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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Roitbak, A.I. - Bioelectrical Phenomena in the Cortex of the Larger (Cerebral) Hemispheres.- (I.S. Beritashvili Institute of Physiology, the Acad. of Sciences of the Georgian SSR. Publ. by the Acad. of Sciences of thn Tiflis, 1955, 240 pp.). Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81 -01 043R0001 00150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 (x.g. Beritashvili Thstitute of P1ayeiclogy, the Aced, of Sciences of the Georgian Ste, p'ubi, by the Acad. of Sciences of the Georgian SSR, Tiflis, 1933, 240 pp.) Bioelectrical lino rn in the Cortex of the Larger (Cerebral) Bemilpheres. Part 1, by A. Z. Boitbak Preface the conditioned reflex is a central physiological phenomenon in the normil work of the cortex of the ger bemispb?res. (TN: Bereater referred to as the cerebral cortex.) Proceeding from this, - ii ~ in tAeaay,cawiil. can be. formulated 'in approxiately the tolloving way: to study on the basis of bioolectrical expressions of activity of cortical neurons hose ier nerve processes which are the basis of the conditioned- reflex activity. (Footnote: Adrian t~jxaks that... "the zm chanism of the conditioned reflex cannot be deterizted in terms of neuron, snx,pae, and impulse' " (Adrian, 1938). The conditioned reflex is i Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81 -01 043R0001 00150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 reflex to be realized through temporary connection, i. e. this is a physiological phenomenon that has definite structural foundations, and certainly the mechanism of conditioned reflexes can be disclosed by physiological methods of investigation (see Pavlov, 1932, 1931.3 Beritashvili, 193). On the other hand, in the opinion of Walter, this is. only a question of technical refinements in order to be able to observe in the fora of electrical discharges ideas that arise in the brain of ran (Walter, 1952) of course, this notion is not correct. Thinking. cannot be expressed as adequately ideal in biaelectrical potentials of brain tissue and cannot be reduced to them,) Apparently the oscillographie method giving an opportunity for direct observation of the nerve processes must play an incomparably greater role taan the method of extirpation and the method .f electrical stimulation, even in case it is lilted by the use of bioelectrical phenomena as such in the objectives of investigation of the essentiality of the nature of these potentials, i, e. whether temporarily it is not to be regarded as the physicochemical bases of these potentials, being put wide. indicative of this are the large-scale discoveries made during the last 25 years, after the well-known paper of Sarnoilov (1930), in the field of the physiology of the spinal cord, as well as the quick accuniulation of facts on Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 the electrophysioiogy of the cerebral cortex. having set as my purpose the use of the oacillographic thud for study of conditioned-reflex activity, I resolved to carry out a whole preliminary series of investigations in conditions of pointed, lingering eri,rnents on narcotized and on normal anim~cls and to study bioelectrical reactions of the cerebral cortex arising during i.ts direct electrical stimulation and at stimulation of the receptors or the corresponding nerves. These reactions have been insufficiently studied even in conditions of ingenious experiments, and on horn l animals they have not been able to be recorded until very recently. A$ to the origin and physiological importance of these reactions, there have been a number of hypotheses, often contradictory. It is necessary to think that only after solving these problems will it be passible to proceed to osciliographic liwestigation of' the eonditioned- reflex activity of the cerebral cortex. The work presented is experimental, and little space is assigned to conaldera tlon8 not based dir ec: tiny on facts, No _ goal has been set to give a .systematic literary survey of all that has been donne in the sphere of the electrophysiology of the cerebral cortex. Special attention has been allotted to clarification of certain complex, debatable questions. Although each cycle of the investigations issued from the preceding and the separate parts. of. the 'work have logical Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 t connection with one another, it is diTicult for them to appear unified under a common designation. In Part I the results are presented of pointed experiments on narcotized animals. In Part l~ (not in this book) the results will be presented of experiments on normal animals. I consider it a pleasant duty to express profound thanks to niy instructor, Academy Member LS. Beritnshvili, for the interest which he showed in my work and for his valuable instruction and advice, and to Professors LL Dzidzishvii, A.B, Kogan, P.Q. Makarov, 8 a P. Narikashvili, and S. N. Khechlnasbvii for the . valuable critical comments nude by them at reading the manuscript. Chapter I Certain Data from the lectrophysiolmgy of the Nervous System ?f.iu... a i~ .i.a..iw vci -i ~scsii a.iu iii ~S ct ..l.