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/ it? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/16 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100020002-5 CLASSIFICATION SECRET/US OFF ICIOTO ONLY? CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AENCY INFORMATIMNIAREPORT 50X1 COUNTRY Hungary SUBJECT Szolnok Airfield THIS DOCUMENT CONTAIN, INOOOMATION ArFECTINS TOE NATIONAL 0 NNNNNN Or EMS UNITED SSSSSSS NITHI THE NEANINSOF TITLE IN, SECTIONS 793 AHO 24, OF THE U.S. CODE, t11 ADENOED. ITS NNNNNN ISSION ok *EYE. AATICS OF ITS CONTENTS TO 6 .RECEIPT SE AN UNAUTHOSIZEO PERSON IS NNNNNNNNN 0 NY LAW. THE NEONODUCTION,OF THIS FOAM IN ANOHISiTED. DATE DISTR. Apr 1951 NO. OF PAGES 5, Jn..PFBEgPf,) a2(B) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 50X1 1,, Szolnok Airfield is located approximately four km mouth of the center of Szolnok 'City (47? 11 N - 20P 12? E). A concrete road 10 meters wide leads from the city to the airfield. This road wee concrete for three and a half km and changed to dirt approximately five hundred (500) meters from the airfield. The main identifying mark is the Tisza River flowing In a southeasterly direction four km from the airfield. An ther identifying mark is the Holttisza, a lake of elongated shape approximately nine km long and 90-100 meters wide located about 200 meters north and northeast of the airfield. A small village, Irekoczi- Falva (about 200 buildings), is situated approximately 31--4 km southwest of the airfield. No railroads lead to the fielde 2. When I was there, Szolnok Airfield was of curved, almost boomerang, shape. The length of the landing strip was approximately 1,000 meters in northeast direc- tion. Its width was approximately 400 meters. Runways were not of concrete, but rolled dirt and partly grass covered. There was a concrete ramp near the two hangars and the two aircraft magnetic-compe ating roc.es0 There were no artificial water drainage installations at this field. The level surface made natural drainage of rain water almo t impossible. After & heavy-rainfa*? large areas of the airfield were covered with water pools for several days, reducing flight operations to zero. 3. Szolnok. had two hangars and three large administrative bUildings. There were no camouflaged dispersal points for aircraft, blast pens, or underground. hangars. Aircraft were either parked. in the hangar buildings or on the concrete ramp. In the event of air alert the aircraft were dispersed in a haphazard manner, and could be seen from the air since no camouflage measures were practiced. 4. Technical facilities included a Morse code and teletype installation. The tele- type apparatus, called 'HUES," was of Soviet- manufacture, and was received sometime in December 1948. This apparatus is currently standard eqeipment in the Hungarian Air Force. It is also used at other military installations. There was also a stationary radio transmitting and receiving station, operational in December 1950, which had three antennae. The Hungarian name for the installation is Gunio. The radio apparatus itself was known under the term RSZBF? and is of Soviet manufacture.' This radio installation was to be used only in case of hoetilities, for only a mobile radio transmitting and receiving unit was used lesen I was Wer.. The mobile radio station WA installed on "Dodge"-type truck. AO. 51.40 961 CLASSIFICATION SECRET/OS OFFICIALS ONLY STATE X NMN _2C_ DISTMBLMON 'ARMY ( 20 ) Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/16 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100020002-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/16 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100020002-5 SECRET/US OFFICIALS ONLY - 50X1 It has a vertical antenna- for transmitting end a horizontal antenna for receiving, and is operated by one 24-volt 150 amp hre battery o Since the radio transmission apparatus operate on. 500. nelts, a dynamotor it ueed. to step up the 24 volts of the battery. Transmission and receiving range is 150 to 20a meterm. .The airfield has telephone service, both with military installations and Szolnok City. The meteorological station is located in the same building occupied by the telegraph and teZetype office. Adequate p0Ver is supplied by the Szolnok City electric power station. In the military barracks 25-watt bulbs were used while in the offices there were 100swatt bulbs installed. Strict orders were in force to keep the light off in the billets from 2100 hrs till 0430. There were eo night landing aids *uch as runway markers, and no night flying wa practiced at the time I