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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005400100012-1 CLASSIFICATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMA;WQN REPORT REPORT CC0 NO COUNTRY East Germany SUBJECT PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF' INFO, OF 91!11 u-IlITia STATEN. IITMIr Oil ra/1Alra OF OTI S IS. SECTIONS 798 ANI rM. UP Tit! O. 5. 0508. ION OR L, A"" OF ITS CONTIHTI TO lEO w If ?QOH1P1T60 9T LAW THE h _ - AROMINRO.. .1 he l . e'inanmsde'f , corer of the int3tal3116ti,en of this j . chaes strt not yet; 3- DAT~ DISTR. 10 March 1;55 40"O' PAGES 6 50X1-HUM NO. OF ENCLS., (LISTED RUM TIHI$ IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 50X1-HUM which,Ab3 a.n in tha southwestern in, 4et' I menta T b i. 'itl designationw 1 V O ting Land A77 - jjct 146 1113. After, rious ins the , construction plan, preparatory work for a widening of ee fi4m*21,--*t6 bQLneterr was started. The exact of thy:-elteneioi* g:the- western s and` eastern sides were ie t ' -ther dej** e1y d?termhed that tl"iew: widened covered with a 30--cm concrete layer, while the inner thk. s+c11#nj work ,was done by laborers working an ds Sovit.*iC ee spld s . 2 ember, t ;et h a keys were iplo -e rt' t i f rsa3. ,4e Klein Doelln settlement, Work was almost coTMpleted on to t a tooter `tern ead 01-Y the Zft o .thi? ncrete 'Tanewere thre di`se.~. ':seas of which t ie t .n tt#bn-*n e i grv t' ei1 P.ach other and the distance to the taxiway coul&Mt d This also applied to the concrete lane branching off. to the we. f the southwestern end of the connecting lane.` 4. Repair and cleaning work being done on the.W-E runway and the taxiway. The terrain located betwee-. the two lanes was leveled by Soviet Air Force soldiers. The construction sheds which were no longer used and the light poles at the w-istern section of the runway were removed. 3 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005400100012-1 on ugus n i agMwk ,pn,,the disperskl areas' wait c pleted? The terr;in_ ich bordered on the concrete aprons was.] Bled by, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005400100012-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005400100012-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005400100012-1 5. In early September, the fuel containers of fuel dump :I were apparently not yet filled. 4 6. On 24 August, a biplane landed on the section of the runway which is located east of the Gross Doelln o Vietmannedorf road. The aircraft had the white No 2 underneath the red Soviet star on its rudder assembly. It took off about 1600 heading in an unidentified direction. 5 7. The barriers across the Vietmannsdorf- Gross Doelin road, which had previously been guarded by Soviet soldiers wearing red bordered black epaulets, were open after 8 September. Some of the guard personnel with their baggage moved on trucks toward Templin in early 50X1-HUM September 6 8. After previous rumors on the intended construction of a new airfield in the Querfurt area, there were new rumors on an airfield project between Torgelow and Eggesin. The workers were to be assigned to these construction projects depending on the location of their residences. 7 10. No observations indicating the establishment of lighting facilities., radio installations or radar sets at the field were observed up to early September. 11. The target date for the completion of all the work planned for 1954 was fixed as ?21 December 1954? 9 50X1-HUM ~2. Repair work on the runway and the taxiway running parallel to the runway was completed 0 A leading member of the VEB Ing Tiefbau Bs andenburg stated that widening work on the connecting lane A/B was find: l y decided on 27 September. A 19.5-meter-wide and 30--cm-thick concrete strip was to be constructed on each side of the lane wMch was 21 meters wide and 40 can thick. Adjacent to the new strips, a 1.5-meter- wide asphalt strip was to be laid0 These asphalt ^? ,rips were to border an av 8.5meter wide strip covered with Maus. Work was almost completed on the lanes which branched off to 'L!ie east and west from the southwestern end of the connecting 1 ,~a A/B. 1 13. Since all construction projects on Gurma,n territory are subject to German laws, the fuel dump I was rot accepted by the proper state control agency because the safety regulations irt the caump didi not agree with the German regulations. The exact designation of the agency could r:;t be determined.. 4 140 50X1-HUM durii.ig 1955 and 1956, considerably more concrete would be used at the fieid.10 15. Kutscher (fnn,-) , business manager of the VEB Ing Tiefbau Brandenburg at the field, was transferred and replaced by Schulz (fnu). Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005400100012-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005400100012-1 SECRET 1.6. In mid-September, excavation work was under y on both sides of the concrete lane which was to be widened on each side by a strip 19.5 meters wide and 30 cm thick 1 17. In mid-September, concreting work was started on the connecting road between fuel dump I and fuel dump II. The road was 5.5 meters wide and 15 cm thick. The connecting strip to the north was 6 meters wide. 11 18. Work was being done in two shifts on the concrete connecting lane to the dispersal areas in the southwestern section of the field and in one shift on the dispersal areas and the connecting road from fuel lump I to fuel dump II. From 1 September to 20 November, 43,000 cubic meters of concrete were still to be completed including the extension strips of the connecting lane A/B. It was doubted, however, whether the. target could be met. 19, The concrete lane to the southwest, which had previously been mentioned as auxiliary runway, fighter runway or connecting road A/B, was officially designated Connecting Lane A/B - Object No 103. 4dening work on this lane was decided in mid-September. According to the new plan, the eastern side was to be widened by 19 meters and the western side by 20 meters, both strips with a 30-cm.