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CONFIDENTIAL 73 /GS /TT S* C Honduras August 1973 NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE SURVEY CONFIDENTIAL NO FOREIGN DISSEM APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070019 -8 ,..7 NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE SURVEY PUBLICATIONS 71 3 r. 71 .;1 The basic unit of the NIS is the General Survey, which is now published in a bound -by- chapter format so that topics of greater per- ishability can be updated on an individual basis. These chapters� Country Profile, The Society, Government and Politics, The Economy, Military Geog- raphy, Transportation and Telecommunications; Armed Forces, Science, and Intelligence and Security, provide the primary NIS coverage. Some chapters, particularly" Science and Intelligence and Security, that are not pertinent to all countries, are produced selectively. For small countries requiring only minimal NIS treatment, the General Sur,�y coverage may be bound into one volume. Supplementing the General Survey is the NIS Basic Intelligence Fact hook, a ready reference publication that semiannually updates key sta- tistical data found in the Survey. An unclassified edition of the factbook omits some details on the economy, the defense forces, and the intelligence and sect rity organizations. Although detailed sections on many topics were part of the NIS Program, production of these sections has been phased out. Those pre- viously produced will continue to be available as long as the major portion of the study is considered valid. A quarterly listing of all active NIS units is published in the Inventory of Available NIS Publications, which is also bound into the concurrent classified Factbook. The Inventory lists all NIS units by area name and number and includes classification and date of issue; it thus facilitates the ordering of NIS units as well as their filing, cataloging, and utilization. Initial dissemination, additional copies of NIS units, or separate chapters of the General Surveys can be obtained directly or through liaison channels from the Central Intelligence Agency. The General Survey is prepared for the NIS by the Central Intelligence Agency and the Defense Intelligence Agency under the general direction of the NIS Committee. It is coordinated, edited, published, and dissemi- nated by the Central Intelligence Agency. WARNING This document contains informotic,, affecting the national defense of the United Sta es, within the meaning of title 18, sections 793 and 794 of the US code, as amended. Its transm'ssion or revelation of its contents to or receipt by an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. CLASSIFIED BY 019641. EXEMPT FROM GENERAL DECLASSIFI- CATION SCHEDULE OF E. O. 11652 EXEMPTION CATEGORIES 5B (1), (2), (3). DECLASSIFIED ONLY ON APPROVAL OF THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070019 -8 V Y V V F \7 M�. r W W, W I W W/ 8W. V11�1 1\ V 1 WE WWI WE l\ W W W r W W W W W 1 W W y. r f WARNING The NIS is National Intelligence and may not be re- leased or shown to representatives of any foreign govern ment or international body except by specific authorization of the Director of Central Intelligence in accordance with the provisions of National Security Council Intelligence Di- rective No. 1. For NIS containing_ unclassified material, however, the portions so marked may be made available for official pur- poses to foreign nationals and nongovernment personnel provided no attribution is made to National Intelligence or the National Intelligencc Survey. Subsections and graphics are individually classified according to content. Classification /control designa- tions are: (U /OU) Unclassified /For Official Use Only (C) Confidential (S) Secret APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070019 -8 This chapter was prepared for the NIS by the Defense Intelligence` Agency. It includes a contribu- tion on airfields from the Defense Mapping Agency, Aerospace Center, and a contribution on merchant marine from the Department of the Navy. Research was substantially completed by February 1973. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070019 -8 't r Hond'uras CONTENTS ThO chapter supersedes the transporta- tion and telecommunication coverage in the General Survey dated August 1969. i A. Appraisal 1 B. Strategic mobility 1 C. Railroads 2 D. Highways 1 4 E. Inland wgiterways 6 F Ports 6 G. Merchant marine 6 H. Civil air 8 I. Airfields 8 J. Telecommunications 9 CONFIDENTIAL No FOREIGN UISSENI APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070019 -8 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070019 -8 FIGURES Page Page Fig. 1 Characteristics of selected rail lines Fig. 4 Selected airfields table) 9 (table) Fig. 2 Characteristics of selected highways 3 Fig. 5 General telecom pattern (map) 10 table) 5 Fig. 6 Terrain and transportation Fig. 3 Major ports (table) 7 (map) follows 11 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070019 -8 J L C Transportation and Telecommunications A. Appraisal (C) All significant transportation and telecommunica- tion (telecom) faciiities of Honduras