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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00457RO12300240011-1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY AA c~Ft ENu1AL INFORMATION REPORT REPORT COUNTRY SUBJECT DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIRED Building Projects Equipped by Installation Enterprises THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES, WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE 18, SECTIONS 793 AND 794, OF THE U.S. CODE, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVE- LATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. 50X1-HUM DATE DISTR. 4 June 1952 NO. OF PAGES NQ. OF ENCLS. (LISTED' BELOW) T TO a I G U IL >Q I PF~EPO RT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 1. The 13 Decembr?i e Flour Mill (known formerly as the Vara Assan), which ?3 located at 127 Sorada Stefan: red!. Mare in Bucharest, has been expanded and modernized. Two ;r~ai.m elevators, each with a capacity of 1,500 tons, have been added and are currently in operation. In 1951 a new heavy press and refinery equipment were installed for tlx.: extraction of a new sunflower seed-husk oil derivative named Furfurol. The new oil is to be used as a lubricant. Three hundred employees were hired to work on the new process, thus bringing tho total working staff of the flour ralil to 600. In addition, an unspecified number of day laborers are hired f ?equentl.y to work in the new grain ei?vator.?3. 2. The Industrial Rr.,.earch Enterprises (Intreprindere de Cercetari Industriale) is located on S; Pantelimon, near the second streetcar stop after the Bucharest-Pantelimon railroad link (sic). ThEI agen."y?s services are ho aed in a group of six buildings rhich were equipped by the Installation Enter- prises. Two of th . buildings are w ai1...equi Aped laboratories and workshops where Soviet :>pe ialists carry on e.xtenscve research experiments dealing with resistance and tension of materials. A third bu serves as a storage center for coal and pipes, bit includes cafeteria for the workers and a medical dispensary. A fourth building is used as a warehouse. The fifth building houses thc electric power u?:i.:, which includes a transformer of 5,000 volts. This connected with the Bucharest power, network. The last building contains off." cec and the living quarters of the Director of the I.C.I. Admission. to any of the plant 0 permi .ted only the members of the Communist Party who have been iasood special passes. The lay-out of the buildingo l ern in Attachment B. 50X1-HUM In 1951 a ne ; ?.. 3.n o 'crmer for 220 Iwao installed in the building CLASSIFICATION COW housing the Rsxm ~' , r Go-,vernment Burea-,-z of ` , f i^s located UNA r 1 NAVY AIR NSRB FBI DISTRIBUTION ORh iv, I y! I on Splaiul Document No. J _ ------ No Change 'r) fda,s. r- , sec SS c#t JA IF Class. C a~49 d T D! A10%,_70-2 1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00457R012300240011-1 ~l Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00457RO12300240011-1 - 2 - 50X1-HUM Independentii. near the Serban Voda bridge in Bucharest. The transformer is being used in the operation of 60 L titlymi.mpo:rted calculating machines of Soviet manufacture. These ma,.:'hin-s were installed by Soviet technicians who also trained Rumanian technical personnel in their operation and maintenance. A large luxurious sanatorium to he used as a recreational and hcspi_ tai nation cent4r. .for. RRuma^ian and atellit- country officials was built , + e o~t? 1'' on the ~ Btx-:ha est- in at e`a;i't'E;atnn of 1951. at a site eas~.: of k L r~ Ploesti highway. The nay, u x ,prat, t -e central part three floors in height and the wing" tw floors in heigY,.t . 50X1-HUM =there are close to 1,000 rooms in t;te entire building. The sanitary 50X1-HUM equipment is of the late,,-,-t .Berkel #ype of Sl;res mmanufacture, and the furnishings are described- as 11luxuric'14.s ~ ian ex >c'*=iS vF, I ar'n Fore and carpets". Particular attention seems to have been. giveii to corm nicat'ions because the hospital is linked directly with the Central Offices of the Workers Party in Bucharest and has facilities for local and long distance domestic calls, as well as.for internati cnal long distance calls. 5. During the autumn of 1951 a 5,000 volt tran,sfcrme_? of Hungarian manufacture was installed in the yard of the 7 Ncvemtric Textile Factory (former Dambovita). The factory'.s entire electrical installations were replaced and its power plant was completely overhaul d. 6. A radio jamming station was established a rcoentl- constructed bui.i.dd.n located in the Baneasa suburb north of Bucharest, 50X1-HUM a motor driven engine "produced a strong noise"' which was amplified by t ~e station and then transmitted otrer a Givers wave. ;and, 7. The Obor Market of Bucharest was e u.ipped with t"h::ee refrigerators of Rumanian the 50X1-HUM installation of these refrigerator units took place in inid-au -.unn 19U. Currently under construction are several new buildings which are adjacent to the Broadcasting Company Building on St,rade Popov (former Strada Berthelot). Also under construction is a bus termyria.:'_ and garage located at an un- specified point on Calea Colentina, somewhere between the Sfantul Dumitru. Church and Strada Teiui Doamnei in Bucharest. The garage will have auto repair facilities and will be able to ac ;o1mm .a :e 100 buses. 