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etr a n rear Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/30 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100060002-1 CENTRAL INTELLIO NCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY Hungary SUBJECT Keoskemet Airfield THIS DOCUdI[NT CONTAIN{ IN/ONNATIOI(,1 ArFNCTIND TN[ N11T10NAL 0[IaNt[ 0/ TNL ONITLD {TA T[II WITHIN TN [ 11t ANINO DI TITL[ I61 L[C TI0N0 7lS AND 764, OF TNL U.S. DOD[. AI AY[I~O4D. ITS TIANIN11110. OR-R'It. LOTION 01 ITt CONTENTS TO OR .[C[11 ^T AN UNAUTNONIOEO I[NION It "NONE{ITLD OT LAD. TNL NLIRODUCt!!O,I{ 01 TNI{ TORY II IRONIII T[D. 50X1 Keoskemet airfield was used by the 50X1 practices Hungarian Air force before the last war. During the war, it was used by both the Hungarian Air Force and the German Air Force. The Hungarian Air For e ? took over the airfield in October 1948. The surrounding area of the airfield i' level land without obstructions. The airfield could be extended in an east and northeastern direction for approximately 1000 meters. The airfield is aece,sLble only by t1 1 Keoskemet ? Bekesosaba highway. The Keoskemet Szolnok railroad is located 50X1 about one kilometer south of the airfield. No railway spurs led to the field. There were no aircraft blast-pens or underground hangars available at the airfield. The aircraft normally were parked in the hangars. There were no air raid alert. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 50X1 50X1 50X1 had no emergency power station of its own. There were no runway markers or'search- lights available. Signal flares were used during daytime in connection with flight operations. One green flare fired from a piatol indicated the beginning of f150X1b operationsf one white flare indicated the end.. of flight operations for the day. Red flares were fired in order to prevent accidents during landing operations._~ if enough repair facilities were available, about 200 fighter an650X1 ground assault aircraft could operate from this airfield. Only minor repairs and routine maintenance, such as engine, wing, landing gear, and propeller changes could be accomplished with the available equipment. Aircraft had to -be taken to Szekesfehervar fob" major repair work. Major repair facilities, however, were available for radios, instruments, and armament. Each aircraft was supposed to have been equipped with two sets of tools, one for the engine and one for the frame. The IL-10, Yak-11, Yak-9 and Zlin aircraft had complete sets of tools. The Arado-96 aircraft had no tool kits.. The tools for IL-10, Yak- and Yak-11 aircraft were of Soviet manufacture and those for the Zlin of Czechoslovakian manufacture. There was a shortage of special tools at this installation.;, CLASSIFICATION SECRET SE49ET PIN NO. 81-40 0 1961 3. The only radio transmitter installations) (were toe ones located 50X1 the tower building and the radio truck. Telephone facilities for the airfield were available in all buildings. There was only an outlj.4e line to Keoskemet. All communications with higher headquart*rs in Budapest were made by teletype, since there was no special telephone line #etween this airfield and other headq arters. Adequate power (110 volts) was supplied by the Keoskemet power house. Th airfield NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) ~UPPLtMENT TO REPORT NO. -50X1 zo ) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/30 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100060002-1 wwAR VOW 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/30 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100060002-1 4. There was no antiaircraft artillery available at Keoskemet but there were two Mazini antiaircraft machine guns stored in the guard-house. The guard personnel were supposed to operate these machine guns in case of air attack. In such a case, one machine gun Would be installed at Point #65 nclosure Of and the other on top of the building, Point #50,_ffnclosure (B These machine guns were moved I V. to'-the above sites almost ivory day during January, February, March, April and May of 1950 because of Yugoslav aircraft flying over this airfield. Ore Yugoslav aircraft flew over the-airfield about once a month during this period. The air- craft came when the'sky was overcast, only during the daytime, from the direction of Szolnok, It flew over the airfield in a north-south direction at approximately 500 meters altitude, then rose again to about 1000 meters and disappeared southward. The antiaircraft machine guns never opened fire on the Yugoslav aircraft, probably because the warning by telephone from Szolnok arrived too late. The Yak-9 aircraft on this airfield took,off in order to intercept the foreign aircraft but usually it took the Yak-9e about ten to fifteen minutes to become airborne after the Yugoslav plans appeared over the airfield. They took off individually, and gave chase in "V" formation. Be There was enough supply of fuel and oil to permit normal flight operations, ti alth h h oug eac squadron was rationed Th feldil aivd .eu an orre by rail from the USSR to Ke'oskemet railroad station, and theft*as brought 'to the airfield in fuel truck. and barrels. The aircraft were serviced from two fuel trucks, each with a capacity of 3,800 liters. One contained 95 octane gas and other 87 octane. ' The pumps were operated electrically. Two oil and water truoke (GMC) were avail- able for servicing the aircraft. These trucks also had electrically operated pumps. Ample water supply was available at the airfield from the city of Keoskemet Keaekemet is an "all year around" flying bane. During winter the snow is from 5 - 10 am deep. The lowest temperature was 20?C. Even during the rainy season, (September and November) the field is operational' due to' the sandy composition of the soil. The prevailing winds blow from southeast to northwest, and lees frequently from northwest to southeast. The wind