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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 C h AIR TECHNICAL INTELLIGENCE TRANSLATION ,AIR TECHNICAL INTELLIGENCE CENTER STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 The manual contains ths~theoretical principles of iaterior ` ballistics sad the coatesporar~ methods of solution of its atis problsas. The course includes iaveati~ations sad studies acco~pli~d is recent Tears in ?arious branches of this scie~. ?lso, a abort historical description is siren of the develop eat of iaterior ballistics.- The latter eupbasises the leatias part plaTed b~ Rssslsa scientists prior to tl~e?October rerointioa, sad particalarlt sites it. ~ - ~b~r~siderable attention is ~i~ea to the practical aspect. of s cries of probleas. ~riereaoe i? .ade to a sisabU ~naatit~ o! test data, esasples sad prsbler tielpinl is rsteri~ the setliori of basis ballistic calcnlatloas. STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 publlCitiOa ai a new stnd~ would be srie~atte !or the technolo~7 tad wl~ioh ~~. further ieselopo~at of ~, The proposed ataleal published in 1938. It ~i' and chapters, ?hich present col resulting troa the deTelopaeat ~~. The aaanal reflects an e out in the Interior Ballistics during the Tears of the Great sub~egnentl7 to it. Basica117, the course was in~estigttions of our Soviet the Interior Ballistics Dept Studies of foreign aotborr of clarification of the histosr, relate aainl7 to stndie? oa aad~ o~s ~oae others coadncted Ths oonrse i? ds~i~~ of the eagiaeeriag departaaat~ iastitstioas o! hfgDer ?d~ esp14Toes of desiga oliloN, acti~r+e is processia~, i artillsr7 ~retpo'u and ~~ to a wid? circle o! scieati a~,aced courses o! instill Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 lroa ~ the teztbook of new17 wri tteo sections probleo! is coaplez cases techaolop ? Cal e~d7, carried o! the ittiller7 Acadesy Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 on~ the basis o! the physical principle o! coa~bastioa, is accorda8ce with the utbod o! processor I[. Z. ~tratie'ist+anr ? Chapter YI I, "pnMrical ~tbods o! 8olatioa, " *as l~spt ?ithost wcb chaa=e . Chapter ~IIi, discassia~ e~iriaal Mthoas sai ~ta~M, ~ coasidetabl~ abbreviated, beaae~e tl~e losMS 14st tMois i~s~rto~ with the existence of precise tables coyoosd oa tbo ~ a,aal iaal tor~tias. Lt tM wr tire, the oos~ettios ~ !~ i ~! .?~? slsbhotsld ~~ ~? Ia C1t~r iT, "Tabslar ~tlreis !or tM~ s~-!~#l+po~t ~ ~">~`,:. ,,~ ~,~ ~lallistias protilas, " thr htodaa~stsL !os tM ~ ~~s ~~ r: ...~ .,~ . ~-tr? ~e~o-~rtittea, a'd ~t~ti~al ~rao adi~+~ oa tir M~~' r 4j e ;r~"~` `.x , 6 r '+ ~, t'la idea o! tha rtliod of relative vari~]r~ ~ ~ ~ g , ~~r ~~ : O! ~laNt~l'S, e1~-11+sd ~~' r~oeat ~!i .,, ,?~e ter ~f 9 w ! k is.. ? -.a+ ie ~ ,~ri,~.. .rid.' ~, ZAOtr1'~',. ~t~s ~ ~ ,. ~.: ~ ~ ~, L. I ? svisid~, is ist~~tisosd is thr owsMr ~ ~ of si~ilasit) is oe astaa~d ~t ~~#~" 'lam ~ ~ _ ~~ !~ i~iatl~ lroo i~~lss oMd Ito a 1 ~!' ~~~ .: ,. ~ . ~- TM - ~~~ ~ ~ r~ ~ ~?~ ~ i *~ ~ - T .. - :, ;. ,. _ . , +~~' i ~ ~ ~"' Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 'j'1`e third section, "Solution ui Ir:t~?rior ~a=i isLic~ P,I'~~-`~-'~r~s ~e2 Cases," giv-es .solutions of interior ba111s~1c~ ~~-~~1~1.1? fq-~?~3 , ~ in special cases of great interest in practical applications. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 isstaace, Chapter RI includes _ ~ '~ solution of problems for combination projectiles ; ~,~::ich Cal and apply the CAU 1942 table. lotion of problems for>o?rtars,with consideration of ~~ ~ escape o! ga~e$ through the clearance, and with reference eaaaple of calculation. solution of interior ballistics problems relating to aCCeleration, treated by Professor G.V. Oppokov. ,. r, and last chapter clarifies peculiarities 4~ ballistic a conical bore, and offers ideas o,r~~'the design of greater part of the basic ~~-interior ballistics. r' portion of the study was arritten by Professor 11.E. ~etor o! Technical Sciences, Active Yembe r of Lhe ller~ Sciences, lia~or-General of Artillery Engineering t sis pages of print Were ?ritten by Professor ~oetor o! Technical Sciences, Ya~or-General of rind Service?. zpn~s deep gratitude to the corps of lecturers of fOr criticise in reviewing the sanual, and to 7tatsel !or a review of the ?tudl and fora series of !s. also ezpx-~ess ~c'atitudc to the junior scientific STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 . ~. Lis,orhin, +rtia aade a series of ~b~asic calce~ ~tionE collaborator P I les? and to the editor, t7olonel-Engineer B.O? 'and provided eusp ~ s at sertrices in the preparation of thd~ S~irensltii, for hi g!e ^asnal !or printing. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Z) gotion~or flight in the air of a projectile discharged h-a tuasle (sazitna) ?elocitT, and nndergoint the troy a weapon wit effects of amity tad of rir reristance until the ~,o~ent of iepaat with the target. In connection ?ith those two periods of ~wtioa, ballistic, are di~idsd into two basic sections: interior ballistics, asd ?zterior ballistics. ?his i? dove on the basis o! the charaatosiotiaa of ~ pieooesaa tad processes ?tndied. interior ballistics are a ettidy of the liisht of a pro~oatiU .. ;,.1rYlYI///t//J lroe tit ioaent oi~its departure t a~i the bore, or tsoo the oa st ~elocit~, of tlti period o! alter-ettoat, whoa it hao ita ~i~ to tin sie~est o! iopact with the tarpt. ~ ~~~~~ ~ i~aiple of air rrsistaa-ae to the ~rotioa of the pro~eatile, ~' ~stesior ballistics pessit detersiaatioa of the asri! to the ~~~ tad nloaity, with rr!-ia1~ a pro~eatilo o! a ~ioea aalibes, a,,ei t ~ fori sioold be tired is order toe it to strilae a tss~et at a t~'+Na d#~tan?e, at a gi~a teiu of tall s~ oiti a tiwa p~i#T, or to pass tlaronttL a tint peist et ~ (f iri~t st tosial taspts) ? ~trsie: bali!-stios are a stub of boa tad ~ irtisi tIM ltr~s~, ~, ~tl~tl~r twr t talrl !~ Lilo is #~ 1~, iid ice' +~ !~ !t 1~ tii tM ~ ~ fit" ~ ~~ Rte, ~ ~.. f~* , _ __ t _; ~,~ tM t ,~-~ . ~' ~ - art t~s Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 iollo?in~ losdusntal practical probleoe. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 it? numerous i~atcrssc~~ndc~t proc~~~cs~ a~c~ p~~at~~~nk~. c~~ c:ril]. ~.~~~~; to deal ~itb ~ l~rc ~u~b~r m p~.r~~~;tcr~, ~~ri~.hl~ ~~3~~c ~.~ characteristics t~~ c~.pon~, pro,~~ct~.l~ ~>~a1 chore. Therefore j ~.~ ~ cterintic~. t~f .rc~.~tion bctccr. v~rf?us values characteri~fmg ffi c~ischsrge, ~ yell ~ is ol~ia~; proble of interior ba11.3stici~, it is necess~.rp to appro~cb ~~e ph+enomenon initially through its b~.sic chsrsctcristics, to simplii'y it end give s schematic ~olutioa for sa~~c n?t quite ~recisc ~a~s tic~ge ~ then to proceed tc~ ~ clsrific~.tioc of tba eit'ects off' ~econdarg factors; and having found thesQ, to ~.nclude them iata the ele>trentary acheaatic functio , thus e~rpanding the 1~-tter ~.nd malCin the> >rore complez. ~f course, tP~is t91~ of cosplez sa~ra~ngement of the various pros?sse?, vt~ea e~rprees?d uathems,ticsllp, results at times in quite c?aplez functioa~ representing relations bet~reen the boas values. The follosin~ basic rocesscs ~r~ d~siinguishsbic in the discharge pheaoaenon; 1~ The prose?s of pt~tder combustion and the pro~duciioa ?f high-tes~perature ~(ases, atroagly caspresied sad contaiain,g a ? la=gs reserve of energy. Tate rato vi ponder co>~tbu.etion, ?r the .rat! of its" earplosive coawrsion, diependu basically on the prawn sad teslperi.ture ?f the gases, a~td O~I- tie teapersture a~ut characteristics off' th~r pov--~r. ~) The proasss of the +oomversion of t1~e therallal en~rgar, cdoitaised is tbs heated ~ stromglf coapressed gases, into 1~laeti.c eser~7 of motion +of the pro,~eGt~,~.e ~, chargrN - barrel ;~ystemR Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 3) Th+e proososss a t pro, ect i is so tion, { barrel rscoi 1, asd e tion o! ss>~ of tbs obiarge, all oYSrtrQrain~ a nuaber o! ~il~s:'"sat no da rs.istanoa. ~, . s are . int~rrr~latsd, tshae place si~sa~lta~-~1~ All thuta- psocss~s .. and eacert cot,~lesl~atsr~- s!lect~. ; ~is~t ~turie? of ptlt1 it is !br thin psrpQN o! ?tud~ia~ t~ to bs tastliar titb th~r ps-iscipiss of ph~aics, pp~,.sal saar~ cheaist tl~sra~r-al~istr! snd tbs tLsorp o! s:plosin aott#, ~~ a nss is a propolsii-s stplosirs asbstsa~ce. t~saral ph~-sioti bs a hw' rinoi lss for p~s!s~t ars also appliaabls ~ to po~rder pia, '~~ ~' A p ~? lsr of ohsai,sal 1rlostioa apply to the aaobostion of ? rn por the psrps~s o! inrsttiptias ass aait=vlation of sN:~ conrsrsion proosas on th? basis of thslsod~~cs, a ba1M-s~OS s~ ?nsr~ is r Iti~h~-rps is oo~-ilsd, Frith a aalcalatioa o! hstt aacuaaulatioa asd of its espinditurs tot tbs psrlorsasos of ~e~oNrs sstsrnal i~n~tls~rr aaA the tisatiap ahr ~ tb~s ~pn bors wr~tll. to a;asatioa the lint p:iaoipls o! tbr~rrodfaasias io otili.ssd. this Sao , prinaiplss i! thssr+tiatl card ap~llsd ~schanics amt o~ ps rs a lioab~,s, and ars utilissi !or as innstip~ioa at d~n~uias a ~ ttie ro souls, ps sad barrsl sotioi, asd for tba cal~lati+eat ?!" p ~ rsa istaa~os ! 111 t~ l~rssa-~s ars ssp~~r~'d ~- !M ! iai to anti lossrlas, Dior ps!'~t ists~rrslatis~ t~ ?l'~ of lnnetiaes a,a~i ~s,~-~, iitissa o! aisari#~~t, aa-d trb,ioh lisii ~t~ tyre ~ an aualpsis of the ~M!~~- ~, a .bois Nrrias st p~bisss aril o! a di~+chsrp ? Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 cl~~r ~rt~~: the ~:ba~~ ~~~tc~cc~~~ ~I.~.L i~i~erio~~ L ~i ~;~ ll~e~ the ~olloi~~ ~-ranchesJ ~~ cc~.~~c~,~ :~~ the ~?~1din~, ?i ~ur~da.~eatal~ ; p~h~sic~,~ phpsic~l chc~i~tr~?~ csi ~plt~i,~~~, f;her~fldgn.f~eics, end applied ech~.~.icsp and ~caus? the di?charg@ ~!' eapor~s is the cb~ect o~ its ~u~restigatians, ir~teriar ballistics sh?~ theft specili~ed technical artillery. character, fu cQnlorma.nce to their taslts, on the boa8is of cc~~ple~r applicati?n of all those general technical haranchea o! ~c fence . An artillery .ba~.listfc specialist nhculd detect conditfoaa~ ahi~ch ~er~ft the ~a?t adeantageous ?aploitatinn ai' the ?eapan and its charg?, anal the bast passible perfection o! discharge control. ~e ca? e~cert influ?nce on the tYPe, ~oluae and lc~rm ?! th? powder, the de?ign and weight of the pro,~ectile, the de?ign of the weapon and the relation between chaaber voluae sad bare. Cosbtning all these !actors, he shauldi mtte'pt to ^adily the result~c of the discharge grocess t? conlora to practical requireaeats. g,~- tI!' I117'tll~ B~ILLrg"~I~B Ill't"Q BtJt~ti~ Interior ballistics investigates the east ca~ples artillery phe~~eaa, the discharge, and teaches how to coatral it. 'That is, hew to caletalate the design a! the Qore, and to regwlats the e!llsx of gasas' in a cesbastian of powder, iv a saaa~sr imsaria` the attai~aM-at o! a Riven initial velocit' ~o! the pro~a~ctlle at a gi~-~tt ,ralae a! putitaa gas ptessnre. The eacperia~-Atal iarestigation at the pheocraeQa o! a A#s~lutr~t and the coabostion of powder t~aasiders the ?i~lta~s elteats o! Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 the lolloxing factors, distiag~uiatiing the pheao~ena of discharge lroa the coawoa ph~-siaa-cbeaical processes: 1) Higher name o! pressure (SOOO-30a4 att. sad more). 9) Higb teaperature o! potaer gases t31~0i~-a1i4~iDC) . ~) #~ort daratioa of the pbeaowaoa (0.1101-ro.oio sec). d) tioa of the po~rder i~ a ~arliag rpaoe, ?itb the perlos~laace o! urines t~s o! ln~+ctioas b~ tl~ mss. Adrrder plays a d~aisin part is the ph~aoMaa o! disahar~ 'lrbfri-iorr special avasiisratioa should be gins to the iansti~atioa of the p~risoigle o! gas lorratioa is a coabasti~,a of potter is the 1MOrr~ at tl~e tiae o! discharge. Tl~e pwiaoiples o! gas loraatioa are lir~t st~edied trader si~pl+ ?omrd.itioas, is as ianrlable space, , by igaitia~ ~~ of po~ae: ? is spe+aial, so-oall+sd ta~tria boats, ?hs lattos pr~rsit briagi~ the p ~tp to ~ ats. sad spare. ?'he iactMaM o! pressare is t~ a! l~ ~Iriag the igaitioe o! a giry-a obarp of polder is registered ~ sstss ?! special derrices. iwaa~ tNe ?olar~ o! a ir~ro?etric boat, is which the colebastioa ?~ prier ocaars, re.aia. oo~rstaat a,~ the gasrri io sot pe:lors aaq ~l~t, it is easier to iaiesti~tte the principles o! ps lor~-tioa. tag tit priaoiples o! pari~= ~ lorntioa is a aoastaat space, it is po~si,tle t4 ~Io-slat+e t~wi aluta~e~s !or a ~arial~le spoon ?here ilia; tM oetilo pertora torte ti/ ~r-1 a!!. ~ ,~~tiea tits tkis ~etliod o! ianstip~tiroa, iaterior ia,llistias is ,gal ll disided late tea basic l~raaal~es : plrc-d~raaaie~ aii ~~tatios. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 p~rc~~ta~tice ~.nvest~.~ate~ pr~.nciples of powder c?~~ba~stioa~, gate ~ormat~.o~. and pressure developt~ent ~.n eispler carers, in a . canstaat space, a~ for ~.nrstance pith an movable projectile statics) . Iia'-fn$ determined those rules, ~e utilize then to control the process of ponder cosbustioa during a discharge f rog a weapon. ~yrodynamics, using pyroatatic data oa the prix~ciple? of gas forsation, investigates the pheaosenoa o! discharge in all its cosplexity, ~rhere a coaversian of energy occurs together with the co'bustian of the poeder and the inception o! the sotioa of the pro~ecti le (dynamics) . ,it the ?ase time, the g~l-see periors a series of ?echanical inactions and cool oil. tae dyaa>tics investigates phen~ore~na connected Frith the >.otios and escape of gases, such as th? escape of gases frog the born duria the period a! niter-effects, their escape through opeaiats B in ~aussle brahe-s, through the clearance is ~ortai~s, thron~- al-1~s o! reactive pro~ectilts, etc. rt The theoretical assusptions o! pyrostatics and pyrodTasaiaa are based on and verified b' ezperissnts conducted in special laboratorids, as N11 as an firing ra~1s, by lirin` conveatioaal ar specially adapted ~rsapons? Ilistic ~tipMmt !or the investi~atiea of p1~~s>!