are located in the western part of the country, the area of greatest development and population density. The backbone of the economy is agriculture, particularly the production of bananas, coffee, and timber. Built to serve the needs of agriculture and government, the transportation system basically consists of three rail lines, none of which extend farther than 65 miles inland; it sparse but improving highway network, which provides the only transport serving large parts of the country; three major ports, all located on the Caribbean coast; 12 foreign -owned Honduran registered merchant ships; three significant airfields; and an increasingly important civil aviation industry. Except for one large and it few small airfields. the entire eastern half of Honduras is virtually without transportation media. Highways are the principal means of surface transportation. Four paved roads which connect all the major cities with ports and agricultural areas form the heart of the network. Hlghwa} handle it larger share of the freight load, especially heavy goods and machinery, and most transportation projects and plans concentrate on the development of it more extensive highway network. Railroads are the main carriers of bananas, the country's chief export. Civil aviation is also important to the economy, and in many areas the airplane is the usual means of conveyance for passeng:;rs and priority type freight. Except in a few areas where there is no other means of transport, inland waterways have no importance. There are no significant pipelines. Telecommunications have been improved by the completion of it nationwide radio relay syster;!, but there has been no corresponding increase in local telephone facilities. Because of poor pl anning and an ineffective telecom administration, the total system is still inadequate to meet the country I s requirements. Transportation and telecommunications are controlled by agencies of the Ministry of Communica- tions, Transp and Public Works. International connections are made with all neighboring countries via highways and witli Nicaragua via the limited navigability of the Rio Coco,' the boundary river. B. Strategic mobility (C) Support of sustained military operations in Honduras would be greatly restricted by the inadequacies of the transportation and telecom system. The railroads would have only marginal value because of their limited sire and extent. I lowever, the main rail lilies in the northwest v connect the ports of Puerto Cortes and Tela with through highways to "Tegucigalpa and the Pacific coast can be operated simultaneously at full capacity with the rolling stock and motive po've, on hand. The lines in the north central area serve banana plantations. 'There are no international rail connections. Movement of milita:y forces by highway would be wnited to the western half of the cotintrv; eastern Honduras has only it few unpaved logy- capacity roads. Most bridtrrvs on the main highway's have adequate load capacity and clearance, but on secondary roads rcneradly they are narrow a nd of low capacity. Steep grades and sharp curves are common on secondary roads in mountainou- areas. Roads and bridges built on steep hillsides are subject to landslides, and roads in the lowlands and stream valleys are often flooded and washed out. Inland waterways %oulcd he of little help in military operations, but the major maritime facilities are adaptable to military use. The i2 oceangoing me rchant ships registered in londuras are all foreign owned. Their military support potential would depend on seizure of or negotiation for those ships which were in local ports at the time of in emergency. Except in the northeast, the 120 tisable airfields are fairly evenly distributed. I- lowever, only four fields have paved runways and only two, Toncontin International and La Mesa International could support sustained military operations. In it time of crisis, the aircr -tnti indigenous personnel of the 1- londuran airlines, including 147 pilots, would be available. t For diacritics on place mines see the list of names on the apron of the 'Terrain and Transportation owl) and the ntap itself. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070019 -8 The telecom system would provide only limited service in large -scale operations. The rugged mountainous terrain, coupled with dense vegetation over large areas, has impeded tit(' complete development of an efficient wireline system. '['here are many alternate wireline routes, but mativ are in very bad condition because of poor maintenance. Nearly all key telecom facilities are cancentrated ill either Tegucigalpa or San Pedro Sula, and interruption of service in either locality would seriously hamper both darnestic and international Coll] III uriications. C. Railroads (C) The railroads of Honduras, totaling 357 route miles, are single track, narrow gage, nonelectrified. and in good condition. The network, which is distributed along the coastal plain in the northwestern and north central parts of the country, is composed mainly of banana feeder, lines extending no more than 65 trades inland. This part of the country along .vith