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Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160027-6 One of the three.--star Fr+),rnch generals imprisoned in Kbnigstein Fortress in Saxony; for complete list of priso,rLers see document B--550- Interview ;_dt.h Michel Bernheim Mrch 23 A 1942 Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160027-6 ?I Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160027-6 ICI According to at article written by source in Jewish Jal of D ,; Newp,i. July 20, 1942,, and enclosed in letters she is a mem~- ber of Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra and a Gestapo agent / Adolf` o: MAN ,, another member of orchestra, is also a "estapo agent. Letter from A.bo Keichman, Brooklyn (U.S.) to E litor of El Diario lsraelita, Buenos Aires (ARGELITINA) USNC NY 98334 Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160027-6 ?i Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160027-6 UI Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160027-6 Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 Former Minister of Interior, of Hessen; one of Carl AID" LEUSCHNEF, KARL GEEMANY i7Pt June LI, 1.943 DGR.FF's closest collaborators !11198) e Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160027-6 LEUSCIilgER* WIL LM Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160027-6 Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 REFERIshC CARD OFRi'L NY Also: TURKEY LI V'ERKU11W , PAUL Worked in U. S. with Alien Propc rty Custodian after first war n.b.: has rainy U.S. frien is / according to source, who knows him well,, is quite unreli.-Lble / lawyer; hac; quite s few clients in Berlin, but left law practice to enter press section of High Command / subsegtentl.y left High Command to go into Fo- .,reign Office and went out to Iran on a special mission in 1940/ was in Foreign Office in Paris in early 1941 / would have to be veryy,arefully checked before being used in any negotiations close `~triend of, Count W 41ndelin von KE 1SEKLINGK of British 'United Press in Uontreal with von SOLM, von SIMPSON, Leo von :PUTTKAMMER (qq.v,) , is pa,rrt of that aristocratic international set which is dangerous and untrustworthy. 9O.qS, Oechsne;r, December B, 1942 lord) Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160027-6 Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160027-6 ? 11 TURKEY Also: G!1 (ANY Assistant ' i1iteary Attache at the German Wk in Ankara, as of July 1, 1942, 13717 Newbegin (,X/De/U/R), Ankara,, as of July 1, 1942 State Department, Washingto,ri, Dec. 31, 1942 Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R001000160027-6 ?^I Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 LEVER U1 N, D1 . dead of the department of the Ccacnmerc ial Attache in `the German Consulate in Istanbul / at pres~e~.nt in Gern wW. Polish Intel l i genee Report, no. :2k 6/43; r cd IP, Ma-rah 13, 1943 Approved For Release 2010/12/13: CIA-RDP82-00038R00 ?' Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-000388001000160027-6 REFER~sti~[;E CARD One o:-'' the three-star T~E;t~ch generals ir~tpPisoned in K~nig;:~t~in Fortress in S~t`xons~; f?