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Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 ^ UNCLASSIFIED ^ u w ^ CONFIDENTIAL ^ SECRE'T' ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) FIRST QUARTER FY-83 MBO REPORT STAT FROM. EXTENSION NO. C ranting and otography Division OL-2-5848-a Office of Logistics DATE STAT 158 P&P Building 10 January 1983 TO: (ORlc.r designation, room number, and building) DATE OFNCER'S COMMENTS (Number each comimaM to show from wham ~~ INITIALS to whom. Draw o line eeross column ofer each comment.) 1 Chief, Plans Programs Staff f-'IE~'-fl STATI 2. ? STAT) XST/ ' STAT 6. mow 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. FO3-62 2 610 ^ SECRET ^ CONFIDENTIAL ^ USE o ^ UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 10 January 1983 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Plans and Programs Staff, OL Chief, Printing and Photography Division, OL STAT SUBJECT: First Quarter Update of FY-83 MBO's REFERENCE: Multiple Addressee Memo from C/P&PD/OL, dtd 29 Dec 82, Subj: (OL-2-5848) Office of Logistics Quarterly Planning Conference Per your request, attached are the First Quarter updates for the Printing and Photography Division's FY-83 objectives. In addition to those objectives outlined in the referenced memorandum, a milestone chart and narrative report is included for an FY-82 objective for conducting a feasibility study on videodisc production support. This objective, which was being tracked at the Office level, wasn't completed in FY-82, and therefore was carried over to FY-83. If you have an questions co g this report, please contact on extension? STAT,TAT STAT Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 duled X - Actual OFFICE: Logistics OBJECTIVE STATEMENT: bunlomnnt7tion of P&,PD Digital Prepress System (3 Year Project) RESPONSIBLE OFFICER : .,...~ ~,??~~,83 DATE SUBMITTED: 10 January 1983 FY Activities Planned Quarter 1 Quarter Quarter 3 Quarter 4 1. Initial testing, operation and evalua- tion of the LOCOM laser platemaker. 2. Order Black and White Electronic Cam- era. 3. Installation, testing and evaluation of Black and White Electronic Camera. 4. Order and install CAMEX "testbed" pagination system. 5. Prepare detailed specification for In- teractive Area Composition and File Management System (IACFM). 6. Visit vendors of page makeup systems to evaluate their performance in producing benchmark samples of typical publications. 7. Prepare a final report on testbed pagination system. STAT STAT Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 0 - Scheduled X - Actual OFFICE: Logistics OBJECTIVE STATEMENT : on of PF~PD Digital Prepress System (3 Year Project) RESPONSIBLE OFFICER: 7 SIGNIFICANT FUNDING AMOUNT: $ FY 83 DATE SUBMITTED: 10 January 1983 Activities Planned 8. Based on detailed specifications for IACFM and on results of pagination system testbed conduct a market survey of available equipment and prepare a final report with recommendations. a. Prepare and release a Request for Proposal (RFP) for an IACFM b. Order recommended IACFM Quarter 1 DEC Quarter Quarter 3 Quarter 4 STAT STAT Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 IMPLEMENTATION OF PFPD DIGITAL PREPRESS SYSTEM ( 3 YEAR PROJECT) 1. Activity This Period Testing and evaluation of the laser platemaker has been delayed pending the reso- lution of power fluctuation problems. The ECRM 8400 electronic camera is in production. Two trips to the Boston area were undertaken by the Digital Prepress Task Group to visit vendors of page makeup systems and evaluate their product's ability to produce sample publications. 2. Problems and Shortfalls Fluctuations in power coming to the laser platemaker have delayed initial operation of the machine. EOCOM has ordered a new transformer that should solve the problem and allow initial testing and production proceed. 3. Plans for Next Period Initial production on the laser platemaker should begin during the second quarter of FY-83. Evaluation and selection of a test bed page makeup system is also expected to be accomplished in the next period. 4. Long Term Outlook The long term outlook for the incremented implementation of the digital prepress system remains favorable. While the project concept is in advance of industry state-of-the-art, it is anticipated that equipment development will become available during the period of implementation. 