 percent are delivered by rail,
water, and tank truck.
Since 1970 required increases in primary distil-
lation capacity have been obtained through
modernization or expansion of existing refineries
and the construction of at least five new refiner-
ies. Modernization of refineries has included the
dismantling of old, small refining units and
replacing them with larger, more efficient units
to upgrade and improve both the output and
product mix.
The Soviet refining industry is reported to have
major problems in areas such as sophistication
of refining processes, variety of product mix,
and quality of individual petroleum products.
Specifically, Soviet refineries lack adequate
processing units-especially cracking units,
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
.Oil Refineries
'-c' ?M(~t2 ikini
(_Kratnt hug
)M rj
t~horc )n
rishi1 `
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
_ Ukhta?
Moscow* aros
V &)n'* V Gor'kiy
t.,_ -'YATxA
Novokuy shevsk' J
Chin7kent (o/6
AL Kamza !0 Fergana
which break down heavier fuels into lighter fuels
such as gasoline and kerosene.
The lack of adequate heavy-oil conversion ca-
pacity makes it difficult for Soviet refineries to
produce high-octane gasoline and high-grade
diesel fuel in the increasing volumes needed to
meet growing domestic demand. Moreover,
since a large share of the rising volume of heavy
fuel oils cannot presently be further refined,
they are primarily burned in electric power
plants, thereby slowing Soviet attempts to bal-
ance fuel consumption by converting these
plants to coal and natural gas.
All crude oil processed by refining must pass
through an initial or primary distillation process
where it is separated into gases, gasoline, kero-
sene, diesel fuels, and heavy fuels (mazut). These
products are used as fuels or are further refined
through secondary processes to produce lubri-
cating oils, higher quality fuels, and other fin-
ished products.
Soviet refineries contain three basic types of
crude oil distillation units. They range from
early-design shell stills, through one-stage
atmospheric pipe stills (AT), to current technol-
ogy, two-stage atmospheric vacuum pipe stills
(AVT). Some of the one- and two-stage units
contain their own desalting section (ELOU), and
some are built in combination with other types
of units. The standard crude oil distillation units
currently being constructed have a design ca-
pacity of 120,000 b/d.
Economic region boundary
Refer to page 66 for listing.
Note: Moldavian SSR is not
part of any economic region.
Secondary refinery units provide a higher yield
of light products and upgrade product quality
after primary distillation. The most important
secondary processes include reforming, catalytic
cracking, hydrogen treating, hydrocracking, al-
kylation, and lubricating oil production. Other
types of secondary processes produce specialty
products, recover refinery byproducts, or treat
crude oil prior to distillation or refined products
prior to shipment.
Natural Gas Processing
The processing of natural gas is becoming an
important subsector of the Soviet oil and gas
industry after many years of neglect. In an
effort to reduce the wasteful flaring of gas that
is a byproduct of oil production called associated
gas, the USSR is vastly expanding its capacity
to produce valuable natural gas byproducts such
as propane, butane, sulfur, and stable conden-
sate. These products are useful not only as fuels
but also as feedstocks in the petrochemical
The rapid development of West Siberia's oil-
fields-especially Samotlor-outstripped the
USSR's ability to process the associated gas.
Flaring of the region's excess gas probably
reached, its peak in 1975 when about 20 billion
cubic meters had to be burned off. Recently
completed gas-processing plants in the Tyumen'
oil region have helped reduce flaring and raised
associated gas-processing capacity to nearly 20
billion cubic meters in the region during 1982.
Large gas-processing facilities have been con-
structed at Nizhnevartovsk, Belozersk, Surgut,
Yuzhno-Balyk, and Lokosovo. New processing
plants in the gas-producing regions of Orenburg
and Central Asia have significantly increased
sulfur removal capabilities, enabling output
from high-sulfur fields to replace the region's
declining low-sulfur gas production.
Processing of nonassociated gas by the Ministry
of the Gas Industry has grown substantially
since 1970 when only 3 billion cubic meters of
gas were processed. The current five-year plan
calls.for processing about 75 billion cubic meters
of natural gas, the production of about 1.6
million tons of sulfur, and more than 20,000 b/d
of gas condensate in 1985.
Natural gas is processed by several gas ministry
plants located throughout the gas-producing re-
gions. The largest and newest facility is located
at Urengoy. Whether because of technological
deficiencies or simply a lack of domestic produc-
tion capacity, much of the gas-processing equip-
ment is imported from the West.
I (u/c)
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
.Oil Refineries
'-c' ?M(~t2 ikini
(_Kratnt hug
)M rj
t~horc )n
rishi1 `
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
_ Ukhta?
Moscow* aros
V &)n'* V Gor'kiy
t.,_ -'YATxA
Novokuy shevsk' J
Chin7kent (o/6
AL Kamza !0 Fergana
which break down heavier fuels into lighter fuels
such as gasoline and kerosene.
The lack of adequate heavy-oil conversion ca-
pacity makes it difficult for Soviet refineries to
produce high-octane gasoline and high-grade
diesel fuel in the increasing volumes needed to
meet growing domestic demand. Moreover,
since a large share of the rising volume of heavy
fuel oils cannot presently be further refined,
they are primarily burned in electric power
plants, thereby slowing Soviet attempts to bal-
ance fuel consumption by converting these
plants to coal and natural gas.
All crude oil processed by refining must pass
through an initial or primary distillation process
where it is separated into gases, gasoline, kero-
sene, diesel fuels, and heavy fuels (mazut). These
products are used as fuels or are further refined
through secondary processes to produce lubri-
cating oils, higher quality fuels, and other fin-
ished products.
Soviet refineries contain three basic types of
crude oil distillation units. They range from
early-design shell stills, through one-stage
atmospheric pipe stills (AT), to current technol-
ogy, two-stage atmospheric vacuum pipe stills
(AVT). Some of the one- and two-stage units
contain their own desalting section (ELOU), and
some are built in combination with other types
of units. The standard crude oil distillation units
currently being constructed have a design ca-
pacity of 120,000 b/d.
Economic region boundary
Refer to page 66 for listing.
Note: Moldavian SSR is not
part of any economic region.
Secondary refinery units provide a higher yield
of light products and upgrade product quality
after primary distillation. The most important
secondary processes include reforming, catalytic
cracking, hydrogen treating, hydrocracking, al-
kylation, and lubricating oil production. Other
types of secondary processes produce specialty
products, recover refinery byproducts, or treat
crude oil prior to distillation or refined products
prior to shipment.
Natural Gas Processing
The processing of natural gas is becoming an
important subsector of the Soviet oil and gas
industry after many years of neglect. In an
effort to reduce the wasteful flaring of gas that
is a byproduct of oil production called associated
gas, the USSR is vastly expanding its capacity
to produce valuable natural gas byproducts such
as propane, butane, sulfur, and stable conden-
sate. These products are useful not only as fuels
but also as feedstocks in the petrochemical
The rapid development of West Siberia's oil-
fields-especially Samotlor-outstripped the
USSR's ability to process the associated gas.
Flaring of the region's excess gas probably
reached, its peak in 1975 when about 20 billion
cubic meters had to be burned off. Recently
completed gas-processing plants in the Tyumen'
oil region have helped reduce flaring and raised
associated gas-processing capacity to nearly 20
billion cubic meters in the region during 1982.
Large gas-processing facilities have been con-
structed at Nizhnevartovsk, Belozersk, Surgut,
Yuzhno-Balyk, and Lokosovo. New processing
plants in the gas-producing regions of Orenburg
and Central Asia have significantly increased
sulfur removal capabilities, enabling output
from high-sulfur fields to replace the region's
declining low-sulfur gas production.
Processing of nonassociated gas by the Ministry
of the Gas Industry has grown substantially
since 1970 when only 3 billion cubic meters of
gas were processed. The current five-year plan
calls.for processing about 75 billion cubic meters
of natural gas, the production of about 1.6
million tons of sulfur, and more than 20,000 b/d
of gas condensate in 1985.
Natural gas is processed by several gas ministry
plants located throughout the gas-producing re-
gions. The largest and newest facility is located
at Urengoy. Whether because of technological
deficiencies or simply a lack of domestic produc-
tion capacity, much of the gas-processing equip-
ment is imported from the West.
I (u/c)
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Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Until plant at Krasnoyarsk is completed, continued acquisition of foreign-made automated surface mining equipment will be required for
development of eastern coal reserves.
Coal Resources
Economically Exploitable Reserves a
Karaganda basin
Turgay basin
Central Asia
Hard coal
With present technology.
b Includes anthracite and bituminous coal.
Source: Zupasy Uglev St ran Mira, Moscow, Nedra 1983,
pp. 93-102.
Among explored reserves in the eastern USSR,
Kuznetsk and Kansk-Achinsk in Siberia are the
two largest basins, but Ekibastuz and Karagan-
da in Kazakhstan also contain relatively small
but productive reserves. Siberia's Kuznetsk ba-
sin, the Soviet's second-largest producer-after
Donets-of both steam and coking coal, con-
tains significant quantities of high-grade bitu-
minous coal reserves with low ash and sulfur
content. East of Kuznetsk and astride the
Trans-Siberian Railroad, the Kansk-Achinsk
basin contains huge lignite reserves. These coals,
however, have a high moisture content and a low
thermal energy content. Because the Kansk-
Achinsk reserves are under shallow overburdens,
they can be easily strip mined. The Soviets
believe the Kansk-Achinsk deposit has the po-
tential to become the USSR's largest coal-
producing area by the year 2000.
Kazakhstan's coal reserves are concentrated in
two basins, Ekibastuz and Karaganda. Although
high in ash content, Ekibastuz subbituminous
coal is an important source of steam coal for
thermal power plants. Much of Karaganda's
bituminous coal is used for coking.
In return for coking coal, Japan is helping the
Soviet Union develop the smaller but higher
quality and strippable reserves of the South
Yakutia basin in Eastern Siberia. Exploitation
of other large Siberian reserves will probably
not begin in this century because of undeveloped
rail transportation within the region and the
inferior quality of the reserves. The huge Siberi-
an coal-bearing areas of Lena and Tunguska
basins represent unexplored reserves that will
probably not be of commercial significance in
the near future.
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Until plant at Krasnoyarsk is completed, continued acquisition of foreign-made automated surface mining equipment will be required for
development of eastern coal reserves.
Coal Resources
Economically Exploitable Reserves a
Karaganda basin
Turgay basin
Central Asia
Hard coal
With present technology.
b Includes anthracite and bituminous coal.
Source: Zupasy Uglev St ran Mira, Moscow, Nedra 1983,
pp. 93-102.
Among explored reserves in the eastern USSR,
Kuznetsk and Kansk-Achinsk in Siberia are the
two largest basins, but Ekibastuz and Karagan-
da in Kazakhstan also contain relatively small
but productive reserves. Siberia's Kuznetsk ba-
sin, the Soviet's second-largest producer-after
Donets-of both steam and coking coal, con-
tains significant quantities of high-grade bitu-
minous coal reserves with low ash and sulfur
content. East of Kuznetsk and astride the
Trans-Siberian Railroad, the Kansk-Achinsk
basin contains huge lignite reserves. These coals,
however, have a high moisture content and a low
thermal energy content. Because the Kansk-
Achinsk reserves are under shallow overburdens,
they can be easily strip mined. The Soviets
believe the Kansk-Achinsk deposit has the po-
tential to become the USSR's largest coal-
producing area by the year 2000.
Kazakhstan's coal reserves are concentrated in
two basins, Ekibastuz and Karaganda. Although
high in ash content, Ekibastuz subbituminous
coal is an important source of steam coal for
thermal power plants. Much of Karaganda's
bituminous coal is used for coking.
In return for coking coal, Japan is helping the
Soviet Union develop the smaller but higher
quality and strippable reserves of the South
Yakutia basin in Eastern Siberia. Exploitation
of other large Siberian reserves will probably
not begin in this century because of undeveloped
rail transportation within the region and the
inferior quality of the reserves. The huge Siberi-
an coal-bearing areas of Lena and Tunguska
basins represent unexplored reserves that will
probably not be of commercial significance in
the near future.
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Processing and shipping facilities above the Pechora underground Vorgashor coal mine, Komi ASSR.
A rotor excavator at the Ekibastuz coal basin.
P-1600 belt reloader being assembled at
It. ;
?m g
Surface mining in Ekibastuz basin. The East German ERShRD-5000 powerful bucket-wheel
excavator can remove 5,000 tons of coal per hour.
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Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Coal Transport
Various sizes and grades of coal are awaiting shipment to consumers at the Karaganda
coal- yard, Kazakhstan:
P bchora
sibirsk assn
t4k inusinsk
basin Irkuts
"P bas! t z Ulu
gkhem basin' Karaganda
Ray' n in
Note: Width of arrow indicates the
relative volume of coal transported.
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
The transport of coal from mining to consuming
areas is a major problem for the Soviet Union.
As coal reserves located near industrial centers
in the western USSR have been increasingly
depleted and the Soviets have been forced to go
farther east to develop new reserves, the burden
on the rail network has intensified. Coal is the
leading freight item in terms of ton-kilometers
on Soviet railroads; more than 95 percent of.
annual coal production is transported by rail.
Coal traffic is particularly heavy in West Sibe-'
ria, northern Kazakhstan, and the Urals, as well
as in parts of the Volga region and the Ukraine.
In these regions much of the coal traffic must be
channeled through a few already overburdened
rail lines. The amount of coal shipped by rail
from the Kuznetsk, Karaganda, and Ekibastuz
basins to the Urals and beyond has more than
doubled in the past decade to about 15 percent
of total Soviet coal production. As a result,
traffic slowdowns occur frequently, especially
during late summer when harvested agricultural
goods compete for space.
Crosshauling of fuels also adds to the burden of
the railroads. Although large amounts of coal
from the Kuznetsk basin in.West Siberia are
carried to power plants in the Ukraine, for
example, coal from the Donets basin in the
Ukraine is freighted to power plants in the
Volga region, which is nominally within the
Kuznetsk basin marketing zone. This is mainly
a consequence of boiler design: the boilers in the
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
A freight (train transports South Yakutian coal southward to the Tynda Station on the Baikal-Amur Mainline.
Conventional Coal Slurry Pipeline System
Slurry Pump _Pump
.-Stockpile preparation 'station -'station
Ukraine plants that burn Kuznetsk coal were
designed when similar coal was available from
the Donets basin, which is now hard pressed to
supply all of its former markets. To help reduce
rail congestion, the Soviets plan to reequip some
power plants at great cost to burn coal from
closer sources. Crosshauling also occurs where
coal preparation facilities are inadequate to
process coal at minesites. Coal may be shipped
long distances to processing plants, with associ-
ated rock: and moisture adding unnecessary bulk
and weight, and then shipped back to users.
Slurry pipeline transport is one of several mech-
anisms that Soviet engineers have proposed for
movement of Siberian coal to thermal power
plants in the Urals and European USSR. The
Soviets have two less-than-15, kilometer slurry
pipelines currently in operation in the Kuznetsk
basin, arid a 250-kilometer slurry pipeline from
the Belo'ro mine in the Kuznetsk basin to Novo-
sibirsk is; reported to be under construction.
Soviet transport officials, seeking to reduce the
burden on the railroads, have called for in-
creased efforts to find new sources of coal closer
to consumers. In response, Soviet officials are
planning to increase production from small coal
deposits in the southern Urals and in Central
Asia-even though they have calculated that
coal from Kuznetsk, for example, is cheaper to
use in much of the European USSR than coal
mined nearer by.
Inefficient railroad operating practices also con-
tribute to fuel supply problems. For example,
some 20 million tons of coal-nearly 3 percent
of annual production-are lost to the economy
each year, owing to underloading railcars, ex-
cessively long loading and unloading times, lack
of protective coverings, and spillage from poorly
maintained wooden coal gondolas. The Soviets
plan eventually to have an all-metal gondola
Dewatering _ Power
plant 'plant
The Soviets have particular problems dealing
with coal mined in the Kansk-Achinsk fields.
This coal tends to be highly pyrophoric and
cannot be shipped long distances without signifi-
cant risk of spontaneous combustion. Conse-
quently, unless Kansk-Achinsk coal is processed,
it must be burned in nearby furnaces and power
Although Soviet transport officials stress the
need to increase water transport of coal in
regions of the European USSR where water-
ways parallel rail lines, barge transport on west-
ern rivers and canals accounts for only a small
amount of coal traffic. Waterway transport,
both river and coastal, is hampered by ice:
virtually all waterways are frozen from three to
nine months of the year. Moreover, most of the
major rivers flow from south to north, which
does not facilitate transport of coal from east to
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Uranium and Thorium
The USSR has an ambitious and optimistic
program for nuclear energy development. The
Soviets plan to generate as much as 20 percent
of their electricity from nuclear power by the
year 1990 and up to 60 percent by the year
2000. Achievement of these ambitious goals will
require large-scale exploitation of the nation's
uranium and, to a much lesser extent, thorium
Information on the Soviet uranium industry is a
closely guarded state secret. Only limited data
on uranium occurrences in the Soviet Union and
minor details on reserves, mining, and process-
ing operations have been published. However,
according to Soviet geologic literature, almost
every type of uranium deposit found elsewhere
in the world has been found and exploited in the
USSR. In addition, some of the uranium depos-
its described seem to have no Western counter-
parts. These include deposits associated with
iron ores and albitites in Precambrian metamor-
phic rocks and those with phosphates in clays
with detrital fishbones.
Uranium deposits in the Soviet Union are gener-
ally classified as either vein-type ores associated
with metamorphic and intrusive-extrusive igne-
ous rocks or hydrothermal deposits emplaced in
sedimentary rocks. These two geologically dis-
tinct types, which seldom occur together, are
Postulated' USSR Total Yellowcake (U3OB)
Production for Nuclear Power
roughly of equal importance as a uranium
Uranium exploration and mining methods in the
Soviet Union are essentially the same as those
applied in the West. Exploration methods in-
clude geologic, geophysical, geochemical, aerial
radiometric, and magnetic surveys. Mining
methods include:
? Underground mining to recover high-grade,
vein-type deposits at a depth of 200 meters or
? Open pit methods applicable for low-grade
ores dispersed near the surface in large areas.
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
USSR: Uranium-Thorium Deposits
and Processing Centers . -
4-Chupa District
5-Lake Onega
Uranium-phosphate rare earth association in clays with detrital fishbones.
Uranium mining and milling operations.
Precambrian uranium-iron ore formation.
Irregular stratiform albitized uranium bodies.
Uranium in association with conglomerates. Uranium minerals include
uraninite, pitchblende and nenadkevite.
Uranium mining and milling.
Mining and milling operations.
Uraniferous pegmatites in Precambrian gneisses.
Uranium mineralization in paleovolcanic and intrusive rocks of Baltic shields.
Uranium and vanadium mineral in association with black graphitic marine
shales, peat, and asphaltite.
Thorium in phosphate and rare earths in syenite complex.
Uranium with thorium minerals in alkalic rocks.
Uranium mineralization in nepheline syenite intrusions.
Uranium mineralization in nepheline syenite.
Possible in situ leaching of deep-seated uranium deposit.
Uranium extraction as part of the "Tselinnyy Mining Complex."
Uranium, thorium, and rare earths associated with lead mining.
Uranium milling and processing facilities.
Uranium possibly associated with lead mining, milling, and concentration
Uranium mining and milling operations associated with lignite in 1960s.
Uranium-vanadium association in metamorphic limestone interlayered with
volcanic tuffs and breccia.
Tyuyamuyunite, a uranium-vanadium mineral species that was named after
this locality.
Uranium mining associated with gold production.
Uranium associated with lignite mining.
Uranium vanadium mining.
Possible uranium extraction and hexafluoride conversion site for Taboshar
mine ore.
Uranium associated with gold mining at Kokpatas gold mine.
Possible uranium extraction at Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Complex.
Ore genetically similar to South African deposits.
Uranium-fluorite mining. Ore milling at Chigirik.
Site of former uranium mining.
Site of uranium mining operation.
Uranium processing center.
Uranium-fluorspar association in Mesozoic volcanic basins.
Pegmatites-uranium and rare earths.
Mining reported in 1958 from Precambrian crystalline limestone.
Uranium, thorium, and rare earths associated with gold mining.
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Possible uranium-thorium mining of vein-type deposits in ultrametamorphic
Archean rocks.
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Uranium-Thorium Deposits and Processing Centers
Scale 1:39,000.000
0 500 Kiloeroters
0 500 Statute Miles
Production of Fissionable Materials for Electric Power
Production and Military Defense
Uranium Uranium
enrichment E-hexafluoride
plants production(UF6)
? In situ leaching techniques that use sulfuric-
acidified waters to exploit low-grade deposits
that cannot be mined economically by open pit
or underground methods.
As elsewhere in the world, uranium milling,
leaching, and concentration processes in the
Soviet Union are carried out in proximity of
mining operations to facilitate the separation of
relatively small quantities of U3O8 from large
volumes of ore. Information about Soviet urani-
um processing is even less available than that on
the distribution and production of uranium.
However, there are three distinct stages in
? Extraction of U3O8 at or near the mining site.
? Conversion of U3O8 to uranium tetrafluoride
(UF4) by reaction with fluoride.
? Reduction of UF4 to metal for direct use in
weapons or reactor fuel or for conversion to
gaseous hexafluoride (UF6) to permit enrich-
ment in the uranium-235 isotope.
Several alternatives to the gaseous diffusion
method of uranium enrichment have received
attention in the Soviet Union, including experi-
mentation with photochemical technology using
Nuclear Electricity Special isotope Waste
power plants (power lines) recovery management
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
shipping im. reconversion
o Deposit
p Deposit and processing center
? Processing center
Reter to facing page for
deposit name and description.
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
er. Despite these beneficial uses, spent shale
presents a serious disposal problem. Large areas
in the shale regions of the USSR have been
despoiled by shale strip mining and dumping of
processing waste. Although some areas have
been restored through grading and planting,
revegetation of open pit mines and spent shale
dump sites is difficult because of the high
alkalinity of the soil.
Tar Sands
The USSR has more than 30 billion tons of
potential oil reserves that could be extracted
from tar sands. The largest concentration of tar
sand deposits occurs in northwest Yakut ASSR.
The best known of these is the Olenek tar sand
deposit near the Lena River. Because of their
remote location, the Soviets do not anticipate
exploiting the Olenek or other East Siberian tar
sands in the near future.
Currently, the Soviets have limited experimen-
tal development of tar sands to deposits in the
Volga, Pechora, Transcaucasus, and Central
Asia regions. The only significant Soviet oil
production from tar sands comes from the Yar-
ega field near Ukhta in the Pechora basin of
northern Kbmi ASSR. Here, the Soviets recover
heavy oils and bitumen sands via "oil mining."
The oil is located at depths of 200 to 400 meters
and requires heating to be recovered from seams
2 to 5 meters thick. The resulting heavy oils are
refined into specialty oils, greases, and
The USSR has about 60 percent of the world's
peat resources. Soviet geologists estimate their
peat reserves at about 150 billion tons, which
includes 30- to 40-percent moisture content.
Peat is distributed throughout much of the
country, but only the reserves in the Baltic
republics, the Moscow-Gor'kiy area, and Belo-
russia are intensely exploited at this time.
The Soviet Union is the world's largest producer
of peat, both for fuel and agriculture. Current
peat production in the USSR is about 230
million tons per year. About two-thirds of the
peat produced is used in agriculture and by the
chemical industry for the production of metha-
nol and synthetic natural gas (SNG). Of the
remaining peat, nearly 40 percent is burned in
several major thermal power plants in European
USSR, 10 to 15 percent is formed into bri-
quettes for home heating, and the rest is used in
industrial boilers and in large heating plants.
For many years, the use of peat as an energy
source has been declining. Peat now accounts
for only 0.4 percent of total energy supply.
Recent Soviet studies on the future of the peat
industry have concluded that the amount of peat
used as fuel will continue to decrease because of
insufficient reserves in the primary consuming
areas and increasing demand in the agricultural
Tar Sand Deposits
Scale 1:60.000,000
0 800 Kilometers
ktKiev :
0 0 idy116 Olenek
Verkhne- una
/ / it ,r
Rt skaya'Yakutsk
Volga' Sverdlovsk
Forests cover approximately one-third of the
territory of the USSR. In 1983 the lumbering
industry cut 356 million cubic meters of timber,
of which about 23 percent was designated as
fuelwood.Z Production of fuelwood has been
slowly decreasing in recent years, but wood still
comprises up to 40 percent of the locally ex-
pended fuel in the northern forest regions and is
also an important fuel in the central region.
Overall, wood currently contributes slightly
more than 1 percent of the national energy
'These figures do not include fuelwood gathered by the
populace. Occasional data indicate that the amount may
nearly equal the fuelwood cut by the lumbering industry.
y"Olene~kp a- >
lidzha er.O'Sololi
0 Turukhansk ASSR
Fuelwood is principally used in home heating or
as feedstock in the synfuel industry; it is rarely
burned in power stations. The Soviets are able to
produce automotive fuels and methanol from
wood fibers and waste by using an acid hydroly-
sis process. This synthetic fuel is produced at a
small demonstration plant near Krasnoyarsk,
designated the SKR-10. The Soviets are in-
creasing the volume of wood chips exported for
use in producing synfuels and plan to construct
industrial plants in Siberia that can convert 2
million tons per year of wood chips and waste
into 40,000 tons per year of synfuel.
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Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Electric Power
Since 1920, when Lenin presented his dictum
"Communism is Soviet power plus the electrifi-
cation of the entire country," the Soviet Union
has become a world leader in the generation of
electric power. Virtually every settled area of
the vast Soviet territory has now been electri-
fied. But, even though the electric power base of
the USSR has been growing rapidly for many
years, much faster than the economy as a whole,
there is still not enough electricity available to
meet all Soviet industrial and communal needs.
Industry is the principal consumer of electric
power. Its share of the total electricity consump-
tion has been gradually decreasing, but still
amounted to 65 percent in 1983. Compared
with other countries, the transportation sector
receives a relatively large share, 9 percent, and
is maintaining that share as the electrification
of railroads expands and the electric power
requirements of oil and gas production and dis-
tribution systems increase. Plans call for the
share of power allocated for household, muni-
cipal, and agricultural use to grow from 20.5
percent in 1980 to 22 percent in 1985. This
should improve the power supply for domestic
and communal uses, which has long been inade-
quate. Exports of electric power amount to only
1.7 percent of production.
Despite the rapid growth of the power industry,
insufficient generating capacity in the European
part of the USSR where industry and popula-
tion are concentrated, leads to chronic power
shortages. Provision of additional capacity is
impeded by inadequate local fuel and hydro-
Regional Distribution of Installed Electric Power Capacity, 1980
/ Middles
26.1% Vol9
power resources and the costs and difficulty of
transporting fuel from elsewhere. As the growth
rate of the labor force declines, economic growth
is becoming more and more dependent on elec-
tric power to help increase labor productivity.
To increase its electric power supply, the USSR
is promoting rapid growth of nuclear power and
pumped-storage hydroelectric power plants in
the European part of the country while continu-
ing to build major hydropower plants on large
Siberian rivers and large thermal power plants
in the coal-rich eastern regions. It is also at-
tempting to improve efficiency by concentrating
power production in large regional power plants
and installing larger generators. To improve the
distribution of power, the Soviet Union is in the
process of integrating the regional power net-
works via ultra-high-voltage (UHV) transmis-
sion lines to form a national power system. And
it is developing alternative energy technologies
to meet local small-scale and supplementary
Electric Power Administration
The Soviet Ministry of Power and Electrifica-
tion, in effect, controls more than 90 percent of
the country's installed electric power capacity
and output. The remaining generating plants are
either under the administration of various other
ministries, such as metallurgy, machine build-
ing, transportation, and agriculture, or assigned
to local authorities or industries. Transmission,
however, is controlled by the Ministry of Power
100.0%-., Other
and Electrification: Like other energy minis-
tries, the Ministry of Power and Electrification
has an extensive array of subordinate enterprises
and institutes, almost all of which are headquar-
tered in Moscow.
The 6,400-MW Sayan-Sh ushenskoye Hydro-
power Dam across Yenisey River, East Siberia.
Production and Consumption
The Soviet Union is second only to the United
States in the generation of electric power, al-
though per capita production lags behind that of
many industrialized countries. Power generation
in the Soviet Union grew from less than 500
million kilowatt-hours (kWh) in 1920 to 1.42
trillion kWh in 1983 (about half the amount
Eastern sa
j Irkutsk.
Area served by
~~?~~ Unified Power System
Urals Power system name
Far East
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
\ M1
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Installed Capacity of Electric Power Plants Thousand megawatts
Like many American industries, the Soviet electric power industry uses
acronyms for types of power plants and their components. Some of these
acronyms have passed into general usage, and knowledge of them
facilitates identification in Soviet publications.
AES Atomic/nuclear electric power plant
AKES Atomic condensation electric power plant
AST Atomic heat supply plant
ATETs Atomic heat and electric power plant
DES Diesel power plant
GAES Pumped-storage electric power plant
GeoTES Geothermal electric power plant
GES Hydroelectric power plant
GRES State regional electric power plant (thermal)
Gas-turbine electric power plant
GTU Gas-turbine installation
KES Condensation electric power plant
MHD -Magnetohydrodynamic generators
MINENERGO USSR Ministry of Power and Electrification
PES Tidal electric power plant
PGU Steam gas-turbine units
Solar power plant
Heat and electric power plant
Council for Mutual Economic Assistance
Direct current
Extra-high-voltage (330- to 750-kV AC and 800-kV DC)
District power system
GOELRO State Plan for Electrification of the Soviet Union (1920)
GOSTANDART State Committee for Standards
HV High voltage (35- to 220-kV AC)
kV Kilovolt
kW, kWh Kilowatt, kilowatt-hours
LEP Long-distance transmission line
Fuel and power complex (KATEK-Kansk-Achinsk Fuel and
Power Complex)
Ultrahigh voltage, voltages greater than 750-kV AC or 800-kV DC
(1,150-kV AC and 1,500-kV DC)
Overhead transmission line (number indicates voltage)
Unified Power System of the Soviet Union
generated in the Uri,,;d States). This growth
was achieved through heavy investment in pow-
er plant construction: since 1960, for example,
the electric power industry has been allocated
about 10 percent of the total capital investment
in industry.
The 11th Five-Year Plan called for the installa-
tion of 68,900 megawatts (MW) of new capacity
between 1981 and 1985, which would permit
power production to increase an average of 3.7
percent annually and reach 1,555 billion kWh in
1985. If production continues to grow at a 4-
percent annual rate, it would reach about 2,200
billion kWh in the mid-1990s, the level reached
in the United States in 1976.
To increase generating capacity at the least cost,
the Soviet Union is building fewer, but bigger
power stations using larger, more efficient gen-
erating units. (Large power plants are generally
more cost effective than small plants in both
construction and operation.) The 6,000-MW
Krasnoyarsk Hydroelectric Plant on the Yenisey
River in Siberia is currently the largest hydro-
Electricity Production
Electricity Consumption
Total 292.3
Industry (includ- 216.4
ing construction)
Communal and
Line losses
Principal Industrial Consumers of Electric
Power, 1980
electric power plant in the world, and the Sa-
yan-Shushenskoye station, when the last two
generating units are installed in 1985, will be
even larger at 6,400 MW. The 4,000-MW
Ekibastuz GRES-1 in Kazakhstan, which
reached fully operational capacity in 1984, the
3,800-MW Reftinskiy Thermal Power Plant in
the Urals, and the slightly smaller Zaporozh'ye
and Uglegorsk plants in the Ukraine are among
the largest thermal power plants in the world.
Of the more than 900 major Soviet electric
generating plants at the end of 1983, 57 were
thermal power plants, 14 were hydroelectric
power plants, and eight were nuclear power
plants with capacities of 1,000 MW or more.
These 79 large plants contributed about 163,000
MW, some 55 percent of the total Soviet power
generating capacity.
The Soviet electric power industry is most devel-
oped in the European part of the country includ-
ing the Urals. This region produces 72 percent
of the national output of electricity. But 75
percent of the people and most of the industrial
centers are located in the European USSR, and
demand for power exceeds supply during peak
hours. Voltage drops and brownouts are com-
mon; moreover, demand is rising steadily. Al-
though additional large power plants are needed
to fulfill peak demand requirements, the hydro-
electric potential of the European rivers has
already been almost fully exploited.
East of the Ural Mountains there is a better
balance between power generation and demand.
Major thermal and hydroelectric power plants
have been built where population and industry
are concentrated, mainly along the Trans-
Siberia Railroad and in the Kuznetsk basin of
West Siberia. The abundant coal and hydroelec-
tric resources permit strong growth of the elec-
tric power industry in the eastern regions; be-
tween 1980 and 1985 production was scheduled
to increase by more than 40 percent in the east
compared to 30 percent in the European area.
Eventually, as electric power production in the
eastern regions exceeds demand, the Soviets
plan to transmit the surplus to the energy-short
European areas via UHV transmission lines.
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Approved For Release 2009/09/01 : CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Thermal Power
Thermal power plants have always been the
backbone of the Soviet electric power industry.