~y k3.i Ri UL ~+t1Q ,t?3.oe,LeCi ric~u. x4eac~rions of the Cerebral Cortex 1. Regional Excitation and Local Potential The School of Physiology, Leningrad University, contrary to the prevalent principle o.f "all or nothing" has permitted various modifications by which the state of excitation can be expressed (see Ukhtomskii, 193940)., According to the concepts deieloped in this schools. excitation does not obligatorily make off in the form Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 of a rave from the region of its origin. In certain conditions it y keep to the place of origin for a more or less .low time in the form of a fined, regional excitation, ready to flare up in the fora of an excitation wave (Ukhtonuskii, 1927, 1932, 19394O). Yet Chagovets (1906) for purely theoretical reasons recognized the need of a preliminary regional potential for the arising of spreading excitation. Erlanger and 0asaer in 1937 wrote that the electrotanic potential is a certain, unique electrical phenoinon which precedes (at electrical irritation of a nerve) the current of spreading excitation ("peak"). The electrotonic potential that Arises at electrical irritation of a nerve is connected, as supposed, with the capacitative properties of the fibers (danger and Gasser, 1937; Eodgk n, 1930. The electrical potential quickly (after .50 microseconds) reaches a ..r '?- .mU'm aim is expoaentye i1y t 1 t/.tiYip t i+ihcL should 'be added that it grown in proportion to the intensity of the stimulating current, that at reversal of theterminals of the stimulating current it cnges its sign, that temperature changes hardly affect it, and finally that it radiates vith logarithmic decree nt along the nerve fibers. The local potential of the nerve fiber was recorded in 1938 'by hod in. He was unable to discover the local bioe.lectrical potential in the nerve as a thole because of the very strong Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R0001001 50004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 impulse of short duration. BeeOrdin~s A and B with irritability energy of 1,. conditional units; A is the stimulating cathode electrode; 3 is the stirulaattg anode electrode. Recordings C and D are with an energy of 1. Q; and F are with an enemy of 1..4 over a certain time, with redaction of the excitabilitYs D is the irritating cathode electrode, F is the and. G and H are with an energy of irritability of 0.61. In to later illustration recordings E and F are presented in enlarged form; the cathode polarization potential is indicated by dotted line. The a is the curve of the local potential, obtained after deduction of the polarization potential front the total effect at the cathode (Koin, 1938).). At intensification of irritation the le~al ,potential was increased and became somewhat more prolonged, i. e. the amplitude of _ t the local potential is graduated ~ in cc~naect~.on ii ,~~h the change ~- of energy of ttlation When the amplitude of the local potential reached 15~20 mi fivolts (i. e. 0.3 of the current amplitude of the spreading excitation), then it overincreased into an excitation current that was expressed in the arising of a two-phase potential (1o'60 millivolts); the excitatiaia spread along th4fiber . passing under the first deflecting electrode, reached the second (Fig. 1). Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81 -01 043R0001 00150004-6 At observation of the bloeleetrical pbenomena in the central nervous system ate run into two phenomena stipulated by the local potentials in the neuronic elnts. ' When a local potential arises in the. cells, then an electrotonic reaction arises, first in th?ae fibers which are axons of the activated neurons and Secondly in those fibers which terminate with synapses at these neurons. The electrotonus spreads along the fibers with decrement and during certain conditions can be detected (fro the roots of the spinal cord) at a distance of up to 10 man. in the form of a negative bloelectrical potential. Thus, the local potentials of the nerve ceU.e can stipulate the phenomenon of the physiological electrotonur of the nerve elements. aowever, there were, also observed electrical phenomena of another character that did not attract to themselves special attention,. namely at the arising of regional excitation in the cell from the axon a ~t,r+a?d.