5. Summary of Achievements Two major hardware elements of the digital prepress system, the laser platemaker and the Autokon black and white scanner, have been acquired. The search for a page makeup system which will electronically link elements of the system together, is being actively pursued. Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 Narrative Report - Continued October - December 1982 6. Assistance to the Accomplishment of DDA Goals Implementation of the PfPD Digital Prepress system will exploit the "state-of- the-art" in the printing industry. It will ensure that printing production support activities are responsive, innovative, and timely, and will enhance, not impede, the efficiency of Agency operations. The digital prepress system will provide PFPD with the mechanism for supporting unanticipated worldwide intelligence demands and requirements resulting from a surge in collection and/or analysis efforts. Lastly, the digital prepress system will provide for effective utilization of existing facilities and space, while taking appropriate action for additional needs that may be identified for the production of intelligence publications. Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 Scheduled X - Actual OFFICE: Logistics OBJECTIVE STATEMENT: Conduct a Pilot Quality Circle Program 'in P&PD/OL RESPONSIBLE OFFICER: SIGNIFICANT FUNDING AMOUNT: FY 1983 DATE SUBMITTED: 10 January 1983 Activities Planned 1. Conduct Research 2. Define Requirement 3. Build Management Support 4. Organize Steering Committee/Select Administrative Coordinator(s) S. Contract for a Consultant 6. Conduct a Quality of Worklife Survey 7. Develop Implementation Plan 8. Publicize Program and Solicit Volunteers 9. Conduct Training 10. Initiate'Pilot Program 11. Consultant` Assessment Survey 12. Facilitator-Steering Committee Status Review .13. Pilot Program Final Report Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 STAT Siii Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735ROO0100040004-6 CONDUCT A PILOT QUALITY CIRCLE PROGRAM IN P&PD/OL 1. Activity This Period This initial reporting period of this new FY-83 MBO has been busy with many accom- plishments. The subject of Quality Circles (QC) and the foreign threat to American production, quality, and economic growth was the subject addressed by the Chief, PFPD at the recent OL Division Chiefs Conference. From that simple beginning, a QC Pilot Program was approved and is now in operation at P&PD. Considerable research on the QC concept and its application within American management was conducted by the Chief, PIPD and the Project Officer. Among the resources employed were attendance at International Association of Quality Circles (IAQC) meetings, visits to several local area industrial and government users, a trip to Penn State University for a conference by Dr. William Ouchi on "Theory Z" management, and considerable reading on the subject. Consultants were interviewed, and Interspan, Inc. was eventually retained to provide the training and materials for the P&PD Pilot Program. Division requirements were defined, a Steering Committee (management) and Administrative Coordinator (Project Officer) selected, and consultant training begun. The latter consisted of two full days for the Steering Committee, one day for the two Division facilitators, and four days for 15 first-line supervisors who represented the "leader" selection of future QC teams. Prior to the training implementation, a "Quality of Work Life" survey was administered by the consultant to all PFPD person- nel. Unfortunately, the statistical tabulation of the results had not been com- pleted as of the end of the reporting period. P&PD employee volunteers for QC team membership were solicited from among the day shift, with approximately a 33% response. The current makeup of seven QC teams comprises some 42 P&PD employees. The formal consultant training was completed on 10 December 1982. The holiday schedule and end-of-year leave usage delayed implementation of the weekly circle meetings until the first week of January 1983; however, leader training by the facilitator continued during the interim period. Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735ROO0100040004-6 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 Narrative Report - Continued October - December 1982 There have been no insurmountable problems to date. Employee skepticism continues to haunt some personnel, but those that have volunteered to participate in this unique challenge have, for the most part, shown an _eagerness to make QC's work in the Division. 