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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/17: CIA-RDP86B0042OR000701470001-2 Nuclear Intelligence Panel Please return to: SA/DCI/IA Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/17: CIA-RDP86B0042OR000701470001-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/17: CIA-RDP86B0042OR000701470001-2 Director's Nuclear Intelligence Panel Meeting 16 March 1984 Contents Tab A Agenda Tab B Listing of Principle Issues Taken Up by the Panel Tab C Listing of Panel Members Tab D Minutes of Last Panel Meeting, 14 November 1983 Tab E Charter of the Nuclear Intelligence Panel Tab F Your Correspondence with the Panel on Enhancing Panel Usefulness SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/17: CIA-RDP86B0042OR000701470001-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/17: CIA-RDP86B00420R000701470001-2 hI 15 March 1984 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence FROM: SA/DCI/IA SUBJECT: Director's Nuclear Intelligence Panel Meeting, 16 March 1984 1. You are scheduled to meet with your Nuclear Intelligence Panel in the DCI Conference Room, at 1330 hours, Friday, 16 March. This will be the closing session of a two-day panel meeting. The panel Chairman, Dr. was not present for Thursday's session and may not be there on Frida due to illness. Your senior officer attached to the panel is Chairman, JAEIC. 2. At Tab A you will find a copy of the agenda for this session. At Tab B is a listing of the principle issues taken up by the panel. At Tab C is a listing of the members of the panel. At Tab D is a copy of the minutes of the last panel meeting on 14 November 1983. At Tab E is a copy of the charter of the Nuclear Intelligence Panel. Finally, at Tab F is a copy of correspondence between you and the panel on the subject of how to enhance panel usefulness. 3. If I can do any more to help in preparing you for this meeting, please call. SECRET 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/17: CIA-RDP86B00420R000701470001-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/17: CIA-RDP86B00420R000701470001-2 Agenda Director's Nuclear Intelligence Panel 15-16 March 1984 Thursday, 15 March 1984 Time Subject Briefer(s) 0900 Executive Session (6F21) (1D35 at 1000) 1130 Lunch (EDR) 1245 Executive Session 1400 Soviet ABM/.Air Defense DIA 25X1 CIA Dr. Larry Gershwin, NIO/SP 1500 Report of Subpanel on Naval ADM White Propulsion Friday, 16 March 1984 0900 Argentina and Proliferation Implications (7D64) 25X1 CIA 25X1 1030 Executive Session 1130 Lunch (EDR) 1230 Executive Session 1330 Meeting with Mr. Casey, DCI Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/17: CIA-RDP86B00420R000701470001-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/17: CIA-RDP86B0042OR000701470001-2 Iq Next 20 Page(s) In Document Denied Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/17: CIA-RDP86B0042OR000701470001-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/17: CIA-RDP86B0042OR000701470001-2 71.x. CRET NUCLEAR INTELLIGENCE PANEL The Nuclear Intelligence Panel will be constituted as an advisory body to the Director of Central Intelligence and will as appropriate review intelligence on foreign nuclear energy programs. They will consider at least the following sp,:;eific subjects as they pertain to the USSR, China, and other countries involved in the use of nuclear energy or in the produc- tion of nuclear weapons: Fissionable material research and development Fissionable material production Reactor research and development Nuclear power production Nuclear propulsion Controlled thermonuclear reactions Nuclear weapon. research and development Nuclear weapon design Nuclear weapon test sites Nuclear weapon testing Nuclear weapon fabrication Nuclear weapon stockpiles Nuclear weapon command and control Nuclear proliferation to other countries Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/17: CIA-RDP86B0042OR000701470001-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/17: CIA-RDP86B0042OR000701470001-2 The Panel will: Review and make recommendations regarding judgments made by the intelligence community on available intelligence Examine and recommend improvements in collection and analysis techniques Suggest trends in foreign nuclear programs Recommend changes in the intelligence methods required to keep abreast of foreign nuclear technology II. Method of Operation The Panel should meet at least twice a year with one of these meetings scheduled just prior to IJSIB action on the Soviet Nuclear Energy Program Estimate. The second meeting should be used primarily for review of new information and the consideration of at least one specific intelligence problem. One or more additional meetings per year may be called at the request of the DCI or the Panel Chairman if unusually significant new nuclear intelligence becomes available or if the pace of foreign nuclear activity is significantly increased. The meeting which is directly associated with National Intelligence Estimates will be held at CIA head- quarters but the other meeting or meetings may be held outside the Washington area should this be desired by the Panel Chairman, At the conclusion of each meeting, the Panel will summarize their findings and recommendations in a written report to the DCT. Thl.3 report will normally be augmented by a verbal discussion with the DCI and, as appropriate, with the USIB. A representative of the DCI will prepare a written record of the verbal discussions and after