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VI t Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release e 50-Yr 2014/11/04: CIA-RDP82-00047R000300700001-9 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT Methods and Channels Utilized in Planning Construction of Soviet Factories PLACE ACQUIRED 50X1 E ,ACQU I RED BY v.� DATE (OF INFO. THIS DOCUMCNT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING TNK NATIONAL 011,11111 OF THE UNITED $TATCS, WITHIN THC MEANINO OF TITLI IC, $ECTIONS 701 ANO 704; OF Till U.S. COOK, Al A81110(0. ITS TRANSMISSION OA SETT. LATION or ofs 008 71878 TO OR ASOLIFT IT AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PRoNISITIO EY LAW. THE RIPROOUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PAOHIIITSD, 50X1 NO. OF ENCLS. 1 (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO , REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATIO" 50X1 1, The People's Commissariat (later referred to in the USSR as Ministry) of Construction (Narodnii Kommissariat Straitelstva) had two main sections - Planning and Construction. This Narkom (Narodnii Kommissariat) built new factories and reconstructed or improved old ones. The Chief Planning Administration (Glavniya Upravleniya Proyektirovaniya - or GLAVK) of the Construction Narkom made the technical plan for each factory. This GLAVK (Glavniya Upravleniya Narkomata) had several planning sections, or trusts, under it, such as GIPROMACH (Gosudarstvenoi Institut Proyektirovaniya Machina Straeniya - Government Planning Institute of Machine Building). There were also planning sections covering such activities as agricultural construction, aviation, electric machines, textile machines, and transport (railroads, bridges, roads). gee enclosure for a sketch indicating relationship and organization of certain units of the Soviet Government concerned with construction planning. It gives a sample breakdown of one of the Narkoms. This chart is intended to supplement following por- tions of this report2 2. The Industrial Bank allocated funds for the Five Year Plan worked out by GOSPLAN. The Bank had many branches throughout the USSR and exercised extensive control, ie it gave funds to each factory, checked on progress being made, and, if satisfied, provided the necessary additional funds. When a factory received notice from the Bank that an account had been opened to finance planned work (construction or improvement), the Planning Section of the Construction Narkom drew up a Technical Plan (Technichiski Proyect) for the construction of a new plant or the improvement of an exist- ing one. This included: the details of planned production (technologichiskaya zapiska), actual plans for buildings and machines (the technichiski proyect proper), and the cost calculations (smeta). Calculations were made to cover a period of one year. The amounts, in millions of rubles, to be spent for E LAST PAGE FOR -1.,IFELL7CT L AA CODES CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL/SECURITY INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION EV Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/11/04: CIA-RDP82-00047R000300700001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/11/04: CIA-RDP82-00047R000300700001-9 CONFIDENTIAL/SECURITY INFORMATION the project Were activity of eop' planning was 49, in Kharkov 104( which handle lug of factorteS -2- 'ken down by quarter (three months). The quarterly 17110 plants was also indicated. The actual detailed c411Y, for example in Kharkov. Trest (Trust) No 26 the Construction Narkom. The Trust had a section s pertaining to approval of technical plans for build- It would reconcile plans of GIFROMACR in Moscow with local conditiOns:otprepent alternate ideas. The section would also indi- cate whether,plAnned construction wae feasible in that area and whether necessary building materials were Obtainable locally. It was general prac- tice to attempttO'Obtain as much money as possible for a project, so that the construction tToit would not run short of funds. Basic costs were two: labor and materials! Construction materials, as well as labor, had set costs. It was pOeeible, however, to adjust them to local conditions, as such questions :As Cost of transportation had to be considered. 