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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300450003-5 MINIMINI?km???????????, CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL/SECURITY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY Estonia SUBJECT PLACE ACQUIRED DATE ACQUIRED BY SOURCE DATE OF INFORMATION Estonian Meat Industry 50X1 ?NIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES. WITHIN TEE MEANING OF TITLE IS, SECTIONS 793 ANO 704, OF THE U.S. CODE, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVS. LOTION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS P5I/01E1T. EY LAW. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PRODS SITED. 50X1 CD NO. 50X1 DATE DISTR. /17 Oct 1953 NO OF PAGES 22 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION SOURCE 50X1 1. Prior to 1940 livestock was slaughtered in various city, county, export and cooperative slaughtering houses. Al]. of this was changed in 1940, however, when the Soviet occupation forces placed all slaughter houses under the control of the Estonian Meat Exports Company, a former cooperative. 2, When the German forces occupied Estonia in 1941 they continued the plan of directing all slaughtering through the Estonian Meat Exports Company. Undoubtedly the Soviets have continued to direct all slaughtering through the same method, for it concentrated all efforts in one organization. 4. I would like to point out that according to figures Estonia, approximately 80 pounds of meat were consumed annually by each individual as an average, There was, of course, a substantial amount of meat slaughtered by the farmer for his own immediate use. Since it was not necessary to have this meat inspected and recorded, there was no figure on the total amount involved. As a guide, in 1944 there were 140 thousand farms over two acres in size and 20 thousand farms of two acres or less. 50X1 6. All meat for domestic sale had to be slaughtered at a city, county or coopera- tive slaughter house. This provided for government, inspection according to standards set by the government. In 1943 there were 11 county and 13 city slaughter houses, a total of 24. 7. City slaughter houses were able, as a rule, to provide a two-day only storage capacity. There was only an ice house used for refrigeration at these city housec The export slaughter houses located at Tallinn, Tartu ant' Vpkhma could store about a two weeks supply under modern refrigeration. As an example each could LAST 7-AG T FOR. .S:Un.,..77,CT AP.7,A.CODLP, CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL/SECURITY INFORMATION/US OFFICIALS ONLY DISTRIBUTION ORR. EV Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300450003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300450003-5 CONFIDENTIAL/SECURITY INFORMATION/US OFFICIALS ONLY -2- 50X1 store about 15 thousand dressed hogs. 50X1 . Meat was distributed to the domestic market in 1944 through private and cooperative retail shops. There were 66 cooperative shops and between 35 and 40 individually owned shops. 9. ACTIVITIES OF THE COMPANY 10. Objects and Rights. The activities of the company were based during the reporting year on the statute of the company and the regulations of the East-Territory State Commissary concerning cattle and meat economy (Amtsblatt 1942 +38). The company or persons authorized by the company were given monopoly to purchase livestock and meat. 11. During the reporting year there were no changes in the established activities. The former purchase net and the regulations also remained unchanged. 12. Organization. The accounting and reporting of the company underwent great changes. Most of the outlying branches were separated from the accounting of the export slanghter houses and were established as independent reporting units. Namely: in the district of the export slaughter house of Tallinn: J8hvi, Sonde, Rakvere, Teri, Keila, Haapsalu, and Kuressaare branches; in the district of the export slaughter house orToklima: -ern% Vandra, Viljandi and P8ltsamaa branches; in the district of the export slaughter house of Tartu: Mustveel Elva, Otepll, Valga, V8ru and Petseri branches. 13. For some reason the Nerve branch was not separated from the Tallinn district, and the same is also true of the Antsla, Rapine and Irboska branches which were not separated from the distric, nf the export slaughter house of Tartu. 14. Management of the Comas/. Members of the Board of Directors for the year 1943 were: President - Abel Min, members - Alfred Anderson and T8nis Oert. The Assembly of Representatives held its regular annual meeting 28 Jun 43. President A. Kgbin was reelected for a four year term and the Council was elected as follows: President of the company: Abel Kgbin; members: Jakob Velitar, August Lindpere, August Ahman, Andrei Ojangu, Paul Rank, Vassili Eevert, Ernst Tomingas, Endel Vesb.i, Johannes labmma, Otto Kask, Mart Vinnal, Anton Reemge, Anton Piiskop? Peter Lemp,Aleksander Pedriks, Juhan Rennit, Mart RBuk, Carl Anton, and Hindrek Zernask. On the auditing committee served President - Leonhard Voltri; members: Villem Pender, Hgrm Salve, Jdri Soolgr, Heinrich Karjel, Robert Altosaar, Oskar Hint, Johannes Pruuden, and Jaen Kind. During 19430 325 farmers were listed as company members. 15. The Balance and investments of the Com. During the reporting year the prices of the slaughter industry and meat products were set so low in comparison with the purchase price of the livestock that, for example, the value of the wholesale price of all the products of a slaughtered cow did not cover the purchase price of the animal, not to speak of covering the expenses of sale, slaughtering and storage. As a result of all this the reporting year ends with a deficit. 16. During the year 1943 the financial status of the company was as follows: CONFIDENTIAL/SECURITY INFORMATION/US OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300450003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ CONFIDENTIAL/SECURITY INFORMATION/US -3 ASSETS (Active) 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300450003-5 OFFICIALS ONLY in 1000 EM 1943 1942 increased. 