In 1983 fossil-fuel-burning plants accounted for
three-fourths of total Soviet power plant capaci-
ty and generated 80 percent of total electric
power output.
Thermal power plants in the Soviet Union are
built according to standard designs prepared by
the All-Union State Institute for Planning Ther-
mal Electric Power Stations. The generating
units in these plants commonly range from 50 to
800 MW in output capacity and are combined
into assemblies comprising one boiler, one tur-
bine, one generator, and one transformer. Since
1963, when the first 300-MW units were put
into operation, nearly 400 of these units have
been installed, making them the standard gener-
ating units of large thermal power stations. In
the last decade, twelve 500-MW units, eight
800-MW units, and one 1,200-MW unit have
gone into operation. In the future, the 500-MW
and 800-MW units should become the standard
generating units of large thermal power plants,
while 200-MW and 300-MW units will continue
to be installed in medium-size power plants.
In keeping with the Soviets' shift in policy to
locate power generation facilities near fuel re-
sources, four 4,000-MW plants, each with eight
500-MW generating units, have been planned
for northeastern Kazakhstan, near the Ekibas-
tuz subbituminous coal deposits. By late 1984,
all eight 500-MW units for the first Ekibastuz
thermal power plant had been installed. Con-
struction of the three additional plants at Eki-
bastuz and the one at Chiganak, in southern
Kazakhstan, is considerably behind schedule. A
similarly large plant (with eight 800-MW units)
near the Berezovskoye mine in the Kansk-
Achinsk brown coal basin has also been delayed
and the first unit is now scheduled for startup in
State regional electric power plants (GRESs)
provide central thermal power generation for
large areas and for areas of high demand. At the
beginning of 1983 there were 51 large GRESs
with capacities of more than 1,000 MW; togeth-
er they comprised almost half of the national
thermal power generating capacity. Most of
these large GRESs are located in European
areas of the Soviet Union; among them are 12 in
the Ukrainian Republic, seven in the Urals and
six in the Central Moscow Power System. There
are only 12 large GRESs in the eastern regions
of the country-four in Central Asia, five in
Siberia, and three in Kazakhstan.
The cogeneration of electric power and heat-
little practiced in Western countries-is com-
mon in the Soviet Union. At present there are
more than 1,000 combination heat-and-power
plants (TETs) in the USSR, all located in or
near urban areas or at industrial plants. Besides
electricity, they supply heat to residences and
other indoor facilities and process steam to
industrial enterprises. Even though less electric-
ity is obtained per unit of fuel, cogeneration is a
more efficient use of fuel than generation of
electricity alone, because the heat of combustion
is more fully exploited.
At the end of 1983 the total electric power
generating capacity of all TETs in the Soviet
Union was about 75,000 MW or 35 percent of
total thermal power plant capacity. The TETs
produced about 375 billion kWh of electricity
and 1,200.3 million gigacalories of heat, the
latter fulfilling 40 percent of the heating re-
quirements of the cities. There are 12 TETs in
Moscow alone, with total capacities of 5,100
MW of electricity and 22,000 gigacalories of
heat per hour. The TETs-23 in Moscow is the
largest TETs in the country; it can simulta-
neously generate 1,400 MW of electricity and
2,140 gigacalories per hour. Throughout the
II n e u ue'rae urlra is a
NON an
11111;10 111 111 10 111'01111~HIll
ti iii,iii Iii iii lii III riiiri iiiiii
IQ 111111 Q1111111 Hi HI 111111io
Soviet Union about 17,000 kilometers of heating
mains have been installed, 2,200 kilometers in
Moscow alone.
The generation of electric power from internal
combustion engines (for example, diesel genera-
tors) has been widespread in the Soviet Union,
especially in remote areas, but this practice is
decreasing because internal combustion power
generation is inefficient and relatively costly.
Instead, where feasible, transmission networks
centered on GRESs are being extended to re-
mote areas.
Construction of the 1,260-MW Mary Thermal Power Plant,
The 2,400-MW Lukoml' Thermal Power Plant, Belorussia.
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Heat and F
osW-eLq2~~ p)r hilovgie
r.~1 ztfya',R3, r
Krnsn2dn NOR7tJ
Heat and Pow r?
CAUL SUS?Sta rogol'
? Razdga
r Kirishi j'
The average consumption of fuel at thermal
Installed Capacity
power plants of the Ministry of Power and
Electrification has been reduced through im-
proved efficiency. This improvement in efficien- Thousand megawatts
cy has been achieved through the replacement 250
of many small, old generating units with fewer
TETs (
larger, modern units and the increased cogener-
ation of heat and electricity.
Coal has been the principal fuel used in thermal
power plants in the USSR. In the early 1960s,
however, a significant shift toward natural gas
and fuel oil was initiated. At the time, these
fuels were cheaper as well as cleaner than coal,
and the cost of constructing a gas- or oil-fueled
power plant was calculated to be significantly
less than the cost of a coal-burning power plant.
In the mid-1970s Soviet policies on fossil fuels
changed again and coal again became the pre-
ferred fuel for Soviet power plants. Most new
thermal power plants are gas or coal fired; very
few oil-burning plants are being built. To con-
serve oil, some oil-burning power plants in the
Urals and Volga regions have been converted to
burn gas piped from the large West Siberian gas
deposits. Because of a tight coal supply, even
some coal-fired plants are being converted part-
ly to gas.
Because: they are usually located in cities, most
TETs will continue to burn oil and gas, which
produce fewer pollutants than coal. Currently,
the primary method of controlling atmospheric
pollutants (mainly sulfur dioxide and ash) from
thermal power plants is the use of very tall
smokestacks which disperse the effluents into
the higher layers of air.
Note Moldavian SSR is not
part of any economic region.
Power plants
Operational Under construction
(capacity in MW) (projected capacity in MW)
0 3,000 and above 0
0 2,000 to 3,000 0
0 1,000 to 2,000 0
of Thermal Power Plants Consumption of Fuel at Thermal
Power Plants
l Combustion
heat and power plants)
sing stations
1960 65 70 75 80 85
Oil Coal
Gas Other'
1960 65 70 75 80 85
Majjor Thermal Power Plants
sins Verkhniy/-
URALS OTroitsk
Urengoy 0.
Wur t-1
OD he but
?Syrdar'ya /"~I
A A r?Nevoi
Mary ^
Krassnoyarsa r1
)?Krasooyarsk H at nd P
`*Naeiovo JR-~ (~ r Kharanor0
)B ezovskoye-1
Irkufsk-10 Heat and Pdwea*
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Hydroelectric Power
The Soviet Union has huge hydroelectric re-
sources; only China has more. The Soviets have
calculated that the economically exploitable
portion of these resources has a potential gener-
ating.capacity of 270,000 MW that could theo-
retically provide 1,095 billion kWh of electricity
USSR. The European share, however, is de-
creasing as large new hydropower plants are
completed in the eastern regions. About two-
thirds of the 12,400 MW of new hydropower
generating capacity planned for 1981-85 was to
be installed in, eastern regions of the country.
The more than 400 hydropower stations admin-
istered by the Ministry of Power and Electrifi-
cation account for virtually all Soviet hydroelec-
tric capacity. Among these stations, which range
L1~L Tic
- Parr ~
1Q re?eks ry
ower Kama
t Tol yatti-Zhigul
,,r~ Saratow/ URALS
V qt6 t Vo . Arad so.
Shusens ooe
Us t'-
;,~ FA)R E4ST
Major. Hydroelectric Power Stations
Scale 1:39,000,000
0 500 Kilometers
Note: Moldavian SSR is not
part of any economic region.
Power stations
Operational Under construction
(capacity in MW) (projected capacity in MW)
10 3,000 and above O
? 2,000 to 3,000 O
? 1,000 to 2,000 O
annually. Only 20 percent of that potential
capacity had been installed by the end of 1983.
(In comparison, the United States had exploited
36 percent of its estimated 186,000 MW of
potential capacity.) About 66 percent of the
Soviet hydropower resources is located in Sibe-
ria and the Far East, 18 percent is located in the
European part of the country, and 16 percent is
located in Kazakhstan and Central Asia.
Hydroelectric Power Stations
The Soviet Union has built some of the world's
largest hydroelectric, power. stations and, in the:
mountainous regions of the Caucasus'and Cen=
tral Asia, some of it's't ighest'dains. At the.end
of 1983 the total' installed'-capacity,of Soviet'-.
hydroelectric power plants was- 57,000 `M W,
about 20 percent of. total'national-electricity'.
generating capacity._'In. contrast'to..the~distribu
tion of resources, about half'ofthe installed
hydropower capacity is, located -in the European
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
in size from 6,000 to less than 5 MW, are 14
with capacities of 1,000 MW or more that by
themselves account for more than 60'percent of
total hydroelectric capacity.
Power Production
Power output from Soviet hydroelectric plants
amounted to 180.4 billion kWh in 1983, more
than 14 times output in 1950. From 1950 to
1970 production grew at an average annual rate
of 12 percent, but since 1970 output of hydro-
power plants has grown much more slowly, at an
average of 2.9 percent a year. During the 1960s
hydropower plants provided about 17 percent of
total electric power output, but by 1983 that
share had dropped to, less than 13 percent. The
hydroelectric share of total electric power out- expected to remain stable for the rest of
the decade.
In recent years, the growth of Soviet hydro-
Schematic of a Conventional
Pump-Storage Facility
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
power production has been constrained by a
shortage of rainfall, increased allocations of
water for irrigation, and increasing reliance on
hydropower to meet peak demand.
The USSR has started building pumped-storage
hydropower plants to help meet the demand for
power during peak periods.. The first Soviet
pumped-storage plant (225-MW capacity) is al-
ready in operation on the Dnepr River near
Kiev. A 1,200-MW plant is being built 'at
Pump-storage plants have reversible turbines that generate
hydroelectricity during peak hours and then use reserve power in
the network to pump water back up into the reservoir at night.
Approved For Release 2009/09/01 :CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Zagorsk, near Moscow, and a 1,600-MW plant
at Kaisiadorys, in Lithuania. Another facility
under construction will be used in conjunction
near Konstantinovka, on the Yuzhnyy Bug
II~~~Il?~u~ll ~a~il~>mn~>r~ ?~
]H[g~~lu~?~?a~~~ ~~a~ll?~ir>~~u~~
The ]European vSSI~
On many of the major rivers of the European
USSR-Volga, Kama, and Dnepr-the Soviets
have built hydroelectric dams in series to form
cascades of large reservoirs, which, in addition
to providing power, combine with canals to
make deet~water river transport possible be-
tween five seas. Although only 40 percent of the
hydroelectric potential of the European part of
the country has been exploited, most of the sites
in the European area where new hydropower
plants could be built are in northern regions and
in the mountains of the Caucasus, far from the
areas of high power consumption.
More than half of the economic hydropower
potential in Soviet Europe is concentrated in the
basins of t:he Volga, Dnepr, Kura, and Pechora
Rivers. Ea;ploitation of the Dnepr and the Volga
began in the early 1930s. The Dnepr Cascade
has been virtually completed; it has six hydro-
electric power stations with a total capacity of
3,575 MVV. The eight-station Volga Cascade is
also nearly finished. The last station, the Che-
boksary Nlydropower Station; began generating
power in late 1980. When all of its 18 units are
installed, the eight stations will provide 8,617
MW of generating capacity. Cascades of hydro-
power stations have also been built in Karelia,
mountain~~us region of the Caucasus. The
Sevan-Razdan Cascade in Armenia consists of
six diversion-type power plants, with tunnels and
penstocks bringing the water down to the gener-
ating stations.
Because many of the western rivers are flanked
by valuable urban, industrial, or agricultural
land that would be flooded by additional hydro-
power reservoirs, little future expansion is likely,
compared to that planned in other parts of the
country.(~onsequently,in 1985 only 40 percent
of total hydroelectric power production is to be
generated in the European USSR including the
Urals, a drop from 54 percent in 1970.
Soviet Central Asia
Dams are especially important in the dry cli-
mate of Central Asia. Besides producing power
for industrial development, they also provide
water to irrigate the cottonfields and orchards.
In the Kirghiz and Tajik Republics several high
dams have been built in difficult mountainous
terrain; on the Vakhsh River in Tajikistan, the
2,700-MAN Nurek power station is complete,
Rogun st~ition; on the Naryn River in Kirgizia
four hydroelectric stations are operating, the
largest being the 1,200-MW Toktogul station.
The total capacity of the hydroelectric power
stations now under construction in the moun-
tains of Central Asia will exceed 9,000 MW if
all planned construction is completed.
Siberia and the Soviet ]Far ]East
The Siberian regions contain two-thirds of the
total USSR hydropower potential, but little of it
had been tapped until recently. In the past 20
years, however, massive construction projects in
this remote, environmentally inhospitable area
have led to steady growth in hydropower output.
The Angara-Yenisey basin in eastern Siberia
alone contains one-fourth of the country's total
hydroelectric resources, capable of producing
more than 300 billion kWh of electricity annual-
ly. When completed in 1966, the 4,500-MW
Bratsk station on the Angara River was the
largest hydropower station in the world. Later,
in 1971, the 6,000-MW Krasnoyarsk station on
the Yenisey River achieved this distinction. An
even larger hydroelectric power station, the
Sayan-Shushenskoye Hydropower Station on
the upper Yenisey River, with 6,400 MW, is to
Construction of 1,325-MW Inguri Hydropower Dam across Inguri River in the Caucasus
Mountains, Georgian SSR.
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be completed in the mid-1980s. With the com-
pletion of other stations under construction or
planned, the total capacity of the Angara-Yeni-
sey Cascade could reach 46,700 MW by the end
of the century.
Several large hydropower stations built on the'
Zeya and Bureya Rivers in the Soviet Far East
are to provide power for new industry in the
area, as well as for the eastern sector of the new
Baikal-Amur Mainline (BAM) railroad.
In the far northern regions the Soviets have
built hydropower plants in the permafrost zone,
where special construction techniques are re-
quired because of the unique characteristics of
the ground surface and the rigors of the environ-
ment. The first plant in this region was built on
the Vilyuy River in the Yakut ASSR, where
winter temperatures drop to -60 degrees Cel-
sius. A 900-MW hydropower plant is being built
in the far northeast on the Kolyma River. It will
greatly increase the power available in Maga-
dan Oblast, where more than 1,000 scattered
diesel generating stations now provide most of
the power.
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Nuclear Power
In 1954 the Soviet Union became the first
country to use nuclear power to generate elec-
tricity for commercial purposes. The Soviets
were subsequently slow to capitalize on their
strong start and made little progress until the
mid-1970s. Since then, however, the pace of
nuclear development has picked up rapidly de-
spite the chronic construction delays that plague
virtually all Soviet projects. Based on the ag-
gressive program Moscow now has on the books
to expand existing plants and add new ones,
most informed observers expect that strong
growth should continue throughout this decade,
and into the early 1990s, even with continuing
construction bottlenecks.
Untroubled by antinuclear protests and increas-
ingly supported by a sizable industry dedicated
to the manufacture of nuclear reactor compo-
nents, the Soviets now have one of the most
active nuclear power construction programs in
the world. The 1 Ith Five-Year Plan (1981-85)
projected the addition of 24,000 to 25,000
megawatts of nuclear capacity and a production
of 220 billion kWh of electricity in 1985. At the
beginning of 1984, the USSR had 12 nuclear
power stations with one or more operating reac-
tors, combining for a total electrical generating
capacity of 20,168 MW, and additional reactors
were still under construction at six of these
operating stations. Electricity generated at these
stations accounted for 8 percent of total Soviet
electricity output in 1983. Additionally, 11 new
nuclear power stations and two district heat
stations were under construction.
Except for Bilibino in northeastern Siberia, and
the noncommercial plant at Shevchenko in Ka-
zakhstan, the Soviet Union's installed and
Sou[h Hoar rcuv ~~o`gograd
dessa t? Zaporozh'ye
Rolston,-1 L~\
Voronezh AST
5 Novovoronezhskiy
,,O or
Power stations
(capacity in MW)
3.000 and above
O 1,500 to 3,000
o Less than 1,500
~ Under construction
Note: Figures indiwfe number of reactors.
Scale 1:22.000.000
0 200 400 Kilometers
Bashkir Bilibino ATETs ?
(norfheastem Siberia)
Exterior view oj2,455-MW Novovoronezhskiy Atomic Power Statior.
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200 a00 Statute
Sea .
planned mcclear power capacity is concentrated
in the European USSR. Soviet policy for locat-
ing nuclear power plants is aimed at concentrat-
ing facilities in the country's most heavily popu-
lated and industrialized regions, which are
characterized by a deficiency of fossil fuels and
other forms of power relative to more remote
and less populated regions of the country.
All nuclear power stations in the Soviet Union,
and most c>f the existing and planned stations in
the neighboring CEMA countries, are built
around Soviet-designed reactors that use urani-
um fuel slzghtly enriched in the isotope urani-
um-235 (Cl-235). The Soviets have designed two
types of power reactors: the pressurized water
reactor (P'WR) and the graphite-moderated
pressure-tube (boiling water) reactor (GMPTR).
The pressurized water reactor, designated
VVER, comes in two main models, the
VVER-440, a 440-megawatt (electrical) model,
and the VVER-1000, a 1,000-megawatt (electri-
cal) model. Two smaller prototypes or early
demonstration models, the VVER-210 and the
VVER-365, are also in operation. The graphite
reactors are designated as RBMK. Of these, the
RBMK-11)00 model is the largest operational;
however, t:he RBMK-1500-a 1,500-megawatt
model-started up in late 1983 at Ignalina,
The Soviets are also continuing development of
a third tyt~e-a liquid-metal, fast-breeder reac-
tor (LMFBR). Only two major Soviet breeder
reactors are currently in operation: a 350-mega-
watt prototype at Shevchenko, designated
BN-350 and a 600-megawatt prototype at Be-
loyarskiy, designated BN-600. Several small,
research fast breeder reactors are also in use.
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In addition to continuing emphasis on the ex-
pansion of domestic nuclear power generation,
the USSR is committed to a joint venture with
its CEMA partners in Europe to develop a
unified nuclear power program. A total of 11
Soviet-designed, 440-megawatt, pressurized wa-
ter reactors are already in operation in CEMA-
member states, and many more are planned. A
nuclear power station with two VVER-440s is
currently operating in Finland. Construction has
also begun on aSoviet-designed nuclear power
station in Cuba.
Reactor being readied for startup at South
Ukraine Nuclear Power Station.
Interior ~f the,/ourth RBMK-1000 power unit at the Leningrad Nuclear Power Station.
To meet its goals for domestic nuclear power
growth and, at the same time, honor its commit-
ments to CEMA partners, the Soviet Union is
continuing to increase its capacity for manufac-
turing nuclear reactors, components, and equip-
ment. The recently expanded Izhorskiy Heavy
Equipment Plant at Kolpino near Leningrad and
the newly constructed Volgodonsk Heavy Ma-
chine Plant, known as Atommash, are two of the
largest nuclear component fabrication plants in
the world. The location of the much-publicized
Atommash plant along the Don River allows
shipment of large reactor units by barge to sites
throughout European USSR. Czechoslovakia,
using components manufactured there and by
other CEMA countries, assembles the Soviet-
designed VVER-440 and has plans to produce
the VVER-1000 reactors.
~Il~~>rIl~~ IHi~e~~ ~~~~~>~~
The Soviets are constructing several nuclear
stations whose function is to produce heat or
both heat and electricity for homes and indus-
tries at nearby towns and cities. Two types of
these facilities are currently under construction:
the first type, designated AST; is a boiling water
reactor. Through athree-loop thermal exchange
process, heat generated by the reactor is trans-
ported into the town's district heating system.
The Soviets are building stations of this type,
each consisting of two reactors of 500 MW
(thermal) at Gor'kiy and Voronezh. A second
type, designated ATETs, is a modification of the
existing VVER-1000 reactor. In this system, a
portion of the steam, which is normally used to
produce electricity in the turbines, is diverted
and used as a heat source for the district heating
system. Because of the high calorific content of
the steam, it is possible to transmit heat' 30 to 40
kilometers: Construction of stations of this sec-
ond type has been started at Odessa and Minsk,
and the Soviets have announced plans, to con-
struct others at Kharkov and Volgograd.
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Approved For Release 2009/09/01 :CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Power Transmission
The USSR's unified power transmission system
covers more area than any other power trans-
mission system in the world. In 1983, 852,000
kilometers of high-voltage transmission lines
interconnected more than 90 percent of the
country's generating capacity. The basic units of
the USSR's electricity transmission system are
the 95 regional power networks called energos.
Formed of 110- and 220-kV AC transmission
lines, each network supplies power to a single
administrative region (oblast, kray) or industrial
region. Over the years most of these regional
networks have been linked by 220-kV and
500-kV lines to form 11 consolidated regional
power systems (OES).
A merger of the regional systems began in the
mid-1950s and is complete except for the inde-
pendently operated consolidated systems of Cen-
tral Asia and the Far East. These two isolated
power systems are to be connected to the nation-
al network-known as the Unified Power Sys-
tem of the Soviet Union (USSR YeES}-by the
end of the 12th Five-Year Plan (1986-90). The
USSR YeES is also linked to the power systems
of many neighboring countries: CEMA coun-
tries, Finland, Norway, and Turkey.
The integration of the OES into the USSR
YeES has increased the flexibility of Soviet
power supply; power can now be transferred
between the linked systems, albeit at present
only in small amounts. For example, only a
More than 800,000 kilometers oJ'hfgh-voltage transmission lines inter-
connect more than 90 percent o.1'Soviet generating capacity.'
500-MW load can be transmitted from Siberia
to Kazakhstan. The Soviets hope, however, .
eventually to be able to transmit large blocks of
electricity-40 billion kWh and more-from the
eastern regions, where energy resources are
cheap and plentiful, to the power-hungry, but
resource-poor European USSR. The transmis-
sion of so much power over so long a distance is
unprecedented, in fact infeasible, until ultra-
high-voltage (UHV) power transmission is
In general, the higher the voltage a transmission
line can accept, the greater its capacity and
efficiency and the farther it may be extended.
Higher voltage transmission permits exploita-
tion of hydropower resources far from
A helicopter is used to erect S00-kV AC transmission towers in the
Caucasus Mountains.
Selected Types of Towers for Extra-High (EHV) and Ultrahigh-Voltage (UHV) Transmission
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Approved For Release 2009/09/01 :CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
consuming; centers and of deposits of brown coal
whose calorific value is too low to justify ship-
ping it long distances. Spurred by such consider-
ations, the Soviet Union has become a world
leader in the development of UHV power trans-
mission technology.
In the realm of UHV power transmission, Soviet
engineers are proceeding on two fronts. They are
continuing to develop UHV AC transmission
but are aL;o working on UHV DC transmission.
The USSR has announced that an experimental
1,150-kV AC powerline under construction in
northern 1azakhstan will originate at the
Ekibastuz-1 GRES and terminate at Chelya-
binsk in tl~e Urals. The first 600-km segment to
Kokchetav was to be energized at 500 kV in late
1984. A 600-km eastward extension from the
Ekibastuz-1 GRES to Barnaul in Siberia, and
later to Novokuznetsk, is also under construc-
tion. Not only will the line greatly strengthen
the tie between the Unified Power Systems of
Siberia and north Kazakhstan, it will also tie in
the major. industrial cities in the Urals, to which
it will carry power generated by the many new
thermal power plants now in various phases of
planning ~tnd construction in the Kansk-Achinsk
and Ekibastuz coal basins.
Ultra-high-voltage DC transmission can move
power over very long distances with lower line
losses than AC transmission. Soviet develop-
ment of DC transmission began in 1956 with the
construction of an experimental 800-kV DC line
between the Donets basin in the Ukraine and
Uniified Power System
Workmen installing 1,150-kV AC transmission
lines between Kazakhstan and the Urals.
~? ~T,allinn
\C~~ Lemng ad .;
lVOrl~ E'SI
the Volgograd Hydropower Station some 473
kilometers away; it began operating in 1962.
This line, which carries 750 MW, linked the
OES of the Center and the South regions. The
experience gleaned from this 800-kV DC line
led the Soviets to begin construction in early
1980 of a 1,500-kV DC line from Ekibastuz to
Tambov, south of Moscow, a distance of 2,400
kilometers. But work on this line ceased in 1981
when the entire UHV effort shifted to the
1,150-kV AC system.
Electrification of rural areas in the USSR has
grown rapidly in the last two decades as a result
of the vast expansion of the countrywide power
transmission capacity and the consolidation and
centralization of local power generation. In the
early 1960s small local power stations supplied
nearly 50 percent of the power used in the
countryside. Since then most of these stations
have been dismantled, and state power grids
now supply most of the electricity consumed in
rural areas. To carry the increased amount of
centrally produced power, the rural transmission
network has quadrupled in length since 1960.
More than 92 percent of this network consists of
small distribution lines of 20 kV or less; the
remainder are 35-kV, 110-kV, and 220-kV main
The rapid growth in rural electric power was
designed to improve the efficiency of agriculture
through mechanization and to raise the stand-
ard of living in the countryside, where power-
lines now reach most farms.
r Ku~'t3nay`?'`
\ r?X5n .
i Sverdlovsk""~,~. ;+
r, _i ,...-.~.-.
V ~gograd `~.,,? .
t Astrakhan'
// ~rengoy
Novo uznetsk
~~ ~ ~O~,t,~VUst'-Karr)eno
~``~ l~azakhstan
~~ ;;, .,
1, Tashkentr'Frunz`e? A{m~_Ata
Marv .A ~~ r"'
/ op
,% Far East
.,,. t.~ Zeya.
330-kilovolts (kV) and above
(unless otherwise labeled)
Under construction
~~ Area served by
750-kV AC ---
kV AC -----
Unified Power System
330-kV AC - ----
Urals Power system name
~' ~`~` Kansk-Achinsk "'~~~,. _.,...
~~~-- coal basin //? Ust'-Ilimsk~ ~~
(Bratsk .l
Nazargv0 j'~ -~
ni,.,,,... ~.....~ !..!,.. C : 44 ~
Approved For Release 2009/09/01 :CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Power for Remote
Economic activity in the Soviet Union is concen-
trated mainly in the European part of the
country and along narrow bands of relatively
well-developed territory flanking major trans-
portation routes such as the Trans-Siberian
Railroad. These areas comprise far less than
half of the total Soviet landmass. Enormous
areas in the European north, in Siberia and the
Soviet Far East, and in Kazakhstan and Soviet
Central Asia are lightly populated and unserved
by rail or powerline, hence undeveloped, al-
though they contain vast quantities of natural
resources needed for continued Soviet economic
growth. From desert to steppe to taiga to tundra,
exploitation of these resources requires electric
power. Transmission lines have been extended
from core areas to some major natural resource
processing centers, but often this is not feasi-
ble-usually because of the sheer distance in-
volved-and the needed power must be generat-
ed locally. Only 3 percent of all power produced
in the country is generated in areas beyond the
reach of regional power grids, but an estimated
5 million Soviet citizens depend on it.
When the demand justifies it, large power plants
are built in isolated areas. Noril'sk, for example,
with its population of 183,000 and its important
copper, nickel, and platinum mining industries,
is supported by three sizable power plants: two
are thermal plants with a combined capacity of
825 MW fueled by natural gas from the
~~ ii
Messoyakha field and the other is the nearby
441-MW Khantayka Hydropower Plant at,
Snezhnogorsk. The city of Yakutsk (population
175,000) in the heart of the Soviet Far East has
a 165-MW power plant fueled from nearby
gasfields. The 648-MW Vilyuy Hydroelectric
Power Station at Chernyshevskiy supplies power
to diamond-mining areas in the north and Mir-
nyy and Lensk (a Lena River port) in the south.
For isolated and remote areas of the Soviet
Union where power requirements are small,
electric power is generated by diesel-powered
generators (DES) and to a lesser extent by gas-
turbine generators (GTU). The Soviets have
developed a full line of these, ranging from
small units such as a 20-kV diesel generator
made at the Kursk Mobile Unit plant for use by
Vilyuy Hydroelectric Power Station in Eastern Siberia's Yakut ASSR is one of the northernmost in the USSR.
shepherds, to 12-MW units that can be grouped
to supply power to entire towns. However, the
current emphasis is to replace, where possible,
these inefficient, relatively expensive portable
generators with the more efficient transmission
networks centered on large regional power
Where conditions permit, power stations may be
mounted on trucks, trains, or ships. Mobile
generating units mounted on railway cars have
been used for many industrial construction proj-
ects in remote areas. A power train supported
the construction of the Bratsk Hydropower Sta-
tion, for example. A 24-MW power train incor-
porating two diesel-fueled gas-turbine genera-
tors was used at tunnel construction sites on the
Baikal-Amur Mainline (BAM) railroad. An
automated 500-kW diesel station mounted in a
truck-drawn van was developed particularly for
use by the builders of the BAM.
The responsibility for development and produc-
tion of small, transportable power plants was
centralized in 1947 with the formation of. the
State All-Union Production Trust for Mobile
Power Plants. Besides development and produc-
tion, the Trust is also responsible for mainte-
nance and repair. The Trust is mandated to
develop generating units that are even more
economical, efficient, mobile, and rugged; some
current models can operate at temperatures as
high as 45 degrees and as low as -60 degrees
During the 1970s, five floating gas-turbine
(GTU) power stations, designated Severnoye
Siyaniye (Northern Lights), were built at the
Tyumen' Shipyard to seagoing specifications.
These ship stations lack their own propulsion
systems and have to be towed to the remote sites
where they are used to generate electricity for
industries, construction sites, mining, and petro-
leum exploitation. Each of the first three power
ships had two 10-MW oil-fueled gas-turbine
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
generators, while the fourth and fifth ships were
equipped with two 12-MW gas-fueled genera-
tors. Subsequent power ships in this series are to
have 48-MW generating capacities.
The development of electric power in the mining
area (gold and other heavy metals) near the
mouth of the Kolyma River illustrates the vari-
ous ways in which power may be supplied to an
isolated place. That very remote region on the
Arctic Ocean in the Soviet Far East is served
only by air and by the seasonal Soviet Northern
Sea Route; neither roads nor rails connect it
with other parts of the country, and the nearest
regional power grid is more than 2,000 kilome-
ters away. To supply power for the expansion of
gold mining, a small, coal-fired thermal power
Scale 1;39.000.000
500 Statute Miles
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Areas Not Served by Unified Power System
plant at the port of Pevek was initially augment-
ed by some diesel generators and a power train
(delivered by ship). Then in 1970 Severnoye
Siyaniye-1 arrived at the port of Zelenyy Mys
on the lower Kolyma River. The floating power
station provided more power for mining but also
supported construction of the 48-MW nuclear
TETs at Bilibino, which went into operation in
To free power consumers in remote areas from
dependence on fuel supply, alternative energy
sources are receiving attention. A 2-kW wind-
driven power unit that can be carried by pack-
horse has been developed for prospectors, shep-
herds, and mountain farmers. Solar power units
have also been developed for such users. A
Area served by Unified Power System
Kursk Selected city over 100,000 population
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
modular nuclear power station specifically de-'
signed for use in remote areas is probably now in
the testing stage. Its 15-ton modules are air
transportable. Its reactor, which supplies steam
to a 1.5-MW turbine generator, can operate five
years on a single fueling of slightly enriched
The Severnoye Siyaniye (Northern Lights) floating power station is one of Neryungri Thermal Power Plant in the Yakut ASSR is being fueled by
five built at the Tyumen' Shipyard. Neryungri coal.
rkhangel'skG ? ^ l l~ j~1Messoy
rt ^-_ 9a ,
JrPo I
^ I,rka
Usti-Neva kA ar g
Far East
Sovets aya
Gava '
Floating station
Power plants
^ Operational D Under construction
Capacity in megawatts
24-300 . 300 and greater
^ ? 525
Transmission lines'
Operational --- Under construction
'All lines of 220-kV or greater and selected
lines with lesser capacities are shown.
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The USSR is developing solar energy for a wide
variety of small-scale uses, such as heating and
desalinating water, heating and cooling build-
ings, cooking food, and powering small steam
engines, water pumps, and electric generators to
serve consumers scattered throughout rural ar-
eas in the southern USSR. In these applications,
the sun's radiant energy is used to heat water or
In addition, the Soviets are working on the
conversion of solar energy to electricity using
the photovoltaic effect, in which an electric
current is generated between two tightly joined,
dissimilar materials when they are exposed to
light. Applying research that produced power
cells for spacecraft, the Soviets are also develop-
ing small photovoltaic devices for more mun-
dane uses--for example, to prevent corrosion of
pipelines and to power navigation beacons. Re-
portedly, their largest photovoltaic device is a
500-watt motor.
Solar research is coordinated by the State Com-
mittee for Science and Technology and by the
USSR Academy of Sciences. Research and
testing are done primarily in institutes in the
areas of the USSR south of the 50 degrees N
latitude, where the technologies will be most
In 1979, at Bikrova, a suburb of Ashkhabad in
Soviet Central Asia, the Turkmen SSR Acade-
my of Sciences created the Solar Energy Insti-
tute (SOLNTSE), which is said to be the first in
the country. A research and production corpora-
tion for solar energy equipment, SOLNTSE, is
to develop devices to meet small-scale energy
needs in desert areas.
