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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release a~ 50_ Yr2013/04/25 : CIA-RDP82-000478000100350006-5 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY. USSR SUBJECT Moscow Military Kommanda.tura PLACE ACQUIRED DATE ACQUIRED BY SOURCE DATE OF INFORMATION Txlb DOLYY[NT CONTAIN[ INIO[YATION AIIFLTINL TN[ NATIONAL DEIFN6! Ol TN[ YMiT[0 LTA T[!r .ITNIN TN[ YlANINL D/ TI TL[ i.r L[CTIONE 7Y~ AND 70., or rx[ Y.s. eoD[r AL AY[MD[0. ITL TNANfY13910N o? [[ve? LATIOM D[ 171 [OYT[NTL TO OL .[O[IIT ?Y AN YMAV TNOLIS[D IELLON I[ I.OMILITLD LY [A.? iN[ [[ILODVLTION CI TMI^ lOLY IL ILONILI T[O. DATE DISTR.96 Apr 52 N0. OF PAGES 3 N0. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT N0. 50X1 THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMAT101~5oX1 1. A military kommandatura (Voyennaya Komendatura) is set up in towns where troops are stationed, temporarily or perman- ently, for the preservation of order among service men away, from -hheir units. Its organization and functions are set down in the Garrison Duty Manual, Soviet Army. The Town Commander (Voyenniye Komendant) i5 usuall~r subordinate to the garrison commander. Organization and Functions 2. The central Moscow Kommandatura was located at 11 First Meshchanskaya Street. The last commander was Brigadier General Kuzma Sinilov, now a Major General. The departments of the Komrnandatura were as follows (a) Operations; This department was in charge of opera- tional intelligence and was staffed with counter- intelligence personnel and operational agents. (b) Second Departments -Lt Col Sokolov. The task of this department was the maintenance of order among service men away from their units. It was responsible for the city military patrol service and for the detention of all military personnel violating regulations such as: being out of uniform, drunkeness, disturbance of public. order and AWOL. During the Moscow curfew hours, from 24.00 until 0600, the patrols apprehended all military personnel found without proper passes issued by the town commander, Drivers violating black-out regula- tions were also subject to arrest. CLASSIFICATION SECRET/SECURITY INFORMATION I~~M 1-l X A-11Z ~( -~/?:l X Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/25 : CIA-RDP82-000478000100350006-5 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release ~ 50-Yr2013/04/25 :CIA-RDP82-000478000100350006-5 at~d ,.the distrust koamar~datuxaa~s s~f ~as~dw ~it~ tie prescribed. of~~'~er perspttnel ~ It was a1s0 re~pr~n- mib].:e fcrr tras~~f era of vffi~.eers .and ether such pertnnel matf~r$ , .~ .~ -.: (d) Snlisted Fer:~c3t~i>!1 Depar_ tme~tm Resp~~a~~b~.e t?ar prov- i~ir~, the kottttr~ndat~,ras with the aec~s~ary enlisted pers?~ru~.el and hsndlingtr their administrative problems o (e) ~~ier Perab~nael Depa~tmenta M~~.:~eli 1~~ Thie ~. ~eptment ~~ts responsible. far staf'f?ing~~9l~~ ~,~m~r~1 ,, ' r ` - 1~egistry mod' ~mi~?e- ~~cr~-t Docufxiea~ts Dep~rtm~r-t i ~ - guare~ing of classi.~ied t~atex?~.~tls, 3. ? The follat~ing ~up~1y sad se~v~c~ departffiea~`ts o#? the ~ehtral ~o~andat?a were located on tihe' same street at ntber 19: {a) Faad , ]~epartntenta Ffesp?a~~ble fnr issuing steal 1~, ~ tieslsets or food to officers ,costixag to Moscow Qn leave ~7~ ~tY Orders? The gstt~?risart food depot wets locat+e~1 Ott 9~ ~~alatachovskaya Street ?'~i u {b) Glot~ing 8upgly Aepartent d `" This depa~tmerat wad.? , ~ (e) ~Y ~3nce department: Th?e departtne~t was responsible I fmr.,jpa~is~g personnel of?'the` komtnas~datuz?as and er~1Ye~.ed ~~~er'anel is et~er,ge~oiee,e ., (~} ~~4t~ing to all stilit~''. ~'~~~~ctsible for supply~.