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Lll~,h 5 ~ ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/25 :CIA-RDP82-000478000100390008-9 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORIIAATION REPORT COUNTRY LlSSR~ i3ermany (Soviet Zone) SUBJECT Soviet Ol~'i~^er Training, (GOFG} PLACE ACQUIRED t7S ACQUIRED ~ DATE Txlb DOO VY[NT CONT{IN6 INFO {Y.TION L/1[CTIND THE N{TI ONIL D[I[NfE OP TN[ UNITCD fTATE{. fITNIM TM[ YC LN IMO Of TITLE 10? b[CTI OY{ 7D] ?ND 7i ~. O[ TNL U.D. 000[1 ?^ ?Y[NO[0. lif T{{N{Y16{IDN OL {EY[? L.TIOM 01 -1 T{ CON TENT{ TO 011 {ECFIPI .Y AM VN AU TNO[1E[D PF{{ON 1{ P{0X1{I T[D {Y LAY. iXF {[P{OOUCTION Of TMI{ f0{Y 1{ P{ONI ^1T[D. DATE DISTR.b'Ma.Y x-952 N0. OF PAGES 3 50X1 N0. OF ENCL 2 IL~STED BELOW) ~ - ~ pa ~e ~ CS I Pa ac SUPPLEMENT, TO _ . REPORT N0. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 1. The training year in the Soviet Army in Germany lasts from ~. May to 30 April of the next year. T do not know whether the same training year is valid in USSR. The traini ear is divided as follows: divided the year di~'f 4 (a} Ttie summer training period starts on 1 May and ends on ` 3l Octoberv September is the month of maneuvers and October is reserved fbr the autumn inspection ?~ter which troops xeturn to their winter quarters. (b) The preparatory period (Podgotovitel;nyy Period},ats through the month of ~duve?nber. This time i? devoted to conservation o~ equipment for winter storage and pre- . parations for the winter training period. (c} The winter training period starts on l December and ends on 3O Apri1, The pex~iad i'rom lO-2O April. is reserved for spring in5pectior~. Around 20 AgriZ troops move to sumriner training camps for the new training yeax[ CLASSIFICATION SECRE SECiT& ?~ X DISTRIBUTION Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/25 :CIA-RDP82-000478000100390008-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/25 : CIA-RDP82-000478000100390008-9 JV/~ I SECRETIsE~v~zTY I~1F0>TIDN !~ Y 2. Like the training of enlisted personnel, officer trait~i~ag is co~iducted throughout th? entire training year. The puose is to keep officers thorpughly fs.slillar xith subjects in rich they have to instx~uot their subord~.~ates, to aoquaint them with nex taati~al dc,otrinee, :weapons and equipment and therir tec~nlaal application, monocle &r~d army regulations. The ge~aeral idea is ~ to prepare _officers for the next comra+~nding position on the army ladder. Tbere sire two officer training courses every year: (a) Summer 'raining Course, flares months, from 1 EKay to 31 July,? (bj Winter. 'raining Course, four ~aonths, from 1 December to 31 l~larch, These courses are organized in ail regiments and separate batta?ians. During those perigds three eight-hour days per mox:th are devoted to leeture~ and instruction for all unit officers. This means that the summer course aonslsts of 7~ hrs of instructic-~I and the winter course ?f' 96 hrs., For .the summer s,nd winter tz+$inir~g two- ~?par~tte officer sohocl~s are orgar:ized, within t}~e stain >`armee~ ?~brasehes such as~ infantry . , artillery, ;tanks, etc: ;.. (a) Schaal for company (battery) .. comma~nder~ ~4cbool for p atovn leade~- ,;,, ..:.,; Ir:structora in these schoo~:,s a,re usually senior officers of the regiment or separate batta~aon (registental com.nder~, some of hie deputies, chief of staff and some specialized officers for sub,~ects) . The plans and programs for officer training schools are prepared by Q~OFi~ Hqs and sent through channels to regiment8 and saparate battalions. The program prescribes the f~sllowing su'G~ects: ($) Political instruction: A~.rx-~enib Indoctrination; (b) Tactics : Study of Armed Forces Field l~.nual 19~t~; tactios ' of the main armed branches with emphasis on the branch to which the unit belongs; Tec~inica~. training: Nomenclature of w?apons and equip~nt in unit ~ s T jE; experiences, auggestioaas for i~provements in practical use and in training of enlisted personnel (d) Firing training (artillery or infahtry): Various firing problems with the guns in units TIE; (e) Automotive traiaiinS: Nomenclature of motor vehicles and their operation; the program ~f sur>amex~ training for of~iaers of et~,a11 caliber AAA units is given in $nclosures (A) and (B SI~CRH'l~/SECURITY INFORMATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/25 : CIA-RDP82-000478000100390008-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/25 : CIA-RDP82-000478000100390008-9 JV/~ I SECRET/SECURITY' INFORMATION 50X1 -3- In addition ~to the summer and winter school training, officers k;~ave to undergo the following periodic training: (a) Three two .hour periods weekly: artillery (infantry) firing training on. miniature range,- combined with varioua~ problems; ) Two-one hour periods weekly: physical training-and pistol (c) #'iring practice; Two four. hour periods weekl are reserved for familiarization of officers (samopodgotovka~ with the army ms.nuala, regulations, and tactics. This type of training is super vied by the unit's commanding officer or his chief of staff, but it is not conducted in tl~e form of lectures or instructions. Instead, it is le:~t #'or every individual to decide what subjects he wants to-study each time. This is actually time for officers' self-training. Usually thrss or four officers combine into small