~~lrrr~,}l~~#'aa7. e.Mean .4.~.w..~'n~4n.++:...`~v4; for Sl~....: -..~..;, ..:ti..-.. y i --, ~.-_ r ~_ t+Q optic nerve a negative potential was discharged frog the electrode found in the outer geniculate body at the level of the layer of cellular bodies a positive potential at this tSine was discharged from the electrode found at the level of the axons of these cells (Bishop and O'Leary, 193) ? perhaps these electrical phenomena which we still run into are phenomena essentially like secondary electratonic changes, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81 -01 043R0001 00150004-6 the pert-electrons (sic: -sbould be peri?electrotoni') (Tvedenski.t, 1920), (Footnote: Jccording to the data of Beritov and, Roitbak (19 ), in the electrotonic and pari.electrotonio spheres of the nerve trunk potentials of opposite sign arise. For ex*nlple, at completion of a descending current at the cathode a negative potential is registered that gradually weakens at retauing the deflecting electrode froni the. thud, F inaUy, at a certain distance it stops being registered. If too the electrode is removed still further, then at completion of the current a positive potential of considerable amplitude is registered, and this sphere of the riwelectrotonus extends for a considerable distance.) If this is so, then it is possible to eke the following conclusion: local potentials arising during regional excitation of nerve cells can stipulate electrotonic and peril electretonia phenomena in neuronic elents. ~~a w ? ~.. :t the 1,, ,iL ibili iJ J.~J ~ s _.[x :s0.: -d'-'u.~..... .A~w+lr ce_'..n~1i!M1 l~rril~Mll~f~IC- - 1"1'~Cl A'f'? y ~i'i eie ii ~ y - --- the biapotentials to certain neuronic elements? The first commection between. the data of oscillogr phy and the data of morphology was established when it was succesafu1ly discovered,, on the basis of oscii.lographic axmlysla, that nerve tea of different diat ter produce at excitation biocurrents of different length and tIM the apread rate of these biocurrents (i.e. the excitations) is different for fibers Qf different size.. ? The quicI 'conduction fibers Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 11 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 From the anterior rootS, i.e. from the axons of the motor neurons slow electrotOflie potentials are registered that have been atipulatedd by the local potentials of the motor neurons. Apparently the electrotonic reaction of each axon is the consequence and expression of the local pGtentiel, namely of the cell from which it took its beginning. When the motor neurons are activated only by excitation impulses from the direct posterior-root collaterals (far instance, at stimulation of the muscle nerve or at threshold stimulation of a mixed nerve or of a posterior root), then the following electrical effect is registered from the anterior root: a certain time after the stimulation artefact a quick potential arises, after which a negative slow potential follows. The initial quick potential is the consequence of a relatively synchronous discharge of afferent impulses and expresses the excitation currents of the presyna'ptic fibers and of the synaptic tern11n is of direct posterior-root collaterals,in the anterior horn, being electrotonically carrie':'% along the anterior-rant fibers (Beritov, l96, 19k9)-: The negative slaw potential expresses local potentials in motoneurans, erieing below the synapses of the direct posteriori-root coUaterals. A large number of synapses are on each rnotone on of the anterior horn. After 3.00 of them are counted vn the body of the r:i Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 2M moton~urcrn of the spliml cord of cat (CholakaskLvili, 193) . Their everag size is 1 micron (a, r and Barr, 1950). Ppparently not devoid of physiological importance is the fact that synapses are agreed on the surface of the motoneuran in the form of separate foci that are i their nature "the synaptic fields" of the cell (Zurabashvili, l91.7). Excitation of one synapse is insufficient to arouse.the cell and to be discharged to its axon, It is likewise assinid. that insufficient for this is excitation of severed synapsea that remain far from one another (Lorente de lid, 1938). excitation of a motoneuron and discharge to the axon proceed when afferent impulses corm simultaneously to a whole group of synapsee arranged. on the . body of the cell in a certain proximity to one another. Otherwise, only re.ona1 excitation arises in the cell, with a local potential corre ending to it, as occurs in.a nerve fiber at subthreshold stimulatioi (rig. 2, textpage 13: Local potentials of'motoneurons of the spinal card of cat. A< A microelectrode is introduced into the anterior born in the region of a group- of motoneurons of the quathiceps muscle. A slow negative potential, 100 mi.erOVQlts# 10 milliseconds (Brooks and Ecoles, l948), is registered in response to d shock of stimulation applied to the quadriceps nerve. B: potentials from the 8th anterior root in response to a shod of stimulation to Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 neuron at intracellular discharge equals 10 millivolts and at extra- cellular discharge from the nucleus of motor neurons 100 microvolts (Fig, 2,A),. ire. in a 100 times lesser n~gnitude. 