The Uzbek SSR is the only republic reported to
have officially directed that solar equipment be
installed in some public buildings. In 1980 the
Uzbek city of Chirchik claimed to have the
nation's first residential building using solar
energy to supply its hot water and heat. A small
factory at Bukhara in the republic is the only
known industrial producer of solar equipment in
the USSR.
Transforming solar energy into thermal and electric power is studied by workers at the Uzbek
SSR Academy of Sciences.
A solar energy experiment to grow chlorella (a type of alga), near
Ashkhabad, Turkmen SSR.
Solar power station at Bikrova, Turkmen SSR.
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In the European USSR the Ukrainian Academy
of Sciences is the primary agency for solar
energy development. Several of its institutes are
working on solar heating and cooling systems,
and a research and testing center for such
systems has been established at the Crimean
resort city of Alushta on the Black Sea..Cooper-
ating in this work are the USSR State Commit-
tee for Civil Construction and Architecture and
the Solar Power Engineering Laboratory of the
Krzhizhanovskiy Power Engineering Institute
(ENIN) in Moscow. And, continuing the long-
standing Soviet use of solar furnaces to study
high-temperature processes, the Ukrainian
Academy has also established a solar furnace
Windpower has long been extensively exploited
on farms in the USSR. Indeed, the Soviets
claim that 250,000 windmills were in use in the
rural areas of prerevolutionary Russia. Today,
tens of thousands of homemade windmills are
still used in the steppe regions, mainly to pump
water. In the arid southern portions of the
country and the remote regions of the north,
windmills serve as alternative or auxiliary
sources of mechanical and electrical power in
areas beyond the reach of regional power grids.
Despite widespread recognition of the practical
utility of the windmill, uncoordinated research
on windpowered devices in laboratories of the
agricultural, aeronautical, and electrical equip-
ment ministries has produced few significant
technical advances to date. One flurry of gov-
ernmental interest just after World War II
resulted in the production of some 40,000 wind
engines, which were used with great effective-
ness on farms. By the early 1970s, however,
fewer than 9,000 of these were still in operation.
Then in 1975 a national corporation named
Tsiklon (cyclone) was created under the Minis-
try of Land Reclamation and Water Resources;
its mission is to develop and introduce
facility at Katsiveli in the Crimea to produce
pure metal alloys.
As for the large-scale production of solar elec-
tric power, the Soviets are still largely in the
conceptual and planning stage. They claim to
have designed a practical solar boiler and hope
to complete a 5-MW solar power test facility by
1986 at Mysovoye, near Lenino in the Crimea.
This facility is to have 1,600 heliostats-mov-
able mirrors-each 5 meters square. The helio-
stats will focus the sun's rays on a boiler atop a
tower 100 meters high to produce steam to drive
an electric power generator.
windpowered devices into the Soviet economy.
Although the market for such items has been
estimated to be at least 150,000 units, the
1976-80 Five-Year Plan called for an output of
only 10,000 units, and by 1980 only 4,500 had
been produced.
Most Soviet windpowered devices, whether of
the propeller or vertical axis type, are small (15
to 20 kW). A 100-kW wind engine,, however,
was installed near Yalta in 1931; a 12-element,
400-kW auxiliary power plant was built in
Kazakhstan in the 1950s; and, more recently, a
10-element, 400-kW power unit has been in-
stalled in Arkhangel'sk Oblast.
Reportedly, Tsiklon engineers have developed a
series of windpowered, electricity-generating
systems with capacities ranging from 1 to 100
kW. Series production of a 6-kW windpowered
generator is under way, and other units with
capacities up to 100 kW are in the test stage.
The largest units are designed to supply power
to small villages on the steppes of Kazakhstan
and in the Far North, regions where sustained
winds of 6 to 10 meters per second are common.
The feasibility of developing still more powerful
Engineers adjust solar thermoelectric generator
at Turkmen Academy of Sciences research
A much larger (300-MW) solar power station
has been designed for the same site, but its cost
will make it economically uncompetitive with
conventional power plants for a very long time.
Soviet energy planners estimate that by centu-
ry's end large solar power plants will come
closest to being competitive in the Crimea and
in the lower Volga region but will still not match
costs in conventional plants. In the meantime,
the Krzhizhanovskiy Institute has worked out an
engineering concept that combines solar energy
with a conventional fuel such as gas. The initial
stage of such a project might involve 300 MW,
using a 100-MW solar unit when solar energy is
available and a 200-MW, gas-burning unit the
rest of the time. Talimardzhan in the Uzbek
SSR has been selected as a tentative site for the
units with output capacities of 1 to 5 MW is
being studied.
Because wind is only an intermittent energy
source, windpowered generators must be inte-
grated with other forms of generating equip-
ment, such as diesel generators. Tsiklon is be-
ginning to design such packages, but none is yet
in serial production.
Tsiklon operates development and test facilities
at Istra, near Moscow, and at Novorossiysk, a
new national test center in the mountains on the
Black Sea coast. The Novorossiysk area was
chosen because of the frequent occurrence of a
very strong local wind known as bora. Tsiklon-
developed windpower pumps are also being test-
ed by a wind engineering laboratory at the
Kishinev Polytechnic Institute in Moldavia.
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Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Tidal Power
France, China, and the Soviet Union are the
only nations now generating electricity from
ocean tides. In 1968, with the help of French
technology, the Soviets completed a 400-kW
pilot tidal power station at Guba Kislaya on the
Barents Sea, which feeds into the Kola electric
grid. Although the amount of power generated
by this initial effort is meager, Soviet engineers,
operating under the auspices of the Ministry of
Power and Electrification, believe that the po-
tential of tides as a source of energy is great.
No additional construction has been commis-
sioned, but some 20 sites have been identified
where exploitation of tidal energy may be feasi-
ble, if not yet economically practicable. A num-
ber of the proposed installations are huge, such
as a 10,000-MW tidal power station in Mezen-
skaya Guba that would involve building a dam
96 kilometers long. Even this project-which if
constructed would be the world's largest and
most expensive hydropower installation-would
be dwarfed by the most ambitious of these
schemes, a 100,000-MW tidal power station in
Penzhinskaya Guba. By comparison, a relatively
modest 300-MW tidal power station in Lum-
bovskiy Zaliv would contain 24 encapsulated
hydrogenerators in two dams totaling 2.8 kilo-
meters in length, making it a rather expensive
way to obtain 300 MW of capacity. It is doubt-
ful that the Soviets will build any major tidal
power stations soon.
Scale 1:60,000,000
0 800 Kilometers
Guba Kislaya Barents ( Q/9 dSea
Tidal power plant sites
? Existing
O Potential
Note: Numbers in parentheses
are maximum and average tidal
amplitude in meters.
Kislaya Guba tidal power station on the Kola Peninsula.
Another view of the Kislaya Guba tidal power station.
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
MHD generator called the U-25B was built at
the U-25 facility. It incorporated a US-made
superconducting magnet and was used to evalu-
ate problems associated with the use of such
high-field magnets. (Magnetic fields of the
strength that will be required in commercial
MHD power plants can only be produced by
superconducting magnets.)
The results of these investigations will help
guide the design of the U-500, a large, natural-
gas-fired commercial-demonstration facility.
The plant design combines MHD with a conven-
tional steam power plant now being built in
Ryazan' jointly by the Institute of High Tem-
peratures and the Ministry of Power and Elec-
trification. Like all future MHD power plants, it
will be a hybrid facility in which a conventional
power generator exploits the substantial thermal
energy remaining in the conducting fluid after it
has passed through an MHD generating system.
Scheduled for completion in 1985, the U-500 is
to combine a 250-MW MHD generating system
with a 250-MW combination gas-turbine/
steam-turbine generating system to achieve a
total output capacity of 500 MW. If successful,
plans are to construct several larger (1,000 MW)
natural-gas-fired plants in other cities.
After the current studies on coal-fired MHD
technology have been completed, a 500- to
1,000-MW, coal-fired demonstration plant is to
be built. If successful, the plant could serve as
the prototype for large numbers of such plants
to be built throughout the country. In mid-1983
the Soviets announced that a 25-MW MHD
generator was under construction at Estonia's
Kohtla-Jarve thermal power station. Reported-
MHD generator at the USSR Academy of Sciences Institute of High US-made MHD supers Amy?vconducting magnet at the Soviet Academy of
Temperatures, Moscow. Sciences Institute of High Temperatures.
TheT1ffln? naudieai? IFansk?an
The sun is so hot and dense that the matter
inside it exists as a plasma of extremely rapidly
moving atomic nuclei and electrons. When colli-
sions among these nuclei are violent enough to
overcome their mutual electrical repulsion, they
fuse and give off highly energetic nuclear parti-
cles. Such "thermonuclear" reactions are the
source of the huge energies emitted by the sun.
The awesome amounts of energy released by
thermonuclear devices have attracted the inter-
est of scientists seeking new sources of energy to
generate electricity. If thermonuclear reactions
could be harnessed to produce heat energy at a
steady and appreciable rate in a controlled
manner, fusion power plants could provide elec-
tricity virtually forever, because a prospective
fuel-deuterium, an isotope of hydrogen-is in
nearly inexhaustible supply. Advanced fusion
research programs are under way in Western
Europe, Japan, China, the United States, and
the Soviet Union. Enormous technological diffi-
culties, however, stand in the way of the eco-
nomic exploitation of controlled thermonuclear
Many of the early advances in fusion research
were made in the USSR; lately, however, the
Soviet program has lost momentum and much of
its high-level support, probably owing to the
high costs associated with making further ad-
vances, coupled with the realization that the
payoff, if any, is not likely to occur before the
next century. Today's Soviet program, managed
jointly by the Academy of Sciences and the
State Committee for the Utilization of Atomic
Energy, is generally less vigorous than the US
The essential problem in developing controlled
fusion is to confine a plasma at about 100
million degrees Celsius for an extended period.
Two general techniques of confinement are be-
ing pursued: magnetic confinement, in which a
plasma is concentrated and isolated by magnetic
fields; and inertial confinement, in which a fuel
pellet is violently compressed, creating a plasma
that is momentarily held together by the inertia
of its inward-moving particles.
The most advanced magnetic confinement sys-
tem is the Tokamak, a toroidal (doughnut-
shaped) device invented in the USSR. Numer-
ous Tokamaks have been built throughout the
world. The Soviet Tokamaks, the T-7 and T-10,
are soon to be succeeded by a larger one, the T-
15. An experimental Tokamak of a size suitable
for use in a thermonuclear power plant, howev-
er, would have to be much larger still.
Fusion power, if developed, will probably be
used in hybrid units. Fusion produces a lot of
ly, the purpose is to test the best method to
adapt MHD technology to burning oil shale at
high temperatures.
According to Soviet scientists, MHD topping
systems could result in energy conversion effi-
ciencies approaching 60 percent in power plants
producing only electricity and 90 percent in
cogeneration plants (TETs), compared with the
approximately 40 percent achievable now in
steam-turbine systems. Their preliminary calcu-
lations suggest that incorporating an MHD
topping cycle would add only 10 or 15 percent to
the cost of building a conventional thermal
power plant. Some observers, however, feel that
the Soviets have underestimated the difficulty
and costs of overcoming the many remaining
technical obstacles as well as the likely
efficiency of MHD power generation.
Experimental Soviet Tokamak, T-10.
high-energy neutrons; if these were used to
breed fuel for nuclear-fission power plants, part
of the cost of constructing fusion power plants
could be borne by the fission power industry.
Some Soviet energy engineers believe that a
nuclear-fuel breeding system could be incorpo-
rated into a commercial fusion power plant
around the turn of the century.
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Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
To Convert From US Measure
To Soviet Measure
Multiply by:
To Convert From Soviet Measure
To US Measure
Miles (statute)
Miles (statute)
Tons (short)
Tons (metric)
Tons (metric)
Tons (short)
Barrels of oil
Tons of oil
Tons of oil
Barrels of oil
Cubic feet
Cubic meters
Cubic meters
Cubic feet
Barrels of oil per day
Tons of oil per year
Tons of oil per year
Barrels of oil per day
Barrels per day oil equivalent
Tons coal equivalent (standard fuel) per year
Tons coal equivalent (standard fuel) per year
Barrels per day oil equivalent
Btu per pound
Kilocalories per kilogram
Kilocalories per kilogram
Btu per pound
Ultimate. Recoverable Oil and Gas Reserves
The classification of Soviet oil and gas fields by size is based upon official USSR sources and Western esti-
mates of ultimate recoverable reserves. Although the terms "supergiant"and "giant" are commonly used to
quantify large oil and gas fields, there are no internationally accepted definitions offield sizes.
Oil (>5 billion barrels)
Field name
Date of
West Siberia
Central Asia
West Siberia
Gas (>I 0 trillion cubic feet)
West Siberia
West Siberia
West Siberia
Central Asia
Central Asia
West Siberia
Petroleum Refineries, 1 January 1984
Tuapse Ufa Novo Ufimskiy
Novopolotsk Transcaucasus Baku No. 2
Oil (500 million to 5 billion barrels)
Field name
Date of
West Siberia
Central Asia
West Siberia
West Siberia
West Siberia
Central Asia
Neftyanyye Kamni
Vol ga-Urals
Ostrov Bulla
West Siberia
West Siberia
West Siberia
West Siberia
West Siberia
North Caucasus
North Caspian
Field name
Date of
Central Asia
West Siberia
Central Asia
West Siberia
Central Asia
Central Asia
Central Asia
West Siberia
Central Asia
West Siberia
West Siberia
West Siberia
West Siberia
West Siberia
Central Asia
West Siberia
West Siberia
Central Asia
West Siberia
Yaroslavl' Novokuybyshevsk Lend Lease 3 Central Asia Fergana
Ukraine Drogobych No. I
Ryazan' Volga Nizhnekamsk Pavlodar
Neftezavodsk (under construction)
Kremenchug Volgograd West Siberia Omsk
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Name Feature Latitude Longitude Page
Bol'shoy Lyakhovskiy, Ostrov ........................................ isl................ .. 73 35N ........ 142 OOE.............. RM
Bol'shoy Pit ...................................................................... stm................ 59 OIN ........ 091 44E.............. 60
Bol'shoy Yugan ................................................................ stm................ 61 01 N ........ 073 24E.............. 16,RM
Bologoye .......................................................................... ppl ................ 57 24N ........ 034 02E .............. 56,RM
Bondyuzhskiy .................................................................. oilf................ 55 58N ........ 052 25E.............. 20
Bor .................................................................................... ppl ................ 56 22N ........ 044 03E.............. RM
Borisoglebsk .................................................................... ppl ................ 51 23N ........ 042 06E.............. RM
Borisov ............................................................................ ppl ................ 54 15N ........ 028 30E .............. RM
Borodino ................................... . ....................................... ppl ................ 55 55N ........ 094 55E.............. 60,RM
Borovichi .................................. ...................................... ppl ................ 58 24N ........ 033 55E.............. RM
Borovka ................................. :...... .................................... oilf................ 54 07N ........ 051 19E.............. 20
Borzya .............................................................................. ppl ................ 50 24N ........ 11631E .............. 57,RM
Bovanenko ........................................................................ gasf .............. 70 25N ........ 068 19E.............. 15,16,17,23,66
Bovtyshka (Boltyshka) oil shale deposit .......................... oils ................ 48 37N ........ 033 29E.............. 44
Bratsk .............................................................................. ppl ................ 56 21N ........ 101 55E.............. 55,57,59,60,RM
Bratsk .............................................................................. hydp.............. NA ................ NA ...................... 50,51,58,67
Bratskoye Vodokhranilishche .......................................... resv .............. 56 05N ........ 101 50E.............. 60,RM
Brest ................................................................................ ppl ................ 52 06N ........ 023 42E.............. 32,56,79,RM
Brestskaya Oblast' .......................................................... admd ............ 52 30N ........ 025 30E .............. 79
Brezhnev .......................................................................... ppl ................ 55 42N --_---- 05219E.............. RM
Bryansk ............................................................................ ppl ................ 55 15N ........ 034 22E.............. 56,79,RM
Bryanskaya Oblast' ........................................................ admd ............ 53 OON ........ 033 30E.............. 79
Budennovsk ...................................................................... ppl ................ 44 46N ........ 044 !2E.............. 56,RM
Bugul'ma .......................................................................... ppl ................ 54 33N ........ 052 48E............... 56,RM
Buguruslan ...................................................................... ppl ................ 53 39N ........ 052 26E.............. RM
Buguruslan ...................................................................... oilf................ 53 39N ........ 052 32E.............. 20
Bukachacha .................................................................... DPI ................ 52 59N ........ 116 55E.............. RM
Bukachacha coal deposit ................................................ coal .............. 53 OON ........ 117 OOE .............. 34
Bukhara .......................................................................... pp1................ 3948N ........06425E.:............ 21,56,61,62,79
Bukharskaya Oblast' ...................................................... admd............ 41 OON ........ 064 OOE..... ......... 79
Bulla-More ...................................................................... gasf .............. 39 45N ........ 049 49E.............. 21
Buor-Khaya,Guba .......................................................... bay................ 7130N ........13100E.............. RM
Bureya .............................................................................. stm................ 49 27N ........ 129 30E.............. 50,51,67
Bureya .............................................................................. hydp.............. NA ................ NA ...................... 50,67
Bureya coal basin ............................................................ coal .............. 51 OON ........ 132 30E.............. 34,40
Burkand'ya ...................................................................... ppl ................ 63 19N ........ 147 30E.............. RM
Burshtyn .......................................................................... pp) ................ 49 16N ........ 024 38E.............. RM
Burshtyn .......................................................................... thep .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 49,67
Buryatskaya ASSR ........................................................ admd ............ 53 OON ........ 109 OOE.............. 79
Buy .................................................................................. ppl ................ 58 29N ........ 041 30E .............. RM
Buzachi Peninsula .......................................................... pen ................4500N ........ 052 OOE .............. 21,RM
Buzuluk ............................................................................ ppl ................ 52 47N ........05215E.............. RM
Byrranga Mountains ...................................................... rats ........... ..... 75OON ........ 104 OOE.............. RM
Bystrin .............................................................................. oilf ................ 61 37N ........ 072 53E.............. 16
Bytantay .......................................................................... stm................ 68 46N ........ 134 20E.............. RM
Carpathian Mountains .................................................... mts................ 47 OON ........ 02530E .... .......... RM
Caspian Lowland ...........................:................................ Pln ................ 48 OON ........ 052 OOE.............. RM
Caspian Sea .................................................................... sea ................4200N ........05000E.............. 21,RM
Caucasus Mountains ...................................................... mIs................ 42 OON ........ 045 OOE............ .. 21,RM
Center power system ...................................................... reg ................ 54 OON ........ 038 OOE .............. 46,55
Central coal region .......................................................... coal .............. 48 OON ........ 142 15E.............. 34
Central Asia oil and gas region ...................................... reg ................ 40 OON ........ 060 OOE.............. 14,15,21,22,23,
Central Asia power system ............................................ reg ................ 40 00N ........ 068 OOE .............. 46,55
Central Asia Economic Region ...................................... reg ................ 39 00N ........ 066 00E.............. 79
Central Chernozem Economic Region .......................... reg ................ 51 OON ........ 040 OOE..... ......... 79
Central Economic Region .............................................. reg................ 5600N ........03800E.............. 79
Central Range ................................................................ ants ................ 5600N ........ 15800E.............. RM
Central Russian Upland .................................................. upld .............. 52 OON ........ 038 OOE...... ........ RM
Central Siberian Plateau ................................................ plat .............. 66 OON ........ 106 OOE.............. RM
Chadan ............................................................................ ppl ................ 51 17N ........ 091 35E.............. RM
Chaladidi ........................................................................ oilf......... ....... 4206N ........04149E.............. 21
Chany, Ozero .................................................................. lake .............. 54 SON ........ 077 30E.............. RM
Chara .............................................................................. stm................ 60 22N ........ 120 50E.............. RM
Chardzhou ...................................................................... ppl ................ 39 06N ........ 063 34E.............. 21,56,79,RM
Chardzhouskaya Oblast' ................................................ admd ............ 39 OON ........ 063 OOE........... ... 79
Charkesar uranium deposit ............................................ u/t................ NA ................ NA ...................... 42,43
Charsk .............................................................................. ppl ................ 49 34N ........ 081 OSE.............. 56,RM
Chaun-Chukotka coal area ............................................ coal .............. 66 30N ........ 178 OOE......... ..... 34
Chavlisay-Krasnogorskiy-Yangiabad uranium deposit.. u/t ................ NA ................ NA ...................... 42,43
Chayek ............................................................................ pp] ................ 41 55N ........ 074 30E.............. 56,RM
Chaykovskiy .................................................................... ppl ................ 56 47N ........ 054 09E.............. RM
Chayvo ............................................................................ oilf................ 52 3IN ........ 143 46E.............. I I
Chebach'ye ...................................................................... oilf................ 60 27N ........ 078 47E.............. 16
Cheboksary.__ ........................ ..._...................... .__......... ppl ................ 5609N ........ 047 ISE........... .. 56,79,RM
Cheboksary ...................................................................... hydp.............. NA ................ NA ...................... 50,51,67
Checheno-Ingushskaya ASSR ........................................ admd ............ 43 l5N ........ 045 30E.............. 21,79
Chegdomyn ...................................................................... ppl ................ 51 ION ........ 133 05E.............. 57,RM
Chekmagush .................................................................... oilf................ 55 12N ........ 05444E.............. 20
Cheleken .......................................................................... ppl ................ 39 26N ........ 053 07E.............. 56,RM
Cheleken .......................................................................... oilf.... .......... .. 39 14N ........ 053 27E.............. 21
Chelkar ............................................................................ ppl................ 47SON ........ 05936E....... ....... 56,59,RM
Chelny .............................................................................. ppl ................ 48 53N ........ 13602E.............. RM
Chelyabinsk .................................................................... ppl ................ 55 ION ........ 061 24E.............. 32,55,56,79,RM
Chelyabinsk coal basin .................................................... coal .............. 52 OON ........ 062 15E.............. 34
Chelyabinskaya Oblast' .................................................. admd ............ 54 OON ........ 060 30E.............. 79
Cheremkhovo .................................................................. PPI ................ 53 09N ........ 103 OSE............. . 57,RM
Cheremkhovo coal deposit .............................................. coal .............. 53 OON ........ 102 30E.............. 34
Cheremkhovo oil shale deposit ........................................ oils ................ 53 59N ........ 101 41E.............. 44
Cheremshan .................................................................... oilf ................ 54 44N ........ 051 28E...............20
Cherhmushki .................................................................... ppl ................ 52 52N ........ 091 24E.............. RM
Cherepet........................................................................... ppl ................ 54 07N ........ 036 23E.............. RM
Cherepet ........................................................................... thep .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 49,67
Cherepovets ........... ....................................................... .... ppl ................ 59 08N ........ 037 54E .............. 56,RM
Cherkasskaya Oblast ....................................................... admd ............ 49 OON ........ 031 OOE .............. 79
Cherkassy ........................................................................ ppl ................ 49 26N ........ 032 04E.............. 79,RM
Cherkessk ........................................................................ ppl ......... ....... 44 14N ........04203E.............. RM
Chermoz .......................................................................... oilf................ 58 49N ........ 056OOE..:........... 20
Chernigov ........................................................................ ppl ...:............ 51 30N ........ 031 18E.............. 79,RM
Chernigovskaya Oblast' .................................................. admd ............ 51 OON ........ 032 OOE.............. 79
Chernobyl' ...................................................................... ppl ................ 51 16N ........030 14E.............. RM
Chernobyl' .........................................................._.......... nucp..__........ NA ........"--- NA ............ _....... 52,67
Chernogorsk .................................................................... ppl ................ 53 49N ........ 091 18E.............. RM
Chernogorsk coal deposit ........ :..................... .................. coal .............. 53 45N ........ 091 OOE...... ........ 34
Chernovitskaya Oblast' .................................................. admd ............ 48 I5N ........ 026 OOE.............. 79
Chernovskiye Kopi coal deposit ...................................... coal .............. 52 05N ........ 112 45E.............. 34
Chernovtsy ...................................................................... ppl .....:.......... 48 18N ........ 025 56E.............. 56,79,RM
Chernyakhovsk ................................................................ ppl................ 5438N ........02149E.............. RM
Chernyayevo ......................................................... :.......... PPl................ 5246N ........ 12559E.............. RM
Chernyshevsk .................................................................. Ppl ................ 52 32N ........ 117 OOE...... ........ 57,RM
Chernyshevskiy ................................................................ ppl ................ 62 59N ........ 112 35E.............. 57,58,59,RM
Cherskiy .......................................................................... ppl ................ 68 45N ........ 161 18E.............. 57,RM
Cherskiy Range .............................................................. mts................ 65OON ........ 144 OOE .............. RM
Chervonograd .................................................................. PP1 ................ 50 23N ........ 024 14E.............. RM
Cheshakaya Guba .......................................................... bay................ 67 30N ........ 046 30E.............. 20,RM
Chib'yu ........................................................................... oilf ................ 63 56N ........ 053 44E .............. 20
Chiganak .......................................................................... ppl ................ 45 06N ........ 073 58E.............. 48,RM
Chigirik uranium processing center. ............................... u/t ................ NA ................ NA ...................... 42,43
Chiili ................................................................................ ppl ................ 44 ION
........ 066 45E .............. 56,RM
Chimkent ........................................................................ ppl ................ 42 18N ........ 069 36E.............. 32,56,79,RM
Chimkent ........................................................................ petr .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 31,66
ChimkentskayaOblast' ...... ...........................__..... admd............ 4300N ........06800E.............. 79
Chirchik .......................................................................... ppl ................ 41 29N ........ 069 35E.............. 61,62,RM
Chirkey ............................................................................ hydp.............. NA ................ NA ...................... 50,67
Chistopol' ........................................................................ ppl ................ 55 21N ........ 050 37E .............. RM
Chita ................................................................................ ppl ................ 52 03N ........ 113 30E.............. 57,79,RM
Chitinskaya Oblast' ........................................................ admd ............ 52 OON ........ 117 OOE.............. 79
Chkalovsk uranium deposit/processing center .............. u/t................ NA ................ NA ...................... 42,43
Chokurdakh .................................................................... ppl ................ 70 38N ........ 147 55E.............. RM
Chu .................................................................................. ppl ................ 43 36N ........ 073 42E.............. 56,RM
Chuguyevka .................................................................... ppl ................ 44 ION ........ 133 52E.............. 57,RM
Chukchi Sea .................................................................... sea ................ 69 OON ........ 174 OOW ............ RM
Chukotsk Peninsula ................._..................................... pen ................ 66 00N ........ 174 00W ............ RM
Chukotsk Upland ............................................................ mts................ 67 OON ........ 176 OOE.............. RM
Chukotskiy AOk ............................................................. admd ............ 67 30N ........ 170 OOE.............. 79
Chul'man ........................................................................ ppl ................ 56 52N ........ 124 52E .............. I1,57,RM
Chul'man coal deposit .................................................... coal .............. 56 45N ........ 125 OOE .............. 11,34
Chulym ............................................................................ ppl ................ 55 06N ........ 080 58E.............. 56,RM
Chulym ............................................................................ Sim................ 57 43N ........ 083 51E .............. 60,RM
Chuna .............................................................................. stm................ 57 47N ........ 094 37E.............. 60,RM
Chung tar sands deposit .................................................. tars .............. 57 35N ........ 097 12E.............. 45
Chunya ............................................................................ stm................ 61 36N ........ 096 30E.............. RM
Chupa .............................................................................. ppl ................ 66 16N ........ 033 04E.............. RM
Chupa District uranium deposit ................................. _... a/t................ NA ................ NA ...................... 42,43
Chupal'skoye .................................................................... oilf ................ 60 04N ........ 072 38E.............. 16
Chusovaya ........................................................................ stm........ ........ 58 13N ........ 056 22E.............. 20
Chusovoy .......................................................................... ppl ................ 58 17N ........ 057 49E.............. 56,RM
Chutyr' ............................................................................ oilf................ 57 26N ........ 053 12E.............. 20
Chuvashskaya ASSR ...................................................... admd ............ 55 30N ........ 047 OOE..... ......... 79
Chuya .............................................................................. stm........ ....... . 50 24N ........ 086 39E .............. RM
Crimea ............................................................................ nucp.............. NA ................ NA ...................... 52,67
Crimean Peninsula .......................................................... pen ................ 45 OON ........ 034 OOE .............. RM
Dagestanskaya ASSR .................................................... admd ............ 43 OON ........ 047 OOE.............. 21,64,79
Dal'mamedly .................................................................... oilf................ 40 40N ........ 045 59E.............. 21
Dal'negorsk ...................................................................... ppl ................ 44 35N ........ 135 35E.............. 57,RM
Dal'nerechensk ................................................................ ppl ................ 45 55N ........ 133 40E.............. RM
Dalakhay .......................................................................... ppl ....... ......... 50 SON ........ 10248E.............. RM
Danilov ............................................................................ ppl ................ 58 12N ........ 040 IOE.............. RM
Danilov ............................................................................ oilf ................ 60 56N ........ 064 05E.............. 16
Daugava .......................................................................... stm................ 57 OON ........ 024 OOE.............. RM
Daugavpils ...................................................................... ppl ................ 55 53N ........ 026 32E.............. RM
De-Kastri ........................................................................ ppl ................ 51 28N ........ 140 47E .............. RM
Debin ................................................................................ ppl ................ 62 22N ........ 150 12E.............. 57,RM
Dekabr'skoye .................................................................. oilf......... ....... 6208N ........07006E.............. 16
Dema ................................................................................ stm................ 54 42N ........ 056 OOE.............. 20
Demskoye ........................................................................ oilf ................ 53 40N ........ 054 11 E.............. 20
Denau .............................................................................. ppl ................ 38 16N ........ 067 54E.............. 56,RM
Dengizkul ......................................................................... gasf .............. 39 28N ........ 064 40E.............. 21
Deputatskiy ...................................................................... pp) ................ 69 I8N ........ 138 54E.............. RM
Derbent ............................................................................ ppl ................ 42 03N ........04818E.............. RM
Desna stm ................ 50 33N ........ 030 32E.............. RM
Desovskoye iron ore deposit ............................................ iron .............. 57 30N ........ 124 15E .............. 11
Dikson ........................................ ................................... :.. ppl ................ 73 30N ........ 080 35E.............. 59,RM
Dimitrovgrad .................................................................. PPI ................ 54 14N ........ 049 33E .............. RM
Dimitrovgrad ..................................................................
Dmitriya Lapteva, Proliv ............................................... .
Dnepr ..............................................................................
Dnepr at Zaporozh'ye ....................................................
Dnepr coal basin ..............................................................
Dnepr Lowland ................................................................
Dnepr Upland..... .............................................................
Dnepropetrovsk ........... ................. _ _ ..........................................
Dnepropetrovskaya Oblast' ............................................
Dnestr .... _ ........................................................................
Dno ..................................................................................
Dolgozhdannoye coal deposit ..........................................
Dolina ..............................................................................
Dolinsk ............................................................................
Don ..................................................................................
Donets coal basin ............................................................
Donetsk ............................................................................
Donetsk coal deposit ........................................................
Donetskaya Oblast' ........................................................
Dossor ..............................................................................
Dossor ..............................................................................
Drogobych No. I ............................................................
Drogobych No. 2 ............................................................
Drovyanaya ......................................................................
Druzhba ..........................................................................
D u bi n i n o ..........................................................................
Dudinka ..........................................................................
Dukat ..............................................................................
Dulgalakh ........................................................................
Dunay ..............................................................................
Dushanbe ........................................................................
Dzerzhinsk ......................................................................
Dzh'yer ............................................................................
Dzhalal-Abad ..................................................................
Dzhalinda ........................................................................
Dzhambul ........................................................................
Dzhambul ........................................................................
Dzhambulskaya Oblast' ..................................................
Dzhebariki-Khaya coal deposit ......................................
Dzhebol' ..........................................................................
Dzhergalan coal deposit .._--- .................... _.._...............
Dzhetygara ......................................................................
Dzhezkazgan ....................................................................
Dzhezkazganskaya Oblast' ............................................
Dzhizak ............................................................................
Dzhizakskaya Oblast' ......................................................
Dzhugdzhur Range ........................................................
Dzhul'fa ..........................................................................
East Kamchatka coal area ..............................................
East Siberia Economic Region... .....................................
East Siberian oil and gas region ....................................
East Siberian Sea ............................................................
Egvekinot ........................................................................
Ekibastuz ........................................................................
Ekibastuz coal basin ........................................................
Ekibastuz- I ......................................................................
E l' d i ka n ............................................................................
El'ginskiy ........................................................................
nucp .............. NA ................ NA ......................
strt ................ 73 OON ........ 142 OOE ..............
stm ................ 43 30N ........ 032 18E ..............
hydp .............. NA ................ NA ......................
coal .............. 48 OON ........ 032 OOE..............
Pln ................ 50 OON ........ 032 OOE..............
upld .............. 49 OON ........ 028 OOE..............
ppl ................ 48 27N ........ 034 59E..............
admd ............ 48 30N ........ 03500E ..............
stm ............._- 46 18N ........ 030 17E..............