50X1 1943 -.decreased Cash 281 120 161 - Banks 347 702 355 ,Claims 1700 1269 431 - Goods 1102 1009 93 Materials 450 325 125 Total liquid assets 3880 3425 455 Properties 2711 2569 142 Others 47 136 89 Deficit 541 . 541 Balance 7179 6130 1049 LIABILITIES (Passive)- Banks 2879 1556 1323 Creditors 727 573 154 Miscellaneous 112 331 ,219 Total Liabilities 3718 2460 1258 Joint Stock and other funds 1647 1569 78 Amortization funds 1814 1744 70 Rest - 357 - 357 -Balance 7179 6130 1049 Liquid assets exceed. claims 162 965 . 803 Inepite.Of the-deficit due to unfavOtable price relations the liquid, properties. . Of the company cover all debts and obligations completely, leaving a profit of RN, 1620000.- 16. 31 Dec 43 the Company had. funds: Joint stock EM 228,661.99 Collection money on joint stock 639,069.51. Reserve Funds . 524,559.98' Operation, funds 229,711.52 Insurance funds H 25,348.21- - Total RM 1,647,351.21 Amortization funds " 1,813,618.74 19. During the reporting year the joint stock increased by RM 42,228.90. Out Of this W11,9148.50 vas transferred from joint stock collecting money to the credit of new Members. The rest was paid in cash by new members or entered under joint stock 1941 and the dividends of 1942. 20. The reserve funds increased by RM 48,476.51 from the assigned funds of the profit of 1941 and 1942. Other company funds, except the amortization funds, have not changed.. 21. The value of company ofted properties 31 Dec 43 was PM 2,7110155.62. CONFIDENTIAL/SECURITY INFORMATION/US OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047RnnnfInn4cnn Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300450003-5 CONFIDENTIAL/SECURITY INFORMATION/US OFFICIALS ONLY Movables 50X1 Real Estate Total Export Slaughter house of Tallinn 670,602.46 622,817.00 1,293,419.46 Vokhma 289,496.37 332,064.41 621,561.28 Tartu 376,155,23 348,124.80 724,280.03 Properties at Tape 10,637.00 14,380.00 25,017.00 Main Office 46 877.85 46 877.85 Total 1,393,769.41 1,317,386.21 2,711,155.62 Amortization funds 1,007,311.28 806,307.46 1,813,618.74 Part of not amortized property 386,458.13 511,078.75 897,536.88 Percentage 28 39 33 22. Performance performance performance of Government of government in percentage Viru County J4rva Harju Lague Saare - District of Tallinn ft Varnu County Yiljandi " DistriCt of Vokhma u Coun Va1ga " VBru " Pet4Sri " District of Tartu State Estates Required. Allotments. During the reporting year the required. allotments was better than the year before. The was as follows: Received.* 1943 1942 85 61 83 65 95 72 90 .76 6 93 Total 2 77% 23. Actual bringing together of animals and meat Company-purchased slaughtering animals 1943: Live weight Number Quintal RP/kg RM Pigs 38,895 44,290 64.44 2,854,221.00 Cattle 60,870 170,114 39.88 6,783,501.88 Calves 61,597. 29,574 39.90 1,178,599.71 Sheep 40,985 13,973 41.00 573,475.58 Horses 769 2,717 19.50 52,8514.01 Total 203,116 260,668 11,442,652.18 Company-purchased animals for slaughtering (head): Cattle Calves Sheep Horses 1943 38,895 60,870 61,597 40,985 769 1942 30,480' 76,002 49,852 19,071 81 1941 91,074 40,691 104,142 12,695 1940" 38,190 47,654 52,998 16,992 1939 ,204,998 23,265 48,985 39,003 1938 159,417 12,027 49,614 22,957 1937 96,889 10,237 37,166 14,052 CONFIDENTIAL/SECURITY INFORMATION/US OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R00030045oorn-s Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300450003-5 CONFIDENTIAL/SECURITY INFORMATION/US OFFICIALS, ONLY 5- 50X1 24. These are animals bought by the company for slaughtering purposes. Besides, trustees of the company also bought animals to provide meat for the country residents. The company and its trustees also bought meat of animals killed on the farms. Such purchasing was permissible only in emergency killing cases. 25. The purchasing of animals for slaughtering and meat in 1943 was as follows: (Meat has been figured from average gross-weight to live-weight and livestock heads). The company purchased: Pigs Live id,895 Meat 8,086 Total of Company 46,981 Trustees 2,114 Grand Total 49,095 1942 40,697 The purchases figured in Pigs Live 4,11.29 Meat 914. Total of Company 5,370 Trustees 246 Grand Total 5,616 1942 4,5.58 Cattle 60,870 8,141 69,011 6,940 75,951 86,674 Calves 61,597 4,165 65,762 10,299 76,061 63,530 Sheep 40,985 1,771 42,756 6,602 49,358 25,498 Horses 769 574 1,343 1 343 101 live-weight tons: Cattle Calves Sheep. Total 1942 17,011 -5757 1;597 26,067 29,333 2,280 201 61 200 3,683 1,946 19,291 3,159 1,458 472 29,750 31,279 1,943 496 225 - 2,910 3,254 21,234 3,655 1,683 472 32,660 34,533 26,020 3,006 907 42 34,533 26. The repotting year shows the following development concerning purchaaes: 1. The number of purchased heads of cattle decreased soasuCh'that the live weight of total animals purchased also decreased in spite of the fact that the purchase of all other kinds of animals (heads and live-weight) increased. A considerable increase in purchases of sheep and horses took place. The increase of horse purchases is a result of 'theregulation that horse meat was Considered to cover the government required meat allotments in the reporting year. This was not the ease in thearears'before. 'The purchases decreased by 1873 tons Or approximately five percent 'of 1942 purchases. 2. 'The purchasing Of meat has considerably increased. If meat purchases in 1942 figured in live-weight were six percent, in 1943 the purchases were 14%. 