1. Concerning Long I onfluctuating Bioelectrical Potentials As far back as in early invostigetions of the bioelectrical phenomena of the central nervous system, carried out with the aid of a lvanorneter, sirrdi1ar potentials were reported. Mislavskii (189, 1900), at the discharging of current from the posterior roots of the spinal cord of frog observed long nonfluctuating biocurrents during tetanic irritation of the sciatic nerve and at adequate sttulatians of the skin. lov and Lapitskii recorded during discharge of currents from the spinal cord (1 electrode on the surface of the lumbar part of the spinal cord, on a crosswise section) the following phenomena: quick fluctuations following the rhythm of stimulation of the sciatic nerve up to 100 per second, were placed on a backiround of a slow. . nonfluctuating potential, the amplitude of. which was increased with increase of frequency of stimulation up to x.00 a second and reached 1 millivolt (Delon and Lapitskii, l93), In 1 i.g. 1, D is presented the oecillophic recording of a nonfluctuating biopotential, registered from. the posterior root during tetanic stimuiation of the sciatic nerve. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 (Legend to ]'ig. J, textpage 20: Long nonfluctuating potentials genereted by neurone of the posterior baif of the spinal card during tetanic stimulation of t sensory nerves. Curarized frog with spinal cord- revealed and circulation .undisturbed.. 12'0. Potentials are discharged from the 9th posterior root at a distance of 1 mm, from stimulated; frequency of stimulation 10 per second. B frequency of stimulation 100 per second. C the sciatic nerve of the corresponding the brain. Direct~curreht booster. Recording by string oscillograph. A - the trifaclal nerve of the opposite side is side is stimulated; frequency of stimulation 10 per second; the beginning' and end of brief stimulation. L w frequency of stimulation 100 per second; beginning and end of brief stimulation. Tine marks for 10 milli6econds. (Boitbak, 1950).) During tetanic irritations of the sensory nerves or of the posterior roots, as Drell as during adequate stimulations, for instance, of the muscle receptors a long nanfluctuating potential is registered from th* anterior roots (Barron and Matthews 193$). In Fig. 5 are presented recordings of the bioe1ectrice1 reaction of the antorior root of stryehninized preparation of frog in response to tetanic stimulation of the aciatic nerve. As seen, a nonfluctting potential arises, on the background of wbrich the flucti*tions are arranged according to the rhythm, of the stimulation,. At cessation of stimulation Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81 -01 043R0001 00150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 ..1I.1I+ are characterized as rtial cQncepts have likelihood of nateriug the subject (Pavlov, 1912, 1913), Chapter II Bioeleotrical Potentials Arising in the Cerebral Cortex During Direct Electrical Stimulation of its Surface The cerebrum differs from the spinal card by, among other things, the fact (and this has drawn the attention already of the first investi> gators of the electrical phenomena of the central nervous system) that during the absence oi' special, stimulations and during deliberate exclusion of exteri stimulations from the cerebrum and from the cerebral cortex, in particular, certain electrical fluctuations are discharged. 1vidently the so-called "spontaneous" electrical activity of the cerebrum is a consequence and an expression of the greater excitability of its nerve elentsg in comparison with the spinal neurons. Apparently various negligible e.ter n1 gnd internal stiniu1a> tions are capable of causing excitation of the neuron that compose the . nerve centers of the cerebrum. This should jrticularly be referred to cortical neurons possessing highest excitability. We shall come back to this question again. As for the specially provoked bloelectrical reactions of the cerebral cortex, this question too comprises the nMn content of the Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 present Investigation. The following are experimental possibilities for excitation . of