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Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000200720003-6 41."7J11-1%."1 !Uri OLyitt.17WiUUtiiii disrANAIN?6600% CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY -INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY USSR DATE DISTR./114.y 1953 SUBJECT Information on Soviet Steel Industry NO. OF PAGES 5 PLACE ACQUIRED DATE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFORMTION TNI1 DOCUMINT CQN?*ISl OOOOOOOOOOO AFICCT/NO CHI NATIONAL 55,1511 Of CNC 5STIS AAAAAAA VOISIN SSC 515515541 1111.1 1$1, OtoTIO*1 791 ANV 414, or THE U.S.COOS ISSION ON MEV'. AAAA do or ITS CON TTTTT TO ON noctury ST AN UNAU TTTT ON0NISITCS Of LAN. Tod TTTTTT UC TTTT OF THIS FORM II PSONISITIO. NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 50X1 50X1 THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION ?Se - 50X1 50X1 1. 50X1 the Tenakiyevskly and Makeyevskiy metallurgical plant p in the Donbas, the Kransyy Oktyabr' Plant in Stalingrad and the Nadezhden- . Skiy Plant-in the Ural Mountains, in their reports of total Steel production to the Chief Administration ofil*tallurgical Industry in MoScow, include& sLee150X1ots and Steel castings. The method used in reporting production in steel-rolling-shops to the Oh Lf Admin- istration of Metallurgical Industries (GUMP) was to show, for individual ,-teel furnaces, the total figure of steel production irrespectively of whetl,er tel was used to make castings in foundries or ingots in rolling shops. A study of summarized reports submitted by the GUMP to the government wsuid reveal that the statistical data of steel production submitted by indivAua1 w*re included. unchanged in summarized reports. The secret orger of the SNK USSR jhe Council of Peoplels,pommi,a,1-- '37 and TsK VICP (b) /he Central Committee of the Communist Partz/ corcerrr.rr tl velon- ment of the USSR industry in 1941 also shows that both ingots ant 'a 111 4-re included in the total figures for production of steel in the USS. For instance, the decree of the SNK USSR and Tsk VKP (b) fixirf th; aurldh ro- &action of steel in USSR at 22,400,000 tons for 1941, includ, all- er1J,e, that manufactured only castings and no ingots. A table showing production and individual producers, which was taken from the at, decree, follows: TOTAL STEEL PRODUCTION IN la USSR IN 1941 (according to the drOcp - ag,,...42 Narkomthermet jhe Pe le's Commissariat of Ferrous Metallur Heavy Machine Building 8501000 Medium Machine Building 650,000 General Machine Building 46,000 Petroleum Industry 27,00 Coal Industry CLASSIFICATION SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION 17,800,00C ORR EV ft ff Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000200720003-6 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr2013/04/17:CIA-RDP82-00047R000200720003-6 1.4 lo'.1.44,14,1 - - NKPS ghe People' Commissariat of Communication-17 180 000 tons People's Commissariat of Local Industries RSFSR 45,000 Electric Power Stations 13,600 Electrical Industry 247,700 Non-ferrous metallurgy 34,500 Building materials n,000 The People's Commissariat of Timber Industry 14,000 Others 2,395.400 _224,004000 tons 50X1 50X1 OX1 To obtain this information, one must study carefully the general data on rolled steel production given for each individual year of the Five-Year Plan. These over-a:1 figures of annual production include the rolling of profile iron as well as forged products and pipes. 50X1 the secret order of the SNK USSR and TsK VKP (b) fpr 1941, in which the amount fixed for rolled steel included pipes and forge work. below the table contained in this order. Rolled steel production (annual), including pipes and forge products for 1941: 15,800.P0Q tions 13,380,000 tons 450,000 .100,000 16,500 13,000 82,000 -96-500, 26,000 8 100 4,000, JPL 15 800 000 - tons Narkomchermet Heavy Machine Building Medium chine Building General Machine Building Petroleum industry Local industries RSFR Electrical industry Non-ferrous metallurgy. People's Commi sariat of Timber Industry. Local industr'ieS USSR Local industries BSSR Miscellaneous TI II IT ii 50X1 50X1 50X1 Steel produced by machine-building plants is included in the total steel proluc,ion of the USSR. The table given in Paragraph (1) abtrie, which shows steel productior_ decrlytiki by the SNK USSR and TsK VKP (b) for 1941, inclules also machine-building :planp. In individual-cases,, incomplete figures of annual steel production in the M2,R rt ;Ame- times be encountered; one should assess the source of information. 