speed usually was about 5 - 10 n-/eeotmaximum speed was about 15 m/seo. 7. The airfield was under military administration. The first aircraft arrived there in May 1949 from the USSR. At that time, two HungarianAir Force training Squadrons were stationed there, training with UT-2 aircraft. In July'1949 about eight Arado-98 aircraft were received from Czechoslovakia and used for training by the two squadrons. In August 1949 most of the personnel of the two training squadrons were transferred to Szolnok school for theoretical training. In August 1949 a number of Yak-9 and IL-10 aircraft arrived at the airfield from USSR, These aircraft were not used, however until November 1949 when Soviet instructors arrived to train the Hungarian Lir Force pilots who had 12'109 and "8tuka" air- craft experiences This training lasted until February 1950 when the Soviet inetruao- tore departed. From March until July 1950, the pilot students who finished the theoretical trainin at Ssolnok were given practical flying training by the former -100 and "$tuka" pilots, with Yak-9 and IL-10 aircraft. About 38 of these etudenti remained at Seolnok as instructors. In 4u1y, the graduating pilots were formed into two now fighter regiments and two new ground attack regiments. One fighter regiment and one ground attack regiment were sent to Tokol Airfield and one fighter regiment and one ground attack regiment were sent to Vesspreri Airfield. Those units took Yak-O's and IL-10's with them, leaving only the defootive.Yak-9 aircraft at Keoskemet. From July 1980 to December 1950, there was no flying activity at the airfields Only a guard unit, five fighter and five pound round attack pilots remained, In December 1950, twelve fighter instructors and ground attack instructors arrived from Ssolnok. These instructors were part of the 36 instructors who went to Ssolnok in August 1949. 50X1 8. There was one Fighter Training Regiment and one Ground Attack Training Regiment. There was, however, only one squadron in each of these rerimentp, bor of the fighter training squadron was L/2, Ground Attack Training Squadron Nos, wa 'W-k , ~ lt 110 The fighter training Squadron had a strength ou w o no uded 50X1 `7 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/30 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100060002-1 prm n r v 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/30 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100060002-1 12 pilot - instructors, 12 chief mechanics (officers), 25 students; the rest were mechanics, helpers (enlisted men), armament, electrical, radio, instrument, specialists, parachute riggers, firemen, and administrative personnel. This squadron was composed of three flights. Each flight composed of one flight leader, three pilot instructors, the other 26 persons being maintenance personnel. This squadron was equipped with five Yak-9, two Yak-9B, four Yak-11 and one Zlin aircraft. The ground attack training squadron was about 130 strong. This number included the 18 pilot-instructors, 18 chief mechanics (officers), 25 pilot students, the balance being composed of mechanics helpers (enlisted men), armament, electrical, radio, instrument specialists, parachute riggers, etc., foremen and administration personnel. This squadron was equipped with three IL-10 nine IL-10B, and~one Zlin aircraft. This squadron had three flights organized similarly to the fighter flights. The airfield Commanding Officer was Capt Josef Mezolaky, whose official title was "Repter Parauesnok" (airfield Commander). The following four officers were Capt Mezolaky's deputies: Capt Josef Zabransky, his official title being "Repter Politicai Tiszt" (Airfield Political Officer); Major Iaszlo Kazal, was the airfield's Chief of Personnel; his official title was "Repter Torzs Parancsnok" (Airfield Corps Commander); Major Tibor Szucs, was the Commanding Officer of the Ground Attack Training Regiments; Capt. Janos Szentivanyi, was the Commanding Officer of the fighter training regiment. The training at this airfield consisted mainly of flying instruction with the Yak-11; the Yak-9B; the Yak-9 for fighter training; the IL-10B for ground attack training. Theoretical training was conducted only during inclement weather by the pilot instructors. There was no night, all weather, or instrument flying train- ing undertaken at the airfield. There also was no aerial gunnery training. The first phase of the training undertaken at the airfield consists of take-offs and landing practices. Each student has to make at least 30 landings with his instruc- tor. While this phase of training is in progress the student is also taught to make 900 turns. These flights take place in the immediate vicinity of the air- field and last only four to five minutes. After completing the 30th landing successfully the student has to make three landings with the officer directing the training. This officer may be either the squadron, the regiment or the air- field Commanding Officer. Due to shortage of aircraft this phase of training lasts about 40 days for fighter trainees and 25 days for ground attack trainees. After successfully completing the three landings under the observation of the officer directing the training, the student had to make 10 solo landings. After finishing the 10th solo landing, the student had to make two mere landings under the supervision of the officer directing the training. This part of training lasted about five days for ground attack students and two weeks for fighter students, due to the fact that the ground attack training aircraft were more numerous and in better condition than the fighter training aircraft. During this phase of training, the landing gears on both the fighter and ground attack training aircraft were never retracted. If a student could not learn the correct takeoff and landing procedures after the 50th landing he was washed out. The second phase of training consisted of local flights about two kilometers radius from the airfield. The instructor flew only twice with the students, practicing different acrobatic maneuvers. These flights were made individually, each lasted about 30 minutes. The flying area was divided in numbered sectors (for example: Sector #s 1, 2, 2A, 3, 4, 5), each aircraft being assigned a certain sector in which to fly. These flights were made at an altitude of approximately 2000 meters. The student had to fly 12 different solo flights, each lasting 25 ? 