Tegucigalpa, the capital, is the area of greatest development and pupulation density. There are no international rail connections with neighboring countries. The railroads consist of 'three connected systcnis. The Honduras National Railroad (FNII) is a state enterprise owned and operated by the government under the control of tile Ministry of Communications, Transport, and Public Works. The 106- route -mile, 3'6" -gage system extends from Puerto Cortes southward through San Pedro Sula to El Llano. The other two rail systems are owned and operated by U.S. fruit cornpanies and serve their plantations. Onc is the 96 -route -mile, 3'6" -gage Tela Railroad Company JR) owned by the United Fruit Company and consisting of two main lines. .One extends from Baracoa to Bufalo; connections are made at both points with the FNH. 'I'll uses the Baracoa Puerto Cortes section jointly with the FNI -I. The other 'I'll main line extends between Tela and Santa Rita. The third railroad is the 155- route -mile, 3'0" -gage 'Standard Fruit Railroad (SFR) owned by the Standard Fruit and Steamship Company. It extends eastward from Tela through La Ceiba to a point beyond Los Planes and then swings back to the west, terminating at San Lorenzo. At Tela it transloading platform is situated between parallel tracks of the 3'C" -gage SFR and the 3'6" -gage 'I'll. Most of the terrain traversed by the rail lines is level; grades are slight (1.5% or less) and curves moderate. The steepest grade (2 and the sharpest curve (287 foot radius) are located on the SFR near Les Planes on a mountainous section of the La Ceiba �San Lorenzo line. Maintenance procedures on the FNI-I and TR give roadmasters responsibility for maintenance- of -wav 2 operations. Oil the SFR it superintendent is in charge of maintenance, and his immediate subordit, ate, an engineer, is responsihle ffir maintenance -of -way projects. All the rail Bites are divided into sections, and most maintenance we;rk is done by laborers living in the area. Roadbed and track inspection is a continuous process. Individual bridges are given thorough annual inspections, and all structures are kept under continuous observation. The SFR and I'll have mechanized the maintenance -of -way work. There is it vegetation control problem on lines ill the coastal plains, where grasses which grow taller than the trains encroach on the right -of -way. 'Traffic interruptions are caused chiefly by terrain and weather conditions, whit�h vonlbine to cause floods. The coastal plains and inland valleys are walled by precipitous mountain range c; during heavy rainfalls, particularly from :gay thr(,ugh October, water from mountain streanis chokes the large rivers, flooding the lowlands and causing washouts and danv- ge to bridges and tracks. These interruptions, however, are generally of short duration; repair crews are highly experienced and quickly remedy the damage. The 91 bridges on the FNH and 'I'll have it total length of 11,926 feet; information is not available on the length of the -110 bridges oil the SFR. Tiniber trestle construction predominates, but there are also s %,nu steel through -truss structures. 'I'll(- Quetnado Tunnel. located on the SFR between L;a Ceiba and San Lorenzo, is the only railroad tunnel ill I londuras. It is 2:36 feet long and is partially lined with reinforced concrete. Track structure is light. Rails arc of the T- section type in standard lengths of 30 and :33 feet and ranging in .weight from 30 to 75 pounds per yaW. Treated and untreated timber crosstics of local pine, pleasuring 7' x 8" x 6 are laid 2,640 per mile on the FNH and 2.600 per mile on tile 'I'll. The SFR uses creosoted timber ties laid 2,640 per mile. Rails are fastened to crossties by cut spikes on all lines. Tie plates, .which are used on some sections of the FNI1 and 'I'll, are not used on the SFR except in one instancy .where it trestle is on a curve. Rails and spikes are hill, orted from the United States. Ballast on all lines is'' obtained locally and consists of broken stone, river gravel, crushed rock, and sand. All lines are kept in good condition, and abundant supplies of track materials arc kept on hand. Train operations are based on schedules. The manual block system of train control is used on all lines, and communication between stations is by tele- phone. Signaling is accomplished by flags, lanterns, and train whistles or hells. All -.witches are operated manually. Locomotives and rolling stock range in condition from good to excellent and are adequate in quantity for requirements. The railroads have Been replacing the older equipment gradually with diesel locoulotives 4 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070019 -8 A and more capacious freight cars. Freight cars are chiefly 4 -axle types, and most are box, banana, and flat cars. Most equipment is fitted with standard U.S. automatic couplers and air brakes. Uwomotives and rolling stock are imported from the United States, West Germany, and Spain. The equipment inventory is as follows: FNIi TR SFR Locolrotives: Steam 0 1 0 Diesel 0 25 0 Diesel electric b 0 16 Diesel meclianic:al 0 5 Railcars gasoline) 0 23 0 Railbuses 3 