50X1 ,In the USSR, the technical personnel of plants, the directors, and the pn1;74 ties, both local and central, as well as the Kremlin lords, are interestct In ,ttaining high, production coefficients, which are earmarks of good performance in blast and open- hearth furnaces in the plants. SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000200720003-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION 5. 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000200720003-6 - 3 - 50X1 The security not only of the technical personnel and directors of the plante, but in a large measure, also that of the political leaders of the okrugs and, even people's commissariats (now ministries) depends on the successful performance of factories and plants. The conditions of work in the USSR, however, are such that only through the frequent use of illegal means and fraud can the appearance of good performance in plants be achieved, The low quality of raw materials and fuel, the poor system of supply, the unsatisfactory performance of railroads, the lack of qualified workers,, and otheieeei causes often place metallurgical plants in a very difficult situation. in order to improve tne coefficient of work of blast furnaces under the tacit instructions of the director of the plant, green sand from slag dumps would be supplied for the use in furnace charges in increased quantities (10-15%) during several months, without debiting this to the furnace charges in the 'books. As a rule, almost all metallurgical plants showed a considerable shortage of ore, coke, and other raw materials and semi-manufactured products in their annual reports on'the production, cost of production, and verified balance of raw materials on hand. Very often Production coefficients are not corrected on the basis of the discovered shortages of materials, because overexpenditares are written off. Complete annual reports usually arrive very late, when no me is interested in them any more, since coeffiCients which have been received in incorrect preliminary reports (showing higher coefficients) are accepted and used in over-all reports before the Chief Administra- tions (Ministries) .receive the final reports. The "difficulty coefficients" often served to improve production efficiency in open-hearth furnaces and rolling shops. In casting and rolling there are steels with a difficulty coefficient of 2 and higher, 410 varieties ot rolling with coefficients of 3-4. Therefore, the larger the amoulat of special material manufactured by a plane, the greater is the difference between the nominal quantity of steel and rolled iron and the actual weight produced. 50X1 With an increased difficulty coefficient, the actual gain in production sharply in- creases the production coefficients. Thus, technical coefficients shown in metallur- gical production are not reliable, because in the majority of cases they are exagger- ated. 50X1- The capacity of open-hearth furnaces in the USSR was determined on the basis of the hearth area at the level of the molten metal thresholds of the charging doors. The level of the "nasypnyye" thresholds ning not clear; literally "fillTng of the charging doors was very often the aacepted practice not on:y beetaliss working conditions rendered it compulsory but also because of the increase in charging in an attempt to raise the productivity of a furnase and produce more meeal. liONever, also in such cases the quantity of steel taken from a square meter of the hearth was compu- ted on the basis of the established size of the hearth at the level of tle metal 50X1 thresholds of the charging doors. Under the prevailing conditions of production tre presence of the' fillinp (naeypnyye) thresholds was easily explained by the excess of slag at the beginning e.S the second half of the open-hearth melting process, during the foaming period, when elag asually bulges and fills a large volume. Thus no special explanations vere required The bottoms of the gas ports were usually designed 500 mil- cesses and 350 millimeters for scrap. The 1925 norms of Academician 4.A. Pavlov yielded 1 of hearth. tons of steel The capacity of the newest stationary open-hearth furnaces as estimated c of 3 tons per square es&er of hearth. Large rocking furnaces had 3-4 tees meter-.- furnaces in the southern taremeter the basis oar square the tesults of the wor?. -hearth part of the 0301i in prewar-years were roughly as Exceptionally high production of a furtace - 7 tons pet square mete Very good, comparatively rare, resulta 7 5-6 tons per square meter. Good - 4-5 tons per square. meter SECRET/SECURITY ItM&ION t 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000200720003-6 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr2013/04/17:CIA-RDP82-00047R000200720003-6 6EUEET/611VURITI IN.VatiVariUN I. - 4 - (d) Average - 3.5-4 tons per square meter (e) Below average - 2.5-3 tons per square meter The coefficients in the Urals were considerably lower than those in the South. 