30 minutes. He was instructed before each flight what type of aerial maneuvers he had to make (loops, immelmanns, dives, etc.). There was a test following this phase of training with Yak-11's and IL-10B"s. This test was witnessed by a commission composed of high ranking Hungarian Air Force officers sent by the Ministry of Defense. This test consisted of 30 minutes of individual flying and acrobatic maneuvers, at about 1500 meters altitude. Following the sucoessful completion of the test, the fighter pilot students started training with the Yak-9B aircraft while the ground attack pilot students started training with t}ae IL-10 aircraft. The first phase of training with IL-10 aircraft consisted of 10 successive take- off and janding practices. The landing wheels are retracted and lowered during War Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/30 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100060002-1 cnui Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/30 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100060002-1 this phase of training. The second phase of training with IL-10 aircraft con- sists of three solo, local individual flights, including acrobatic maneuvers. These flights took place at an altitude of about 1500 meters and lasted 30 minutes each. The third phase of training with IL-10 aircraft consists of eight cross-country formation flights. The formations were of 30+ aircraft (distance between aircraft about 20 meters and at different level). These cross-country flights were made at about 1000 meters altitude and lasted about 40 minutes. After finishing the eighth cross-country flight the student had to take an oral and written test and also a flight test. The flight test consisted. of both indi- vidual`acrobaticand formation flights. The first phasg of training with the Yak-9B aircraft for fighter pilots consisted of three take-off and landing practices with the instructor. The landing gears are not retracted during this phase of training. On the day the third supervised successful landing takes place, the student makes one take-off and landing practice in a Yak-9 aircraft The landing gears are not retracted during this practioe. These three landing practices in the Yak-9B and one landing practice in the Yak-9 may be completed in one day. The next phase of training consists of 20 take-off and landing practices with the Yak-9 aircraft. The landing gears are not retracted during this phase of training. The next phase of training, with Yak-9 aircraft consists of six local flights. These flights, each lasting 50 minutes, were made at about 3000 meters altitude and included acrobatic maneuvers. The next phase of train- ing, with Yak-9 aircraft consists of formation diving. These three cross-country flights lasted about 45 minutes each, and were made at 2,000 meters altitude. After the third cross-country flight the student had to take an oral and written test and a flight test similar to the one taken by the ground attack student pilots. Upon successful completion of the tests, the student graduates as pilot (fighter or ground attack). The best student is commissioned as a Lieutenant50X1 the other students as Lieutenant Jr. 10. During February 1951, nine IL-10B aircraft and three IL-10 aircraft were stationed at Keoskemet. These aircraft were rather old with approximately 200 hours flying time for the frame and 70 hours engine time. The were painted dark green on the upper surface and light-blue on the lower. The IL-10 and IL-10B are the same type of aircraft. The IL-10 and IL-10B air- graft-has retractable landing gears and the tail wheel is half retractable. T50X1 engine'is an AM-42, 2,000 H.P. type, with a liquid cooled 12 cylinders V-type engine. It used 95 octane gasoline. The wing span is about 12 meters and the fuselage,. including the engine about 14 meters long Both the IL-10 and IL-10B are equipped with two UBS 12.7 mm caliber machine guns and two UBK 24 mm_cannons in the wing section. The IL-10 also has a UBT 12.7 mm type machine gun in the rear. It is not automatically stopped when the vertical stabilizer comes within its firing range. Both the IL-10 and IL-10B aircraft are equipped with two internal bomb racks in the wing section containing 50 or 150 kgs bombs. There are also two rocket launchers in the wing section. Ten aerial bombs, designed for dropping with parachutes are contained in the fuselage section be- hind the cockpit. The entire nose section, including cockpit is of armored glass about five cm thick. The aircraft weighs 6,200 kgs. The maximum diving speed is 600 km per hour; the maximum level flight speed was 380 km per hour. There also were five Yak-9 and two Yak-9B belonging to the fighter training squadron., The Yak-9B was wood, two seat training aircraft, equipped with one, 20 mm cannon firing through the propeller hub. It had a VK-lOT, 12-cylinder, liquid cooled, V-type engine of 1200 HP. Its maximum diving speed was 720 km per hour level flight maximum speed was 480 km per hour. The maximum propeller RPM was 2500. The Yak-9 is a single seat aircraft, equipped with one Shvak 20 mm cannon fired through the propeller hub. Two UBS 12.7 mm machine guns were installed in the upper part of the engine section and fired through the propeller. It had a VK-107-A, 12-cylinder, liquid cooled, V-type engine of 1650 HP. Its maximum diving speed was 720 kms per hour; its level flight maximum speed