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Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 19) In good financial circumstances. pO) His friends: former Chancellor Carl Renner (q.v.), former mayor of Vienna, Carl Seitz (q. v. ) 21) playsig ? ca : inediui height, a little stout, gray hair, blueeyes, well-groomed eyeglasses; r'.ta.leQtual: intelligent, self-educated; gmc t o al s amiable and congenial: operational: very sociable. 24) Spruaks English fairly well. He is an expert in economies having had wide experisace and is recommended for services in this respect. Interviewer's own Information. Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 Report covers time up to 1943. Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 U. S. GOVERNMENT BIOGRAPHICAL RECORDS 610 FIFTH A'E,%UE NEW YORK, N. Y. September 4, 1943 Additional R 2ort Mr, Georg Fmmer1 ing is suppnsed to have valuable information about the members of the Municipal District Council (Bezirksrat) of the second district of Vienna. (Former members ) Following are the name,.%: Johann Berger, Conductor of the street car Leopoldlne Fischer, Housewife Karl Hei dl, Clerk in an office Fr n 9 Knn v Store owner .1 .0 Sop:aie- Langer, Store owner Albert L8#hnert, Blectri.al worker Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 Karl. Helndl, Clerk in an office Franz Kocy, Store owner Sophie Langer, Store owner Albert Ldohnert, Electrical ?orker Rudolf Lojda, Clerk wm1l Mayer, Electrical worker Wlad imi r Pr ibyi, Taylor Franz Stuiber, Factory worker Robert 'o#g?l, Clerk Leopold.ne Wessele, Housewife Johann Witek, Clerk Ernst Fischer, Factory worker - head of th. Public Relief Agency Addresses available in Vienna ~.i, District Ka.rmelitergasse 9 (bffi.ce of the Municipai District Council. Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 U S. GOVERNMENT BIOGRAPHICAL ! CCIRDS 610 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK. N. Y. 1) FALLS, Anton x~.duiz?ss available in Parliamentary Library, Vienna or. City Tall of Villach.. Carinthia) 3) Born about 1890 5) Austrian 7) Peasant stock 9) Harried 12) Villach and Klagenfurth September 3, 1943 Catholic Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 12) Villach and Klagenfurth 13) Elementary school 14) Probably no travel - perhaps Italy 15) Factory worker. Sergeant in World War I. 18) From early youth in the Social Demo;ratic Party and Trade Union. Elected to the Diet of Carinthia and City Counc,U of Villach in 1919. Member of Parliament in 1923 a ti 1 1934: 17) Highest decoration for bravery in Wcrld War I. 18) Good mountain climber. 19) Very humble but orderly circumstances 21) g; giolog cal: short, slight, brown hair and eyes. good health; Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 ji tg1 ectual: intelligent, self-educated; e~vt na t very serious, quiet and reserved; ggerationgl: fond of people, has many close .friends, is definitely a leading personality. As Anton .a le is .wee"- v%n N:'llL% NVt nv%lA nmr%rigr wvriz o but also among the lower middle-class and the peasantry especially. He is to be considered an important figure for the southern part of Carinthta. 24) Speaks Slovene. Interviewer's own information. Report covers time up to 1942. Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 U. S. GOVERNMENT BIOGRAPHICAL RECORDS 610 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, N. Y. Glaw Lukas, Julius, Secretary of the Social Democrat Partyin Additional Reo Mr. Anton Palle is supposed to have valuable information about the former members of the Diet of Carinthia. Following are the namess Aachgau, Franz, Secretary in Villach Kircher, Dora, Housewife in Villach Krenn, Thomas, Secretary of the Social Ddpiocrat Varty in Klagenfurt Lagger, Hans, Teacher in Klagenfurt Lora, Georg, Teacher in Klagenfurt Luger, Florian, Conductor on railroad' in St. ;;4it on'the Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000200004-6 Lora, Georg, Teacher in Klagenfurt Luger, Florian, Conductor on railroad in St. Veit on* the Olam Lukas Julius, Secretary of the Social Democavat Partyin Klagenfurt Melchor, Peter, Farmer in Et. aagdaler,wa near Villaoh Neutzler? August, Clerk in Klagenfurt Oarrale, lane, Farmer in Wrieasnitz Pichler-&[andorf. Franz, Engineer and former mayor of Klagenfurt Pobaschnig, Fritz, Clerk in Lind near Fcldkirchen Swoboda, Franz, Secretary of Trade Union in Klagenfurt Zeinitzer, Mathias, Ph.D. High school teacher and vice- president of Diet in Klagenfurt Maid ha Lj ^ souse of Diet in Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000200004-6 .U. S. GOVERNMENT BIOGRAPHICAL, RECORDS 610 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, N. Y. September 3. 