- oe~~l Ba in a dischar~ is trr-s! estensi~n and ?atir~i. its +~siis, ~s theosrrti~-1 asd e~perriorrstal is~sti~ttios of tb~- of to~ctioaiai serf ~t~ at ntilisatisa asp a~taiso+i it a ,~Irse, entitled gri~rstal ~-llistios. ~' ~ 1~~~ ~' I!"tsill~ ~ Ip '!'~ IQ~ ~" Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 o! dischir~t facilitates.the solntioa o! probieas o! the ballistic ' o! ~a ams. Ia a ballistic daei~-, tb~e desipu lacter~ o! desi~ ~ t bore tb~e oe# t of "tb~ c sad atit! of powd+fr as~r detersiaed !era wta caliber aa~# aei~~bt e! the pro~~ctile.sad Ri ta~3~e ~h4cit#. autbee~t,~-s~ll, tlse p~ria~aiphre o! ~ !or 1 tioa inside o! the. bore asd the priacipl~ of pro,~ectile preserve aria ac~cel?satioa iat its aotiaa aloa~ tie bore arie calculated. Is bons ,are sade oa ter ps pressure ?asiat ~asd addition, aalv7tla relocit! o! pse~ec#ile dnriad t~ period of the.niter-eile~cts o! ectile and the ~a carria~e? ' uses as the ps+s,~ The resalts o! the calculations are r~rpresented io the !bars ,~ being a tuection of the tra,~ector~, the' o! aurrnss p, ~ sad ?, s t sad ?, t as Drell as 1, t (ehere M is the raooil speed} Cul're Q , as a tunatiaa o! tise (tip. 1 aed ~~? " btained b a selatioa of interior ballistics pa~oblean These data, o !or a selected r-ariaat o! the ballistic design of the Wagon, are sad basic for the subseat aalcolations of the barrel, elea~eatar7, carting, projectile, charp'e, fuse aed shell case Oa the basis ai these data, obtsi~ is a solation of iatetier stirs robleear, the pa desi~r ~1,aulates tlae barrel ~tii.ataess bails ~ 11 eei~t of barrel, desita of bew~b bloct asseaabll, looatioa Ot '~ ~ r of ?itT) ? Se esle~l~ttes the !Data, depth sad ridtr et a! crate t~ sad ns is the bore, acrd tse,-ta the desi;a ?i the o~ater- ~laads Eroa- rsooil facilities, as ?ell as tie Ssa mat in rurunitioa ~Nrsi~w-r calculates t~rlk - tt! the general. '1'!1e pra~ectile acrd its ,~ d calaa~ates the obart~e of ?rrpl0ii'r'e srbstaace, ,~rir-e collar !or str+n~ ! Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 ,end time ~c~c~. she tvchm?logi~t ~~: pc~der t~ctol"y caZcill~te ~.n.d de?ign.~ pre>~~in~ diva and d~;ter~it~e~ the tecbnol?gic~~. ~rc~ce of pdo~d?r pre~~rtion on th? ~aasit~ of ~ ~i~ren Porn and ~r~~~ f~v m ponder. In this tnnLr, a eeriva of branches ai' artillery sciemcv~ ire used #or the de?iga and building o e~ veapons aad munition 1`oP theca. 'these sciences are interior an exterior ballistics, strength ~of ~reapons, the theory of gun mounts, the theory of tug and projectile design, the techaologT of ponder and explosiv? eubstaaces, and a~tal ~orl~ing. In this c?anection, interior ? '~llistics provide the principal aad fundaaaental inlorsation. The design of a rather cooplez aggreQat?, such as the iodera artillery weapon with its attached fire control de~IriCes, and o! nitioa is a product o! the results of 'prole~agsd calcnlatio~ts its ~ uch o! the component parts of that aggregatt se4nirss for its uautacture a couples and prolonpd technological pror~ru ? TSB 8I dF 'P8~ t~iTi~g'~' QF I~It~ SLLLIp"llCg The history o! the denloANnt of interior ballistics is inseparsbly connected ?itb the general ~1ap~rnt o! artillery. The origin of lirtal~s aad t~- 4is~i'7 of tb? ,~~tloplsleat of artillery up to 18e0 is ~ im tbt 1lrr-li ors as~tlcle o! is estitled "drtillesl-" ,(~"`1,,,,,~'? ~#1ti~'~ ~~r1-lrClrl~ to the e~tt3i~er ? o! tii? dewlop~sst a~ tMi ~ws~sie~ ~s a ' ia~ttty' stagy the laotory eetLods o! ~ ~ ti~- ~oriretioa, ?e to ~stract lroa t1w-t a~#a1a os t-o i~'~-1'~ o! ballistic q~tt aw ,~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 as a science.: '"The end of the 17th aad the beginning of the 18th ceatariss prised the period. ?l~sn artillery eras tinallT incorporated iatc~ the ailitar7 orgagis~atioas o! a na,~orit7 of countries, the sl.laiaatioa of i#s ~iedierai guild obaracter, aad its reaoiCaitioa as a special ~ilitarT brantsh, ..proaottd its adaptatiaa to a~rrsal aad rapid derreleprNntt. 'Thin resaited in as alfost iastaataaeoa~s agd quite appreciable progress. The dirersit~ and irregalxritT of calibers aad types beaa~- ap~reat, along with the naseliabilitj of all existing espiricai rules and-the coaplete lacy of preciiel' detesaioed principles. It beck ispossible to endure tlwse s . coaditioas an' logger. T6srefore large-scale tests were conducted enr~nrhere, in order to clariff the probleas of caliber, the relation of caliber to charge, as reli as of_ the length aad rreigbt of the a, the dlstribatian of setal is the gun, the range of fire, the effects of recoil on the grin carriage, etc? The result o! this was a significant sisplilicatioa o! calibers, better distrib~utioa of fetal i? the gun, aad a rerl considerable ~,tioa of the charge, ~-bicb then counted to Eros one-third to one-half o! the eeigbt o! the pro~ecti le , " Ia ~qia, prier I eachibited a great deal of interest it the ~rrelop~reat of artillery ~ persm-sall' wrote the "guide to the atilinatioa o! f-rtt11ir7?" Daring tlsr sign. of Pr-ter I, the hiussiaa beca~e oge of the best i n !n rope . art i ller'f The ;progress of artiller~r science, aainl! in the field of stigation of p~ro,ectile flight and afr,r resistance ~Qalileo, iII'w''e STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 "1 ,w /~,~ is ~ a~i V L: .: -- - ~ 3 ~ a .^,: ,r e r ~^ ~ r"y `:~ ~ ~ r; ~ r ~.a~ ~~c ~ic~l ~.~pr~a~m~n~;~ c~ ~L~~~.ll~r~. hip classical trod ~n~itlcd dr~sc~~>~~.c~, ~, nn~.c1 rno~illi ~a~~ the b~.~~.c huoled~c abc>~t ~.~~, ~.ntrcduc~d ~c ~c~tcncc the conception o~ ~.n c~~p~n~ion of fiasco in c?n>~eq~aencc aF their t~uoyanc~, anc~ ~hgwed hof~ on the basis ?~ this egpan?ian to calculate th? motion n~' n Pr?~ectile in the bow of gttn. the fam~au? mathematician filer, a~ember of the Russian academy c~~ Sciences, dare cotasiderable ~ttentiog i? hi? studie? to th? inure?ti8ation of pros?sse? c~c~zvrrin~ in ttie hors of ~. weapon. Hor~9rer, a~ ~ ~?~?ult c~i' the iae~ oaf mesas for ezperiffie?taI iavestiRatioa nt that ti~~, hip tudi~~ ~r~~ limited tt~ the setting up of pr?blems. In tt~e middle of the l~t~i century, Robin? gubmitt?d the brat instrume?t for det?rmeiaations ai projectile v~locit~r, Galled the "bAllistic pendulum," it way used up to the 188?'s. Ia lbobins' study, entitled "Iiew principles of ~rtiller~ Scienc.ep" and writttn in 174, ballir~tic? were first divided into exterior and interior ballistics. In t4isl connects?n, the scope of ia~terior ballilrtic~ eras defined as follower ; '~Lnowiag the length and calf ber o! the ~, the ,Irei~ht o! tl~s cannon ball, the powder Cbar~+e a~ the elastic rn force at th* first a~tat o! ignition,, to dettr=ine t1~e t-'+rlsQit~ with which the p~~~rcti le ri 11 depart tr+es the ~n ~ M ~"he teahaiaal rio~ptaisation of the utiller~ proceed p~urallel to the theoretical acrd asp~rrime~ntal in~esti~atiQ~. This e,~i~ra+a~+It the reduction of the ns~ber o!, i.~pro.emsnt im and w,echanisas, and increasing co~bst ~alitiea, ~ ~ STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 The period 1750-1780 witnessed a great step~in the deT?1?paeat of the ~issian artillery. At ;that tile, a nuaber of netr artillery t s t"naicoras") were introduced under the, le~-dership of Oonat Ype P.I. 8hu~ralor? Alpo, the loading of the guns nsi nodilied by '~$e introdnation of ponder bap iqr the chrr;ess and aerr or~anisatf4n of the artillerl was etteated. dhn~raloT.'s "unicorns" exhibited su rior Qoabat properties not gall dnrios the ge~ren Tear war pe 171'-1?dS when the ~nssian stoics occupied Hsrlin), bat also drrins' ~ ~ the Hosiland ~rar of 181, pirticalarlt is battle of lorodino. 7'heM artillerT trp~-s lasted for nearll one hundred lean, np to t,be ? .3"he basic plNj'sonalitie# attire in the ? introdaction of rifled `nns. is~ttioa of artillerl in- other countries (!'riedt'ich II of reor;aa~. ssia tbriberal in !'rinse) to, all intents Tolland is dhnyaloT's Pru , footsteps. pbatal theoretical and esperi~reatal ballistic inre-stiptions, w?hi~ah prodaced proper ,~rswrptions about the phenosoioD o! disahar;e and its tiniforaity, mare conducted b?;iani~ with the seapnd halt a! the 19th century, oa th~- basis o! the ;enerai derrelopMat of M technicolo~- and a aeries of rirlated branches o! science. The lint th+~roY'l of poor stian, published rbroad in 1Bb7, was sritte~a bl the ;assirn ahnist pipbo? asd the Aer~an ch~nist t~tnsen. Ia lgeo, Captain 1. P. t~o-rlo~r wrote apt article oa the sotion of the pn~ectile is tyre bore o! a railed. pn. ~- w~ abrtract o! this article was osstained in the reports o! the Parr d~ o! sciences in 1~9. Is 1848, Col?~nel E?P? !'e~inror detex~ined ? i,~ l conditions on the caspositio>a~ of the ~,~,? STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 h .!. v - a y: 5"Y ~ ~ ~ l.. r~.'...L3.41 r~ 1 ~~ ~?~l tl ~ ~ 4~ l.d~ ~ t ~i ~tead~.c~o lwi~. ~cl~v ~cu~dnti~n nor r~~.L ~.~~~lop ~, c~rancc~ ci try h~~ic ~,~~trur~en.t~ Which Mill ~idelp in the pp ur t~.~o~ (thc chr?no~raph o~ ~e II~oulr~n~er ~c~r ~ea~ure~ents ~~?d in o ectile ~relocitp and obel'~ crusher f?r ~tea~csre~?nts oi' pre~~ ~~ rdcr ~a~ pre>~aure~, c-ccurred in the I~60'~? the cru~hcr ~a~a which per>nit~ cutiffiat1a~ ~a~ pre~eure on ? ~ laid the fvuadati?n - th+c ha~i~ c~ Abe co~pre~aior~ ?i ~ capp?r co11~~n, ?ve~.~a meat ~~ ~ special branch cif eaperifficntal balliatics, ~mr the ~. P ' e~ ~~ and pro t?d the production ?~' ~aa?~tric b~o~ba, "the ~sno~e trq, ~acil~.tated inv@?ti;~ati?n~ of the pri~ccipl?a a-~ powder latter cpabustian nt high pressurea? 8 to 187~~ ~obe1 and ~be1 aond~tcted e=peri>te?ts an t1~lr ~roa~ 1 ~8~ black order in a ~ao>Qetric bo'b. "~he~r deterained the ignition vi vc and qualitative ,~~position of coibnntian products, $uanti tat ~. the asounts Qf esi,ssible beat, corba~t:sti?n their theraal capacityp turn and also the ~pendence c-i the a-si pressure on tetra r eer ?i the po~rdar and unitar=.i.tF of cbar~i~. the pQ vssti ti~-ns ~rera based on studies of the properties ~;eese i n ~- teristics of p4~+~' cosbustian psor~tcts in a discbaa~~? a.nd ch.arac u~~d :~~ ~.uc~. I.~Lcr ~tuc~ia~ h~ c~afficrcn~ ~eear~cher~. ~~.,~n~.:~~.c~.nt ~ro;~r~~~ r~ e~ri~.cnt~l ', crc h~pcth~c~~~ ~n ~h~ ccs~~u~t~.on. c~i dcr in ~ eariicr by 8hip~'T~ ~~en and ~sdprb-r. sa e sect~nd bald of the iptb CeDt~l"~', tbs ~-nnrai ~riA~ tb *led~e opt beat and Qt the 1ii.~ttic thaor; Q! priacip2e~ of a 9[~P" STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 ~~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~. ; r= as tt~.. t ~ ~ili-'o~- ~:' ~~z~~ i~tio~r ~M~~~ C,iy ~~~ -` M l~~~ ' #. los~rlrut ~ -~ ,. ill ~11tt3'~?- its ~ 5 ~~ ~~ l ~% 1ia~li~tia, u: ~itstist, ~' ! at ~~~ ~. ~;, ~.;:, ~,~ z ~~, ltti~ .~ "~":t Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 ~ c?~hu~t~.~~ ~_ U~~c~~cl~~v ccllol~.~.l o~rd~r~. ~L~e p~~~~tt~r~ :.~?~1 t~.o~ ~:~ t~~c ~w ~~p~s1~x by v~riu~ ti~~ di~~n~i? c~~ ~~~d.~r ~'~~~cr~~;~, ~?~ ~.~ tgpc a~ p~~rd~r ~~.~ pre~a~r~d ~~ ~ ~?~~~lt cis u1~~crt~u ~~hcor~t~.c~~. end ~.~b?~rutc~,rY ~t>.~die~. It rr~~: ~eTe~~, colloid~:l ~~ ~p~r~o~ylin baei~t ~.nd ~a~ r~btaiaed by ~.~. ethyl alcoho3. cc~~pcuud trcata>c0t of pyr?~pliu ?~plo?i~e substance.. ~'el pr?~~ct~d ~a~d prepared nstrip-type, pyroaylim po~-der i'?r a 65 gun. ~ f irin~, he obtained results ~erif~-img calculated data. the new po~rder pros?d tm ml~tc~st three timmes n? ~~erful as black ,pcaeder, ar~d produced ~. ?igt~i if caxtt increase ?f ~-elcacity, pith. lce~:r pressure ?f po~d+~r ~ase? in the b?~rc. Aside frog the c~,i~iaatio;~t of siar,lec ?~ battlefields aad a considerable i?crease ai the raage of lire, the intrnduction of siolce2ess ponder? else caused a soditication of battle tactic?. I? Russia, a specfi~. of the French pgrozylin ponder ias obtained. lBxperi~ents tarrard it? productio? began ig 188 at the O~htensY gunpa'Irder factory; ~-hile ~iriag tests eitts it ~rere c?>a~ducted b~ t6e research coaaittee o! the saw i~ctor~. The taaans ~ssiaa cbeaist D.I. ~?delee~ ie the lS~t~'s de~elopsc~ a spacial p~-roa7lin power, ~rhich offered au~sraes ad~rantages in a cosparison ~it6 fel's po~rder, go~rerer, the ~.rt112erF ~ittee r~e,~e~ted the prnr~r of X3.1. ^er~slse~tr for aru~at pi~crposes, n~-dor the influeace of the at that tiM cust~ar~r neglect of tae proa~intat p~erso>orallties of Russian ?Ci.~e, asd the ~ta-rsbiF of all that urea forei~. The vat of ~ this ~r ra Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 properly recognised in the: D.B.A. where it xas trd for :r~aaaaaoat ....-~.-_ _..w.~._ purposes. During ,the period ~! the first ~rorld nr, 1914-1818, the gaassian array obtained aons~dsrable quantities o! the prrocolloid powder !roar the D. B.l. Disregarding the tact~t4at the techaoclogy nand industry o! Tsarist Russia were at a~lo~rer level than the foreign standards, our ballistics scientisticas lrequeatll:surpassed foreign researchers frog the theoretical point o! trienr, cad played a leading part in the treatarsat o! nuseross prol~leass. may o! their sttdier sere iasaaaaaediately seat abroad aaaaa~ atitized. ewe bow alaread~ stationed the outstanding studies a! ;~lp~OOr, Oorlor cad !'