the cortical neurons by means of nerve impulses the source of which can be determined, a) Excitation of afferent systems of the cortex by adequate stimulations of the receptors or by electrical stimulation, of the corresponding sensory nerves. b) Excitation of the system of callosal fibers by electrical stimulation of the cortex of the opposite hemisphere or of the corpus callosum itself. It should be noted that Ianilevskii was the first to observe bloeleetrical reactions In the cortex at stimulation of the cortex of the opposite hemisphere (1891)? c) Excitation of the system of fibers 'in layer I of the cortex by direct electrical stimulation of the surface of the cortex. d) Fir11y, it is possible 'to send antidramically excitation impulses into the pyramidal neurons of the cortex durIng stimulation of the pyramidal tracts (Woolsey and Chang, 1947) The first two possibilities were used during a study. of electrical phenoa in the cortex even In the last century an4 at the beginning of this 'century. With the development of an oscillagraphic technique quite a large number of similar investigations appeared (see Chapter Iv). In world literature until recently there were only 2 articles relative to the bioelectrical reactions of the cerebral cortex that set Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 the clarification of certain questions of the phology of the cerebral cortex. There is nothing unexpected in this, because with the aid of the method of the electrical st3 ].stun tiny. important facts have been obtained which have not lost their aignificance (Fritsch and 11itzig, 1870; Vvedenshii, 1$97;, 1911, et al,). By the way, to Pvlov belongs the idea of studying the action of direct electrical stimulation of the various points of the surface of the cortex for effects of conditional stimulants (1926). A description will be given further on of the numerous axperiu nts with electrical stimulation of the cerebral cortex and of the registration of the bioelectrical potentials thereby arising, beginning with cotrativell simple experiments and ending with those quite camiple$ in set-up and results. The experiments were made on cats under nembutal narcosis (210 mg. per kg, of weight). - The operation consisted of `dosing. the larger (cerebral) hemispheres of the brain; the Jura mater was removed directly before beginning the *xperiments. The temperature of the surrauhding air was 30 33?C. S1eotrodes. Steel or silver needles served as stimulating electrodes, For discharge of the biopotentiale from the cortical surface silver ones served for electrodes. for discharge from the vara,ous layers of the cortex in the first experiments steel needles, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 is 6 nun. C is the effect of Stimulation (30 volts, 5 per second) prior to poisoning; after this the area under the stimulation electrodes was poisoned with a Q,5% solution of strychnine; the strychnine was removed after 3 minutes. D is the effect of the same stimulation 3.5 minutes after application of the strychnine to the brain under the stimulation electrodes. E is the effect ref the same stimulation 15 minutes after the. recording of I), Indication of 0,3 millivolt for A, of 0,6 millivolt for C,). In the experin nts of eritov and 1oitbsk (1950b) on apirl cord of frog it was discovered that at relatively great concentration of strychnine (general or local poisoning) it is possible to observe two stages of its effect: at first, the posterior and anterior root potentials attenuate, and only after several minutes do they begin to intensify. Thus, weakening of the cortical negative potentials after strychnine poisoning should be ascribed to its parabiotic action on the neuron elements. Histological investigation of the part of the cortex subjected to poisoning by saturated solution of strychnine showed drastic morphological hanges of the cortical neurons (s. Beritashvili, 1952). In connectian with what has been mentioned above, it is possible to set forth the following fact obtained by .Chung (1951) ; the negative potential ac usted to be provoked 8 man, after a strip of paper saturated with a solution of cocaine was placed on the cortex between the stimulation and the Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 core dur1n~ deep zLarcosia. Cat No.~ June 6, 1949. Deep narcosis after injection of a double dose of nbuta1. St1mi 1ation and discharge electrodes in the err. sioideus post. ; distance between tiem 3 mm. Intensity Of stimulat?n 34 volts. A is frequency of stimulation t B per second, B is 15 per second. is 4o per second, and 1 s $f# r seve 1 seconds of stimulation. D is frequency of stimulation at $0 per second. 