3. Plans for Next Period The next quarterly period will experience the full-fledged participation of P&PD's seven Quality Circles. The Steering Committee will meet monthly to review, assess, and guide the Program. Anticipation reigns high that the January - March 1983 period will be an active and enriching accomplishment. 4. Long Term Outlook At this point it is difficult to be anything but optimistic that the QC Program will reap positive results in P&PD. However, it is a two-way street, and is dependent upon the continuing enthusiasm and participation of the P&PD work force, and their assessment that a trust relationship is developing with management. With the proper training, guidance, and interest, the QC Program should provide a personnally stimula- ting change to the routine of P&PD production personnel. 5. Summary of Achievements The rather lengthy narrative of the "Activity" section is best summarized by stating that all milestones of the MBO have been satisfied, except for a slight delay in the actual start of circle meetings. As explained, this was due to the holiday inter- ruptions and the lack of adequate personnel because of leave schedules. The three- week delay between completion of the consultant training and the beginning of weekly circle meetings was used to reinforce the leader training. Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 Narrative Report - continued October - December 1982 6. Assistance to the Accomplishment of DDA Goals The successful accomplishment of this MBO is in accord with the primary DDA-stated goal of developing our personnel resources. QC's can create a work environment where people are motivated to develop as individuals, and recognize the potential for an employee to maximize his/her contribution to the organization. The P&PD QC Pilot Program will allow the employees to take a participatory role in developing ideas which meet component needs. Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 0 - Scheduled X - Actual OFFICE: Logistics OBJECTIVE STATEMENTF- RESPONSIBLE OFFICER Develop Formal Training and Develpment Program for Photography Branch SIGNIFICANT FUNDING AMOUNT: $ DATE SUBMITTED: 10 January 19837 1. Develop program outline based on results of recommendations in FY-8 study. 2. Develop selection criteria. 3. Develop training schedules, curriculum, administration, and evaluation mechanisms. 4. Publish completed program and implement training. Quarter 1 NOV DEC FY 83 Quarter Quarter 3 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 Quarter 4 STAT Siii Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 0 - Scheduled X - Actual OFFICE: Logistics OBJECTIVE STATEMENT: a Staff Study as to the feasibility of establishing a Waste Management RESPONSIBLE OFFICER: ~dll~t Program for P&PD STAT SIGNIFICANT FUNDING AMOUNT: $ FY 83 SIAI DATE SUBMITTED: 10 January 19 1. Define activities and objectives for waste analysis program. 2. Gather background data and obtaii copy of printing industry standards on waste. 3. Prepare report for management review with recommendations on course of action. 4. Based on results of report, conduct a 90-day pilot study program of selected supply items. 5. Evaluate results of pilot program and prepare recommenda- tions. Quarter 1 CT INOV DEC Quarter Quarter 3 Quarter 4 JUL AUG I SEP Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 0 - Scheduled X - Actual OFFICE: Logistics OBJECTIVE STATEMENT: nevelon Standards and Measure P&PD Productivity Via the MIS RESPONSIBLE OFFICER: 83 SIGNIFICANT FUNDING AMOUNT: $ FY DATE SUBMITTED: 6 January 1 Activities Planned 1. Investigate available printing and photography work standard plans and productivity measure- ment systems that could serve as models for P&PD. 2. Develop a set of work standards to measure individual produc- tivity. 3. Design a functional specifica- tion detailing P1PD requirements for software development. 4. Contract a software vendor to develop software that will proces production data collected via MIS and new data required to produce productivity measurement reports. 5. Load new productivity measurement) software into MIS. 6. Test and Evaluate new software. 7. Implement productivity measure- ment software. Quarter Quarter 3 Quarter 4 STAT STAT Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 0 - Scheduled X - Actual OFFICE: Logistics OBJECTIVE STATEMENT: tandards and Measure P&PD Productivity Via-the MIS RESPONSIBLE OFFICER: SIGNIFICANT FUNDING AMOUNT: $ Fy 83 DATE SUBMITTED: 6 January 1983 Activities Planned 8. Implement reporting of produc- tivity measurement. 