+tdoro? iras 18b7 to 1848, The first course of interior ballistics in'sgssia was written bT Colonel P.Y. llbitaaaalti in 18TQ, and read at the Artillery lcadeaT. In 18T~i, Colonel talahntslrii, a ,pupil of the Artillery lcadeary, published a study on tests ca~cted to deteraaiaaaie coadditioas of the derelopaaaarent o! ?bnorsal pressures in lirearlr bore's, rhiah loadg before Tel, touebed on tbo probles o! the propagation o! ua~dulatory gas action. Sis stu~ties wr't tnaaaalsierred the iollowisg rear to !`ras~;e. t~oloaei T.A. puh~Oewicb, a eery drilled asd tale'ted artillery ~u-n, becaaaaaNr successor to Albitas~rii. rroa. 188b to 1881, he wrote a terse in interior ballistics: fart 1, theoretical; Part ~, e~rperiaeatal. In 188', tlaaa'se b~oehs rare traaanlate~l into dish i. the D.S.A. sis fastralctieals as earperiaa,estal ballistics w?re wad ?t tie Arti l ler~r Acsisq, for aani Crean aiterrar~ . aawng the acct distiaaguisbed scientists attire duriaaa~ the second. half of the 19th contrary cad at the begiamiag oaf the zo~~ STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 11 t ~ ~:~ 3 's r, ~~ t-?? fin} ry( r^l F> F,6 ~.! .~~ d it V Lr ~r c.3 .~ Lr .~ L. C~.L~ ~/ .i ~ 4 l.+ .~ {r3 ti ,t,+aL ~~~~e~~~vL~ ~~,c ~c~~~.a~ the sa~~c~~~ ~~ ~ar1~1_~d~~r: ~t~~:~?~.a~ b~.l~.~.~~:c~$ ~~~a~~~~r~~..~ a ~ ~ha rtl~.~~?~? ~~lc~. c,~vcLi~. ~a~?~ ~.~. ~.?~, a~:ti~~ .~rc~ 1~~ to ~.~~, ~ ~~d ~.i pupil ~~d ~olla~?c~~ ~.~. .b~d.~~i~:. (;~or~. ?1~. 1~~~, wcti~c~ ~~?c~ ~.~Q to ~,9I"~) . .~lth4u~}~ tl~~~c too ~cic~tti~t~ ~,cc~uircd their ~~.>~e through studies :~a the ~ icld cif exterior ballistics, they harP~e made goat cotatributlou.s tc~ the de~ael?p~.?~ ai ictcrior ballistics. ~'or c$~~pla, priar to the dcsi~~ o~ ~?-pounder moth-bore emu, aid bcicarc the in~eatiga~;iona c-f Io~~~., nevalcii aubsittec~ io 1~~ ~ c~r~ io~.l method a~ dct~r~iui~~ the ponder ~ pressure ~aric~ar:~ ~r?~a secti? o~ the bare ? ~rtill?rp rreaparce. The ~ calculated by oc~s~ii ~ built, and, ?h?~ gated, aborted cvusidcrablp better results th~A the guns e4~peting with it asd 'built iron the deai oi' other Pc?pic, including gngliah scientists, ~ ~.? ~. t~eval~ii ar~~aiet~ social te?ta for the ~ ~ ~ risent~l dcteruinatiom of the prc~ectile travel i? the boors ~ a ~'ocar_paa~a~,der gun as a iunct~.oo o~ ti>~e. Fr+o~ thi? iator~tioa, 0 r~ea a~ ~>rd?r ~ pressure io relatic~u to pro~setile travel aid cn rise Mere Matted b~~ seamy of calculatic-aa. hie atudp Mras of ~rtat iaportaaace to the BaTelspsemt ~-f iateriov b~alliatica a~E tL~- desii~ of ~~ ? STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 In 18?~, R. T> ~aaewsllcii ns elected corresponding se>.ber of the Lcaieay of dciencee, ("Prople o! Russian Science," pablished by the ,Acadeal- of 8cieace : of the II1#8~, 194, volute 11) . Proiesia-r o! the Jlrtillery Acadety 1F.d. Zabtidshii, a pepil ,and auccesaor of x.l~. Yanevsl~ii, was greatly and succeasfuily active in the theoretical direction, a? well as in the field of the d~relopMat of artillery techo+ology. In 1111, t~ !reach dcadean- of 8ciencee elected M.ll. Zabtdskii to correspotdin; atberahip of ita departtent mf a~echanica, in rsCOgnitioa o! his scientific accotplishaente in ballistics. In the f Feld of iaterior bslliotics, R. ~,. Zabud?tif caspleted in 1g0~ a study oa iav+eatigation~a of pressure in the bore of ser-eral guaa, and Bare attaero?aa espirica~. ioraulaa for ~lu~~~.e velocit~r and eazitua presanire. Later, in 1p14, he published his uin ?tud.~ on the espsrisental deter~inatiom of pressure and v+slocity curvea~ as ~"wnctioa of pxw~ectile trat-el #~? tb? bore of ~? u field tea, applTiug tQr the lirl~t tits to this purpose the c~rigina.~. t~~d o~ progressive shortening of the gun barr+~~. , Q~ the haai? ~i the~~ fnreetit~on., ~~~ ~~ 4'~~ ~~~r~.c~l io _ ~. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 _ _ _ ~C: C7 ~, E.t ~' `~ ~. ~ n u 47 f: C ?!1 it i~" ~ ~ ~.^,,' C La ~ 11 ~; I: ~: C:1 .' ~ ~1 ~. I.~' ,~, t: y `r t:' ~ I~~f~~~ a `~'~~.~ ~a~~L~n.~;~~ c~`~u?1~~ ~:~' Ir~.s~. ~~Lu~?~,Ivs~? Iy~.~ ~ ~,~~~~~.~ ~h~~~e ~'h~ ~vc~~.t~C~~r ~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~,~..~.~~~~~`~.:Idr~y~ r~~ ~;-~c Ct~~ CJ.C'~cl~~, ~.:~ LIB t~.~r~. c~~ ~ r~~:~~~ r~u~in t~v ~~`~~,f~~L' ~~~.~. Vin. ~.~~~, ~ol~ncl ~~.~'. B~i.>~L h~~an t? 3.c~~;u~~~ ~.~ t~:c ~?ur~c;~ l~t~~y~c~~ ~~:1~.~~4~~;~^~ aL ~~~~ .~~r~~~~~~~r ~~cael~~~r. ~~ 1~~31~ Inca ~~a~I~ Y y ~m~l~~~ ca~~:~~ a~ 1>~~e~~dr L~? ~.~ ~~~~. ~ent~l probl?' of interior ballistics. 1~eanwhile, it is yell no~rn that Proiessor 1t.F'. Drrvsdox is ona of the founders of tie ~vlct school ?f ballistics, ehich contributed gnite.a feu salvable and pioneer studies to ita~ fields of interior ballistics. 'this disregard Q~ rho gav? the solution t?a proble? of interior ballistics (1917}. pith certain modifications introduced bg Professor l.P. Grans, this solution was accepted and tapght at the Academy of Artillery for sany gears of terRards. Ha'iag given du? recognition: to the studies of several foreign Seriet sci*atists undoubtedl~r has a Pol i ti~ca 1. c~aracter~ in, spite of the stagtats of burg~eois sciemtfats a ~~ the c~oa-pCalitica~, nature of ~s+c~ace, gr?~n during the pre_r~~~~~a~~~a r~fld? sass STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 ~c~ri.~U~~~,~ .a~~ xF~'' ~ -::3 ~~ n~ t~?~ ~ ~. ~cGC~r~~n ;~~ ~~c cn~?~.l rz. ~. a~~ c LI~~~~ s~~: ?>~~~ ~anr~~nv c~~ ~r~~~~:.~cn~ ~~ ~i;l~~ ~c~~a~e ~~ ~~ tip ~c.~ ;~~~ ~c~ ~~ 3~. vc ~A~ ~ a. ~ ~c d v he ~ ~ ~~~. ~ ~ ~ ~ v c ,c e ~. h c p .~ ~ ~ c r~ ~. ~; ~~? ~ . r l'i c ~~ . j e~ ~~~e? ~: ~ ~i1~~~ invcct~.~atlc~n~ ,r~.~r~ ~~?a.~:i:~~~ lr.~ ~:1~ r~~d~~ ~~~ ,roc ~~~n"~~>?~L~.l~c~5 ~r~ur~n1, tP ~~1.~,~~ .-~~~~~~cc a~:~ i:I:t~ .~.~~~; %:i~~ lr ,. ~ ? ~, ,.1 ., cr4 ~7 ?a~c c~e~~cl~~:,cn~~; ~~ ~r~:K? ~~~~??,~ ,~~ ~:~~ ~a~I.c~~t c~ienc ,. ~~ h c :l ~. ~- ~, n ta1'~.~1 ~~~c.~c~~ ~c, c~ ~~W~c ~1~~1e ~?;~~a ~d ~~~ end ~~ac ~~~~~.~{~; ~9~?c~ x~?~c~n"i: i~c~d~ b~~ L~~~.n. l1a s?a cr~~~~~~.~~c~~.~.~ ~~~ca wc~' ~~ ' c:~cn~~ '~.t~~ ~~?c~ f7 l;c~in~inTM~ ~~ ~1~~ ?~~.~ ~c~~, ~34~~?~r~~: ~~ c~caqu~ cap ~c ~~lc ~r~ab~.icr ~~~r~.~1~~.c '~.~: ~.I~~~' ~c~>~1~~~t ~ar~~I~ ~a~d~~>~cc~~ ~~~ ~ c~~~mi ~~~ d ~r~1~~~~. a~ av~,+a~ ~r~~Il~?~~~ ~at~~n ~ ~~ ~r~d~.tit~ ~a~ ~^~ n .A .~..~. ~e~~ t~~r~~ ~. ~Qi CC;' tai i:7~' :? c [~ r~ :~ I~ . fan c~ ~~~.T~~~~~. c~t~ c I~ca~a ~c~w ~:~~n. ~c~~ c~e~~~:. c~~z~c ~a he ~p~~. ~~a ~~ J~ ~ ~_~C I1L ~I, ~3 ~ ~ G ~ ~ ~ ; '(; :~7 C ~ C~'~' :1;~ C7 :L . l'; . G' '~ 11 r~ ~.~ t~ ~" ~.: ~ L ~> t1 ~; C; C j" y `~' ~ ~ L1 ~ ~ " I" t: ~ ~ t; C~ :11 C ~. 3`:x.4: ~] I:1. ~ L ~~. ~. j' ~. C7 ~ ti c., y r~~ ~~~~~~~~:~? ~ ~r~kr~~~~ cf vsg~~l~~:~?~j ~e~~;z1c STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 collapse of the ecoaot~, a poor aaterial and techaical foundstfoa technolo H~~erer for the dsvelop~eat of artillery science and BY these diflicnlties were surrouated, and artillery scieace contis~ted to worn on the ltirther ~relopsent aad the ~ iacrease of 'the po~sr of the arts 11?rs of t~ Md may. ; In this connection, a siQnificaat part was plated by the activities of the Cloe~tission for opeciai ?rtillery research, 1910 through 1928, under the leadership of~ the fasons ~ussfan artillers ?c ieatist o. Y. Trof isor. 1~. Y. Trofisor '~, l~. Trof inor eras born f o 1844. So graduated tri th top hoaon ~,~a ~89~ frt>~a the hcadeaj of Artillery and dare 'b gears of his ~,if~s t~ scientific and prnctica3, stodt at tbs Ala Artillery ~~? 8e Was director of this ramie f ro>a lino to 1117, and has doss aroi f ca r the dare lopMSt and i,provesa n t o f i is eqa i pse p t a Ord orpa~i satins, s,rtic,~lnrl' dnria~ the ti>~ Qi tk~e war frog 1114 to 1818. wring his etas At the rangy, 1. ~. Trof iso? conducted a lard a,ir of scientific iarrestigs.tio>rur. Many ?i his studies ~rere Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 ~. '~~~ce~,Ww1~t~:~~~`~c~ v~ :"~~i~ir:~~; ~~:n~~.~~, ~f~i~c ~g.~ ~~~~~~~;~ L~~~.i~v1~.~~d .i~.~,~ ~:c:~~i~~ ~'ar ~1~.~ ~tu~.~ crxt~.te~ "~`hc ~~ect~ ~:~~ ~I~r~p~~i ~ra~ t~ ~4~ ::~~ dun" ~ i903 ~, ~.~~. `~~?r~~i~.~ ~- ~:a~ m~.rdcc greater i~h~ileov ~edal~. the period ?f p~rt~cui~rl~ i>rater~~i~~ ~cti~ritimo of ~'.. ~?rai'i~ i~ co~>~ected r~ith the ~tudie~ mf the Ca iaai?ra it~r 9peci~1 .~rtiilerp search {~0~3A~Tt?P~, Which ~ i'arffind thrtau~h ~.~ i~~.t~.~ti~e i~ i9i9 far the purp~o~e at ~ar~i~ can prcbl ca~neGi~cd with firi~~ c~er ~cry~ iv~~ di~t~r~ce~. ~~tcr ~abtu.u~a a~ta c~a ik~ a~ p~ri~ b~ the r a aver ~ distance c~i' ~~ut I20 , ~rafi~a~? u?dert??~ tea cbtai>a cqur~l ge~ults is ~u~si, and began bis oi'fort~ i~ 191, i? tai?regarr~ the difficult n.a~cri~Is caadition~. ?e recruited the ~d cf ~?~~ral gauge eplayees of thn sage, anc~ caaductcd nu~ber ?i pr~ii~inarg in~est~,tic~m~~ is ?rc~er to find. wags of .ttaiaiu~ the designated g~Sal. Using recent tcriai, ~. 'Trofi ~ ~ubl~itted hi.a priecipl~ a~ nir d:ena$tq variation pith altitudQ. ~c~use Firing oFer ~rer~ ian~ range irs~alvea rariativ cf air densitg~ ?~er a trey a-iQre rangy, ",~'rofi~~ utili~edA ft~r the first tip in ba~.listics, the rtb~ad of i>~te~ratfoti oaf t~-e difi?reatial equatioas of eateriar ballistics to calculate the tra~ector~ ~siailarl~ tt~ the sgete~ of puler: i~reatdo~ i~ntc~ mall pertions sad solntioa ai ?aCh porti~m~ . ~r thi? purpose, be need the stud~r of dcade~iviaa ,~~tit~ed '''- a~ ~pprtasiaate l~erlcal ~aalntiQa tit ~a et~tial nat~;au,e" ~141g~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 ~! of in~rastiiations, b? ~ta-r~tiaed of tiring i? possibi+~s s~ - ~rioi owr ra,~s ttp to 1dQ ~'' L~-d to be ado is oritr to abtt o! tbls t7po. It ~? ai ~Irsli~ titb all t~+~tM probl~ra. ~~,r ,, . dos for Spicial Lttillort ~. :~~ of bloals-~. aad tall isalstion tbn oo-r'b of thiN oossaission 1ttlrol~s, ~~atit is rr~-~ stod'l~s cone'E?ctod ~~`; ssin~ -1ttiQailx ?li i~-rtsn! aoi pr* ~~~.. tit~al c~-?r~,ctsr, '*?r? of ~i?it'+~ ~,;~,~~ ~ dsstb o! ?.~r. ~olias~-} propr+sNrd _ art in tha d?~lap~at of ~tssitt ~- ~ ~,igion ~,~, p~rriod of tis~, idst ad~rantso Moiin of tbo ~a tbo pro~~tilo ~otrr~a=linsd k. ~, ~ nnitossl! ~ Nn Soso, ?tc. ~' ~Qo,rissian t~M ~ asa studios o! tb~- Co~isoioa !sr i'~s lllp to 19'd~, is ? ~riod ai ~~ ~,~,~ aitn~pt tit a?~t~d ~titb an? ~~ d ~ tw atr of ipl4 tc- of the w.rt~ll~rT ~-d-oaT~ ~?i?'??~ torsl~-d ~ud?r ~ l~dorsbip Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 ~.~. ~~c~.'c~.c~ ~c pra~le~v d~.r~:c`~i~~ c~n~cct~d i~~~~tt ~~u~~~~_? c~~~;? c`~.n;~;C :~iir~.r~~, ~h~ C?rie>E~~.e~n ~~~' ~p~ei~.i ~a'~:~`~?c~'~ ~c~e;~.v~h pr~a~ca~eci ~hc ~echnicai end ~c~f.cai rcq~i~~eent tyrpco, ~~ `:ell ~e ~?r ~el~_prc~pciZed. ~r~~.licr~, yor~ar~, pr?bie~. a~ ~>~ dyn~~ic~, etc. Thee uctf~i~ict:~ prodded ~hc iour~dn~ior. ~mr tbo r~odernizffitivo ~~ the urt~.ller~? mf: the d ~rA, ~hicl~ can occo~pli~hed rev?r~l qe~r~ ~.a~tcr. . '~rc~i'iao~ recruited ao~ or~~~ ~.1~ le~.din cr~illcflr~ ccioutist~ t~~ the ~,rtiller~ Co~mit~tee ~~~ ~~r ~?~r~a Flo ~l1 pro~e~ear~ irt?t the .~r~ pf Iesdin~ c~.uili:~n ecieffiti?~~ ~ ~?~~ ~c ~~~c~ in ~~.~ld~ s~latcd t4 ~rtill?r~'. A~ ~.he ~~~c ti>, ~'. ~. Tro~i~ca~ Ut~cd the iroehc~n ~t>sr~?~r~ iu ~Cie~rce, ~h~a, und+~r ttt~ ~uidaacc Qi le~din~ ~cieatiut ~~"L??ded the ~chooi of 9ciee~c? at the ~o ie~iar~ far ~pgcial ~eeearch. ~ubee~uent].~, ean~ c~i tbe~ c~ Ieadin~ ~pec9.~l.i~ts (s} prafe>I~aor G. A. babudsYii (gun pa~rder) ; T.I. lbdnlto4skii (pra- ectile~, ; Y.~. ~aseaber` and A. G. rati>Itaia. (technologT, ~ ~ G.P. Lisne~eskii (~tt>apowder}, o. T. ~-.1teZadr~ saa+aia+~tnre o! Bans) , (iiria~ and tactics) ; i~.t? lash~Cerich (ballistics, Math?utics} ; g,~,~. Darliahhorr (tea ptrria~+r-s) and others. (e*~ Director of the >aa~T, Professor 8. EI. Petrovich (s+echanics !". D~roslbT (strewth of f x p ~1e amd esterior ballistics~i ~ ~iatarior ballistics}; T.l~. ~~, iDterior ballistics); 1? T? ~sposldai~o~r (c~aistr}, R'ao~ ballistics) i , or ? (exter asd ?zplosi~nes}; I.l. Lrylo? t~tallurp?; lectarer~ t.l. p ~ ~~, carria~~;? G?G. ?illip~or t~~=~ int~riar b~eilistics~ ~ iaa~ x? tt'Tl'~r (~ thew t ic~t, ~ebaaics} ; lessor (>t-a~) ?cade urod~rsics) ; ~.~. t~aplTgin ~,_. ~s~ppvstii (.eal~saies, lts sad T.P. Titahia (gse d~us,aics} ~~~~.chauica); X.~. r ~rteoroio~}~a>ad others . ~.~+ ~lct-a>ao Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 in rririous fields o! artillery activitiei~ ~D?A? '~entteel, 8.1~~ o~tutnev, V.E. Sluldrotekii, IC. ~. Serebrial~oe~ ? he rsonal rscryitiag o! leadiaR scientists In addition tot pe Coa~eission for Sp~reial ,Lrtillery research and specialists, the . lations ?th a nuaber o! national scientific and >r-aintained close re . technical institutions. Shout 150 aoaographs relating to scientific and research studies coadncted by the personnel o! the: Gaa~riseion for Special Artillery March, as well as about 80:;design treataents, r~ere published dnrimg the period of its activities. s of the Coaaission lor..apocial Artillery E-ese~'ch The stndie i at iuportance for the as~blisg of a nuaber o! ont- were o g~ . ndin research peoPl? around problesr o! artillery sateriel. stn g iter the death o3 V.1t. Trofiso., the di~rocti?? of the ~osaisaioa s transferred to the hands of the outstindin~ specialist,ia the wa ld of super-long range firing, professor E.A. BerlGalov, who has also obtained a great deal of experience in this field. Due to the attention gfren b! the party, the govermrent, and icularly b' ao~t:'ade Stalin to thi? problea, the efforts to part Ve the artillery of the Sed ~7i aid to scientifically mare iapr~ ?elo at, continued to espat~d during the fclloeing period of its de p~ t ire . Dnring the gears of gtalin'? ?'ice-Te#r Plans, our conatr) d the rterial. a>ed technical fouaiatioa necessary to proTic~e c mate rid fo'~s ~-itb modern cos+bat ^steriel anal, a~on~g tb~oss, the a ~tterial cQndi.tions cessary to a iit~n~. deVelopstwen~ ~.rtille~ary. STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 a~ ~cdc~t.ific ~r~d -~ecr~~r~ical nrLil~c~?