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Approved- For Release 2001/11/23: -CIA-RDP81=00261 f~00d60b010009-0 ML!QRA D N D UNI FOR THE I?.ICOR 3 January :,.97 , S UBJEC'd : Tr p Report December 4-8, Los Angeles o California and Arlington,., Texas . . The following is an overview of the installations. visited during our recent trip to Los Angeles, California and Arlington, Texas. All centers with the exception of the Los Angeles Tires supported large scale telecommunications networks, consisting of numerous remote terminals connected to the computers at the center by telephone lines. Data transmitted from remote terminals is processed by a major computer and LA 4u m : cd back to the user for printing. Alternatively, user; could specify that output be printed at the cent r rand mailed to the remote sites. The majority of the pork processed at these centers is production typo works i.e., University Computing in Arlington, Texas processed 1100 to 1500 remote and batch jobs per day. Approximately 90 of these jobs are production. Batch processing jobs were handled by ASP to optimize computer operations and a , i nix"ic zrat i provement in throughput over traditional methods of scheduling computer resources. _ Every installation stated that they relied heavily on IBM on matters concerning hardware planning, reconfiguration and innzstallations . HUTje. 11~.rCi ft ~~ I Ti C o r n i a Hardware Consists of two large scale IBM ;701165 ? s With a combined 3?!~'?rio y of three and one half mi ].:Lion bytes connected with a channel-to-channel adaptor and supported by ASP. Additional storage is provided by thirty two H,11 3330 and twenty four 1 ,)7.1 2314 Direct Access Storage Facilities. The center maintains a library of more than 20,000 tapes and suppoits them with forty two. IBM 34',-0 tape units. /fj ~~ ~r t ~?~ Approved For Release 2001/11/23 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000600010009-0 Approved. For Release 2001/-11/23 CIA-RDP81-00261-8000600010009-0 So$t rax cr - The Model 165 v s are operating under OS 360/1"a supported- by the following on line systems: ASP Attached Support Processor. The ASP Control Program schedules processing. Administrative Terminal System provides capabilities for entering, storing and revising to titual data. IMS Information I aanageimment Systen provides facilities to construct large data bases. TSO Time Sharing Option provides terminal users With an interactive computing capability. w Los .fingoIcs T3 saes . Los Anr'o3.c~s Ca ? f The Los Angeles 1iries Data Processing Department was unique from the other centers we visited in that it had a documentation library and staff with docum''.-intation covering are, as from hardv'a re/sof t:ware con'"- garation to nor mat and backup operational cz>v~ r orYr;.r a?t ; s The docu acntatioa was dcnailed to Outlines of partition, 2914 switch settings, DASD, tape drive and assignment changes if a CPU or TCU should fail during periods of publishing system production. Backup. situations we re documented for any hardware device considered do-m. Personnel at the Times indicated that the detailed documentation e isted.bec:auso a major portion of the paper depended entirely on the computers IE-or publishing, Iiardwar - /So a tware - Three IBM 350 Model 40's running clepencie itTy: Tha systems peripherals are all interconnected through 2914 switching units. DOS Release 25 is the Operating System used. There are three versions o: DOS for normal operations. A. Batch Production B. On-Line Production for typesetting C. On-Line Production for classified Other vorsions of DOS and the on-line programs are maintained for testing and backup situations. IBM 1401 programs are run using the 1401 emulator, Conversion of. jobs to the 1401 simulator will eventually phase out emulation. Approved For Release 2001/11/23 : CIA-.RDP81=00261 R000600010009-0 Approved Fbr Release 2001/11/23: CIA-RDP81?704261 R000600010009-0 North Ancrican Roc1z ell4 ~Trne, a Califo:s?ri a North Amorican Rock ell's .testean Computing Center provides central czed co. i;utin facilities for the 1 o: th American Division cor.?puts ng facilities for the North Al erica.n Division in the l.,os ,Aw olos at-ca. This center is haruwaro configured, organized operated ill It i anror Sblild.'~a to ours. AI AlG'.ryt m uppoets ~"ge sc a. e Ct~i` utors an XWT 370/1SS (2 raz.llion bytes) and two IBM 370/lG5's (3 million byto:; each). Direct Access Storage facilities include IBM 3330, 2314 and 2395's, The tape library contains more than forty thousand tape vo t os and supports them, {?z tai 80 1:13,=;. 3420 Tape Drives. Most tapes and d: sk systor-5 are accossible to more than one computer system throu?h thw ? 291 si itch. The Model ISS rurrcnUy operates ufith QS/;WT Release f~O.7. It also. supports TSO (Time Sharing Option) and AWL (A Pro-; Langu.,gc) as on line systcr-,.s a The claa anel to- r_hanno adaptor allovis the ISS to be tied to ASP as P. Main Prt3ces gar. She sodoI 165's are currentl7 operating under Release 2011 of OS/360-111,7 with ASP a!; the cone of pro ra,m to schedule batch processing. The following are other on-line systems z 11 information 1-%1na ;e ' T", ont Syster.?a provides facilities to construct large data and interface the data in an efficient teloprocessinj> omyil'onmenta ATS M Adminis : -rat i u Torminal System provides capabilities for entering,, storage, and revising textuC'aI data, and for production of final publications. COSPAC - Cost/Schedule Planning and Control Syst;: developed and used by ho~':ketdyno Division. II ?G'i Ltv ICJi:~? 