10. A Technical School far Apprentices was b,~ilt in Craiova in the au-11:11M of 1950. Located close to the Polytechnic ! rs Vi.t.u'.c~ on. Strada. Miha.i Brava, the new school is three stories high, ha: well equipped technical workshops and laboratories, offices, dining reams and dormitory facilities for 480 students. The dormitory sect3_on has 120 rooms, :fur beds to each rc..,m. 11. In December 1951 construction' was comple-.ed on a new maternity hospital named Casa Copilul_ui near the Botanic Gardens in Crsiova. The hospital has 800 single rooms, modern surgery aid laboratory saci_iit?, a crematorium, offices and Berkel type s n-_.Ary equipment. The electric current used, at the hospital is 380 voles, three phase A.C. On the roof of the building is a ter-'ace which holds three structures of unspecified dimension 11,,rhich r. esembl pillboxes" . T yea "pal lboxe ;" have small openings facing in different directions. 12. A machinery and auto repair yard, located opposite the railway station in Medgidia and close to the grain elev,-a.tor,.s, has rE,cent?ly undergone enlarge- ment. The work yard covers a large ar?a includes a large work shed, 200 x 100 x 30 meters, two warehouses, five small workshops equipped with lathes, polishing machines, drilling and casting machinery, and an electric Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00457RO12300240011-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00457RO12300240011-1 power plant. The principal activity of this yard is the repair and maintenance of tractors, autos, drills, excavators and other machinery which is being used in the Danube River -? Black Sea Canal Project. The workshops also manufacture whatever spare replacement parts and tools they require. Attached hereto is a rough sketch of the yard (Attachment C). 13. Expansion works are underway for the enlargement and improvement of an old cement factory located eight kilometers southeast of Medgidia (see Attachment D). The factory is connected with Medgidia by an asphalt road which begins at the southern outskirts of the town. 50X1-HUM =from the factory site, there is visnble to the north, at a distance 50X1-HUM of approximately one kilometer, the Medgadi a' Constarita railroad line. 14. The cement factory has its own power plant but, also receives current from Ovidiu. The Ovidiu current of 35,000 volts reaches the factory via overhead cables and after being reduced oy the factory transformer to 5,000 volts, is distributed throughout to factory via underground cables. Besides the main transformer connected to the Ovi.dlu line, the factory has five other transformers ranging from 5,00 volts to 380 volts. The under round cable network of the factory is accessible through two openings which lead into a tunnel, 150 meters long and 2 meters high. 15. in the eastern section of the factory grounds tw re are stone quarries. When the stone is quarried, it is placed on bets which take it into a shed containing "two water basins for stone watering". From there the stone is put through the stone crushing equiptcent. and, thence, to the furnaces. After processing, the cement is piped into the packing section where it is put into ba s and -:;hen placed in the storehouse. The pipe. line is estimated to be five meters in diameter. 50X1-HUM 16. The factory consists of four different workshops, a steam plant equipped with two boilers, three warehouses, two canteens, a medical infirmary, a toilet building, a small office ^.~i fns the Militia, and two admini- strative office buildin;s. Still under construction is a building which has "two circular concrete basins, five meters high and five meters in diameter". The factory employs approximately 2,000 workers and, in addition, uses an unspecified number of military labor units. The latter, are housed in 45 wooden barracks. 17. Prior to'its enlargement, the cement factory had a gaily output of 100 tons of cement which was used almost exclusively for the needs of the Danube River - Black Sea Canal Project. another 50X1-HUM large cement factory of the same type as the Medgidia p ant is under construction in Turda. 1#3. In the summer of 1951 a three-story prison building was built near two Rumanian military barracks on Vasile Lupu Street in Ploesti. 19. Three hangars were built in the yard occupied. by a Rumanian anti-aircraft regiment on Strada Frunzisului near the 23 August highway about three kilometers outside of Ploesti toward Carpin The hangars are of masonry, 30 by 50 meters, and were completed in the spring of 1951. One hundred meters northwest, of these hangars are three underground ammunition dumps. There are also four wooden barracks and a canteen which are located opposite the new hangars on the south side of Strada Frunzisului. The, entire area is surrounded by a barbed wire fence and is guarded by anti- aircraft guns. Attachment :t; shows the area in detail. 20. In autumn 1951 a new three-story building with 120 dormitory rooms was built 'opposite the Mihai Bravul railroad station, midway between Bucharest and Giurgiu. On either side of this building are old Rumanian military Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00457RO12300240011-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00457RO12300240011-1 - 4 50X1-HUM barracks. Wooden barracks for the workers, a warehouse for building materials and a small electric power plant were also constructed. Plans called for further construction work on the site. 21. A baths building for the use of 4,000 miners was built at the Petrila Coal Mine no-.1r Petrosita in the spring of 1951. the mine is worked 24 hours a day by three different shifts. The coal is shipped to Resita by rail. Attached hereto is a sketch which shows the relative positions of the administrative building, hospital, baths building, workshop and electric plant. (Attachment G). 