1943 1) I;IOFFMANN, Friedrigh 2) Former secretary of thq (Address available through Social Democratic Party of formssr Mayor of Sauerbrunn Sauerbrunn and secretary Burgenland), Dr. Flo: fenreich of the Trade Onion. q.v.) . Probably lives at Jennersdorf--Guessing (Burgen- land) 4) Vienna 6) Catholic 9) Divorced his first wife. She is a social worker in Vi*nna. 10) Married a second time - a:_ Austrian woman. 3) Born about 1894 5) Austrian 7) Factory workers family Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 L\ 9) Divorced his first wife* She is a social worker in Wiens%a. 10) Married a second time - an Austrian woman. 12) Grew up in Vienna 13) Elementary school and lower grades of high school 14) Traveled in Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, and Hungary 15) After the end of world war 1 remained in the arm' and retired with a commission (First Lieutenant) in 1928. ..~.i- A ,......ter. rat v Lie i~swn~ao o ra.nrrlndiw r~ r~ ?lne alt .i n 1 i"a Lail GLY0 Lav vvvuu?v u Y~V rvva us a? at.V VvwrY~i Democratic Party and Party Secretary of the Burgenland district. 17) Was decorated in World War I. 18) Enthusiastic mountain climber, hiker and skier. Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 21) nYiojoRi_c lY medium height, sturdily built, dark hair and eyea9 Intelkogtua1: clever, inclustr:.ous, simple and popular speaker; i ranK;, 2erational: very soeiabte. He is very popular among workers and peasants in the Burgenland. He speaks an6 understands their dialect. He has great administrative gifts and is therfore very commendable for post-war work in the Burgenland. Interviewer's own information. Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 Interviewer's own information. Report covers time up to 1943. Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 September 6, 194 6 Mr. Hoffmann and Mr. Hoffenrbich (q.v.) are supposed to have information about the former members of the Diet of the Burgenland. Following are the names: Rosenberger, Paul, Peasant worker in Deutsch--Jahrndorf Sprinscbitz, Stefan, Plasterer in Siegendorf Till, Ignatz, Clerk in Eisenstadt Tomsich, Koloman, Clerk in Eisenstadt Suchard, Hans, Secretary of. Trade Union in Matternburg Muller, Alois, Inn owner in Gussing th in Sauerbrunn Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 U. S. GOVERNMENT BIOGRAPHICAL RECORDS 610 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, N. Y. M&UJ-_$s x.Lvxii? Lim owner in sussing Vogl, Hans, Locksmith in Sauerbrunn Striny, Alois, Store owner in Rechnitz Addresses available in the house of the Dict in Suchard, L1ans,, Secretary of Trade Union 1_n M&ttarRbu-.d Eisenstadt, Burgenland. ("Landhaus") Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 U. S. GOVERNMENT BIOGRAPHICAL RECORDS 610 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, N. Y. #885 Address available in City Hall of Wiener- Neusstadt September 7, 1943 2) r'oruaerly mayor o.'L* 4) Wiener-Neustadtor in the district of Wiener-Neustadt 7 and 8) Father and motaier were factory workers. Both were X 1) OFEN B( C K, Anton Nus Irian Catholics 9) Married 10) Several grown children lit) Brought in 1ener-N eus tadt Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 10) Several grown children 12) Brought up in Wiener-N eus tadt 13) Elementary school. Printer 14) .,Traveled to Italy, Jugoslavia, France, Belgium as del.gate to Congresses. 15) Printer. Employee of the "Arbeiter-Krankenkasse". Editor of the weekly journal "Gleichhei t" ("Equality"). 16) From his early youth member of the Social Democratic Party. In the old Austrian monarchy, member of the City Council of Wiener-Neus tad t, 1912 - 1918. 