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Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100050008-1 OPERATING PROCEDURE Instructions for step-by-step p- eration of the svstern are printed (1) on the face of '.hr? Data Entry Tern ,,al for operator convenience. Insti Sc- tions for odometer onlrv are included on systems with opsonai odometer key pads. The operator inserts his coed badge into the card reader slot (3) on the data entry terminal. foliowving the illustrated instructions, with he diaclonally cut ed 1e forward anti to the left. The message display shows SELECT PUMP' (4}. For system,.- with optional odometer entry, after inserting ti re card, the message display will show 'ENTER (JDOMF. ER' end DEPRESS ENTER." The operator then enters:, via the numbered keypad (2), the odometer reading for the v(-chicle by depress!ncl the numbered keypads in sequence, left to right- The r;.imhers ',eill be displayed ((i) above the keypad. it correct, depress thy...: ' ENT'' pad, and the ''SE! ECT PiJMN r uss ,tfc /vri+ li( aht up. If the numbers displayed are not correct, depress the CLR'' par (2) and rtecrnter correctly t fore proceed n Pros the nu,r,p ps h button (>; crrespondir~g to ire Ousrip rte sired. innd not in use). and 'rye system wil then read the ilorr-iation entered aid display either ''CARD OK'' or CARD ;NVALtD ' and "REMO~, E CARD." (1 he card mus' be removed to activate the pump ara ca'.'se the seir~ctcJ pump switch to light indicating fueling can start!. Requiring card removal helps pre'ent lost and stolen cards If "CARD OK" was displayed arid card removed, the operator has 80 seconds, from the time the pump button lights, tc begin fueling. If fueling is not started within the 80 seconds, the pump will be deactivated and the card entry procedure must be repeated. If fueling is interrupted for 80 seconds, the system, will also be deactivated. The system will, however. have recorded the transaction, with the error message-"TIMED OUT." If the message display showed ''CARD INVALID" it can be for several reasons, such as the improper fuel chosen, or card locked out or inserted improperly, etc. The card should be tried again, making sure the correct procedure is followed. The system will record the transaction an i ~:iow an error message --- "READ EOROR." "LOCKED OUT " etc. V/hen fueling is completed and the nozzles returned to the disnn>en7-f with pump turned oft, the transaction is recorded in the memory of the sv darn, ,-,:'d that disuenser is rcea ,y for use again. W 1 A PROCESSING A Data stored in the Logic Console memory, from each transaction. can be used to cdu ,s avariety of control and infcrmatic;nal rev; its for managennent for W ,`,e iii billing, ost. distribution, vehicle maintenaance schedu;,nq, etc. William M. Wilson's Sons, Inc. has the capabiiit\ of producing such reports and vvill, on a negotiated basis, perform the data processing cc,n ,: periodic basis The reports programs are also available for purchase or lease. The standard program formats are All transactions, by date 'tine: Vehicle consump- tion by vehicle/care # /product; Card consumption by card ;;#."vehiclee. product; Pump dispensing by location/pump; Pump dispensing by location/product. Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100050008-1 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100050008-1 OPTIONAL FEATURES AND PROGRAMS ODOMETER ENTRY - This option has an odometer keypad and lighted display on the data o:ntry terminal for recording vehicl mileage. Programming is provided to store and ret iev.e the data. The keypad may also be used for entering fuoof re ei ts, oil dispensed, no card transactions, etc., by special program,-:ring. l=,'sUILT-IN MODEM - An apps overt modem can be built into the logic console to connect to a data jack provided by the phone company to access the system memory over a voice grade prone line by dialing the system ID (300 Baud standard, others available). DIRECT PRINTOUT- Optional programming provides for immediate printout, on a terminal, of each transaction as it occurs. DUAL FORT- This system provides for an ors-site terminal for printout and communication. Less well as a remote central to minW. or direct access to the system memory from a main rcmput(:.r. tllSYNC COMMUNICATIONS - FnaoI~J Ci. RDTROL to rrr iolate an IBM 2780 terminal. E.RMINALS - Other types and m{-akns c! ;ni,la! i are available wh;;,h provide for single and duz,l cassehes, 9 ch ma9r,eti(. tape. diskette., tuiit-in moderrac; r.o~tabie units for field use. rIONA.L 'M.^EMOHY CAPACITY- Up to 32K of memory ( i 50c t ansac:tions) is available to increase the capacity of the systen- for more lockout or to provide an increased interval bet~i;en prl)1ino, for systems with high transaction rates. COMPACTED DATA FORMAT ?-- Generafiy used for dumping data into computer -- all spaces, headings, and punctu itron are-- eliminated. Error mess.