was 570 kms per hour; the maximum propeller rpm was 3200. The engine - propeller r.m ratio is one to two. The wing span of Yak-9 and Yak-9B was 10 meters; the fuselage, including the engine, was 11.47 meters long. The landing gear, including the tail wheel, is completely retractable. The oil cooler on the Yak-9B aircraft is in the front of engine section on the lower side. The Yak-9 aircraft has two oil coolers on the lower center section. The oil cooler airsopops on both the Ift- E T Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/30 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100060002-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/30 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100060002-1 Yak-9 and the Yak-9B are opened manually. The Yak-9 has bullet-proof glass, five am thick, in the front and rear section-of the cockpit, The Yak-9B has bullet- proof glass only in the front section of cockpit. The pilot's seat is armored on both.the Yak-9 and the Yak-9B in the frontsection of the cockpit. The pilot's seat is armored on both the Yak-9 and Yak-9B. The Yak-9 aircraft has a gun camera in the right wing. The Yak-9B has the gun camera installed on the lower side of the right wing. The Yak-9 and Yak-9B aircraft used 95 octane gasoline. The fuel for the Yak-9 was contained in one 15 liter tank in.the center section two 207.5 liter fuel tanks in the wing sections and two 117.5 liter fuel tanks in the wing sections, near the tip. All fuel tanks are made of self-sealing rubber. The Yak-9B aircraft has one 16 liter fuel tank in the center section and two 207.6 liter fuel tanks in the wing-section. These tanks are made of metal. Under combat conditions the fuel tanks are filled with neutral gas in order to prevent explosion in case the tank is perforated. This natural gas is taken 50X1 from one exhaust opening, and sent to the fuel tanks after being cooled. The 50X1 oil capacity for the Yak-9 was 30 liters in the tank, 20 liters in the cooler 50X1 and 18 liters in the engine. The Yak-9B had a 75 liter oil capacity. The cooling fluid capacity for both the Yak-9 and the Yak-9B was 72 liters. The 50X1 Yak-9 aircraft were painted dark green on the upper surface and sky blue on the The Yak-9 aircraft were relatively new, and had arrived at the airfield from USSR in August 1949. In February 1951 these aircraft had an average of about 40 to 50 hours of flight. All these aircraft were grounded because of metal particles found in the oil. This was due to 'a defective lubrication system since it took about 10 seconds for all the engine parts to be lubricated after stai50X1 ing. Another difficulty of the Yak aircraft was water seeping in the cylinde150X1 and causing rust. There were four Yak-11 aircraft at the airfield in Februar350X1 1951. These aircraft were relatively new, having arrived from the USSR in 50X1 November 1950. In February 1951 they had on the average of 45 to 50 hours flying and were in good flying condition. There was, however, a shortage of spare parts for these aircraft. They were painted light blue gray 50X1 There were also two Zlin type aircraft in goo lying con i ion. n February 1951 they had about 40 hours engine time. They were painted light gray 11. In February 1951 civilian workers at the airfield were employed for construction work. There were about 15 civilian women employed as clerks. The maintenance work on aircraft was done entirely by military personnel. The working hours for the administrative personnel were from 0900 to '1800 hours with one hour for lunch. On Saturdays they worked from 0900 to 1300 hours. Sundae were free. During summer the aircraft maintenance personnel worked from 0300 hours until the job was finished, everyday except Saturdays and Sundays. Mondays were reserved for maintenance work since there was no flying that day. Flying usually started at 0700 hours and lasted till 1500 hours during winter; during summer, it started at 0400 hours and lasted till 1100 hours. There was no flying on Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays. 12.. The building area of the airfield was surrounded by a barbed wire fence two meters high. There were no guard towers or searchlights. The guard unit was composed of a squadron of about 100 men, who wore the regular Hungarian Air Force uniforms. The guards were on duty 24 hours with 25 hours off. While on duty the guards were two hours on post and four hours off. There was one guard posted at gates points 40, 51, and 64 ~nelosure (B7, armed with a Soviet type sub-machine 7.62 caliber. There was one guard patrolling each of the following areas denoted as point numbers 26, 47, 52, 58, 60, 62, 5, 18, 13C, 9, 6, and 4 Enclosure (B)7. Training effectiveness, discipline, and morale of the guards seemed only fair. Everybody entering the airfield area had to have a pass and the guards did not always ask for this, being satisfied to see the identification different types. 50X1 50X1 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/30 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100060002-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/30 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100060002-1 In order to enter the han ar area, a special pass had to be shown at gate point-J57, nclosure (B/. This pass was issued only to personnel working in this area. This pass' was also signed by the airfield's Commanding Officer. The temporary pass was a piece of white paper, eight by five cm., giving the owner's name, rank, and permission to enter the area. This pass was also signed by Capt Mezolalq. The fire department consisted of 15 military persons, all graduates of the Budapest firemen's course. Five of them were in the firetruck at the garage Point #13A Enclosure Of. Five were resting in the building Point #13C, ,Enclosure while the other five were off duty. There was only one fire truck at the airfield. It had a 3000 liter container