1918, elected a:, a mayor of Wiener--N eug tad. t, in the Austrian Republic; member of the Diet o1' Lower Austria; member of the upper chamber (Bundesrat) of the Austrian Parliament. Held all these position until Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 Social Democratic Party. 19) In modest circumstances. 20) Close friends& Tho former mayor of Ssuerbrunn and lawyer in Wiener-A aus tadt, Dr. Ernst Hoffenrelch (q.v.). The former Lieutenant UovtAri:or of Lower Austria, Oskar Hellmer (.v).. innte].lectalt clever, self-made man, very good administrator; dM2U(,jLvA: cordial, generous, warm-hearted; ? Derationels sociable, loves to travel, many frienos, a leading personality. 24) Does not speak any foreign language. He 4 e one of 4?b.e wj AnI a -Irnrtean n-mane 14 1.4 so I V% o~A ft ?~? D + v +wwv~J wv??.?. ~iv,e v a.P i / p~ iii PY%A M46 VY6.L 4l -Wiener-Neuetadt. Important to the entire l?^oulation. Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000200004-6 Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000200004-6 get Ian EM He is one of the widely-known peraona..itie? in and around Wiener-Neustadt. Imrortant to the entire population. Interviewer o s own information. Report coscers time up to 1942. Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000200004-6 Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000200004-6 U. S. f$0VERNMENT BIOGRAIa,H!CAL RECORDS 010 FIFTH AVENUE dept'ember 6, 1943 ~dc . t iQxaual Repp Mr. Anton Dfenb8eok, Mr. Oskar Heller (q.v.), and Mr. Heinrich 6chnaidmadl (q.v.) are supposed to have information about the former members of the Diet of Lower Austria. Following are the names t Dittelbach, Frans, Former mayor of 3loggnit; near Semmering Graf , Katharina Hein, Robert S'mker_ Alai Q Kaminger, Rudolf Kisliager, Karl Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000200004-6 sin-so Robert Junker, Alois Kaminger, Rudolf Kislinger, Karl Xentasti, Alois Pauppil, Theodor Petznvk, Leopold Popp, Franz n^?eh.u Rudolf Reif, Konrad Reitmeier Adolf RuckteeckLI, Leopold Welsch, Josefine Werndl, Harps Widmayer, aeinrich Addresses available in the House of Diet in Vienna. ("Landhaus"), Vienna I. Listrict Herrengasse. Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 U. S. GOVERNMENT BIOGRAPHICAL RECORDS 610 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, N. V. #900 III PICKER, Birgit von ?) 3) About 35 4) 5) Austrian 6) 7) a) Austrian, Catholic 8) b) Editor and writer. Former publisher of magazine "Der Brenner" in Innsbruck, '^,:.4 of _, 9) Single 11) one sister 12) Innsbruck September Co 1943 Interpreter and secretary in titre diplomatic service; present whereabouts unknown. Innsbruck Practising Catholic a) Swedish, Catholic 11.) `One sister 12) Innsbruck 13) Q,; mnasium, graduated. Specialized in modern language. GradUAted from the Interpreters School in Karlsruhe, Germany. b) Foreign languages: Spam ks Fr encr., Engli lih, Swedish fluently. ') Central Europe, Swcdan, France. 1!5) fli.d RReeretu_rtI1 i,erk for heer father in Innsbruck; 1933; secretary in the Austrian Legation in Paris; 1939, after the occupation ^f Austria taken over by the Uerman Embassy in Paris, sent back into Germany some days before the outbreak of the present war. Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000200004-6 16) A liberal Catholic, strongly anti-Nazi and Austrian patriot. ~.fter the occupation of Austria she considered refusing work in the German Emb,-.,95y and remaining in France as a pollti,^al refugee. But she was afraid that in this case her father, a well-known anti-Nazi Austrian terl t?r, woult Ut taken hostage. She accepted, therefore, the position but maintained her contai6;,ts with the anti- Nazi Austrians in Paris ahd met them regularly and in secrecy in order to give them all.. the information she gathered in the Germ&n Embassy. 21.) ghY?iologicb : tall, slender, brunette, blue eyes; 1? c aa1: very intelligent, broad educational back- Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 Into lectualt very intelligernrr, broad educational back- ground, interested in philosophical and religious questions, extensive reader, conscientious worker; emot on l: impulsive, sincere, modest, clean, and sober; 22,gi?tiona1: strong will-power, courageous, social-minded, great sense of justice. Could do useful work as interpreter, entirely trustworthy. Interviewer's own information. Report covers time up to the outbreak of the war. Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 U. S. GOVERNMENT BIOGRAPHICAL RECORDS 610 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, N. V. #902 September 11 1943 III 3000 1) INNITZER, Theodor, Div. D. 2) Archbishop of Vienna. Cardinal of the Ran Catholic Church 3) December 25, 1875 4) Weipert, Bohmaia 5) Austrian 6) Practicing Catholic 9) Single 13) Gy1>umsium, graduated, studied theology at than University of Vienna, Div. D. Ordained priest in 1900. 15 and 16) Auxiliary priest, adopted the univeraitr career., 1906, lecturer at the University of Vienna, 1911, profeasor of biblical studies of the New Testament. Joined the Christian Socialist Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 lecturer at the Unisereity of Vienna, 1911, profesnor of biblical etudiea of the Now Tostament. Joined the Cbristian Socialist Party (The Austrian Catholic Conscrvatiwe Party) twice minister of social administration in the Austrian republican government, 1932 Archbishop of Vienna, 1934 Cardinal. Favored the author- itarian regime created by the-Federal Chancellor Dollfuee in 1934 under the pressure of the "Hoimwehren" (Austrian Faac'! of party) and the Italian government. In March 19?~, when thy. Fedea?a.. Chance] b,r Kurt von S-3huao hnigg initiated a oau _pa i ,gn for a pie bieoite in behalf of Austrian independence, he made 3 clear statement for this plebiscite and for Austrian Independence but some dayalater when Hitler in order to prrivent this pl.ebieoite, ml4rab11 ~': 1.th j .fo.: Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 -2- INNITZER, Theodr.: , Div. D. (continued) bi.a arar into Auvtx?iu and accomplir+hesd the W j eohluee", he paid a visit to Hitler and publi::shad an ap ea i to the Auotrian poople urging; them to accept with joy the reattachment to the German "tc thorland" and to vote accordingly I n the plobi scite organized by, the Nazis. he hold clone peruonal contact with the German "Gay letter", Joaoph Buer.?kel. The Vatican Radio rebukao him sharply :.,.at.ing thrit in Austria all was lc,at, :,den the honor. He rte r naked to come to Ps=c to explain him; alf and after hits return to Vieura he again changed h1a attitude and now trt*d #.o join the Line of the German episoop-te in ;.Probecting the anti-Church measures taken by the Nazi govorn,uent. The Nazis annwered in etorsd.ng his ro& ideuce in Vienna. Ho rind p?reeonaliy mole ated and otii of his assistants thrown out of the win dow -a'ir;ll.... Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 arnswerod in storming hiii residence in Vienna. He was paareor lly moletst,d and one of hi:a acmint- .ntL thrown out of the window and aever* ,y Injured. Since this event C,Lr(lin d Innitser became u very quiet mean ;,nd r -iuirainod himself to hie eccleaiuat'.ca.l. 21) A mean of t.verago height, weiurt3 gl,ac-uoa; average int.al.ligence, weak will power, an upporturiitit, timid, much lmpretftred by t3Uite power and singer to oon. sly with all eoteeblished ftuthorities. meeting people. he doers not, know very well. Modern; in private ife1, no aenao of humor, sober., cuutiourm in hii. attitude Loward other poopl.e, ruapicioue, bad, judgment of people tuui of aitn Liont-. Car61nal Inr,itzer will. be neithor an otat3taclo nor a val"ble support for the Unite;d NutiuruKj.. ho tuy tie forced to retcign after the re- 1..1.1 s ~._...,,.+ of ir',t e :_ E?i -.n aaiia;h-MOn u Gb A ~LJ O i~1 7 i1Uq'Rafi3Gv. Report covert timo up to outbreak of the wur. n1 oa~a own ,=-'/ 1 ru erim t ti Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 U. S. GOVERNMENT BIOGRAPHICAL. RE(. ORDS 610 MFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, N. Y. #905 September 13, 1943 1) THALLER, Leopold 2) Foi*er member of the City AddreA& avai) able at the Council and the Diet of District Council _ Vienna III. Vienne. Former Vioe President 3, Carl Borromeus Plato of the Vienna Diet. Home address: Untere Weissgarberetr. 