approval by the Panel Chairman it may be distributed to USIB members. The DCI will select an appropriate CIA official who will be responsible for all administrative support to the Panel. This official will, in coor.dina- ticn with the Chairman, prepare an agenda for each meeting and arrange for necessary briefings and background material. Representatives of USIB member agencies may be requested to brief t6:e Panel on subjects within their com- petence, particularly when there are differences of opinion within the intelligence community. Arrangements for non-CIA briefIcs or participation will be accomplished through the ,T()int Atomic Energy lntell.ig:ence Committee. SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/17: CIA-RDP86B0042OR000701470001-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/17: CIA-RDP86B0042OR000701470001-2 SECRE1 TIT. Membership Members will be selected from industry, educational i;tstitutions, AEC, and the military departments. A member will normally be requested to serve for a period of three years. However, in the initial selection some members will be requested to serve only two years and others for four years so that there will be no complete change over of membership in ony one year. Once a continuity pattern has been established no member will be requested to serve more than three years but may be reappointed if desired. Each member will be requested to participate as an individual and none will be con- sidered as a representative of any element of the intelligence community or other government agency. In addition to the regular membership a few individuals may be requested to serve on an ad hoc basis by tutual consent of the Panel Chairman and the DCI. SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/17: CIA-RDP86B0042OR000701470001-2 - - - ------- --- -- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/17: CIA-RDP86B0042OR000701470001-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/17: CIA-RDP86B0042OR000701470001-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/17: CIA-RDP86B00420R000701470001-2 83-6743 28 November 1983 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chairman, Nuclear Intelligence Panel FROM: Director of Central Intelligence 1. Thanks for your response to my request for concise information about what the panel is doing, how well tt is doing, and how it might do better. 2. I would like recommendations on how we can provide more feedback to the panel and do more work in between meetings in order to better utilize its efforts and focus its work on topics in a timely manner as is suggested in the last sentence of memorandum. William J. Casey Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/17: CIA-RDP86B00420R000701470001-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/17: CIA-RDP86B0042OR000701470001-2 SECRET DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE Joint Atomic Energy Intelligence Committee MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence Deputy Director of Central Intelligence Chairman, Joint Atomic Energy, Intelligence Committee SUBJECT: DCI's Nuclear Intelligence. Panel, 1. The Nuclear . Intelligence Panel, an advisory bod to the.DCI has recently been concerned with such subjects as In addition to discussing its views and recommendations with the DCI, the Panel prepares a report after each 'of its meetings, which are generally held twice annually. The Panel's report is distributed within the Intelligence Community, primarily to support and stimulate nuclear intelligence efforts. (S) 2. On numerous occasions, appreciation of the value of the Panel's efforts and advice has been expressed by DCIs. The Panel meetings are well attended as are the several subpanel meetings which are held between regular sessions of the full Panel. All elements of the Intelligence Community actively support the Panel through the JAEIC mechanism. (S) 3. The impact of the views of the members (selected from industry, educational institutions, and government) stems from their breadth of experience, knowledge and expertise related to nuclear energy matters. Recent efforts to determine actions taken based on the Panel's recommenda- tions have been useful and the Panel is updated regularly on such matters. Even more feedback to the Panel probably would help to better utilize its efforts and focus its work on topics in a timely manner. (S) Attachment: Charter of the NIP Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/17: CIA-RDP86B0042OR000701470001-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/17: CIA-RDP86B00420R000701470001-2 %.rnual UWII ncc Agrncy 9 November 1983 MEMORANDUM FOR: joint Atomic Energy Intelligence Committee Executive Director The DCI is reviewing the work of DCI, Intelligence Community and CIA Intelligence committees. He asked that I pass the request along to his committees at the same time CIA is tasked. The DCI asked that comnittee Chairmen prepare for his personal attention a brief paper of no more than three paragraphs, each addressing: - What the committee has done and where its current focus lies. - How well the committee's work is going. - How the committee's contribution might be enhanced. The DCI also noted that he would welcome any existing papers which are informative or illustrative of the committee's work and asked for a response one week after receipt of his request. Charles A. Brig CCUi r r 4',, 11 '?I A I Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/17: CIA-RDP86B00420R000701470001-2