50X1 3. Construction planning is done in a certain chronological order and goes through certain channels. The Construction Narkom's planning section deal- ing with machine building, for example, draws up a technical plan for the construction of a new plant or the improvement of an existing one. The detailed planning is done in the area where the factory is to be built, such as in Kharkov. Then the chief of the cost-agreement section of a con- struction trust, such. as Trust No 26 in Kharkov, is consulted. The Trust comes under the construction section of the Construction Narkom. The tech- nical plan then is sent to Moscow, to the OKS (Otdel Kapitalgnova Strai- telstva Major Construction Section) of the GLAVK (Glavnaya Upravleniya Narkomata - Chief Administration of the Narkom) of the Narkom which will have jurisdiction over the new plant. For example, it could be the NKSM (Narkom Srednevo Machina Straieniya - Medium Machine Building Narkom). The GLAVK forms a commission consisting of one representative each of the OKS, the factory, and the construction trust. The factory representative is an engineer and the man from the trust is the chief of the cost-agreement section. The commission goes over the plan and makes adjustments in equip- ment and costs. The technical plan then goes up to the Otdel Expertiza (Expertise Section). This group operates primarily under the GOSFLAN, but also under the Industrial Bank, and is on a higher level than a Narkom. The experts check all plans - as to cost calculations, equipment, schedul- ing, time at which funds should be made available - and reach a compromise solution. The GOSPLAN, if necessary, orders other plants to support the new factory with products to be made available at the time they are needed. For an individual to take part in construction planning, it is important for him to know well pertinent regulations and the rights of groups involved. As can be seen from the above, it is the Expertise Section which makes the decision on the final amount and determines the time at which work will be done. It., The conStruction: trust representative, with his assistants, works out a time limit for the final technical plan. This is done by the representa- tive in Moscow, 90. as to save time. It is also advantageous to the con- struction trust to have its man working on the final technical plan, as the trust can better keep the initiative in its drive to obtain adequate fin- ancing. At Sa earlier stage of the proceedings, when the plan is before the Expertise Section, the trust representative attempts to get redistri- bution of funds for the preferred quarters, ie the summer period. This is difficult to do, but by indicating to the experts that it would be desira- ble to do so then one considers the activities of supporting plants (steel, cement), it may he accomplished. When the details of the final technical plan have been 'worked out, it is submitted to the appropriate Narkom for approval! It ,i0 :the. sent to GOSPLAN which., after approving it, sends it to the AlleUr404 PPnnoil of Narkoms (ministers). It is this body which gives the fLnal temp, of approval. Once the technical plan has emerged from the Expertise- Section, its course through the above-mentioned upper echelons is ueUlly tilliocAlt, for the experts are trusted. The technical plan covers a. periO of one year and its approval guarantees financing. CONFIDENTIAL/SECURITY INFORMATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/11/04 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300700001-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/11/04: CIA-RDP82-00047R000300700001-9 CONFIDENTIAL/SECURITY INFORMATION If the work scheduled to be done during the year is not completed, it of course must be carried over to the next year. and must be refinanced. 50X1 5. Copies of the approved plan are distributed as follows: one to the Construc- tion Narkom, which then transmits it to the appropriate construction trust, such as the one in Kharkov; one to the Industrial Bank; and one to the appropriate Narkom, such as the Medium Machine Building Narkom, which trans- mits it to the factory concerned. Finally, a subdivision (such as GIPROMACH) of the planning section of the Construction Narkom, working from the:approved plan, makes up a Work Plan (Rabochi Proyect) for the new plant. This plan consists of detailed, drawings dealing with thickness of walls, types of windows, machines, and foundations. - cnci ENCLOSURE (A) Chart of Certaln. Units of the Soviet Government Concerned with Construction. Planning p 1941, LEBRARY SUBJECT 103.691 103.69 748.11 CODES CONFIDEUTIWSECURITY INFORMATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/11/04: CIA-RDP82-00047R000300700001-9 CONFIDENTIAL/SECURITY INFORMATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/11/04 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300700001-9 rs t (Pr tertpj u ITS Ot-Ti 5OMnL.--c ouv uktrqrittN9 Npus-nktivili-1 5AN 01.4 ceski,i Ep torm co N Silluurt of�J ?LAMA iNG. Wi UNstoN COUIN4C.11� n 0 F NA(206.0ms (MINI (ST E, KS) NKr C.. latAtittzt. 1.:114pu ST1 N eAsof 0.4o+1 N !Wit-D:14 G 6LA TRic. 14 RIM 6t21] oThEs 1,4045 write R �s, Ge-Avtc. 6 LAN ics .) TEacTUZ KS Arun ovistate� TuPviet. MOCititiES �ICS 1�11612s blb6L-) �ThEt) ar0O-5 FJ* i*GOMM Swill;gt MCI i E.TC, fAc-ro No. t 605 PLAN CONFIDENTIAL/SECURITY INFORMATION IA NASKOik.A &L.A. te�C4IF ADM I Nisi-RA-n*4 oF A-K1 KS 7:- MA:soR cuNSTRucTioi0 SeciRoNi (o-rDEL lesAp ritctINO VA CoNSTROcine14 oni TRUST TTS-Mot ISTv ftu 243 KftAggav Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr 2014/11/04: CIA-RDP82-00047R000300700001-9