27. The Expenses of Purchases and. Transportation of Livestock. Total livestock purchased was 260,667 quintals of live weight. No figuring was done on 12,264 quintals, a quantity bought in the branches of Nerve, Antsla, Rapine and Irboska and also throUgh the slaughter house of the city of Tallinn where no independent bookkeeping existed The purchase expenses are figured therefore on 248,403 quintals live weight, and they are: Total Received back: manure sales, etc. Remains Branches received. .5%: the value of animals transported Actual expenses distributed : follows: Wages Payments to receivers Total transportation expenses distributed as follows: ? TransportaUon by rail Transportation by truck Transportation by horses Transportation by ship Materials, food, etc. Office and organization expenses Misc.: Social, security tax, Tent, etc. Total RM per 1 quintal 1,241,215.81 5.00 34980.51 0.02 1,237,235.50 4.98 237,392.92 999,842.58 103,574.59 74,416.62 379,887.18 228,784.10 126,116.91 16,024.78 8,961.39 50,326.45 249,088.91 142,548.63 0.96 CONFIDENTIAL/SECURITY INFORMATION/US OFFICIALS ONLY 4.02 0.42 0.30 1.53 0.92 0.51 0.06 0.04 0.20 1.00 0.57 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300450003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300450003-5 CONFIDENTIAL/SECURITY INFORMATION/US OFFICIALS ONLY 50X1 -6- 28. The purchase expenses per one quintal live-weight vary in different branches: eg the export slaughter house of Tallinn - RM 5.92 as far as Teri --RM 0.92. In Tallinn transport expenses by rail per one quintal RM 1.61 and transportation expenses total RM 2.17 The purchase expenses on animals BM 11237 235.50 (distributed as follows:) Slaughtering-industry-transportation of slaughtered animals 771,016.57 Livestock sales - and locally transported 4661218.93 29. The purchasing center kept approximately 11 thousand tons from 26,068 tons live weight while 15 thousand tons or 58% of live weight had to be transported to other branches. Most of the transportation is done by rail, but quite a number are also transported by trucks, mainly transportation center trucks. 30. Due to war-time transportation difficulties many animals were lost, which never happened in peace-time. Reported lost during the reporting year: Pigs 10 1.1 tons live weight Cattle 12 2.8 " 0 Calves 16 0.8 ,, ,, Sheep 26 0.9 ft PI Total 64 animals 5.6 Ii Ft Purchased animals were used: figuring live weight % 1943 1942 Sold live 29% 23% Were slaughtered 71% 77% 31. Operation. Killed in company's slaughter houses during the reporting year: Live Slaugh- Meat Total 1942 Heads Weight tered Meat Bought Meat Ton Ton Ton Ton Ton e?11.1010.01???.0. Relation to 1942 1.101004111=1.1! Pigs 30,617 3,576 2,640 687 3,327 2,700 123 Cattle 40,295 11,238 4,516 912 5,428 7,116 76 Calves 50,501 21449 1,312 108 1,420 7,393 101 Sheep 28,375 974 400 25 425 306 139 Horses 597 207 95 95 .190 18 1,055 Total 18,444 6,963 1,827 10,790 17,533 94. 1942 22,600 10,493 1,035 11,533 Relation 1942 .7. 100 82 85 177 94 32. During the reporting year, 743 tons of meat less were received than the year before; 1696 less tons of beef, while more meat was received from other animals than the year before. During the reporting year the purchases of meat increased considerably for at the beginning of the year the producer was permitted to cover his government required meat allotments with the meat of animals slaughtered in public slaughter houses. From the received 10,790 tons of meat, 1:028 tons or approximately 10$ was transported from one branch to another due to meet distribution problems. 1,591 tons of meat were transported the year before which proves that a more adequate meat distribution had been achieved, avoiding meat transportation as undesirable, if possible. Meat transportation is always conducted at a loss. CONFIDENTIAL/SECUITY INFORMATION/US OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr2013/04/17:CIA-RDP82-00047ROOrmn4Annnq_c Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300450003-5 CONFIDENTIAL/SECURITY INFORMATION/US OFFICIALS ONLY -7- ACHIEVEMENTS OF SLAUGHTERING INDUSTRY 50X1 33. A special summary table "Results of Slaughtering" shows the procurement of neat and meat products and is a summary of all ..he animals killed in company owned slaughter houses. 34. Table. "Value of Scraps in Wholesale" shows the value of scraps to one ton live weight and the total value of hides produced by 20 slaughtering houses-. 35. Table "Financial Value of Slaughtering" indicates the number of slaughtered animals, live weight, and value. The value of scraps and hides is deducted so that the remaining represents the purchase value of meat from slaughtering. Added to this are the expenses of purchase and slaughtering of livestock leaving thus the cost- price for meat to be stored. Per one quintal (100 kg) of meat figures in RM: Purchase value of meat Purchase expenses on animal Expenses on slaughtering Cost-price in storage Highest Wholesale Price Figs 82.58 8.91 5.44 96.93 06.00 Cattle 87.03 8.91 4.99 100.93 85.00 Calves 56.78 8.91 5.60 71 29 75.00 Sheep 78.08 8.91 6.10 93.09 108.00 Horses 4o.64 8.91 4.33 53.88 45.00 36. The highest wholesale price on 100 kg beef is RM 2.03 less than the purchase value of meat, not considering the expenses of purchase and slaughtering. The cost-price is lower than the wholesale price on veal and lamb only. 37. In addition to the above mentioned expenses, there are also meat storage expenses ?store-rooms, salting, store labor, weighing, freezing and meat wholesale expenses). These made up RM 602,978 and they are spread on all the meat slaughtered and bought that was handled by the storing. Slaughtered meat Meat purchased Total 86,551 Quintals 17,417 " 103,968 Quintals 38. Storage and Wholesale expenses per one quintal of meat are RM 5.80. 39. Table "Achievements of the Slaughtering Industry" indicates the final wholesale value of meat, profit and losses:, 40. The final outcome per one quintal of meat: cost price, the a) Meat from slaughtering; Pigs Cattle Calves Sheep Horses cost-price in storage 96.93 1010.93 71.29 93.09 53.88 Storage expenses 5.80 5.80 5.80 5.80 5.80 Wholesale cost-price 1012.73 106.73 77.09 98.89 59.68 Meat sold 86.00 84.58 75.00 105.00 45.00 Losses 16.73 22.15 2.09 14.68 Profit b) Meat bought: 6.11 Purchase price in storage 69.80 64.97 61.65 31.47 33.43 Storage expenses 5.30 5.00 5.80 5.8o 5.80 Wholesale cost-price 15 60 70.77 67.45 87.27 39.23 Profit 10.40 13.81 7.55 17.73 5.77 CONFIDENTIAL/SECURITY INFORMATION/U3 OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300450003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300450003-5 CONFIDENTIAL/SECURITY INFORMATION/US OFFICIALS ONLY -8- 50X1 41. During the reporting year the meat sales prices were set so low (in comparison with the prices paid in purchasing animals) that the wholesale prices for slaughtered meat products did: not cover the purchase price of the animal. The unavoidable results were that the slaughtering industry suffered great losses. 