0 0 Passenger cars 17 77 25 Freight cars 514 1,419 681 �'ork cars 77 108 71 i.ocomotives are powered by fuel oil and diesel oil, both impclrt:�d from the United States. Water used for the steam locomotive is untreated, and adequate supplies are available from local streams. Bananas are the principal item of railroad freight traffic; other important commodities are lumber, agricultural products, and manufactured goods. All lines are common carhers. Current freight and passenger statistics are not available. All three railroads operate at a profit Each railroad has one primary facility which includes a flat classification yard and a major repair yard adequate for all levels of equipment maintenance and repair. They are located in Puerto Cortes (FNH), Tela JR), and La Ceiba (SFR). The personnel strength of the FNH is about 430; the TR employs No ,information is available on the number of employees on the SFR. Except for a course given to SFR employees in diesel maintenance and industrial safety' and a training program available to supervisory personnel, none of the railroads have formal education or training programs. Employees do receive on- the -job training for specific types of .work. It has been characteristic of the three railroad companies to invest whatever is necessary for maintaining good standards of service. The FN H recently negotiated loans for purchasing new rolling stock ar-d repair -shop equipment and to finance studies covering future development and possible line extension. Plans include the possible use of containers and extension of a line into the valley of the Rio Sulaco. Characteristics of selected rail lines are given in Figure 1. FIGURE 1. Characteristics of v _.ted tl,'ondurwi rail lines (C) (Except where noted, -i d- short' 1 n,.; il::an; oxleload on all lines) and Bufalo (MP 45) with Tpla MINIMUM Puerto Cortes-- l3aracoa. Banana MAXIMUM RADIUS PASSING TRACKS GRADE or TERMINALS AND,.: CURIA- Maximum Mini ROUT6 MILES GAGA: Going, Co ming TURF Interval Length REMARKS n r v f crcent Feet Miles Fee( r uerto Cortes- Potrermos (6C 3 6 1.55 1.40 49' miles). Barucoa -Tela (:36 miles) 3'6" *1.5 47 La Junta- Bufalo (35 miles).. 3'6" *1.5 na La Fragua -El Progreso (26 3'6" *1..5 na miles). Tela -La Ceiba -San Lorenzo 3'0" *2.0 287 (155 miles). na Data not available. *Direction unknown. 6 1500 H Honduras National lift. (FNI1,. Connection at. Baracoa (MP 1:3) and Bufalo (MP 45) with Tpla lilt. 21 -ton maximum axleload Puerto Cortes-- l3aracoa. Banana feeder lines continue to El Llano. 3 ass APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070019 -8 4 r D. Highways (C) The fligh%%;ny network of I- londk.iras is sparse but is the only means of surface transport serving much of the country. Considerable progress in the development of the highway system, has been accomplished ({tiring the past decade, but the lack of vehicle load limits and inadequate maintenance is detrimental to the network. The system is adequate to meet normal requirements; however, many potentially productive areas remain undeveloped because of inadequate transportation. An effort to provide access roads to some v irtually isolated villages is in progress. Highways are concentrated almost entirely in the western half of the country. The basic network consists of four paved highways connecting productive agricultural areas and the major cities, including the capital, commercial centers, and seaports; roads provide international connections with adjacent countries. The Inter- American Highway extends through the southern part of the country from EI Sai,-tdi,r to Nicaragua; The North Road extends from Puerto Cortes on the north coast through San Pedro Sula and Tegucigalpa to the litter American Highway; the Western Highway links San Pedro Sula with El Salvador and Guatem "11a by way of, Santa Rosa de Copan and Nueva Ocotepegne; and the North Coast highway connects San I'edro Sula with the ports of Tela and La Ceiba via El Progreso. The rest of the network consists of interregional and farm to market roads, access roads to small villages, and additional connections with adjacent countries. Honduras has about 3,500 miles of highways; 7.50 miles are paved (bituminous surfaced), 1,850 miles are gravel surfaced or improved earth, and about 900 miles are unimproved earth roads. The road density of 0.08 mile of highway per square mile of area is lo%% in comparison with most other Central American countries. El Salvador has 0.65 mile of highway per square mile of area, and Guatemala and Nicaragua have 0.18 and 0.16, respectively. The bihuninous- surfaced roads, which generally are in good condition, range from 20 to 30 feet in wicith and have either a gravel or crushed stone base. Widths of gravel and earth roads, which vary from poor to good condition. range from 10 to 20 feet: Sonic of the earth roads are graded and drained, but many sections become impassable during wet weather. Shoulders, where they exist, range from I to 10 feet in width. Main routes have been reconstructed during the past decade, but some segments of original construction still exist. Most common bridge types are timber stringer, concrete