43, Vienna VIII 3) Ae.out 1898 4) Vienna 5) Austrian 6) Catholic 7 &nd 8) Workers faz ily 9) Bachelor, livao with hJ :) mother 12) Chilt,hood in Vienna 111 1C1 emen+.r.ry school 'i (i probably commercial school 15) Was an em 10 in the sec:etariate of the Social Democratic Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 13) Zleaeentary school and probably commer Vial nohool lg) Was an employee in the secrrtariate of the 8ocia. Deaooratic Par v and later secretary of the Centre for Adult Workers I Culture and Education. 16) In 1923 he became a member of the City Council and the Dist of Vienna. 1932 to 19,34 he was Vice President of the Diet of Vienna. 18) Mountain climber J.7) nuuesTi ana W*.Li--estabLjakied. 21) a iolo4i medium height,, brown hair and eyes, ruddy complexion; intr+lleotul s intelligent, autodidaot; Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 eQotio l; reserved; of rationalt honest, reliable Probably speaks some foreign language. Inte>: ieworl e own inforu wwtion. Report covers time up to 1943? Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 Report coverts Lime upp to 1943? Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 emotioualt recorved; operutcjonal; honeBt, reliable 24) Probub.Ly epeuka eomo foreign lanfluage. Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 U. S. GOVCRi .MENT BIOGRAPHICAL RECORDS 610 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, N. Y. September 10, 1943 Additional Repo:-tt._ Mr. Leopold 1hailer and UT-_ Knrl Mmi,ael f.t_,. i ana` at...v-aa..A to have valuable informc_tion about the former members of the Municipal "istrict Council of the 3rd. District of Vienna. Addree:sea Eire available in the Office of the Municipal. Listriet Council, Vienna, III, Carl 13orromgeus+ Plata 3. Following are the names: Lahner, Adolf, Head of the Municipal Li stri ct Council Braohetk.i, Josef, Boiler maker r iala, Frans, Employee of the post office Approved Labner, Adolf, Head of the Municipal District Council Brachetka, Jo?ef, Boiler maker Fiala, Frans, Employee of the post office Uan.z;q Sophie, Housewife Lindner, Peter Paul, Inn owner Maschina Ignaz, Government employee Mitterwueller, Josef, Engineer of railroad Neumann, diktor, Government employee Pfeifer, Josef, Teacher Sa jons, Agnes, Houdewif'e Sauer, L.opold, Government employee Schindelar, Karl, Factory worker Socher, Alois, Printer Urbau.ek, Heinrich, Shoemaxer Veigl, Frans, Employee of street car Wetska, Georg, Employee of railroad Zsohmeister. Gottfried, Employee of Newspaper Office and about the former head of the Public Relief Agency, Boehme, Karl, Government employee. Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 U. S. GOVERNMENT BIOGRAPHICAL RECORDS 610 FIFTH AV NUe. NEW YORK . Y. #9O 1) MAISEL, Karl 2) Former member of the City Address available in the Council and the Diet of Vienna 3) Diatriot Council of Vienna rrr r---. D . a.La nom` _: wL~ ., About 1900 4) Vienne 5) Austrian 6)4 Car,holic 7 and 8) Faotory workers f imily 9) Married 12) Spent his childhood in Vien.im 13) E1ement&ry school 15) was a metal worker at the Siemens-Schuckert Works (today a wur plant Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 onerationals is pop r with the working classes. Has grout influence among metal workers. Interviewer's own information. Report covers time up to 1941. Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 13) Elementary school 15) Was a metal worker xt the Siemens-Sohuckert Works (today a war plant). Chairman of the Metal Workers Union. Became a member of the Municipal Council an:i the Diet of Vienna in 1932. Retired in 1994. 19) Modest circ ast inoea 21) pkreiolot sodium height, brown hair and eyes; tells tua1= clever, self.-taught; gmotionalt quiet and reserved; Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 U. S. -GOVEI'?'fNAENT BIOGRAPHICAL RECORDS 610 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK., N. Y. September 10, 1443 1) nuuu R, vans 2) flit eotor of a Gymnasium Address available in tue (High school and lower grades office of the District Council of College) retired , forcer member of Vienna, 4th District, of tho Diet of Vienna, former Vlc'7 ri-eaiavni of Lhe iJLOL or Vienna, former member of the City Council of Vienna. 3) About 1683 4) Vienn:. 