~? ~,~~a~u~h~ F~~~c~?c~ crcntcc~, ~~~ith the de~cloprcnt o:r" ?~ar indu~tr~~ and ecano~t~,~. tai numi~er o~ de~i~nYng c~ft'ice~ sere e~tabli~hed under the directs?n of ~eraee ~f Saciali~t Labor ~, G. Grnbia, I.F. Yvano~, F'.~'. Petrov nnd, ether de~i~nern, which produced zany ~a~p1e~ of artillerg type. T'het~e eho~red ~uperimr combat and technical qualit$e? during the periad og the Great ~a~eland far. Ali these activitfea mere pers?nall,y ~upervi~ed bg ~mrade Malin, who e~aa~ined t?et spec~.aen~ a~ ?e~ art~,Ilery tgpe~ aad i~eraed in~tructic~n~ on Cho c?c~r~e ~ai' th?ir furt~aer develop~cnt, ~omrad? Stalin's nn~ietp in cannectic~n with the developmm+ent of scientific ?rtillery~ thought fa~and its ?xpre~~ion ~.n the eetablish.aernt ~~ the ~lcadea9 of ~rtillerg Sei?ncee in I946, far the purpose of ' proces?ing basic ~cfe?tffic proble~s confronting the artillerg. nee generation oi' Sovlet artillerg scientists and balliatice ~peciali?tx~ grew up duri?g the 3D gears caf existence Q! the $ovi~t I r .w~/ pAy /y~g/~p ~ ~a/x~a gp~ 9 ~Y~eram??t. ~'h? ~i3'st tK b~e cO>ant$1~ affi??~ thY..iY ? dead?O~.C~II2I ~. ~. ~lagonravc>rv, president ai the 1~cademg of ~rtillerg $cienc?~; 8t.~". ~a?ilfi?~, ~e?~er of the goverHimg ~aody caf the ~cadea~ a~ Artillerg $cisnce~l; Y,~. 8nitko, A.A. '1'a-locbto~, D.~. '~enttsal, 1[.B. Serabrial~v, 'P. ~. $lu~hQtalicii, ia= ~[. Shapiro, acti'-s ^r>.bers of the ,~cadsar of Artillery Sci?ncts; aad Frofeasors ~t,Y. hunt', G.~, ~'Fo~'T. '~ese are fc-llo~er~d b~ the ~QUnger g+enera~tion o! tcienct ~rorlttraa: Y.S. t~orol~bav, M.A. Maao-aton and Qthers. It can. be definAtel~r .tattd that, in ?ur vnloa, era ha~rg ettablil~ht~d a le~din~ SCav~,~et vcl~-a~i~ic achool a! artillar~r d~tf~ltrt STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 cad ballistic spec3iali~it~t, she :are ~~' their wrat in tb~e field of artil~rt ,~- and #ir ~. 'r~t~~~ ~"~ scieatiirti Ot 4'~! CO~t~tr'~', 1'bt0 ,, ti, _ becase the imitrsctors .tee toss of ~urtsoes . pte~eatiaos of ~naraiaa ballistic rdeeialis#a ud ~,; had a sa,~or bare iu the tosiatioa of this soieatitiu sahoii. ' r~lrre the distirp~shN ~eri~er it K scisace cad teahsala~ ~t ~ ~a~riaa /ori.t l~desatiee lociali~rrt ~: ~eproblie~, Cblori ~ae~a1 Mrtilles~ po~lai l+edlo-e~orrich Drosder, laareate of stalia's ri~ti, r~t~!! et the ~e.idiss of the Acadea~ of Lrtilles~ Ilaieres ~ a~si . Ilri~eral of irtiiler~ ~iaeerin` serrice~r Ieu l~latosori~ #intr~, ~ ~~;ari~eate of ~talis'r rdal cad . active ae~ber o! the ~Itdes? +ot lrt~lier~ saieaoes. 1-s already stated; ; ~.?. v snbrithd the tint ~atheabtiq~ll~ slit Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 preoiM solntioa in ~rorld literattirr of the lttsdatratal problea o! interiors ba~ilistics, ?itl~att u~. ot_.~ the approsiapttioss dtilired b~ toreip, antborr. Since lsll, he bas lectsred for ann> ,ears at the ArtillerT lc~ade~l in the tsrurse of reappn desipt, and troa 1tt0 in the tonne o! interior ballistics ai the ~tr-al ?cadnl. prro-tersor x. i. Dros~rY 1u~s writtea a a~uber of stsdies toi~ard the ?~cparioa o! his aetlieod, ud hu coe~iled spealal t~lhles tar sointion a! pro~rler in isfitsios 'Iallistics. obese table: nre o! ~elat iiyier~tu~ce for the etlorts on acoelert,tion of ballistic iesi~a ud isprawrat o! o.: artillert r~t~r, elate tbs calcetlatiees of the latter ~r~ere oossiderabla r~i.~apllturd b~ the ezi-rtende of tlenre tables. STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 :~r?~.~~~~ ~~~c:e~r r~c~e~1/ ~~.~~:~ (1~,~-,~_~.~~~:~~~, .~.~j. ~ro~~?c~r ~~~~ rriLtc~ L~~o ~c~re ~t;ud:~c~. 4nc ~~;r~w~.n~ ~,o t;~e propc?~~;ice c~i hi,~hc~t por~rcr artillcr~ i~eSpon~. she ot~ier prescnts ~olution~ ?i' ?thc intcri?r balli~tic~ problems in rel~ti~e v~.r~iablc~ i?r ~ir~plc and combination char~e~, ~~ith appQaded tables ~rhich con~iderabl~ expedite coffiputation~.. ~rofe~aor '. '. I~ro~do>~ is the sou?der of the ~u~~iaa School for tho ~alli~tic ~~ign cam E~un~, ~:~hich created ffiu~bor ai out~t~.ndin~ artfller~ type Profc~~o~W L.?~. Cr~3~ Ic~,~LCC~ ~ta~? ~:an~r ~~ear ~sro~ 111 ~~:ill 193~~~ can interior balli~tic~ at the ~rtillerp ~-cades~, and Grote th? most cospleta course of tbeorctical interior balls?tic~ in World literatur?. ~'ith r?~p?ct to its ~ariet~ of inclcaded >aaterial a~td the co?pleteness of eacpouitiom, this study ~n9 he ~ta?~tlp naued gn encyclopedfa of theoretical interior balli~tic~.. This c4uree i~ cospo~ed of lour ~olu;~tte~ caf P9ro-dgaal~ica ~193~-t? 193?) and pyr?~tatica (1938) . The courne contains eacten~i~re Material, and preaent~ a criticisms of ~ussiaa ~.nd foreign ~.rticle~ and studies. ,11 those arc anal~-sed, a>ard cite ref+~ence litoratt~re. for the iirat tine in our literature, p;Rrotalcs~ off' has d~->Qas.ic~ and b~lliatic? of an incol~pletel~ enclosed apace are aubsitted to particular eongid?ration in this at~udj. aside fro^ this, I . P. Grave had contrit~uted lar~el~ to the develoat of a? esp~eria~rutal basep at the Aa~tiller~ ~cade'y bIr br~aai~- ia~ a 'ballistics laborat4a~l in 198. A,4ter 143 sad duriag the ~rriQd of the drat Soa~laed lfarr p~rQfessor T. ~'. Gra~~re b~+l~d the chair v-f il~teriar ball~,atica at tb~t Artll~er~ ~cad~t=T, coaduct~d series ?f it~~wtigat~.c~n~, sad ~rrvts- s~e~eral studies en cua-rent px~calt~.e~~ cri ix~teris~r 'b~lli~t~,ca. STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 whose cadle ~'~ ~ppsstsat lr, 'The St~-r-iet School of Ballistics, x ~~ the sori cosPlicated prsctic~- p~ successlull! solres all o! or ~,atstior out new psth~ o! ~relopreot i that occur, tad la)s ballisticsr t~ pel~od 0! ~ yell as i,cslarl) during _ Im the past, t abesd national scieoae o! ballistics ~ 8evist derrelst, out i rtaat ps~obless ? i t~Bht with respect to san) ~!e sPO of lore ~ . cts sa) be 4ooted b) wad of eB~lss. +~e !ol),osia~ to ation revise solatios o! tho lund~u~stal o~ A aathenaticill) P rst ties is World for ballistics was altered, !or the !i o! inter ssor 11.1. Dros~r is 1903 in our ~sttrT? literature, b) p'lOte ~ ~ ons relatis8 to robleo of soloinM a srriMs o! qussti 'Phe p letel) untouched. in the ~rorid literatsre. combination charts is coap roblees were sol?ed by 1t. l~. DrosBo'e, I? P? In our conntr7: these p , and others, who also presented tables !or Aram, ~,_. Sl~,tejtii aroblese for the case of c,oabi cad cha=8'~-s ? the solution of p with cal+cslation n,stl tic solution of probless ear Tartars, Ana ~ see throuib the clearanC~, was subaitted in o! partial escape ai ga b M.B. ~rebrialooF, t. ~. Groton, and in sane _ this conntr! in 1940 1 detail b! 4. ). opFob'0r" been trrated sost listic dttsi~ and its sst~-loM!"' has Ba l ?nd ratioaa~-ly, ao a result o! t1~e stodi,~s pletalf, tl~oron6lli11 - ot onr scientists. hest pt~= '~'e~'r~ 1?r ~efposs with ssallest The px,Qbles o! h i ~ ~,,~ country diltereatl~r than in l~s~ litaratsxyr~ Polusie, is ~,1*ed in tb ~ h ~. ~ ~ i ~I Mn ~0eesti c~a ~ ~ ~d a d'la/ti~iMi~/ ~!'+a~ ~, elution i? tin Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 ~~~~ STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 ~,1~ ~~~ndpo~~t c~~: d~s~c;n. ne~~ aet~~?d t~f ha~.listic nn~lysi~ o~ ~xunpc~~.~er, ~r~:ic~~ permit the Lost dotor~iaution ?~ the kctt~~l principle o~ pos~?der cob~aston n.nd recognition of the'lueac~ tai' ~ whole series ?~~ i'nctora preciously t~isre~arded ~physicnl principle of co~bustion~, ~~ c~evelo~ed by ~erebria~?~ in this country teen 1923 ~.nd 1937., the solution of ballistic problems through the ~aethod? +~# numerical int?gration was developed ~ery~ tharou,ghlg~ in this cauntrf. `his method 1~?as used for the first afore in ballistics by ~'. Trofimov ia~ 1918, in e~ploitatian of the studies ?f Academician ~.~. ~rplow. ~`h? methods oP numerical solution of prable~ were develoged and expanded ~ in particul~.r details by ~rofESSOr C. ~3ppo~ov in n series of hip studies . 3'his iacomplotc account of the accomplf?hme?ts of our scientists alreadf permits recognition of the fact that interior ballistics has reached a high theoretical Ievel~in our cou?try and progresses slang the proper path?. In order to #ulfill the mission assigned by Cc-ffirad? Malin, "to eacceed the accompliah~ents of #oreign sciencm~ within a ?hort period cf time, "' it is necessary, by aearu~ ai' continued and persistent ~or~, to raise still further the scientific level of our ievestigaticans. ,Artillery technalagf develops t~ith each pasain~ fear, chile the probless c?afronting interior ballistics ~riden sad becoaae amore co~epl~a, g'e~r ~tbods of solution ccyae into a:isteace. Ontdat~d tifpothes~es are elisiatted, and are replaced by ne~lr ones. gew e~ri~rsntal ~thads and sire ~ precise e~rai At are it-trca+duced, pro~idio~ reeearcb Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 ~~~.~~1~1:~`~S t'1~.~.~3 ~.~'~~ 'W~3'~;f:~"'~~.~ Sn~ IIE;`1 T4`l~ ~114~ ~:~ ~,.~1'~'tsGua presseire o! bras. a .. for the iasta>ot of ~co>eposllaition of t~ powr~rr ~raias, t -for the instant of tlae end of powdar acsibu~rtion. for the insta>w~t ?i the pro,~ectile lgt~'ing tde bore . STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 3) AB is proper, interior ballistics otilis~s t~ eystea of units: tbrcineter-~Cilo~rae- tlorw~-~? ~i) Th? tern "porr~r Praia" is cloistd as s a! the ponder chime (strip, llutrrd c1lisMr, s !` 5) The i$itial di~essions o! pow" iris ar? ' the sins rior to the corsaceasst of 1.tios ~o~{ Br p conYersion). 6) Uunbers in parts#heses coatais#d is tlrr t+ the i tea annber in stctioa 8 0! :this listiai~. ~) i~oasnclatrrt staadardised u tetl~-nicai ts~e ~ is heavy tTpe. B. ~~T~, Ilo~enclatnYe I. Characteristics Calibtr o! barrel (cliindrittal) Galibtr o! barrel (taptrtd) - Cross Kction of bore (grooTtd) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 8 loo ln>~ 7 sight 8 weight of gun cha~ber (6) w0 o! of projectile gunpowddr q w ~ ciutrge I I . ~ Pro-pertiee o! Pander and P~crwder ~iai~s 9 Heat o! torsation ~ ~ ?he quattit~ o! beat eaitted 10 specilis rolu~ of powder gases b~ ane ltilawra~w o! powder burning in a ooastaat space and when ax~lia; tLe pees down to the ts~peratnre of 18aC (water raper) ~oluae occupied bl- gases o! wl one lcilograa of at a to sature of and a pressure of ?IW a o! aerourl- colusn (water vapor) 11 ~ Teoperature of powder at ~ T1 ~ Tesperatare o! powder the ties ~i airing cowbsstion (beat of losisrtion) aeasared lroa 0?t (alw~elate scale 19 =nsrgf o~ powder charge f t - ~~~--' (10;11?, wber+e I ~ Z73 pa 1S Itbr+olu~ o! powder gases one physical at>?osphere e coe!licient represtntiag the elect o! the trolwslt a! gas aolecnles oa the prrssnre of gases ld Rate of burning ~a ~ u ~ Linear velocity o! propagation variable value) 16 ante of burning under pressure equal to unit~r. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 o! caabustion reactioa of powder towards the center o! the powder grain STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 (arrirbim value) Initial v?lu~e of powde of a gunp?wder r~iu (variable val~$e~ Initial thickness of powder Surface of ponder grain (variabl? value) Initial surface of powder grain ~oluae of pc~der grain Depth ter the burnt layer ~~ grain lrlative thickness of bnrttied layer ?f powder grain (variable value) ~r iesta~t of psssals o! brN- a! pro~~ctil? past aussl? taor ?f l,~artil. Displao~at ?i pro,~aatiit it rrlatlo~ Lo the botr, ~rar~-i !~ tea locrtioa of proj~atilr brN at tlNr ~orMt o ~ mot io n . Trihl at ~~rcti-le it relrtio^ to the borw t~~ at tl~ i~staat of dep~rrt~rw (3S) r(~) speed ~-f prra~ect~.le ie~ fts Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 ~rr~Clatnre pro~eatile t~-ariable ~9 ~ teazle ,~~~#~ 80 Preaanre o! d~rr ~aaea ('ariable wa) 31 Sao preasnre of powder ~zaea ~~ Iapul~ee of prei~enre of qtr pact ~rrariable name) .. Iapalae of prei~rr power ~a~ea at' the cad of powder ~b~stioa a~bol ~ Detiait~e~a par p wbesit~ - acceleratioa of ~t ~ i ~ Fdt ~Q4, ~), w6srr 0 t ip-? itataat) ~a~ rO~Mat relatiwe too the bosf ~~ ) ar~atir-r ~nrloc~t~r of Dro- ~eotile O a# the fastaat of departure ~~~) ~eaa taloe of pasti~ai psesaas~es of ;p~nh,il,: ~taer is ititial air ?~+~-, a~ t-b~ sir~ra posilioa a~ for baN ?t ~ro,~octile (at a ' ti:.e tb pdt ~~4, gyp), wblrr O t -tine ~? special Taluea aad Qoetlicieata 34 Deatity~o! loadia~ 38 ti~aYiaetrio ~ieaait? o! powder L1- d ? = (8 : i), where wis is fir, aad ~ is d.a att o of wriest of !r-sries i'rrel~ is a ~~tr ,~ ~ ~ ~-/~ ud woi ~ C~i~tt ai ~trhr ?~ +~p"!!a~ s ,m~ea~~iarr ~ ~ of ~ riMi~rs~' Z'be sra~lrtric irasi t,r ,~~~ ~ ~ e1 t~ STAT ~'~ ~~ 4~ ter Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 ~~~33F~8 Lic ~ .t ~ ~" Coelticieat of char utilisatioQ ~efticient of projectile lo~catioa~at theti~t~~t of total coabue charge Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 I~~l~.t$oY~ and on the athtd container , of placing the powder These factors are apecif is i each gi9en case. The length of a strai?ht cylinder ~rhose lufe~fithe equal to the vo any! .hone gun chaaber (8), base area coriresposds to the area of the cross section of the bore (~) Distaace fro= the ~a~eo f the bare to the base o projectile ,~ coefficient for tionsao~ng the eecondart' ts~ pv~der grits (r~tatioa of projectile, ova rec,~il, lrictioa, etc.) cq 3 (T;1), where q in d in de. kg ami ~ ~g w ?here g- acceleration o! gravid '1t ? ~ ]IC~'~d (17 ) ?tiere ~h i? tra~1 of pro- ~sctile (16) at t1r~ izs~s't of total oas~stios o! t6~e pQwE~A P Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 ~iiafti~a ~~ ~ t~,rt~ ,- tad; 3~a) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 ~ ~~ ~~~ 1 ~L P~ I SCI P1,~ D: lI~'~BAIfl~ ~~I~I~19TI~ E~CT' I ? ONE CBAPT~& I - C~liBRAh I NFO~T I ON 019 GITI~iPO~D~u derm gunpoeder? he long to ~rs~up of ~c~o~?le~o c?lloidal pa,rdera. H,lack pa-~rdera, used at the tine ?t the invenRio? o~ gua- po~rder, ar? noW used is artillery o?lp is the capacity of igniterel, is primmer cups, fn rings of timme fusee, sad also in shrapnel. S~tel?ss poidere, Which app~erared almost sidultaneouely in Franca ~~'el) and Bnglaad (IFobel~ during the 188a `s and 1BBa `s, were ~~pidly ~-dopted in all Gauntries. Their irstroductiac>+ ~reatl~ soditied all artillery mat?riel and combat tactics. The basic properties of nmokeleae ponders are:conaiderabllr greater energy, and an ability to burn in parallel layers, ~-!