50X1 50X1 The designations of rolling mills in the USSR differ little, in my opinion, from tN51 usually found in foreign literature. The diameter and the length of rolls characterize a rolling mill, but usually ether data are also necessary. Cited below are examples of designation of rollinr mills built according to the specifications prevailing in the USSR mills: (a) Purpose: sheet rolling (b) Weight: 380 tons (c) Technical characteristics and basic measurements: The mill rolls sheet iron from 6 to 30 millimeters thick, up to 2,200 millimeters wide; the average 2e-hour capa- city is 500 tons. The stand of the mill has 3 rolls: the up3er one and the lower one with a diame- ter of 860 millimeters, and the middle roll with a diameter of 560 millimeters. The length of the barrel of the rolls is 2,540 millimeters. The middle re1,1 is balancedehydraulically. The mill is equipned ox both sides with liftirg conveyer/ platforms, each 9,710 millimeters long and 2,300 millimeters wile. The measurements of the platform rollers are tee follows: diameter - 375 NM:meters, length e 1,825 millimeters, distance betwem centers - 395 millimeters. The plat- forms are lifted by hydraulic power. The pressure mechanism of the stand works by electricity. The mill is ecretppee with a table for feeding ingots from the fernaee. The length or the table is 9,380 millimeters and the width, 1,664 millimeters. The table rollers er- millimeters in diameter, 1,390 millimeters long, and the distance be en th cen- ter of the rollers is 450 millimeters. (d) . The driving asynchronous motor is a 6,001-vs1e, 300-ampere type with a capacity of 1,840 kilowatts and making 75 revontions per minute. The motor of the pressure mechaniem is a 220-volt, 44-1:floeett eeoe, oper- ating at 500 revolutions per minute. The motor moving the rollers o tbe ii?ting platforms is 60-kilowatt motor, operating at 170 revolUtions per minute; Eni the one feeding ingots from the furnace is a 94-ilowatt motor. IL1. (a) Purpose: rolling of pipes (b) Weight: 265.7 tons f- -7 (c) Technical description: A pilger mill has working end 2 gear eeiee etanee ar4 is - operated by a direct-current motor. One e the r011eeequipPed eilth a eatore-hae a flywheel 6,500 millimeters in diameter, veighing 60 tons,with a cart Leon hub, steel rime and wrought iron spokes. Both tands are -pined to the motor re)1 cf the flywheel by a coupling with a hydraulle clutch end release. Thanks be t;eis arrangement both mills can work simultaneoeely, or one mill can work alone. The gear stand of each of the mills is of cloeed construotion. The shafte einne,eting the gear with the working rolls have artielllated joints on the side rbu::.?, thee' are connected with the gear. The shifts have eydraulle balancing. The working stand le a steel frame, in ileieh 2 working rolls with a apt-lite erooved profile are placed. The upper roll is operated by an electric motor, The :ealtoe cieg is hydraulics On the entry side or the pilger mill there is a feeding apparatte j"orgel1er driven by 2 hydraulic cylindere. The diameter of the cylinders ie e0 mileinetere, the -stroke of tho_plston is 10,e00 millimeters. In the Upper part cf earriage in the bearings' Lrista mandrel piston 2Phefte is installed; whiee eae 711r,,?!, tieek and forth in the carriage. The back end of this shaft enters through the etlf- fing box into the air cylinder which is connected with the sir reeervoir. ie Compressed air serves as a buffer when, in rolling back, the mandrel rmll texottEr with the ellieVe is pushed away, and the mama eompreseed air pushec tne emu:Heel with the sleeve forward during the period of opening of the roller greovee. The diameter of the air cylinder is 550 millimeters. The stroke of the pl_5.tot is 1,600 millimeters. SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000200720003-6 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000200720003-6 SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION DUAI -4 - (a) Average - 3.5-4 tons per square meter (e) Below average - 2.5-3 tons per square meter 50X1 The coefficients in the Urals were considerably lower than those in the South. 