was stationed at the airfield. Also, there were no searchlights nor anti- aircraft guns. Only minor aircraft work vas undertaken at this field, sUch as engine change., rewiring and routine metintenanee work. Overhaul of engines was done at Szekesfehervar Airfield. (47c 09 N 18c'25' E) Radio repair facilities were not available at Szolnok? Aircraft radio sets were removed when repairs were made, and replaced by a new set. Each YAK-9 aircraft was equipped with four radio sets of Soviet manufacture. The following are the radio nomenclatures: "ERESZI-6 (tren*mitter), ERE5ZI-6K (receiver), ERESZI-6-1 (direction finder), SCS-3t (identification: the recognition *ignal was changed each day)." . Fuel used at this airfield was of the following octane grades: B-95 octane for YAK-9's, IL-101* and 1-1,2?6, B-72 octane for UT-2 and YAK-1.8, and 87 octane for YAK-11's and ARADO aircraft, Bessman oil used was lesignated by the following letters: MZSZ for winter use and MK and MSZ for SUMO!' use The oil was charged every fifteen hours of engine operation in winter seasor, every 10 hour* in rumeer or whenever there was no dusty condition at the airfield, and otherwise, every flee (5) hours: the YAK-9 with VK-107 Vikto Klimov engine required 680 liter* of fuel per hour (rich mixture) and 380 liters per hour (lean mixture) flying 550 km per hr. Masimum peel cf 7AK-9 aircraft (level flight) was 673 km per hr with full rich mixture ani 3,1D0 rpm (crank sheft). Ratio of propeller rpm to crank haft rpm was 1:2. Total fuel oapecity for eAK-9 was 680 liters, di tributed in five fuel tanks two in each wing and one in the :enter eection of the aircraft. Oil capacity was 72 liter Most of the fuel, I believe, was Thipcete& from the USSR. I saw twenty tankers in Kecskemet railroad station hich were meekel Cmioasue (Kaykaz). The Csepel refineries in Budapest are producing 95 octane aviaeisn sasoline. Approeimately 200 barrels of gasoline and oil were atorei at the airfield in ooen sit aprooximettly 800 meters southwest of the runway. Each barrel was of approeimattiv 2C 1117 eroapaeity. A small fuel storage oonsieting of 30 barrels was located on the eirfted. There was also a modern water supply system, with one electric water pump of 1? hoeserceer. Flight operation* are poseibit during the four seasons of the year. During December 195O there was practically no snow in this area. Prevailing win are from the northwest. Six three-story buildings were coomoleted dareng 1950 as housing for married officere. Each building could accommodate apperselmat,ely twenty familia . Three room, including bathroom, were assiued to each family. The only basic flying school in Imagery, Killian Gyorgy, is located at Szolnok airfield. Lt Col Laszlo Huba was in charge and Lt Cot retvan Hegyi was the Political Officer. Lt Col Zhigarov of the Soviet Air Force was the lencool adviser? Lt Col Istvan Emmerling was the school Dept:ley Commanding Officer. A it Junior Grade was the school counter-intelligence officer. There were approximately 50d, students. One hundred were taking navigation and the rest were being trained as piloisc. r do not know how many instructors were aseigned to this ochool. Pilot training was aeoomelisted on YAK-18 aircraft (16 a/c in all). Two LI-2 aircraft were utilized for nevigatten trainieg. Length of the course for pilots was two months of lectures and one month of assual flying. Advanced flight training NAA accomplished at Keo*Itemet Flying Sohool. I think that the navigator's course we of three months dura- tion. The class hour* for both pilots and navigators were from 0800 till 1500, uninterrupted, for six days per week. The dinrer period was after 1500. Political indoctrination lectures were given every day for two hours. The mechanics received two hours of politioal indoctrina- tion each Monday. Flight training was conducted every day including Sundays, weather. permitting, from Ob0C to lESOi) hr*. Mairndenanoe personnel worked from 1600 to 2100 or 2200. In the event faulty work VAN performed the whole crew was restricted for the week end. Some- times maintenance personnel were Al:WAta of sabotage. Ifni et training formations oompri el two, three or four aircraft as follows: -t- t -1-tt t SISTRE1/1 OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/16 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100020002-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/16 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100020002-5 SECRET/US OFFICIALS ONLY -3- 50X1 12. Each aviation cadet at this school, whether pilot or navigator, was required to make six parachute