DPI ................ 57 SON ........ 029 59E..............
coal .............. 68 OON ........ 172 30E..............
ppl ................ 48 58N ........ 024 01 E..............
ppl ................ 47 2I N ........ 142 48E ..............
stm ................ 47 04N ........ 039 18E ..............
coal .............. 48 OON ........ 039 OOE ..............
ppl ................ 48 OON ........ 037 48E..............
coal .............. 47 SON ........ 03750E ..............
admd ............ 48 OON ........ 037 30E ..............
oilf ................ 56 38N ........ 056 57E ..............
PPI ................ 47 32N ........ 053 OOE..............
oilf ................ 47 34N ........ 052 56E..............
petr .............. NA ................ NA ......................
petr .............. NA ................ NA ......................
PPI..' .............. 51 53N ........ 113 02E..............
ppl ................ 45 17N ........ 082 30E..............
pp] ...:............ 55 40N ........ 089 06E..............
ppl ................ 69 25N ........ 086 15E..............
ppl ................ 62 45N ........ 155 15E ..............
stm ................ 67 44N ........ 133 12E..............
ppl ................ 42 52N ........ 132 22E..............
ppl ................ 38 33N ........ 068 48E..............
pp] ................ 56 15N ........ 043 24E..............
oilf ................ 63 17N ........ 054 58E..............
ppl ................ 40 56N ........ 073 00E..............
ppl ................ 53 29N ........ 123 54E..............
ppl ................ 42 54N ........ 071 22E..............
they .............. NA ................ NA ......................
admd ............ 44 OON ........ 072 OOE ..............
PPI ................ 45 24N ........ 079 29E..............
coal .............. 62 25N ........ 136 30E..............
gasf .............. 62 26N ........ 056 30E ..............
coal .............. 42 33N ........ 079 03E ..............
ppl ................ 52 1I N ........ 061 12E..............
ppl ................ 47 47N ........ 067 46E..............
admd........ .... 47 30N ........ 071 OOE ..............
ppl ................ 40 06N ........ 067 50E..............
admd ............ 40 30N ........ 067 40E.......... :...
nits ................ 58 OON ........ 136 OOE..............
ppl ................ 38 57N ........ 045 38E..............
coal .............. 56 OON ........ 162 OOE....... ....... 34
reg ................ 61 OON ........ 099 OOE .............. 79
reg ................ 6400N ........ 12600E.............. 14,15,25,32
sea ................ 74 OON ........ 166 OOE.............. RM
ppl ................ 66 19N ........ 179 l OW ............ 57,59,RM
ppl ................ 51 40N ........ 07522E .............. 55,56,RM
coal .............. 51 30N ........ 075 30E.............. 34,35,36,37,38
theP .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 47,48,49,55,67
thep .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 49,67
ppl ................ 6048N ........ 135 1 I E.............. 59,RM
ppl ................ 64 35N ........ 141 47E.............. RM
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Elitsa ................................................................................ pp) ................ 46 16N ........ 044 14E.............. 21,56,79,RM
Emba ................................................................................ ppl ................ 48 50N ........ 05808E .............. 56,RM
Emba ................................................................................ stm................ 46 38N ........ 053 14E.............. 21
Emba/Caspian tar sands deposit .................................... tars .............. 47 47N ........ 050 IOE .............. 45
Engel's .............................................................................. ppl ................ 51 30N ........04607E.............. RM
Erozionnyy ...................................................................... ppl ................ 65 46N ........ 149 44E .............. RM
Erzin ................................................................................ ppl ................ 50 15N ........ 095 10E.............. 57,RM
Estonia ............................................................................ they .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 44,49,67
Estonian oil shale field .................................................... oils ................ 5907N ........ 027 23E .............. 44
Estonian SSR .................................................................. admd ............ 59 OON ........ 026 OOE.............. 79
Evenkiyskiy AOk ............................................................. admd ............ 65 OON ........ 09500E .............. 79
Export pipeline ......... .................................... ....... ........... :. pipe .............. 55 45N ........ 049 OOE.............. 10,11,20,32,33
Far East power system .................................................... reg ................ 51 OON ........ 134 OOE .............. 46,55
Far East Economic Region ............................................ reg................ 63 OON ........ 143 OOE.............. 79
Farah ................................................................................ gasf .............. 39 16N ........ 063 27E .............. 21
Fedorovo .......................................................................... oilf................ 61 40N ........ 073 32E.............. 16,17,22,29,66
Fcrgana............................................................................ ppl ................ 40 23N ........ 071 46E.............. 79,RM
Fcrgana ............................................................................ petr .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 31,66
Fergana Valley tar sands deposit .................................... tars .............. 42 41N ........ 073 21E .............. 45
Fcrganskaya Oblast ......................................................... admd ............ 40 30N ........ 071 30E.............. 79
Fevral'sk .......................................................................... pp] ................ 52 28N ........ 130 43E.............. RM
Finland, Gulf of .............................................................. gulf .............. 6000N ........ 02700E.............. RM
Fominovka ...................................................................... oilf ................ 54 13N ........05309E.............. 20
Fort-Shevchenko .............................................................. PPI ................4431N ........05016E.............. RM
Franz Josef Land ............................................................ isls ................ 81 OON ........ 055 OOE .............. RM
Franz Josef Land tar sands deposit ................................ tars .............. 80 30N ........ 049 OOE.............. 45
Frolovo ............................................................................ pp! ................ 49 46N ........ 043 40E .............. RM
Frunze .............................................................................. ppl ................ 42 54N ........ 074 36E.............. 55,56,79,RM
Gayny .............................................................................. pp) ................ 60 18N ........ 054 19E.............. 56,RM
Gayvoron .......................................................................... pp] ................ 48 2I N ........ 029 51 E.............. 56,RM
Gazli ................................................................................ pp! ................ 40 14N ........ 063 24E .............. 56,RM
Gazli ................................................................................ gasf .............. 40 04N ........ 063 21E.............. 21,66
Genriyetty. Ostrov .......................................................... is[ .................. 77 06N ........ 156 30E.............. RM
Georga, Zemlya .............................................................. is] .................. 80 30N ........ 049 OOE.............. RM
Georgian SSR .................................................................. admd ............ 42 OON ........ 043 30E .............. 21,79
Gcorgiu-Dezh .................................................................. ppl ................ 50 59N ........ 039 30E.............. 56,RM
Gcorgiyevsk ...................................................................... ppl ................ 44 09N ........ 042 28E .............. RM
Gerald, Ostrov ................................................................ is[ .................. 71 23N ........ 17540W ............ RM
Gilyuy .............................................................................. stm................ 53 58N ........ 127 28E .............. I I,RM
Glazov.............................................................................. PPI ................5809N ........05240E.............. RM
Gogran'dag ...................................................................... gasf .............. 38 44N ........ 054 27E.............. 21
Gomel ............................................................................... ppl ................ 52 25N ........ 031 OOE .............. 56,79,RM
Gomcl'skaya Oblast' ........................................................ admd ............ 52 OON ........ 030 OOE .............. 79
Gonam.............................................................................. stm................ 57 2I N ........ 131 14E.............. 11
Gor'kiy ............................................................................ PPI ......... ....... 56 20N ........ 044 OOE .............. 32,56,79,RM
Gor'kiy (Kstovo) .............................................................. petr .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 31,66
Gor'kiy AST .................................................................... nucP.............. NA ................ NA ...................... 52,53,67
Gor'kiy 26 Bakinskikh .................................................... Petr .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 31,66
Gor'kovskaya Oblast' ...................................................... admd ............ 56 OON ........ 045 OOE.............. 79
Gori .................................................................................. PPI ................ 41 48N ........ 044 07E .............. RM
Gorlovka .......................................................................... pp] ......... ....... 4818N ........03803E.............. RM
Gorno-Altaysk ................................................................ PPI ................ 51 58N ........ 085 58E.............. 56,RM
Gorno-Altayskaya AO .................................................... admd ............ 51 OON ........ 086 OOE.............. 79
Gorno-Badakhshanskaya AO .......................................... admd ............ 38 OON ........ 073 OOE.............. 79
Gornozavodsk .................................................................. PPI ................ 46 34N ........ 141 49E .............. 57,RM
Gornyak ........................................................................ ppl ................ 51 OON ........ 081 29E.............. RM
088 55E.- ............ 60,RM
Goryachegorsk ................................................................ PPI ................ 55 24N
Gotval'd ............................................................................ PPI ................4941N ........03621E.............. RM
Gozhan ............................................................................ oilf................ 56 31N ........ 055 08E.............. 20
Grakhovo ..........................................:.............................. oilf................ 5604N ........ 051 55E .............. 20
Granitogorsk .................................................................... ppl ................ 42 44N ........ 073 27E .............. RM
Granitogorsk uranium deposit/processing center.......... U/t ................ NA ................ NA ...................... 42,43
Grecm-Bell, Ostrov .......................................................... isl.................. 81 ION ........ 064 OOE .............. RM
Gremikha ........................................................................ oilf................ 56 52N ........ 053 48E.............. 20
Grodnenskaya Oblast' .................................................... admd............ 53 3ON ........ 024 30E .............. 79
Grodno ............................................................................ pp! ................5341N ........02350E.............. 79,RM
Groznyy ............................................................................ ppl ................ 43 20N ........ 045 42E .............. 21,56,79,RM
Groznyy tar sands deposit .............................................. tars .............. 44 23N ........ 044 44E .............. 45
Groznyy Group ................................................................ petr .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 31,66
Groznyy No. 2 ................................................................ Pelf .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 31,66
Groznyy No. 3 ................................................................ petr .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 31,66
Gryozi .............................................................................. PPI ................5230N ........04000E.............. RM
Gubino ............................................................................ oi!f................ 5318N ........04841E.............. 20
Gubkin ............................................................................ pp! ................ 51 17N ........ 037 32E.............. 56,RM
Gubkin ............................................................................ gasf .............. 64 45N ........07714E.............. 16,66
Gubkin ............................................................................ gasf .............. 39 33N ........ 052 22E .............. 21
Gudcrmes ........................................................................ oilf...... .......... 43 05N ........ 046 20E.............. 21
Gugurtli .......................................................................... gasf .............. 4004N ........ 062 16E.............. 21,66
Gulistan ............................................................................ ppl ................ 40 29N ........ 068 46E.............. 79,RM
Gun"yegan ...................................................................... oilf................ 61 41N ........ 077 46E .............. 16
Gur'ycv ...................................................... .:.................... PPI ................ 47 07N ........ 051 53E.............. 21,32,56,59,79,
Gur'ycv ............................................................................ petr .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 31,66
Gur'yevskaya Oblast'-- ................................................. admd ............ 45 OON ........ 053 OOE.............. 79
Gus'-Khrustal'nyy .......................................................... ppl ................ 55 37N ........ 040 40E .............. RM
Gusinoozfrsk .................................................................... PPI ................ 51 I7N ........ 106 30E.............. 57,RM
Gusinoozlrsk .................................................................... they.............. NA ................ NA ...................... 49,67
Gusinoozfrsk coal deposit .............................................. coal .............. 51 30N ........ 106 OOE.............. 34
Guzar .............................................................................. pp! ................ 38 36N ........ 066 15E.............. 56,RM
Gydan Peninsula .............................................................. pen ................ 70 SON ........ 079 OOE .............. 16,RM
Haupsalu ......... :................................................................ pp! ................ 58 56N ........ 023 33E .............. 56,RM
Habomai Islands .............................................................. isls ................ 43 3ON ........ 14610E.............. RM
Hiiumaa .......................................................................... is] .................. 58 50N ........ 022 40E.............. RM
Igarka .............................................................................. PPI ................ 67 28N ........ 086 35E.............. 57,59,RM
Ignalina ............................................................................ ppl ................ 55 21N ........ 026 10E.............. 53,RM
Ignalina ............................................................................ nucp.............. NA ................ NA ...................... 52,53,67
Igrim ................................................................................ gasf .............. 62 58N ........ 064 13E.............. 16
Ik ...................................................................................... stm................ 55 55N ........ 052 36E.............. 20
11'pyrskiy .......................................................................... pp! ................ 59 56N ........ 164 10E.............. RM
Ili ...................................................................................... stm........... I.... 45 24N ........ 074 08E.............. RM
Imeni Poling O:ipenko .................................................... PPI ................ 52 25N ........ 136 29E.............. RM
lndcrborskiy .................................................................... pp! ................ 48 33N ........ 051 47E.............. 56,RM
Indigirka .......................................................................... stm................ 70 48N ........ 148 54E.............. RM
Ingodo .............................................................................. stm........... .....5142N ........ 115 48E .............. RM
Inguri .............................................................................. stm............ .... 42 24N ........ 041 33E .............. 50,51,67
Inguri .............................................................................. hydp.............. NA ................ NA ...................... 50,51,67
Into .................................................................................. ppl ................ 66 05N ........ 060 08E.............. 56,59,RM
Into coal deposit .............................................................. coal .............. 65 30N ........ 059 46E.............. 34
Inya .................................................................................. stm................ 54 59N ........ 082 59E.............. 60
Inza .................................................................................. PPI .............. ..53SIN ........04621E.............. RM
lokonga............................................................................ pp! ................6800N ........03941E.............. 56,RM
lony, Ostrov .................................................................... isl.................. 56 26N ........ 143 25E.............. RM
Irbit .................................................................................. PPI ................ 57 41N. ........ 063 03E.............. RM
Iriklinskiy ........................................................................ ppl ................ 51 39N ........ 058 38E .............. RM
Iriklinskiy ........................................................................ thep .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 49,67
Irkutsk .............................................................................. ppl ................ 52 16N ........ 104 20E.............. 32,55,57,79,RM
Irkutsk coal basin ............................................................ coal .............. 53 OON ........ 102 30E.............. 34,35,40
Irkutsk-10 Heat and Power ............................................ they .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 49,67
Irkutskaya Oblast' .......................................................... admd ............ 56 OON ........ 106 OOE........... ... 79
Irsha ................................................................................ ppl ................ 55 55N ........ 094 48E.............. 60,RM
Irsha-Borodino coal deposit ............................................ coal .............. 55 45N ........ 095 13E .............. 34,60
Irtysh ................................................................................ stm................ 61 04N ........ 068 52E.............. 16,50,67,RM
Isakov .............................................................................. oilf ................ 64 3ON ........ 056 03E.............. 20
Ishim ................................................................................ ppl ................ 56 09N ........ 069 27E.............. 56,RM
Ishim ................................................................................ stm................ 5742N ........07112E.............. RM
Ishimbay .......................................................................... pp! ................5328N ........05602E.............. RM
Ishimbay .......................................................................... oilf................ 53 24N ........ 065 01E.............. 20
Ishimbay .......................................................................... petr .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 31,66
Iskine ................................................................................ oilf................ 47 ION ........ 052 38E.............. 21
Iskitim.............................................................................. ppl ................ 54 37N ........ 083 24E .............. RM
Islim ................................................................................ gasf .............. 35 30N ........ 062 04E.............. 21
Issyk-Kul', Ozero ............................................................ lake .............. 42 25N ........ 077 15E.............. RM
Issyk-Kul'skaya Oblast' .................................................. admd ............ 42 3ON ........ 078 OOE .............. 79
Istok ................................................................................ oilf ................ 58 47N ........ 057 OOE .............. 20
Istra .................................................................................. ppl ................ 55 55N ........ 036 52E.............. 62,RM
Itatskiy ............................................................................ PPI ................ 56 04N ........ 089 USE.............. 56,60,RM
Itatskiy coal deposit ........................................................ coal .............. 56 15N ........ 089 OOE .............. 34,60
Iturup, Ostrov .................................................................. isl.................. 45 OON ........ 148 OOE.............. RM
lul'tin .............................................................................. ppl ................ 67 SON ........ 178 48W ............ 57,RM
Ivano-Frankovsk .............................................................. ppl ................ 48 56N ........ 024 43E.............. 79,RM
Ivano-Frankovskaya Oblast' .......................................... admd ............ 48 3ON ........ 024 30E.............. 79
Ivanovo ............................................................................ ppl ................ 57 OON ........ 040 59E.............. 79,RM
Ivanovskaya Oblast' ........................................................ admd ............ 57 OON ........ 042 OOE .............. 79
Ivdel' ................................................................................ ppl .... :........... 60 42N ........ 060 24E .............. RM
lya .................................................................................... stm................ 55 33N ........ 102 07E.............. 60
lzberbash ........................................................................ oilf................ 42 13N ........ 047 58E.............. 21
Izhma .............................................................................. stm.......... ..... . 65 19N ........ 052 54E.............. 20,RM
Izmail .............................................................................. pp! ................ 4S 21N ........ 028 50E.............. 32,56,RM
Izvestkovyy ...................................................................... ppl ................ 48 59N ........13133E.............. RM
lzyum .............................................................................. ppl ................ 49 12N ........ 037 19E.............. RM
Japan, Sea of .................................................................. sea ................ 43 3ON ........ 135 45E .............. RM
Jelgava ............................................................................ ppl ................ 56 39N ........ 023 42E.............. RM
Jurmala ............................................................................ pp! ................ 56 58N ........ 023 34E .............. RM
Kabardino-Balkarskaya ASSR ...................................... admd ............ 43 30N ........ 043 30E.............. 79
Kachug ............................................................................ DPI ................ 53 58N ........ 105 52E.............. 57,RM
Kadzhi-Say ...................................................................... PPI ................4208N ........07710E.............. RM
Kadzhi-Say uranium deposit .......................................... u/t ................ NA ................ NA ...................... 42,43
Kafan .............................................................................. PPI ................ 39 12N ........ 046 24E .............. RM
Kai0iadorys ...................................................................... PPI ................ 54 52N ........ 024 27E.............. 51,56,RM
Kaitiadorys ...................................................................... hydp.............. NA ................ NA ...................... 50,67
Kalach-na-Donu .............................................................. PPI ................ 48 43N ........ 043 31 E.............. RM
Kalai-Khumb .................................................................. PPI ................ 38 28N ........ 070 46E .............. 56,RM
Kalamkas ........................................................................ oilf................ 45 I IN ........05207E.............. 21
Kalinin ............................................................................ PPI ................ 56 52N ........ 035 55E.............. 56,79,RM
Kalinin ............................................................................ nucp.............. NA ................ NA ...................... 52,67
Kaliningrad ...................................................................... ppl ................ 54 43N ........ 020 30E .............. 56,79,RM
Kaliningradskaya Oblast'.... ............................................ admd ............ 54 45N ........ 021 30E.............. 79
Kalininskaya Oblast' ...................................................... admd ............ 57 OON ........ 035 OOE .............. 79
Kalmykovo ...................................................................... ppl ................ 49 02N ........ 051 50E.............. 56,59,RM
Kalmytskaya ASSR ........................................................ admd :........... 40 30N ........ 045 30E.............. 79
Kaluga .........................__................................................. PPL............... 54 3I N ........ 036 16E.............. 56,79,RM
Kalush .............................................................................. pp! ................ 49 OIN ........02422E.............. RM
Kaluzhskaya Oblast' ...................................................... admd ............ 54 3ON ........ 035 30E.............. 79
Kama. ...................................................... ......................... stm................ 55 25N ........ 050 40E.............. 20,50,51,67,RM
Kamchatka ...................................................................... stm................ 56 15N ........ 162 30E.............. RM
Kamchatka Peninsula ...................................................... pen................ 56 OON ........ 160 OOE.............. 64,RM
Kamchatskaya Oblast' .................................................... admd ............ 55 OON ........ 160 OOE.............. 79
Kamen' ............................................................................ ppl ................ 53 47N ........ 081 20E.............. RM
Kamen'-Rybolov .............................................................. Ppl ................ 44 45N ........ 132 04E .............. 57,RM
Kamenets-Podol'skiy ...................................................... ppl ................ 48 40N ........ 026 34E .............. RM
Kamenka .......................................................................... ppl ................ 58 33N ........ 095 51E.............. RM
Kamenka .......................................................................... oilf ................ 65 03N ........ 056 31 E.............. 20
Kamennoye ...................................................................... oilf................ 61 33N ........ 067 20E.............. 16
Kamensk-Ural'skiy .......................................................... PPI ................ 56 25N ........ 061 54E.............. RM
Kamskoye Vodokhranilishche ........................................ resv .............. 58 52N ........ 056 I5E.... .......... 20
Kamyshin ........................................................................ ppl ................ 5006N ........ 045 24E .............. 56,RM
Kamyshldzha .................................................................. oilf ................ 38 16N ........05407E.............. 21
Kan ................................................................................... stm...... :.... ...:. 56 31 N ........ 093 47E.............. 60
Kandry ............................................................................ oi!f................ '5442N ........05415E.............. 20
Kandym .......................................................................... gasf .............. 39 27N ........ 063 31 E.............. 21,66
Kanin, Poluostrov ............................................................ pen................ 68 OON ........ 045 OOE .............. RM
Kansk .............................................................................. PPI................ 56 13N ........09541E.............. 57,60,RM
Kansk-Achinsk coal basin .............................................. coal .............. 56 30N ........ 093 OOE.............. 34,35,36,37,38,
Kansu .............................................................................. gasf .............. 42 45N ........ 054 30E .............. 21
Kapchagay ...................................................................... DPI ................ 43 SON ........ 077 OSE.....,........ RM
Kapustin Yar .................................................................. Ppl ................ 48 34N ........ 04545E .............. RM
Kara Sea .......................................................................... sea ................ 76 OON ........08000E.............. RM
Kara-Balta uranium processing center .......................... u/t................ NA ................ NA ...................... 42,43
Kara-Balty ...................................................................... pp! ................ 42 SON ........ 073 52E.............. RM
Kara-Bogaz-Got, Zaliv .................................................... gulf .............. 41 OON ........ 053 !SE.............. RM
Karaarn .......................... ."............... ........ .,....................... oilf................ 46 ION ........ 053 23E .............. 21
Karabagly ........................................................................ oilf ................ 39 22N ........ 049 05E .............. 21
Karabil ............................................................................. gasf .............. 36 09N ........ 062 46E .............. 21
Karabula .......................................................................... pp! ................ 58 02N ........ 097 23E.............. RM
Karabulak ........................................................................ oilf ................ 43 12N ........ 044 35E.............. 21
Karabutak ........................................................................ PPI ................ 49 59N ........ 060 14E.............. 56,RM
Karacha-Yelga ................................................................ oilf ................ 55 16N ........ 055 09E.............. 20
Karachaganak .................................................................. gasf .............. 51 16N ........ 053 27E .............. 20,23
Karachayevo-Cherkesskaya AO .................................... admd ............ 44 OON ........ 042 OOE.............. 79
Karachop .......................................................................... gasf .............. 35 20N ........ 062 28E.............. 21
Karadag .......................................................................... oilf................ 40 ION ........ 049 33E......:....... 21 .
Karaganda ...................................................................... Ppl ................ 49 SON ........ 073 IOE.............. 56,79,RM
Karaganda coal basin ...................................................... coal .............. 49 45N ........ 073 OOE.............. 34,35,36,37,40
Karagandinskaya Oblast' ................................................ admd ............ 48 OON ........ 070 OOE.............. 79
Karagayly ........................................................................ ppl ................ 49 22N ........ 075 58E.............. 56,RM
Karaginskiy, Ostrov ........................................................ isl.................. 58 SON ........ 16400E.............. RM
Karakalpakskaya ASSR ................................................ admd ............ 43 OON ........ 059 OOE.............. 79
Karakum .......................................................................... gasf .............. 39 03N ........ 065 35E .............. 21
Karakum Desert .............................................................. dst ................ 3900N ........ 06000E.............. RM
Karakumskiy Kanal ........................................................ can................ 37 35N ........ 065 43E.............. RM
Karamov .......................................................................... oilf ................ 63 37N ........07437E.............. 16
Karashaganak ............ ................... :.... .............................. ppl ................ 51 27N ........ 053 25E.............. RM
Karasuk ............................................................................ ppl ................ 53 44N ........ 078 02E.............. 56,RM
Karatal ............................................................................ stm................ 4626N ........07710E.............. RM
Karaton ............................................................................ oilf................ 46 25N ........ 053 20E.............. 21
Karazhal .......................................................................... pp) ................ 48 02N ........ 070 49E.............. 56,RM
Karazhanbas .................................................................... oilf ................ 45 OON ........ 051 35E.............. 21
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Karel'skaya ASSR .......................................................... admd ............ 64 OON ........ 032 30E .............. 79
Kargaly ............................................................................ oilf................ 54 37N ........ 05445E.............. 20
Karkaralinsk .................................................................... PPI ................ 49 26N ........ 07530E .............. RM
Karmanovo ...................................................................... PPI ................5614N ........05433E.............. RM
Karmanovo ...................................................................... thep .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 49,67
Karpinsk .......................................................................... ppl ................ 59 45N '........ 060 01 E .............. RM
Karpogory ........................................................................ pp] ................ 63 59N ........ 044 27E .............. RM
Karsakpay ........................................................................ ppI ................ 47 50N ........ 066 45E.............. RM
Karshi ...................................................................:.......... PPI ................ 38 53N ........ 065 48E.............. 56,79,RM
Karskiye Vorota, Proliv .................................................. strt................ 70 30N ........ 058 OOE.............. RM
Kartaly ............................................................................ pPI................ 53.03N ........06040E.............. RM
Kartashevka .................................................................... oilf................ 54 27N ........05631E.............. 20
Kartop'ya ........................................................................ oilf................ 61 13N ....... 065 30E.............. 16
Karymskoye .................................................................... PPI ................ 51 37N ........ 114 21E .............. 57,RM
Kashira ............................................................................ ppl ................ 54 51N ........ 038 IOE....... ....... RM
Kashira ............................................................................ thep .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 49,67
Kashkadar'inskaya Oblast' ............................................ admd ............ 3900N ........06600E.............. 79
Kashpirovka oil shale deposit..: ....................................... oils ................ 52 44N ........ 049 20E.............. 44
Kasimov .......................................................................... ppl ................ 54 56N ........ 041 24E .............. RM
Kaspiyskiy ........................................................................ oilf................ 45 13N ........ 047 15E .............. 21
Katangli .......................................................................... ppl ................ 51 42N ........ 143 14E .............. RM
Katsiveli .......................................................................... PPI ................ 44 25N ........ 034 03E .............. 62,RM
Kattakurgan .................................................................... ppl ................ 39 55N ........ 066 15E.............. RM
Katun' .............................................................................. stm................ 52 25N ........ 085 00E.............. RM
Katyl'ga .......................................................................... oilf ................ 59 18N ......... 077 08E.............. 16
Kaunas ............................................................................ ppl ................ 54 54N ........ 023 54E.............. RM
Kavalerovo ...................................................................... ppl ................ 44 16N ........ 135 OSE.............. 57,RM
Kayak coal deposit .......................................................... coal .............. 67 30N ........ 104 OOE.......... .... 34
Kayakent .......................................................................... oilf ................ 41 57N ........ 048 12E.............. 21
Kayasula .......................................................................... ppl ................ 44 19N ........ 045 OOE.............. 64,RM
Kazakh SSR .................................................................... admd ............ 48 OON ........ 068 OOE.............. 20,21,22,79
Kazakh Upland ................................................................ reg ................ 49 OON ........ 072 OOE.............. RM
Kazakhstan Economic Region ......................................... reg ................ 48 OON ........ 068 OOE....... ....... 79
Kazan' .............................................................................. pp] ................ 55 45N ........ 049 08E .............. 20,32,56,79,RM
Kazanbulak ...................................................................... oilf ................ 40 27N ........ 046 19E.............. 21
Kazanchi .......................................................................... oilf ................ 56 17N ........ 056 22E.............. 20
Kazantsevo ...................................................................... gasf .............. 69 47N ........ 083 18E.............. 16
Kelif ................................................................................ pp] ................3721N ........06618E.............. 21,RM
Kemerovo ........................................................................ ppl ................ 55 20N ........ 086 05E .............. 60,79,RM
Kemerovo coal deposit .................................................... coal .............. 55 30N ........ 087 OOE .............. 34
Kemerovskaya Oblast' .................................................... admd ............ 55 OON ........ 086 OOE...... ...... .. 79
Kempendyay .................................................................... ppl................ 6202N ........ 11837E.............. RM
Kenderlyk oil shale deposit ............................................ oils ................ 47 15N ........ 084 15E.............. 44
Kentau ............................................................................ pp] ................ 43 32N ........ 068 36E.............. 56,RM
Kerch' .............................................................................. pp] ................ 45 21N ........ 036 28E .............. 56,RM
Kerki ................................................................................ ppl ................ 37 SON ........ 065 I2E.............. 56,RM
Kerkichi .......................................................................... ppl................ 3751N ........06514E.............. RM
Ket' .................................................................................. stm................ 58 55N ........ 081 32E .............. 60,RM
Khabarovsk ...................................................................... pp] ................ 48 30N ........ 135 06E.............. 55,57,79,RM
Khabarovsk ...................................................................... petr .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 31,66
Khabarovsk coal basin .................................................... coal .............. 45 45N ........ 135 OOE .............. 34,40
Khabarovskiy Kray .......................................................... admd ............ 55 OON ........ 134 OOE .............. 79
Khachmas ........................................................................ ppl ................ 41 28N ........ 04848E .............. 56,RM
Khakasskaya AO ............................................................ admd ............ 53 OON ........ 090 OOE.............. 79
Khal'mer-Yu .................................................................... PPI ................ 67 58N ........ 064 SOE .............. 16,RM
Khampa ............................................................................ pp] ................ 63 43N ........ 122 59E .............. 32,RM
Khamza ............................................................................ PP1................ 4025N ........071 30E.............. RM
Khamza ............................................................................ petr .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 31,66
Khandagayty .................................................................... ppl................ 5044N ........09203E.............. RM
Khandyga ........................................................................ ppl .:.......... .... 62 40N ........ 135 36E.............. RM
Khanka, Lake .................................................................. lake .............. 45 OON ........ 132 24E.............. RM
Khantayka ...................................................................... hydp.............. NA ................ NA ...................... 58
Khanty-Mansiysk ............................................................ ppl ................61 OON ........06906E.............. RM
Khanty-Mansiyskiy AOk ................................................ admd ............ 62 OON ........ 072 OOE.............. 17,79
Khapcheranga .................................................................. ppl................ 4942N ........ 112 24E .............. RM
Khar'kov .......................................................................... PPI ................ 50 OON ........ 036 15E.............. 52,53,56,79,RM
Khar'kovskaya Oblast' .................................................... admd ............ 49 30N ........ 036 30E.............. 79
Khar'yaga ........................................................................ oilf ................ 67 ION ........ 056 21 E.............. 20
Kharanor .......................................................................... thep.... .......... NA ................ NA ...................... 49,67
Kharanor coal deposit .................................................... coal .............. 50 15N ........ 117 OOE.......... .... 34
Kharasavey ...................................................................... gasf .............. 71 15N ........ 066 52E.............. 15,16,17,23,66
Khasan ............................................................................ ppl ................ 42 25N ........ 130 40E.............. 57,RM
Khasavyurt ...................................................................... PPI ................ 43 15N ........ 046 36E.............. RM
Khatanga ........................................................................ ppl ................ 71 58N ........ 102 30E.............. 59,RM
Khatanga ........................................................................ stm ................ 75 55N ........ 106 OOE .............. RM
Khayankort ...................................................................... oilf ................ 43 15N ........ 045 27E.............. 21
Kherson ............................................................................ pp] ................ 46 38N ........ 032 36E .............. 32,56,79,RM
Kherson ............................................................................ petr .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 31,66
Khersonskaya Oblast ....................................................... admd ............ 46 30N ........ 034 OOE...... ........ 79
Khiva ................................................................................ ppl ................ 41 24N ........ 060 22E.............. 21,32,RM
Khmel'nitskaya Oblast' .................................................. admd............ 49 30N ........ 027 OOE .............. 79
Khmel'nitskiy .................................................................. pp] ................ 49 25N ........ 027 OOE .............. 79,RM
Khmel'nitskiy .................................................................. nucp.............. NA ................ NA ...................... 52,67
Khokhryakov ..................................................:................. oilf ................ 6201N ........ 079 28E.............. 16
Kholbon ............................................................................ PPI................ 51 53N ........ 116ISE.............. 57,RM
Kholmogory .................................................................... pp] ................ 63 06N ........ 074 18E.............. 16,32,56,59,RM
Kholmogory ...... ................... ........................................... oilf................ 6306N ........07418E.............. 16,66
Kholmsk .......................................................................... ppl ................ 47 03N ........ 142 03E .............. 57,RM
Kizyl-Arvat ...................................................................... PPI ................ 38 58N ........ 056 15E .............. 56,RM
Klaiptda .......................................................................... ppl ................ 55 43N ........ 021 07E.............. 56,RM
Klin .................................................................................. PPI ................5620N ........03644E.............. RM
Klintsy .............................................................................. pp] ................ 52 45N ........ 032 14E.............. RM
Klyuchevskoye ................................................................ oilf................ 59 03N ........ 077 29E .............. 16
Kochki ................................... ................................ ..... ...... PPI ................ 54 20N ........ 080 29E .............. 56,RM
Kodinskiy ........................................................................ PPI................ 5840N ........09912E.............. 57,RM
Kogalym .......................................................................... oilf................ 62 24N ........ 074 24E.............. 16
Kohtla-JSrve .................................................................... pp] ................ 59 24N ........ 027 15E.............. 44,65,RM
Kok-Yangak coal deposit ................................................ coal .............. 41 OON ........ 073 19E .............. 34.
