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to+-r 11r1r r+ni 211n n t.-+rvI7 r~....4.., VY 11~ 1.' 1 -~lr [7 V ilti l'+ J [ , i t t: l a: v ii Elisabeth ('otitinued) when ths-, hildron wkr e still. young. She hid difficultie.p with their father about the custody of the children who finally remained with her. During this Period of difficulties the working classes sided witri the princess ~And the workers of Schoenau where the fir. incws .; 1. ived in a c., stle with her ClEi7' ehll i ren, vo. unLe rvu Rue rd .~e ECG "~ pp eV r, l.[1!! 1 fl to from kidnapping his children. Through Ud: .xlc_+rience t.ie princess was thrown in contact with the Austrian Social L;emocratie Party. She appreciated the ,,?.)rkers so much that she becafne a memb?r of tt,- AustriHn -Social Democratic Party herself. She mncle generous ionfn Lions to the Party and Con- tinued to do so even after i.ts iiquic i,tion by Chancellor Doll 'uss. She presented the thxurions, his coric, hunting D' ilfuss. She presented the luxurious, historic, hinting tent of Cr,)wri Prince Rudolf to the youth organization, 1'Reed Falcon" ; he made huge donations for sick and wo'rnded Schutzbund members in February 194 and was a faithful member of the Social T2emocr&tic Pxarty. 14) Traveled all over Europe and in Africa, also in Asia Minor. 11) Mother: Countess Loniay former member of the diet of Lower Austria (Moedling) Karl 20) Close friends: Aulic Council Eisenmenger and his wire, the money Emperor Frtan7 Joseph I transferred for ner to England. 19) She is one of the richest women in Austria. Part of her 16) Political history see item 9. Petznek and his bon, Dr. Petzriek. Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 -?~- WINI?ISCHGR1.ETZ. :'rincess Elisabeth (continued) 21) physiological: very try ] 1 and slim, blonde, blue eyes, Fir1 t - ocratic and elegant personality; has a stomach :ind gal-1 ail- ment; intellectuta1 intelligent Lind poised; em(-:ti )nai: very cool +tind reserved on the surface but very FeEirle-ss Find self-assured. Was investigutea by the police in February 1934 and bravely defended the working classes and attackoo the Dollfuss NovWrnLne nt. kel.igious. operational: lout ~ people but lives mostly in st:clusi-)n. ::'4) Speaks French. English, rand Hungarian i laently. Interviewer's own information. Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 U. S. GOVERNMENT BIOGRAPH1CA11.. RECORDS 610 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK. N. d. Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 u - I 03 October 14, 1943 X 1) SIFGL, August ?) Former chief of the District Address available in the Council 10th Listict uffir! of the District Council Vienna 1, Listrict Keplerp1at z 5 3) Born about 1873 5) Austrian 7 and 8) Comes from a workers famiLy. 9) Married 1Q) Spent his childhood in Vienna. 13) Elementary school, became a foetal worker. Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 12) Spent his childhood in Vienna . 13) Elementary school, became a metal worker. 14) Traveled all over Europe to metal workere' cong-resses. .15) First a metal worker, he later became secretary of the Metal Workers Trade Union. le) Membf.r of the Social Lemoeratic Party and Trade Union since his youth. 5rlcret,cry and leading member of his Trade Union. From 1908 till 1914 elected member of the Diet of Lower Austria in the ald At strian-Hut-garian monjarchy. In 1919 he was electea chief of the Listriet Council of the 10th Listrict. Retired in 1934. 19) Modest financial circumstances. 21) Physiological: short, stout, ' ealthy, gray hair; intellectual: clever; eMotional: cautious ano careful; Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 able z v era sv1ce ti aa " 4ut a w tsvv h , pcot-v ii i D a. L d' 4l {v r u c t v vayv ?A i-~VV1~ 4.LVli? Report overs time up to 1941. Interviewer's own info;rm3 t: s oti. Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 oneratiow; not very sociable; 24) Probably speak;- no foreign language. The 14tti District As inhabited by factory workers ex- clusively. The biggest war plants, 1.e. the Arsenal, are located there. August Siegl' s thorough knowledge of this District and its population will be of incstim- Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038R00 Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 c''A. x~ 'I h f ,.a CSC. io/1s/';T October 12, 1943 11 + V V. Mr. August: 01egl Ant] Mr. Josef Sispelp/ will be in to position to give irli*(.r uin tioti if the persons 11`~ted t?c;low vvi1i be willing and r~)ady to as ist in social and political work. Fortner members of the City Council: Alt, Antonie, Housewife Hiess, Johann, Employee Kopriva, Julius, Employee Novak, Karl, Employee of the railroad (retired) Forgoer members of the District Council of the 10th District Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 U. S. GOVERNMENT BIOGRAPHICAL RECORDS 610 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, N. Y. Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 F U -- 1~.... C.,''3 $ 3 October 12, 1943 Mr. August Slegl and Mr. Josef 4i spel4/ will be in ti position to give InCormtitioi-, if tIic p)crsaris ii_,teo below vvi1.l. be willing and ready L.o assist ire sociril ana political work. Former members of the City Council: Alt, Antoni.e, Housewife Hiess, Johann, Employee Kopriva, Julius, Employee Novak, Karl, Employee of the railroad (retired) Former members of tree Listrict Council of the 10th District Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 U. S. GOVERNMENT BIOGRAPHICAL RECORDS 610 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, N. Y. Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 ovak, K4-r-1:; --;mp oyee o Former members of the District Council of the 10th District in Vienna: A 1c, Arnold j, Shoemaker Benesch, Josef, Employee of the Workers Health Insurance Cejchan, Josef, Inn owner Dittel, Josef, Locksmith Fohringer, Anton, Employee Fru$hwirt, Johann, Employee Giehel, Betty, Housewife Herman, Xathias, School director (retired) Hlovka, Anton, Turner Humrrel, Konrad, Mason Kubicek, Agnes, Nurse g yHr-?~- .;_ iI~q r. r P oreman Niessrier, Franz, MetEil molder Pechan, Frra.nz, Employee of an office Schibl, Anton, CPrr.per.ter , Schwarz, Wenzel, Eu:p1ryee of the overnnent Smolik., Leopolc., MetF1 u-olc;t-r Sterban, Ferdinand, Ernployec. of a .,trcct cc+r company Wegricht, Franz, Locksmith for macriiues forrrcr Treiber, Alois, Employee;/ ci)i?f of the Public Relief Agency Addresses are available in the office of the District Council, Vienna 10, Keplerplatz 5. Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 U. S. GOVERNMENT BIOGRAPHICAL RECORDS 610 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, N. Y. 1) C18PELA, Josef' 2) Former member of the District Andress available in the Council of the 10th District office of the Di.s,trict Cou,i'cil Vienna 10, Kepler- platz 5 5) Austrian 7 and 8) Comes from a worker- f'b mi ly 9) Married and has several children. 12) Spent his childhood in ViennA, mainly in the 10th District. 13) Elementary school; became a metal worker; worked in the Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 12) Spent his childhood in Vienna, mainly in the 10th District. 13) Elementary school; became a metal worker; worked in the Arsenal. 19) First a metal worker, he later became an employee in the Workers Health Insurance. le) Member of the Union and Social Democratic Party. Leader of the "Republikani:,che Schutzbund" in the X District. In 1932 was elected member of the District Council. retired Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 in 1934. 17) Deeornted several times i.n World War I. 19) Very modest circumstances. 