20 milliseconds and 0.6 millivolt indicated, ). At frequency of stimulation of iO per second the effects quickly dwindle to nom; at a frequency of 100 per second only the few first shocks cause appreciable bioslectrical potentials. In Fig. A, an expert nt is set forth with cerebral stimulation at a frequency of 2 per second. At first the ,gnitude of the effects grows, and after the fourth stimulation shock the effects progressively attenuate., The twentieth stimulation shock causes a three times der potential than the second, in experiment B the frequency of stimulation is momentarily increased to 12 per second. After sight fluctuation caused by the first shock of tetanic stimulation the subsequent shocks produce no effect. In recording C after 2.7 seconds of tetanization at a rhythm of l2'5 per second the frequency 4f 'stimulation is a gin shifted to per second; thereby effects arise the same in amplitude as prior to application Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 406- stimulation 5 v., frquenc~r 100 per second. Deflection upward denotes negative character of discharge electrode very close to the point of etimulatIon ( ritov and Boitbak s 1953) .) . With the beginning of the developaent o the negative potential the " spontaneous" electrical activity immediatee1y attenuates or ceases and re ins oppressed throughout all the time of the beginning of this potential. Thus,. regional, fixed, nonfluctuating excitation of the system of dendrites In the surface layers of the cortex stipulates inhibition of activity of the neuronic elements of the cortex. On the other hand, during ccaratively intense stimulations of the surface of the cortex at a rhythm of 50-100 per second a prolonged positive potential can aril; that Is attended by intensification of the "spontaneous" electrical activity (Beritov and Boibak, 1953). When from the surface of the cortex a long netive biopotential is discharged, the Inner layers of the cortex. are polarized in, a positive way (Fig. 15). It can be thought that activation of the dendritic' plexus of layers I and II stipulates the anelectrotonization of the cellular bodies of the pyramidal neurons in the inner layers of the cortex and by this. very thing oppression of " spontaneoust` electrical. activity. . . The facts obtained at passage of n constant crwrent through the Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 4) Gelb with dendrites proceeding with two tufts into layors ,a. I and I, T xc or, its branch proceeds into layer III, terminating there around the pyramids (0 'Leary and iahop, 1938). In IPig. 26 layer' It is schematically presented, its neuronic e1eints and their connections. (Legend to fig. 6, textpage 64: Schematic depiction of the neurons of layer Ii of the darter and of certain of tbelr connections. 1, 2, and 3 are the zin types of neurons of layer II of the cortex. 1 is a neuron with ascending axon. 2 is a neuron with horizontal axon. 3 is a neuron with descending axon and collateral returning into layer I (star cell). The scheme was composed an the basis of certain histological data.) On the basis of certain histological information mentioned above about layer Ii of the cortex it is possible to make the following conclusions: 1. During excitation of. the system of fibers of layer I excitation of the cells of layer II can occur, because in layer II there are numerous coilaterals of the fibers of layer I. 2. During excitation of the cells of _ layer Ii ietivation can occur of the top dendrites in layer I, because among the cells of layer II are cells with axon ascending into layer I, which take on there a horizontal direction and give fort many Collaterals. In addition, the axons of the star pyramids give forth collaterale into layers I and II. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 after a supplementary negative. potential (Fig. 28, A and B). 0 According to Cbang, preceding a supplementary negative potential is a positive one, i.e. response to stimulation a negative potential arises that passes over into a positive one, after which a second tive. fluctuation follows. This actually can occur (see Fig. 15), but this is not the rule: suppler ntaary negative fluctuations can arise 'without the preliminary first negative potential having changed to positive. (see Fig. 22). Finally, a positive fluctuation (FIg. 23, C) can precede the initial negative potential, which Ong (1951) also paints out. In the njorIty of cases after the negative potential a low positive defection is observed of considerable length. It is difficult to say whether it always expresses activation of the elements of the deep layers, since it is observed also during deep narcosis. Perhaps this Is the analogue of the subsequent positive potential after regional excitation. Such resultant potentials arise, as already said, in the mtoneurons. The following data regard the positive potentials that arise at stimulation of the surface of the cortex. 