containing a foam type fire extinguisher liquid. During flight operations the fire truck was parked between the concrete strips, Points #59 and 61 5nZE-nclosure (B)7. There were also two, two-wheel push carts with three containers, each of 20 liters capacity, with foam type fire extinguisher liquid. These carts were kept in the hangar area. When flight operations were in progress one of these carts was stationed near the runway. Six 10-liter capacity fire extinguishers (foam type) were located at area shown as Point #5 ffnclosure (B7. Two buckets of sand were also kept 'in that area. There were Ten fiVeq'5liter-.:foam 'type fire .?xtinguishers' The garages were also equipped with five-liter foam t pe fire extinguishers. One fire hydrant was located in the area Point #15 Znclosure (B)7 and one beside each of the three hangars. There was no air raid defense training at the air- field There was no camouflage and there were no air raid shelters. 50X1 'l he points hereunder refer to sketch, Enclosure (A)7 Point 1. City of Kecskemet (4653N ? 1941E)r Population was approximately 95 thousand. It is a fruit canning center and important railroad junction. Point.2. The Budapest - Cegled (471ON - 1948E) ? Kecskemet m Szeged (4615N 2008E) Railroad. It was a double track, standard European gauge rail line. Point 3. The Budapest - Lajosmizse (4702N m 1933E) Kecskemet Railroad. It was a double track, standard European gauge rail line, Point 4. The Budapest ? Fulopezallas - (4649N 1914E) Kecskemet Railroad. It was a double track standard European gauge rail line. Point 5. The Kecskemet - Szolnok (4711N - 2011E)Railroad. It was a double track, standard European gauge rail line. Point 6. The Kecskemet Airfield, known as "Kecskemet Repuloter". It was the only airfield in the Kecskemet area, it was located two kilometers southeast from the center of Kecskemet city and four kilometers by road. Point 7. The Kecskemet o Rekescsaba (4640N ? 2105E) highway. It was an excellent concrete road, about ten meters wide. he points hereunder refer to sketch, Enclosure (B)7 Point 1. Concrete road, about four meters wide, in good condition. It's junc- tion with the Kecskemet ? Bekes Csaba highway was about 12 kilometers from the airfield's gate. Point 2. The airfield's runway northwest - southeast directio;i constructed of cement blocks. It was about 1,000 meters long and 70 meters wide. Point 3. Concrete block taxi strip. It was about 20 meters wide. The northwest and northeast sections were constructed during 1948 ? 1949, The taxi strip, from the northwest and of the runway to the northwest corner was 1,500 meters; from the northwest to the southeast corner 1,500 meters; and from the southeast corner to the runway, 500 meters long. It was in good condition in February 1951. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/30 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100060002-1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/30 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100060002-1 Point 4. Underground fuel storage installation, under construction in February 1951. Only the excavation was completed at that time. Two fuel tanks of 10 thousand liters and 20 thousand liters capacity were already installed and gasoline stored in them. The excavated area covered about 500 square meters and was about 10 meters deep. It was at about 500 meters distance from the taxi strip. Point 5. Parking area for three IL-10's and nine IL-'10B"s aircraft. They were always parked in a straight line at three-meter intervals between wing tips. Point 6. Open air storage area for fuel and oil. There were approximately 400 barrels of 200 liter capacity each. The barrels were piled in four groups; 95 octane, 87 octane, 72 octane gasoline, and the oil barrels. The oil was of ms and mk types. Point 7. Black cinder-covered road, about two meters wide and 200 meters long. Point 8. Concrete road about 50 meters long and four meters wide. Point 9. Underground oil storage installation. There was one oil tank with a capacity of 6,000 liters in the excavation. There was no concrete construction. This oil tank was installed there during 1950. Point 10. Dirt road, about three meters wide, leading to farm houses. Point 1OA. Ditch, about three meters deep and two meters wide. It ran along the whole southwest border of the airfield. Point 11. The Keaskemet m bekes Csaba highway. Point 12. Barbed wire fence enclosing the airfield.. It was two meters high and supported by concrete posts spaced at four meter intervals. Point 13. Single story building of brick construction, about ten meters long, six meters wide and five meters high, excluding a low gabled red tile roof. It was painted dark yellow. It served as garage for two tow trucks and one tractor. Point 13A, Single story., brick building of the same construction, color, and dimensions. as building described in Point 13. It was used as a garage for three "Raba" model trucks, and one fire truck. Point 13B. Building of the same construction as the building described in Points 13 and 13A above. It served as garage for two Skoda cars belonging to the Security Section, (Deffen.siv Osztaly) and three "jeeps". Point 130, Single story "L" shaped brick building. Each wing was 20 meters long and eight meters wide, six meters high, excluding a low, gabled red tile roof. It was dark yellow. The southwestern wing housed one auto repair shop. The southeastern wing housed three offices of the motor-pool and waiting rooms for drivers Point 14. Concrete parking area for two fuel and two oil and water trucks. Point 15. Concrete parking and washing area for, vehicles, about 20 by 20 meters. Point 16. Two black cinder-covered roads, about four meters wide. Point 17. Black cinder-covered parking area for defective vehicles. This area was about 100 meters long and 30 meters wide. Point 18. Single story "L" shaped brick building 10 meters and five meters long, six meters