groups, working together on one particular subject such as reading manuals and regulations, and clarifying their ideas through group discussions. At Least once a-month offioera are given written problems on material contained in manuals. This i~3 done by regimental (separate battalion) commanders in accordance with the War P~inistry Directive 0085 of August 1951 efficiency rating. In addition, unit commanders conduct a monthly oral examination of all officers on Soviet Army manuals and regulations. Regimental and separate battalion commanders are given similar problems by divisional commanders. so ve these problems forms the basis for his monthly and the ability of-the individual officer to 7. Obligatory. examination of officers is conducted by aOFa during ,the spring and fall inspections at which time eacYg individual 1s examined in the following fields: (a) Soviet Armed Forces Field Manual 19+8 (b) Weapons and Equipment in unit's T/E (c) Automotive Training (d) Pistol Firing (e) physical Endurance Enclosure (~s ~3attery Com~taanders, Summer Training Program (~~: Platoon headers, Summer Training Frogran~ SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/25 : CIA-RDP82-000478000100390008-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/25 : CIA-RDP82-000478000100390008-9 Enc~o.sureCA) SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION Page, -1 Program Officers' Combat Training School Small Caliber Anti-Aircraft Artillery Units 1952 Training Year, Summer Periods 1. School for Battery Commanders Sub ects 1., Political Instruction 2. Taci~ics 3..~. Firing Training ~4. :Technical Training Automotive Training Detailed Program 18 hours 20 hours 16 hours 10 hours 8 hours ours. 1. Political Instruction: Problem #1: Marxist ideology and national- 8 hours colonization problem Problem #2c American and British imperialists as 6 hours deadly enemies of the Soviet Union and promoters of aggressive war against USSR Problem #3: What kind of state is our Fatherland, ~# hours the USSR 2. ,Tactics: Problem #1: Tactical use of a small caliber A~ ~ hours battery within its organic battalion covering units of a division in attack Problem #2: Tactical use of a small caliber AA 4 hours battery within its organic battalion covering units of a division in defense Prob~.em #3: Tactical use of a small caliber AA ~ hours battery within its organic battalion ~`"~~`~~`'~'''' '~ -" covering units of a division at a river crossing Problem #4: Familiarization witY:~ provisions of Soviet 6 h~;~~te Armed Forces Field Manual ag48: Attack and defense in the main armed branches SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/25 : CIA-RDP82-000478000100390008-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/25 : CIA-RDP82-000478000100390008-9 Enclosure ~) t ti"i.. ` ~~ SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION Page ~- . Firing Training: Problem ,#l: Firing at aerial targets in horizontal 3 hours, flight Problem ,#2: Firing at diving and combat support planes 2 hours Problem #3; Firing from the moving column and 2 hours firing at parachute landing forces 'Problem #~: Barrage fire 6 hours Problem #5: Firing at ground targets 3 hours Technical Training: :Problem #l: Nomenclature, assembly and disassembly 2 hours of the gun's automatic breach mechanism (prinimayushehaya ehast' snaryada), its purpose and its operation Problem #2: Nomenclature, assembly and disassembly of 2 hours weapons and equipment. Conservation of weapons and equipment for winter storage. Upkeep and maintenance in summer camps. Problem.#3: Nomenclature, assembly and disassembly 6 hours of 37 mm gun automatic sight. Principles, of operation . Automotive Trainin Problem #1: Organizing parking lots in summer camps. 2 hours Maintenance of motor vehicles under camp conditions. Problem #2: Cross-country driving ~ ~ hours SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/25 : CIA-RDP82-000478000100390008-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/25 : CIA-RDP82-000478000100390008-9 E,~c~.:osure (B) ~ SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION Page -1-- Small Caliber Anti-Aircraft Artillery TJnits 1952 Training Year, Summer Period 2. School for Platoon Leaders Program Officers Combat Training School Sub ects. ~ame as for battery commanders, Enclosure Detailed Program Political Instruction: ~he Same as for battery 18 h?urs _ _ ~._.. ~ :a ,......7 -2. -T~ctica: ~_ Problem ,#1: .Problem #2: Problem ,#3: Problem #~#: Problem #5: 3. Technical Training; ~he same as for battery lO -hour's Composition and tasks of the advanced 2 hours battery commanders ( eredovoy komandirskiy raz~yezd~ Tactical use of a firing platoon within ~ hours small caliber AA~battery covering-units in an attack Tactical use of a firing platoon within ~ hours small .caliber AA battery covering unite on defense positions Tactical use of a firing platoon within 4 hours small caliber AA battery covering unite at a river crossing Familiarization with provisions of Soviet ~a hours Armed Forces Manual 1948:. Attack and defense in the`main armed branches '~ Firing Training: ~he same as for 'battery commander ~.~ hours commander Automotive Training: ~he saar~e as for battery $ hours commander SECRET/'SECURITY INFORMATION Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/25 : CIA-RDP82-000478000100390008-9