42. According to the report the losses are as follows: RM. 1,200,109.00 Profit on purchased meat 206,060.00 Losses on slaughtering RM 1,406,169.00 43. The company has taken steps with the authorities that the prices of slaughtered animals and meat products be revised in order to guarantee operations without losses. During the reporting year the question was not settled. (In May 1944 the problem was solved). Le following tables, referred to above, are found at end of report: RESULTS OF SLAUGHTERING VALUE OF SCRAPS IN WHOLESALE FINANCIAL RESULTS OF SLAUGHTERING TOTAL ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE SLAUGHTERING INUUSTRyl SAUSAGE FACTORIES 44. During the reporting year the following sausage factories operated an a) J8hvi b) Sonda c) Rakvere d) Tdri e) Tallinna f) Keila g) Haapsalu h) Kuresaare 14.rnu (2 factories) i) k) Vandra J, Vokhra 184 quint. 447 1,385 167 5,710 61 286 43 1,830 66 2,023 45. Sausages were made in 21 factories; factories. Used for production: Meat Liver Blood Scraps Pearled barley 2o,739 quint. 544 ' 355 1,449 146 Total 23,283 quintals 14 It It the report produced goods: m) Distr. Poltsamaa 188quint. n) Tartu 6,711 " o) Elva 23 p) Otepad 112 q) Valga 683 r) Rapine 13 s) Petseri 147 Total 20,880 t) Narva 716 u) Canning factory, Tallinn -1/21:?.1-.1.--- Grand. Total 24,667 quintals on uausage industry covers 19 Is 11 ii II Produced were: Smoked meats, ham, etc Smoked sausage Light-smokea sausage' Boiled sausage Blood 80 Barley sausage Meat Jelly Lard 504 quint. 524 " 11,492 7,609 601 38 112 It It Total 20,880 quintals CONFIDENTIAL/SECURITY INFORMATION/US OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300450003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300450003-5 CONFIDENTIAL/SECURITY INFORMATION/US OFFICIALS ONLY 50X1 Total value of raw materials Expenses Cost price of production Profit Sales value of production -9- Ra 20414,758.00 641:703.00 31056.461.00 2420180.00 3,2980641.00 Gross profit on sausage industry: Sales value of prod. per I quint. Value of raw material RM 158.01 115.07 Per 1 quint, of ready product RM 115.67 30.74 146.41 11.60 158.01 -Remains gross profit RM 42.97 46. The sausage factories used 111.5 kg raw material per 100 kg ready to use products, i e boneless meat scraps, blood, pearled barley. As seen in above report the sausage factories also produced lard. This lard is produced in small factories which do not have any sPecial fat-rendering eqtipment. These figures do not include the lard production of export slaughter houses. CANNING FACTORIES 11.7, During the reporting year the export slaughter houses of Tallinn and Tartu also operated canning factories. They produced altogether 862 tons: Canned meat 308 tons sausage 206 " 1 515 - 284 26 28 -" .fish Sausage Meat Jelly Sauerkraut Marmalade Total 862 tons 48. Raw mnterials - boneless meat, scraps, etc, used per I quint, of product 131 kg. Raw material per 1 quint, of product Eicpenses Total Loss Sales value of products 49. Tallinn produced 792 tons and Tartu 70 tons. OTHER INDUSTRIES Casing factories Lard Factories Extermination Service Precooked food factories Bread factories Tin factory 50. Casings are processed in own sausage casing factories. Profit 24,737.28 ASS .0 1?? factories; only RM 107.02 48.94 155.96 3.56 RM 152.40 Loss 1,163.21 39,387.52 22,370.75 1,834.13 1,281.21 three branches have separate 51. Fat rendering has been counted as a separate industry only at export slaughter houses; sausage factories handle fat rendering in other branches. CONFIDENTIAL/SECURITY INFORMATION/US OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300450003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300450003-5 CONFIDENTIAL/SECURITY INFORMATION/US OFFICIALS ONLY -10- 52. Export slaughter houses rendered fat for lard in quintals: 53. Pork Beef Total Lard obtained 795 477 4.1272 Used fer fat rendering: Fat-back 498 498 Leaf fat 418 418 Guc tat 145 96 241 Other 11 741 752 Total 1,072 737- 1,909 Percent of lard 74.2 57.0 66.6 54. Fat rendering factories cannot work profitably because of the existing price relations: beef fat costs 50 pence per kg, lard wholesale price is 60 pence per kg and retail price is 72 pence per kg. Cost-price of tallow - without rendering expenses is at least 80 pence per kg. 55. Precooked food factories at the export slaughter houses, as well as the bread industry, produced only a small quantity and are therefore not in the position to cover even the minimum expenses; the same is true also of the tin factory which is . situated at the Tallinn canning factory and which mainly manufactured tin tags used to mark the ears of livestock. RAW HIDES 56. During the reporting year raw hides (except furs) were obtained: Slaughtered Piece RM Bought Piece PM Piece Total RM Pig bides 2,752 7,874.80 61 366.05 2,813 8,240.85 Ox & cow hides 40,295 200,873.70 6,352 30,376.30 46,647 2310250.00 Calf hides 50,501 88,216.20 8,473 19,385.25 53,974 1070601.45 Sheepskin 28,375 34,473.00 5,737 3,335.33 34,112 43,308.33 Horse Hides 597 1,492.50 1,075.94 2 568 44 Total 332,930.20 60,038.87 _222 392,969.07 57. The slaughter houses turn over all hides and skins obtained by slaughtering and purchase to the hide department which in turn sends them to "Erfassungsgesellschaft Ostland far Haute, Pelle und verwandte Gebiete G.m.b.H.". 