~ co~plete ] ist o~ priso3~iers s?e doc~une~nt B--}50~ :Cntervie~v ~~; ith Michel Bernhair~ 1~ar cd~ :' 3 , .1~91~,2 Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-00038800 Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-00038R00 ~R FU-4g~ L~:X~ HA~V'3 RZ''TT~'R von Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-00038R00 Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-000388001000160027-6 Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-000388001000160027-6 Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-000388001000160027-6 REF'~RF,h Cl, CARD Ilecord.in~ to an ?arly bic;~~~~ph3-", eras ?r_gina,lly named Lev3r but :.a~ p$r,;~itted to Chang?"~; jovial i~hin?lander barn 1 ~~ ? d~ .- , , ~ . ,rorceci t~,is first wife and n~~aw married to a dnz~ling blond?(q,'v'~' ~vvho caYU ~ t h d p s Ps ar for r~iti~;r o s fevers; excessivE drfnk~r de--- spite hitter's efforts tc- stop hiun; lives in lire-?Grunee-al.d .47- roc~m house; 1'o;rm~ri.y ~fewish; ha& great tenacity, took aail~r le;3sc>ns to o've;rcc~tae ~,~eech d?f?~t; coa~c?rr-~e~ with pro- t~le~a of ~aost~ii.tler l~azi leE~de:rship; aevotea ~~ueh time to. "Or- denlshurgEsn" where fuiture Juriker leaders axe tra~;ed; controls .nc+~mf; off' 6GG,000,(}t~() marks;; as chfEf af' staff of supreme Cam> ,end of r'olit~.cal ur~~ani~l~ti.on of NSDAP, directs ;z-~3 million ca11 laad,ers a~~d "blc-ck y'~~ar~c[ens" vlho conF~tittate his awn s~'cret pol~,ce; works clr~s~ ~3+' w~.t;h ,r~~Qier~ (~, . v. ~ , paa~ti.culs.rly on eve ~x?eatex~ r~egimentat~.on of ;fir ~.vspl~~c~.~ll~~ thc~: a ~'d~n~;lo-~nericar~ Lypo- ~rites ~~d ~~b~ir~ise?s"~ / o1,hc;rs ~4ho i:cet ~~ith px'ov~.~nci~l ~~ zi 1e~de1`s ~ciucaed: ~QF.~31~~,L~~, 5~'j..~~:, St~~JCKF~L; end ~~C1~~: A~' v sp~rt~c~~ t";~~otn Lr~~~c~ori, Febr~~::~i:~= ?, -~94.~ ldew X ork `l`i~~e.~ ~ I~'ebx'~..~ry :~ i l~i~;3 .rar.. .rw~srrr ~a.rl~~p.r~ Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-000388001000160027-6 ,!' Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-00038R00 Cab ;19163 GEk~t~1NY rpt b'~v .21, 11;943 ., taietmb~r of ~fT~L~R's ~nne.t? cir~c~le ~t th? m~~nt. Relia~91~ s?urcie 3115 ,. 0 ~5 ~( ~1tat9 D~r-~rtment ~ , B~~rn, l!~~~g~,y 1, 1943 u Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-000388001000160027-6 REFE~tEh CE CAP1D Lmzzl~.ng blonde; compe~t,es ~it~l l~a~ua ~oebb~ls, ~,uuy ;;o~.. llem~ ~ Frau VQn hibbe~~,tro.~, ~ Frau Phil~.~:~ Aouhl~r, ~Lnd Frau ie ckhoff `coq ~,v.) far ~iitler s f~vor~ Sigrid :~ch~.~t~ -~ Uct . 1~, 1~1~.` - p. 19 Ih~11~:s a I3c~wdsn , ASS, New ~or;s, ,. ~~'our~~ 1?f't (~~r~lt8~,r 3~ ~'8b. 1'~~1+1) Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-000388001000160027-6 G~IiYANx ~'pt ~r~h 26~ 1'~d~,3 ~i8 ~ ~r`~:~lar Caanes'~. Asa ~nc~ittaa qua ~rtiCi~ cse alli~n~ f ?ar ~~e near in~reatic~ to neut~~li~~ the ~~tati~ e~upar~i?~i~r iz~ tha p~ndu~etie~ cif aeon ~rhich the i~~ har as t~~r- a~~?eved; b~ ~dela~ree that aep~ t p~raduc~ s~ne~~th t~ r~a~raluti~n~~~ the t~~;ha.i~ua of ~i~~ faduat~.~ r Tal?phena fY~a~ Staclc~clm, ~ro~ ~6' 19l~ ~r ~~ ~ T~ litarc~a ~'~? ~ :L9~3 ii Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-000388001000160027-6 Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-000388001000160027-6 Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-000388001000160027-6 LTYER3, ~t~t>~r ~ Ge~er~l. tae w~c~itt-~n a~ ~rtic;~~? ca~liin~ for a anew in~e~tio~ to ~aeutr~~3li~e the .~~nteti~~ - eupex?i?rit~y in the prr~uctica~ of ~rhich tb? ,e~ l~~ ~~r aoa ~ol~i~are+d~ he dAal~a~ee t~~t (1~ermea~r suet ~sroduce ,?