Kokand ............................................................................ ppl ................ 40 30N ........ 070 57E .............. RM
Kokchetav ........................................................................ ppl ................ 53 17N ........ 069 30E .............. 55,56,79,RM
Kokchetavskaya Oblast ................................................... admd ............ 53 30N ........ 070 OOE.............. 79
Kokpekty .......................................................................... ppl ................ 48 45N ........ 082 24E.............. 56,RM
Koktas............................................................................'.. pp] ................ 47 30N ........ 070 54E.............. RM
Koktas uranium deposit .................................................. u/t................ NA ................ NA ...................... 42,43
Koktuma .......................................................................... PP1................ 4552N ........08139E.............. RM
Kokuy coal deposit... ....... ................................... ............. coal .............. 58 OON ........ 096 05E .............. 34
Kola .................................................................................. nucp.............. NA ................ NA ...................... 52,67
Kola Peninsula ................................................................ pen................ 67 20N ........ 037 OOE .............. RM
Kolguyev, Ostrov ............................................................ isl.................. 6905N ........ 049 15E .............. RM
Kolik"yegan .................................................................... oilf................ 61 18N ........ 079 05E .............. 16
Kolkhozabad .................................................................... ppl ................ 37 35N ........ 068 40E .............. 56,RM
Kolomna .......................................................................... ppl ................ 55 05N ........ 038 47E .............. RM
Kolomyya ....... .............................. ................................... ppl ................ 48 32N ........ 025 02E .............. RM
Kolpashevo ...................................................................... pp] ................ 58 20N ........ 082 50E.............. RM
Kolpino ............................................................................ ppl ................ 59 45N ........ 030 36E .............. 52,53,RM
Kolyma ............................................................................ stm................ 69 30N ........ 161 OOE .............. 50,51,59,RM
Kolyma Lowland ............................................................ pIn ................ 68 30N ........ 154 OOE.............. RM
Kolyma Mountains .......................................................... rots................ 63 OON ........ 160 OOE.............. RM
Komandorskiye Ostrova .................................................. isIs ................ 55 OON ........ 167 OOE.............. RM
Komi ASSR .................................................................... admd ............ 64 OON ........ 054 OOE .............. 15,20,22,79
Komi-Permyatskiy AOk .................................................. admd ............ 60 00N ........ 054 30E .............. 79
Kommunarsk .................................................................. PPI ................ 48 30N ........ 038 47E.............. RM
Komsomol ........................................................................ gasf .............. 64 20N ........ 076 39E .............. 16,66
Komsomol'sk .................................................................... ppl ................ 50 35N ........ 137 02E.............. 11,32,55,57,RM
Komsomol'sk .................................................................... petr .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 31,66
Komsomol'skiy ................................................................ ppl................ 69ION ........ 172 42E .............. RM
Komsomolets,Ostrov ...................................................... is! ..................8030N ........09500E.............. RM
Konakovo ........................................................................ ppl..... ........... 56 42N ........03646E.............. 55,56,RM
Konakovo ........................................................................ they .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 49,67
Konechnaya .................................................................... ppl................ 5046N ........ 078 36E.............. RM
Konitlor. ............................................................................ oilf................ 62 25N ........ 072 29E.............. 16
Konosha .......................................................................... ppl ................ 60 58N ........ 040 15E.............. RM
Konotop ............................................................................ pp] ................ 52 33N ........ 036 OIE.............. 56,RM
Konstantinovka ................................................................ pp] ................ 48 32N ........ 037 43E .............. RM
Konstantinovka ................................................................ ppl ................ 47 SON ........ 031 09E.............. 51,56,11M
Konstantinovskiy ............................................................ pp] ................ 57 SON ........ 039 36E .............. RM
Konstantinovskiy .......... ..._............................................. petr ...... _..... NA ................ NA ...................... 31,66
Kopeysk ............................................................................ ppl................ 5507N ........ 061 37E.............. RM
Kopeysk coal deposit ...................................................... coal .............. 55OlN ........ 061 51E.............. 34
Korf coal deposit .............................................................. coal .............. 60 45N ........ 166 OOE.............. 34
Korkino ............................................................................ ppl ................ 54 54N ........ 061 23E ..............
Korkodon ........................................................................ stm......... .... ...6444N ........ 154 OOE ..............
Korosten'.......................................................................... PPI ................ 50 57N ........ 028 39E..............
Korsakov.......................................................................... ppl ................ 46 38N ........ 142 46E ..............
Koryak Mountains .......................................................... mts................ 62 30N ........ 172 OOE..... .........
Koryakskiy AOk.............................................................. admd ............ 62 OON ........ 166 OOE..............
Koryazhma...................................................................... pp] ................ 61 18N ........ 047 11 E ..............
Koschagyl ............. .............................. ............ .................. oilf................ 46 48N ........ 053 42E..............
Kostomuksha .................................................................. ppl................ 6441N ........03049E..............
Kostroma .......................................................................... PPI ................ 57 46N ........ 040 55E..............
Kostroma .......................................................................... thep .............. NA ................ NA ......................
Kostroma .......................................................................... nucp.............. NA ................ NA ......................
Kostromskaya Oblast' .................................................... admd ............ 58 30N ........ 044 OOE ..............
Kotel'nich ........................................................................ PPI ................ 58 19N ........ 048 20E ..............
Kotel'nyy, Ostrov ............................................................ is) .................. 75 45N ........ 138 44E ..............
Kotlas .............................................................................. pp] ................ 61 16N ........ 046 35E..............
Kotur-Tepe ...................................................................... oilf................ 39 14N ........ 053 49E..............
Kotuy .............................................................................. stm................ 71 55N ........ 10205E..............
Kotuy-Maymecha tar sands deposit .............................. tars .............. 69 4I N ........ 100 25E..............
Kovdor .............................................................................. ppl ................ 67 34N ........ 030 24E..............
Kovel' .............................................................................. ppl................ 51 13N ........02443E..............
Kovrov .............................................................................. PPI ................ 56 25N ........ 041 18E..............
Koyun-Sharlyk ................................................................ gasf .............. 39 39N ........ 058 47E..............
Kozubay .......................................................................... oilf................ 57 53N ........ 056 03E..............
Kramatorsk ...................................................................... ppl ................ 48 43N ........ 037 32E..............
Krasnaya Sopka .......................................e..................... pp] ................ 55 42N ........ 090 02E ..............
Krasnoarmeysk ................................................................ ppl ................ 48 3I N ........ 044 32E ..............
Krasnodar ........................................................................ pp] ................ 45 02N ........ 039 OOE..............
Krasnodar ........................................................................ petr .............. NA ................ NA ......................
Krasnodar Heat and Power ............................................ thep .............. NA ................ NA ......................
Krasnodarskiy Kray ........................................................ admd ............ 45 OON ........ 040 OOE ..............
Krasnogorsk .................................................................... pp] ................ 48 24N ........ 142 06E..............
Krasnokamensk uranium deposit .................................... u/t................ NA ................ NA ......................
Krasnokamsk .................................................................. ppl ................ 58 04N ........ 055 48E ..............
Krasnokamsk .................................................................. oilf................ 58 02N ........ 05539E ..............
Krasnoleninskiy .............................................................. pp] ................ 61 38N ........ 06742E ..............
Krasnotur'insk ................................................................ ppl ................ 59 46N ........ 060 12E..............
Krasnovishersk ................................................................ ppl ................ 60 23N ........ 057 03E..............
Krasnovodsk .................................................................... pp] ................ 40 OON ........ 053 OOE ..............
Krasnovodsk .................................................................... petr .............. NA ................ NA ......................
Krasnovodskaya Oblast' .................................................. admd............ 40 OON ........ 055 30E..............
Krasnoyarsk .................................................................... ppl ................ 56 OIN ........ 092 50E..............
Khop8r ............................................................................ stm................ 49 36N ........ 042 19E .............. RM
Khorezmskaya Oblast' .................................................... admd ............ 41 30N ........ 060 30E.............. 79
Khorog ............................................................................ ppl ................ 37 30N ........ 071 36E.............. RM
Khromtau ........................................................................ ppl ................ 50 17N ........ 058 27E .............. 56,RM
Kiev .................................................................................. ppl ................ 50 26N ........ 030 31E.............. 55,56,59,79,RM
Kinel ................................................................................. ppl ................ 53 14N ........ 050 39E.............. 56,RM
Kineshma ........................................................................ ppl ................ 57 28N ........04207E.............. 56,RM
Kinzebulatovo .................................................................. oilf................ 53 27N ........ 056 10E.............. 20
Kirensk ............................................................................ ppl ................ 57 46N ........ 108 08E.............. RM
Kirghiz SSR .................................................................... admd ............ 41 OON ........ 075 OOE.............. 79
Kirishi .............................................................................. ppl ................ 59 27N ........ 032 02E.............. 32,RM
Kirishi .............................................................................. thep.... .......... NA ................ NA ...................... 49,67
Kirishi .............................................................................. pelt .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 31,66
Kirov ................................................................................ pp] ................ 58 33N ........ 049 42E.............. 55,56,79,RM
Kirov ................................................................................ pp] ................ 54 05N ........ 034 20E.............. RM
Kirovabad ........................................................................ PP1................ 4041N ........ 046 22E .............. RM
Kirovakan ........................................................................ pp] ...:......... ... 40 48N ........ 044 30E.............. RM
Kirovo-Chepetsk .............................................................. PPl ................ 58 33N ........ 05001K .............. RM
Kirovograd ...................................................................... ppl ................ 48 30N ........ 032 18E.............. 56,79,RM
Kirovogradskaya Oblast' ................................................ admd ............ 48 30N ........ 032 OOE .............. 79 .
Kirovsk ............................................................................ pp] ................ 67 37N ........ 033 40E.............. 56,RM
KirovskayaOblast ' .......................................................... admd............ 5800N ........05000E.............. 79 '
Kirpichli .......................................................................... gasf.............. 39 46N ....... 061 14E.............. 21,66
Kiselevsk .......................................................................... PPI ................ 54 OON ........ 086 39E.............. RM
Kishin8v .......................................................................... ppI ................ 47 00N ........ 028 50E.............. 79,RM
Kislaya, Cuba .................................................................. bay................ 69 22N ........ 033 04E.............. 63
Kislovodsk ........................................................................ Ppl............... .4355N ........ 042 43E .............. RM
Kivibli .............................................................................. PPI ................ 59 21N ........ 026 57E.............. 44,RM
Kiya .................................................................................. stm................ 56 52N ........ 086 39E.............. 60
Kiyengop.......................................................................... oilf ................ 57 18N ........ 053 20E.............. 20
Kiyevskaya Oblast'.. ... ... ...... I ................. I ........ I ................ admd ............ 50 I5N ........ 030 30E.............. 79
Kizel ................................................................................ ppl ................ 59 03N ........05740E.............. RM
Kizel coal basin .............................................................. coal .............. 58 30N ........ 058 OOE....... ...... . 34
Kizel coal deposit ............................................................ coal .............. 59 02N ........ 057 49E.............. 34
Krasnoyarsk ....................................................................
Krasnoyarsk Heat and Power ........................................
Krasnoyarsk-2 ..................................................................
Krasnoyarskiy Kray ........................................................
Krasnoyarskoye Vodokhranilishche ................................
Kremenchug ....................................................................
Kremenchug ....................................................................
Krivoy Rog ......................................................................
Krivoy Rog-2 ..................................................................
Kropotkin ........................................................................
Kropotkin ........................................................................
Krymskaya Oblast' ..........................................................
Kstovo ..............................................................................
Kuban' ............................................................................
Ku biya zy ..........................................................................
Kuchukovka ....................................................................
Kudymkar ......................................................:.................
Kukhtuy ............. .... .......................... ............................. .
Kul'sa ry ............................................................................
Kul'sa ry ............................................................................
Kul'tyubino ......................................................................
Kuleshovka ......................................................................
Kultuk ..............................................................................
Kulunda ..........................................................................
K ulyab ..............................................................................
Kulyabskaya Oblast' ......................................................
hydp .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 47,50,67
thep .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 49,67
thep .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 49,67
admd ............ 67 OON ........ I00 00E .............. 16,79
resv .............. 55 OON ........ 091 05E.............. 60,RM
ppl ................ 49 04N ........ 033 25E.............. 32,RM
petr .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 31,66
ppl ................ 47 55N ........ 033 21 E.............. RM
they .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 49,67
ppl ................ 45 26N ........ 040 34E.............. RM
PPI ................ 58 30N ........ 115 17E.............. 57,RM
admd ............ 45 OON ........ 034 OOE .............. 79
PPI ....... ......... 56 11 N ........ 044 11 E.............. RM
stm ................ 45 20N ........ 037 22E.............. 21,RM
oilf ................ 56 19N ........ 056 39E.............. 20
oilf ................ 56 16N ........ 053 04E.............. 20
pp] ................ 59 01N ........ 054 39E.............. RM
stm ................ 59 24N ........ 143 16E.............. RM
pp] ................ 46 59N ........ 054 OIE.............. 56,RM
oilf ................ 46 58N ........ 054 05E.............. 21
oilf ................ 54 58N ........ 057 01 E .............. 20
oilf ................ 52 49N ........ 051 08E.............. 20
pp] ................ 51 44N ........ 103 42E.............. 57,RM
pp] ................ 52 35N ........ 078 57E.............. RM
pp] ................ 37 55N ........ 069 46E .............. 56,79,RM
admd............ 38 OON ........ 069 50E .............. 79
Kum-Dag ........................................................................ oilf................ 38 54N ........ 054 37E.............. 21
Kumertau ...... ...................... :....... .................................... PPI ................ 52 46N ........ 055 47E.............. RM
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Kumertau coal deposit ....................................................
K u n'ya .............. ............ ....... .............................:..............
Kunashir, Ostrov ............................................................
Kungrad ..........................................................................
Kungur ............................................................................
Kuoyka tar sands deposit ................................................
K upi no ..............................................................................
Kupyunsk ........................................................................
Kur'ya ..............................................................................
Kura ...............................................................................
K u ra k ho v o ........................................................................
K u ra k ho v o ........................................................................
Kureyka ..........................................................................
Kurgan ............................................................................
Kurgan-Tyube ................................................................
Kurgan-Tyubinskaya Oblast ...........................................
Kurganskaya Oblast' ......................................................
Kuril Islands ....................................................................
Kursk ................................................................................
Kursk ................................................................................
Kurskaya Oblast' ............................................................
Kushka ............................................................................
Kushkul' ..........................................................................
Kushmurun coal deposit... ......................................... .... .,
Kustanny ..........................................................................
Kustanayskaya Oblast' ....................................................
Kutaisi ..............................................................................
Kuybyshev ........................................................................
Kuybyshev ........................................................................
Kuybyshevskaya Oblast' ................................................
Kuybyshevskoye Vodokhranilishche ..............................
Kuydzhik ..........................................................................
K uyeda ............................................................................
Kuzbayevo ......................................................................
Kuznetsk ..........................................................................
Kuznetsk coal basin ........................................................
Kyakhta ..........................................................................
KYrtayel ...........................................................................
Kysyl-Syr ........................................................................
Kyurdamir ......................................................................
K yu rovdag ........................................................................
Kyu rsangya ......................................................................
Kyzyl ................................................................................
Kyzyl coal deposit.,.,. .... ......................................... ......
..Kyzyl-Dzhar uranium deposit ........................................
Kyzyl-Kiya coal deposit ..................................................
K yzyl'ku m ........................................................................
Kyzylkum Desert ............................................................
Kyzyltal coal deposit ......................................................
Kzyl-Ordu .......................................................................
Kzyl-Ordinskuya Oblast' ................................................
Approved For Release 2009/09/01 : CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
coal ..............5243N ........05539E.............. 34 ' .
stm ................ 56 3I N ........ 038 12E.............. 50,67
i41 .................. 44 ION ........ 146 DOE.............. RM
ppl ................ 43 02N ........ 058 49E.............. 21,56,RM
pp) ................ 57 19N ........ 056 49E.............. RMj
tars .............. 69 38N ........ 121 22E .............. 45
ppl ................ 54 22N ........ 077 18E.............. RM
ppl ................ 49 42N ........ 037 38E .............. RM
gust .............. 61 46N ........ 057 33E.............. 20
stm ................ 39 24N ........ 049 19E.............. 21,50,51,RM
ppl ................ 47 59N ........ 037 16E.............. RM
thep .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 49,67
stm ................ 66 30N ........ 087 12E.............. RM
pp] ................ 55 26N ........ 065 18E.............. 56,79,RM
ppl ................ 37 5ON ........ 068 47E.............. 79,RM
admd ............ 37 40N ........ 068 40E .............. 79
admd ............ 55 30N ........ 064 OOE .............. 79
isls ................ 46 ION ........ 15200E .............. RM
DPI ................ 51 42N ........ 036 12E .............. 56,58,59,79,RM
nucp .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 52,67
admd ............ 51 3ON ........ 036 OOE .............. 79
DPI ................ 35 16N ........ 062 20E.............. 21,56,RM
oilf ................ 55 28N ........ 056 13E.............. 20
coal .............. 52 30N ........ 065 OOE .............. 34
ppl ................ 53 ION ........ 063 35E.............. 55,56,79,RM
admd ............ 51 OON ........ 064 00E .............. 79
ppl ................ 42 15N ........ 042 40E .............. RM
ppl ................ 55 27N ........ 078 19E.............. RM
ppl ................ 53 12N ........ 050 09E.............. 20,27,32,55,56,
admd ............ 53 OON ........ 050 OOE .............. 20,79
resv .............. 53 40N ........ 049 OOE.............. 20
gasf .............. 39 03N ........ 054 42E .............. 21
oilf ................ 56 26N ........ 055 33E.............. 20
oilf ................ 56 03N ........ 055 t OE.............. 20
ppl ................ 53 07N ........ 046 36E.............. RM
coal .............. 54 30N ........ 087 OOE.............. 34,35,36,37,38,
ppl ................ 50 20N ........ 106 30E.............. 57,11M
oilf ................ 63 53N ........ 054 48E.............. 20
ppl ................ 63 53N ........ 122 46E .............. RM
ppl ................ 40 2I N ........ 048 11 E .............. 56,RM
oilf ................ 39 35N ........ 049 04E .............. 21
oilf ................ 39 27N ........ 049 16E.............. 21
ppl ................ 51 42N ........ 094 27E.............. 57,79,11M
coal .............. 51 28N ........ 094 44E.............. 34
U/t ................ NA ................ NA ...................... 42,43
coal .............. 40 16N ........ 072 15E.............. 34
gasf .............. 39 1IN ........ 054 32E .............. 21
dst ................ 42 DON ........ 064 OOE.............. RM
coal .............. 51 30N ........ 065 30E.............. 34
pp] ................ 44 48N ........ 065 28E .............. 56,79,RM
admd ............ 45 OON ........ 065 OOE .............. 79
L ugovoy ............................................................................
Lukoml........... ..................................................................
Lu koml .............................................................................
Lumbovskiy Zaliv ............................................................
Lutsk ................................................................................
Luza ................................................................................
Luza ................................................................................
Lyantor ............................................................................
ppl ................ 42 56N ........ 072 45E.............. RM
ppI ................5442N ........02909E.............. RM
they .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 48,49,67
gulf .............. 67 48N ........ 040 27E .............. 63
ppl ................ 50 45N ........ 025 20E.............. 56,79,RM
ppl ................ 60 39N ........ 047 1 0 E .............. 56,RM
oilf ................ 65 OON ........ 055 33E.............. 20
oilf ................ 61 36N ........ 072 Ol E .............. 16
Magadan ..... .... ...................................................... .......... ppl ................ 59 34N ........ 150 48E.............. 57,59,79,RM
Magadanskaya Oblast '......._.._..___.._ ........................... admd ............ 65 OON ........ 160 OOE .............. 79
Magnitogorsk .................................................................. PPI ................ 53 27N ........ 059 04E .............. 56,RM
Mago ................................................................................ ppl................ 53 I5N ........ 14013E.............. RM
Makarikha ...................................................................... oilf ................ 66 34N ........05817E.............. 20
Makarov coal region ........................................................ coal .............. 49 OON ........ 143 OOE.............. 34
Makat .............................................................................. ppl ................ 47 39N ........ 053 19E .............. 21,11M
Makeyevka ...................................................................... ppl ................ 48 02N ........ 037 53E.............. RM
Makhachkala .................................................................. Ppl ................ 42 58N ........ 047 30E .............. 56,79,RM
Makhachkala .................................................................. gasf .............. 42 46N ........ 047 31 E.............. 21
Makinsk .......................................................................... ppl ................ 52 37N ........ 070 26E.............. 56,RM
Makushino ...................................................................... PPI ................ 55 13N ........ 067 13E.............. 56,RM
Malgobek ........................................................................ oilf ................ 43 24N ........ 044 37E .............. 21
Malochernogorsk ............................................................ oilf................ 61 ION ........ 077 17E.............. 16
Malorechensk .................................................................. oilf................ 60 33N ........ 077 08E.............. 16
Maloyamal ...................................................................... gasf .............. 68 2ON ........ 071 49E .............. 16
Mama .............................................................................. ppl ................ 58 18N ........ 112 54E .............. 57,RM
Mamakan ........................................................................ ppl ................ 57 48N ........ 114 01 E.............. 57,59,RM
Mamontovo ...................................................................... ppl ................ 60 46N ........ 072 47E .............. 16,17,11M
Mamontovo ...................................................................... oilf................ 60 39N ........ 072 37E.............. 16,22,66
Mana ................................................................................ stm................ 55 57N ........ 092 28E .............. 60
Mancharovo .................................................................... oilf................ 55 24N ........ 054 28E..............20
Mangut ............................................................................ ppl ................ 49 42N ........ 112 40E.............. RM
Mangyshlak Peninsula .................................................... pen ................ 44 18N ........ 051 OOE .............. 21,RM
Mangyshlakskaya Oblast' .............................................. admd............ 44OON ........05400E.............. 79
Manzurka ........................................................................ ppl ................ 53 30N ........ 106 04E.............. RM
Margilan .......................................................................... ppl ................ 40 27N ........07142E.............. RM
Mariyskaya ASSR .......................................................... admd ............ 56 3ON ........ 048 OOE.............. 79
Markha ............................................................................ stm................ 63 28N ........ 118 50E.............. RM
Markovo .......................................................................... ppl ................ 64 40N ........ 170 25E .............. RM
Martyshi .......................................................................... oilf................ 47 I IN ........ 050 44E .............. 21
Mary ................................................................................ ppl --__........ 37 36N ........ 061 50E.............. 21,32,55,56,79,RM
Mary ................................................................................ they.............. NA ................ NA ...................... 48,49,67
Maryyskaya Oblast' ........................................................ admd ............ 37 OON ........ 062 30E .............. 79
Matyushkin ......................................................._........._.. oilf................ 60 08N ........ 076 57E .............. 16
Maya ................................................................................ stm................ 6024N ........ 13430E.............. RM
Mayak .............................................................................. oilf................ 57 25N ........ 055 40E .............. 20
Maykop ............................................................................ ppl ................ 44 35N ........ 040 IOE.............. 56,11M
Maykop ............................................................................ oilf................ 59 OON ........ 055 58E.............. 20
Maykuben coal deposit .................................................... coal .............. 50 45N ........ 076 OOE.............. 34
Mayna .............................................................................. ppl ................ 53 OON ........ 091 28E.............. RM
Mayskoye ........................................................................ gasf .............. 37 20N ........ 062 OSE.............. 21
Ma5eikiai ........................................................................ ppl ................ 56 19N ........ 022 20E .............. RM
Ma5eikiai .............._........................................................ petr .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 31,66
Medvezh'i Ostrova .......................................................... isls ................ 70 52N ........ 161 26E .............. RM
Medvezh'ye ...................................................................... gasf .............. 66 08N ........ 074 09E.............. 15,16,17,18,
Megion ..........................................._............................... ppl ................6103N ........ 076 06E .............. 16,17,19,RM
Megion ............................................................................ oilf................ 6058N ........ 076 20E .............. 16,66
Melitopol' ........................................................................ ppl ................ 46 5ON ........ 035 22E .............. RM
Messoyakha ......................................................... _... gasf .............. 68 59N ........ 082 58E.............. 16,32,59
Mezen' ............................................................................ ppl ................ 65 SON ........ 044 16E .............. RM
Mezen' ............................................................................ stm........... ..... 66IIN ........04359E.............. 20,11M
Mezenskaya Guba .......................................................... bay................ 66 40N ........ 043 45E .............. 63
Mezhdurechensk ................_...................................._...... ppl................ 5342N ........ 088 03E .............. RM
Mezhdurechenski I ................ 59 36N ........ 065 56E.............. 16,RM
Miass ................................................................................ ppl................ 5459N ........06006E.............. RM
Michayu .......................................................................... oilf................ 6400N ........ 055 47E .............. 20
Michurinsk ...................................................................... ppl ................ 52 54N ........ 040 30E.............. 56,11M
Middle Olenek tar sands deposit .................................... tars .............. 68 12N ........ 121 15E .............. 45
Middle Volga power system ............................................ reg ................ 54 OON ........ 048 OOE.............. 46,55
Mikhaylovka.................................................................... ppl ................ 50 04N ........ 043 15E .............. RM
Mikhaylovskiy .................................................................. ppl ................ 51 49N ........ 079 45E.............. RM
L'vov ................................................................................ ppl ................ 49 5ON ........ 024 OOE .............. 55,56,79,RM
L'vov ................................................................................ petr .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 31,66
Lvov-Volyn' coal basin .................................................. coal .............. 50 3ON ........ 024 30E .............. 34
l: vovskaya Oblast' .......................................................... admd ............ 50 OON ........ 024 OOE .............. 79
La Perousc Strait ............................................................ strt ................ 45 45N ........ 142 OOE.............. RM
Labytnangi ...................................................................... ppl ................ 66 39N ........ 066 21E.............. 16,17,18,RM
Ladoga. Lake .................................................................. lake .............. 61 OON ........ 031 30E.............. RM
Ladyzhin .......................................................................... ppl................ 4840N ........02915E.............. RM
Ladyzhin .......................................................................... thep.............. NA ................ NA ...................... 49,67
L agodckhi ........................................................................ ppl ................ 41 49N ........ 046 16E.............. 56,11M
Lake Onega uranium deposit .......................................... u/t ................ NA ................ NA ...................... 42,43
[.am .................................................................................. gasf .............. 39 12N ........ 052 31E .............. 21
Langepas .......................................................................... ppl ................ 61 13N ........ 075 17E .............. 16,11M
Laptev Sea ...................................................................... sea ................ 76 OON ........ 126OOE.............. RM
Latvian SSR .................................................................... admd ............ 57 OON ........ 025 OOE .............. 79
Luyavozh .......................................................................... gasf .............. 67 44N ........ 054 51 E.......... .... 20,66
1.azareo ............................................................................ ppl ................ 52 13N ........ 142 32E .............. RM
Ledovoyc .......................................................................... oilf................ 59 51 N ........ 076 54E .............. 16
1.c111"yu ............................................................................ oilf ................ 64 15N ........ 055 22E .............. 20'ya ............................................................................ oilf ................ 60 57N ........06312E.............. 16
Lena ................................................................................ stm................ 72 25N ........ 126 400.............. RM
Lena coal basin ................................................................ coal .............. 63 OON ........ 123 DOE.............. 34,35,40
Lena Plateau .................................................................... upld.............. 6045N ........ 125 OOE .............. RM
I.cna-Tunguska oil and gas region .................................. reg................ 58 OON ........ 107 OOE .............. 14,25,32
Lcninabad ........................................................................ ppl ................ 40 17N ........ 069 37E .............. 79,RM
Lcninabadskaya Oblast' .................................................. admd ............ 40 OON ........ 069 I OE.............. 79
Lcninakan ........................................................................ ppl ................ 40 48N ........ 043 50E.............. 56,RM
Leningrad ........................................................................ ppl ................ 59 55N ........ 030 15E.............. 32,55,56,59,79,
Leningrad ........................................................................ nucp.............. NA ................ NA ...................... 52,53,67
Leningrad oil shale field .................................................. oils ................ 5901N ........ 029 I IE...... ........ 44
l.cningradskaya Oblast' .................................................. admd ............ 60 OON ........ 032 OOE .............. 79
I.cninogorsk .................................................................... ppl ................ 54 36N ........ 052 30E .............. RM
Leninogorsk .................................................................... ppl ................ 50 22N ........ 083 32E.............. 56,RM
Leninsk (Tyuratum) ........................................................ ppl ................ 45 4ON ........ 063 20E.............. 56,RM
Leninsk-Kuznetsltiy ........................................................ ppl ................ 54 38N ........ 086 IOE.............. 60,RM
Leninsk-Kuznetsltiy coal deposit .................................... coal .............. 54 45N ........ 086 OOE .............. 34
Lcninskoye ...................................................................... ppl ................ 47 56N ........ 132 38E.............. 57,11M
.ensk ................................................................................ ppl ................ 60 43N ........ 114 55E.............. 57,58,59,RM
1.crmontov ........................................................................ ppl ................4406N ........04257E.............. RM
Lermontov uranium deposit /processing center .............. u/t................ NA ................ NA ...................... 42,43
Lesosibirsk ...................................................................... DPI ................ 58 20N ........ 092 20E .............. 57,60,11M
Lesozavodsk .................................................................... ppl ................ 45 28N ........ 133 27E .............. 57,RM
Lida .................................................................................. ppl ................ 53 53N ........ 025 18E.............. RM
Liepaja ............................................................................ ppl ................ 5631N ........ 02101E .............. 56,11M
Lipetsk ............................................................................ ppl ................ 52 37N ........ 039 35E .............. 56,79,RM
Lipctskaya Oblast' .......................................................... admd ............ 52 3ON ........ 039 OOE.............. 79
Lisakovsk ........................................................................ ppl ................ 52 39N ........ 06245E.............. 56,RM
Lisichansk ........................................................................ ppl ................ 48 55N ........ 038 26E .............. RM
Lisichansk ........................................................................ petr .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 31,66
.istvenka .......................................................................... oilf................ 57 O8N ........ 053 36E.............. 20
1.istvyanka ........................................................................ ppl ................ 51 52N ........ 10451E.............. RM
Lithuanian ...................................................................... Thep.............. NA ................ NA ...................... 49,67
Lithuanian SSR .............................................................. admd ............ 56 OON ........ 024 OOE .............. 79
Little RAM ...................................................................... rr .................. 56 30N ........ 124 50E.............. 11
Livunov ............................................................................ gasf .............. 39 41 N ........ 051 58E.............. 21
Lobanovo .......................................................................... oilf................ 57 45N ........ 056 13E.............. 20
Lodcynoye Pole ................................................................ ppl ................ 60 44N ........ 033 33E .............. 56,11M
Lokosovo .......................................................................... oilf................ 61 H N ........ 075 06E.............. 16
Lomovoyc ........................................................................ oilf ................ 59 34N ........ 077 09E.............. 16
Longa, Proliv .................................................................. sort................ 70 2ON ........ 178 OOE .............. RM
Lovozero .......................................................................... ppl ................ 68 OON ........ 035 OOE.............. RM
Lovozero Tundra uranium/thorium deposit .................. u/t ................ NA ................ NA ...................... 42,43
Lower Kama .................................................................... hydp.............. NA ................ NA ...................... 50,67
Lower Knma-l Heat and Power .................................... thep .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 49,67
Luchcgorsk ...................................................................... ppl ................ 46 29N ........ 134 12E.............. 57,RM
Luga ................................................................................ ppl ................ 58 44N ........ 02952E .............. RM
Min-Kush ........................................................................
Min-Kush uranium deposit/processing center ..............
M ingechaur ......................................................................
Minsk ..............................................................................
Minsk ATETs..................................................................
M i nskaya Oblast' ............................................................
Minusinsk ........................................................................
Minusinsk coal basin ......................................................
Mirbashir ........................................................................
Mirnyy ............................................................................
Mirzaani ..........................................................................
Mishkino ..........................................................................
M ishovdag ........................................................................
Modar ..............................................................................
Mogilev ............. .............. ............................................ :....
Mogilevskaya Oblast' ......................................................
Mogoyto ..........................................................................
Moldavian ........................................................................
Moldavian SSR ..............................................................
Mollaker ..........................................................................
Molodechno ....................................................................
Monc hegorsk ....................................................................
Moody ..............................................................................
Mordovskaya ASSR ........................................................
Morozovsk ........................................................................
Morshansk ......................................................................
Mortym'ya-Teterev ............ _ .........................................
Moscow ............................................................................
Moscow coal basin ..........................................................
Moskal'vo ........................................................................
Moskovskaya Oblast' ......................................................
Moskva ............................................................................
Moskva (Moscow) Lyubertsy ..........................................
Moyynty ..........................................................................
Mozdok ............................................................................
M o zy r' ..............................................................................