58. The branches have their own store-rooms for hides where they clean, sort and salt the hides and skins. Tallinn has a central store-roam. 59. The processing of hides left the branches with profit RM 47,926.65 and losses 72,116.66 Total deficit 24,190.01 60. These losses are in reality losses of the slaughtering industry; for the branches set the prices of the hides from slaughtering higher than the difference of the selling price and the storage expenses permitted. The actual value of the hides is figured and fixed by th, hide department. CONFIDENTIAL/SECURITY INFORMATION/US OFFICIALS CULY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300450003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300450003-5 CONFIDENTIAL/SECURITY INFORMATION/US OFFICIALS ONLY -11- 61. The central store house of *ft hide department handled hides during the reporting year as follows: Piece Own Slaughtering Trustees Others Total Industry Pig hides 3,314 27 3 3,344 Cow 80 Ox hides 144,210 2,326 58 146,594 Calf hides 54,153 3,696 128 57,977 Sheepskins 29,884 1,831 30 31,745 Horse hides 768 4 101 873 Other hides 418 1 2 421 Total of raw hides (minus horse and. other hides) 968 tons, Hides sold (964 tons) valued and by-products valued RM 549,271.81 RM 681,284.73 2?111-122 Total value RM 701,795.98 Gross profits RM 135,016.83 out of which RM 4,679.99 was received from the sale of by-products. Expenses of th- department was RM 95,1409,11, leaving a profit MI 39,872.74 SILVER FOX BREEDING FARMS 62. The company owned two silver fox farms that operated very well financially, yielding Proceeds Expenses Profit 1942 profit RM 140,948.40 67,984.44 72,963.96 31,452.48 63. The increase of proceeds is mainly due to a raise in the, skin 'prices. The transit figures of foxes Farm: Navesti Rebase Total At the beginning of the year 130 260 390 Born 251 428 679 Transferred from Rebaste 15 15 Breeding animals bought 24 . 24 Total .420 688 11108 Killed 223 322 545 Died young 46 95 141 Died old 13 6 19 Transferred to Navesti 15 15 , Breeding stock sold 62 62 At the end of the year 138 188 326 ' Hides received . 268 322 590 Young ones died % 18 22 20.8 per one litter 2.56 2.47 2.50 FARMS 64. The export slaughter houses also own farms. The export slaughter house of Tallinn owns the farm "Jfirvela" in MBigu. The export slaughter house oi Vokhna owns "Navesti" where one silver fox farm is situated, besides renting "Jaagnhan6u." and part of the fields of "Uuesauna" and "Sills" farms. The export slaughter house of Tartu owns gardens, lots and a rented piece of Emage meadow which is being irrigated and turned into gardening grounds. CONFIDENTIAL/SECURITY INFORMATION/US OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300450003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300450003-5 CONFIDENTIAL/SECURITY INFORMATION/US OFFICIALS ONLY -12- 65. Land for use Tallinn VoRhma Tartu Total Field and garden 6.27 27.76 18.27 52.32 Grassland 12,73 16.02 12.03 40.48 " under cultiva- tion 12.17 - 12.17 Other 4.2 4.03 4.24 12.47 Total 23.20 60.00 34.54 117.74 66. The farms produced during the reporting year in quintals: Tallinn Vokhma Tartu Total Potatoes 500 882 210 1,592 Cabbage 66 1,087 492 10645 Turnips 369 118 487 Sugar beets 89 75 164 Carrots 24 66 106 196 Beets 10 78 32 120 Tomatoes 1 - 22 23 Berries - 1 3 4 Other vegetables 9 40 35 84 Tobacco - 7 7 Plants - 127 127 Vegetebles (for animals) - - 185 185 Grains 123 19 142 Hay, straw 286 540 239 1,065 50X1 67. The purpose of farming is mainly to grow vegetables to feed personnel, and also to grow vegetables and herbs for the use of the sausage industry. Onions, garlic and also marjoram are grown. STORES 66. During the reporting year the company had 97 stores, 66 of Which were located at the export slaughter houses, afterwards referred to as,local stores - and 11 outside stores.. The latter work as independent branches but did not have independent book- keeping during the reporting year. In those branches you will filed under "Sales of the store" also sales of live stock, sales of one sausage factory and wholesale transactions from the meat stere room beside their retail sales. 69. Compared to previous years are the data of the local stores that are at the export slaughter houses only: Tallinn 1943 1942 Voklmla 1945 1942 1943 Tartu 1942 Total 1943 1942 Number of stores 43 42 2 2 10 10 55 . 54 Sales in 1000 RM 2,313 2,297 83 96 853 1,094 3,249 3,487 Gross proceeds % 17 16 19 26 21 16 18 17 " in 1000 RM 366 373 16 25 179 203 561 601 Expenses % 18 15 22 16 16 12 17 14 " in 1000 RM 411 343 18 15 133 131 562 489 70. Compared to the previous year the results of the store operations have worsened: 1. The sale of products decreased by 10 thousand tons although the sausage sales increased by 700 tons. The sausage sales give retail stores less proceeds than the meat sales. 2. Fish sales increased. According to the price regulations that were valid until July 1943 the retail stores got their fish 15% below the retail price and had to cover the transportation expenses of the fish from the eeptral fish storage room of Tallinn to the store) in some instances even from the shore to the store. EffeCtive 1 Jul 43 the price regulations were changed so that the retail store gets the 19% profit of the retail price franc? store, but by 1 Ju17 43 the peak of the fresh fish season was passed. During the reporting year 1,698 tons of fisu CONFIDENTIAL/SECURITY INFORMATION/US OFFICIATeSONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300450003-5 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr2013/04/17:CIA-RDP82-00047R000300450003-5 50X1 CONFIDENTIAL/SECURITY INFORMATION/US OFFICIALS ONLY -13- were sold, out of which 1,278 tons were sold up tL, 1 Jul 43. 3. Expenses bave increased. The wages of the employees were raised and addition. expenseL were connected with store rents. In the beginning of 1943 a regulation was enforced concerning the rent of stores according to which rents were collected partly retoactively. 