~ to r~-volut~.o~~.~e ~~c tec~u~is~us of wa~c ~adus try . ~e~?ph~e ~~~ ~t?c~?lm,~ ~rc~, 2b~ 1~4t3 on ~ia~ ~r~h ~7 ~ i9~~ cii oqa-r' Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-000388001000160027-6 ILYSFR, 1~?n?p~~er`1 gun D~ro~aub?~r 1, 1942 ~i ~ ~r~a~n?t ~ ~~~n t? G?n~r~l in t&~ Inf''~-t~- ?;iCt?aioi~r ~n~s~bar lm 19~~2. Deti~t?oha &]1 emaino Zit~, -~ a `~S` ~~~ ,~- darn, Dac~at? 8, 194e, .i~ os.~ Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-000388001000160027-6 Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-00038800 G~ANY Jsuu~ry 1~, ly,t~3 LI~C~' ,~ ~-,f ,~~~t~~~hh-er; h~~~ lb?::~ ~~anfim~d ire a ~ ~ug~ndse~hutzle~g?r ~ ~~a ~'~ua.xy 1~, 1~~,3, f9~~ d~,r;~h~orably ~?ttfr~-~ in t~u~h ~-ith ~ Poke. x~~ala~e~te Na~;hr ~ tie ,~ ~'~u~Py 1~, :1~~3 l~e~s ~~eat, J~~ie,ry ? ~ ~~-43 t110g81 Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-000388001000160027-6 ?1! Approved For Release 2010/12/131I: CIA-RDP82-000388001000160027-6 li l~a,s~bor 1, 1942 ~ER~f~1X LI CHEL ~ t~3~ara1 lei a prow?t i omm ~ k-? t~~le rs 1 fn tg-s Int`mlueitr;;r ~PPe~c't;i~ne D~soomb?r 1, 1~42~ lD?t~t~~ha All owe i~o Z?it p~? r ray ~-~er ~p 1942 .11 t~~81 Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-000388001000160027-6 ~i LICI~T~'~~l~i(~ER, yyl~~or t~?nex~-1 ~is~ prom?t~3~~~-~ Prima Colonel tco ~-~or ~~a?~r~~,l e~fir?tiv? F?brur~r~r 1, 1943. ~tre~e Dep~ur~?at Pl~i~ 9 G>ebl~~ ~~~41, ~. Aernn Febru~ b, 1943 Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-000388001000160027-6 o~ zolo~~ ~~y rpt June 16, 19 43 I,IDZt+i~N, ~'ioe ,~c~rair~l F'or use s,e ~ ~ still?a-y aoh~DOa, under his,,, direction, the 'L,e~.pzig? ~~as sts,tioned e~r;iy in 1943 at S~rine~und?. siio~et Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-000388001000160027-6 ~1~E~3ENSTEIN, KURT Fref,herr vc9n About 45 ys~ars -old; served i1'~ jf'irst wt~r in ~2nct ~iurtteraberg I7rag,~~ ? a F i ' Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-000388001000160027-6 . a mistl~k?n ~~n?~ that he has hR~:l,p return?c~' to th? 164th Light Panze>~ Vivi~~i~a #~ ~'ebru~.roy 191,3 ~/ here is art?o a i'BpvTt ~perl v d o~ dwr ~ ~ the il.lln?s s of ~a 3 . Ge~aer~a LUA~GE~RS~~AUSFi~ in bet 19,42 / inas fir8t id?ntifi?cl by British as cotrtdit,g the ._ ~ ~ ~_ o o_ ,.~..... ..... ~ ~ ~..,. ~ aWa,ir~x, ~ poi ~ut~t~i LO na'0? D~E111 ~Rt'lie~ staff of :2nd Panzer Aragy ~.und~er ~~?1.,.,, Gen?rat ~l~IDT fn l~-I~Q; t~ transferred t-~ Afri~ at an uac:?rt~~n date; co~nded 161~th Light JDi i i ~ ? ~ High Co~~nsaad / becaane co~onc-1 j~n 19,2 ~ hie acti~ritfe8 daring tiro ~ _.~.,.,.~ _r ..L~ _ ~__ _ _ _ :: _ _ _ ar ~ n 1938 / in 1'39 becaana ~ col~Ine~L, and worked f r~ e-t'~a~e $ect3 on 0~ a ma for in ,~.g~b; Served oar vita!"f of 6~i~i Attt~h~ iu ~ i i wh?n he eras tr~enaferred to ~ct~~~f of 7th Bavaria,A Di~risio~ca / bey gg ,aent, ~~s a~ra~ ded Iron ~~;ro:~~s second c~.ass; mace lt. in 1~~]].g first It. 1~ 192 / s?r~ved ~,~ :l,8th CavaJ,r~~ ~eg~m~nt ~~atC 131 8~.0in ? ~ va~er~ to ~~bx~ry ~9 A ~2 t ~C 3 9 ~o, 19~ ABcA, Qent~al ~' ~ ~r~- t~.o~ (fie ~metrca~~~ , ~0, ~.9k3 Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-000388001000 LI~~ENS~'EIN y ~ . C~~~er~;l ,~~ ~?u~mand~r of ~h? 16th Lf~~~ ][~faatxy Di~~io~ i~ Tun3~s~,a; ~$ ~~ptur?d bar A~.1.f~s in a;~i,~zia~~ ~t~.r~l~as from Al1.i~1 HQ, Na3rt-h AfY~ioe,~; 17, 1y~,3 NeR York ~ im~~, r 1~, 1y~~3, ~~~. ~~ Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-00038R00 pf l~vureel>~er~~ depute ~G~eie~leii'rer f rn~de eYe ~ppea], recerit3~t tit de~~? c~ue~d by sir acct raged the ~eiatanc~e of the ~''~cf?