>;ich pex~its regulation o~ th? influx oS gages ioraiag during th? ' ~1~gstian of patter. The sa i n b~as+e Q i al 1 ~Iro-ICe less pours i s pro x ~ l i n, o r nitrated ~llnloae. IQ this cowration, a dis3sios- is cads, as respects tb~- agree o! nitration, into higkll- citric ~~xTlis or lk~. 1 (aiRrops ~-?tent 19.? to 1~.3~~ - lowaer citric P~roz'llis or loo. ~ (.nitrog~ea op~,t,,ent 11. B to 19 . S",~~ , sad ce llodion ~*~ 11~~ STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 base. The latter rams bst~ea xo. 1 and xo. ~ with resp~t to titro~ea coateat {1~. ~, to 13. ?!~,) .. It is ho~nrer eatirel~ soltibl? I n ata~ istsi~~, ,~ tiztwrN- of ~~roztilas Ito . 1 tad Mb. ~rrozflia Ito. 1 i? alrr+o called iasolable, because it is Psacticall~ ia>~lnbls is a tizturs' of aloobol sad eth~i ethos. z!-lia Rio. ~ i? otl~ed rolubi~a,, b~a~t it disaolrres al~o~t is us~td !or #dt pti~on of ~a~or~rdss (ior ?zalple, in err ttrp and is lhra~t) . I a t6+t ~1. /. d. , poir~r i? aaarC~a~ttn~~d ti th ? so-c~t l lard ~r~ooo l lodioa ~elatiaisea hr~ Drell, ;sad proridss a ~rrr boio~eaona ,po~rder pr- staace this t~ powrdiar :oontaidiad iasarluble pyroz~lin. lea snb~eeted to-the actioa of to alcohol sad ethyl etb~s aizture o! a titrara ratio, the plro~icTlia gill ~latiaiss ~r pressure ~aad tiee~ a colloid. ? aiztrs~e o! p~r+os~lin ~r1tb a . iDl~+eat, so as to late a paste, can be ~ivea aa~ fora =strip, tuba, rod, ?tc.) thron~h ezts~ia~a. Dsrtlopod bT D.I.,~sndelee? a* early as 16li0, pTrocolLa~ioa is an alcohol-ethyl et~tr ^izture. A~rrr prto~-lia p~ders are parspasrd a~ ihr~ a aizt~ o! plrozilia per. 1 sad po, ~ (ais+ed pcplia} b) tiwt ~ p~ooollodioa; c~ , oa#- p~~rss~lia xo. ~ ~l tiai p?,r~-s). ~. Ia additiht t~ ~~~ .. t~rt+e ars the ar-aal~id aitro~lTceria ~~~ !bo latt+~e ~ tro? !b to i~ of elate;lla, t~ s+~aie a .. k ~neztlia asd ? wall Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 ~~auti ~.~ o~ vnr~iou~ ~d~:i~turc~. tTp to the first irrp~rinlft~.c r~o.r~.~ ~~'a~ of ~.~. t.o 191, the nitro~l~ceril~ ,po~rdors ere di~~.ded into too l~ns~.c groups: tho bul~.istites ~,nd the cordites. 'they ai~icr~d in their coatent~ o the olem.ents, the quality v th? pyroxylin, n~ nell ~.~ the solvent ~;e.lotini~in~ the p?wder. ~3a111$tites ar? prepared with a soluble pyroxylin,, mai?~.~ ~ colloid with a small nitrogen come?t. ~titroglycerin is used as the gelatinising urgent. In th? preparation o~ the powder, the eubsta>ce i?~ flattened out under hot r~sllers and cut into cubes or recta?gular strips. ~-rdite~ are prepared w~.tb an insoluble ~h.ighly Nitric) pyroxylin, with acetone Berving as the ~ol~ront? It is extruded ~, a the form o~ cords or tube?. 'the first specimens of cordite contained up to g8~ of nitroglycerin ~cordite~ ~-1) ; while later apeciaena contained ~ro>e ~5 to 3Q'~ (c?rdite -~ ?odiiied) . g~rel-esa poadere have a ?igni4icaatlg higher easrgy as coapared with blaclt powders. At the seas tine they haze one substantial di,~dTantage. ~ Being prepared with an ethyl ether-alcohol tolwnt o:r with acetone, thel contain soae quantity got tb~is free solv-emt. In this cosaection, depending epos atmospheric co~iitioas, th? sal~at can eTaporate iron the powditr, or, rice Tema, t~ po~rder can abswrb moistmre troa the air. Duch tariatians in the c~nteat of Toiatile _ ?ybstances are reflected gaffe sbarplT in the ballistic qualities. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 ~1e~, properties, Yvlatilit~ sad h,~,ercopicita, a! c~troa pTr"o=Tliaas r+erpared troa a ~roletile solvent asd, t?a lesser dam, titrca- P STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 gl~ceria powders, eels it aecessarT to store the pooder in waterproof pacYiag sad, whene~rer possible, at'a coastaat teaperatvre. Hesiaaiag with thi first world war and subse~ueat to it, there appessed a powder preparsd without a aolveat or with snot-wolatile solvent. dsong powderw of this type we conat a powder prepared iron .: a ^i:tnre of plr+o~lia ~aad trot~l. This powder, whoa heated and snb~ected to hash pres~se, will g~e.latiaise and aaa be well pressed. d powder conaistins o! :p~roz~-lia; nitrosl~-ria sad an adai~rtslre o! nitro deriratit-es of the aroaatic series (di-nitro-toluol, di- aitro-bensene, ceatralite sad others also belongs to this type. These powders are nos-hTgroscopic, non-folatile, and hate a ~aratiinl! low ignition teeperature. ?ha! are much si>.pler to produce, and therefore find increasing utilisation in an~erons conatries. Di-aitro-gl~colic and aitro-~gvaaidine powders appeared in Gerraa~ during the period o! the Qrre~at Bomelaad war ~Forld war iI), bee~se of th? ezistis; shortages of raw aaterialo. Insofar as p~roz~lia is obtained b~ the nitration of cotton with a ?iztvre of nitric and sulfuric acids, sad the Tree acid re~aaiaing in the plTOZ~lin sradnalll deoo>.posea it, a cowplete lrefinins of the latter, for the purpose of elisiaati>ag the acid, oaoprise? one of the ~liaia operations in the pra-ductioa at p~r~ozlrlin. 8oserer because traces of acids will reaa,iA after the preparation o! the powder, and will aitect its IoNpisp qualities, abort 1 to ~, off' a stabiliser is suitabl' aised into the powder for abe psrp,p;s,f of neutrali~lsiag the action of the acids. '!'his stat-flissr co~tb-i~ w~itb~ nitric oxides sad ~ntraliaces thee, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 ~~.~v~) . ~JI ~SIfl~S AFB 'HYPES S~cl~elcsu is n colloidal 6uhsta~cc; ~, cl, ~a si~~.lar i~ its ?~ter~1 ap~peara~nce to celluloid. l`~ G c~~.-tr~.nspnrc~`~ nr opaque, depending upon the ca~Pos~~.tioa~ of the pQ~dcr ~.nd the thickness e~~ th? lit?riul. '~hc usual c~olc~r vi ppr?~plia p?~ders ass rapish ~;reea, The color cif the nitraglgcerin ~?~ders is biro~n. ~tab~l~.~i~~ adni~tus stn.fe~ t~ae~ ieta ~~rious c?larr:~ {~~ello~, red, blaci~) . ~?ro~ylia p~~d?r ~.s h~rdcr than n~.tro~ipccrin p~dcre, tb~ utter heir yore cof t Head elaetf~c ~.~ ~: result o~ the prc~e>race tai uid. nitxc~~Tgccr~.n. ~ha sur#nce ?f ~ ponder pug bW r?u~1~, dull or polishc~l? ~ine- ~r~ir~ p~o~d?rs ~?r small mr~as are '?r the most part coated r~ith graphite t~ iucrcase compacting and tea reduce cl?ctrificatima o~ the pander as ~ result o4 trictic~u. Zra this aF, their surface t~.~cs Q?a ?hiniag binc~: color rese~bli>~g bg its aparanec black ~vupo~dcr. the form ~~ ~~rders is ~asuallg ~araed: strips, rcct~ula.r sheets, . blocsA cubes, abort aad load tubes, gr?o~'ed ~raius, etc. order in the Form ~~ thin square flatesf or buds ~it6 a hole through theme are un?d tear s;ll orate. '~+~ r~.tia Qf sf de of the e oars of a f1a~? to the thick.aeas vs~ries fr~o>t ~ to lQ. ~e les~tb . 9 Qf ahead rith a hol? through it is ~ to 10 ties its mall thicl~tsi, ,rh$1e ate inner diasetar is ~'ro~ belt to~ the entire ~rs~ll thiclca~q. order for ~poss of small 4r ~din~ calibre, ~itb cartridge lo?~iat~ ~$ the forte of loin tnbes (~aoaron-la, Frith a ratio ?~ the lea ha STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 to gall thickness iron 100 to 300, or tho' us7 ~ is the tors of short cylinders with either one or seaea holes through tbe~lt tees further for details. Both of t1u two latter tor~u are aa1~!d granular powders. Their length is 8 to ~ lb ti~lres greater t the ins of rifle ppwders are appropriat~l) shorter. waif tbiakaess. (ora be tor, o! long'`tubes, either for the entire lea~th of Powders in t the n ahsaber or in two a?ri-charges !or half of the ~ abeaber, are used aLrost esclusirel) for eeapv-ss~ ~ot lamer calibes with indiTide~al lording. Since the loading at those weap4as is periossed call a.nd antoaaticallT, and the ieights and rrol~- o! the iadi~id ) charges are larger, it is isportaat ?to tia~Te a sturdy, iaila=ible char This regaireaent is~~ full) satisfied b~ a braille of ti~tl) - bound tubes. The qutatity of gases tor~ed Aariag burning of tho pander, asd the rate of their torsation, depend oo tae ~r~eight o! the charge tad the nuserical 'value for the surface o! the powder. The latter de Wile oa the thicl~aess of the powder and its tors. The saaller Pe the grains of tt~e ponder, the larger their surface is is a gi~-es wei ht of the charge; the larger the quantity o! gapes toraiag im g unit of tise, the higher is the rate o! powder cotbustioa. '!'he 1 r r the caliber of the weapaa tawd its length, the laa~rr abrosld a gs the action of gases on the ~~' of the pro,~ectila last la order to roride it with a gireo ?elocitl, sad the coarser shasld the powder p ~, 'Pte gall thicllcness caries iron A.1 ~ for pistol polders to ~ for . pours !ar the 3b~1 at (ld iacaesa ~a>n i poross line E~ p~owdor is >ased for pistols. s!i za Qrder tQ obtain a Oren i'ors of ~'r, ~ ~= STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 the ~ubstanc? i~ forced through periorati?u~ (?~ t~. die) b~ ~:ea of prase. Strip povders are ~sade either by flattening eaz~der r?llers and subsequent cutting, or b~ forcing through a #lat ~lot? In order to illustrate the preparati?? of powders with channels, a ?cheaaatic drawing i? shoes 1~-low o~ a die, through which tut~ular powder is pressed { f ire. 3 and ~} . 'The powder maBS i? contained in the apace ~aetween the plunger ~, and the plate die HB. under the pressure ?i the plunger, thm amass is ~orc+~d through the opening? in the die BB sad surr?uud.a~ the attached pan C. The holes ~.n the die area trical relati~el~ to the pin, and are de?igaed in a Mann?r leach that their total area i? larger them the cross-sectional area of the cylindrical portion d-~d? lids. ~ An,~ ~ = Drt#~ra~e o! Die for pressia~ p~c~wd~er ~,~ Hottoa ?iew at d-d; 3) tap ?iew of tlae +~fe plate. Ie ?iew of the teat tb~at th? plos~^er ? ~r~i;r ,sward, tae aa~t is ea~rtrede~ its the shape of tubes, which are brolitea o!t troe time ti>we.l~-ter~ the latter are dried in the ogee air to eliaiaaete to Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 ~~r Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Nitrogen Content ~? characterize a polo-der rith res~ct to nitration, it is necessary to knoe the of trogen content in 1 gran o! pyroxylin po~rder. This ie~usnally eupressed in percent or in ca3 Ho (nitric otide) corresponding to 1 gran of pyrosylin powder.{*) The nitro~+sn contsat alfects the eNrgy o! the powder, as well as its rate o! coabastioa. The greater the content of nitrogen is, the stronger i? the powder and the lore intensively ft Rill burn. On the average, the sitropn content in pyroxylin fluctuates *ithin the range o! 11.6 to 1~- ([ - 188.6-30i cad ~i0/g o! ponder). Contest of polatile Substance in the powder, ~rerNd is ,~ r P!r'Cent Ia a physical cheaical analysis o! powder, not only t~ total content 8 of volatile substances is deterained, bnt also its ~cngosest parts. xaNly: r+olatile substances resovable by Naas o! i lro~uts of drying at a tes~peratnre o! 9b?C (hx), wbich are nseally oossi to be the itssidity contained in the ponder, and tbea ti~eae iNeparaMle by sin lta~ers of drying (h "~} which are attributed to tbs- alao~rol-ethyl ~theer eolNat regaining in the polder use and gelatisisiig the pswder. "~ ?alN H i? ssnally related to the thiclraeas of tw- _, and the tli+~ t1o potter the I~i~es till H bt. I^ tbis pe~iesls ~ ~ #) 8rlatie~ 81r tiMe ni trees erst ~- a~ql tre t~e]~s~N ~ t+s tiMt ~oge~wNla ~ - [ z ~.~~~~'' s iN, ~r t is t~ t ei 1 i e~ geNnier at M agwt a sre ? TN ~. _ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 ~gnal. ~.a to ~.,~+~; in ors titb ~ strip thiabaess of wont l ~~s 8 *~'" 4. ~; in ?er~ tbict ors, : wi tb a tbialc~ss rtp t4 ~ wo, 8 resahes n~ to Tx. .~ 'rbue rams S saialt ~-iflct,~l Abe ~ rstf o! c+~-~aatioa ot- a pat~ltr. Tbo biter ~ is, tiff ?l,o~iirr ~ tb~ panrd~-r bnras. '~ trarlatios~ o! aloistnre content is a per, eass~ at atsosptisria t~ilLitisss, is o~ir o! tbw Hale aei~cts of ~llia driers haris~ a volatile. salrest. powder is a lanr osyrl~sirreS tio~tora, all pbisicai-cbe~ia-1 properties o! e~rpiosin? bai tbs-!r charaoteristios are .also ? ?.rr'~~w..i~ w pgrt~r~, 1"11v,M aYracT~rlstlCS are atit of neat (q,, , Cal f~) gittad is the lion et 1 ltd o! pawner, asd is ooelta~ ~ ~tbap uses to tba teaperat~uro of ld?C. ~bir ab~uracteristic is the Trost essential .one, iasoiar as at ibe iastast of discba.rp+r tla- cb+heical eoer~- is ciosrerted into tb~el11a1 eser'ta', and the latter into secluaigl oMr~. also, the lamer q is, s the barber is the t~e~peratare of po~nler uses, and the greater i? the >rret~baoical ~rarlc which tbet can perlor~. tar a rwlo, Q . is deteralas~ ~ ? teat fa a caloriaetria boob. It this co~Cti01f, the tolle~-ta* sisst be taicea ista ~siierat~i,ort. 'fhs calorioetric barb is ioMSSitd in w-ator at a te~etatnre of I~i?