71. Operations of local stores: Total sales Proceeds on sales 18% IF Expenses 14.2 Profit 4.2% RM 5,970,000 1,099,000 849,000 250,000 72. The percent of proceeds from salesrVaries in variety of goods: veal gives up to 40%; pork 6-15% depending on transportation expenses. to the army or private storee, and wholesale OPERATIONS OF OUTSIDE STORES branches from 15-24 depending on the 17%; beef 15%; sausages 13-15%; fish Some stores also handled wholesale sales transactions do not give any profit. Narva Ant ala Rapine Irboska Total Number of retail stores 8 1 1 1 11 Sausage industry 1 1- 2 Sales in 1000 RM 536 275 115 3E; 964 Proceeds 11 11.1.9 31 13. 5 196 Proceeds % 28 11 9 13 20 Retail sales in 1000 RM 447 30 15 20 512 .11 It % 83 11 13 53 53 Expenses in 1000 RM 128 17 7 5 157 Profit tI 21 14 4 39 73. Irboska has small sales. Antsla and Rapine have mainly bought ported it to the export slaughter house of Tartu. Retail sales small in these stores0 livestock and trans- that give profit are SALES PROCEEDS AND EXPENSES OF THE COMPANY 74. During the reporting year the sales of company-owned enterprises were as follows: Total sales ? wholesale 67% retail 33% RM 180595,495.26 12,444,896.45 6,150,598.81 75. The company had RM 4,766,293.84 proceeds or 25.6% of the sales. Out of this the proceeds of stores were RM 4,542,172.33 or 24.4% of the sales. 76. Sales in 1000 RM: Retail Wholesale Total Retail % Livestock 3,737 3,737 20 Neat, scraps 2,81.1.9 3,768 6,617 43 35 Hides 702 702 4 Casings 1.1 11 Sausage 1,711 2,768 4,479 33 21: -Canned meats' 1,022 1,022 5 'Precooked, food. , 23 48 71 32 O65 ExterWinstion ser- Vice prod. 65 65 0.5 -Fats 179 179 1 Fish 673 32 905 96 5 Misc. 694 113. 807 86 5 *Total 6,15o 12,445 16,595 33 loo 1942 7,103 10,762 17,665 11.0 1943 - 953 1,683 / 730 7 CONFIDENTIAL/SECURITY INFORMATION/US OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300450003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300450003-5 CONFIDENTIAL/SECURITY INFORMATION/US OFFICIALS ONLY -14- 50X1 77. During the reporting year the sales increased by 730"thousend-Wand this was attributed to wholesale operations. Retail sales decreased RM 953 thousand which alone accounts for the decrease in proceeds by approximately 150 thousand RM. 78. Proceeds distributed to production branches were as follows: 1000 RM 1943 1942 1943 191.1.2 Livestock sales & Transportation locally 722 328 15 6 Slaughtering Industry 629 1,505 14 28 Raw hides 183 198 4 Sausage Industry 884 1,423 19 26 Canning Industry 266 200 5 4 Other Industries 156 108 3 2 Stores 1,307 1,328 27 25 Silver foxes 141 89 3 2 Farms, gardens 85 56 2 1 Miscellaneous 393 116 8 2 Total 4,766 5,351 100 100 79. During the reporting year under miscellaneous proceeds of RM 210 thousand were received back from cancelled claims, funds blocked by banks and 1942 railroad transportation expenses. 80. E enses. During the reporting o lows in 0/00: Wages, payments Travel, per diem Mail, banks Telephone, telegraph Taxes: Social obligatory 33 ? voluntary . 28 industrial 14 circulation 41 ? misc. 18 Transportation rail ?5-6? u other 23 II Or year expenses were RM 5,307,230.53, distributed 467 Renovation 11 Electricity 2 Materials 10' Rents Use of city slaughter house Representation Subsidies Insurance 134 Amortization Carrying Chgs 73 Misc.' Total 18 12 128 20 34 2 1 '5 21 of debt 24 36 1,000 as Lee next pages for following tables: ESTONIAN' MEAT EXPORTS CCMPANY - Assets & Liabilities in 1943 Proceeds (1943) and Expenses tt According to different production branches Business Standing 31 Dec ft 9 CONFIDENTIAL/SECURITY INFORMATION/US OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300450003-5 LIABILITIES Wages and payments: CONFIDNITILL/SECOBITYDIFORNATICIIAIS OFFICIALS ONLY -15- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300450003-5 1. Management: Council 620.00 Auditing 240.00 Direction 172483.35 2. Regular Employees: 18,343.35 Clerks & masters 6822014.54 Labor 920,110.75 Employees(sales clerk!) 5459356.48 22147,481.77 3, Others; Payments to non employees for livestock receiving 74,416.62 Payments to not regular labor & employees 124,893.49 Outside auditing 4.200.00 2012510.11 2,369,335.23 Travelling Expense - per diem 54,506.23 Nhil - bank 11,819.18 Telephone-telegraph 50,390.46 Taxes: Social exp. obligatory 165,815.62 se voluntary 1402582.78 industrial 69,594.91 circulation 208,208.45 stamp-duty 39,559.27 miscellaneous 58.596.21 682,357.26 Transportation: railroad 2539032.90 trucks 87,220.02 ship 9,503.00 horses 19,772.09 369,528.01 Renovation 9?,626.26 Electricity 58,598.09 Materials: industrial 1369620.15 packing 56,718.28 heating 156,797.22 tools, ete 83011.21 others 2159?90.82 648,337.68 Rants 102,408477 Use of city slaughter houses 172,895.48 Publicity - annouhcements 3,446.92 Representation 7,833.42 Subsidies 49737.04 Insurance 24,283.74 Amortization 106,550.98 Courts - Notary Public 1,563.80 Carrying charges on debt 124,281.07 Expenses, cancellings,deficitother expenses of 1942 186329.99 Expenses to cover receiving costs from awn branches 237.192.92 BAIANCE e -tele .1-1^ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 :ZA-RDP82-00047R000300450003-5 Sale of livestock Slaughtering Industry Bides Gasbag* factories Canning factorise Sausage factories Fit rendering Ihterminatios service Precooked food factories Broad factories Tin factory Faris Silvst fox ferns Stores Dialling houses Other income To cover expenses of transportation of animals to own branches (receiving expenses) 1943 Deficit ASE.w 484 716.47 6282736.00 183,208.50 439876.71 2669493.31 8839882.72 212692.08 61,793.17 152157.28 2,024.27 11,207.31 849863.50 140,948.40 12306,643.36 3,638.59 3909019.25 2372392.92 540,936.69 5,307.230.53 50X1 CONFIDENTILVSECURITY INFORMATION/US OFFICIALS mu -lc-- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Cm Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 CIA-RDP82-00047R000300450003-5 LIABILITIES a Wages and payments: 1. Management: Council 620.00 Auditing 240.00 Direction 179483.35 2. Regular Employees: 189343.35 Clerks & masters 682,014.54 Labor 9209110.75 ?Employees(sales clerk i 5459356.48 2,147,481.77 3, Others: Payments to non employees for livestock receiving 749416.62 Payments to not regular labor & employees 1249893.49 Outside auditing 4.200.00 201,510.11 29369,335.23 Travelling Expense - per