~e T~~te~eeit~t , l~uree~~er+g;, rah :~, 19,r~ ~?~?' ~i~eet 9 rcb 13 ~ i~~~3 Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-000388001000160027-6 8 a dear old Sri dc~r of D~~x Li?ww. P raasu ~aucaaers i L.'16 si~? ~d v~riety~ of t.;~l~is group B~ioR? the hung?r for reach of g~sp~e~. erhioh e~xats~-~s i~' tie ~~ p ~ B~/~e/Q/R, Stgi~zerland, to ~~~~o~~er ~1', 14~ 0,~5, ~~~ Yoark, R~~~' ?, Noy?anbE:r ~:~6, X94,2 Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-000388001000160027-6 Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-000388001000160027-6 l Ili' P'~~I~IE~ L E. C' ', Iti) ~,~eiabEx? ?f' SS; ~~r~i~taa .,of HUUHLE~ ? s ~xnd~ pith HH~.~K 9 picker: ~ ~tim to c~ix~ect the ~.ctual ~w~ar~~ of e1.~.rninating aged and .infirm fro Cierms.n ha~spita.Is . Sigx?i~d Sr;hultz, October ~~A ~.~~:~ OSS, Netrr York Sow~ce 1?ft G~arins,r~,r in Feb. l~~t~1.,1 Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-00038800 Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-000388001000160027-6 1~EFEREAICE YARD GEC-1.P.~~' ~. I~~ ovF~:~~bE~r ~:0, 19~ Friend of T~:~,VI~~.tiNl'J,5 (sae C~r~~da~ ~ in, l.~i;c9 br?k~e ~ir~,ay with I.im anon L~:Jr,li'v~-JU]:~G, SCIiI~~I~.GE-SC~:(~~NING~t~, H~ 5~:, HkF~TWIG, ~3I~;HR~~i;~ az~d others;, from Htzger~berg~ s GPr11iA.n Na ~.cxis.l Party ~}len BT}~VIt:I~IIdG (U.S,-) t~c~k c.v~r~ the le~.d~rshil~ of ~~Cr~tholi~e Part ' y / tl~is ~~.vect tl:e ~~ay f'or t~,e autt~or?itative dictatox?ship planned by GHC)~~;I~ ~~nd ~;c?t~].eicher. S, 0. F.. , Lor:don, 1`1otr~:mb~r ~Q, 1.9~.~', Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-00038800 Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-000388001000160027-6 Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-000388001000160027-6 ?~ Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-000388001000160027-6 ?~ ~FRr:s~t~T~ tQ Jul; 1942 In 1426 ~a~c ma?jor and ~~ pr~o.~'ea,sor a t cava~.ry school in Hanover; mla3or genei?at in command o.f 36th Division at KaiBerlautprn ix~ 193?; lt. general s.nd 33.an front lzi Pday 19~~42, ana o:e an army at ~olchov im June 1942s promoted to co? . general in July 1942. Fighting French, London, ~iebrua.ry~ 17, 2943 Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-000388001000160027-6 ^i LII~~IfAI~, lLt. ~aniar+~l ~ta~t~r~' 1, 1943 bla pr~~ti~un ~~ra~ ~,~or t3en?rr-1 to Lt. 13~n~r~~1 ?lla~tiv~ January, 1, 1943? ate Depe~?tn~ent Pl>aln ~~tb1i~ ~m~4~~ 8arn, ~brt~ary 5, 194 ,11o!i8~ Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-000388001000160027-6 Ct~~ad~r ~ oh3,?~' ~~ o~~ ~ ter-~up / ~~e~~~- ~-r~o~ ~s I~onrs? t~ #-hs Yaigh~ i o t:raos o!' Ira Cr~o b~ Hitler. Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-000388001000160027-6 s Col~lllBl~d~~ ~ta~ c~i~f of ~#~a ~ o~ Vo~r fit, F'CC, N~', ~ ~Y ~, 193 ~1109~ 1 Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-000388001000160027-6 Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-000388001000160027-6 J ~ tho G9rlna~, de t?~atiari ~rhialh a~ tctended ~E~-~%~RIA) o~ Hep~t~m~ber i;. t.