`C. '~bt tf~eratra~e of mater risra at the ia-stut o! ip,itioa bf oal~r a !or deprfes, aster the oitoct of brat ?sittei is the both, as+d after that it t4 ir+op. "rbr- test fs Gacttd !o! a period of 5 to 10 s~i,sntes. Coss~egl~rstll, ~,;~ water Tapers are prr-seat ~~ the prodacts of the ?lplo~rier-, th~rs ~* STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 they :~~.~. ~-rac~erl ~;? ~unden.~~ ~~d, ~ ~ ~a~~ ~~~Q~q ~, K~~ e~t~~~t~.t~ C~ heat deter~iaed in the test gill r~1at~ to pater ~.~ ~.he iiquid for rather than vapor Toro. 8etuallp, the water i? fin n ~~.~?r state at the instant of i,g~aition or e~ploeioc~, ~~ad the ~quati?? ila used #or its d?termination (where n ropreaent? the pence?tage Content of water in the decomposition products of the powder, ~~Q F is the quantity of kilocalorie? absorbed in the condensatiam of 1 ~ o! water vaporB and rtducing their temperature to 16oC). Because the water is in a vapor state at the instant of eiplosion or discharge, the actual quantity ?i heat emitted in this connection is ~-=pressed im this way: '~ol~ at 4a~~ ~~'/kg. i'or~d i n tl~s ctmlb~n? do n oil ~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Ii we convert all the gnintity cif heat Qw-~ eaitted i? a stion ai 1 1tg of power, into mechanical sn~ergt bT multiplyia,g bt tlrr >.schasical ~lwalwat of heat g ~ 4970 lcida/cal, two the r+sssltsat glue P ? ~ dill rrpre~mt tbm potsatial ?~r~r of t~ ~lir, or the iron it e~wli person ii all its ?s~tttd h+rat rro-ild coaTSrt into ssckaaical ~:it. This ra lna is call~-d tb-s o~ttatial ___.._ o! the powder. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 o! pot-der, and oaCepted by Chien at a ~s+t,~rs~nra p! T6o ^t cad ta~peratnre o! o?C~ Jliter thf arr~wst~sa o! :~anrder is a +~a~ri'etric ar + ataotetric h~eb, did ~T ~ Qoadde iota the dase~tter, asdi their volnne sir IM ~tasared at at~Is~Ms~lo ~trra~re u~ # tom- peraturs o! 1beC. '~ letter taT then wed to ~+C. 'l~uta. i a the rater pr~-uat is a r'aporo~s stag ~i~ eeaiease late a liquid and the Tolu~ o! d~teea neuu~-d i. #~ meter will ~ wall+#r than the actual ~+Ol1a~, ii thi gates ~r to the i0ra of a ~. ?herelore, the ~-lrM- a! ~asei ~ deteriisr~~i la th# duronleter ri-!~t to liquid water rl ~~ 1~igofd ~, lbr conrrrsioa to the das, ~o1mMe w~ioh theT would oo~tp~r ii the rater rsre in the ibr. o! t~ ~tpsr, tLe ~ lerwla e'1 - wl + 1940 ? 100 Ti-por B~0 liquiid is need (where o is the percent of water ~por coat~at is the' dra~osu ni:tare, lido ds'~ is the 1-oolt~ae rhiah w~tlt be oacopitd hi ?ae o! .. ti water Taper at ata~rs~i+eric prtsanre and 9~~~ . ~- roluae !! p~ rl has great sidai~i, baca~ the dreate: it is, the ~' !e the asount of wort rhiah can bre perl~es~rd h, the daces is tiiur pa. i`enperatr r+i et _ grplasi n Mme, or the t~esats> e!' the powd~tr at the bale t`l, o! liria~, i.e. , tesperatx~ doted bi po~rder lasts l+sr~d,t0 Ilaris~ the +vst~aAa at the instant e! their torutioa. It ii rasnred oa the a~lwte scale. ~ 1 the tewperaturs o! the pisatt. is, the dr+~rtter is ttae uoaaat of ss~gtaiesal ,~rc~rk r~fcta thex can periQrw ~a a disehar~. STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 ~h.e ~~mine i~ ur/ual~.p not determined c~irect].y during m tc~t, im pie of its urge ~ag~ftc~de mnd the short duration of ponder cobe~etivn. Zt i~ determined indirectly. ?~'hi~ require? knowledge ?i the quantity of hemt ~~~ vapor, the eonpo?itiox~ e~f the ~'g8ee, their heat capacity, and their ~mriatioa with ttae temFeratur?. Coaposition of gas?s and their heat capacity. An analysis o~t _~ _. th? gases after powder is ignited in a calorimetric boat somas that the gain bulb of gase? iro: pyroxylin powders i? ooapoted of the diatonic gases CO, H~, XZ, triatoiic C0~ and ~O (ia the torn of vapor), and also a e~aali percentage of ~etans p[d tad ar~oaia 1~H The ratio of these c~aponent parts varies sa~ethat, depemdiag upon the cozpactnee? of loading. It is necessary to state that an analysis of gases i? not s~ade st the sos+ent of cars~s~t!-oa, bnt later, ~rben the garl~es cool oft. Therefore, the coa~positioa of the ga,se? also depeads.on secondary reactions beta-ea tbt- tiatic ~a,ees, while these secondary reactions sty the~sel~res depeal e~ the coapactMSS of laadia~ and the ooaditions of coolis;. =beg the eo~-potitioa o! tie ~,ases, it i? ai're t~oesisa:'! ~ ~,r the ~ et~taitt o! hd e~ fir, as yell ~ tlr~ir ~tioa with tM 1L~e:~ t~'~, ~ ~ ~ ~ c;e~t't~t rbt ~ ~ peratase? It xal lint a STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 b ~'e select the plna riFn bslore the radical, since ^iau ss~tlta i a a ao~-t iro to~rrattisr . Hors ~e bar isupliliod tee aotbod o! detoraiaint tbo t~~rst~ !or Fivrro valtits o! s sad b, p~ertaistin~ to u~ o.'~! pug. ~!, for a si~ro o! s do ralwrs a and b mill 1w i>MLiTidoal !or ~, aala ul br Mto~tia~rid as loll.oor. th~-t t~ r-~-ltrries o! aos!li++~t~tt~e a ari b !ar s~ mill roe 7,'Ire xN-latia ~ i~ t~i~t-t ist sari ~r uyr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 `~~ d~~eria~ t~~ i~r~~~r~~u~~, ~~~ ~~~.~i~~ the ~~r~m~~.t~ vtbatitutimg c~ a + bt, ?~ abtain Frain this +quodratic egt~ati?>a-, ~e detersiae t: b ' t +at-Q Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 turd r~-~ Est b~ ~I'bs~it~c~r+i is t'M -ties~ :or Aiwa e! t~ a~ w~~aalrs mat ' ~i~' trr~ ~ ~s # - t ?c . s ~,, ~ t~ ~ ~ ~-~ a~~ ~s,~~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~?~ ~~~ ~s~ ~~ ~e~o ~. ~ ~. is ?. ~a 1~ Z. bs ~.l~ !.~ ~1.'~ 7. ?'? '~. ~ I0. ~'~' ~. 7. i4 "l.T~ 11.~i ~ . ~. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 rr~ ~ubr~it di~ferec~t ~~~.~~~ ~fc~r and ~ since v~.ri?u~ ed b the yid oi' the 1.i~ted fortuln varg ~ try t empe ra tuts a cowpu t ~ 11(x,. ativne are obt~.i>a~ble by ~ ~pplicatioa~ of the Bore ~-ccurate ?qu ~~ qua?twt theory. he tact that interior ballistics equations aA~so In view' of t ht of powder clurges, a? well as their voluses, one include the reig racterietics, is the specific weig}-t or deceit of their ph?sicsl cha T'he density a! powder varies within verb narrow ot~,rc~? . 3 to 1. ~ ; and on the average i t ie assu~-d i 1~1ts, lrv~ 1 6 bona to be equal to 'fhe density of powder approsisate caaPnta ~ t ?! powder? It i? equal to 1.8 for both depe~ little oa tb Tim tro 1 cerin powers. 1br pyY''O~lin powdir~ the the pfro~T1in aid ni E T ? he contest of volatile substances ~ (the hiEhsr ~nsit~- deprtri+e as t pewdsrs with anon-volatile solvent bar's g, the pallet a ~ the ~ ir' pendent on tthee ~itditioms of priginE. ~' e/ 1. e9, wi ! ~seinE, tye .greater is the ~. Erecter t~ pi'ie~r+e o A ~ d' rariee 1 ? bo and 1.80. Io eartre~ ~anr b1aQ1c pow , ! _ - amities !ar /ewra~ cautee it ~ 1.9U ? ica 1 t~niexal ~asaateri~ti~ +~ ~gr,~nlers i ,telieti~c ~~ "p~ 0'r- p1J~ ~~~ is t~ ~~ ~~ . f ~ (,~a;tes is ~?1' ~~ ~} 17 Ihur xitp- 81~rooe:is ,,,, 11~#@-L~e lipo-~i70 Me~-#e~11 Eeoa-R88~I --8 STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 ~ c, d~.-butyl-phtha],ate ~ d, ~aselin? me ~, ~eParable volatiles ~.~ h, inseparable volati~.e~ as h', di-phen'1-swine a~ e, ouphor ~$ ~ cad graphite as g, then the torsula? of Sh?~lein vill yield: -~ ?3~ + 18.5 CN - 11.63 + 9.41 a - t8.5 c - 24.3 d - 37. !Fv- 13.6 h - 26.? h' - 31.0 e - 3t.5 ~ - 42.Q 6, ~-here ?3? represeat? the heat of explosioe decoiposition o! pproxplin having s nitrogen content of 11.8. e ~ 944 - 4?.3 ~8 - 11.6) - 9.45n + 14c + lad + 23~ + 9.4b # 1 + 16.8h' + 14.6e + 1? . 4 ~ + 10g. ?here 844 rsprsseYts the ~rolnse of gases ior~iag dnria~,g the co>tbustioa of p~rosTlin 1uTing a aitro~-a costeat of I1.8'~-. T o= ?? ~i0o + 9?b (x - 11. ~} ~ + ~ a-?1 c-b8 d-iota ?-bi 4- 1 -~ ti' -ei s-!9 ~} -188. where ? ?colt~rapoads to the te~arat~re of tbs s=plosi~-e beoo~p~ t ion o! pyrosll is La~rialg a ai Meat of 11. sties o! Via! ie ter tens ap~-1i~" " ~liistia ~-~ tie ~~r /~'esaMt!'e !it ~'~ ~ aii to '! goreraisi ~, ,~ irsiao ~~ ~! ter r ia- p~resa~c . ,constant s~> ~- et #ie~ M ~ tie ~~, ~'~ a~ tisite ~t'~~ to t1N- la'r8- ~~!~~"~i~t1 bT a de _ bets aye ~rei~t 1~r tie ~"#~#~~ ~ ei tit ~,e of 1! Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 p~~i'de r . i is the pr~opert~.e~ of the ~o~der in ~ aner i>rscrea~in IIy s?di y ~ it is eaible to alar~ ia>ecreaee the eu.ergy of the powder. arl and Tl, lPo r>oe "ewer " appears to he a sort of historical s~urrigal, The to gy snot truly detiae the amount o! work. ~o~-ever, since it and doe n ?aintaiaed i? ballistic?, we shall continue to use it in has bee our treatise. low a in d,3 Y>c- the presence of great pressures, Hoch Mw as develop is the co'bustioo of powder in bost~s sad Reapons, gas lea ~~ee eo great that the gaseous solecules by thewelTes densit a liberally signitieaQt part of the space in which the acwpt occurs. Ia phyrics, this is e=plaiaed by the introduction c~stioo w portionai to the noluae of gas ~,olecnies and egnai of a iAtl , P~'"s of voluws of sphere of intinence of each ~olecn ls, . in t0 t~ ~ tion for the state of the a~egation of gaow ? van-~=' tie ~w that the volu>tre of thesa- spheres o! iatlee~+ i? e~wl '1s ~~d ~ ~plicat-+fd voiuw of the wo]recuies th,~wrlnrs. ~o ~ ralne is called the "cotro~n~e'? ?' It is specific !or t given r proportiofal to the vol>~e of ps wlwoles, and t~ o~ e isl~~~ on the vaine for prwssre. 1 aso~ that oo.~elw? i? : ?o lass proportiesa 1 to the ~ ~x ` ? tosai't' dwerias tre o~rstioa o! 1 Itp ,~ ~ e11,~l~ies of We fit is e=! ~'~~?) ~~ ~~ M lw e! a i~A! po to ifs- lolrw at ??C ~,,, ?~,,tso os ti. se of Tpo are, as~ri, caries withi~t ta,s~w 1f~aits for a~ a i STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 the powder. "~~.c rite ?~f coffibui~tioa al for pyroaylin pa~rder~ possesses wal~ses f roa- 0.060 to 0.090 sa/sec at p - 1 1~g/cep, ~i?peading on th? content of volatile eubataaces. In the caibustioa of powder within a constant space, the eaer~y ~' and the co~roluee a ea?rt influence on the valu? of the pressure and oa the rate of its iateasificati?n. The rate of caabasti?? ul ia~f luences Daly the rate o! prsssore increase. T?he value ul of tti? rate o! c~-bastioa, rrh?o related to the pressure p - 1 has a coipouad sapitodo ds/sec; kg/ds~. All these characteristic f, a cad ul depend upon the aatora of P+o~wder fin lrsas,/~ is d~/lt~ ul is d~/seo : ~rds~ PTrpsTlia 77a, ooa-~ao, oa~o o. 10-1. ~ o. ao-o. oa~oooo xitro~lra.rii pontders fQ4, Qo0-l, 9iM?, ON 0 . Tb-4.8 b O.O~OOO~'7'0-O.OOiIOI bo laab ~rrMere ~ coo-goo wo ~ ~. a --- Table 4 - oalue? f, a cad s3 i~-risns lMSIM~iri The last ballistic cliaraotot~+s M~e~r n~oa the t~riaal data of tbo ~oi~-r. '!'bi? c~lat~'li+~t is flat "3Mis~sai~~~s ooh ~'olea" of po~rier ~, ash the .re1a t"w~ltitid ~rtao? ?! ~ ~,'* the ratio ~t 1~ iai-tial a 5~ too ids rN-,~w-. "! .. ,. priraipla +af ~ !'~~ttios ~ ~~ t+r !~ i.a ti~i ~j '~ ~~ ? aoe-bustioa~- of ~~ iw~wr~ #~~ ~lytt t~hlrs, tl~e ~i.~ ~ i. atta~~ thial ~~ 'otrip or tht STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 kith ~. ~i4~~n ca~~o~.t~.on of the ~o~d~~?, ~?~ inn ~?eg~ala-t~ the proce~~ of pre~~ug~ incree~e end the ~agnitudc of the pre~~ure by v~-~cying ~, , th? dit~eneiaa8 end the fora e~f powder. . ~`he dimenssion~ aad form of wdera arc varied because ~.t fe n?cesa?r~r in ?ach case to select the dimensions of th? powder and the weight of the charge for the gun, iu order to obtain the required mu$~le veloci~p of th? pro~ect~.le, under conditiane in which the pre?sure will not exceed ~. gi~cn f iced velue governed b~ the ntreagth of the barrel ~a11. Vie' ba111~~~1~ ch.r.cteriatic~ it b~ diacue~ced ~.n greater datai~. in Qectic~n: I1. STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 - ~ ~~JCT I Ox ~~.:Q~ ~ ~~ ~. '~ ~L~~ltC 'ice ,]yi~q~tatfo: #'+~~ts tip o~ ~~ i~ a' ~t~lu~tt sir. ~'~ .~ oi. tit ld~~tl. ~t~its of iatssue ., ~.. .~ 1-irtl~as. ? i'~,it~ ~'th it is as~iae7 dos a olsu ~tt~tallrios ~t ~ oo~nrria~ ~ s di~alrarr~t. 'this i~ ~ r~ i? iorrostipr~# io this ooaaoaties .P tit~Pli!'io! ~''~) oss?itto-as, t~ sloti~oo of tit I i M1p eat '1~ tppiaal aasoort~'La beat is inclmbed liwtre for tiNr. ~p ;~iloi olaritp to ~at~ats on obtaini~ srtch ott~~1? '!!M- a~~~~ ~ i? s la~"blrs! ialstrrarest s~~ar~ !or t1u- ~~ ,~ +-li~ssilw~ia~i rho ~d asd ctisrae~r ~! tM r . ~ ~ ~ ~ !mod d~rri~ !~ ~rar *~ r~dllr of ts,~-~asi~s iMid~ a cosst~-at esolosod ~'1' Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 ~~ ~t ~~~ ~1.:~'tll~it4i i~~ ~~~ t~~liY~t~=~#~ ~' .. to b~' tbM ~ ~~ .~ , , ~ Is ~ ~ prrs~~r ~s- ' i~ -~-ac~ ~. w! ~~ itMS s~art. ~1,~ ass a :~w w t ~ ~t~ I ias ~ is ~-t opt ai#, ~d~:: aa~ ~ ri#~ '~! ~~~ir~s~ ~ ~ e ~; ~ r~ir~~r '~ i ~ ~~_ ._ ~ ~ , ~ ~0#~ t~ proistr 4 #ii ~~,r ~-t .tM .~.,~. ~, ~~; ~~,~ of s ~ sy'ii, t~~~ a r~ of tisa~ r ~~ ao~tsi~ a Ott ?t " ~~-li~, ~I,a~t ~ . ~tiM rrlrt i~a Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 p~ioa ?. is #~ 1~0'r N ~ ,~,~ ~~i" ~ ~ sr ooI~-. ti . d~~ of s: syrii-~i~' i o: stir-~~? '~lrr- ioa~ ~ i ~ ~ r. i .. ,~' stsi~ ars"~ ~~ is as it~1a '!he tnaiag ! I is 1oo#tetii sa tlrs o1 aiit o! tie dsir~t It is cs~ed to ~itc~~e 1~r t,M +~~-gi x~~ !t Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 ~~~ rc~d A ~o~e~ ~ithio the duct ai' the. crusher cap ~, and. tralra;~~.ita the pres~Bure of the order gases to the crusher coluen ~. The 1>ntter i>~ ,dc of electrolgtic copper. lts other end is placed s.gainst the head o! ~, ?crened-in plug ghich ?ert~es as an anv11. .~ ?mms~ll centering rubber ring a i? placed on the crusher to obtQin c?