~ig pe~s+c>~:el et~plo~~d. by they k~rt~n~~d~.t~~^a~i o Tn et~~er- genc~'es, slilitary pars?t~nel en'leave ~~ duty arde~s , avtal.ti sled drax clothing frtt~~ this c~e~~rtts?nt o; ~~-~_ .s~ah babes the prope? ~at~ ~ "was made in their -taer~~ae bc~e~, (.~1Tazhevnaya xxi~.~hk Mel ~epartstent: ~edlcal care was gives on1~.:t+ r~ r perc~ot~-el emplpye~? ?~~ the komr~adat~aras ? ~:}~3:s~t~i~,t _Komma.x~~t~bcas5 ---,...r - - - ..~. !?. The f?11oYix~g distx~iet kotttmandaturas wesre subordinated t the .Cei3t:rs,1 ~~a~daturae Molotc-vski, Leninski, ~ix~ovs ki a i L i d k k ~ " es ; ns , ea r~gra s i, Ct c ~yabrski, Dzerzhinski, ~k~~~: ~ esnar? yi, SoY~olnichesl~~;, ~B~~~mans~i, Timiryazev~ki, . .,Kui3$h sl~i, ~himkir3ski ~. ~m,.;',e others a the ft~nc~ tidn~i ?f e: s~~~ triest komm~ndatue vi~ee limited tc~ csar~.~`in amt -the' r~aponsibilities of ~te ae~~sond Department ~~'~:~ ;_ Cen'~r~~ ~andatura, aame~~, tie patrolling service o ~'?qP th~.e pur~ese the district kmi~ai~daturaB had the fello!M~. 'fib?nnel;~ (a} ~?~andaat (~) ~~~~~~ ~o~tsadant (~a). Three Assistants, the of~'icers of the dad (Dezhurnyi} (d} Adjutant (e} one or twa stilitsrp investigators (f) 0ae driver 3TCR~T/~IECURi9.'Y' T~1F~TIO~' :50X1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/25 :CIA-RDP82-000478000100350006-5 50X1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/25 :CIA-RDP82-000478000100350006-5 T~St~1 ~ 19~~ diatx?iet ~+atr~l~ 'rre~e pr?ovidet~ '~~` the ~aecQhd ,I~ div `~i.oa4 after t~i~.s date ~KYD ttdbp~ ~rere Manly; `used, at ci~ limits ~,b ~~ ~pc~ia~ta or at ~~?rtant ~.ateactior~e ~tithin th~a ~i~~rn , ~~up,~r?vision oaf this ' ~f the ~e~stral ~Ce~m- ~,ser~i;ce ~iemained the r?e~pc+~,sibil~'ty _ .i~ad~t't'~tra~;, . Ae o~ ~'urae 19~~, the~~>~ilite,ry antis ste.tioA?d . in ',. ~ I~asedr~ regia~; detac~,ecl re~,I~~ patrolling it~t xhi~.,~+~r`~ p1tt udder t1~8 ~i~d~~,on of the respeat~.~" dis~ict ? o~s~andatura~ for ~~ h?tare . acac~rdir~g tc~ a rata- ` ti~3~,,~nheule suth~riaed by. bhe central ~Q~dat~ran The ~~mpo`~itiQa~ of thezg.e se~tiona i~as as t?+~~,~~wsa . :., {a) ". ~~ d~~achmeA~ +~A~~~3der, .~ta~ts~~ly a sergeant {b~ . Are ~s~~.~tta~t (Q) ` - F'~ur~ ar ..five ~at~allin,~ :sols~iers ~'hre~ g'd~ ~+~ watc~t ~ pry?ns ~.rrested 4 .~,.,. . ~~~`e aa~~st~.~~ag ':duty, patrv3, per~~ergrn~l wter~ gives a ter?ug ~~''~~''~3t~ ~A their .dnti~~ d ~t ,?ta~,l~d . itia~~rary+'a ~'he ~n `? ~ me~bFr herd m red b d obi' is sleeve ~2t~ t~iex le~te~r~s ~' dame taski ~~t~1~ i~~ ~th~~.t~ and e. cert3f fete ~-tating t~ta he . d~hf.s ~0?~o~*k~~s ~er?e ~~ffib~r~ ~-f _ t~ac ~e~d p~.tr43 0 affi~ers af? the district ` ~t?~de;turae ~aad~ the anth?r~.~y ~n decide ?n the disp?sa1 ?#? the'arrested peraoelo ~u~ish- ~ ~es~f~8 ~e ~dmini?~te>~ed eithe? ~ the I~omm~.nd~atura ' ~0ed~r ,. ~~ . the, r~gaxlar . ~'t , am.ide~ o Whey Mere al~a~s ez~t~~~~. en 1~he leave yr dn~y ordere, ~,Q~;? mi;x~or vi?lations;, s~Qh = ~ffi' ` . ~'a~1~re ,tc~ salute or e~terii~~ a b~,~a~r, te~o h?~r~a ,e~~il ~-~.~ . ~ e4~on~~ishs~eAt~ f~~ivers violating traffic r~jgla~i4ms- ~~.s+s~~t d 1Iy ka~and~tur~ ~atral ~, ac~c?ffipa~i~d by an ~- ; , ~4~~ rai. , a~ milk'?ad star.. ~.?~~ o?v tin ~u~h `c?~se~,ai+~~~ ~1 . , ~T ~ea~d deserters mere ar~i~ted,. ' ~ >3i~tgle distri,~t 't~i~bi~ , ;; ~Y^~1'-~ '~" 3i 91 ~Ytif.~irlas .saa ~.f1 ~ 4~n '3~f1 a~m~es?~r is?mr ..~A ~?.'~.'a?4 ~w is ^4 .,. .ii~~.+w'.? ~,.. '~"Ur~:.: ~iad'`~ ee~"~.~e~?t be}~inii - oh ~. rah dr during- a ~ai1 trans~t~rt d my #!h~ mc>~t in~aperier~cetl eeerters mere `actt~all~ ` ~ieel;a ' ~,s th~rvug~, inv~~ti~~, ions ` ~r?~uld take ta? ar~r~sh ~` ~~.m~, mop; ~~' t~,ese des~:rta~~'~e~'e; simply seht back t?' tshe '. f~bn~, vii, the m.iite~~r transfer p?int, located on ~trc+say~ka 3t~~$t, ~>~kc~l'riiki a It' may,. be added ths.t periodic" `ro~d- t~~ds~were a