Mozyr......... .......:..............................................................
Mubarek ..........................................................................
Mubarek ..........................................................................
Mugun coal deposit ........................................................
Mukachevo ......................................................................
Mukhanovo ......................................................................
M u l to novo ........................................................................
Mulym'ya ........................................................................
M u na ................................................................................
Mona tar sands deposit ..................................................
Munalyk ..........................................................................
ppl ................ 62 2I N ........ 050 06E.............. 56,11M
Ppl ................ 41 41 N ........ 074 28E .............. R M
u/t ................ NA ................ NA ...................... 42,43
ppl ................ 40 45N ........ 047 03E.............. RM
ppl ................ 53 54N ........ 027 34E.............. 53,55,56,79,RM
nucp .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 52,67
admd ............ 54 OON ........ 028 OOE .............. 79
ppl ................ 53 43N ........ 091 42E.............. RM
coal .............. 53 3ON ........ 091 15E .............. 34
oilf ................ 40 12N ........ 046 52E .............. 21
DPI ................ 62 33N ........ 113 53E.............. 57,58,59,RM
oilf ................ 41 19N ........ 046 05E.............. 21
.oilf ................ 57 08N ........ 054 03E.............. 20
oilf ................ 39 48N ........ 049 1 I E.............. 21
gasf .............. 39 24N ........ 057 55E.............. 21
ppl ................ 53 54N ........ 030 21 E.............. 56,79,RM
admd ............ 54 OON ........ 030 45E .............. 79
ppl ................ 54 25N ........ 110 27E .............. R M
thep .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 49,67
admd ............ 47 OON ........ 029 OOE .............. 79
gasf .............. 37 O5N ........ 061 20E.............. 21
ppl ................ 54 19N ........ 026 51 E .............. RM
PPI ................ 67 56N ........ 032 58E .............. RM
ppl ................ 51 40N ........ 100 59E.............. RM
admd ............ 54 3ON ........ 044 OOE .............. 79
ppl ................ 48 22N ........ 041 51E .............. 56,RM
ppl ................ 53 26N ........ 041 49E .............. RM
oilf ................ 60 33N ........ 064 38E .............. 16
PPI ................ 55 45N ........ 037 35E.............. 32,55,56,59,79,
coal .............. 54 3ON ........ 036 OOE.............. 34,35,36,37,40
ppl ................ 53 35N ........ 142 30E.............. I I,RM
admd ............ 55 45N ........ 03730E .............. 79
stm ................ 55 05N ........ 038 51E ....... ....... RM
petr .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 3 1,66
ppl ................ 47 14N ........ 073 20E .............. RM
pp] ................ 43 44N ........ 044 40E.............. 56,RM
ppl ................ 52 03N ........ 029 16E .............. RM
petr .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 31,66
ppl ..........___ 39 16N ........ 065 10E .............. 21,RM
gasf .............. 39 2I N ........ 065 28E.............. 21
coal .............. 54 OON ........ 100 30E.............. 34
ppI ................ 48 27N ........ 02243E .............. 56,64,RM
oilf ................ 53 2I N ........ 05 1 24E.............. 20,66
oilf ................ 60 06N ........ 073 14E .............. 16
oilf ................ 60 15N ........ 064 37E.............. 16
stm ................ 67 52N ........ 123 06E.............. RM
tars .............. 67 07N ........ 122 27E.............. 45
oilf ................ 46 45N ........ 054 49E.............. 21
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Pakhachi .......................................................................... ppl ................ 60 34N ........ 16903E.............. RM
Pal'yanovo ........................................................................ oilf ................ 61 50N ........ 066 41 E.............. 16
Palana .............................................................................. ppl ................ 59 07N ........ 15958E.............. RM
PaIntka ............................................................................ ppl ................ 60 06N ........ 150 54E .............. 57,RM
Palyavaam ........................................................................ stm....... :........ 6850N ........ 170 45E .............. RM
Pamirs .............................................................................. rats................ 38 OON ........ 073 OOE .............. RM
Panev6Lys ........................................................................ ppl ................ 55 44N ........ 024 21E.............. RM
Panfilov ............................................................................ ppl ................ 44 ION ........ 08001E.............. 56,RM
Pungody .......................................................................... ppl ................ 65 SIN ........ 074 30E .............. 16,17,RM
Paramushir, Ostrov ........................................................ is] .......... :....... 50 25N ........ 155 50E .............. RM
Paratunka ........................................................................ ppl ................ 52 57N ........ 158 14E.............. 57,64,RM
Plirnu ................................................................................ ppl ................ 58 24N ........ 024 32E .............. 56,RM
Paromay .......................................................................... ppl ................ 52 50N ........ 143 02E.............. 57,RM
Partizansk .............................................. :......................... ppl ................ 43 07N ........ 13305E.............. RM
Partizansk coal basin ...................................................... coal .............. 43 15N ........ 133 OOE .............. 34
Pashnya ............................................................................ oilf:............... 63 16N ........ 056 20E.............. 20
Patara .............................................................................. oilf................ 41 09N ........ 046 26E.............. 21
Pauzhetka ........................................................................ ppl ................ 51 28N ........ 156 48E .............. 57,64,RM
Pavlodar .......................................................................... ppl ................ 52 18N ........ 076 57E.............. 32,56,59,79,RM
Pavlodur .......................................................................... petr .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 31,66
Pavlodarskaya Oblast' .................................................... admd ............ 52 OON ........ 076 OOE.............. 79
. Pavlograd ........................................................................ ppl ................ 47 OON ........ 035 03E .............. RM
Pavlovskoye ...................................................................... oilf................ 56 34N ........ 056 06E .............. 20
Pcchcnga .......................................................................... ppl ................ 69 33N ........ 031 12E .............. RM
Pechora ............................................................................ ppl ................ 65 25N ........ 057 02E.............. 20,32,56,59,RM
Pechora ............................................................................ stm................ 68 13N ........ 054 15E .............. 20,50,51,RM
Pechora coal basin .......................................................... coal .............. 67 OON ........ 062 OOE.............. 34,35,36,37,39,40
Pcchora-Kozhva .............................................................. gasf .............. 65 15N ........ 056 58E.............. 20
Pechorskoye More .......................................................... sea ................ 70 OON ........ 054 OOE .............. RM
Peipus, Lake .................................................................... lake .............. 58 45N ........ 027 30E.............. RM
Pelyalka .......................................................................... gasf .............. 69 44N ........ 081 53E.............. 16,66
Peno .................................................................................. ppl ................ 56 55N ........ 032 45E.............. RM
Penza ................................................................................ ppl ................ 53 13N ........ 045 OOE.............. 56,79,RM
Pcnzenskaya Oblast ......................................................... admd ............ 53 OON ........ 044 30E.............. 79
Penzhina .......................................................................... stm................ 62 28N ........ 165 18E.............. RM
Penzhinskaya Guba ........................................................ bay................ 61 OON ........ 162 OOE.............. 63,RM
Peregrebnoye .................................................................. ppl ................ 62 58N ........ 065 05E.............. RM
Perm' ................................................................................ ppl ................ 58 OON ........ 056 S E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,32,56,79,RM
Perm' ................................................................................ thep......... ..... NA ................ NA ...................... 49,67
Perm' ................................................................................ petr .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 31,66
Permskaya Oblast' .......................................................... admd ............ 59 OON ........ 056 OOE........ ...... 20,79
Permyakov ...................................................................... oilf................ 61 27N ........ 079 30E.............. 16
Pcrvomaysk ...................................................................... ppl ................ 48 03N ........ 030 52E.............. RM
Pcrvomaysk ...................................................................... ppl ................ 46 26N ........ 141 57E.............. RM
Pcrvomayskoye................................................................ oilf................ 59 09N ........ 076 14E.............. 16
Pervoural'sk .................................................................... ppl ................ 56 54N ........ 059 58E.............. RM
Pestsovyy .......................................................................... gasf .............. 67 02N ........ 075 21E.............. 16,66
Petropavlovsk .................................................................. ppl ................ 54 52N ........ 069 06E.............. 56,79,RM
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy ............................................ ppl ................ 53 OIN ........ 158 39E.............. 57,59,79,RM
Pctrovsk ............................................................................ ppl ................ 52 19N ........ 045 23E.............. 32,RM
Petrovsk-Zabaykul'skiy .................................................. ppl ................ 51 17N ........ 108 50E.............. 57,RM
Petrozavodsk .................................................................... ppl ................ 61 49N ........ 034 20E.............. 56,79,RM
Pevck ................................................................................ ppl ................ 69 42N ........ 170 17E.............. 57,59,RM
Pikhtovka ........................................................................ ppl ................ 56 OON ........ 082 42E.............. RM
Pilyugino .......................................................................... oilf................ 53 23N ........ 052 18E.............. 20
Pincga .............................................................................. stm................ 64 08N ........ 041 54E.............. RM
Pinsk ................................................................................ ppl ................ 52 07N ........ 026 07E.............. 56,RM
Pionerskoyc iron ore deposit ............................................ iron .............. 57.30N ........ 125 05E .............. I I
Plcsetsk ............................................................................ ppl ................ 62 43N ........04017E.............. RM
Pobedino .......................................................................... ppl................ 4951N ........ 14249E.............. RM
PodkamennayaTunguska .............................................. ppl ................ 61 36N ........09009E.............. RM
Podkamennaya Tunguska .............................................. stm................ 61 36N ........ 090 18E .............. RM
Pogranichnyy .................................................................. ppl ................ 44 25N ........ 131 24E.............. RM
Pokachi ............................................................................ oilf ................ 61 42N ........ 074 59E .............. 16,66
Pokosnyy .......................................................................... ppl ................ 55 31N ........ 101 04E .............. 57,RM
Pokrovka.......................................................................... oilf................ 52 49N ........ 049 39E .............. 20
Pokrovka .......................................................................... oilf ................ 5301N ........ 05247E.............. 20
Pokrovsk .......................................................................... ppl ................ 61 29N ........ 129 06E.............. 57,RM
Polazno ............................................................................ oilf ................ 58 15N ........ 056 25E.............. 20
Poles'ye ............................................................................ reg ................5200N ........02700E.............. RM
Polevskoy .............................................................:............ ppl ................ 56 26N ........ 060IIE.............. RM
Polotsk .............................................................................. pp] ................ 55 29N ........ 02847E .............. 32,56,RM
Poltava ............................................................................ ppl................ 4935N ........03434E.............. 79,RM
Poltavskaya Oblast' ........................................................ admd ............ 49 30N ........ 034 OOE.... .......... 79
Poludcnnoyc .................................................................... oilf................ 6007N ........ 078 09E .............. 16
Polyarnyy ........................................................................ ppl ................ 69 38N ........ 178 44E.............. 59,RM
Pomary ............................................................................ ppl ................ 55 58N ........ 048 21 E.............. 10,20,RM
Ponomarevka .................................................................. oilf ................ 53 18N ........05404E.............. 20
Ponoy ................................................................................ stm................ 66 59N ........ 041 17E.............. RM
Popigay ............................................................................ stm................ 72 54N ........ 106 36E.............. RM
Poronaysk ........................................................................ ppl ................ 49 13N ........ 143 07E.............. 57,RM
Pos'yct .............................................................................. ppl................ 4239N ........ 13048E.............. RM
Potanay ............................................................................ oilf................ 61 15N ........ 065 56E.............. 16
Poti ....................................... ........................... :............... ppl ................ 42 09N ........ 041 40E .............. RM
Povkh ....................................... :...................................... oilf ................ 62 28N ........07551E.............. 16
Poyarkovo ........................................................................ ppl ................ 49 36N ........ 128 41 E.............. RM
Pravdinsk ........................................................................ oilf................ 6051N ........07147E.............. 16,29,66
Pravobereg ...................................................................... gasf .............. 62 13N ........ 056 38E.............. 20
Priargunsk ........................................................................ ppl ................ 50 24N ........ 1 19 06E.............. 57,RM
Pridneprovsk .................................................................... ppl ................ 48 24N ........03507E.............. RM
Pridneprovsk .................................................................... thep .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 49,67
Priluki .............................................................................. ppl ................ 50 36N ........ 032 24E .............. RM
Primorskiy Kray .............................................................. admd ............ 45 00N ........ 135 00E.............. 79
Primorsko-Akhtarsk ........................................................ ppl ................ 46 03N ........ 038 IOE .............. RM
Pripyat' ............................................................................ stm................ 51 ION
........ 030 30E .............. R M
Prokop'ycvsk .................................................................... ppl ................ 53 53N ........08645E.............. RM
Prokop'ycvsk coal deposit ................................................ coal .............. 54 15N ........ 086 4SE.............. 34
Promyshlcnyy .................................................................. ppl ................ 67 35N ........ 063 55E .............. RM
Pron'kino .......................................................................... oilf................ 52 47N ........ 052 34E.............. 20
Prorva .............................................................................. oilf................ 45 SIN ........ 053 20E .............. 21
Provideniya ...................................................................... ppl ................ 64 23N ........ 173 18W ............ RM
Przhcval'sk ...................................................................... ppl ................ 42 29N ........ 078 24E.............. 56,79,RM
Pskov ................................................................................ ppl ................ 57 50N ........ 028 20E .............. 56,79,RM
Pskovskaya Oblast' .......................................................... admd ............ 57 30N ........ 029 OOE.............. 79
Pugach8v .......................................................................... ppl ................ 52 02N ........ 048 49E .............. RM
Punga .............................................................................. gasf .............. 62 40N ........ 064 1 I E....... ....... 16
Pur .................................................................................... stm................ 67 31N ........ 077 55E.............. 16,19,RM
Pushkino .......................................................................... ppl ................ 51 14N ........ 046 59E.............. RM
Pyasina ............................................................................ Sinn ...... .......... 73 SON ........ 087 IOE.............. I6,RM
Pyatigorsk ........................................................................ ppl ................ 4401N ........ 04305E.............. 56,RM
Pyt'-Yakh .......... ....... ....... ......................................... :...... ppl ................ 60 45N ........ 072 50E.............. 16,17,RM
Radaycvka ......................................................................
Raduzhnyy ......................................................................
Rassokha ..........................................................................
Raychikhinsk coal basin ........................ .... ....... :.... ..........
Razdan ............................................................................
Razdan ............................................................................
Razgort ............................................................................
Rechitsa ..........................................................................
Reftinskiy ........................................................................
oilf ................ 53 52N ........ 050 57E.............. 20
ppl ................6206N ........07731E.............. 16,17,RM
gasf .............. 61 52N ........ 057 19E.............. 20
coal .............. 51 30N ........ 128 OOE.............. 34,40
ppl ................ 40 29N ........ 044 46E .............. RM
thep .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 49,67
ppl ................ 63 29N ........ 04842E .............. S6,RM
ppl ................ 52 22N ........ 030 23E.............. RM
ppl ................ 57 OON ........ 061 30E.............. RM
Reftinskiy ........................................................................
Revda ..............................................................................
Riga ..................................................................................
Riga, Gulf of.... ................................................................
Rogan ..............................................................................
Rogun ..............................................................................
Romanovka ......................................................................
Romashkino ....................................................................
Romny ..............................................................................
Roslavl' ............... .............................................................
Rossokha tar sands deposit ............................................
Rossosh' ..........................................................................
Rostov ..............................................................................
Rostov ..............................................................................
Rostovskaya Oblast' ........................................................
Rovenskaya Oblast' ........................................................
Rovno ..............................................................................
Rovno ..............................................................................
Rtishchevo ........................................................................
Rubtsovsk ........................................................................
R ud n ich nyy ......................................................................
Rudnyy ............................................................................
Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic ................
R u ss ka y a ..........................................................................
Russkaya tar sands deposit ............................................
Russkiy Khutor ................................................................
Rustavi ............................................................................
Ruzayevka ......................................................................
Ryazan' ............................................................................
Ryazan' ............................................................................
Ryazan' ............................................................................
Ryazanskaya Oblast' ......................................................
Rybach'ye ........................................................................
Rybinskoye Vodokhranilishche ......................................
Ryrkaypiy ........................................................................
Rzhev ..............................................................................
thep .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 47,49,67
ppl ........ :....... 56 48N ........ 059 57E .............. RM
ppl ................ 56 57N ........ 024 06E.............. 32,56,79,RM
gulf .............. 57 30N ........ 023 35E.............. RM
ppl ................ 38 47N ........ 069 52E.............. RM
hydp .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 50,51,67
ppl ................ 53 14N ........ 112 46E .............. RM
oilf ................ 54 SON ........ 052 32E.............. 17,20,22,66
ppl ................ 50 45N ........ 033 28E .............. RM
ppl ................ 53 57N ........ 032 52E.............. RM
tars .............. 71 07N ........ III 02E .............. 45
ppl ................ 50 12N ........ 038 26E.............. RM
ppl ................ 57 t IN ........ 039 25E.............. 55,56,59,79,RM
nuCp .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 52,67
admd ............ 47 OON ........ 042 OOE .............. 79
admd ............ 51 OON ........ 026 30E .............. 79
DPI ................ 50 37N ........ 026 15E.............. 56,79,RM
nucp .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 52,67
ppl ................ 52 15N ........ 043 47E .............. RM
ppl ................ 51 30N ........ 081 ISE.............. 55,56,RM
pp] ................ 59 38N ........ 052 26E.............. 56,RM
ppl ................ 52 57N ........ 063 07E.............. RM
admd ............ 60 OON ........ 100 OOE .............. 79
gasf .............. 66 40N ........ 080 33E.............. 16,66
tars .............. 66 56N ........ 080 45E.............. 45
oilf ................ 44 15N ........ 045 19E.............. 21
ppl ................ 41 33N ........ 045 03E.............. RM
ppl ................ 54 04N ........ 044 56E.............. 56,RM
ppl ................ 54 38N ........ 039 44E.............. 56,65,79,RM
thep .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 49,67
petr .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 31,66
admd ............ 54 I5N ........ 040 30E .............. 79
ppl ................ 42 26N ........ 076 12E.............. 56,RM
resv .............. 58 30N ........ 038 25E.............. RM
ppl ................ 68 56N ........ 179 26W ............ 59,RM
ppl ................ 56 15N ........ 034 20E .............. 56,RM
Saaremaa ........................................................................ is] .................. 58 25N ........ 022 30E.:............
Safonovo .......................................................................... ppl ................ 55 09N ........ 033 13E ..............
Safonovo coal deposit ...................................................... coal .............. 55 I5N ........ 033 09E..............
Sagiz ................................................................................ oilf ................ 47 26N ........ 053 21E ..............
Sakar ................................................................................ gasf .............. 38 54N ........ 063 35E..............
Sakhalin .......................................................................... is] .................. 51 OON ........ 143 OOE ..............
Sakhalin oil and gas region ............................................ reg ................ 52 00N ........ 143 OOE..............
Sakhalin tar sands deposit .............................................. tars .............. 53 58N ........ 142 47E ..............
Sakhalinskaya Oblast' .................................................... admd ............ 52 00N ........ 142 30E ..............
Sakmara ........._...._.._...._ ............................................... stm................ 51 46N ........ 055 OIE..............
Sal'sk ................................................................................ ppl ................ 46 28N ........ 041 33E ..............
Salaush ............................................................................ oilf................ 55 59N ........ 052 57E..............
Salavat ............................................................................ ppl ................ 53 21N ........ 055 55E..............
Salavat ............................................................................ petr .............. NA ................ NA ......................
Salekhard ........................................................................ ppl ................ 6633N ........ 06640E ..............
Salym .............................................................................. oilf ................ 60 47N ........ 071 12E..............
Salyukino ........................................................................ oibf................ 66 52N ........ 058 43E..............
Samantepe ...................................................................... gasf .............. 38 59N ........ 063 53E..............
Samara ................ .......... ...... ........................ .... :............... stm................ 53 ION ........ 050 04E ..............
Samarkand ...................................................................... ppl ................ 39 40N ........ 066 58E ..............
Samarkandskaya Oblast' ................................................ admd .... :....... 40 OON ........ 067 OOE ..............
Samgori ............................................................................ oilf ................ 41 34N ........ 045 09E..............
Samotlor .......................................................................... oilf ........ :....... 61 14N ........ 076 39E..............
Sangar coal deposit .......................................................... coal .............. 64 30N ........ 128 OOE..............
Sannikova, Proliv ............................................................ strt ................ 74 30N ........ 14000E..............
Saran' .............................................................................. DPI ................ 49 46N ........ 072 52E ..............
Saransk ............................................................................ ppl ................ 54 11 N ........ 045 11 E..............
Sarapul ............................................................................ ppl ................ 56 28N ........ 053 48E..............
Saratov ............................................................................ ppl................ 51 34N ........04602E..............
Saratov ............................................................................ hydp.............. NA ................ NA ......................
Saratov ........................................................................:... petr .............. NA ................ NA ......................
Saratovskaya Oblast' ...................................................... admd ............ 51 30N ........ 047 OOE ..............
Sarny ................................................................................ ppl ................ 51 20N ........ 026 36E..............
Sartang ......................__............_............................--_. stm................ 67 44N ........ 133 12E ..............
Sary-Ozek ........................................................................ ppl ................ 44 22N ........ 077 59E..............
Saryshagan ...................................................................... ppl ................ 46 06N ........ 073 36E..............
Sasovo .............................................................................. ppl................ 5420N ........ 041 SSE..............
Savoy ................................................................................ oilf ................ 61 54N ........ 073 42E..............
Sayak .............................................................................. ppl ................ 47 OON ........ 077 24E..............
Sayan Mountains ............................................................ mts................ 52 45N ........ 096 OOE..............
Sayan-Shushenskoye ...................................................... hydp.............. NA ................ NA ......................
Sayanogorsk .................................................................... ppl ................ 53 O5N ........ 091 25E ..............
Saygat .............................................................................. oilf................ 61 22N ........ 072 09E ..............
Segezha ............................................................................ ppl ................ 63 44N ........ 034 19E ..............
Selemdzha ........................................................................ stm................ 51 42N ........ 128 53E..............
Semakov .......................................................................... gasf .............. 69 1 I N ........ 076 02E ..............
Semenovka ...................................................................... oilf................ 53 41N ........ 050 34E..............
Semipalatinsk .................................. :............................... ppl ................ 50 28N ........ 080 13E..............
Semipalatinskaya Oblast ................................................. admd ............ 49 OON ........ 080 OOE ..............
Serafimovskiy .................................................................. oilf................ 54 33N ........ 053 35E..............
Serdobsk .......................................................................... ppl ................ 52 28N ........ 044 13E..............
Sergeyevka ..... ....................................... ......................... ppl ................ 53 SIN ........ 067 25E ..............
Sergeyevka ...................................................................... oilf................ 54 SON ........ 055 41E..............
Sergino ............................................................................ ppl ................ 62 30N ........ 065 38E..............
Serov ................................................................................ ppl ................ 59 36N ........ 060 35E..............
Serpukhov ........................................................................ ppl ................ 54 SSN ........ 037 25E..............
Sevan, Ozero .................................................................... lake .............. 40 20N ........ 045 20E..............
Sevastopol' ...................................................................... ppl ................ 44 36N ........ 033 32E..............
Severnaya Dvina .............................................................. stm................ 64 32N ........ 040 30E..............
Severnaya Sos'va ............................................................ stm................ 64 11N ........065 27E ..............
Severnaya Zemlya .......................................................... isls ................ 79 30N ........ 098 OOE ..............
Severnyy Pokur ................................................................ oilf................ 6048N ........ 078 27E....:.........
Severo-Achak .................................................................. gasf .............. 41 06N ........ 061 38E..............
Severo-Balkui .................................................................. gasf .............. 39 55N ........ 061 36E..............
Severo-Buzachi ................................................................ oilf ................ 45 09N ........ 051 50E..............
Severo-Gugurtli ............................................... ... gasf .............. 40 25N ........ 062 01 E..............
Severo-Kamsk ....................................... ........ ............ ...... oilf ................ 58 07N ........ 056 08E..............
Severo-Kazakhstanskaya Oblast' .................................... admd ............ 54 30N ........ 069 OOE ..............
Severo-Komsomol ............................................................ gasf .............. 64 46N ........ 076 08E..............
Severo-Mylva ............................... :.............. ...... .............. oilf ................. 62 17N ........ 055 59E................
Severo-Naip .................................................................... gasf .............. 40 42N ........ 061 48E..............
Severo-Osetinskaya ASSR .............................................. admd ............ 43 OON ........ 044 OOE..............
Severo-Pokur ....................................................:............... oilf ................ 61 12N ........ 075 48E ..............
Severo-Urengoy ...................................... ---- ...._....:...... gasf .............. 67 34N ........ 076 32E..............
Severo-Var'yegan ............................................................ oilf................ 62 26N ........ 077 25E..............
Severobaykal'sk .............................................................. ppl ................ 55 38N ........ 109 19E..............
Severodvinsk .................................................................... ppl ................ 64 34N ........ 039 50E..............
Severomorsk .................................................................... ppl ................ 69 05N ........ 033 27E ..............
Severoural'sk .................................................................... ppl ................ 60 09N ........ 059 57E..............
Scymchan ........................................................................ ppl................ 62 53N ........ 152 26E ..............
Seyrab .............................................................................. gasf .............. 38 40N ........ 062 40E..............
Shadrinsk ........................................................................ ppl ................ 56 05N ........ 063 38E ..............
Shaim .............................................................................. ppl................ 6021N ........064 IOE..............
Shakhpakhty .................................................................... gasf .............. 42 49N ........ 057 22E..............
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
RM ,
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Shakhtinsk ...................................................................... ppl ................ 49 4IN ........07236E.............. RM
Shakhty .................................... :....................................... ppl ................ 47 42N ........ 040 13E .............. RM
Shakhty coal deposit ........................................................ coal .............. 47 37N ........ 040 22E .............. 34
Shantarskiye Ostrova ...................................................... isis ................ 55 OON ........ 137 36E.............. RM
Shapkina .............................. ........ :.................................... oilf................ 67 18N ........ 054 17E .............. 20 .
Sharypovo ..................................:..................................... ppl ................ 55 33N ........ 089 12E .............. 55,56,60,RM
Shashkin .......................................................................... oilf................ 55 OIN ........ 056 07E.............. 20
Shatlyk ............................ ........ :........................ .......... .... . gasf .............. 37 20N ........ 061 27E.............. 21,66
Shatura ............................................................................ ppl ................ 55 34N ........ 039 32E.............. RM
Shaturn ..................................... ..:................... ................ . they.............. NA ................ NA ...................... 49,67
Shchuchinsk ............................... :.................................... ppl ................ 52 56N ........07012E.............. RM
Shelikhova, Zaliv ............................................................ gulf .............. 59 45N ........ 158 OOE.............. RM
Shevchenko ............................... :...................................... ppI ................ 43 39N ........ 051 12E.............. 21,32,52,53,
Shevchenko AES ............................................................ nucp.............. NA ................ NA ...................... 67
Shiikh-Darvaza ........................ :....................................... gasf .............. 40 09N ........ 058 21E.............. 21
Shikotan-T8 .................................................................... is[ .................. 43 47N ........ 146 45E .............. RM
Shilka .............................................................................. stm................ 53 20N ........ 121 26E.............. RM
Shingino ................................... ....................................... oilf................ 58 31N ........ 078 23E.............. 16
Shkapovo .............. ...... ..:............... ............... ..................... oilf................ 53 58N ........ 054 02E.............. 20,66
Shmidta, Ostrov .............................................................. is[ .................. 81 08N ........ 090 48E.............. RM
Shorkel ............................................................................. gasf .............. 37 03N ........ 061 40E .............. 21
Shostka ............................................................................ ppl ................ 51 52N ........ 033 29E.............. RM
Shugurovo ........................................................................ oilf................ 54 28N ........ 052 05E .............. 20
Shul'ba ............................................................................ hydp.............. NA ................ NA ...................... 50,67
Shurab coal deposit ........................................................ coal .............. 40 08N ........ 070 27E .............. 34
Shurtan ............................................................................ gasf .............. 38 30N ........ 066 02E.............. 21
Siauliai ............................................................................ ppl ....,........... 55 56N ........ 023 19E.............. RM
Siazan .............................................................................. oilf ................ 41 OON ........ 048 54E .............. 21
Siberia power system ...................................................... reg ................ 55 OON ........ 097 OOE............ .. 46,55
Siberian AES .................................................................. nucp.............. NA ................ NA ...................... 67
Sibiryakova, Ostrov ........................................................ is] .................. 72 SON ........ 079 OOE .............. RM
Sikhote-Alin' Range ........................................................ ants................ 48 OON ........ 138 OOE .............. RM
Sillama8 ..............................................................'........... ppl ................ 59 24N ........ 027 45E.............. RM
Sillama8 uranium deposit/ processing center....... ... - - - - u/t ................ NA ................ NA ...................... 42,43
Simferopol' ................................. :............................ ........ PPI ................ 44 SIN ........ 034 06E....... _.... 56,79,RM
Simushir, Ostrov .............................................................. is] .................. 46 58N ........ 152 02E.............. RM
Sinegor'ye ........................................................................ ppl ................ 62 04N ........ 150 28E .............. 57,59,RM
Siren'kino ........................................................................ oilf................ 54 53N ........ 056 15E.............. 20
Skovorodino .................................................................... ppl ................ 53 59N ........ 123 55E.............. I1,57,RM
Slantsy ............................................................................ ppl ................ 59 06N ........ 028 04E .............. 44,56,RM
Slavgorod ........................................................................ pp! ................ 53 00N ........ 078 40E .............. RM
Slavyansk ........................................................................ ppl ................ 48 52N ........ 037 37E .............. RM
Slavyansk ........................................................................ thep .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 49,67
Slavyansk-na-Kubani ...................................... ~ Pp1 ................ 45 15N ........ 038 08E .............. RM
Slobodskoy ...................................................................... ppl ................ 58 42N ........ 050 12E.............. RM
Slyudyanka ...................................................................... ppl ................5138N ........ 10342E.............. RM
Slyudyanka uranium deposit .......................... :............... u/t................ NA ................ NA ...................... 42,43
Smela .............................................................................. ppl ................ 49 14N ........ 031 53E.............. RM
Smolensk .......................................................................... ppl ................ 54 47N......... 032 03E.......... 56,79,RM
Smolensk .......................................................................... nucp.............. NA ................ NA ...................... 52,67
Smolenskaya Oblast' ...................................................... admd ............ 55 OON ........ 033 OOE .............. 79
Snezhnogorsk ..... ............................ .... ............... ....... :...... ppl ................ 68 ION ........ 087 30E.............. 57,58,59,RM
Sochi ................................................................................ ppl ................ 43 35N ........ 039 45E .............. 56,RM
Sofiysk .............................................................................. ppl ................ 51 33N ........ 139 54E.............. 11,RM
Sogo coal deposit ............................................................ coal .............. 71 15N ........ 128 ISE.............. 34
Sol'-Iletsk .............................................................:.......... ppl ................ 51 ION ........ 054 59E.............. RM
Solenaya .......................................................................... gasf .............. 69 08N ........ 081 56E .............. 16,66
Soligorsk .......................................................................... ppl ................ 52 48N ........ 027 32E.............. RM
Solikamsk ........................................................................ ppl ................59.39N ........05647E.............. RM
Solnechnyy ...................................................................... ppl ........:....... 60 19N ........ 137 35E.............. RM
Solnecknyy ...................................................................... DPI ................ 50 35N ........ 137 02E .............. RM
Sololi tar sands deposit .................................................... tars .............. 70 36N ........ 125 23E.............. 45
Solov'yevsk ...................................................................... ppl ................ 49 55N ........ 115 42E.............. RM
Sosnogorsk ...................................................................... ppl ................ 63 37N ........ 053 51E .............. RM
Sosnovo-Ozerskoye .......................................................... ppl ................ 52 31N ........ III 34E.............. 57,RM
South power system ........................................................ reg ................ 49 OON ........ 032 OOE.............. 46,55
South Kazakhstan (Chiganak) ........................................ they.............. NA ................ NA ......... ......... 4 9,67
South Ukraine ................................................................ nucp.............. NA ................ NA ...................... 50,52,53,67
South Yakutia coal basin ................................................ coal .............. 56 30N ........ 126 OOE..... ...... ... 11,34,35,36,38,40
Sovetabad ........................................................................ gasf .............. 36 41N ........ 061 23E.............. 21,66
Sovetsk ............................................................................ ppl ................ 55 05N ........ 021 53E.............. RM
Sovetskaya Gavan ........................................................... PPI ................ 48 58N ........ 140 18E..... _....... 11,59,RM
Sovetskiy .......................................................................... PPI ................ 61 24N ........ 063 31E .............. 16,RM
Sovetskoye........................................................................ oilf................ 60 48N ........ 077 05E.............. 16,66
Soyuz (Orenburg) pipeline .............................................. pipe .............. 49 46N ........ 043 40E.............. 10,20
Spassk-Dal'niy ................................................................ DPI ................ 44 37N ........ 132 48E .............. 57,RM
Srednechernogorsk .......................................................... oilf................ 61 15N ........ 077 06E.............. 16
Srednekolymsk ................................................................ ppl ................ 67 27N ........ 153 41 E.............. RM
Sredneural'sk .................................................................. ppl ................ 56 59N ........ 060 28E.............. RM
Sredneural'sk ........................................ '................ -_.... thep......... __. NA ....._......... NA ...................... 49,67
Srednevasyugan .............................................................. oilf................ 59 25N ........ 078 24E.............. 16
SredneYamal .............................. ; gasf .............. 69 21N ........ 071 05E.............. 16,66
Sredniy Urgal coal deposit .............................................. coal .............. 51 13N ........ 132 59E.............. 34
Sretensk .......................................................................... ppl ................ 52 15N ........ 117 43E.............. RM
Stakhanovo ...................................................................... oilf................ 54 24N ........ 053 43E.............. 20
Stanovoy Range .............................................................. mIS................ 56 20N ........ 126 OOE .............. I I,RM
Stanovoy Upland ............................................................ mts.:.............. 5330N ........ 11500E.............. RM
Staraya Russa .................................................................. ppl................ 5800N ........031 23E .............. RM
Starobeshevo .................................................................... ppl .... ............ 47 44N ........03803E.............. RM
Starobeshevo .................................................................... thep .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 49,67
Staryy Nadym ................................................................ ppl ................ 65 35N ........ 072 42E .............. 16,17,18,RM
Staryy Oskol .................................................................... ppl ................ 51 17N ........ 037 51E.............. RM
Stavropol' ........................................................................ ppl ................ 46 37N ........ 042 ISE....... ---- 21,55,56,79,RM
Stavropol' ........................................................................ thep .............. NA -......... -.. NA ...................... 49,67
Stavropol'skiy Kray ........................................................ admd ............ 45 OON ........ 044 OOE.............. 21,79
Stepanakert ...................................................................... ppl ................ 39 SON ........ 046 46E--__...... RM
Stepanovo ........................................................................ oilf................ 53 40N ........ 052 15E.............. 20
Stepnogorsk uranium deposit .......................................... u/t................ NA ................ NA ...................... 42,43
Sterlitamak ...................................................................... ppl ................ 53 37N ........ 055 58E.............. 56,RM
Stolbovoy, Ostrov ............................................................ isl.................. 74 O5N ........ 136 OOE.............. RM
Strelka .............................................................................. ppl ................ 58 05N ........ 093 01 E .............. RM
Strbva ......................................................................:....... stm.... :........... 54 48N ........ 024 15E.............. 50,67
Strezhevoy ........................................................................ pp) .._'-._..... 6042N ........ 077 34E._........... 16,17,19,RM
Sukhona .......................................................................... stm.......... __.. 6046N ........ 046 2413--.- ..... RM
Sukhumi .......................................................................... ppl ................ 43 OON ........ 041 02E.............. 56,79,RM
Sulak ................................................ :............................... stm................ 43 20N ........ 047 34E.............. 50,67
Sultangulovo .................................................................... oilf ................ 53 33N ........ 05247E.............. 20
Sulyukta coal deposit ...................................................... coal .............. 39 SIN ........ 069 35E .............. 34
Sumgait ............................................................................ ppl ................ 40 36N ........04938E.............. RM
Sumsar ............................................................................ ppl ................ 41 18N ........ 071 19E.............. RM
Sumsar uranium deposit .................................................. u/t................ NA ................ NA ...................... 42,43 . ..