beam or slab, steel truss, and masonry arch. 4 Timber bridges are common, are generally one -lane "ide, and have a load capacity of less than 5 tolls. Newer bridges on the Inter- Anneri,an and NWestern I tanct on the North Road are of concrete yearn or slab or steel through tr{mss cm.struclion. These bridges are in good condition and have load capacities of 20 tons. S ante tinbridged streams or; secondary roads necessitate the use of fords. The primary respfinsibility for Manning, c�ouslrue- tion, and maintenance of the highways rests with the General Roads Administration of the Ministry of Communications, "transport, and Public Works, but other government agencies are also engaged in road construction. Agricultural developrru.nt agencies and the Ilonduran Army Engineers also build s�,me rural access roads. Probl ^ms in construction and main- tenance spring primarily from the nature of the terrain and from weather conditions. road c�onstnnc�tion in mountainous areas its difficult and expensive; the rugged terrain necessitates considerable cutting and blasting through rock to afford suitable grades and alignments, and roa along steep hillsides require retaining walls. During the wet season (May through October) fords become impassable because of high water, and many roads in low -lying areas become impassable, heavy rains also cause occasional washouts and landslides in the highlands. Poor planning and inadequat_� equipment hamper road construction and maintenance. Nlost of the maintenance effort is expended on the main roads while feeder roads are neglected. with the result that mail\ of the latter deteriorate and become overgrown with vegetation. The number of competent engineers, technicians, and machine operators is small. Volunteer unskilled labor pools drawn from the local population are used on some feeder road projects. Construction materials such as timber. gravel, rock, and portland cement are readily available from local sources. Reinforcing bars and structural steel must be import( but adequate stocks are usually kept ern hand by local suppliers. 'I'll(- development and rehabilitation of highways are important parts of the overall national economic program. Because of disputes with Ell Salvador, Honduras has reoriented its highway development program in such it way as to encourage trade with Guatemala and Nicaragua and at the saute time bypass EI Salvador. Projects intended to accomplish this include construction of it road to connect Santa Rosa de Copan on the Western Highway to Sigttatepeque on the North Road via Gracias and La Esperanza. A new road connecting Guatemala to the Western Highway ,lt Nueva Ocotepeque is complete, and another road connecting APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070019 -8 Il i i the Western I will' Cttatemalu ncur (:opan is to be built. A new road connecting :holutcca on the Inter American Ilighway with Nicaragua via 1 ?1 'I'riunfo is under construction, and a new bridge at the border is already complete. Another road is to connect Tegucigalpa with Nicaragua via EI %anorano, Danli and E Pit raiso. The existing road between Tegucigalpa and Minh is to be realigned and reconstructed, and construction is underway between Danli and the border. Improvement of the road between Puerto (tortes and Guatemala is in progress, but unless Guatemala agrees to build a connecting road, this project may be ubundone(1. A farm to market road is under construction through the Palle old Aguan (Aguas Valley) between Glanchito ill the north coast port of Trujillo; some existing segments are to be reconstructed and realigned, but most of the road is to be newly constructed. Principal highway bottlenecks are sharp curves and steep grades in the predominantly mountainous terrain, low capacity timber bridges, narrow bridges, and nunierot's fords. During heavy rains Haan stretches of road become inipussuble f)ecause of floods and washouts. Most highway transport services are provided by independent truckers, but some industries maintain vehicles to serve their own needs. Generally, trucks move commodities directly from the areas of FIGURE 2. Selected highways (C) production, ustully in outlying Cotitlnunilies, to marketplaces, ports, processing plants, 111(1 neighbor- ing countries. Among tit(- products transported are sugarcane, tobacco, coffee, her'eclueit, livestock, minerals, and lumber. Exports transported to nearby countries include such itch's as cigars, matches, beverages, soup, vegetable oils, and wood products. Imports distributed b truck are foodstuffs and manufactimA items, including machinery. 'Traffic c,n the higlnvays is increasing, particularly in the vicinity of 'Tegucigalpa. International travelers are permitted freedom of movement. but freight traffic originating in or bound for El Salvador is not permitted to pass through flonduras. Such traffic between I -,I Salvador and Nicaragua uses it ferry across the Gulf of honsec:t. A draft development plan of the National Planning Council includes it provision to establish a "transportation Agency to regulate schedules, rules, weight limits, etc.; ut present no controls gist. In 1971 the 30.700 vehicles in Ilondur's comprised 13,800 passenger curs; 1- 1,800 trucks, including 10,200 pickups, jeeps, and p;uul trucks: and 2,100 buses. All vehicles are imported, mostly from the� United States, Western Europe, and Japan. Characteristics of selected highways are given in I` igure 2. SUIit' %C F: SaOU1.DElt ORIGIN AND DFSTINATION DISTANCE Miles El Salvador border near GOmCoran 94 to Nicaragua bordv v:a 20 4 -ti Nacuome, Choluteca. Jivam Galan (Junction with Inter- 258 American Ilighwa.v) to Puerto C'ortes: JiCaro Galan to 'I'e};ucigalpa.... 