21) phys io o ical: medium height, gray hair, robust he,,.j1th; Intellectual: very .L.rteliigent; emotional: very energetic, a leading personality; operational: sociable. has many friends. . -2- 0 Josef (continued) 24) Probably speaks no foreign language. The 10th District is inhabited by factory workers exclusively. The biggest war plants, i.e. the Arsenal are located there. Josef S ispele's thorough knowledge of this District and its population will he of ine stieiable service in the post-wax- reconstruction: Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038R00 U. S. GOVERNMENT BIOGRAPHICAL RECORDS 610 FIFTh AVEN0E NEW YORK, N. Y. #1205 October 14, 1943 1) SONNF NBEITNEFL Fran.. ViennFi 13/1 Ho'th'enbcirggasse 15. "Reg erungs ra to (ra title of honor). Formerly tie highest official in the Board of Education in Vienna. In Vienna probably. 7 and 3) Married. One stepson c)ied many years ago at the age of twenty. 12) Spent his childhood in Vienna= 1:~) Elementary school, high school and same years of college 3) Born about 1880 5) Austrian 12) Spent his childhood in Vienna. 17) Elementary school, high school and some years of college (Gymnas ium) .' 15) First a government emp1,'-yee; Later became chief of office in the administration of the Board of Edu`.ation with the title of "Begierungsrat". Retired in 19'4. 1S) Member of the Social Democ-fitic Party and Trade Union. 19) -Solid financial cireurnstq.r,ces. 21) ;2h i gicaa-l:: tall, stc)ut, blonde hair, wears glasses; intellectual: very Intelligent, gift for orgariiaatioa, efficient worker, thorough knowledge of school administra- tion tnatt&.rs; emotional: very genial, a good inediatoi ; p2erational: very sociable. Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000200008-2 -2- U --I 2_ SONNENBFITNER Franz (continued3 24) Probably speaks some foreign languHge. Thoroughly knows the Viennese teaching staff and their political leanings. He could, therefore, be of grAF!t service in the post-war reorganization of educational wcirk and school system. Report covers time up to 1943. Inter. viewer's own informs: Lion. Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000200008-2 Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 U. S. GOVERNMENT BIOGRAPHICAL R EC.ORDS 610 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, N. Y. October 14, 1943 R7,EFIAK, Franz Andress availeblh., in the .office of the Listrict 2) 3) platz 2. Born about 1886 4) 5) Austrian Former member of tnP City oun it f V o ienn8 c , in Vienna 7 and 8) Comes from a Czech workers family. 11 f 9) Married. 12) Spent his Childhood in Vienna. Eieu`mF.. Lary school; became a meta J. worker and coppersmith. Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 1`') Spent his Childhood in Vienna. 13) Elementary sclhhool; became Ia m0t-F? worker and coppersmith. 15) Worked as a metal worker. 16) Was a leading member of the Metal Workers' Trade Union in Austria; chief of the ^rieti ] workers in the 11th District. In 1927 was elected in the City Council of Vienna; retired in 1934. 19) Aod es t financial circumstance.;. 21) DC1ys loa -1: Qedlum height, stout, robust, d- r;~~ hair; intellectual: intelligent, very efi icif-?rit in nis position; emot oval: very kind rang utliver?sa11y renpecteil; tionc;_l: sociable, has many friends. The 11th 1%istrict i . a worlc~?rs' alsti?ict. Many ,wir plants are loci, ted there. Franz Ftzeha k is widely known in thi Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 E Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 RZEHpK, Franz (cr ntinued) district and will. bw oaf grit service in the post-war reorgftnizati.in. Rep.nr t covers tirne up Lu 1.941. Interviewer's own information. Approved Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 q.v. Pantucek/wiii be in Fr position to a tvt- I.nY'orrrrri ti.on If the persons he will- ing and ready t, assist i.