diem 54,506.23 Mail - bank 119819.18 Telephone-telegraph 509390.46 Taxes: Social exp. obligatory 1659815.62 voluntary 1409582.78 industrial 699594.91 circulation 208,208.45 stamp-duty 399559.27 miscellaneous 58.596.21 682,357.26 Transportation: railroad 253,032.90 trucks 87,220.02 shtp 9,503.00 horses 19.772.09 369,528.01 Renovation 90,626.26 Elewtricity 58,598.09 Materials: industrial 136,620.15 packing 56,718.28 heating 1569797.22 tools, ett 83,111.21 others 2159090.82 648,337.68 Rents 102,408,77 Use of city slaughter houses 172,895.48 Publicity announcements 3,446.92 Representation 7,833,42 Subsidies 49737.0t Insurance _ 24,283.74 Amortization 106,558.98 Courts - Votary Public 19563.80 Carrying charges on debt 124,281.07 EXplanses9 cancellingsldeficit9other expenses of 1942 186,329.99 Expense,/ to cover receiving costs from awn branches 237,192.92 BAIANCE ASSriS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release Sale of livestock Slaughtering Industry Bides Cesifts factories Canning factories Sausage factories Fat renderimg Batermination service Precooked food factories Bread factories Tin factory Yarns Silva* fax farms Stores Dwelling houses Other income TO cover expenses of transportation of animals to own branches (receiving expenses) 1943 Deficit 4849716.47 628,736.00 183,208.50 43,876.71 266,493.31 883,882.72 21,692.08 61,793.17 15,157.28 ? 2,024.27 11,207.31 84,863.50 ? 140,948.40 1,306,643.36 3,638.59 390,019.25 237,392.92 540,936.69 @50-Yr2013/04/17:CIA-RDP82-00047R000300450003-5 5,107.230.53 OUA I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300450003-5 CONFIDENTIAL/SECURITY INFORMATION/US OFFICIALS ONLY ESTONIAN NEAT EXPORTS COMPANY 1943 Proceeds & Expenses According to Different Production Branches Expenses Proceeds Deficit Profit Sales of livestock 2722656.66 484,716.47 212,059.81 Transport of livestock to branches 237,392.92 237,392.92 Slaughtering Industry 128282845.03 628,736.00 1,200,109.0.3 Hides , 1679525.77 1839208.50 150682.73 Casint Factories 45,039.92 43,876.71 1,163.21 Canning Factories 2970241.59 266,493.31 30,748.28 Sausage Factories 6410702.74 883,882.72 2429179.98 Fat rendering 61,079.60 21,692.08 39,387.52 Extermination Service 379055.89 610793.17 249737.28 Precooked food factories 37,528.03 15,157.28 22,370.75 Bread factories 3,858.40 2,024.27 1,834.13 4?1 Tin factory 12,488.52 11,207.31 1,281.21 Farms 120,762.87 84,863.50 35,899.37 1.01N Silver Fox Farms 67,984.44 1409948.40 72,963.96 Stores 1,034,919.61 1,306,643.36 271,723.75 Dwelling Places 2,906.36 39638.59 01..110 732.23 Proceeds & expenses not distributed on production branches 418,242.18 390,019.25 48,222.93 TOTAL 5,307,230.53 4,766,293.84 5400936.69 ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300450003-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300450003-5 CONFIDENTIAL/SECURITY INFORMATION/US OFFICTAT.S ONLY - ACTIVE 1. Pay Office 2, Banks 3, Debitors 4, Goods 5. Materials 6. Properties 7. Shares in other enterprises 8. 'Oth3r assets: Carrying over funds 149301.80 Construction expenses 22.0241....J21 9. 1943 Deficit owyea..m.....?????ewom Guarantee Bills of exchange 31 Dec 43 -17- ESTONIAN MUT Expogra COMPANY Business Standing 31 Dec. 43 50X1 PASSIVE LIABILITIES RE 280,735.89 "S 3479604.48 " 1,699,771.01 " 1,101,652.65 " 449,721.32 " 2,711,155,62 " 10,488.75 ft 37-9149.47 540,936.69 RU 791799215. 88 Mt 390402000.00 1. 'Funds: ?? ,Jointstock " Collect funds Reserve Operation Insurance la. -Amortization Funds 2. Banks 3. 'Creditors -4. Other Liabilities Carrying over funds Msployee & Tabor -/ages Refund of installxents RIM 228,661.99 639,069.51 524,559.98 229,711.52 629172.22 499493.07 - 268.84 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300450003-5 1,647,351.21 198139618.74 298799173.80 7279133.00 Riti 7,179,215.88 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release c 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300450003-5 RESULT'S OF -SIAUGHTERING (Data for all 24 slaughter houses) per one ton liverevight kg Cttie Calf Sheep Slaughtered (heads) Averagp live-weight kg Total liveoweight Quintals Average purchase price 30,617 117 35.755 64.41 40,295 279 . 112,377 ? 39,66 50,501 49 24,494 39.95 28,375 34: 9,741 41.15 Value of slaughtered animals RM 2,303,018 494560763 - 978,616 400,835 Obtained through slaughtering Meat 738 402 536 411 Hides (piece) 0.8 3.6 20 29 Hides (kg) - 5.5 bo bo 71 - Heads 29 56 41 Feet 14.4 Tongue 2.2 2.9 0.3 Liver 11.0 5.8 11.1 9.5' Lungs 7.1 7.9 16.6 13.3 Heart 2.6 3.2 4.1 3.1 Stomach 3.3 15.0 5.4 11.3 Udder 3.7 Fats 10.6 6.4 2.1 Milt 0.4 006 0.5 Scraps 5.0 0.2 11.9 8.3 Blood 8.o 13.5 6.7 7.4 per one animal kg Horse 597 347 2,071 19.48 40,333 456 2.9 50 117 75 Cattle Calf hoes Horse 279 49 34 111 19 14 86 112 26 14 0.09 1 1 1 o.6 17 2.9 - 2.4 8 2.72 1.4 . 0.50 0.25 0.81 1.28 -1.62 0.54 0.33 0.83 2.19 0.80 0.46 0.30 0.89 0420 , 0.11 0.39 4.18 0.30 0.39 1.0 1.24 1.79 0.07 0.05 0.16 0.02 0.58 1.72 0.50 0.2 0.94 3.5 0.33 0.25 These figures represent the amount of utilized products from slaughtering. Poor liver and other organs discarded by the veterinarians are not included, likewise blood, udders, scraps, milts are accounted for only in quantities utilized. Besides, saved and not accounted for were glands, horns, hoofs, hair and gall. Unaccounted for also are casings which were one set per each animal, part of these being damaged. Calf stomach is partly casings, not used for food, but fodder. Cattle and calf feet are counted in sets; they are not indicated under weight. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300450003-5 347 68 158 1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300450003-5 -19- VALUE OF SCRAPS IN WHOIESALE Scraps per one ton live-Jeight Pigs Cattle Calves - Sheep -_ Horses kg per RM kg per RU kg per RU kg par 1W kg par RU Heads - - 29.0 -12 3.48 56.0 -,54 30.24 41.0 -.36 14.76 - Feet - - 3.0 -.40 1.20 20.2 -.36 7.20 14.0 -.17 2.38 - - rongue 2.2 1.- 2.24 3.0 1.08 3.24 0.3 1.38 - - - Liver 11.0 1.34 14.7 5.8 1.20 6.96 11.1 1.56 17.32 9.5 1.20 11.40 - - Lungs 7.1 -.36 2.5. 