1., In experiments on isolated strip of cortex the following facts were established. When the cortex was not narcotized, then in respvnae to a shock. off' stimulation applied to the surface of the cortex a brief negative potential arises ( 3? milliseconds), after Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 11 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 which aesuiss a rate of spread of about 1,5 in, per second. 'Spontaneous" negative. potentials arose at both points simultaneously (osa. B). Thus, as a result of the stimulation of one point of the -rus suprasylvius activation occurs of the tap dendrites of the pyramid neurons over a vide territory of this convolution. (legend to Fig. 33, textpage 773 Spread of activity through the cerebral cortex from the point being stimulated. Cat 11o. 36, Jan. 2, 1951. The potentials are discharged simultaneously from the ntid&Le part of the gyr. suprasylvius (i1, upper curves) and from the gyr. sigmoideus post. (Z, lower curves). The first pair of stimulating electrodes (plj is placed on the anterior pole of gyr. suprasylvius,, the second pair (F2) on the posterior pole of this convolution (see scheme). The distance p2-E2 30 . A - "spontaneous" activity. B and C stimulation through pl. - - effect of the 20th shock at a frequency of 2 per second and an intensity of 12 v. .C .. intensity of stimulation 25 v. ; at first the effect of one shock, then a stimulation of a frequency of 14 per second is applied (itteni4on isa t : to the fact that a single sti wlation was applied at the tiv of the "spontaneous" slaw fluctuation in gyr. suprasylvius), f effect of stimulation througji P2. ') Attention is called to the fact that with a frequency of stimulation of 50 per second at a remote point potentials ceased to Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 arise a~n response to sus of stimulation and at. the most proxinnl point for each shock of stimulation a negative potential arose (osc. 0), i.e. the impression was created that at a stimulation frequency of per second transmission of excitation at point E2 ceased. At stimulation of the anterior and middle parts of the gyrus suprasylvius negative potentials arise in the posterior gyrus sigmoideus. In the sane preparation stimulation of the posterior pale of the gyrus suprasylvius cannot lead to the arising of b1o potentials in the gyrus sigmoideus (~'ig. 33). (Legend to Pig, 31+, textpage 7$: Spread of activity through the cerebral cortex from the point stimulated.. Cat No. 29, June 28, 1950. The stimulating and. 2 discharging electrodes are placed on the surface of the gyros suprasylvius. The first discharge electrode (Ej). Is at a distance of 3 1., the second (E2) at a distance of l1 nano. from the stimu]Ating electrodes. ?. The biopotentials_ discharge simultaneously from points (upper curves) and (lower curves). A intensity of stimulation 30 it. ,, frequency 10 per second, beginning of stimulation. D ~ intensity of stimulation 20 v., frequency 10 per second, C - frequency 20 per second. D > 100 per secon& xperiment` was carried out. prior to experiments A D; intensity of stimulation 30 v., frequency 10 per second; at time of exposure the direction of the stimulating current was ganged (attention is Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 called to the direction of the artefact of stimulation). ) With very light narcr~sis (Fig. 311.) the activity begins to spread from the point being stimulated not only to greater distances but also without appreciable decrement: the amplitude of the potentials at a remote point can be even greater than nearby (oec. A and B). Yurthermore, complex effects arise, the character of which shows that, together with impulses from fibers of layer I by direct activation of the top dendrites, additional activation of them occurs from the intermediate cortical neurons, the various completes of which are included in the activity at a different time. A sma7.l positive fluctuation precedes the negative potential at point L2. However., this is evidently an expression of polarization, since this fluctuation disappears at change of direction of the stimulating current, ilhereas the character of the negative potential is not changed (oso. it). Sometimes just one shock of stimulation causes prolonged rbrthmicai aftereffect.. In the aftereffect the activity spreads through the cortex for a greater distance. in the experiment, the recordings of which are presented in Fig. '35, the shook of Stimulation applied to the surface of the anterior pole of the gyrus suprasylvius caused no biceleatrical reaction at point i (19 