wide_and five meters high, excluding a low gabled red tile roof. It was dark yellow. It w ,s_.used as an-aircraft fuel storage. Tie fuel was stored in 200 liter barrels. Total quantity of fuel stored not known. E Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/30 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100060002-1 tinui Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 50-Yr2013/04/30 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100060002-1 Point 19. Two single story buildings, about 10 meters long, six meters wide and five meters high, excluding the low "gabled red tile covered roof, of dark yellow color. Both buildings served as storage places for air craft oil. The oil was stored in 200 liter barrels. Point 20. Obstacle course training area. Point 21. Building, damaged during the war. 1?he damage was estimated at 40%. It was not repaired in February 1951. It was used for storing straw. It was a three story, brick building, of dark gray color. Point 22. Single story, brick building, about 15 meters long, six meters wide and five meters high, excluding the low, gabled red tile roof. It was dark gray. It was used as a barn for four hourses and one cart. Point 23. Building, damaged during the last war. The damage was estimated at 70%. It was still in state of disrepair in February 1951. Point 24. Building, damaged during the last war. The damage was estimated at 30%. It was not repaired at the time of observation. It was used for dumping the explosive charges from old bombs. Point 25. Concrete road, about four meters wide. Point 26. Three story, brick building, about 40 meters long, 15 meters wise and 25 meters high, excluding the low, gabled, red tile roof. It was dark gray. This building housed the fighter training regiment's ma~ntenance personnel, including officers, and the fighter pilot students. The offices of the fighter training squadron and classrooms were also located there. A total of approximately 110 military personnel were .quarted in this building. Point 27. Building, of exactly the same construction, dimensions and color as building described in Point 26. During the last war it was damaged approximately 40%. Repair work started in 1950 and was still in progress in February 1951. The repairs should be completed by July 1951. The first floor was used as kitchen and mess-hall for air- craft maintenance personnel. Point 28. Building, exactly the same as those described in Points 26 and 27. During the last war it was damaged approximately 50%. Repair work started during 1950 and was completed the same year. The whole building was used as a hospital, and capable of aceomodating 150- 200 patients. Point 29. Single story building damaged about 40% during the last war. It had not been repaired and was not used in February 1951. Point 30, Single story building, damaged about 30% during the last war.- It was still in a state of disrepair, and was used for storage of straw. Point 31. Single storyi brick building situated on an earth mound about ten meters high. The building was about fifteen meters long, ten meters wide and eight meters high, excluding a low gabled, red tile roof. It was dark gray. Point 32. Densely covered area of deciduous trees. The trees averaged about 20 meters in height, Point 33. Earth pathway, about three meters wide. Point 34. Concrete road, about four meters wide, leading from the gate to the hospital building. Point 35. Two story brick building, about 25 meters long, 15 meters wide, and 15 meters high, excluding a low gabled, red tile roof. The building was still being constructed in February 1951. it would be used as quarters-for married officers. Construction was started in April 1950. 50X1 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/30 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100060002-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/30 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100060002-1 -9- SECRET Point 35A. Two story, new brick building, about 20 meters long, 15 meters wide, and 15 meters high, excluding the low gabled, red tile"roof. The building was still in construction in February 1951. It will be used for the same purpose as building described in Point 35. This cons- truction was started in April 1950. Point 36, Two story, brick building, about 20 ;peters long, 15 meters wide and 15 meters high, excluding the low gabled, red tile: roof. It was dark gray. It was used as a guardhouse. This building was connected by a w6:11 with the building described in Point 35A. It was a three story brick building about 30 meters long, 15 meters wide and 22 meters high, excluding the low gabled, red tile roof. It was dark ray. The first floor housed the offices of the Security Section, (DeffensiY Osztaly); the second and third floors housed the offices of the fighter and ground attack training regiments, the office of the air- field Commanding Officer, the ;uartermaster offices, (Gazdasag Hivatal) and the engineering offices of the fighter and ground attack training squadrons. Point 37. Concrete sidewalk, about three meters wide. Point 38. Gravel covered road, leading from the airfield to Kecskemet city, about six meters wide and in poor condition. Point 39. Dirt road, about four meters wide, leading to farm houses. Point 40. V ehicle and pedestrian gates. The vehicle gate, was of two metal sections. It was about six meters wide and two meters high. The pedestrian gate was also of metal and about two meters wide and two meters high. Point 41. Concrete road, about fbur meters wide. Point 42. Single story brick building, about 20 meters long, 10 meters wide and six meters high, excluding the low gabled, red tile-covered roof. It was dark gray. It was used as mess-hall for officer and student. This building was called the "Navigators' mess-hall" (Hajozo Etkezde). Point 43. Concrete area, approximately 30 meters in diameter. Point 43A. Concrete covered