~.ncidence of its aai? witb .that ?! the rod. The head of the rod r, adjacent to th? crusher, has an out~rsrdlp protruding eaten?ion r' which coves in a lateral ,guide ?lot in the head of the r?d cap. Alight steel pen point s is lasteaed to the ezteneion. it registers the travel o! the rod as a inaction of tine on saolted paper glued ~ to the drus of tlu chronograph. Tine copper obturatiag rings, d, d, serve to prevent the escsps of gases bet~reen the galls o! the boab and the scrnnrd-in caps, while the portion of the duct a which borders Frith the rod is filled up with a acetic to protect the rod lroa the irediats ?!ltcts of high te>rperature gases. The boab 8 i? t'astesed is a special cla~rp 6 near the drMMt ! (fig, ?) , in order for the pen poiat to teweh the s~olu~d paper aa]-g lightlg, tad ?hen the drat rerolTOS, to oarl~ on t1~ latter a tnia straight list parallel to t1~ 'baa ar! rive c~lisder (~s es lig. 7). ii tasteied to dM ~ t-ie letter's a#!~~ !'MMk its erw~t e,e, ~rhia6~ sttrset ~ asri e! ttie. t+rts~ l t~s lei ~. os the sass statip et qtr. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 '!!rt psirrrrt pro~t~d ia-rir< t,1rr stiaa 4! #~r traaaittrd ~ "tLr rod to tM ~-~!, ,r~rrrr tt, a~ii it #i~ its piaat t! flit red plotr tlw~.; ao~rw ~urta rr C~t~ '~~ sorar~tart rrl-~t tit u of psi ia~srar~ ~ ~ w ~~, tit itt~-iaatst o! a~tl~wa ~'t~/~!~ j t~ .1! .~ t~ OOM~rt~O"~ __ asd ,~ Ma ~tiat rrsar ? stsii~t list ~ ~-ra~3+ir1 it tlr~ . art t~r11- #irtaso? ~st~s ~er#I- o! #iart ~atarai~t ~ #~ liar , t~rai to tir lo~.~ ao~rasti0a e! tfM air ? llitrl 'r!"~ tit t~rsiai ~-t ~! tit e~srlott, ~ ~ alga: t~ a mart ~` ~ _ t #~~sr ~ aid o! as laiatit~ ata~lar r~ ~~'~ 1~~ ~ r ~""` tti-~t al~arrt tiwr ~ 1-! 1~r+~r1- 1~- ~' 1ilot o~ti''tt ' listiosr ptr rr~ri ~ arrad,~ ~ ai ~-' t! t~si sMd tl~t ~ st ost at~nr 1h- agar ~! a ~rrM~llt~rr alas STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 ve can determine ?n the erircc~~aference eat the drums the length came?ponding to 4.801 second at ~ gfven ep~ed eat drum reata.t~.m~.. In this way a-e obtain a ti>ae kale i'or ~ea~uring the cru?her c?,prassion curve. After soap!?tio? of th? to?t, th? paper with th? sinuroitial curve and th? cru?her cvapression curve fe taken aft and coated *ith lacquer. After the drying prose?e, the curve ie aeasured under a c+oaparatvr aicroacope. The pattern at the curve and of the sinusoid i? shown in fig. 7. `lterr measuring thr coapreesion curve obtained at suitabl? tine intertals, the of the erurher ie de'Ces ' n~e-d ar a tonction of time. Then, in a giv?n test, the dependence ?t powder gas pressure iaorsase on tiae (curve p as a !unction of t) is obtained on the basis of the dependence of crasher conprerrion on the aagaitnde o! the prrr~snre, the latter having been previously d~eterainsd e~~atally in a press. Ia tbf~s way ws can det~raine not only the ~azisn~ preatare ,~;,~~, by tll~ gas~rs o! a crar#s of gi rem weight (ior a ~ivrn ds~i#~- at loa+iiag,, bnt also tlr~ prersure iacreass relatively to ,~ ~t ~~ jut thou, ,htis~ which deprad on t~ ballirtic al~-rr~t+r~tstio. o! a ts~'e'~:. ~twtl~, ii ~ r tbs ~atians rilatisg tiw~ brliir?tis 4~-!/YOt~ti~/ ~ t'~ lid O~ ~ ssl~e iaC!"~iM~ anal 11ai1 !fit data fir aid gib ~rMMieY, ire +vontla iitttrsi~ tl~e a~MSias~tl rrt1~ ~# its 1~ailistia abat~+tt+~ri~rti~. STAT tl Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 are also ~ bMt-~- t~ . ~~; p;rta~tit~, r+~l~~hi~ ~'~#~ti+a ~ ~ ' stla~ ~` _ _, tht ~o-sd~tioo o! thi test ,tom" . its +~~~ . #.< ter, the ~~ ~ loris rho a s~plaratns of ~#~~os. sosrrtia~- a. ~1~tic ~ .a,~rtrr i. it ~u~ of pot~riorslp arirat c>>it~drical cs~~s beta to oas,~r~ea~s # ~ sare at ~~~lp 3~0 ~'~~ ~.~~~ ~ _+ t~-1 ptisss ?# ~~ `rstioa r~iarlsi ~1or~ai. ~ r to oh~fs tit ut~~. ~ law- o! pxM#al~~'r1 laasoM~ ~~ s~,a= of i~#tat to the ?s~i os the t-1 e~stioa ~! . ~ ~, aas oar taMt a ~s~i shaped so ti~at, ~a~ria~ a long _; ~~ at lour pres~atsds is tha first ~ + tlrii c~~brsties ~,~, it ~isdttali~- i~ro=~s is :r~-sistaas! as thfr pate +ooaioal arit,r doped b! tho aotlronr is 1!!a, aad eta a . apart o! i~ aXi,lsdriaai crnsbs~t ~ li-tt- ~- esnw, possMi ~ ~ ~~~ t. #'his t~ of errrslNr repistoss ptros lro~r S ~ T '~ ` , it persits allot os31 t~ht islsstiptlsnt ~~ . Io ttis adrt#, - or~sti+os wtt~ botieai~ to its o~rd, bst aLre et ~ Drs~iai o! ttie id;aiter itaeit aawt ~ mss of t ~~ tioa. ~al sa+~ ~iT applis+i is i~t +o~a#sp' is #~ts ~!` ~~ ~'stios, u ~~ll ~ is ~rtoralsati ~~"`"~ do ~ ~~,~ !~` p~alsr im tab t~r~t os ttar s !i~las slap STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 At the present ties, piezoelectric ffi,anoaeter? based on oadern achieveaents in electrotecbnology and radiotechnology are also aced. still, the sain aspect of the business re~tias thus: the prOCOSS. of pressure increase is registered by one or anther sathod. Then, knowing what type o! powder we deal ?ith and the conditions o! its combust ion, on the basis o! the pressure f scraas+e, ire can detosaiae the rate o! gas iorsation and its dependence on carious !actors. 9. !'lII~CIPAL P'B~s ~- t'I0~ In the ca~ustian o! powder ~ can distiagdish the tollowit~ three phases. Igaitioa o! tbo po~rdsr. Ia order for the po~rdor to 'bsoasl~ ? ignited, it sAtst bt 1~ated up in sa~ch r sa-~r as to obrtala, at asy gi~ren pout o! that charge, a tos~tata-so diglrair thaa !ts ipition te~rraturo. The igaitian a! sso~loss pv~r ~ at a tespsrature a! abort g0o'0C. Haab pooior^~wit~t:~ut igait3~o~t tnperaturo o! tlwt ord~rr o! 90doC, ~~r, igaitrs a~ri i~ra~ !- ~ig+oromisly. motes t!~ po~rr is igaitoa, orii tlrss~ oily at se int the oors~stioa reratioa pr4~~ bt itNrl! u a r~~ o po ~ a! the heat eaittaMi is the ooabast#os of t~1- Wit. ~ ~ ~{ ~F 's ~. i s it~tasboal ipitioa o! do ,rrruMar, tad tbo ~~~' place i~ 7 prowpa~r. ~.. 1 tio~ is ~ a! #'h~r ~t of tb? t a o! t~ ~~~` r ~~ ~~~~','~ ~, ~~ ~ ,~ ist~o tlrar ist+lg''" i~ !M~'~' ~ ? } z # ~ ~-: s~ ~! ~ ~ ~ Thti ~ a ?~ rol~tti~ ~i + l+ataM rr! ~ ~ ; !!!"ttolls STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 t~ able ~ i M q~ ~ttei'i~M ~ ~ ~ t'~ Mtn ~ ? is ~~"'~/"~' tea t~ !'~~ ,!~ 1'~ii~~~i. ~~ ~ ~' ~~~~. . #~,t altar ~-~ eo~stast ar~Ie ~ i-i-a~, t :~taais~ of ~~ 1rra~+arNr is t a afi ? l,ia~ ~ ~t st o' {i"a'te o! i~alt~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 the rate of ignitic~m. 3wolteless Powders ignite and bc~n in the open air considera~rly dower than the black powders. If we fasten a strip o! pyroxylin powder (or a stick of nftrogrgcerin powder) vertically and ignite an 'Capper corner of it, the strip will burn calmlq with a yellowish flame, while the propagation of flaaee over the surface of the strip will proceed conparatively slowlq. In addition to this, the burning grains sill fore as angle sore tip altar the beginning of the c?~bu?tion. This a~la will reuia constant to the end of the coibustion (figs. 8a and b). The aasnit~tde _ o! this angle depends on the ratio of the cosbustion rate of ponder to the rate o! ignition. Assume that the rate o! co>ebustion ?quals u, the rate of igaitioa a', while u' >u. Ii we ignit?a strip of powder at one corner (at the point ~t), tbisa it will burn inside at the rate u, and on the surface at tlto s~-tt t+~s various intervals o! tine. 1~ssuae u' - Su? ?hen the strip will ds1~t ~ntial burning surfaces of the tape shown in fig. S, i.e., 1-~-l; l-9-~;..:;~-~-6; 8-$-d. 8sginning with the snrlaw b-b-d-, t~1 aa~le tt the top niatains its aagnitude amd e+~sals t~ tints ~, v- E'{ . ~~, the ratio a! rates is of u' sin '~. Iat this oaaMr, ham Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 !'ig. ~ - ~3oob~tstion of a strip o! Piowder in tha ~a fir 1) boat ~ritw; 9) ?ide ?ier. 4. t~ipTlop >T A P"~! 77~ dT~piC The Brat obstr~-ations aa~d t~arittnts ~rers coadacttd t-ith a.. black poeder. Tht~ lucre sboin trat powder burns less r-iporousl~ in rareiitd ateosplMr+r oa hith sountaiss tluta at the toot o! the ss~e ta~st~aiat. ~eriwentr oa t~ ooobpotion o! power lasts at cazioa. altit~.. amt at carious Mas~tri~a pres=orts r+.rili.~t ttiis coas~pt~a. Tfuhe ?~ri..str ritaia t~rir ?i~si:ies~wr ~a at tbt meet tine, ~blaa~cN tltt awirr~tios o! parr i. tisr twst~, +i~urlat aatta#~rarait Bast at a~-riai tarpts, talor~t t s~ sia~er tau is list tsa~at firtat< a. a~- :err a of ~+~~ ~~ spa ~ o~srit ~ !fir ~r-~... ss ,rte Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 h tk a~oor~rd lartta~, ?t J ~ 1. ~9, #1dr ~~ z~szw? as ?t t~ thi~M rietr ? "!~ iooally to tits ~ b~rr~l"~' lra ~+,~Slhr Ali is t1M- ~~~t~ , Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 densities o! hlac~ poa'der'~ ~ 1.64 them ~,astan loufld that for s~ 1.T~ the residues had an iMepalar lora; are ao residues; for ~ lar to the fort o! the residues was verb ?isi while at ~ > 1.81, t~ ~ ~ ! i 9, residues are ~pripated (In. B thadsd areas.} Yel prepaled, iron ?ae tablets asd saall clliaders d~,ransiomr al and chas~ini dea~it~. ~td~ ? '1'hs ti>turs the sate etixt~re o! blaolt p~~. and o! eiailar Chaps bat of '*'s~~ ted then is a b~, ssia~ tltt a9 ~ and i~ ~a Thns, the, tuisua preswra !r ~ '~ astir 'G amd t' !or total oo~t~ '~~ 1 p aid o! crnaher ptw~~ recordia~r. tl ~ b ? ~~ ~ is thM lint iasta~, at J ~1.6~t, th! _ M-aa not ~ow-rsad bT the diN~ 3 ~~ #a~p, the per _, ~~~ .~.rsiiiaaat iLi!ltriaa+ in di~~~'~? Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 ~-t to increased density of loading (~ ~ 1 ? ~~ - 1 ? '~~, ~ ~ ~ par#iciet ii# closer one to aa~otbsr, th? interstices becoie snallcr~ sad the dispersal nadsr prtssrrr occurs later. 081 a vary dense ~ (~ > 1.8~1~ does sot disprsse under pressure, sad burnuec in casesratria lags . Is t~s ~,~~ the cbasaetoz' ~ rate of coabostion of black pri1 st lt#~tr prrssuras i~l~tds on the density ~ , tad even to a ~~ os prsssar~t ? ~ rate of coabwt#uAa increases ~ritl- at !- is pressers. #1~nriai cLssytct~rsis~ti~ of parallel iartr ,~eoier covrastio~, ~- ~ lwesra as Ti1'o s~riitic, wss ist~rssisM on ttie nr,~l~rz,7wats l~~M ate. ' ~ ~t ~ gars, iMstieal irit~- rrespoat to c~i~tl oopositioa a~ ~~~ ? si~iisr tare o! ~,ts, lwt of dittas+aa# iitoo?iom~, #,~t ? aLe~si s~ ~t~i. t~ saga da~sit~r ~ loadis~, tad ?t total ee~ol~ii~r a:? rila~d to ~Irt~r as ~t~liess, s* ~ - +lao+#tiaioosts s! sLeilarit~ tlras ~s ~ a j,,s#,otistic o! per oe~~rtioa is s~ w ~~ ~'~~ ~ tip Mw~- ss ao vo.?a at, s~ fat ~i~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 then it will burst into ila~+s instal#3~, and will burn oat sspidl~. Duria~ t bo~cbs and ,Ir+eapons, i~sition is ac+aoslu~.f wade of plis o= hlaah po'li-~r ? T~u~se i~rts~t~~' !~ a lsz's~e mss, Rhich raiN '~- ~~~''~' ~ ooaditivss, ~M p ~ ~ owr its stirs , ash tlra eo~stric lads ? Slat is ~y lose. a0s~atol~ ~t M1'~. tlwr p~iai ~' ~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 the ~~absequent ~tudie~e of the i~entie~th ccntury defined. thy: trical rincipie of coabustioa more precisely, aad introduced geoae P consideration of the influence of factors, i~Yplai~-ble in the light of the basic aesu>aptions. The gooaetrical law wu originated on the basis of an_ f ro lin po~rdsrs in a ?i,apler fort (.trip, tablet, itvsstigation o p~ a7 tabs) . Later, powders in a sore co>.pleY fora ands thtir appearance ? r~ ~ ~~, po~rders with a ~ititude of boles (~ricaa grata ?ith That t sera and nineteen holes; in our country the grain of _;l,~Mltii with 36 bdoles), flogaatiaed powders with as tiasrrlts ` r ease, . ~tistrilrstion of the ilep~ati~e'r over the depth of the poems is ~, is which the nitroglycasria distributed itssli . ~~l>afr poede ovrrr the pow+drr in ?tonge . ,~iso intt+od+~uo~-d yeas .-tke prr~ocess aar~ntl~ ~ coreriag the srrtaces of certain po?~nNri, which retarjsd o! ~p~ #,11s ipitios process. ~ ~~, o f t1r~ ~- iaotors elstas~d a note ~iaisi oz of orr i~itas as the astral cbaraotir a! pow: ~~ttos, t~ irrid the iatrar'ddratio~t ai ~!0!''lri~tiiis to '~i pil'iiatt~ i~ ~~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 ri~~ ~iistirt ~~~ het Irt 1#~~ flat l~ey~ ~~! Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 It in by far amore prabable that the Pirat bu>~dle, located adjacent to the igniter, Hill ignite and burn toa+ea+hat ahead of the leaf ono, which is located at the bottos of the projectile. pro a tion of i tion. Ignition propagates !or the ~wst part in the bolas in and interstices bet~reen the polder ~r~-ins. It will proceed sore adrantagsonrly if tht grains are distri'bnted in the. direction of chaaber axis, thati if they ~rere placod irrrgvlarly. The cltriratss o! the graiuir to oso aaothtr and to tlar tall of the gun iaartasss ter possibility o! tbo oc~rrenc+ o~ s tth rts~tlt iw tho tailnr? of the pow+drr to hurt by pr-ralltl whi laTtr~r . ThtN ~sidlrrations tore at oat tier o! ?igniifciaoe to tYo ro~r~tat o! liras on tht tatoal avsbtrtioa of po~Mr. g~~rr, ~;ilts~oa'M dR not ?sptri~ratally a ~~'~.+ tlrr r+r='T bltr as~tioas ?a i~itlios 'ttii+ah bo prt lo- Oo~~,~ ~ co~loto i~ttalMttoos o! tbo r oos~o oi~i~et~ri is tho ~~ *~, ~~ j. ~rss-M~rl,1~" ~,.~ ~nrlo~t for ~ ~itr o! 1~~ ~, (mod-ld~), iaali , ~ Psssi,tt~i -tratioa o~ ~~~~~ ~ ~, .. t .~ . Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 bu~tign ci inch povder~r Which took int? coas~ider~ticn ~. rregu lar cor e oi' th? varied ia~teneity c~! ca>ebustion tai' iadivid>u$~. the iatlueac ele~ats of the charge . ' r of irregul4r cosbrustion shore that the di!lerence in The theo y intensity of gee loraation in the the exterior surface of the powder, sad varies during the co~abystioa of with the emotion of the pra~ectile. Sisce the discovered anoaalies nsey~,ptiQas of the g~etricl~l law, of tha phy'sic~il-chesical properties properties of powder gases, the ?u>. of powder holes, a?d on depends on the density of loading, pond?r in a `na in accordaace were not explainable by the btit ~!e cansad by pec>nliarities of the powder or physical total of data represen#in= the s ioroation were called the "physical lrw of co~-bustiaa" ~:~ of ~ ]nor details see stction III. r g aPpyo,cbld the process of stioa lroa the ~,~~ [ J tot physical clrr~istry, and intra-deCed tlrs iollowisg s~~ aior as a basis idr 1~ r bar~ss as a ,~,itioa by wirtse 4t 1~? a rchese of powder tom:: result of attaiais~ its tes~pe~rature of the i.