jumps during his training period. During the first three jumps the parachutes were opened automatically, but each cadet had to pull the cord himself during the last three. All six jumps were made from an altitude of Boo meters. A paratroop Captain, probably from Papa Airfield, was the school instructor. I do not recall any case of parachute failure. Each cadet was equipped with two parachutes. The regular parachute worn on the back was designated as prp.6, possibly of US manufacture. The reserve para- chuteg a Soviet type, was worn on the chest. The material of the Soviet-'type Parachutes was of inferior quality as compared to the US type. There was no air-to-air aerial gunnery training at this school. 3. In December 1950, there were the following types of aircraft at Szolnok Airfield: 16 YAK-18 ' 2 LI-2 (DC-3) 8 IL-2 6 yAK-9 6 ARATI0-96 2 MIN 21'.. The points hereunder refer to sketch, Enclosure (A): Point 10 00 0.00 #2 & 3.. #11- 0 0 00 00 #5 0 00 0 0 #6 000 0 0 9 #7000 0 00 00 0 00 09 00 0 0 00 #10.00.00 #110 #12.000.0 #16...... ., #17.ooaoo #186,AgBge :#1900-06004, 090000''' Landing area of the airfield. Covered mostly by grass and rolled dirt. Dimensions approximately 1,000 meters long and !too meters wide. Two hangars. Constructed in 1949 of reinforced concrete. Length 1.1.0 meters-width 20 meters. Each hangar could accommodate approxi- mately 20 YAK-9-type aircraft. Hangars were apparently built on weak foundations because they were sinking into the ground (about 30cm deep by December 1950). Concrete ramp, approximately 30 x 20 meters, used for magnetic compensating of aircraft. Concrete road five meters wide which did not lead outside the airfield area. Empty buildings in neglected status. Parachute jump training site. This is a wooden parachute jumping tower approximately 20 meters high. A single story brick building utilized for canteen and barber shop. Dimensions: 30 x 7 meters. Guard house. Single story building constructed of bricks, Dimen- sions: 50m x 8 meters. Water well. Three-story building constructed of bricks, approximately 70 meters long and 20 meters wide. In this building were housed the following: teletype and telegraph office, photo laboratory, shoe repair shopg wood work shop and link trainer. Two-story building constructed of bricks, approximately 40 meters long and 12 meters wide. This building housed the counter-intelli- gence personnel. This was the counter-intelligence center of the training branch of the Hungarian Air Force. In addition the engineering office vas located in this building. Small fuel storage for gasoline and oil. Approximately 30 barrels stored in open air. Excavation site for the underground fuel storage tank. Two-story building utilized as military barracks. Dimensions approxi- mately 70 meters long 30 meters wide. Constructed of bricks. It housed approximately 80 men. The building had camouflage paint from the war period. Most of the buildings on this airfield still had the war time camouflage coating. Iron gate. Dirt road which leads to Szolnok city. Underground air raid shelters constructed of bricks. These shelters were being reconditioned. A barn for horses used for transportation within the airfield. Garage. Constructed of bricks approximately 50 meters long and 15 meters wide. Could accommodate approximately 20 *1=10. SECRET/US OFFICIAIS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/16 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100020002-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/16 : CIA-RDP82-006.4714000100020002-5 SECRET/US OFFICIALS ONLY Point 1...... #22...... #23...... #2800000. #29.0 0 0 0 0 #30,00000 #31, 32, 33 & 34.. #35...... #36...... #37.?.... #38A00000 #38B, 0000 #39...... #4o...... #41? 42, 43 & 44.. #45...... #460000.0 -4- 50X1 TVo-story dispensary. Constructed of bricks. Approximately 20 meters long and 10 meters wide. Could accommodate up to 50 patients. Empty, single-story building, constructed of bricks. Possibly former office building. Water basin. Constructed of cement. Approximately 20 meters long, 15 meters deep. It was not filled with water, however? Military barracks. Three-story building constructed of bricks. Ap- proximately 70 meters long and 20 meters vide. Housed pilot students and mechanics. Two-story building constructed of bricks; approximately 20 meters long and 15 meters wide. Housed the finance office. Sports field. Approximately 200 meters long and 40 meters wide. Military barracks, Three-story building constructed of bricks. Approximately 70 meter. long and 20 meterts vide. Housed school students. Dressing room for