tmn, from the place of ,stimulation), an energetic two-phase potential (osc, B) ha4x been provoked at point 11 ( mm, From the place of stimulation). lu Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 19iO) are tvo 'pIase potentials eini lar to thcsa that arise at ~erip1 era1 stimulations, 1. e, after the poaitive phase a negat1ve fo11ow's, Pig, 38 shows that the negative phase cannot eriae, and in such uses the "coilosa]. effect" is ? expressed only by a positive fluctuation. (Legend to 1'1 g. 38, textpae 82: Activity spread, from point stimulated, through the cerebral cortex. Cat No. 20, `April 28,1950, In 11 the experiments one and the same paint of the anterior pole of the gyr. suprasylvius is stimulated; the intensity of the stimulation is 25 v,; the duration of the irritating stimulus is 0.5 millisecond, The first d.iacharrge electrode (El) is placed on the gyr. suprasylvius at a distance of 7 mm, from the stimulating electrodes (p); in all osclUograms the lower curve consists of potentials from E1. The second discharge electrode is placed on different parts of the cortex: A > on the gyr, ectoeylvius, its anterior pole; B - on the gr. ectosylvius, its posterior pole; 0-w on the4oeterior pole of the gyr. suprasylvius; 1) on the gyr. suprasylvius of the opposite hemisphere at a place sy et'ical to the place of stImulation; E .. on the posterior pole of the gyr. suprasylvius of the opposite side; F ~- on the posterior pole of the rr. ectosylvius of the apposite side:) At relatively light narcosis considerable positive potentials arise, in response to stimulation of the cortex and in asymmetrical, parts of the corresponding yrus of the, apposite hemisphere and even Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 second. A w beginning ?of stimulation; Al - several seconds after stimulation. B and B' w. cat No. 22, y 12, 1950. Location of . electrodes is shown in the schema. B - beg.nning of stimulation (25 v, 10 per secaxd); Bl > several seconds after stimulation,) Recordings A and Al in Fig. 39 show constant involvement in the reaction of a point of the cortex located 20 ma, distant from the point irritated. The irritating electrodes. were get up on the anterior pole of the gyrus suprasylvius and the discharge electrodes at a distance of and 20 mm. from them. The first 3 shocks of stimulation caused bioelectrical reaction only at the nearest point of the cortex (osc. A); then each shook of stimulation began to provoke slow negative potentials both at. the nearest point and at remote points (osc. Al). Attention is attracted to the fact that potentials at a remote point have been altered in regard to amplitude, form, and the latent period of their , setting in. Undoubtedly in this case the activity spread occurred because of excitation of the association neurons. Recordings B and of rig. 39 are complex for analy is. Stimulation of the gyrus suprasylvius at a rhythm of 10 per second did not provoke for a long timed bioelectrioal reactions in the analogous .conva.Iutian of the opposite hemisphere (oso. B, lower curve), but then ever 4ntensifyin negative potentials arose there, 11 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6 471.. . syrstrical point of the oppostte hem1,6pbere a depression, arose and spread over the entire oppoa1te he spkhei'e on the side of stimulation the phenomenon of the Blow-spreading depression did not arise. 3) .Ae saki, spread of depression in the h+ ispbere stimulated can occur without the participation of the long association pathways. However, there are facts which indicate that in certain cases the. phenomenon of the depression can develop with the participation of the long cortico-cortical pathways the depression f'8k1ps" from the stimulated part to a remote part, i.e. pririly it develops with a short latent period in a remote part and just from there is spread over the Whole cortex (Marshall, 19). The series of facts cited testifies in favor of he pheno non of the s1o 'spreading depression being able to arise under the influence of excitation impulses that come to the cortex. Still this extren1y .._... important question'c.._un~ni now unavxirie special ntdy, No attempt has been made to clarify whether the phenomenon of the slow spreading depression arises at stimulat4on of the nerves and Teceptors, i. e. under the influence of the afferent impulses that arrive at one or another cortical analyaor. However., since there are no indications of this estimate, though them is a very great nuiber of varks on the study of the effect of peripheral stimulations on the electrical activity of the cortex, then it is possible to think that Leeo's phenon non does Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/01/11: CIA-RDP81-01043R000100150004-6