Sumskaya Oblast ............................................................. admd ............ 51 OON ........ 034 OOE..... .... ..... 79
Sunny ................................................................................ ppl ................ 50 54N ........ 034 48E.............. 56,79,RM
Samar .............................................................................. PPI ................ 62 ION ........ 117 40E.............. 57,59,RM
Supsa ................................................................................ oilf................ 41 SIN ........ 042 OOE .............. 21
Sura ...... .................. .... .................................................... .. stm................ 5606N ........04600E.............. RM
Surgut .............................................................................. DPI ................ 61 14N ........ 070 32E.............. 16,17,18,19,31,
Surgut-I .......................................................................... thep .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 49,67
Surgut-2 .........................................................._........_._. thep .............. NA .... ---- ..... NA --- ................. 49,67
Surkhandar'inskaya Oblast ............................................. admd ............ 38 OON ........ 067 30E.............. 79.
Susuman .......................................................................... ppl ................ 62 47N ........ 148 IOE .............. 57,RM
Sutormin _ ..................................... ..................................
Suzan ..............................................................................
Suzan .....................................................t.................:......
Sverdlovsk .................................... .........................................
Sverdlovskaya Oblast' ....................................................
Svetlogorsk ......................................................................
Svetlogorsk ......................................................................
Svetlyy ........... .... .................................................... :........
Svetlyy ............................................................................
Svobod nyy ........................................................................
Svobodnyy coal deposit ..................................................
Syktyvkar ........................................................................
Sylva .............................................................. ..................
Synya ..............................................................................
Synya ..............................................................................
Syrdar'inskaya Oblast' ....................................................
Syrdar'ya ........................................................................
Syrdar'ya ........................................................................
Syzran' ............................................................................
Syzran' ............................................................................
Syzran' ............................................................................
Taboshar uranium deposit/processing center ................
Taganrog. .... ......... ............................... ..... ..... ............... ....
Tagrinskoye ....................................................................
Takhta-Bazar ..................................................................
Talakan ............................................................................
Talas .................................................................................
Talasskaya Oblast'. ...... .................... I ........................... -
Ta ldY- Ku rga n ..................................................................
Taldy-Kurganskaya Oblast' ............................................
Talimardzhan ..................................................................
Talimardzhan ..................................................................
Ta l i n s k oy e ........................................................................
Tallinn ..............................................................................
Talnakh ............................................................................
Talon ................................................................................
Tambov ............................................................................
Tambovskaya Oblast .......................................................
Tanyp ..............................................................................
Tara ..................................................................................
Taribani ..........................................................................
Tarkhan ..........................................................................
Tarko-Sale ......................................................................
Tartu ................................................................................
Tas-Tumus ............... '.....................................................
Tas-Yuryakh. _....... _..... _ .................................................
Tasbulat ..........................................................................
Taseyeva ..........................................................................
Tash-Kumyr coal deposit.. .... ..... ............... ......................
Tashanta ..........................................................................
Tasha a z ............................................................................
Tashauzskaya Oblast'..... ................... ....... ........ ...............
Tashkent ..........................................................................
Tashkent. .................. ..... ....... ................. ........ ..................
Tashkentskaya Oblast'... .... - - ............ ..... .......................
Tashkuduk ......................................................................
Tash tagol ........................................................................
Tatar ................................................................................
Tatar Strait ...................... _ _............................................
Tatarian tar sands deposit ................................. ....._.....
Tatarka ............................................................................
Tatarsk ........... _............ _ ............................................. _..
Tatarskaya ASSR ..........................................................
Tavda ..............................................................................
Tavtimanovo ....................................................................
Tayezhnoye iron ore deposit ............................................
Taym u rzi no ......................................................................
Taymylyr coal deposit ..... _ - .............................._....._.....
Taymyr coal basin ..........................................................
Taymyr Peninsula..._......._..._ ........................ _...............
Taymyr, Ozero ................................................................
Taymyrskiy AOk ............................................................
Tayshet ............................................................................
Taz ..................................................................................
Taz ..................................................................................
Tan Peninsula ..................................................................
Tazovskiy ........................................................................
Tbilisi ..............................................................................
Tbilisi ..............................................................................
Ted zh a n ............................................................................
Ted zh a n ............................................................................
Tekeli ..............................................................................
Temirtau._... _ .............................._..................................
Tenge ..............................................................................
Tenge ..............................................................................
Tengiz ..............................................................................
Te ng u t i nskoye ..................................................................
Teplov ..............................................................................
Terekla ............................................................................
Teren'uzyuk ....................................................................
Termez ............................................................................
Termez tar sands deposit ................................................
Ternopol . ..........................................................................
Ternopol'skaya Oblast ......... ..... _ - .................._....._.........
Tevlin ..............................................................................
Tien Shan ........................................................................
Tikhoretsk ........................................................................
Tikhvin ............................................................................
Tiksi ................................................................................
Timan Ridge. .... - ..................... ............ ...........................
Timan-Pechora oil and gas region ..................................
Timashevsk ......................................................................
Ti m pton ............................................................................
Tiraspol' ..........................................................................
Ti su ......................................................................:...........
Tkibuli coal deposit ........................................................
Tkvarcheli coal deposit ..............._...................................
Tobol ..... ...........................................................................
Tobol'sk ............................................................................
Tokmak ............................................................................
Toktog u l . ..........................................................................
Tol'yatti ..................... _..... _... _.......................................
Tolum ..............................................................................
Tom' ................................................................................
Tom'-Usa ..... ...... ..................... ._......... ............................
Tommot. _ _ ... _ ......................... _... _..... _................... _ ......
oilf ................ 64 Ol N ........ 074 58E.............. 16
pp) ................ 53 47N ........ 082 19E .............. 56,RM
gasf .............. 68 ION ........ 083 52E.............. 16
ppl ................ 56 SIN ........ 06036E.............. 26,55,56,79,RM
admd ............ 58 OON ........ 062 OOE .............. 79
ppl ................ 52 38N ........ 029 46E .............. RM
ppl ................ 66 55N ........ 088 23E .............. 57,RM
PPI ................ 62 43N ........ 064 17E .............. 16,RM
ppl ................ 63 I SN ........ 113 45E .............. 57,RM
ppl ................ 51 24N ........ 128 08E .............. 55,57,RM
coal .............. 51 30N ........ 127 45E.............. 34
PPI ................ 61 40N ........ 050 48E .............. 56,59,79,RM.
stm................ 57 39N ........ 056 54E.............. 20
ppl ................ 65 22N ........ 058 02E.............. RM
gasf .............. 65 25N ........ 058 14E.............. 20
admd ............ 41 OON ........ 067 I SE .............. 79
stm ................ 46 03N ........ 061 OOE.............. RM
Thep .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 49,67
ppl ................ 53 tIN ........04827E.............. 20,44,56,RM
oilf ................ 53 12N ........ 048 20E.............. 20
petr .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 31,66
u/t ................ NA ................ NA ...................... 42,43
ppl ................ 47 12N ........ 038 56E .............. RM
oilf ................ 62 23N ........ 078 15E.............. 16
admd ............ 39 OON ........ 071 OOE .............. 79
,PPI ................ 35 57N ........ 062 50E.............. 56,RM
PPI ................ 50 19N ........ 130 22E .............. 57,RM
ppl ................ 42 32N ........ 072 14E.............. 56,79,RM
admd ............ 42 20N ........ 072 IOE .............. 79
ppl ................ 45 OON ........ 078 24E .............. 56,79,RM
admd ............ 45 OON ........ 079 00E .............. 79
ppl ................ 38 23N ........ 065 37E.............. 62,RM
they .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 49,67
oilf ................ 62 05N ........ 06555E .............. 16
pp] ................ 59 25N ........ 024 45E .............. 32,44,55,56,79,
ppl ................6930N ........08811E.............. RM .
ppl ................ 59 48N ........ 148 38E .............. RM ,
ppl ................ 52 43N ........ 041 27E.............. 55,56,79,RM
admd ............ 52 45N ........ 041 30E .............. 79
oilf ................ 56 43N ........ 056 07E.............. 20
ppl ................ 56 54N ........ 074 22E .............. 56,RM
oilf ................ 41 ^8N ........ 04554E .............. 21
oilf ........_...... 53 32N ........ 053 07E .............. 20 - .
PPI ................ 64 55N ........ 077 49E .............. RM
ppl ................ 58 23N ........ 026 43E.............. RM
ppl ................ 64 12N ........ 126 37E .............. RM
ppl ................ 61 47N ........ 113 OI E .............. RM
gasf .............. 43 05N ........ 052 20E.............. 21
stm ................ 58 06N ........ 094 Ol E.............. 60
coal ..............41 16N ........07205E.............. 34
ppl ................ 4943N ........ 089 I IE.............. RM
ppl ................ 41 SON ........ 059 58E.............. 21,56,79,RM
admd ............ 41 ION ........ 058 50E .............. 79
PPI ................ 41 20N ........ 069 18E .............. 55,56,59,79,RM
thep .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 49,67
admd ............ 41 OON ........ 069 30E .............. 79
gasf .............. 39 54N ........ 063 27E.............. 21
PPI ................ 52 47N ........ 087 53E .............. RM
nucp.............. NA ................ NA ...................... 52,67
strt ................ 50 OON ........ 141 OOE .............. RM
tars .............. 56 18N ........ 055 48E .............. 45
ppl ................ 53 58N ......,. 075 03E.............. 56,RM
ppl ................ 55 13N ........ 07558E .............. 56,RM
admd ............ 55 OON ........ 051 OOE .............. 20,79
PPI ................ 58 03N ........ 065 15E .............. 56,RM
oilf ................ 54 49N ........ 056 45E.............. 20
iron .............. 57 4I N ........ 125 23E .............. I I
oilf ................ 55 29N ........ 054 53E.............. 20
coal .............. 72 30N ........ 122 OOE .............. 34
coal .............. 74 30N ........ 097 OOE.............. 34,40
pen ................ 76 OON ........ 104 OOE.............. RM .
lake .............. 74 30N ........ 102 30E .............. RM
admd ............ 72 OON ........ 095 OOE .............. 79
ppl ................ 55 57N ........ 098 OOE.............. 57,59,60,RM . .
stm ................ 67 32N ........ 078 40E.............. 16,RM
gasf .............. 67 23N ........ 079 13E .............. 16
pen ................ 68 35N ........ 076 OOE .............. 16,17,RM
oilf ................ 46 17N ........ 053 15E.............. 21
ppl ................ 67 28N ........ 078 42E.............. RM
ppl ................ 41 42N ........ 044 45E.............. 21,32,55,56,79,
they .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 49,67
PPI ................ 37 23N ........ 060 31E .............. 56,RM
gasf .............. 37 09N ........ 060 46E.............. 21
ppl ................ 44 48N ........ 078 57E.............. RM
ppl ................ 50 O5N ........ 072 56E .............. RM
ppl ................ 43 15N ........ 05248E .............. 21,RM
gasf .............. 43 04N ........ 052 41 E.............. 21
oilf .... ........ 46 01 N ........ 053 27E............ . 21
oilf. ................ 45 33N ........ 046 01 E .............. 21
oilf ................ 60 41 N ........ 072 12E.............. 16
oilf ................ 53 09N ........ 055 55E.............. 20
oilf ................ 46 25N ........ 053 43E .............. 21
ppl ................ 37 14N ........ 067 16E.............. 79,RM
tars .............. 37 56N ........ 066 34E.............. 45
ppl ................ 49 33N ........ 025 35E.............. 79,RM
admd ............ 49 30N ........ 025 30E .............. 79
oilf ................ 62 33N ........ 073 26E .............. 16
mts ................4200N ........08000E.............. RM
ppl ................ 45 5I N ........ 040 07E .............. 21,32,56,RM
ppl ................ 59 39N ........ 033 31E .............. 56,RM
PPI ................ 71 36N ........ 128 48E.............. 57,59,RM
rdge....... ._.... 65 OON. _..... . 051 OOE .............. RM
reg ................ 65 OON ........ 056 OOE.............. 14,20,25,32
ppl ................ 45 37N ........ 038 57E .............. RM
stm ................ 58 43N ........ 127 12E .............. I I
PPI ................ 46 SON ........ 029 37E .............. RM
ppl ........ :....... 55 45N ........ 088 19E .............. 60,RM
coal .............. 42 2I N ........ 042 59E .............. 34
coal .............. 42 5I N ........ 041 41 E.............. 34
stm ................ 58 ION ........ 068 12E .............. RM
ppl ................ 58 12N ........ 068 16E.............. 18,32,56,RM
PPI ................ 42 52N ........ 075 18E.............. RM
hydp .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 50,51,67
ppl ................ 53 31 N ........ 049 26E.............. RM
oilf................ 6041N ........ 065 IOE.............. 16
stm ................ 56 SON ........ 084 27E.............. 60
they .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 49,67
ppl ......._....... 58 58N ........ 126 19E .............. 57,RM
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Approved For Release 2009/09/01 : CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
T (continued)
Tomsk .............................................................................. PPI ................ 56 30N ........ 084 58E..............
Tomskaya Oblast' ............................................................ admd ............ 58 OON ........ 083 OOE..............
Topordzhul'ba .................................................................. gasf .............. 40 OON ........ 058 27E..............
Tortay .............................................................................. oilf................ 45 38N ........ 053 13E..............
Torzhok ............................................................................ pp] ................ 57 03N ........ 034 58E..............
Trans-Siberian Railroad .................................................. rr .................. 57 30N ........ I I I OOE..............
Transcaucasus oil and gas region .................................... reg................ 40 OON ........ 048 OOE ..............
Transcaucasus power system .......................................... reg ................ 41 OON ........ 046 OOE..............
Transcaucasus Economic Region .................................... reg ................ 41 OON ........ 046 OOE..............
Trbkhozcrnoye ................................................................ oilf ................ 60 28N ........06457E..............
Tripol'yc .......................................................................... DPI ................ 5007N ........ 030 46E..............
Tripol'yc .......................................................................... they.............. NA ................ NA ......................
Troitsk .............................................................................. pp] ................ 54 06N ........ 061 35E..............
Troltsk .............................................................................. they.............. NA ................ NA ......................
Troitsko-Pcchorsb? ............................................................ ppl ................ 62 42N ........ 056 13E ..............
Troitsko-Pechorsl :............................................................ gasf ....:......... 63 OON ........ 056 01 E....... .......
Troitskoyc ........................................................................ pp] ................ 52 58N ........ 084 40E..............
Tsclinograd ...................................................................... ppl ................ 51 ION ........ 071 30E ..............
Tsclinogradskaya Oblast' ................................................ admd ............ 51 OON ........ 070 OOE..............
Tskhinvali ........................................................................ PPI . ".............. 42 14N ........ 043 57E ..............
Tuapse .............................................................................. PPI ................ 44 05N ........ 039 06E..............
Tuapse .............................................................................. petr .............. NA ................ NA ......................
Tugurskiy Zaliv .............................................................. bay................ 54 OON ........ 137 OOE..............
Takao .............................................................................. oilf................ 59 52N ........ 072 25E..............
Tul'skaya Oblast' ............................................................ admd ............ 54 OON ........ 037 30E..............
Tula ........................................................ ........... ............... pp] ................ 54 12N ........ 037 37E..............
Tula coal deposit .............................................................. coal .............. 53 53N ........ 037 43E ..............
Tulun ................................................................................ pp] ................ 54 35N ........ 100 33E ..............
Tulun coal deposit .......................................................... coal .............. 54 30N ........ 100 43E..............
Tunguska coal basin, ........................................... I ........... coal .............. 64 OON ........ 100 OOE ..............
Tuostnkh .......................................................................... stm................ 67 SON ........ 135 24E ..............
Tura ................................................................................ ppl................ 64 17N ........ 100 15E ..............
Turn ................................................................................ Stan ................ 57 12N ........ 066 56E..............
Turan .............................................................................. ppl................ 5208N ........09355E..............
Toren Lowland ................................................................ pin ................4200N ........06100E..............
Turgay .............................................................................. pp] ................ 49 38N ........ 063 30E..............
Turguy coal basin ............................................................ coal .............. 51 OON ........ 065 OOE.......... ....
Turgay Plateau ................................................................ plat ..............5030N ........061 50E..............
Turgayskuya Oblast' ...................................................... admd ............ 50 20N ........ 066 OOE.......... ....
Turinsk ............................................................................ ppl ................ 58 03N ........ 063 42E..............
Turiy Rog ........................................................................ pp] ................ 45 14N ........ 131 58E..............
Turkta .............................................................................. pp] ................ 52 57N ........ 108 13E..............
Turkestan ........................................................................ pp] ................ 43 20N ........ 068 15E ..............
Turkmen SSR .................................................................. admd ............ 40 OON ........ 060 OOE..............
Tursunzadc...................................................................... ppl ................ 38 30N ........ 068 14E..............
Turukhansk ...................................................................... ppl ................ 65 49N ........ 087 59E..............
Turukhansk tar sands deposit ........................................ tars .............. 66 1 IN ........ 089 29E..............
Tuvinskaya ASSR .......................................................... admd ............ 51 30N ........ 095 OOE..............
Tuymazy .......................................................................... oilf................ 54 42N ........ 053 22E..............
Tyb'yu.............................................................................. gasf.............. 6201N ........05636E..............
Tygda .............................................................................. pp] ................ 53 07N ........ 126 20E..............
Tytnovskoyc .................................................................... pp] ................ 50 51 N ........ 142 39E..............
Tyndn .............................................................................. ppl ................ 55 ION ........ 124 43E ..............
Tyubcdzhik ...................................................................... oilf................ 44 13N ........ 050 59E..............
Tyukalinsk ...................................................................... ppl ................ 55 52N ........ 072 12E..............
Tyumen' .......................................................................... ppI ................ 57 09N ........ 065 26E..............
Tyumen' .....................................................:.................... oilf ................ 61 36N ........ 078 08E..............
Tyumenskaya Oblast' ...................................................... admd ............ 63 OON ........ 072 OOE..............
Tyuya-Muyun uranium deposit ...................................... u/t ................ NA ................ NA ......................
TETs-21 Mosenergo Heat and Power ............................ they.............. NA ................ NA ......................
TETs-22 Mosencrgo Heat and Power ............................ they.............. NA ................ NA ......................
TETs-23 Mosenergo Heat and Power ............................ they.............. NA ................ NA ......................
Ubczhcnskoye .................................................................. oilf................ 4501N ........ 041 20E..............
Ubin ................................................................................ oilf................ 6056N ........06448E..............
Uchadzhi .......................................................................... gasf .............. 38 30N ........ 062 58E..............
Uchkuduk ........................................................................ pp] ................ 42 ION ........ 063 31 E..............
Uchkuduk uranium deposit ............................................ u/t ................ NA ................ NA ......................
Uchkyr ............................................................................ gasf ..............4003N ........06300E..............
Uchur .............................................................................. stm................ 58 48N ........ 130 35E..............
Uda.................................................................................. Stan ................ 54 42N ........ 135 14E..............
Uduchnyy ........................................................................ pp] ................ 62 33N ........ 113 53E..............
Udmurtskaya ASSR ...................................................... admd ............ 57 OON ........ 053 OOE..............
Udzha tar sands deposit .................................................. tars .............. 70 13N ........ 117 40E..............
Uc1en................................................................................ pp! ................ 66 ION ........ 169 48W ............
Ufa .................................................................................. ppl ................5444N ........ 055 56E ..............
Ufa Novo Chcrnikovsk .................................................... petr .............. NA ................ NA ......................
Ufa Novo Ufamsl:iy ........................................................ petr .............. NA ................ NA ......................
Ufa Starvo Ufimskiy ...................................................... petr .............. NA ................ NA ......................
Uglcgorsk ........................................................................ pp! ................ 49 05N ........ 142 02E ..............
Uglegorsk ........................................................................ pp] ................ 48 19N ........ 038 17E..............
Uglegorsk ........................................................................ Thep .............. NA ................ NA ......................
Uglegorsk coal region ...................................................... coal .............. 49 OON ........ 142 ISE..............
Ukhtu ..............................................................................
Ukhta ..............................................................................
Ukraine oil and as region ..............................................
Ukraine Economic Region ..............................................
Ukranian SSR ................................................................
UI'yanovsk ......................................................................
Ul'yanovskaya Oblast' ....................................................
Ulan-Ua- ........................................................................
Ulugkhcm coal basin ......................................................
Ungeny ............................................................................
Upper Kama Upland ......................................................
Ur'yeva ...........................................................................
Ural ..................................................................................
Ural Mountains ..............................................................
Ural'sk ...........................................................................
Urul'skayu Oblast' ..........................................................
Urals power system ........................................................
Urals Economic Region .................................................
Uray ..................................................................:.............
Urcngoy ..........................................................................
Urcngoy ..........................................................................
Urcngoy ..........................................................................
Urgal ................................................................................
U rgeuch .........................................................................
Urtabulak ........................................................................
U r u p. Os t rov ....................................................................
Uryupinsk .......................................................................
Usa ..................................................................................
U sh u kova, Ost rov ............................................................
Usinsk ..............................................................................
Usinsk ..............................................................................
Usol'ye-Sibirskoye ..........................................................
Ussuri ..............................................................................
Ussuriysk ........................................................................
Ust-Ka mcnogorsk ............................................................
Ust'- Ba lyk ........................................................................
ppl ................ 63 33N ........ 053 40E..............
petr .............. NA ................ NA ......................
reg ................ 49 OON ........ 030 OOE.......... ....
reg ................ 49 OON ........ 032 00E..............
admd ............ 49 OON ........ 032 00E ..............
ppl ................ 54 20N ........ 048 24E..............
admd ............ 54 OON ........ 048 OOE ..............
pp] ................ 51 SON ........ 107 37E ..............
coal .............. 51 15N ........ 094 30E..............
pp] ................ 47 12N .......: 027 48E..............
upld .............. 58 30N ........ 054 OOE..............
oilf ................ 61 20N ........ 076 05E..............
stm ................ 47 OON ........ 051 48E..............
mts ................ 60 OON ........ 060 OOE..............
pp] ................ 51 14N ........ 051 22E ..............
admd ............ 50 OON ........ 050 OOE ..............
reg ................ 57 OON ........ 062 OOE..............
reg ................ 56 OON ........ 059 OOE.......... ....
pp] ................ 60 08 N ........ 064 48E ..............
ppl ................ 65 58N ........ 078 25E..............
gasf .............. 66 54N ........ 076 45E ..............
thep .............. NA ................ NA ......................
pp] ................ 51 12N ........ 132 58E..............
pp! ................ 41 33N ........ 060 38E ..............
gasf .............. 39 08N ........ 064 32E..............
is[ .................. 46 OON ........ 150 OOE.............
pp] ................ 50 47N ........ 042 00E..............
stm ................ 65 57N ........ 056 55E..............
isl .................. 80 48N ........ 079 25E..............
pp] ................ 65 55N ........ 057 25E..............
oilf ................ 66 07N ........ 057 I I E..............
ppI ................ 52 45N ........ 103 41 E..... .........
stm ................ 48 28N ........ 135 02E..............
pp] ................ 43 48N ........ 131 59E..............
pp] ................ 49 58N ........ 082 40E..............
oilf ................ 61 03N ........ 072 33E..............
I I,57,RM
Ust'-Barguzin .................................................................. ppl ................ 53 27N ........ 108 59E.............. RM
Ust'-Ilimsk ...................................................................... ppl ................ 58 03N ........ 102 39E.............. 55,57,RM
Ust'-Ihmsk ...................................................................... hydp.............. NA ................ NA ...................... 50,67
Ust'-Kamchatsk .............................................................. ppl ................ 56 15N ........ 162 30E.............. RM
Ust'-Kureyka .................................................................. ppl................ 6630N ........08715E.............. RM
Ust'-Kut .......................................................................... pp] ................ 56 46N ........ 105 40E .............. 57,RM
Ust'-Maya ............................ ............. ...................... :........ pp! ................6025N ........ 134 32E .............. RM
Ust'-Nera ........................................................................ ppl ..._........... 64 34N ........ 143 12E.............. 57,59,RM
Ust'-Olen6k ...................................................................... pp] ................ 73 OON ........ 119 48E .............. RM
Ust'-Omchug ............................................................... ... pp] ................ 61 09N ........ 149 38E.,............ 57,RM
Ust'-Ordynskiy ................................................................ ppl................ 5248N ........ 104 45E .............. RM
Ust'-Ordynskiy Buryatskiy AOk .................................... admd ............ 53 30N ........ 104 OOE.............. 79
Ust'-Port .......................................................................... DPI ................ 69 40N ........ 084 26E.............. RM
Ust'-Taskan .................................................................... pp] ................ 62 40N ........ 150 52E .............. 57,RM
Ust'-Uda .......................................................................... ppl ................ 54 24N ........ 103 17E.............. 57,RM
Ustinov ............................................................................ pp] ................ 56 51N ........ 053 14E.............. 20,79,RM
Ustyurt Plateau ..................................................._......... upld .............. 43 00N ........ 056 00E.............. RM
Uzbek SSR ...................................................................... admd ............ 41 OON ........ 064 OOE....... ....... 21,79
Uzen' ................................................................................ PPI ................ 43 27N ........ 053 IOE.............. 21,56,RM
Uzen' ................................................................................ oilf............ .... 43 20N ........ 052 59E.............. 21,29,66
Uzhgorod ........................................................................ PP1 ................ 48 37N ........ 022 18E.............. 10,11,32,79,RM
Uzhur ................... ...................................._..........._........ ppl ................ 55 l8N ........ 089 SOE.............. RM
Vakh ................................................................................ stm.... ............ 60 45N ........ 076 45E ..............
Vakh ................................................................................ oilf................ 60 52N ........ 078 56E..............
Vakhrushev ...................................................................... ppl ................ 48 59N ........ 142 58E..............
Vakhrushev coal deposit .................................................. coal .............. 49 Ol N ........ 142 48E ..............
Vakhsh ............................................................................ Stan ................ 37 06N ........ 068 18E..............
Valdai Hills ...................................................................... hits................ 57 OON ........ 033 30E..............
Valmiera .......................................................................... ppl ................ 57 33N ........ 025 24E ..............
Valuyki ............................................................................ ppl ................ 50 14N ........ 038 08E..............
Van"yegan ...................................................................... oilf................ 61 52N ........ 077 11E..............
Vaneyvis .......................................................................... gasf .............. 67 43N ........ 054 020..............
Vanino .... ...................................... ...:........................ ........ ppl ................ 49 O5N ........ 140 15E..............
Vankarem ........................................................................ ppl ................ 67 5IN ........ 175 SOW ............
Var'yegan ............._......_................................................. oilf...... _........ 62 06N ........ 077 34E..............
Varzino ............................................................................ ppl ...:............ 68 2I N ........ 038 23E..............
Vashka ............................................_.............................. stm................ 64 53N ........ 045 47E..............
Vasil'kov ..........__ ........................................._................. gasf .............. 68 OON ........ 053 46E ..............
Vasil'yevskoye ..................................................................
Vasyugan ........................................................................
Vat"yegan ........................................................................
V a t a .................................................................................
Vaygach, Ostrov ..................................._.._.....................
Vel'sk ..............................................................................
Vel'yu ..............................................................................
Velikiy Ustyug ................................................................
Velikiye Luki ..................................................................
Ventspils ..........................................................................
V erkh ne ............................................................................
Verkhne-Anabar tar sands deposit ___ .........._ ..............
Verkhnegrubeshor __.........____ .......................................
Verkhnelyamin ................................................................
Verkhnesalym ..................................................................
Verkhneshasha ................................................................
Verkhniy Tagil ................................................................
Verkhniy Tagil ................................................................
Verkhnyaya Salda ..........................................................
Verkhnyaya Taymyra......................................................
V erkhoyansk ....................................................................
Verkhoyansk Range ........................................................
V esenneye ........................................................................
Veslyanka .......................................................................
Vidim ..............................................................................
Vikhorevka ......................................................................
Vikhorevka uranium/thorium deposit ............................
Viktoriya, Ostrov ............................._..........._................
Vikulovo ..........................................................................
Vil'kitskogo, Proliv ..........................................................
oilf ................ 58 23N ........ 055 56E..............
stm ................ 59 07N ........ 080 46E ..............
oilf ................ 62 19N ........
oilf ................ 61 12N ........
isl .................. 70 00N ........
ppl ................ 61 05N ........ 042 08E ..............
oilf ................ 63 37N ........
PPI ................ 60 48N ........
ppl ................ 56 20N ........
ppl ................ 57 24N ........ 021 31E ..............
oilf ................ 63 37N ........ 053 06E..............
tars .............. 69 S7N ........ 112 22E ..............
oilf ................ 66 52N ........ 054 45E..............
oilf ................ 62 14N ........ 070 27E..............
oilf. ................ 600IN ........ 071 01E..............
oi!f ................ 60 5IN ........07020E..............
pp] ................ 57 22N ........ 059 56E ..............
they .............. NA ................ NA ......................
ppI ................ 58 02N ........ 060 33E..............
stm ................ 74 15N ........ 099 48E ..............
ppl ................ 67 35N ........ 133 27E..............
ants ................ 67 OON ........ 129 00E..............
oilf ................ 59 22N ........ 076 24E..............
oilf ................ 57 12N ........ 056 41 E..............
pp] ................ 56 25N ........ 103 12E..............
pp] ................ 56 05N ........ 101 ISE..............
U/t ................ NA ................ NA ......... .............
isl ...... ...... ...... 80 ION ........ 036 45E..............
pp] ................ 56 49N ........ 070 37E..............
strt ................ 77 55N ........ 103 OOE ..............
Vilnius .............................................................................. ppl ................ 54 41 N ........ 025 19E ..............
Vilyuy .............................................................................. stm................ 64 24N ........ 126 26E..............
Vilyuy .............................................................................. hydp.............. NA ................ NA ......................
Vilyuysk .......................................................................... ppl ................ 63 45N ........ 121 35E..............
Vilyuyskoye Vodokhranilishche ...................................... resv .............. 62 55N ........ Ill OOE ..............