7.9 -.25 1.97 16.6 -.30 4.98 13.3 -030 3.99 - - Heart 2.6 -.66 1.7 3.2 -.60 1.92 4.1 7.66 2.71 3.1 -.66 2.05 _ _ Stomach 3.3 -.36 1.1. 15.0 -.24 3.60 2.0 -.36 -.72 11.3 -018 2.03 - _ Fats /0.5 -.60 6,3. 6.4 -.48 3.07 14.1 -.48 6.77 - - Milt 0.4 -.12 -.48 0.6 -.36 -.22 0.5 -.36 -.18_ Sweepings 5.0 -.01 -.05 6.2 -.01 -.06 11.9 -.01 -.12 8.3 -.el -4c, 50 .;..01 -.50 Udder - - - 3.7 -.24 -.89 - - - Blood 8.0 -.12 -.96 13.5 -.12 1.62 6.7 -.12 -.80 7.4 -.12 -.89 - - Casings 8.5 -.55 4.68 3.4 1.- 3.40 20.0 -.08 1.60 28 -.45 12.60 - - . 31.63 65.87 56.95 -.50 Total 3488 Total of hides from 195 -.40 7,800.- 15,648 -.30 * 1,196 -.60 x 648-.50 597 2.50 11493._ = 16%440.- ** 71i760.- *** 32,400.- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300450003-5 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300450003-5 CONFIDENTIAL/SECURITY INF01UTION/U5 OPTICIALb UMW FINANCIAL RESULTS OF SLOGHTER1HO (Data from 20 slaughtering.hauses) Total Pigs Cattle Calves Sheep Horses Slaughtered (heads) 144,768 30,319 38,358 49,033 _ 26,459 599 Average live.weight kg 123 117 280t 48 35 343 Gross weight quintals 177,779 35,437 107,271- 23,821 9,194 2,056 Price of I quint. live'-weight RM 44.49 64.42 39;66 40.02 41.23 19.53 Purchase value of slaughtered animals BM 7,909,718 2,283,008 4,254,340 953,225 378,982 40,163 To be deducted: _ ' a) value of scraps 673,869 125,199 3399298 156,909 52,360 103 b) hides 282,893 7,800 169,440 71,760 32,400 1,493 Remains value of meat 6,952,956 2,150,009 3,745,602 724,556 294,222 38,567 Per one quintal meat 80.31 = 82.58 87:03 - 56.78 78.08 40.64 Quintal of meat from slaughtering 86,551 26,037 43,037 12,760 39768 949 1 Ton meat live-weight kg 487 735 40/ 536 410 462 Purchase expenses of livestock Per I quintal meat RM 8091 RM 77190/7 231,944 383,384 113,669 33,566 8,454 Slaughtering expenses - 454,850 141,748 214,542 71,463 22,985 4,112 Obtained from slaughtering: Moat cost-price: per I quint. RI 94.50 96.93 100.93 71.29 93.09 53.88 TOTAL Rif 80178,823 2,523,701 4,343,528 909,688 350,773 51,133 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300450003-5 50X1 44 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300450003-5 -21- TOTAL ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE SLAUGHTERING INDUSTRY (Data of 20 slaughter houses) TOTAL PORK REEF ' n_____.... ' n-WLaj per EMWntal . ../.=.1.+.. ........ per Meat from slaughtering Meat bought Total of meat Expenses of 1,1-?at 'storage et wholesale Total of cost-price Losses Meat sold Profit on bought meat Losses of slaughtering industry Loss per one ton live-weiF,ht Meat sold Hides Scraps Total production of slaughtering industry Deducted Value of slaughtered animals Value of bought meat Remains gross profit Gross profit on purchased meat 19 " slaughtered meat losses " ft 0 Per one ton live-weight Expenses on meat through slaughtering Per one ton live-weight Expenses on purchased meat Total expenses 86,551 17,417 103,968 103,968 94050 65.41 89.63 5.o 95.43 11.54, 81.88 11.83 16.25 8,178,823.-- 1,139,296.-- 99318,119.-- ;o2,978.-- 92921,o97.-- 1,200,109.-- C,720,988.-- 2o6,060.-- 1,4?6,169.-- 79.10 8,720088.-- 282,89;._ 673,869.-- 9,6779750' 7,909,713.-- 1,1399296.-- 628,736.-- 307.,07E.-- 321,658.-- 18.09 1,727,8274-- 97.19 101,018.-- 1,828,845.-- 26,037 6,681 32,718 32,718 96.93 69.80 91.39 97.19 11,19 E.-- 10.40 16.73 16.20 2,523,701.- 466,336.-- 2,990,037.-- 189,764.-- 3,179,801.-- 3669053.-- 2,313,7411%-- 69,482.-- 4352535.-- 122.90 2,813,748.-- 125,199.-- 2,946,747.-- 2,283,008.-- 466,336.-- /97,403.-- 108,232.-- 89,171.-- 25.16 524,706.-- 148.o7 38,750.-- 41,307 8,743 51,780 51,780 100.93 64.97 94.85 mo.65 16.07 4.58 13.81 22.14 19.61 4,34395280"".. 499119532. 300,324. 5,211285b.-. 8329306.? 1-93799570?-'- 1i '7A1 53,047.-- 58.84 493799550.-- 149,440.-- 339,298.-- 4,888,288,-- 4,254,340.-- 568004.,- 659944.-- 171,450.-- 105,506.-- 9.84 847,541.,- 79.01 50,7409.-- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300450003-5 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000300450003-5 CONFIDENTIAL/SECURITY INFORMATION/US OFFICIALS ONLY -22- TOTAL ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE SLAUGHTERING INDUSTRY (corlinued) (Data of 20 slaughter houses) VEAL HORSE 'trt 1 er orntal. 'vial er-BM Meat from slaughtering Meat bought Total of meat Expenses of meat storage & wholesale Total of cost-price Losses 'bat sold Profit on meat bought Losses of slaughtering industry Loss per one ton live-weight Meat sold Hides . Scraps Total production of slaughtering industry Deducteds Value of slaughtered strimPls Value of bought meat Remains gross profit Gross profit on purchased meat ge fis slaughtered meat " at " lasses _" Per one ton live-weight Expenses on meat through slaughtering Per one ton live-weight Expenses on purch4sed meat 12,760 71.29 909;688;-Z 3;768 93:09 992 61;65 619166;-: 215 81:47 13,752 7060 9709854.--: 3,983 92.47 799762.--: 76.40 19050;616;-: 98.27 140 19,216.--6.73 13,752 75.--1,031,400.-- 7.55 79490.--17.73 2.09 269706--6.11 11:21 1;0319400;-- 719760,1-- 1569909;-- 192609069.-- 953 225:- - 619166-- 2459678.-- 13.35 139243.--23:53 2329435:-L 97.58 2599141.-- 108.79 59753.-- LIBRARY SUBJECT 6 AREA CODES 3509773;7- 179515.7- 3642880. 23 101 4189215.-- 39812.-- 239014.-- - 23.01 -4189215.-- 3294m-- 529360:- 5o2;975;-- 3789982.-: 17;515:-.1. 106,478.-- 59059.77 lo19419:-- 110:31 78,4051-- 85:28 1;247.-- 949 -786. 19735 53.88 33.43 44.62 50:40 5.40 45.00 5.77 14.64 11.57 ?519133.--? 26?275.- 109027.-- 879435.-- 99360.-- 789c075.-- 139895.-- -67.58 78i075.-- 1,493. -103.-- 799671.-- 409163.-, 26,275.- 139233..-- 99094.-- 200.3 189034.-- 87.71 42559.-- 7,27, 0? / .2-371 --317.2-7, 7 02-6-r-f 7,3 4 762-7, / 02514-1 417.2:7 sI 4,17.a-Z.2. 4.5/1 /A/7.27, 3 ca.. /L/77,/ 025fr1 /47.27. 49/79-7, a io /79-7. / A6M-7, J /702Z c25/44 025/4-4 ?2 asici .2-c /I/ "C4/27. 702 .24,i(-/-744S/ j2671 .317:27.73 .7"17 A741-52-9.45/ ASH 1(//7:2,7 625/61 14/12.7 :7 51/72.2, 3/g 01--13-/41 "ileag. 9/3 alsitf '73 1/457a7 7 As-A 1/7.2 .15/1 .14/7.z7, 7