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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
July 25, 1978
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Approved For Release 2009/08/12 : CIA-RDP05T00644R000200650012-9 Approved For Release 2009/08/12 : CIA-RDP05T00644R000200650012-9 SENDER WILI.t!CHECiC CLASSIFICATION TOP AND BOTTOM "UNCLASSIFIED CONFIIDENTIAL SECRET OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP TO NAME AND ADDRESS DATE I NA 1 Executive Officer, DD/A `3 Z 2 Associate DD/A PhA 1978 Deputy Director or s Administration X97 9.M~';R 1 6 '\ n-~ 5 These new drafts (Tabs B, C, and E) reflect changes which you have requested. Since this package has already been through the DDA Registry and the Executive Registry, we did not feel the covering memo should be redone. Presume it can be put back into the system. The tabs are keyed to items in reference. Items a. and d are subject of separa memos. Item'h?will be handled by Ex Se FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME. ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. Acting Director of Personnel 6 Mar 78 LASSI F Approved For Release 2`009/08/12: CIA-RDP05T00644R000200650012-9 I STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT TO: - (Officer building) ' Acting : Deputy,Director for Administration'.' dg arte s '; 7D 19" 14 Acting Deputy Director' of Centrali.Intelligence 7E 12 Headquarters. RECEIVED EXTENSION OFFICER'S.' INITIALS COMMENTS -(Number 1: each ecomment ?to?: show from whom to whom.... Draw o lino across column after each comment.) ^F Assyou wi11 ote`"from the-.DDAV,, sl ip-I have.._left:.attached, certain -items in'your 'memoof 22;.'Novem'ber are being. hand.l ed Y ,p=?. ? 7E 12 Headquarters FORM 3-62 separately.,.,--=--, As it 'pertains to item A, we have forwarded to the . Director. this date;- i . e. , 9 March;' what J1: consider extremely.jmpressive study on'the matter of-the day care._cente 610 USEDITPREV IO S ^ SECRET ^ CONFIDENTIAL ^ USE E ONLY UNCLASSIFIED Approved For Release 2009/08/12 : CIA-RDP05T00644R000200650012-9 e-P stry Approved For Release 2009/08/12 : CIA-RDP05T00644R000200650012-9 STAT MEMORANDUM FOR: Special Assistant the DCI STAT VIA , Acting Deputy Director for Administration FROM J%LL111~' L11 Gl.l.Vi Vl LGIJV1LLGL SUBJECT : Secretarial-Clerical Concerns REFERENCE : Yotsmemo for A/DDA dtd 22 Nov 77, same subject 1. In accordance with your request, we are forwarding our responses to several of the items raised by a representative group of secretarial-clerical employees in their meeting with the Director in October 1977. 2. The items included in this response concern the subjects of: Vacancy Notices, Training, Operational Support Assistants, Contract Wives and Secretarial-Clerical Career Service. The remaining subjects are undergoing further study and will be forwarded as soon as they are completed. STAT -~ ii!)Sfctii'1 ?riif!'3 Approved For Release 2009/08/12 : CIA-RDP05T00644R000200650012-9 Approved For Release 2009/08/12 : CIA-RDP05T00644R000200650012-9 ITEM B: Secretarial-Clerical Career Service. The Director has received additional continents on this topic from a group of Agency women with whom he met recently. Support appears to be mixed, but would such a career service ensure more evenhanded treatment of all employees in this category and promote inter-Directorate transfers contributing to better utilization of personnel? RESPONSE: The establishment of formal Career Service, i.e. Directorates, and Career Sub-group, i.e. components within the Directorates, secretarial and clerical panels is an important step toward improving the effectiveness of career development and management of a significant and essential element of the Agency's work force. The Director has raised this topic directly with the Director of Personnel, who'has prepared an action paper in response. On the basis of consideration of the several occupational specialities within the secretarial/clerical area and the particular needs of employees within these groups, it would appear that the career management of the senior secretarial group (GS-08, and above) can best be administered by centralization at the Career Service level. In those Career Services which have established Career Sub- groups (i.e., office level) the career management of secretaries GS-07 and below and all other categories of clericals regardless of grade can more effectively be handled at the Career Sub-group level. The guidelines relative to establishing such panels. will include ,a uniform policy statement that would limit senior executive offices to a choice of secretaries at the grade or not more than one grade level below that of the position to be filled. Approved For Release 2009/08/12 : CIA-RDP05T00644R000200650012-9 41 B ri7 tN HA 10- a 1-HM V Approved For Release 2009/08/12 : CIA-RDP05T00644R000200650012-9 ITEM C: Vacancy Notices. Several of the groups meeting with the Director have complained about the ineffectiveness of the vacancy notice system. Many individuals said they had never seen such a notice. The Director would appreciate a summary of how the system is supposed to work, as well as suggestions on its improvement. Would a mandatory distribution of vacancy notices be practical and ensure that all employees have the opportunity to see such information? The Vacancy Notice system is an Agency-wide program available to all components that elect, within the guidelines provided by their Directorate, to advertise vacancies. The components establish .the deadline date for applications, usually two weeks from the publication date, but they may be longer or "open". All Notices are submitted to the Staff Personnel Division, Office of Personnel, for review, reproduction and distribution, usually within 24 hours of their receipt, to approximately 75 mailing points in the Agency. Employees interested in the vacancies advertised submit their applications, through command channels established by their component, to the Staff Personnel Divison for professional/technical notices or directly to the advertiser for clerical notices. Advertisers deal directly with the applicants' components to arrange interviews if desired, testing, etc., and release dates for those selected. Employees not selected are notified in writing by the component or Staff Personnel Division. Components either circulate the Vacancy Notices or post them in central locations. Many do both. In addition, the Support, Office for each component maintains a formal file of Vacancy Notices and additional copies of the file are maintained in the main Library and OP/SPD offices in Ames Building. There is also a summary list of all Vacancy Notices posted monthly on the official bulletin boards in seven Agency buildings. The locations of the formal files are normally noted on the Vacancy Notices and on the monthly summary. Numerous suggestions concerning wider circulation, including "mandatory distribution", (e.g. monitor that every employee sees a copy) have been considered but found to be too costly either in time or equipment to warrant their adoption. The positions Approved For Release 2009/08/12 : CIA-RDP05T00644R000200650012-9 Approved For Release 2009/08/12 : CIA-RDP05T00644R000200650012-9 ---+...?..?.. ? ?a.o a - big 5 &.1-kWh IF- V)~+.. ':'/iy$u i advertised generally apply to a relatively small portion of the Agency population: approximately 63o are for clerical positions, with about 45% of these for positions GS-06 and below. Thus, most of the notices would be of interest to approximately 15% to 25% of the Agency. The almost 2000 responses during 1977 from employees applying for the positions advertised attests to the breadth of the distribution of the Notices. It is possible this number could be increased if the deadline period were lengthened and consideration will be given to this change. Senior management endorsement of the system would also help to insure prompt circulation and/or posting of notices within components. The Vacancy Notice system is under constant review and analysis to insure it is serving the purpose for which it was designed and to make it responsive to the needs of the employee and of the Agency. As it is now structured, we believe the procedures provide a system which works well within the decentralized authorities of the Directorates, the size of the Agency, the numerous different physical locations of the employees and the levels of the positions advertised. ~r ~;.ea^?ash P a vii 5`10. fd '~RJ~ CiY I