-thick concrete cover. The concrete lane which branched off to the east from the southern end of the connecting lane was completed as far as the bend. The easternmost dispersal area had the numerical designation 1, the middle dispersal area had No 2, and the third one located just east of the connecting lane had No 3. Dispersal areas Nos 1 and 2 were concreted by hand. The three dispersal areas along the western lane branching off from the south end of the connecting lane A/B had the Nos 4, 5, and 6 for the southernmost, tie northeastern one and the northwestern one respeclaively. 1 20. In late August, no preparatory work for the construction of new fuel dumps was observed. Two new dumps, one at the northern edge of vcgen (forest sub-district) 157 and the other one near connecting lane A/B, will allegedly be built in 1955. 4 21. The main runway was cleaned. Marshy soil was to ir,.irove the grass cover on the strips north of tha runmav- The r` o the site by Soviet soldiers 22. The VEB Ing Tiefbau Brandenburg employ;---'- 1,,212 workers at the field 50X1-HUM on 20 August and 1,178 on 31 August., 23. In late August, concrete slabs :were laid on the terrain between the concrete protective wall arx the containers in fuel dujzp I. The roofs of the containers v-:re to be given a protective coating of paint, then were covered with earthy including the concrete slabs Subsequently, grass was to be sown on the earth, Two towerrG-like devices projected on top of each container, above the space between the protective wall and the? container 3 One aperture was the entrance hatch and ti:a other was the ventilation. The former was in a round concrete tower covered by a roof. A second fuel damp was scheduled Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005400100012-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005400100012-1 Comment. individual landings of courier aircraft were observed in July 195'. . The aircraft probably carried officers of superior headquart re who inspected the field. SECRET, SECRET, 30. Since about 18 September, the air force construction company of 160 to 200 men has been quartered in one of the headquarters buildings. The personnel were daily trucked to their constructioa sites at 0700 and returned at 1800. They were vainly engaged in grading work on the area north of the runway and between the runway and taxiway. Top soil from the swamp north of the runway was to be used in this grading work. The top soil was to be picked up by dredgers and hauled to the side via a corduroy road which was to be built. 31. In mid-September, the construction staff ordered that the individual construction projects were no longer to be designated after their purpose, but only by their assigned numbers. 14 32. A railroad man stated that, in August, 1,429 railroad cars with cement, gravel, timber, prefabricated barracks sections etc. arrived for the airfield. 7 33. On 22 September, no work was being done on the spur track which crosses the Gross Doelln road at kilometer marker 2.0, extends to the Zehdenick Templin highway, and terminates in the marshy soil south of this road. 15 Com. ent. On the baia of previous information on connecting lane 50X1 -HUM B it is assumed that this connecting lane has a total length of about 2,900 meters. Previous reports indicate that the lane will be widened from 21 meters to 60 meters. i.e a by i9,5 meters on each side,. The length on which this extension work was to be conducted could not yet be definitely determined,. but is believed to be about 2,500, meters. The information on a concrete strength of 30 can on the 50X1-HUM expansion strips is believed to be correct and is normal for fighter runway. 3. Cqgm~nt, Work on the runway and was completed. The two concrete lanes are serviceable over Ineir entire lengths. 4 Comment. It is believed the', the fuel dump is in working condition except that the contat ers are not yet filled. The refusal by the state control .gency to accept the fuel dump was reported previously. Accor;iing to available info oration, a third fuel dump will probabl'? ce constructed along connecting lane A/Es approximately in JapF -a 130. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005400100012-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005400100012-1 SECRET, A portion cat' the guard d otsvil Saar-; p 'ohably discht; 7 Comment. The construction of an a ' f i e 1 ~ a nes uerfurt has;i been confirmedb The reported transfer of t mpsr? ' " hru'-idings to this construction project with the de sigr..ti.on object No 542, was taken over by the VEB Ing Tiefbau Bra denbu.arg, appears possible , The other construction project between Torgelow and 'Eggesin is no airfield construction project but a project of the KVP Army for the 7E73 Ing Tiefbau Brandenburg was also contracted. 8. a unit in Voronezh, probably to a border guard unit 13. 14,, dump was allegedly to be const'r acted -,"hzx LComment. This information is notevcrthy?. -".t is unknown for which purpose the materials will be used. Special. attention vill ha re to be paid to the construction of u t6erg ^owx1 installations a-ac', other protective installations at the fieIt&;- omment. This road begins at the northern edge of Jagen 162, extends parallel to the taxiway toward the east F.s far as the northern edge of Jagen 157, where the second fuel. dump is probably intended to be constructed. Comment. The ammunition in Jagen 103/104 s,rid 115/116, southwest of Grunewald, is apparently completed. No shipments to this dump have been reported so far. The correctness of the infort atioy on. the utili .ti. r r l' the clearings cannot be verified. The constructtic o of a g :sr.' cogs. on the clearing covering an area of 15 is ft metez s app:enr Comment.. .. Comment. This order agrees with p e ousl.1, seou:r ?? ; measures. The numerical designations of t?}:e; indl e projects have not been determined. 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 15 LComment. In July 1954, the cc tr'?}; '`~ 50X1-HUM of a railroad emban cent whiff be ; c Aga o ;a Lmately in ..~ege A :t; = ~?L extended via Jagen 132 Into Jagen L21 an 122 ; 1, set;'ond Luilt-tion SEOR T` Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/27: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005400100012-1