~? t'~aeral o~ ~in~ HGRIS Herlix~ g~dio 1~'CG, Dai l;~' ~ ~p+~'r~t, S~Pt~'be~P S, l9~ ~~6 Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-00038800 ~~ Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-000388001000160027-6 ~ Jlpr~,l 2~, 1943 Lh~!t91~, Dry D~ R Ts~~~~ ~~~~~~ds~~t / o~ J~~pril 24th, broad~~d ub~~t 11109? ~ Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-00038800 Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-000388001000160027-6 r~~i~ Uctotier ~, i .~~~~' SeQterrber ~~ , 1:~~?: '~:~;~ ~:f ~-~ir tK.ic~ UE;fer;sFa Lf:ader ~rpt veatert- t>e;r 2~~, 1042 } ~ t~tten~~Ad special. meeting of ~.~e.:~erf}ls and sera:;ral (thief ~lr Raid UefensE? Leaders for Ba,ierr _.~r~ ~;ti~;aertte~y~er~ (r~~t of Oc~l:~zt~er ~, 1;~4~,~. ~M ~ ~~C+ ~e,tt~m~f~r ,~, ~~n~.i c~ctuber? '~, 1~i4~; Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-00038800 Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-000388001000160027-6 Pre~idin~ Justic?~ recently wrote an explane~tion of the Rairh~mini~ter of Justic?~ 8 r~acent7ly issu?d order z~oncernin~ ~pe~ial mea~ure? in the ~'aten~~ and R~giste~r?d Deain~~ law in the p?riodiaRl of the ~-cad?nty for German La~-. Berlin radio, Jul~r 13, 1943 pC~, Daily Report, July 14, 1943 Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-000388001000 Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-000388001000160027-6 ~C ~.~C~I~ ~ Lt. t~en~~x~~l ~i ~ p~?~otit~t ~to~ .Lt. Gen~~al ?f!'~oti~r? ~so~r 1, 1942. D~ut~oY~ X11 ?m~ i~ Z~ it Pa , B~ 11Cn~ I~o~b~-r B, 1942 Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-00038800 Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-000388001000160027-6 ~~ ~1~D ~[a~. G91n. T ~r re?~~tly b~~a~ prot?d ~~o~ ~ac-l~~l. Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-000388001000160027-6 ~i~~~ot~ axe, ~rtic~~~~ c?nc?r~i3ng `~~01, cnvbiliiz~-tic~n of l~~tur in t~hs ~l~~~ael ~ ~~~ F~br~~ ~6, 1`-~3. Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-000388001000160027-6 Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-000388001000160027-6 RE~ERaENCE CA1~ Director of librar~i~ ~ Au~.laaad~inst,itut, 5tutt~~rt; ~Lib- r~ry~ cle~Qted p~~tic~al.~~rl~+ ta- works pa~octuced by kus- ].~n.d.scleutschen. Nazi ~1~ve~ext, j~n the Unit;ed 5~~~~te~~ June 1910,, ~ ~ ~z3~ (reiturn ~~d to F'N ~ Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-000388001000160027-6 Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-000388001000160027-6 ~~;D 16668?x" _....__..~.w~..~..~..~..b :1; ~~R~'Y ., LY1~NE8~~t'H, ~. ~0~~~.~oi~~ ~f ~~h~ ~~f c11~ lht~ahiv~~. C~~af1~td~ ~~r ~+iatioxt~l ~ar~1e, no Q~~I j' . L~f6S-Ht,-R,R, H~LDE 3?be irti~t~~~d~ ~-e~,,,,etd~tat.~e. ~b~~ht~,~ ~1c~9~e~ F'~ebruar~ ~~ 19~~ ~w~ I~ est~ rr,Y~ ~9 ~9~3 Approved For Release 2010/12/13 :CIA-RDP82-00038800 ~ IU l~~:a~ - r, LI.' I~~ KY , I~ . REFEFt1~NCI~ CAI~i3 ~U~.r~ini~trl; forla~z? ~iet~at~r~ tii.~~)1~sa~uo2? to ~i.eittlFi; 'watt; 1,-~~1.w ~~~(Fde1~~0 (q.v.) :i~~ ~ ~~ `tliE; ~Joli~i~~.l ao~tr one of ttze ~~et~a~~t~~~,y ~.~:~dex? Sn(~h.UP~~li~r; ~, Ln ;; :i ~e of ~~1is, ~.e c:u~?secx his Hetuuxr~ on ~: i.s cte~th-beu f ~r ~iu'~1ri~y "~ alc~ ~'ur~str~iar~ htxs~i~. to tine i~ie~eXlt hoi?1~~~;,- f'or ~ fe~7 ~en~oes"' . "U~raita~.un Ir~7~~or~~iist.~~ ~~~~vec~tE.~sit ti~~?o~u", Coi. F.L. ~~~~.rj:, ~.i . I . S 1 ~e j, car t N a . t~:l.-;1~ (N . ~ .) ~'~~r ~,~, 194