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Publication Date: 
September 24, 1978
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Approved For Release 2006/11/17: CIA-RDP81 M00980R001700090016-8 SENDER WILL CHECK CLASSIFICATION TOP AND BOTTOM UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE INITIALS I Mr. Scott Breckinridge 2 EW-1 Amber via GX-2 3 4 5 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks: Is there any information we can give to Mr. Blackwell? STAT FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER ADDRESS ANDP NENO. DATE 9/27/78 UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET Fora, O. 237 Use previous editions 1-67 CD Approved For Release 2006/11/17: CIA-RDP81 M00980R001700090016-8:=: ~t.: -- =? r:%i ice- ~s arc 78- 51-34& ~ 19 --14 Annrnva 1 Fnr Ralaacc 7fifF/11/17 ? (`1A-Rf1PRIKAnnc1RnPnni7(1f(lOff'IR-R Approved For Release 2006/11/17: CIA-RDP81 M00980R001700090016-8 'oe .ol -oz After 27 years of spreading knowledge into every nook of the old Bass mansion, Sister Mary Ida, librarian of Saint Francis College, must leave it all soon for a new career. Her tenure on one of the most picturesque campuses in the cowntry has present .d ax need for an even larger a Paris newspaper reporting library structure. But It %v1. the Kennedy assassination. be hard to match what has be-n e-We even h^vn a dur.)irate done to provk:e an interestin.; of the ,:n u:ict t+tat -:.,:r: and restful environment fo? ,.: ; ,?e: it+; a Sister Ida coil- study. e n 1O sure that It When Sister Ida came here ~ti_C dyrr^*~_s " There with the college staff In 1944 is a sample, too, of the_,I= from Lafayette the institution'.; innnt t,...rh'e used iryth T:~~ room of the manse. Since then It has expanded in an orderly and'unique way throe--h all 36 rooms of the buila frig - three floors and sub bas-.:Mt. Most .' r cc::t!y it inrc:?c1 what used to be the college conservatory of music on the. top floor - 1 a great domed chamber that I fly ballroorn? -R?-ferred to per room "e by a Jy as the upr o:eanint I'rtly, ti-is v' a u l t e d pl;ee has been converted into seven1b4-,e3 in !s one of t1 and , directly - ,~- riatlOC. S Tr: t CO, ,..C~ti41~ e --- - "~' Tl:~re fins been ccriatis effort to evaluate it but sister Ida said it might be called "fabulOUS. This has been her spei* Pride since tho f+ssussiua- tlo; of rres:u.'nt John r U.?.nedy and the cover?-fie includes cyr jt '~ tt le ot thr tlrzn,lt: e?liaro ~a_~1. -' ~utrrs? Well indoctrinated as they hours. to ? prepare the exec-.' are in the techniques of library utivr-?'s body for viewing. management, the library staff P:rsident Kennedy's' ennedy's body is mystified by h2,, tl:oroue wa moved from 1)alIas to Hess o ie ;'?c, re'.! rc:rarch Wa :hirgton in a bronze casket do 1 s Iii" t ;tin , r. r.:i per:o'i o ea;a;- Conte of Ti: ,;,~rc^cbe s for material were tastel::l and directly to "f-:e rinctpais involved while somehow it d in shipment and was replaced by a ?Lztselus mahogany ccf- fin. The disposition cf ti.,; dam. aged casket was described as others v.-cra routed thrr.ugl? de- "clcssifie,,infcrrtation." vious chann.ls -- all with ef- j'r fective returns. -Thera Is ::n autograph A o .itinrtun mortuary rtip- In the collection from tiro phew thi-,ii=s oT ,r fee i- Very T.er. nse:.r L. Iiub. i,con - er (',)t., who gave rho is eucs to tTie y last rite s to ttn 1: idcnt. along t it:r a curry CCJI::t d LJ L.:Ga but (I ,n to r r,en:,ucr r.T7\. Hoesen, Edward Strobel and { of the day. ... a :: c?c~ Cri tr Jett Thotnas Robir,son v:orked three I . One may view :: picture of pct t : itnrirth~l'r too. ji ht ie known to ct that the ; r were tt ?o cast It is a combined library of f?.~er}ihing that.has teen printed about the Ke.nedv family and a collection of artifacts that has been l,-ade av::lable.t ouglct rt ayne man-Harald B. Iilack? A Fabulous Gift Blackwe1's is perhaps the most profound sin:?le contribu- tion to the Ii!,:?;t:y which has been endowed front abroad b 13lacklrell Makes Wends of Sister Ida and men)- bers of the library staff and others who clt.:? a .air.t Francis as a worthy r.'porito y for ma- terials pertaining to the Ken- nedys. By reason of his contribu- tion, ldr. Blacl,-tt?ell has be-' come an official researcher for the college's Kennedy Library. Whatever one needs to know about the is to president may be found there and as in Arlin,. ton Cemetery,, a lama glows day and night on L`ie second floor to Mark this treasure of massive resr arch. It is a part of the college's working library and students make use of it often. The news- paper clippings have been mi= cr(Ifilmed for Permanency and the artifacts made available by L'isckwell are being cata- 0 blued as time permits. There arc420 or more volumes of 2~1 Blac yell's !rnr?`_? to - come Friends of Sister 1d:1 pro. Vided a' special edition of the Irish News published after the president's memorable visit to r'Irlsh cousins" and a copy of 44ti stein) Ruby. ` vvucca Sui`~e~.:3 tvrrt:e ly over the dy'in-, ?,resirtent. Thcrc are copies o; the true bills issued a, ainst Lee Bar- Vey Oswald and Jac=: (Ruben- I ?~rc: illtj t f'?-- a I11ar 1,'~~1 ~ Z -011 I-is otter :. cri. Sc'::o I'r ,. ~uln Iy.~ . -cart?:, r? ?....-~Y eeaei;:y";'_ Sw5T `t 7 Uia~.. sf2_r1fi'~r`~ ti' "(7,f tor, her son: ~= a sna-- ?- 1:50 ~-- cott,:,: tured t crrtca, ha c` ie Fecuii d cal . son's )i,is, ar s"-t ct f,e . The utedy t Mb screen of tl;c lien. and a half Ifs g feet for o. eight feet thick et " rh and ti-eh est ever quarried - e of the larg. from the IruPeriat D If came zv ttllich . als an nby quar stoite for the Jeffer Psonl Jfe- morial. There is a Photo o the famous Tiatsh r Ga ih_~ti::i~ n ?:utn~rizP~?e ennedY o si 11te Snatures in t Iection have been verificde ~o fetr very close to the dent were Rudt for h:m. rize P sign rd to sign tv :tn;-~~ tlt~, c111.^r. ? DE arjt''i?_'t!_rr??; (let if the ercd b c .re;ully gath. to i r.robyre o ter cIda provides a l Keened. as a view of the i u~ end iri litr mtiY' Itt poll- f ~-~ ong - . ''ed R D P 81M00980 R 001700090016-8 STAT COLLECTOR OF PRESIDENTIAL MEMORA ILIA 1958-197 PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT THRU PRESIDENT CARTER 11 Don Bloc{ John J'. nnedy. U. S. Senn:rr, Mass nitt 'tatty