area, approximately 10 meters in diameter. Point 44. Brick sidewalk, about three meters wide. Point 45. Two story, brick building, about 25 meters long, 15 meters wide and 15 meters high, excluding the low gabled, red tile roof. It was dark gray. It served as quarters for bachelor pilot officers. About 30 officers were quartered there. This building was called the "Navigators' building," (Hajozo Epulet). Point 46. Athletic field of sand, about 150 by 50 meters. Point 47. Underground fuel storage area, constructed of concrete. The visible concrete surface was about 30 by 15 meters. There was a small con- struction on top which served as fuel outlet. Point 48. Monument, (Obelisk) constructed of white stone, about six meters high. Point 49. Concrete road9 about four meters wide. Point 49A. Concrete covered rectangular area, about 20 by 15 meters. SEET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/30 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100060002-1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/30 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100060002-1 Point 50 and 50A. Three story, brick building shaped like an "L". The section shown as Point 50, is about 35 meters long, and 15 meters wide. The section shown as Point 50A, is about 20 meters long, 15 meters wide. The whole building was about 24 meters high. It was dark gray. .,-The building has a cellar, covering its whole area. The roof was flat, concrete, and covered with black tar paper. This building was used for quarters for the ground attack training regiment, including students, mechanics (both officers and enlisted helpers). It housed about 110 persons. The offices of the ground attack training squadron were also located there. Point 51. Two story, brick building, about 50 meters long, 20 meters wide and 15 meters high. It was dark gray. The roof was flat, concrete and covered with black,tarppez. On the first floor in the northeastern half were quarters for enlisted guards. On the first floor, in the southwestern half, were offices of guard section (squadron). An office of the quartermaster section (Gazdasagi Itivatal) and a barber shop. were also located there. Quarters for the rest of the squadron guards were located on the second floor. Point 52 and 52A. Single story "L" shaped, brick building. The section shown as point 52 was about-20 meters long. The section shown as Point 52A was about 10 meters long. Both sections were about 10 meters wide and seven meters high, excluding the low gabled, red tile roof. The building dark yellow. Point 53. Aircraft field repair truck, containing a large lathe for machine work. The truck was German World War II. Points 54,;(A, B, C), 55, 56. Two story eL" shaped brick buildings. The section hown as Points 54 and 55, was 40 meters long. The section shown as Point 56 was about 10 meters long. The building was about 15 meters wide and 15 meters high, excluding the low gabled, red tile roof. It was dark gray. Point 55. Square glass tower, rising 10 meters above the ceiling of the second story of the building. The top of the tower was flat and also of glass. This was the airfields operations tower. The section shown as Point 54A had a battery shop, and aircraft engine aad frame repair shop on the first floor. The second floor housed the weather station. The section shown as Point 54B, housed a carpenter shop and on the first floor, the airfield's post-office on the second. Section shown as Point 54C, housed the parachute Shop of the first floor, and the photo-laboratory and the teletype (Hugues) installation on the second floor. Section shown as Point 56 of this building housed the aircraft supply shops on both floors. Engine spare parts, instruments, wheels, tires, ailerons, rudders, elevators and aircraft tools were stored there. Point 57. Iron gate about four meters wide and two meters high, supported by concrete posts. Point 58. "Hangar No 1" constructed of brick and supported by four reinforced concrete columns, one in each corner. Each of these columns was about i meter square. The building was about 50 meters long, 30 meters wide and..?0 meters high on the northeastern side, 'and 15 meters high on its sou tbwestern side. The roof was slanted and of corrugated metal, painted dark green. It was supported by two main transversal steel beams, interconnected by diagonal steel beams. The hangar walls were constructed of brick. The hanger floor was of concrete. The hangar had a corrugated metal door, in two sections, runniig.on rails,, covering the whole northeastern side up to the roof. The hangar had windows, covering the entire two side walls. The windows were located about two meters below the roof. Eighteen Yak-9 aircraft without engines were stored in this hangar. SMET. SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/30 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100060002-1 .50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/30 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100060002-1 Point 50A. Single story brick construction adjacent'to the hangar. It was about 30 meters long, five meters wide and eight meters high including a slanted red tile roof. This building was painted dark gray. Point 59. Two concrete strips, each about 40 meters long and four meters wide. The grass covered area between the strips was about 50 meters wide. These concrete strips were known as the "red lines" (Prios Vonal). When the hangar was occupied by operational aircraft, these strips were used for'pre-flight inspections and engine warm-up. Point 60. Hangar No. 2, of the same construction, dimensions and color as hangar No 1. In February 1951, six Arado-96 aircraft were in'storage status, (pickled engines and six Arado-96 d3,oasembled aircraft (without engines and wings)) were stored there. On top of this hangar was a wind sock, white with red circles. Point 60A. Building of the same construction as building described