-, social and Political 'Mork. Former member of tho City Council: St.iuf'er, Anna, ur;-i~-~yc ui' i.rac~u: t.z v Former members or t,rt City Council, 11th I,ictri ct: Bidler, Franz, Forernurr Geppel, Karl, M ini.i h? 'I' U1 F7 jFtrt:hou.i*-s Geist, r'rou , C~.'r~Lratr~.r Jana k, Johann, L.n-i? 1 ~;~~ Uz ,:a nL.v,spnrzk-7- Kbdlbel. Max. Controller in Houlth insurance Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 U. S. GOVERNMENT BIOGRAPHICAL RECORDS 610 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YOi2K, N. Y. Ste' ?I ~, 3 -tt .October 12, 1943 Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000200008-2 Bidler, Franz, Toreman Geppcl, Karl, Manager of a vrarehouse Geist, ?rant, Carperl ter Jana k, Johann, 1;mj,luy e t. of a : u ws pr per Kbdlbel, Max, Controller in Health Insurance L3ngweil, Alois, Turner Lonnek, Johann, Painter of houses Medwed, Georg, Employee Muhrhofer, Rudolf, Manager of a? wareht'us'e ? Neuhcold, Karl, Engraver Papescth, Ferdinand, Locksmith Rauscher, Adolf, Director of a high school 3chi.t'i'mtidy.le'r. Anton, C rtpeziter Swoboda.. Felix, 1!wt,loye- o1. a s$.rei-t e'ir corriflriy Turns, Viktor, Metal turr!er Weiss, Richard, Garctenci ' Wenzl, Leopold, J lectrictil worker virth, Leopnlc, ~~:`?~?IG;yc ~f !lt.'.ll1 l .r.r ~~?risnce Zethor'eer, Vnarit, Ilotu ewi Chief of the Public Heltef Agency: Heoorfer, Florian, Employee Addresses are a.va ilab1F in the of -tee of the District Council, Vienna XT/1 F;nkpla tz 2. Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000200008-2 Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 U. S. GOVERN'.:ENT BIOGRAPHICAL RECORDS 610 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, N. Y. Oct' er 14, 1943 1) PANTUCE;K, Eduarcl 2) Former chief of the District Address available in the Council of the 11th District. 3) off'iee of the Distric t Council Vienna 11 /1 Enk pla tz. 2 Born about 1890 4) In V ienna 5) 1 tr is n 7 and 8) Cowes fl-urn a lower class family. 9) Married and hRs several children 12) Spent his child hooa iii Vienna. 13) Elementary school and probably cornnLercia1 school. Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 12) Spent his childhood in -Vierina. 13) Elementary school and probabl;;' conunercial school. 14) Traveled in Central and Southern Europe. lb) Was an einployee in the administration of the community of 16) Member of the Social Democratic Party and Trade Union. Became chief of the 11th Eistrict in. 1923 r+nd retired in 21) physioloo ical: uwedium height, slim, brown hair &nu eyes, looks intr'.ligerit; intellectual: very intelligent and diligent; emotional: ger-ial aUd well-behaved; geerotional: very sociable. 24) Possibly speaks so!:;e French .rid English. The ?lth District is a workers' district. Many war paints are located there. Eduard Pantucek is widely known in this district and will be of great service in the post-war Lle- organization. Report covers time up to 1941. Tnterviewerls own information. Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 U. S. GOVERNMENT BIOGRAP--IICAL RECORDS 610 FILTH AVENUE NEW YORK, N. Y. # 1230 Ootober 19, 1943 9001 1) KANITZ-TvI1i~SENBW G, Dr. Adolf 2) Assistant Muzuigpr (Direkt ).. Stellvertreter) to Wiener Bankverein Wien XVIII. He.rtueckerstraeae 75 1882 (7) 4) probably Vienna 5) Austrian, now German ruse'1aort 6) Roman Catholic '7 ) Otto K"1nitz Uecotiaed U. I,uetrt ..n, of Jewish origin, converted to Cc+tholic1 rn U. w 1. thy Me l o.ni_ Kanltz, born ':".Wie oenburv - declea-ued Its Auat.rie,n, ko1WLn Ctttho,.I..ic Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000200008-2 Melanie Kanitz, born Wienenburg - deceased a. Austrian, Roman Catholic b. wealthy, Viennese industrialist's family, factory in hitters- feld N.Oe. 9) Bachelor 11) His sister Dr. Marguerite Paschkis-Kunitz and her husband have been livin,z in the United Staten since 1938 1 ) probhbl.y in Vtennri 13) Public School, High School., graduated ris doctor juriu at the University of Vienna 14) Tr tve1. qd all ovar Gii`rope ...., -- ,_, L,ubineen as VVIc ner R+ink- vere:in's recaresentALive, partly for Koleusure 1.5) Several year. in his Grandfr+tiier's f'ictory the Band and Stoff- P'utbrtk (now Awestem) at Rittersfelc N.Oe. (Lower I-ustr:l.g). The farn:i.lyrs Jealousy f'orc:od him to Leave. Throut'h hin fr:ither's in- fluence Caine to the Wiener bankv,.,rein, where he worked in the Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000200008-2 Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 law-office (Reehts-burerau) . iir:ndled znm~inLy the .iener fnrik-- veroin: o buw.'_nuau with French .~peeklrik, countries (France , Hal ".1 um, Swttzi--1+, nd, 1 urni..sniu etc, ) Left for Limit, of' cage'. 16) toyL.l Lo ) ustriu.a No pu.1i Liual =.inbitioru7. 18) Any kind of urt (mus.Lc, 3cu.L t?=?e-,? LLter;'ture), mountaineering 19) Being alLrefuJL in hJ.1-1 Lnvf,is t,nents ,, hiv l.ne, Lriher Lted noi, ona.y from his i,t~retint;::, but from his cousin too, con: idered wealthy 1) Very 3oo4a ble, few fr i.endu , loves t-, tile; toff to h1s own speockes. Tries to convince others to his opinion.9, but heka vary Vow opinions o;: his ov,n. He is .+ bel e.9prLt, lav,r-well.-r.71d, over-eultu.. ed. Goo(.i iw"l tte. ti4) Germt.,n, ab voiute1.,y pert'ect French, like u Frunch .LLt yer, like hie; mother tongue, very good English. Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 dustries or the nrurlt N;err~ . In the Vri rter lit,rtkvereinta Law office (itechtsbureaiu) he hu,U to cony trier not only contt'.,ct. , ur~rc:or^er1t:. or burikIne, j ueo Linnv; , but wt1`.i trr?.ined L.t3 ct'edit ac'_,ount rrlaunrat,er too. "er; can- ~eciexttiour3, v,;t?y Pxt:e L, ,;,,roves ;.lr1rn: caq;L. ble, dotni L, he proL,ah.Ly known rtca-ti ai out in::ttstxl.etl u-ind t.1-w-1 v o,., noi?t, thL.n the uvner fAinae L.F. _iver:.L tinirss his t?r.rlke 3 tillcc4?.t3t t'11J. re:j)reafiUTlt,i.lt.l.Ve ..Leo"d '1-aiii st i?,u;rt.r_i., in tue.lt.LOrtt. cl i.l'f' Lc3ul t to retiol veg. H.l.,i emp Loyeart; and duvelvpe(J tAit, vary et,Leuin fur him. Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 441 German, absolutely perfect FrArrich, like u French laveyv,r, like nie inforrruttlon is neoded aoout industries, the management rf' in- Resumes Dr. Adolf KaenLtz-Eieseni:~-g can be extremely useful. in case mother tongue, very good English. U. S. GOVERNMENT BIOGRAPHJCAL RECORDS 610 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, N. Y. .1231 October 19, 1948 90U1 L) SOHRACK, Doctor-engineur Educrd Apurturent at Wien I S^hmer1ingp1atz 8 Country j:).Lt,Ce "Auf der lioeh" hoar G:1 oggnit N.Oe. Dower Austria) 2) Pray-.dent of Radir.werk E. Schrack Aktien Gesell schaft at W1en XV1II. 1, bbog+,bst I 3) 1H4ib- ld~ib (? ) 4) ` 1 ey -zt,c.) ~" 5} ~~usl,a L;,rt, ~~ l?. ', i. ~n with Gerraurl paisimpt G) RUm:in tt,h0liC } Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 7) Dr. Schrock afan. - deceased a. AustrLan, Roman Cat:.olic b= Successful Vientiane lt,wyer, wevithy 8) a. Auctrtun,; Roman Ca.tholLc: 9) me rri.(d since 19;"l (?). It wt,s not absolutely fa.^a11ies - pal s_ r,ic . Turned out to be a succ'.tJri to) ~. 41'ilheLrn.Lr.i ~Minrtif) Sohr eck, born Kafka h. 1.-W1 in Innsbruck, Tyrol, AulttrLa (7) c. Two children, it girl. and a boy lore, but the ~A. daugiil:er of an Aue Lrj.aLt c(.va Lry off Lcer of Indirectly Jewt 3h or L;;ia ctnd the youMget3 t duught,3r of a Vienne:io 1 ?us!,~~L-:li?t- U fanil:: e. no :nosey of her own f'. Sc1hoo1.3 in Innehruck, ' o work expperience, houu3ew,i fe W;. ilouu n uathol i_c L]) BroLhars: Robert Schrock, uttir-?le d Horba-?t. Schrock, rnarrLeet Sire t,ar: Herthu T3 ronen;r+ DoblhoCf, born :)chri.ck prob+_,biy Vienna 13) Public School, High Sc,luo L, 'Technic+r t Academy in Vieyru-a. Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 r-- v - iz3-.2 Graduated as ,.L ctrLc ent"L veer, gruduz;,te (i doctor honorLb cuu8a for hit3 Rud Lo reiSelLrch work 1.1) 1r. ve.L1.e~cl ,~Ll, oveyr Getat.r?Ll arid t'iettt,(3rri El.- 1)a '15) Pioneer, Ln itnaLo ;3cf.,iince, worked togethi,x' with Prot'o;:t3or Et t,etir'e Lc'1. S t.r,r ,eci hl,3 own Radio set rind bul.b t'ac t:,ory, very L3UCo et3at'IAL, r.jat,'-uLe(3 LF3) v''t.u t111. L936 abtioiut? ty ant.:.-Goriaun. Not Lrlteref.taa In C)OLttLee, out. Lo?r t-d L Lo icic tri,-. ^fior, t ?)r?tobubly l1 .t~ n' t, cllr.cit:crc:i hitn mind. 15) '{i.:, r?ec;-??.~.,t.l.~n L;3 h1 t3 Lif'y with his c,,1 1.L'iron, hitz hobbiatt Lima fill, 11. ne; .. Turned M.'s -c pur trire3 n t Into a Radio acid T' L im Lri horu- :-ul.'y. i"ro;ri L:iv L,; LL I.e E>3' t,Vic t Lrtr; r?...y;3 over the l~~t.et 't 'N; i, htng rn,.C tL1-'i r,0 tt rlii,c:rnc.. ,3r0 jt C 1 . , 01 ' ', )tt c,-?n 1'Lnd .r*, ;ru.,-Idne Ln hLr; t I. t. Mountltinaoor?:Li g. Tt kLn~!, h.Lt;h c Lfci:t ;>>.ct,rir?r3,z' (movltezt Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 muchine to a oinenu projector, one can f Lnd any machine in hia flat. h4ounlr{ineur i.tie . T&tking h.i.gh c Lass pt.rturea (movit n) . 19) very wealthy %0) very .few friends, inc t of them r1cLontLsta 1) modoi-L, liken to talk :shop, but only to .th fulLow avif3nti.r3t?c, tot inr.c::i?l.otuna in :-.oc i.cL L Lii (j, very .,;oo,i 1ief:1t?h 7~4) C e.t'ru n, very ,roou cLrir,LL.sh, goodl Fret th Heoume: Dr. In?. E. Scht.?r.ck iri ot.u of the Leading men Ln the Austrian e.Lectric wreak-cu3?c?unt lndti;:itr? . lie to ,, uucc:ouo['uL L'"nvf;citor, hLs kuovr i.a'lL;e 1.3 uhso.luLif]y io;n.Ln.~t.1nF . Th1ii ,c L' u ,1.1'i.c sa~~~v~?? Lea,~c3 ;rLvF,3;; him gre,:t, Lni'l~,f:rsrf, :-.nii he known how r,,n (i,?ri.l u?.tth r.~uc,i~!_~~ ) ~? L i.ent;~, q?nployoo3, fol. Lo,'r country men). His v,uricmtan v.11L ~tl.w.,ys l-.Lck hirn, ';hey LIke hit.; wr.y. Sou L.t L recur i. t Le;i Ln h i c; t'actory vdre an extanple. He in not only bob.;, but they bct.'_.Lyv,., in him. 'Vi" mu;; even hc've a grt t. Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 poll.:Lcr'L -inf'Luenc;' on his employ?o;, and hoinr 1oyrtL to AuiLrLM, inhrt?Lod to tho duuL;ht-,er of an ;u ty L L' n c;t'f c.:.or, t}1Lr3 Lnf Luenco can onLy 6e t-Gorwuj} Source fools this should read: V gay have ai uv?1..... r-c, He fa0. hf111e political i influence on his. employees. Loy a, Austrian Probably anti-German (married to the daughter of an 'Austrian officer) OSS R&A CEu, Washington, 8 February 1941+ U. S. GOVERNMENT BIOGRAPHICAL RECORDS 6%0 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, N. Y. ~. # 1252 October 20, 1948 1) SCHMIT'f, Engineer Norbert Rehberg near Krams a/d Donau N.Oe. (Lower Austria) '?c.r,hn._i c i ciirec or M r ran Sch i t n 6.& a ~- ? . w.... vVlYtli. .J V nn v.L~II ~HR7~1. 1.130(l4tJ. L 5) leri0 - 1893 5I born Austrian, now German 6) probably protestant (?) 11) Brothers: August Schmitt Youngest brother's name unknown (Karl (?) 13) we.s ed.,zated and studied partly in Gercnun,v, graduated at a 14) German technical acndemy 15) started in his father's factory very late (partly there was no vacancy where he could fit in, partly he enjoyed 1.',I.fe) Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 14) German technical academy 15) started in his father's factory very bite (partly there was no vaouncy where he could fit in, partly he enjoyed life) 16) The whole family extremely pro-German and Long before World War I pro-Grouter-Germany ((drone-Deutsch). Rehberg is a small village, two or three cellos away from the district's town Krems a/d Donau N.4e. one of they centers of the pro-German and pro- Nazi movement in Austria. The whole family (see SCHMITT, Engineer Franz) never concealed their feelings and most probably helped not only morally. but L'1nanc Lally too to support the Austrian Kazis. No political ambition for himself. 