4211 C? 7t)'1' SCsilp E s. 'li 0 I1p PIG:i q Hardware _ IIncl.udes two IBM Model ' 370 flc 5' with two rsil?ii;n b Pees of memory each, connected by a ch annol-to- channel a a:ptor and supported by. ASP. Boca syzt ms have Approved For Release 2001/11/23: CIA-RDP81-00261 h000600010009-0 Approved For Release -2001/11/23: CIA-RUP81-00261 R000600010009-0 identical configurations and all p ripherals are cab-lod through the 2914 switch, thereby, providing complete switching capability. - - UCC was the only organization visited that had a- Hardware Planning Group (equivalent to our Hardware Services Section) in their organization. The overall goal of this organization is to perform services related to investigation, evaluation, installation and assistance in all hardwaro . matters. UCC also indicated they were about to implement a Trouble Call system (very similar to our Incident Card) diroctod toward insuring prompt and adequate response to eta processing hardware and telecommunication calls. The system would also, provider' current information on the operational status of all equipment. The information will include a listing of equipment trouble, down time, vendor response and time spent in service. The systen would be a function of the Hardware Planning Group. Harditare Services Section Approved For Release 2001/11123 CIA-RDP81-00261 R000600010009-0 Approved For Release 2001/11/23 : CIA-RDP81-00261R00 600010009-0 ALAS 3TRATI:VE- INTERNAL USE ONLY MEE?ORANDUM FOR: ALL OJCS EMPLOYEES SUBJECT : WATERGATE - AGENCY FILE REVIEW 26 April 1974 The Agency is in the process of a file review to identify previously unreported Agency activities associated with Watergate and the subjects listed below. The review not only covers files, but also informal records and conversations. The purpose of the review is to the extent possible to ensure that Agency management is aware of all such material in our files and that there will be no future ''surprises" in this regard. OJCS Division and Branch Chiefs have been contacted directly re this review and are generally aware of what has been reported previously. Each employee is requested to jog his/her memory re these subjects.. If you are aware of any such Agency activities please ascertain from your Division or Branch Chief whether or not they were previously re- ported. If it ap ears they were not previously reported, please contact of the OJCS Administrative Staff immediately. We hope o-wrap up e OJCS review by COB 30 April 1974. a. Daniel Ellsberg b. Hank Greenspun c. Howard Hunt National Elections of 1972 e. ITT f. Robert L. Mullen and Company g. Howard Hughes or _Any.of His Enterprises h. Robert Vesco or Any of His Enterprises i. Robert.Nlaheu ief OJCS Administrative Staff Approved For Release 2001/11/23 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000600010009-0 ALV1INISTRATIVE-INTERNAL USE ONLY 25X1A Approved For Release 200 i/ 4 SIT--RDP81-00261 R000600010009-0 OJCS-593-74 2 MAY 1974 i BA W FOR: Ciief, Information Systems Analysis Staff, Deputy Director for Management and Servicts Office of Joint Computer Support SUBJECT : Watergate - Agency File Review RBF :? CE : Inspector General l orandum, same subject, dated 26 March 1974 1. The Office of Joint Computer Support has cox letetI a file review to identify previously unreported Watergate- related material. The review was conducted in accordance with reference guidelines and surfaced the following previously unreported informationn: a. Trip to eb Aircraft : In December 1971 members of the OJCS Computer center toured several large conc. aka . computer centers utilizing IBM equipment including Hughes IUrcraft in Fullerton, California. Attached is a report covering that trip. This was a one tiine contact with Hughes Aircraft; it does not appear to have flap potential. 2. In our file review, we excluded systems grog computer operations, EDP training, general administrative and hardware/software files as it is highly unlikely they contain Watergate-related materials. OJCS contract files and project files were screened for Watergate-related material and surfaced information in paragraph lb above. Recently we rWe a physical inventory of our Vital Records holdings; they contain Approved For Release 2001/11/23 CIA-RDP81-00261 R000600010009-0 Yy Approved For Release 2001/11/23 CIA-RDP81-00261 R000600010009-0 no Watergate-related material. As part of our file review we screened records retirement deposit slips; they indicat no related material. In addition to the file review, a rand mi was forwarded (copy attached) to all AJCS employees asking them to jog their memories re Watergate-relateinformation; nothing was reported. HARRY E. FI T`ZM Director of Joint Computer Support ATTAQMITS: a/s Approved For Release 2001/11/23 : CIA-RDP81-00261 R000600010009-0