22. During 1951 ten buildings were constructed in Florica to house approximately 800 Greek guerrilla bandits who had been encamped in the area. The building site was the firm formerly owned by the Bratianu family. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00457RO12300240011-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00457R012300240011-1 SECRET -5- ,1 4M1 FL//NON 3fieEET BuUCv .547 -1N5T-TUTUL Alm CECtTAR. IHDUSTR,IAI.E. i%F IIJS'TITUT# o~ Ir STR1AL RE ARC+165 - .rE4 st"T4- 1. Gatekeeper 2. Laboratory 3, Pine Depot 4. Coal Storage 5. Canteen 6. Infirmary 7. Director's quarters and offices 8. a. b. c. d. Electric Power Station Electric Transformer of 5000.volts Main Switchboard Control IREB (BUCHAREST Regional Electric Enterprise) 9. Laboratories 10. Workshops 11. Workshops 12. planned Enlargement of the Institute Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00457R012300240011-1 SCR T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00457RO12300240011-1 r0 CoN3T~/V~,} 1. McEidia Railroad Station 2. Grain Elevators 3. Repair and Work Sheds (for tracters, auto, excavators, and equipment used at Danube River--Black Sea Canal) 4. Warehouses 5. Workshops MED.GIDIP-. RVTO kSPAIQ, WoQ, c +IO P- -~oIJJA s%lt Tc,4 - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00457RO12300240011-1 ` Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00457RO12300240011-1 SECRET Legend to Medgidia Cement Factory 1. Electric Power Station (with five transformers from 5000 volts to 380 volts) There is also a distribution board for the electric current 2. A tunnel with 2 manholes for the main distribution of electricity (15 meters long, 2 meters high) 3. Transformer Post No. 1 receiving 35,000 volt current from Ovidiu and giving the electric power station of the _"actory 5000 volt current 4. Overhead cable from Ovidiu 5. Underground cable connecting transformer Post No. 1 with factory 6. Unfinished building, probably destined for use as a storage area of cement and for acid treatment of dyes extracted from clay. There are two circular concrete basins five meters high and three meters in diameter in this build- ing. 7. Workshop 8. Cement storage area 9. Planned enlargement 10. Cement packing hall 11. A pipe, five meters in diameter, for transportation of cement to the pack- ing hall. The pipe has a rotary movement and a slight inclination in the direction shown by the arrow. 12. Smoke room with chimney 13. Furnace 14. Steam Plant of the Factory (with two boilers) 15. Militia Post 16. A hall with two water basins "for stone watering" 17. Stone crushing machinery (Concassors) 18. Annex to Above 19. Mechanic Workshop 20. Electric Workshop and Recreational Center 21. Bathrooms 22. Stone Crushing Machinery (Concassors) 23. Rollin; band for limestone transportation with "Schneck" (screw) section 24. Limestone Quarry 25. Area for projected expansion 26. Materials Storage Area 27. Workshops 28. Administration Building 29. Barracks for Workers and Soldiers 30. Soldier's Canteen 31. Worker's Canteen 32. Warehouses 33? Infirmary Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00457RO12300240011-1 19- am- auBtiaaanaauapa q El 11 - cLlaliladuUITanop i==i? D a nntitinnaaaraa d - - - - ;,7 - - -- j MEDGtD1,4 - LEt"1EtiT ]P-ACTot'~Y Q,?L54 sic, SECRET X19 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00457RO12300240011-1 S$CRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00457RO12300240011-1 Attac}ment 11 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00457R012300240011-1 -9- 1151 LO[ TI ? SumAtJ kWflAtR(.WT nni SOVIET AR.T LL?R1 LOCATIOTt- .. O,Jj s fj c 5ECR'T 1. Hangars (recently constructed) 2. Military Barracks 3. Workers' Barracks 4. Canteen for Workers 5. Underground Ammunition Dumps (surrounded by anti-aircraft guns) 6. Barbed Wire Fence 7. Soviet Infantry Regiment 8. Athletic Area for Soviet Troops Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00457R012300240011-1 Attachment Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00457RO12300240011-1 50X1-HUM 7 ----- - 10 1. Mihai Bravu Railroad Station 2. Hqs. Building under construction 3. Commander's offices 4. Colonels Building 5. Military Barracks 6. Barracks for workers ~. New dormitory (3 story) with about 120 rooms 9. An old military barracks 9. Warehouse for Building Materials 10. Electric Power Plant 11. Instruction Camp MIl~AI B5RVu Mu-IA( g\W'eTL~_ SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00457RO12300240011-1 -\ SJ B T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00457R012300240011-1 Attachment G C}W - 11 - 1. Gate 2. Hospital 3. Bath House 4. Lamp Workshop 5. Administration Building 6. Entrance to the Mine (with hot water tower above) 7. Coal Crusher 9. Point where coal is moved 9. -Electric generator and air compressor PETQ ILA - COAL f4 E - Ko"j4 5 Tc. - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/17: CIA-RDP82-00457R012300240011-1