19) considered wealthy 21) Very sociable, often invited, excellent pianist, knows how and likes to entertti..Ln a party, liked to talk politico with his acs juaintanc , Fidoptirg the Pruea Lh n accent, has probably m--ny friends, wants to domirii te, busybody, never worked coo hard but. Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 Schmitt 2 wit L alwuys coy -' Latin about hits reBponaibility, i'.i?Ay t,.rlel cori- cornea about his heralLh, but 1leetlthNy 24) German, fwobubly French and Erigllsh Resume: His work his Lc ry, known to ineiustri,ai.i.sts, 1,13 autroni ..Lni; v 1. l 1 _ .7 ~.J t to..._. 1 .. V ;'F, u L iiij Uru Liwi~ Li iiis to conceui U I ly.~ llli L4C7111+V, ir, sanding h.Lm some t.Lme:i is they t'uc Lory' s repreilent,! t.ivrj to v La L t c L Lyrit:i . flits cent; to t vii Lh i,tuny people, but con.l. t,hrouL,h ;ioc L:t L Lit'''. No t. Lmport.lnt. 't. i L t. cai? L.. Lri..y no? (;h,: nr;e c i.3 rnlrrd, usher) Lhu Nr,.,I-roctmv t:i oVcrttlri)wrL1 Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 U. S. GOVERNMENT BIOGRAPHICAL RECORDS 610 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK. N. Y. October 20, 1948 # X1233 9001 1) SCHMITT, Bnginuer Frunz Rehberg near KreuIE+ a/d Donau, Austria Commercial managing director of Franz Schmitt Aktien Gesel1.- schaft at Rehberg near Kremu a/d Donau and a member of the Board of Directors of Veretnigte Ledorfetbriken Flefch, Gerlach, Mor ltz. 3) 1885 - 1890 (?) 5) probably born Auntrian, now German 6) probably prot,3atant 11) 74"is cousins Engiaoer Norbert Schmitt and his younger borther Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 6) probably pro t:.istant 11) His cousins Engineer Norbert Sebhrni tL and hid younger t orther 12) probably $udied in Germany 14) 15) Being' the eldest of the Vwni.ly, he wuti the next to sacceed in the management of his father's and his uncle's plant, the leather and shoe factory ?ranz Schmitt A. G., Rehberg. Rather successful, r, elrx t,ed with the very wee; thy THOWET family. His factory wean' t forced to borrow money from bankers . during the depress Lon in Austrta (1922-1926). Thin fact placed his factory in a dominating position. 16) the whole family watj extremely pro-German Hui already before Wor Ld Thr I "Gross-Deutsch" (uru Gre, i ter Germany). Rehberg in a small vilLage, two or three miles away from Krems a/ d Donau N.Oe. one of the moot outat~:tnding centers of the pro-German moveraenc in Austria. tnglreer Franz Schmitt and his family Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 Schmitt, Franz never coneealk-d their feelings tlnc most probe L ly helped not only inorully, but finuneially also to support the Austrian Nazis. 21) dominant but sooirsble, ene*rvetic, cood health 24) German, possibly Frenoh And English Resume: The ,)ocit.ton Engineer r'runz Schmitt occupion brtngs him in close touch wit', Zov' rn-nent offtci:..Li not only in Krems i-/d Donau, but in Vi.ann:, too, ,,q the f!tct(-)ry Uri c ie of the matt important military shoe fuetories in 1.u8 trLa. He never had for himsu.Lf political wnbitt"tons, but wi,a u strc-a * supporter of the pro-German idea. Grout admirer of Hitler's Ldeu;; , maybe not so much of Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 .trong supporter oi' the pro-German Idea. Grwit ~ d.rq rer of Hi t Lei" b 61tcr- o , 1wi y bh nou bo much .)f HLtter h1inrse1f, .:> the Sc_hinlt,t tTirnl].y':i odlu,,,tt.on and bring,- ing up reeernbL 3l the PruNr3 Linn "Jurrkt4rt3" . Ho 3ould bvi ct, L Led the protot4r o of ^InduLitrie--Junker". t tL I riot, chr+nge hi: rniml, but by -t1 L rneuri:1 i..L1 L try to keep his rnu h.a.noc3 runn.Lng, Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 U. S. G(PVERNMENT BIOGRAPHICAL RECORDS 610 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, N. Y. Austria X 1) KRARER, Josef, Ph.D. ? .ici iW v Lis vi-.. V, Ungargasse 71 3) Born November 1, 1879 5) 4-wstrian 4) Vienna 6) Protestant 7) Father: Josef Kramer 8; Mother: Katharina nee Disler Motel owner and chief cook *'rom bpvarie. Austrian, in Vienna. Austrian, Catholic. Catholic. Died many years ago. Dit,d many years ago. 9) Divorced in 1919 front first wife. 10) Second marriage: Margarete nee Keiter. b) Married in 1919 in Vienna. Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 #1271 October 19, 1943 Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 Divoeeced In 19 10) Second marriage: Margarete nee Keiter. b Married in 1919 In Vienna. c No children from second wife.. d She comes from a middle class family. e Actress, became a nurse during the First World War. g Protestant, Austrian. 11) Brother: Alfred Kramer, engineer, address unknown, prob&bly in Czechoslova'dia. Daughter by first wife: Hedwig Jahcda nee Kramer, Ph.D. Now lives in New York, 12) Grew up in Vienna. 13) Gymnasium in Hollabrunn, Lower Austria, University of Vienna, Ph.D. and passed state teachers examination in German, Latin, and Greek for Gymnasiexa. (High School. and a part of college) Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 -2- Aua trig, Kaaden, Bohemia (in the time of the old monarchy) Krems an der Donau, Lower Austria and in Vienna. He became __Q '0~ a wQc Vioiz ( eationsrat") at the Ministry of Educa- tion and advanced later to the rank of a "Ministerialrat" (Head of a Department) in the Ministry of Education. He was in charge of the placement of Gymnasial teachers and also of the international students exchange for the univer- sities. 18) He was a very strong democrat during his lifetime ana has remained such even after the Nazis got into power. 17) Decorations from the Fir3t World War in which he s ryed a..,~. KRAMER, Jct sef Ph.D. (continued$ i4) Traveled throughout Italy, Switzerland,, Fri nce, Belgium, and Czechoslovakia? lb) Was a teacher at Gymnasium in Wiener Neustadt, Lower Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 remained such even after the Nazis got into power. Decorations from the First World War in which he served as a First Lieutenant. 18) He is very interested in philosophy. He owns a small cottage in the countrj where he spends all his free time gardening. He is a very ambitious wusician, plays th"_ flute. He likes animals and has 'A little dog. 19) He lives in good financial oircuAnstances. has a very clear judgment and a good knowledge of people. ntelleetual: very intelligent and well-educated. He spectacles, very handsome. Has a heart ailment. 21) t s olgilI al: tall, slim, brown hair, dark eyes, wears He did some writing, especially in the lyrical line. He has a very philosophical nature. Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 KRAl1ER, Jossf, Ph.D. (continued) pot ona,, very quiet, introverted person, talks very 1! ttle. oDerg,tionaJ Although he does not make friends easily, he has many friends for whom he is ready tc make any sacrifice. Very- ideal-minded, goud-hearted person with an out W -pokem Sense of helpfulness. Used to help all those in danger and poverty. 24) He speaks Italian. (Latin and Greek) He has the best knowledge of the personnel at the former Austrian Ministry of Education and knows the political attitude of most of the Austrian teachers of the colleges in Austria. (Gymnaaiallehrer.) It, therefore.. seems of utmost importance to consult him for the employment of Approved For Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2 utmost importance to consult him for the employment, of teachers after the war. His judgment will certainly be an accurate and precise one. Rep,)rt covers time up to 1943. Interviewer's own information. Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200008-2