50X1 The designations of rolling mills in the USSR differ little, usually found in foreign literature. from thoee 50X1 The diameter and the length of rolls characterize a rolling mill, but usually other data are also necessary. Cited below are examples of designation of rolling mills built according to the specifications prevailing in the USSR millse Three-hig sheet-rolling mill: (a) Purpose: sheet rolling (b) Weight: 380 tons (c) Technical charaoteristios and basic measurements: The mill rolls sheet iron from 6 to 30 millimeters thick, up to 2,200 millimeters wide; the average 24-hcur capa- city is 500 tons. The stand of the mill has 3 rolls: the upper one and the lower one with a diame- ter of 860 millimeters, and the middle roll with a diameter of 560 millimeters. The length of the barrel of the rolls is 2,540 millimeters. The middle roll is balanced,bydraulically. The mill is equipped on both sides with lifting eiyoller- conveye;/ platforms, each 9,710 millimeters long and 2,300 millimeters wiee. The measurements of the platform rollers are as follows: diameter - 375 millimeters, length r 1,825 millimeters, distance between centers - 395 millimeters. The plat- forms are lifted by hydraulic power. The pressure mechanism of the stand works by electricity. The mill is eq.lippeu with a table for feeding ingots from the furnace. The length of the table is 9,380 millimeters and the width, 1,664 millimeters. The table rollers ate 00 millimeters in diameter, 1,390 millimeters long, and the distance beeeeen the cen- ter of the rollers is 45ra millimeters. (d) The drialzig gear 4nd motork: The driving asynchronous motor is a 6,00C-vIt, 300-ampere type with a capacity of 1,840 kilowatts and making 75 revolutions per minute. The motor of the pressure mechantem is a 220-volt, 44-kilo7aet 17,-)c, oper- ating at 500 revolutions per minute. The notor moving the rollers o th al7eing platforms is 60-kilowatt motor, operating at 370 revolutions per minute; line the one feeding ingots from the furnace is a 9-kilowatt motor. The Pilger Mill (a) PurpoSe: rolling or pipes (b) Weight: 265.7 tons (c) te 7 Technical description: A pilger mill has working and 2 gear .2..2; otaws lrd .s operated by a direct-current motor. One cr' the rolls, equipped with a metor. lute a flywheel 6,500 millimeters in diameter, 7eighing 6o tons, with a -.act teen bub. steel rima and wrought iron spokes. Both 3tands are joined to the motor of the flywheel by a coupling with a hydraull- clutch and release. Aunts to 4.erLis arrangement both mills can work simalteneolqly, or one mill can -pork gear stand of each of the mills is of closed construction. The shaft E ting the gear with the working rolls have articelated joints on the sine ehee eh-e are connected with the gear. The shafts have hydraulic balancing. The working stand is a steel frame, in nallh 2 working rolls with a speie erooved profile are placed. The upper roll is ope-ated by an electric motor. Th ler- cing is hydraulic. On the entry side of the pilger mill there is a feedine apparatue (7cegeller) driven by 2 hydraulic cylinders. The diameter of the cylinders is _00 miltimetere, the stroke of thetpiston is 10,:-.00 millimeters. In he upper part of th, -a-ria;e in the bearing6'.ffzieta mandrel piston Zphiftlt is installed, whicb mure aace and forth in the carriage. The back end o" this shaft enters threugh the et,tf- fing box into the air cylinder which is connected with the air re;5arlioir. .le compressed air serves as a buffer when, in rolling back, the manc'rel rol" togeti?,r eritb0:he sleeve is pushed away and the same compreased air pueteb with the sleeve forward during the period of opening of the roller groovt,. The diameter of the air cylinder is 550 millimeters. The stroke of the ,.oL 1,600 millimeters. SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000200720003-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000200720003-6 SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION -5 - 50X1 Between the mill and the feeding apparatus there is a platform which descends and ascends from the hydraulic cylinder. Every stand of a pilger mill has a device for cooling and changing the mandrel. (d) priving gear and motors. The motor is a 1,650-kilowatt, 700-volt type, with the number of revolutions regulated within the limits of 70-90 per minute. The elec- tric motor for the flywheel is a 22-kilowatt, 380-volt motor operating at 750 revolutions per minute. The electric motor for the pilger mill rollers is a 39- kilowatt motor operating at 750 revolutions per minute. The one for cooling the mandrels is a 31-kilowatt operating at 750 revolutions per minute. The water pressure has 100 atmospheres. The air pressure is 6 atmospheres. - end - SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/17 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000200720003-6