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Document Release Date: 
March 25, 2010
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Publication Date: 
April 14, 1977
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PDF icon CIA-RDP05S00620R000100040077-3.pdf73.41 KB
Approved For Release 2010/03/25: CIA-RDP05S00620R000100040077-3 The Director of Central Intelligence ~ti'ashfigon. D. C. ZO~Oi ~ 4 APR i~77 Dear Dr. Abbott, It is my pleasure to write you in support of the application from Ambassador James B. Engle for the post of President of the New Mexico Military Institute. I've known Jim Engle since 1947 when we were roommates at Oxford University. We have since then been close personal and professional friends. From this period of substantial observation of Jim Engle, I can unhesitatingly recommend him for the post of President of the New Mexico Military Institute. I do this with a particular regard for the combination of his academic capabilities and his potential for fitting in well with the military environment. On. the latter score, I would note that during his prolonged duty in the combat zone in Vietnam he has seen more service in military combat than may arise for the professional military man. Beyond that I have observed him in his present capacity as International Affairs Advisor to one of the major U.S. military commanders, the Commander in Chief in the Atlantic. His ability to understand the military problem and the military outlook and to harmonize with people of the military profession is in evidence to all those around him. Ever since I knew him as a Rhodes Scholar, Jim Engle has personified the combination of serious but practical academic endeavor. He has a keen mind that drives directly to the heart of any problem. He has a fine sense of what learning is purely academic for the sake of academicians and what can also be of long-term value to students as they go out into the world of business, government and military undertaking. Finally let me say briefly but sincerely that I know of no individual or family that has higher standards. or more cultural refinement than the Engles. They would be a magnificent addition Approved For Release 2010/03/25: CIA-RDP05S00620R000100040077-3 Approved For Release 2010/03/25: CIA-RDP05S00620R000100040077-3 to any campus such as that of New Mexico Military Institute and a great inspiration to the young men with whom they would be associated. Having visited your campus in the past and having known Colonel Ted Hunt, I can say with great confidence that James Engle is ideally suited to the leadership of New Mexica Military Institute. I'd be most happy to attempt to provide any additional information that you might desire. STANSFIELD TURNER. Admiral, U.S. Navy Dr. Frank Abbott Chairman Selection Advisory Committee New Mexico Military Institute Roswell, New Mexico 88201 Approved For Release 2010/03/25: CIA-RDP05S00620R000100040077-3