the sports field. Swimming pool. Constructed of concrete, approximately 30 meters long and 8 meters wide. Open area used for storage of gasoline. Approximately 200 barrels were stored here in December 1950. Classroom buildings. Constructed of bricks with steel sheet roofs. Buildings were three stories high, each about 70 x 20 meters, Two-story building constructed of bricks, First floor contained the students mess hall. On the second floor was the movie hall and theater, called the "Cultural Hall." Military barracks. Three-story building constructed of bricks, ap- proximately 70 meters long and 20 meters wide. Warehouse. Single-story building constructed of bricks. Approximately 40 meters long and 15 meters vide. Roof was covered with red tile. Storage for aircraft spare parts. Aircraft machine gun testing ground. Here the synchronization for aircraft machine guns firing through the propeller was conducted. The concrete area covered about 5m x 5 meters. Earth mound. Airfield gate and guard house, Bachelor Offiters'quarters. The building was constructed of reinforced concrete, and was two stories high. It was approximately 40 meters long and 15 meter* wide. The building was painted in light yellow color. The roof was covered with tin sheets. Three-story buildings constructed of reinforced concrete, each approxi- mately 40 meters long and 10 meters vide. Roofs were level and covered with tin sheets. These buildings were occupied by married officer, and their families. Painted in light yellow color. Two-story building constructed of reinforced concrete; approximately 40 meters long and 10 meters vide. Roofs were level and covered with tin sheets. Painted in light yellow color. Buildings were occupied by bachelor officers. Holt Tisza Lake shoreline. The Lake was approximately 9km long, 90 to 100 meters wide and 5 to 8 meters deep. 5. The points hereunder refer to sketch, Enclosure (B); Point #1000000. #20000000 #30000000 #3a000000 #313 0 00 #4....... 4?. r20000000 #6.000000 Szolnok Airfield. Radio transmission and receiving (GUNIO) station. Concrete road leading to Szolnok City, approximately 10 meters wide and in poor condition. Dirt road leading to Szolnok Airfield., Dirt road leading to Rakoczi village. Rakoczi Village, approximately 200 building'. Population 10500. Civilian Glider School, inactive in December 1950. Bridge over a depression, It was constructed of concrete and VAS approximately 300 meters long. This bridge had approximately 100 supports arranged in three rows. SECRET/US OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/16 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100020002-5 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @50-Yr2013/04/16:CIA-RDP82-00047R00010062-0002--5? SECRET/LS OFFICIALS ONLY -5- 50X1 Bridge over Tisza River. Metal construction, approximately 80 meters long, with four piers. Tisza River. Approximately 70 meters vide at this point. Small airfield known by the name of Szanda. The landing area was ap- proximately 1,000 meters long and lioo meters wide. This airfield had grass landing strips. It is located 1,500 southwest of Szolnok and about 2,500 meters northwest of the main Szolnok Airfield. It was operational only during dry weather. In the Spring and Autumn this airfield was flooded by the Tisza River. Flat, uncultivated area, mostly grass -covered. Zagyva Rivulet, Usually dry during the Summer. Radio station "PETOTY." It had one tower approximately 100 meters high. Concrete covered road to Debrecen, 10 meters wide. It was in poor condition. Szolnok City. Sugar factory in Szolnok. It has three smokestacks constructed of bricks, t*ch 40 meters high. Earth dam approximately 5 meters high. It was constructed for the protection against Tisza River floods. ENCLOSURE (A) (A) Memory sketch of Szolnok Airfield. ENCLOSURE (B) Memory sketch of Szolnok Airfield surrounding area. SECRET/US OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/16 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100020002-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/16 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100020002-5 EN LQSURE (A) SECRET/US OFFICIALS ONLY J.. N.0 50X1 0 4 ? rft SECRET/W OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/16 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100020002-5 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/16 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100020002-5 SECRET/US OFFICIALS ONLY 50X1 ct5 C> SECRET/US OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release @ 50-Yr2013/04/16 : CIA-RDP82-00047R000100020002-5