9. System performance evaluation. Quarter 1 Quarter Quarter 3 Quarter 4 STAT STAT AUG I SEP Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 0 - Scheduled X - Actual OFFICE: Logistics OBJECTIVE STATEMENT: Develop a Specially Defined Requirements Package for Low Volume Copiers and Extend thoseSTAT RESPONSIBLE OFFICER: Requirements into a Competative Bid and Contract Alamo SIGNIFICANT FUNDING AMOUNT: $ FY 83 for Copier.Rentals STAT DATE SUBMITTED: 10 January 198 Activities Planned 1. Develop Requirements and work statements 2. Obtain contracting concept approval 3. Complete Contractor source selection 4. Prepare Request for Procurement S. Release Request for Procurement 6. Contractor response deadline 7. Evaluation of Responses 8. Complete contractor selection 9. Contractor Debriefing 10. Contract Award Quarter 1 Quarter Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 0 - Scheduled X - Actual OFFICE: Logistics OBJECTIVE STATEMENT: Develop m is for P#,PD's support to the FBIS MIDAS Project RESPONSIBLE OFFICER: SIGNIFICANT FUNDING AMOUNT: FY 83 DATE SUBMITTED: 10 January J83 Activities Planned 1. Develop production support and produc- tion backup capabilities for Phase I of MIDAS 2. Implement Phase 1 MIDAS production support 3. Determine MIDAS to P#;PD communications requirements 4. Participate in MIDAS Phase II System Definition requirements S. Install and test MIDAS to P&PD communications facility Quarter 1 NOV I. DEC Quarter Quarter 3 UJUN Quarter 4 STAT Siii Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 -edu1ed X - Actual OFFICE: DDA/OL/PE1PD OBJECTIVE STATEMENT: nort RESPONSIBLE OFFICER: SIGNIFICANT FUNDING AMOUNT: $ DATE SUBMITTED: 10 January 198 fn--,Users of Wang Word Processors FY 83 Quarter 1 1. Order Communicating WANG Word Processor (GJ-56) 2. Install WANG to ATEX Interface (Direct) Hardware/Software on ATEX 8000 3. Install WANG Word Processor in GJ-56 4. Test WANG to ATEX Interface (Direct) 5. Develop WANG to VM/370 Interface (ODP/SPD) 6. Test WANG to ATEX Interface via Bi-Sync Data Link 7. Publish Tech Note Announcing Interface Capabilities Quarter Quarter 3 L14Y UUN Quarter 4 STAT STAT Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6_ cheduled X - Actual OFFICE: Logistics OBJECTIVE STATEMENT: Evaluate the Feasibility of Expanding Pi,PD Video Support to the Intelligence Community RESPONSIBLE OFFICER: SIGNIFICANT FUNDING M FY 83 DATE SUBMITTED: -7 January 1983 Activities Planned Quarter 1 Quarter Quarter 3 1. Identify current and potential video support capabilities Identify equipment needs to meet poten- tial video support capabilities 3. Identify space requirements to meet potential video support capabilities 4. Identify skills and staffing require- ments for potential video support capabilities 5. Prepare a report for management on current and potential video support alternatives. IJUN STAT STAT Quarter 4 ~JUL Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 0 - Scheduled X - Actual OFFICE: Logistics OBJECTIVE STATEMENT: P$Dn Rin4ery Automation Study RESPONSIBLE OFFICER: SIGNIFICANT FUNDING AMOUNT: $ DATE SUBMITTED: 10 January 1983 Activities Planned 1. Compile data on the present Bindery requirements and equipment capabili- ties 2. Survey P&PD management and customers as to projected future requirements 3. Survey the printing industry for current initiatives in Bindery 4. Prepare Bindery automation require- ments paper 5. Prepare a final report on Bindery Automation. The report will contain recommendation on equipment acqui- sition, work flow, personnel/equip- ment utilization and any other areas identified by management Quarter 1 Quarter Quarter 3 Quarter 4 fY JJk STAT STAT Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 0 - Scheduled X - Actual OFFICE: LOGISTICS OBJECTIVE STATEMENT: PURCHASE AND IMPLEMENT WHIZ AUTOMATED MAILING SYSTEM RESPONSIBLE OFFICER: SIGNIFICANT FUNDING AMOUNT: $ FY 83 DATE SUBMITTED: 10 January 1983 Activities Planned Quarter 1 Quarter Quarter 3 1. Purchase Whiz System 2. System Installation 3. Dissemination Personnel Trainin 4. Dissemination begins to convert mailing lists to new system 5. Total conversion of mailing lists 6. Trial Period for System 7. System Total Operational O X Quarter 4 STAT STAT Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 i e du l e d X - Actual OFFICE: Logistics OBJECTIVE STATEMENT: RESPONSIBLE OFFICER: SIGNIFICANT FUNDING AMOUNT: $ DATE SUBMITTED: 10 January 1983 Activities Planned Quarter 1 1. Define requirements for an automated database for logging of in-house, contractual or vendor-supplied remedial equipment repair and preven- tive maintenance scheduling. 