in Point 58A. It was used as electrical, radio, aniiament, instrument, and photo- graphy shop. Point'61.Concrete strips of the same dimensions as those described in Point 59 above. Point 62. Hangar No 3 of the same construction, dimensions and color as Hangars Nos I and 2. In February 1951, the following aircraft were kept therer five Yak-9 aircraft with pickled engines, grounded because of bronze particles found in the oil system; two Yak-9B in good condition, complete and in storage status (engines pickled); four Yak-11 air- oraft, frounded for lack of tires; two Zlin aircraft belonging to the fighter and ground attack training regiments respectively. They were on flying status and were used for minor errands to other airfields. Point 62A. Building of the same construction, size and used for the same purpose as buildings described in Points 58A and 60A. Point 63. Concrete strips, of the same dimensions, and used for the same purpose as strips described in Points 59 and 61. Point 64, Iron gate, about six meters wide and two meters high. Point 65. 41tj of a hangar destroyed during the last warm The concrete floor, which was about 80 by tW meters in area was the only remaining part. Point 66. Landing area, of sandy composition, covered sparsely with grass. It was used by all aircraft stationed at this airfield. Rainy weather would not impede operations from this area, since the water was rapidly absorbed in the sandy ground; an artificial drainage,system was not available and not necessary. Point 67. Area used for conductor flight operations. It was called the "Red square" (Piros Negyszog). When flight operations were in progress, four b4nohes were installed,, forming a square. In the middle of the square was a blackboard,, a desk with a bulletin board showing the flight schedule for the day, and a political bulletin,. . Point 680 Location of the radio-trunk used during training operations. This radio-truck usually was used instead of the radio-tower installatioxl0 Point 69., Portable "T" sign, of white oemvas during summer and black canvap during winter. Two other rectangu1 r canvas signs were placed there for easier identification from the air. Point 70. Site where two fuel trucks and one oil and water truck were parked during flying operations. One carried 95 octane aid the other 87 octane gasoline. SE MT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/30 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100060002-1 50X1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/30 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100060002-1 Point 70A0 Location of cart with mechanics' tools and spare parts. A small truck was also parked there, to take personnel and equipment to and from the flight area. A fire extinguisher push cart also was kept there during flight operations. Points 71, 71A, 71B, 71C and 71D. Show the usual take-off and landing patterns for training of students. The take-off point on the runway was Apposite the "Red Square", where-the aircraft were quickly inspected by maintenance personnel-prior to take-off. The take-off signalman ms stationed there with a white flag in the right hand to signal the take-off, and a red flag in the left hand, to signal standby. Point 72. Firing range, used by all military personnel. Personnel practiced firing about once.every month, each man firing approximately ten rounds. This firing range was also used to test the aircraft machine guns. No aircraft on th@ airfield was armed. The aircraft machine guns were kept in storage. They were installed on the Yak-9, Yak-11, and IL-10 every three months for testing. If the machine gun performed satisfactorily it was returned to storage status. The Yak-9 aircraft were armed, during the tests, with two UBShZ, 12.7 m/m machine-guns, one Shvak, 20 m/m cannon. The Yak-11 aircraft were armed, during the tests, with one UBSFiZ,,12.7.m/m machine gun. The.IL-10 aircraft were armed, during the tests, with two UBShZ, 12.7 m/m machine guns, two 24 m/m cannon, and one UBK, 12.7 m/m machine-gun. The aircraft machine-guns and cannons were fired at stationary targets while the aircraft were on the ground, with engines running, the tail section raised and supported on a barrel in order to have the aircraft and the line of fire parallel to the ground. The firing tests took place at about 700 meters from the target9 Traoer bullets were used during firing practice. Both the machine-guns and the cannons used three types of bullets, tracer, armor piercing, and K-6 type. Each UBS machine gun took 150 rounds and each Shvak cannon, 200 rounds. Point 73. Single story, brick building, about fifteen by fifteen meters and seven meters high, excluding a low gabled, red tile roof. It is dark yellow. It was off limits to most of the personnel and known as the "radio building." ENCLOSURE (A): Overlay sketch of Kecskemet Airfield ENCLOSURE (B)s Sketch showing Kecskemet Airfield Installatiops SE SET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/30 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100060002-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/30 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100060002-1 ENC L6 %4E (A) 6 Keoskemet Airfie d (46?54'N - 19?43"E) sketch of map sheet 8E 1s100,000 General Staff No. 4396 War Office.1943 SECRET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/30 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100060002-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/30 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100060002-1 ENCLOSURE (B) S,E SET Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/30 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100060002-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/30 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100060002-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/30 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100060002-1