Vinnitsa ............................................................................ PPI ................ 49 14N ........ 028 29E ..............
Vinnitskaya Oblast' ............................_.._...................... admd._......... 49 OON ..___ 029 OOE ..............
Vishera ............................................................................ Stan ................ 59 55N ........ 056 25E ..............
Vishnevogorsk .................................................................. pp] ................ 56 OON ........ 060 40E ..............
Vishnhvogorsk uranium deposit ___ ................................ u/t.__........... NA ................ NA ......................
Vitebsk ............................................................................ pp] ................ 55 12N ........ 03011E..............
Vitebskaya Oblast' ..................... _ .................................. admd ............ 55 OON ........ 029 30E..............
Vitim ................................................................................ pp] ................ 59 28N ........ 112 34E......'.......
Vitim .......................................... __..___......................... stm................ 59 26N ........ 112 34E..............
Vize, Ostrov .................... ____ ...._......_..:........................ isl.........._...... 79 30N ........ 077 OOE..............
Vladimir .......................................................................... ppl ................ 56 ION ........ 040 25E..............
Vladimirskaya Oblast' .................................................... admd ............ 56 OON ........ 040 30E..............
Vladivostok.. ... .......................... ...... ............ ..................... ppl ................ 43 O8N ........ 131 54E..............
Vol'sk .............................................................................. ppl ................ 52 02N ........ 047 23E..............
Volga ................................................................................ Stan ................ 45 55N ........ 047 52E..............
Volga at Tol'yatti-Zhigulbvsk ........................................ hydp.............. NA ................ NA ...................... 50,67
Volga at Volgograd ........................................................ hydp.............. NA ................ NA ...................... 50,55,67
Volga Economic Region. ..... __ ........... _ ......................... reg ................ 52 00N ........ 046 00E.............. 79
Volga Upland .................................................................. upld .............. 52 OON ........ 046 OOE.............. RM
Volga-Urals oil and gas region ...................................... reg ................ 55 OON ........ 053 OOE.............. 14,15,20,22,25,32
Volga-Vyatka Economic Region .................................... reg ................ 57 00N ........ 048 00E.............. 79
Volgodonsk ...................................................................... ppl ................ 47 32N ........ 042 09E.............. 52,53,RM
Volgograd ........................... ............ ____ .......................... pp] ............._- 48 45N ........ 044 25E......... -._ 26,52,53,55,56,
Volgograd ........................................................................ pear ......__.... NA ................ NA ...................... 31,66
Volgogradskaya Oblast' ..................................._............. admd ............ 49 OON ........ 044 OOE .............. 79
Volkhov ............................................................................ ppl ................ 59 55N ........ 032 20E............... RM
Volochayevka Vtoraya .................................................... pp) ........._.._- 48 35N ........ 134 34E.............. RM
Vologda.................... _ ..................................................... ppl ................ 59 13N ........ 039 54E.............. 56,79,RM
Vologodskaya Oblast ....................................................... admd ............ 60 OON ........ 042 OOE .............. 79
Volynskaya Oblast ........................................................... admd ............ 51 OON ........ 025 OOE.............. 79
Volzhsk ............................................................................ ppl ................ 55 53N ........ 048 20E.............. RM
Volzhskiy ........................................................................ ppl................ 4849N ........04444E.............. RM
Vorkuta ........................................................._................. ppl ................ 67 30N ........ 064 OOE.............. I6,56,59,RM
Vorkuta coal deposit ........................... '...___.................... coal .............. 67 13N ........ 063 35E.............. 34
Voronezh .......................................................................... ppl ................ 51 38N ........ 039 12E..... ........ 56,79,RM
Voronezh AST ................................................................ nucp.............. NA ................ NA ...................... 52,53,67
Voronezhskaya Oblast' .................................................... admd ............ 51 OON ........ 040 OOE .............. 79
Voroshilovgrad ..........................._................................... ppl ................ 48 34N ........ 039 20E .............. 79,RM
Voroshilovgrad ................................................................ they .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 49,67
Voroshilovgradskaya Oblast' ................... ____...___...... admd ............ 49 OON ........ 039 OOE.............. 79
Voskresenskoye ................................................................ oilf................ 53 14N ........ 056 12E.............. 20
Vostochno-KazakhstanskayaOblast ......... _......__...___. admd............ 4900N ........08400E .............. 79
Vostochno-Pal'yu ............................................................ gasf .............. 62 30N ........ 056 55E.............. 20
Vostochno-Tarkosale ........._...._ ..................................... gasf ........_... 64 56N ....... 078 54E.............. 16
Vostochno-Tedzhen ........................................................ gasf .............. 37 05N ........ 061 05E.............. 21
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Votkinsk .......................................................................... ppl ................ 57 03N ........ 053 59E .............. 56,RM
Votkinsk .......................................................................... hydp.............. NA ................ NA ...................... 50,67
Voyvozh .......................................................................... ppl ................ 64 21N ........ 055 06E.............. RM
Vozey .............................................................................. oilf................ 6642N ........05647E.............. 20,66
Vuktyl .............................................................................. ppl ................ 63 40N ........ 057 20E .............. 59,RM
Vuktyl .............................................................................. gasf .............. 63 49N ........ 057 18E.............. 15,20,23,66
VYatka .............................................................................. stm................ 55 36N ........ 051 300.............. 20,RM
Vyaz'ma .......................................................................... PPI ................ 55 13N ........ 034 18E.............. RM
Vyborg ............ .................... .::......................................... .PPI .60 42N ........ 02845E .......... .... 25,RM
Vychcgda ........................................................................ stm................ 61 18N ........ 046 36E.............. 20,RM
Vyksa .............................................................................. ppl................ 55 18N ........04211E.............. 33,RM
Vym' ................................................................................ stm................ 62 13N ........ 050 25E.............. 20
. Vyngapur ........................................................................ gasf .............. 63 ION ........ 076 46E .............. 16,23,66
Vyshniy Volochek ............................................................ ppl ................ 57 35N ........ 034 34E .............. RM
Vytegra ............................................................................ ppl ................ 61 OON ........ 036 27E.............. 56,RM
West Kamchatka coal area ............................................ coal .............. 57 30N ........ 157 30E.............. 34
West Siberia oil and gas region ...................................... reg................ 6400N ........07500E.............. 14,15,16,17,18,
West Siberia Economic Region ...................................... reg ................ 60 00N ........ 076 00E...._........ 79
West Siberian Plain ........................................................ pin ................ 6000N ........ 075 OOE............ .. RM
White Sea .................. :..................................................... sea ................ 65 30N ........03800E.............. RM
Wrangel Island ................................................................ isl............... ...71OON ........17930W............ RM
Yablonovyy Range .......................................................... rats................ 53 30N
Yagodnoye ...................................................................... ppl ................ 62 33N
Yagtydin .......................................................................... oilf ................ 62 38N
Yakushkino ...................................................................... oilf ................ 53 54N
Yakutsk ............................................................................ ppl ................ 62 OON
Yakutskaya ASSR .......................................................... admd ............ 65 OON
Yalta ................................................................................ DPI ................ 44 30N
Yamal Peninsula .............................................................. pen................ 70 OON
Yamalo-Nenetskiy AOk.................................................. admd ............ 66 OON
Yamarovka ...................................................................... ppl ................ 50 38N
Yamashi .......................................................................... oil(................ 55 05N
Yamburg .......................................................................... gasf .............. 68 06N
Yamsovey ........................................................................ gasf .............. 65 30N
Yana ................................................................................ stm................ 71 31N
Yangikazgan .................................................................... gasf .............. 40 38N
Yangiyul ....................... :........................ ......................... ppl ................ 41 06N
Yanskiy Zaliv .................................................................. gulf .............. 71 50N
Yaransk ............................................................................ PPI ................ 57 19N
Yarayner ............................. :............................................ oilf ................ 63 09N
Yarega ............................................................................
oilf ................ 63 24N
Yarega tar sands deposit ................................................
tars .............. 65 43N
Yareyyu ..........................................................................
gasf .............. 67 59N
Yarino ..............................................................................
oil( ................ 58 26N
Yarkino ............................................................................
PPI ................ 59 08N
Yaroslavl' ........................................................................
PPI ................ 57 37N
Yaroslavl' ...................... ........................ ..................:.......
pelf .............. NA ......
Yaroslavskaya Oblast' ....................................................
............ 58 00N
Yasnogorsk ......................................................................
PPI ................505lN
Yaun-Lor .........................................................................
oilf ................ 61 27N
Yefremov ........................................................................
PPI ................5309N
Yegindybulak ..................................................................
Yelets .............................................................. ................
PPI ................ 52 37N
Yel izarovo ........................ ................................................
oilf ................ 61 27N
Yelizovo ........................................... ...............................
pp] ................ 53 I IN
Yelkino ............................................................................
oilf ................ 57 37N
Ye m-Yegov ...................................................... ................
oilf ................61 58N
Yenisey ............................ ................................................
stm ................ 71 SON
Yeniseysk ............................ ............................................
Yenoruskino ....................................... .............................
Ycra l iyev .....................................................................
Yerevan .............. ..............................................................
Yerga ch ............................................................................
Yermak ............................................................................
Yermak ................................................................:...........
Yermak ............................ ............................
Yermakovo ......................................................................
Ycrmentau ......................................................................
Y es i l ..............................................................
Yet ypu r ............................................................................
Yevpa for iya ..................................................................
Yevreyskaya AO ..............................................................
Ycysk ..............................................................................
Yoshkar-Ola ............................... .....................................
Yubileynyy .............................................................
Yugo-Osetinskaya AO ....................................................
Yugomash ...................................................................
Y ugorsk ..........................................
Yurga ............................................'..................................
Yurkharov .................. ...................... .......................
Yushkozero ............................. .........................
........ 053 28E..............
........ 056 41 E..............
........ 055 15E..............
........ 056 31 E..............
........ 099 23E..............
........ 039 52E..............
.......... NA ......................
........ 039 30E ..............
~....... 072 43E ...........
........ 038 30E..............
........ 067 42E..............
........ 158 23E ..............
........ 056 56E..............
................ 58 27N ........ 092 10E..............
oilf ................ 54 56N ........ 050 45E..............
ppl ................ 43 12N ........ 051 39E..............
PPI ................ 40 1I N ........ 044 30E.............. ................ 57 23N ........ 056 39E ..............
DPI ................ 52 02N ........ 076 550..............
oilf ................ 60 47N ........ 076 I OE..............
thep .............. NA ................ NA ...................... ................ 66 37N ........ 086 13E..............
ppl ................ 51 38N ........ 073 I OE..............
ppl ................ 51 28N ..... ... 066 24E ..............
gasf .............. 64 01 N ........ 077 42E..............
ppl ................ 45 12N ........ 033 22E .............. admd............ 48 30N ........ 132 OOE ..............
ppl ................ 46 42N ........ 038 17E..............
ppl ................ 56 40N ........ 047 55E..............
gasf .............. 66 05N ........ 075 56E..............
admd ............ 42 20N ........ 044 OOE..............
oil( ................ 56 16N ........ 055 31E..............
oilf ................ 61 37N ........ 077 27E ..............
PPI ................5542N ........08451E..............
gasf .............. 67 47N ........ 077 19E..............
ppl ................6445N ........03207E..............
Zabaykal'sk ...................................................................... ppl................ 49 38N ........ 117 19E ..............
Zagorsk............................................................................ DPI ................ 56I8N ........03808E.............. Zagorsk ............................................................................ hydp.............. NA ................ NA ...................... Zainsk .............................................................................. ppl ................5518N ........05204E.............. Zainsk .............................................................................. thee.............. NA ................ NA ...................... Zakamensk ...................................................................... PPI ................ 50 23N ........ 103 17E.............. Zakarpatskaya Oblast ..................................................... admd ............ 48 20N ........ 023 OOE .............. Zamankul ........................................................................ oilf................ 43 18N ........ 044 20E.............. Zapadno-Erdekli .............................................................. gasf .............. 38 44N ........ 053 33E .............. Zapadno-lzkos'gora ........................................................ gasf .............. 62 55N ........ 054 41 E.............. Zapadno-Soplesk ............................................................ gas( .............. 64 17N ........ 057 14E.............. Zapadno-Surgut .............................................................. oilf............ _. 61 22N ........ 073 04E .............. Zapadno-Tarkosale .......................................................... gasf .............. 64 47N ........ 077 49E.............. Zapadnyy Tebuk ............................................................ oilf................ 63 42N ........ 054 54E.............. Zapolyarnoye .................................................................. gasf .............. 66 55N ........ 079 140.............. Zaporozh'ye .................................................................... ppl ................ 47 53N ........ 03505E .............. Zaporozh'ye .................................................................... they .............. NA ................ NA ...................... Zaporozh'ye .................................................................... nucp.............. NA ................ NA ...................... Zaporozhskaya Oblast' .................................................... admd ............ 47 30N ........ 035 30E .............. Zarafshan ........................................................................ ppl........... .....413IN ........06415E.............. Zavolzh'ye ........................................... ........................ ppl ................ 56 39N ........ 043 240.............. Zaysan .............................................................................. ppl ................ 47 28N ........ 084 52E .............. Zaysan, Ozero .................................................................. lake .............. 48 OON ........ 08400E.............. Zayskoye Vodokhranilishche..._ ..................................... resv .............. 54 25N ........ 127 45E.............. Zelenodol'sk .................................................................... ppl ................ 55 51N ........ 048 33E.............. ZelenYY Mys .................................................................... PPI ................ 68 48N ........ 161 24E .............. Zeya ................................................................................ ppl ............ :... 53 45N ........ 127 16E.............. Zeya ................................................................................ stm................ 50 15N ........ 127 35E..............
Zeya ................................................................................ hydp.............. NA ................ NA ...................... 50,67
Zhanatala ........................................................................ oilf................ 47 ION ........ 050 09E.............. 21
Zhanatas .......................................................................... PPI ................ 43 34N ........ 069 45E.............. 56,RM
Zhanazhol ........................................................................ oilf................ 48 35N ........ 05800E .............. 21
Zhannetty, Ostrov .__ ......................................__........... isl.................. 76 43N ........ 158 OOE.............. RM
Zharyk ............................................................................ ppl ................ 48 52N ........ 072 51 E.............. RM
Zhdanov .......................................................................... ppl ................ 47 06N ........ 037 33E .............. RM
Zhdanov .......................................................................... gasf .............. 39 16N ........ 052 58E .............. 21
Zheleznodorozhnyy .......................................................... PPI ................ 62 35N ........ 050 55E .............. RM
Zheleznogorsk .................................................................. ppl ................ 52 19N.......... 035 12E.............. 56,RM
Zheleznogorsk-Ilimskiy .................................................. PPI ................ 56 34N ........ 104 08E .............. 57,RM
Zheltyye Vody ............................. ......:................ ............ PPI ................ 48 21N ........ 033 32E.............. RM
Zheltyye Vody-Terny
uranium deposit/ processing center ........................ u/t NA ................ NA ...................... 42,43
Zhetybay .......................................................................... oilf................ 43 20N ........ 052 18E .............. 21,27,66
Zhigalovo ........................................................................ DPI................ 54 48N ........ 105 08E.............. RM
Zhigansk .......................................................................... ppl ................ 66 45N ........ 12320E.............. RM
Zhigulevsk ........................................................................ oilf................ 53 27N ........ 049 30E .............. 20
Zhiloy .............................................................................. oilf ................ 40 21N ........ 050 35E.............. 21
Zhitomir ........... .................................................... pPl ................ 50 15N ........ 028 40E.............. 79,RM
Zhitomirskaya Oblast' ................. _................................. admd ............ 50 30N ........ 028 30E.............. 79
Zhokhova,Ostrov..___......._ ..................... .__................. isl.................. 7604N ........ 15240E............:. RM
Zima ................................................................................ ppl ...............: 53 55N ........ 102 04E ............ 57,RM
Zimniy .............................................................................. gasf .............. 69 24N ........ 085 08E .............. 16
Zlatoust ............................................................................ ppl................ 55I0N ........05940E.............. 56,RM
Zmiyev (Gotval'd)__ ........................................................ thep .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 49,67
Zol'noye .................. ........................... ........................... . oilf ................ 53 27N ........04946E.............. 20
Zolotaya Gora............ __ ................................._.............. ppl ................ 54 16N ........ 126 38E .............. 57,RM
Zuyevka .......................................................................... ppl ................ 48 04N ........ 038 15E.............. RM
Zuyevka ...................... _..__.............................. . thep .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 49,67
Zvenigorodka coal deposit .............................................. coal .............. 48 58N ........ 031 IOE.............. 34
ZYryanka.......................................................................... ppl ................ 65 45N ........ 150 50E.............. RM
Zyryanka coal basin ........................................................ coal .............. 6600N ........ 14600E.............. 34,40
Zyryanka coal deposit .................................................... coal .............. 66 OON ........ 150 20E.............. 34
Zyryanovsk ...................................................................... ppl ................ 49 43N ........ 084 20E.............. 56,RM
Yuzhno-Ba lyk ............................................ ...................... oilf ................ 60 29N ........ 072 28E..............
Yuzhno-Myl'dzhino ........................................................ oilf ................ 58 45N ........ 078 05E..............
Yuzhno-Russkaya ............................................................ gasf .............. 66 04N ........ 080 36E..............
Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk ........................................................ .. PPI ................ 46 57N ........ 142 44E ..............
Yuzhno-Shapkina ............................................................ oilf ................ 67 I IN ........ 054 25E..............
Yuzhno-Sukhokumskoye ................................................ oilf ................ 44 30N ........ 045 13E..............
Yuzhno-Surgut ................................................................ oilf ................ 61 08N ........ 072 57E ..........
Yuzhno-Tambey .............................................................. gasf .............. 71 37N ........ 071 57E..............
Yuzhno-Ural'sk .............................................................. ppl ................ 54 26N ........ 061 15E..............
Yuzhno-Ural'sk ................................................. ............. thep .............. NA ................ NA ......................
Yuzhno-Zhetybay ............................................................ gasf.............. 43 15N ........ 052 09E..............
Yuzhnyy Bug .................................................................. stm................ 46 59N ........ 031 58E..............
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
........11500E .............. RM
........ 149 400 .............. 57,RM
........ 056 18E ............ .. 20
........ 051 31E .. ... .. .... ... 20
........ 129 40E .............. 32,57,58,59,79,
........ 130 OOE .............. 79
........ 034 1 OE.............. 56,62,RM
........ 070 OOE .. .. .. .. .. .... 16,17,RM
........ 076 OOE . ............. 17,79
........ 110 16E .. ............ RM
051 47E .............. 20
........ 076 18E .............. 15,16,17,23,66
075 56E... ........... 16,66
136 32E .............. RM
........ 062 37E .............. 21
........06903E ............ .. RM
........13600E .............. RM
........ 047 54E.... . .. .. .. ... RM
....... 077 48E. . .. ......... . 16
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
Votkinsk .......................................................................... ppl ................ 57 03N ........ 053 59E .............. 56,RM
Votkinsk .......................................................................... hydp.............. NA ................ NA ...................... 50,67
Voyvozh .......................................................................... ppl ................ 64 21N ........ 055 06E.............. RM
Vozey .............................................................................. oilf................ 6642N ........05647E.............. 20,66
Vuktyl .............................................................................. ppl ................ 63 40N ........ 057 20E .............. 59,RM
Vuktyl .............................................................................. gasf .............. 63 49N ........ 057 18E.............. 15,20,23,66
VYatka .............................................................................. stm................ 55 36N ........ 051 300.............. 20,RM
Vyaz'ma .......................................................................... PPI ................ 55 13N ........ 034 18E.............. RM
Vyborg ............ .................... .::......................................... .PPI .60 42N ........ 02845E .......... .... 25,RM
Vychcgda ........................................................................ stm................ 61 18N ........ 046 36E.............. 20,RM
Vyksa .............................................................................. ppl................ 55 18N ........04211E.............. 33,RM
Vym' ................................................................................ stm................ 62 13N ........ 050 25E.............. 20
. Vyngapur ........................................................................ gasf .............. 63 ION ........ 076 46E .............. 16,23,66
Vyshniy Volochek ............................................................ ppl ................ 57 35N ........ 034 34E .............. RM
Vytegra ............................................................................ ppl ................ 61 OON ........ 036 27E.............. 56,RM
West Kamchatka coal area ............................................ coal .............. 57 30N ........ 157 30E.............. 34
West Siberia oil and gas region ...................................... reg................ 6400N ........07500E.............. 14,15,16,17,18,
West Siberia Economic Region ...................................... reg ................ 60 00N ........ 076 00E...._........ 79
West Siberian Plain ........................................................ pin ................ 6000N ........ 075 OOE............ .. RM
White Sea .................. :..................................................... sea ................ 65 30N ........03800E.............. RM
Wrangel Island ................................................................ isl............... ...71OON ........17930W............ RM
Yablonovyy Range .......................................................... rats................ 53 30N
Yagodnoye ...................................................................... ppl ................ 62 33N
Yagtydin .......................................................................... oilf ................ 62 38N
Yakushkino ...................................................................... oilf ................ 53 54N
Yakutsk ............................................................................ ppl ................ 62 OON
Yakutskaya ASSR .......................................................... admd ............ 65 OON
Yalta ................................................................................ DPI ................ 44 30N
Yamal Peninsula .............................................................. pen................ 70 OON
Yamalo-Nenetskiy AOk.................................................. admd ............ 66 OON
Yamarovka ...................................................................... ppl ................ 50 38N
Yamashi .......................................................................... oil(................ 55 05N
Yamburg .......................................................................... gasf .............. 68 06N
Yamsovey ........................................................................ gasf .............. 65 30N
Yana ................................................................................ stm................ 71 31N
Yangikazgan .................................................................... gasf .............. 40 38N
Yangiyul ....................... :........................ ......................... ppl ................ 41 06N
Yanskiy Zaliv .................................................................. gulf .............. 71 50N
Yaransk ............................................................................ PPI ................ 57 19N
Yarayner ............................. :............................................ oilf ................ 63 09N
Yarega ............................................................................
oilf ................ 63 24N
Yarega tar sands deposit ................................................
tars .............. 65 43N
Yareyyu ..........................................................................
gasf .............. 67 59N
Yarino ..............................................................................
oil( ................ 58 26N
Yarkino ............................................................................
PPI ................ 59 08N
Yaroslavl' ........................................................................
PPI ................ 57 37N
Yaroslavl' ...................... ........................ ..................:.......
pelf .............. NA ......
Yaroslavskaya Oblast' ....................................................
............ 58 00N
Yasnogorsk ......................................................................
PPI ................505lN
Yaun-Lor .........................................................................
oilf ................ 61 27N
Yefremov ........................................................................
PPI ................5309N
Yegindybulak ..................................................................
Yelets .............................................................. ................
PPI ................ 52 37N
Yel izarovo ........................ ................................................
oilf ................ 61 27N
Yelizovo ........................................... ...............................
pp] ................ 53 I IN
Yelkino ............................................................................
oilf ................ 57 37N
Ye m-Yegov ...................................................... ................
oilf ................61 58N
Yenisey ............................ ................................................
stm ................ 71 SON
Yeniseysk ............................ ............................................
Yenoruskino ....................................... .............................
Ycra l iyev .....................................................................
Yerevan .............. ..............................................................
Yerga ch ............................................................................
Yermak ............................................................................
Yermak ................................................................:...........
Yermak ............................ ............................
Yermakovo ......................................................................
Ycrmentau ......................................................................
Y es i l ..............................................................
Yet ypu r ............................................................................
Yevpa for iya ..................................................................
Yevreyskaya AO ..............................................................
Ycysk ..............................................................................
Yoshkar-Ola ............................... .....................................
Yubileynyy .............................................................
Yugo-Osetinskaya AO ....................................................
Yugomash ...................................................................
Y ugorsk ..........................................
Yurga ............................................'..................................
Yurkharov .................. ...................... .......................
Yushkozero ............................. .........................
........ 053 28E..............
........ 056 41 E..............
........ 055 15E..............
........ 056 31 E..............
........ 099 23E..............
........ 039 52E..............
.......... NA ......................
........ 039 30E ..............
~....... 072 43E ...........
........ 038 30E..............
........ 067 42E..............
........ 158 23E ..............
........ 056 56E..............
................ 58 27N ........ 092 10E..............
oilf ................ 54 56N ........ 050 45E..............
ppl ................ 43 12N ........ 051 39E..............
PPI ................ 40 1I N ........ 044 30E.............. ................ 57 23N ........ 056 39E ..............
DPI ................ 52 02N ........ 076 550..............
oilf ................ 60 47N ........ 076 I OE..............
thep .............. NA ................ NA ...................... ................ 66 37N ........ 086 13E..............
ppl ................ 51 38N ........ 073 I OE..............
ppl ................ 51 28N ..... ... 066 24E ..............
gasf .............. 64 01 N ........ 077 42E..............
ppl ................ 45 12N ........ 033 22E .............. admd............ 48 30N ........ 132 OOE ..............
ppl ................ 46 42N ........ 038 17E..............
ppl ................ 56 40N ........ 047 55E..............
gasf .............. 66 05N ........ 075 56E..............
admd ............ 42 20N ........ 044 OOE..............
oil( ................ 56 16N ........ 055 31E..............
oilf ................ 61 37N ........ 077 27E ..............
PPI ................5542N ........08451E..............
gasf .............. 67 47N ........ 077 19E..............
ppl ................6445N ........03207E..............
Zabaykal'sk ...................................................................... ppl................ 49 38N ........ 117 19E ..............
Zagorsk............................................................................ DPI ................ 56I8N ........03808E.............. Zagorsk ............................................................................ hydp.............. NA ................ NA ...................... Zainsk .............................................................................. ppl ................5518N ........05204E.............. Zainsk .............................................................................. thee.............. NA ................ NA ...................... Zakamensk ...................................................................... PPI ................ 50 23N ........ 103 17E.............. Zakarpatskaya Oblast ..................................................... admd ............ 48 20N ........ 023 OOE .............. Zamankul ........................................................................ oilf................ 43 18N ........ 044 20E.............. Zapadno-Erdekli .............................................................. gasf .............. 38 44N ........ 053 33E .............. Zapadno-lzkos'gora ........................................................ gasf .............. 62 55N ........ 054 41 E.............. Zapadno-Soplesk ............................................................ gas( .............. 64 17N ........ 057 14E.............. Zapadno-Surgut .............................................................. oilf............ _. 61 22N ........ 073 04E .............. Zapadno-Tarkosale .......................................................... gasf .............. 64 47N ........ 077 49E.............. Zapadnyy Tebuk ............................................................ oilf................ 63 42N ........ 054 54E.............. Zapolyarnoye .................................................................. gasf .............. 66 55N ........ 079 140.............. Zaporozh'ye .................................................................... ppl ................ 47 53N ........ 03505E .............. Zaporozh'ye .................................................................... they .............. NA ................ NA ...................... Zaporozh'ye .................................................................... nucp.............. NA ................ NA ...................... Zaporozhskaya Oblast' .................................................... admd ............ 47 30N ........ 035 30E .............. Zarafshan ........................................................................ ppl........... .....413IN ........06415E.............. Zavolzh'ye ........................................... ........................ ppl ................ 56 39N ........ 043 240.............. Zaysan .............................................................................. ppl ................ 47 28N ........ 084 52E .............. Zaysan, Ozero .................................................................. lake .............. 48 OON ........ 08400E.............. Zayskoye Vodokhranilishche..._ ..................................... resv .............. 54 25N ........ 127 45E.............. Zelenodol'sk .................................................................... ppl ................ 55 51N ........ 048 33E.............. ZelenYY Mys .................................................................... PPI ................ 68 48N ........ 161 24E .............. Zeya ................................................................................ ppl ............ :... 53 45N ........ 127 16E.............. Zeya ................................................................................ stm................ 50 15N ........ 127 35E..............
Zeya ................................................................................ hydp.............. NA ................ NA ...................... 50,67
Zhanatala ........................................................................ oilf................ 47 ION ........ 050 09E.............. 21
Zhanatas .......................................................................... PPI ................ 43 34N ........ 069 45E.............. 56,RM
Zhanazhol ........................................................................ oilf................ 48 35N ........ 05800E .............. 21
Zhannetty, Ostrov .__ ......................................__........... isl.................. 76 43N ........ 158 OOE.............. RM
Zharyk ............................................................................ ppl ................ 48 52N ........ 072 51 E.............. RM
Zhdanov .......................................................................... ppl ................ 47 06N ........ 037 33E .............. RM
Zhdanov .......................................................................... gasf .............. 39 16N ........ 052 58E .............. 21
Zheleznodorozhnyy .......................................................... PPI ................ 62 35N ........ 050 55E .............. RM
Zheleznogorsk .................................................................. ppl ................ 52 19N.......... 035 12E.............. 56,RM
Zheleznogorsk-Ilimskiy .................................................. PPI ................ 56 34N ........ 104 08E .............. 57,RM
Zheltyye Vody ............................. ......:................ ............ PPI ................ 48 21N ........ 033 32E.............. RM
Zheltyye Vody-Terny
uranium deposit/ processing center ........................ u/t NA ................ NA ...................... 42,43
Zhetybay .......................................................................... oilf................ 43 20N ........ 052 18E .............. 21,27,66
Zhigalovo ........................................................................ DPI................ 54 48N ........ 105 08E.............. RM
Zhigansk .......................................................................... ppl ................ 66 45N ........ 12320E.............. RM
Zhigulevsk ........................................................................ oilf................ 53 27N ........ 049 30E .............. 20
Zhiloy .............................................................................. oilf ................ 40 21N ........ 050 35E.............. 21
Zhitomir ........... .................................................... pPl ................ 50 15N ........ 028 40E.............. 79,RM
Zhitomirskaya Oblast' ................. _................................. admd ............ 50 30N ........ 028 30E.............. 79
Zhokhova,Ostrov..___......._ ..................... .__................. isl.................. 7604N ........ 15240E............:. RM
Zima ................................................................................ ppl ...............: 53 55N ........ 102 04E ............ 57,RM
Zimniy .............................................................................. gasf .............. 69 24N ........ 085 08E .............. 16
Zlatoust ............................................................................ ppl................ 55I0N ........05940E.............. 56,RM
Zmiyev (Gotval'd)__ ........................................................ thep .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 49,67
Zol'noye .................. ........................... ........................... . oilf ................ 53 27N ........04946E.............. 20
Zolotaya Gora............ __ ................................._.............. ppl ................ 54 16N ........ 126 38E .............. 57,RM
Zuyevka .......................................................................... ppl ................ 48 04N ........ 038 15E.............. RM
Zuyevka ...................... _..__.............................. . thep .............. NA ................ NA ...................... 49,67
Zvenigorodka coal deposit .............................................. coal .............. 48 58N ........ 031 IOE.............. 34
ZYryanka.......................................................................... ppl ................ 65 45N ........ 150 50E.............. RM
Zyryanka coal basin ........................................................ coal .............. 6600N ........ 14600E.............. 34,40
Zyryanka coal deposit .................................................... coal .............. 66 OON ........ 150 20E.............. 34
Zyryanovsk ...................................................................... ppl ................ 49 43N ........ 084 20E.............. 56,RM
Yuzhno-Ba lyk ............................................ ...................... oilf ................ 60 29N ........ 072 28E..............
Yuzhno-Myl'dzhino ........................................................ oilf ................ 58 45N ........ 078 05E..............
Yuzhno-Russkaya ............................................................ gasf .............. 66 04N ........ 080 36E..............
Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk ........................................................ .. PPI ................ 46 57N ........ 142 44E ..............
Yuzhno-Shapkina ............................................................ oilf ................ 67 I IN ........ 054 25E..............
Yuzhno-Sukhokumskoye ................................................ oilf ................ 44 30N ........ 045 13E..............
Yuzhno-Surgut ................................................................ oilf ................ 61 08N ........ 072 57E ..........
Yuzhno-Tambey .............................................................. gasf .............. 71 37N ........ 071 57E..............
Yuzhno-Ural'sk .............................................................. ppl ................ 54 26N ........ 061 15E..............
Yuzhno-Ural'sk ................................................. ............. thep .............. NA ................ NA ......................
Yuzhno-Zhetybay ............................................................ gasf.............. 43 15N ........ 052 09E..............
Yuzhnyy Bug .................................................................. stm................ 46 59N ........ 031 58E..............
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
........11500E .............. RM
........ 149 400 .............. 57,RM
........ 056 18E ............ .. 20
........ 051 31E .. ... .. .... ... 20
........ 129 40E .............. 32,57,58,59,79,
........ 130 OOE .............. 79
........ 034 1 OE.............. 56,62,RM
........ 070 OOE .. .. .. .. .. .... 16,17,RM
........ 076 OOE . ............. 17,79
........ 110 16E .. ............ RM
051 47E .............. 20
........ 076 18E .............. 15,16,17,23,66
075 56E... ........... 16,66
136 32E .............. RM
........ 062 37E .............. 21
........06903E ............ .. RM
........13600E .............. RM
........ 047 54E.... . .. .. .. ... RM
....... 077 48E. . .. ......... . 16
Approved For Release 2009/09/01 CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9
USSR Energy
Approved For Release 2009/09/01: CIA-RDP86T00586R000100030008-9