2. Design a functional specifica- tion detailing P&PD equipment maintenance requirements. 3. Prepare a report to PEPD management recommending which computer system (i.e., MIS, VM GIMS) should be used to support the program. 4. Either solicit in-house suppor for or contract for software development. 5. Load software into system. 6. Test Evaluate new software. Quarter Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 An Automated Maintenance Program System for PF1PD Quarter 3 Quarter 4 lAY UUN 1,L11 SEP STAT STAT Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 'ieduled A - Actual OFFICE: Logistics OBJECTIVE STATEMENT: An Automated Maintenance Program System for P&PD RESPONSIBLE OFFICER: SIGNIFICANT FUNDING FY 83 DATE SUBMITTED: 10 January 1983 Activities Planned 7. Implement data entry by LSS/ P&PD. 8. Implement Maintenance repor- ting. 9. System Performance Evaluation Quarter 1 NOV DEC Quarter Quarter 3 IJUN Quarter 4 i JUL 1 STAT STAT Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 0 - Scheduled X - Actual OFFICE: Logistics OBJECTIVE STATEMENT: RESPONSIBLE OFFICER: SIGNIFICANT FUNDING DATE SUBMITTED: 10 January 1983 Activities Planned Test and evaluate Autofiche software for alphanumeric micrographics pro- duction 2. Develop procedures and publish an ODP Tech Note on AUTOFICHE utiliza- tion 3. Begin full implementation of AUTO- FICHE system for alphanumeric pro- duction 4. Test and evaluate computer graphics (Dicomed) AUTOFICHE module S. Develop procedures and publish an ODP Tech Note on AUTOFICHE computer graphics module utilization 6. Begin full implementation of AUTO- FICHE system MooN t . s Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 D/ODP Autofiche System Quarter 1 CT NOV DEC Quarter FEB Quarter 3 Quarter 4 STAT STAT Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 0 - Scheduled X - Actual OFFICE: Logistics OBJECTIVE STATEMENT: epar up-to-date floor plans on P&PD facilities O N S I B E - - C E R v a L 1 I WA . 83 SIGNIFICANT FUNDING AMUUNI: FY DATE SUBMITTED: 10 January 19 Activities Planned 1. Survey PtP Building to determine existing facilities 2. Coordinate with Branch and Division Management to determine future plans/ requirements 3: Work with Design and Presentation Center to develop a graphic presen- tation capable of easy update 4. Prepare measurement drawing for final drafting 5. Execute final drawing. Make repro- ductions per requirements. Quarter 1 CT NOV DEC Quarter Quarter 3 Quarter 4 AUG STAT STAT Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 0 - Scheduled X - Actual OFFICE: Logistics OBJECTIVE STATEMENT: Evaluate and ake Recommendations on P&PD's support to.the Agency Videodisc RESPONSIBLE OFFICER: Production RequiremESTAT 83 STAT SIGNIFICANT FUNDING AMOUNT: $ FY DATE SUBMITTED: 10 Jan. l983 Activities Planned 1. Identify and document potential Agency Videodisc applications. 2. Identify and evaluate available equipment for the production and duplication of videodiscs. 3. Identify and estimate cost of modifying existing Agency Micro- graphics or other equipment for the production and duplica- tion of videodiscs. 4. Prepare a study, using data gathered in steps 1-3 above, that identifies the requirements and how P&PD would provide production support. Quarter 1 CT I NOV DEC Quarter Quarter 3 Quarter 4 MAY JUN ~; JUL AUG I SEP ----- i ---- 0 JX' (19812) (198 P) ---X(1982) Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6ccheduled 4% ,ctual OFFICE: Lo - f-V Pj)/L OBJECTIVE STATEMENT: D;1^+ RESPONSIBLE OFFICER: SIGNIFICANT FUNDING COUNT: 4AAR-Ti-P .6 -1 Jb/444 Quality Circle Program in PF,PD/OL Activities Planned Quarter 1 NOV DEC 1. Conduct Research 'ox 2. Define Requirement, ox 3. Build Management Support 4. Organize Steering Committee/Select Administrative Coordinator(s) lox ox S. Contract for a Consultant 0, 6. Conduct a Quality of 1W'orklife Survey 01~ 7. Develop Implementation Plan Ox 8. Publicize Program and Solicit Volunteers Ox 9. Conduct Training 0 )( 10. Initiate Pilot Program 0 11. Consultant -Assessment Survey 12. Facilitator-Steering Committee Status Review .13. Pilot Program Final Report FY 1983 Quarter Ise',r,G:- (i, l' STAT STAT Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100040004-6