~pact of previo~esl~ lor~-d as ~,~ ~irNatly rd~sess~ ,~ t'~ psi ~'" ~~ I? the ~~ ~ ~?y ~ ~ r~aat i~nr x,11 iseo~iet+s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g~ of ~, l # n~ ?~ et this ~"~ ~ ~ ~~, ~ - fir teys~ +~a ~. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 is 2s~sa o~ ~~- ,iis#ast ~ Mgt, ails ter l~tt ~-! ., `~?~~:''~t~ t~ 4~1 X11 ~! _t~- ~? ~ ~ ~"~- ~ a~Mit limit at~i tI ~~ i~? ,~ ~- '~ of t~ir- ~ . got pq~t~-s st ; ark '~~~i ~ ~wr'~~. ~~ l~.. !. l~LIM~-ioY, lM~~ ~11~~ DMA. ;~ ~ , tii} ~i. ~r ~r- ..:~to~. o:.~~.+~r~r a oar .ors ~aaiss ~rtts ~ of lf~di *w -: ~i~M- a~3M mat ~tMers t~ t~M e1~1~1i~l~ ~! saN~r~ ~1)'? '~ l l~tl" t 001 t~ t ~ STAT ?~ #i~s~t ~ ~ ~ rater +~t ~t~t, s~i~ iit it~ltl! i~~~ ~. t~ ~~rt at iM Wit. ,~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ halt ai tlN 1ar`ti~ ~! i#~ ~Ittlae~ 'to 'tis ,~. ... ~.r . 1-t M~ ar i~ ~ ~Marat~- of ## ~i~13~ tine ~rs~r ~` +~~#~1t ir-~N~ris ?~ t-~t t~s- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 :CIA-RDP81-010438001100040001-0 the raid is tl~e ~e lorwini dnrla~ it>? motion, the ~ o! ioa o! ait'rocellnlooe. '!'rie ratnr+ distriMr is it r ie sow relatiwel~ lour, a~ CO!'lMapol~ to t~ ~"~~'? the powde o! the uses ~reatll. '!'!~ ,~aperlt~tre o0 the ?~ o! .te~peratnre if icatiaa) asd react im the a p~p~ i~aai~ #~t of has cts of tb? deco~pasitios C~oiM out oa the snrtal~e (~e~o~ The prods ~? sitrocellnlose is the sr:lace layer of the pow~=~ ~e'~~n? occurs as tdll~ ? ter~.~t~.c c~ this theory i~ t~a? c~et~iiet~ c rt of th~r charac ~ner distribution hetweea the gnse? sad the }~awder, and the ~y iv?e lanatian ?f the sigaiiicance mf the initial to=perature e~teas ap _ sition of the heating value and heat canductiTity ?f ?f deco po , the powder. en thou this theory cant ~ considered entirely coaplate, By ~ it ?till reuins of iatterest, fa ?iew of the fact that it dives on and rfects our idea on the process of powder coab~stioa? details I~ 8. T~ Mf~I~ col? ~ ~IIIA Co~IIaTIO~t (,According to I~t? S? Seldo~icb) accordatice with conte> ltaat pressure wan plwhile at a Masi of loading A, too ~ pieioare wan pg, We have a systoa of tiro oq~atioaS: -f+ ? - f + ap l. d 1 (a) (b) tlwtbtractiag the terns of osrt oquatioa frog the of sr, obtain: pl than a 2 - Pi (d) STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001100040001-0 In place of this equation, it is simpler to deter~ine the value of f by substituting the obtained numerical value for a in equations (a) and (b). Obtaining an identical magnitude of f frog either of the two equations serves as a verification of the correctness of calculations of f and cx: A_ap1 - P2 - - - op ( 6 ) Li ! The diagram on fig. 14 gives a graphical illustration of the application of derived equations (4) and (5) for the determiaatioa Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001100040001-0 was, f (4) for a *ad f0111a CS) for f both a ? tIirat*tia*. 4::. $r `.ki* tr, n ,. U of piipr .:< r t tb? :C*l,.1 r; cowry to of po im~ of los4ia$, aad tbaa to d?t?ri t f ta a boob at t 11*r (4) # ) o? prapbierslip. !* it 1.1 .?: uiblo to robot i.aritios of '.ri txlo.a to Msek thsr, boarrso tk? r?t1ts scald fro 1' it ' poaaiblO Tbr boat coaditioas osiat iu* a ias~pt ome A .. L1 ?v ?.1i. i_tue., for 4*t?raLaiap f aad 0 fei , lia pO'f , -! it adrirablo to oordrat ospor#-aw*tr!- st 0.1? ?,~ .$$, for stroaar nitro lTootia .~powioi'a 41 at d ? ?.11, sad !. `or o. ?!. At itId!a ?1 1oadiai bol+ v o. i?, it it alao poaribi tr, baca*M tb! Boost 4spaa~ioawr faL ~~~ asnr~rll~ t~ :. ata- aad tbo pouts po/A , f. aro rite :_ t 1tat: loser th.y a!s, tbs- walla! pr ia. Th -~raoo it ?aplaisrd by pnatr a is boat oairsioa of t)o b b, boaawo tb. tioa of poswdsr taIP p too *11r 1 at low I a? dSaritior, !Ur ttiio race r+aroa, tbs It t rl+rnr ~' ~ s arr 3 tk-a is tb. aa~ sbow low of boat tkws , r11a did sat . It will bo 1 ow boa loo tbr~rgh koat traorfot s oalaa-latod is a iaatioa of f aa~t . STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001100040001-0 Pig. 14 - Graphic Determination of the Powder Energy and of the 7ovo1uae In addition to determination of the values f and a on the basis of ezperimental data, the Nobel and Abel formula is also applicable to the following cases: 1) Knowing f and a, a calculation of pm is undertaken by the ? aid of the value L. 3) meowing f and a, we undertake to calculate, by the aid of the d at which a given pressure would result. Solving the equation for 0 , wrs obtain: Tk? for~la aitsd is usid for roiuttosr of a all sr of ppraatiaal problor. Pr iattasCe, at a gt a . t oad a, i t cu do iirt~srs~s~i okat siosld be is order t0 obtais a ~ir+sa saSait*is of TS Cam N ), - that qty Ip r tiws duet tios of 1 Iw for ,shiab poairsr ear bs bsra 4 is a Moe - witb as e f f tc-t irrs sMOSri of Sb STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001100040001-0 , for iastano?, to , oalcuiats the prra.*re pxo d by an . f a s .I*t is ' : .oar. of a !ir*a 'INI-1ttM, oft*iIt a abarlS of a g1* ti t. 3. jam! to bsttor o' tb. asthod of rt.raiaiai f and a, ~ ?xd~~ . 1* a*1i ? 1N, it is ssarf to ozprsos all orlnit at aaito. T~ at uasd ayatsa of nsit : Yilslraa I1stsr - *d. It 1. 1 dstord;w f and a on tzar basin of tho folloWiai . eta: e Al ? O.15; pl ? 1,411k(/41 ? 147,000 !#~o + -276,11 i bg/ilii2 find tbs ratios p3 _ !73, SSS - 1, lpi,.A0 kg-/kg e! 0.25 L - - o0?,o.. kg-d~/ki ,i . I. STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001100040001-0 f y deteratned froi the basic equation, by substituting in it the expression found for a. 980,000; acpl 0.938 147,000 137, 900. : 980,000 - 137,900 842,100 kg-da/kg However, if we determine it in accordance with the general equation, then we obtain: . pa '`__-_-1 980,000 1,100,000 ,- 0.10 - 842,100 kg-/kg '1 L2 ~ - P1 128,000 Euaple 2. 0irsa is f - 850,000 kg./kg; - 0.96 d~8/~rt? ?b dstaraine the e , at wkieb the resultaat p - 3, l O tg/ 3,?O0 kg/ . Pro. the ba is equation, w tisd the espreuioa Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001100040001-0 e1., + ?*.. ? 3 1, Oeo + sed,... !hr the me of is ti lti it, Is will tabs t1 s Tad c for p1 ~ad p1 , Ill iiad the aam ~t3, *3i_ f l ,*d. a1. a. t* flaxiii*iaa t tint *rra ap add ar i? Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001100040001-0 13. pyiuylis, *it*ilyO.ria black, data is the t bI. - fig. 4. '' !' w !, IN Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001100040001-0 p2 L2 L.? (p pi) Dividing (c) by (a, ~rbt1 ~ i , p2 d`p f pi 3i~i lar1 y : 'ff 'p9 . i' p2 (p2 _ pi) p2 6pp (P2-p1) i (p2 - pi) pg (c) (7) (g) An analasia of equation. (?) and (B) shams that o n?- aaid the yai ala~olnte error d'pl ?? dp= exerts a varied infiue see on oorre,pemii,~ ?rrora in the dlterninatioa of the powder energy f, '!!~- ?rrur +dpl at a leer denait y of loadi~ 0 i 1, aar~esges tAe . t#~' f; while the Error +$p at a bigb.r draeit of t~ll -Sr a f . it ter s tiaw, tba att est e t1r- tM .r } +rr , *10 ^ri ti#lir I. ?f is - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001100040001-0 ss ? ~ dl L g*'**t*r ~ty of ~ st a p1 1 ~''Z Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001100040001-0 bi h .r ora of d?t?raisatioi iacr?aae with a 1S Ctioa of th? i.*.o? bstma t1-ro t U it ~ 4v trlti+~h ?stai a rsduction of th? d aat.r - , aad sa iasrrrsa? of Jt/f. Th~*ar, is ordar to ro r a. ?sror iii t is f, it is soa?u$TY to s? th? di f f?*Sao? p~ - pl, *.1.Ct alm pOSmLbl? a ttwr diff?r+oar? bstt * A a* . IIti11, a iarg- error is tl. v*hurs for p . *X Wilts at to~- low d- C O.10), by rirtS of lou?o is h?at tsaatf . ro-raforr is practics ?1 ? O. ib aad A_1 ? 0. !b ar? 1??t ?d liar! t?:sia*tiO* of . tb~- ?a?Tp of ppro*yl * while dl - @.1I aai 6 - 4 ? . $$ arr to a for afte g1yc.ria poodrrs. F . b. is i.* 6 r iiff?rratiatiaS ti. sio (b), 'ot obtat*: 1 ~ ?j 4j t ~ (0) 1 ( _ p1)! p0 - Ol l 'U, ~. -:-' !i"i Ps Tpi ~tt$3'y to 1 asp $! for d* g J 1 "4 . It t.?.? O:: a1, 4. p' , . ? at P.t . dpa, tr. ?rroawr It it ?Tidoat . a o *U of (7) a (?), U (t) a,ai (1!), tit . tb? .$ 1 It. ra1.? 70 rpl, .ft$ STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001100040001-0 tf iv idiiig (7) by (9) ancL con.sidOri tho equality (a), vo obtain f - p d ~.i p2 dol { 11 _ ~ 1 - __ -s-- p 'i vcl 1 f p2 p1 : r f -a di five a comparison of equations (11) and (12) that the It folloT? of the magnitude a, at a higher density of loadiag $ error d a2, produces a ssaller-error in the magnitude f than does the er'zar f al at a lower denaitl of loading. 5. *1 10 m I~Tfl IATZ MO$T. DIAL 1OIIUL OP PYWISTAfIGI r The ~Qbel eiqatiOUB applies to the instant of attaiai*i~ *1 1 the poor is burnt . lbr the interaediate .LM't, pressure, lea when all of the pOwdsr is not as let buret, but only a porti**1 o it is coavr:ted into gases, we use the physical state equatioa for kg of Es t Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001100040001-0 yl Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001100040001-0 A1' V, " *T1' I' - f' ~rdlcates that tbwr glees aagaitude corrat1' I. the- uteri the ivies 'Y i is sbicb tbs portion of the charge 'r is t " acrd istes~aediat? mat .eorr+rt?d $at* 1 t ire of the at the gLvsa ma at, is . of ~w l taM , M,i, after. th? .f tM ~ro g s pl~rat Pr iM~J sad of tM Mwsw_ . v: wr- -- --- - ~eMr a~+1' w1"'~ 0, e! f ~1 _~- . I tkLa Si. th~- iatIS-t~e !'~ for the *t i Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001100040001-0 the portion of tk charge '1' Viii bow out, will bs fob: basis of t -1a f - +-.wniw* - ....r.r~uw_l#II~ ,,.......~...N.~ vlp os1*t t. tires with " tb esao~iaatOV, 1 py*tatic$ atioa r tt pkyatcal stag . iat*r di*t? ao~rs*t is; t? Dias tbs Msasia*tor *M gyrator b~- by r , obtaia .iii,atiai ; ( ia tb.:o11ost :ear -r-ri 7) ialsrrtia gives fs ~, 'y . caa cals*l*~r .o If. oioas of Pi' ? + tMt bads o f this If ?IPL' ? 1 is .#ar-tLoa (14), tbsD it o_ alssral tIrnsx *yro.tatias .tt, eb*ractrris Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001100040001-0 STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001100040001-0 omhuet~.on of powder, rho that, mf the pressure Irk c osbustion completed, the free space tIi (iii the degree of powder c to the value ~ ~,/d` as a result ?f liheretiol~. th? denominator) iacreases stioa of powder, end decreases as result sdditi iron th? coabv of of the the space an of the aaleculsr voluee of forced gas (covolu) , aw'Y (fig. 15) . y, e presso at 1 th of cot~st ion. Oua rtioeatell to the burnt fraction of '' , ~, 1, not i acrieese '*t fut*r . lll at '' ? Q *ad a at of the cos~tioi, at th? ~ #~ ~'',e` in t. ~ der ii the if ljo~-~iini D , illt]' 1 +, f? rsS Bch. ollr of Tastatio~ in the Pr.e Tole of the _. lb - a Co buatioa of Powder ?otib Dori 1) ~`caning ?f ~bustion; 2) intermediate oosent; 3) sad of lion. sballo tkat is the final count, the free vol* lsti$-tioa !e 1t tlr~ . _1 of the stioa, at ~ ? , ? "ii: f-p 1.. and 1 ? ?.- , a . 1.0 - S. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001100040001-0 ai~1aeria ~ sMtdlrIuI . !ter Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001100040001-0 P?i X! at a iii Wit, wt*.1r*t 'p t I p. territ ti axsstsria'iic STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001100040001-0 Lep1acing f by p (1 - cLt)/i , and subtracting and adding I/L n the denominator, c can modify equatio (15) to this fog: Where pm is the aaaimum gas pressure in the given esperirrsnt. In this equation, the ratio (1 - a1)/(1 - ~/J) is a value constant for a given ezperi~ent and characterising the-conditions of charging (we Will designate it by ) . pa is also constant, with only p, varying. The aagnitude b- (1 - all)/(1 -/j ) represents the ratio of the free space of the boab at the end of the coabustion gl - (1 - a A ) to ita free space at the beginning of the co atioa xA - TO (1 -1S/4b). This value is alms less than unity; at A- 0.36, a - 1, , and d- 1.8, o - 0.89. At saal ler d, the aagni t~eds b approaches unity. 7. G IIAT10I o THt Igy oy u Ic~[I7 The general pyrostatics equation dsteraiass the pros dnsloped in a constant spaoe by gases forasd drriag the coabwrtioa of psw~r. Ia this con~ativs, at*oapberic pt~s is disregarded, b st its s-allaess as eop~axrd vith the ~zt of powder , in Nobel's oapsrissats with b 1a v sra, b1ac uasd for the ipitsr, and the vtidltt ?f tie igniter was i k i Md is r t1r1t over-all v i tt of the chars for tbs psr of ~l t- a~ t l- deasity of loadiag. *a11y, dori* espsritenta is a or disahargrs fr i 75 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001100040001-0 .of.* di i a Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001100040001-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/29 : CIA-RDP81-01043R001100040001-0 Disregarding once more the uitude a~wB, canpared with the w _ -( a - Lu , e obtain 1-sA WI - ~tw i =~d oguatioe r iI t eeasi -tiea of t Sttsr). the e:istt ~t t~gwrt*~ s a t~arsw where pis the prearure of powder gases without allowance for the effect of the igniter, and is expressed by the general pyroatatics equation Sias. Wj diainishes, then f q increases. At the end of the coabnstion, the total pressure p'n, with aa *11.~r_. for the effects of the igniter, is ?xprsssed by the atioas (A