5) Austrian 6) Protestn,nt 7) Fathers Austrian, grocer. 9) First marriages Irma, nee Deutsch, Austrian, died many years ago. One daughter, about 22 years ald, married, in Shanghai now. 10) Second marriage: nee F.ln * l tz, Austr ,an, Jewish. Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 A" Ueutsoak, A%Itrian, died, manly years ate. OLe daughter, about 22 years. old, married, in Shanghai how. 10) Second marriage: nse Elmholts, Auetrin, Jewish. 12) Spent his childhood in Vienna: 13) Qymnasiuey University in Vienna, studied philosopI r, Ph.D. 1.4) Italy, Jugoslavia. 15) He-became teacher at a Gymnasium, later Director of a Gymnasium. tie wac a member of the Social Democratic Party for a long time. 16) 1932. elected in the Municipal Oounail of Vienna and to the ;et Became Vice President of the Diet; retired in 1934. 17) Decorated in World :War I. 18) Mountain climber and very good skier. 19) In good circuaetaanoes. Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038R001000200004-6 t.u , pra in the Vienheee Approved For Release 2010/12/01 : CIA-RDP82-00038R00 p*re4$ not very eoaiable. e L*tin and Greek. -2- NZUBAUER, H'uie 7, (continued) very in-bel? igent, en'rgetio personality, executive abilities; e ottogg good-natured, a little morose; bra oQMj faithful, reli ible person, not very sociable. Speaks a little French area Italiau. Latin and Greek. Is extremely well informed about teachers in the Vi.ecinese Gymnasiums, and the officials of the former Ministery of k'.duo ttion in Vienna. As there aaa a considerable number of as a among these his inf 7rrgati on would be very uboful. Interviewer's own inl'tp: w tion. Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 U. E. GOVERNMENT BIOGRAPHICAL IRECC)RDS 610 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK. N. Y. September 10, 1943 Add do Rm rte Cdr. Hans Neubauer is suppoe.ed to have valuable inforrextion ? he IAn~a~ r~rL~ Of J.L~ N... a +.r1 Di S A.-A ..t n -. - -J 9 w.+y V V +v.L & ^.v~ii.'Sira va U&W ~..6fii61JL~Ji 4/J.D UL-AG Is V9ULWJ..L. of the 4th District of Vienna. Following are the names Bureaoh, Karl, Meohanio melt, Anna, Housewife Furst, Line, Housewife Piteoh, Frans, Meo:.anioal engines-L:, Sohrom, Yarttn, Employee awtav, Simon, Foreman of meohine workers Winternits, aax, Carpenter Addrescas are available i.n the oft'iae of the Munioipal District Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 v, Simon, Forsa*n of eanhine workore Ainternits, Marc, Carpenter Addressee are avajla?Uls in the oft'ios of the Municipal. District Council of Vienna IV, Sohaeffergasse 3. Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 #9U8 U. S. GOVERNMEF T BIOGRAPHICAL RECORDS 610 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK, N. Y. September 10, 1943 10001 HAIDL, Anna 2) No profwnsion,' foriaor "isniaa M. 22 Saidltzaatat, hou w~LNNper 3) April 20, 1879 5) Austrian 7 8) Factory workers family. 9) single 4) Proba'bi r Vien,a Catholic 11) One brother, Anton Haldl, former hand of the Ditltriat Couno{ 1 (Vienna xVI). 12) Childhood in Vienna Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 Childhood in Vienna Elementary school Was a housekeeper Member of the Social Democratic Party - Very modest living oiroumstanoen ,pk[si olo oal % short, stout, black hair, dark eyes, very engaging i icAtellwotual.a intelligent, very clever arm interested In politics I eaatioMj,t very oourageous, risks anything for her friends, endured Naai ououpstion well and was not afraid to bring Jewish prisoners food, ato; Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038RO01000200004-6 Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000200004-6 0122r at or,wl t eooiable, mu.ny friends among workers and middle claeaes, very popular. Does not speak foreign lges. valuable in admini,atration of food supply, social work, ems: Is very wol-I infoa~id about workers; especially gets works workers, q6^ Wiiri OAIA ayn~l~r"~ h Source: 10001 Memory: good Judgment= good Ob j eotivit47: good Approved Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000200004-6 Jw igment& good Ohjeotivt1 yt good Approved For Release 2010/12/01: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000200004-6