62 't'egticigalpa to Sun Pedro Sulu., ltil SURFACE TYPE N'11Yr11 WIDTH /'eel Bituminous treated 20 2 ti 20 21 2 .1 dii 20 5 San Pedro Sula to Puerto C'ortes.. ai 20 :3 El Salvador border S. of Nueva 154 Bituminous.......... 20 4 -ti Ocotepeque to Chumelecon via Santa Rosa de Copan. Guatemala border to Nueva C)cote- 1:3 20 4 6 peque. San Pedro Sula to La Ceiba via El 118 Bituminous treated 20 �1 ti Progreso, Tela. REMARKS Inter American Iligilwa%. Sharp curves, steep gr :ul('S. First 11) miles N. of Tegucigalpa has steep grades, sharp curves: Pavement in poor condition. Nest 114 miles (Imilt 1971) has good alignment, good pave- ment. last. 28 miles in poor to fair condition. Pavement in poor to fair condi- tion. Some poor alignment. Paving completed Fel). 1072. 5 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070019 -8 f E. Inland waterways (C) Inland waterway transport, of little importa..ce in Honduras, exists primarily in areas devoid of other modes of transportation. Traffic on the 730 miles of waterways is generally limited to small shallow -draft craft which carry native produce to local markets. '['here is no demand for any greater interregional waterway transport. The streams in the Caribbean watershed are more suitable for navigation and extend greater distances than those on the Pacific side. The Rio Ulua, Rio Pattrca, and Rio Coco, all on the Caribbean side, are suitable for navigation for 140, 220, and 130 miles, respectively. However, small steamers and po'.vered craft use only the lower reaches of these rivers. None of the rivers in the Pacific watershed are navigable for more than 23 miles. 'These streams are narrow and are too shallow and silted for entrance and navigation by vessels of more than shallow draft. Except in the lower reaches, craft throughout the country do not exceed 33 to 40 feet in length, 3 to 4 feet in draft, and 10 to 13 tons in capacity. The streams in the interior highlands are too sw ift to he used, even by native craft. There are no river fleets of any size and no significant inland waterway ports; facilities at the few existing landings are old and primitive. No structures hinder the passage of native craft. The government exercises no control over operations and is not involved with maintenance of the waterways. Because of its insignificance, no attempt is likely to be made to improve or develop water transport. F. Ports (C) The ports of Honduras, small but adequate, owe their initial development to the mainstays of the economy, bananas and coffee. The three major ports, Puerto Cortes, Tela, and La Ceiba and seven of the nine minor ports, all located on the Caribbean coast, have traditionally handled these crops. The other two minor ports, Amapala and San Lorenzo, located in the Golfo de Fonseca on the Pacific, are primarily lightering ports. Puerto Cortes, the largest port, handles three quarters of the nation's total cargo receipts and is about equal in sire to the other major ports of Central America. Recent port developments have advanced Puerto Cortes bevond its traditional, almost exclusive, reliance on banana, coffee, and lumber exports. A new general cargo quay was constructed in late 1970, doubling the port's transfer capabilities. Plans call for further construction at Puerto Codes during; th^ 1970's. 'There is no deep -water facility on the Pacific coast, but it new port is to he constructed at Iienecan on the "k olfo de Fonseca. Honduras is heavily dependent on foreign trade, and completion of these projects will provide the necessary additional wllrfage to support the proposed economic expansion. All major and minor ports are administered and operated by the Ernpresa Nacional Portuada, a government -owned stahrtory body. Although the ports are adequate for meeting current import /export requirements, they have only limited capabilities for military use. Details of the major ports are tabulated in Figure :3. G. Merchant marine (C) In 194:3 the Honduran Government established a "flag of convenience" as it source of ready income by opening Honduran registry to foreign shipowners and offering incentives of maximum freedom from taxes and minimum interference in operations. By 1933, 69 ships of 1,000 gross register tons (g.r.t.) and over totaling about 343,200 deadweight tons (d.w.t.) and owned by U.S. and Greek shipping interests had been registered under the Honduran flag. Because the laws governing ship registration were liberal and enforcement and inspection lenient, many I Ionduran- flag shipowners did not comply with pertinent regul ations. As a result of tightening enforcement procedures, the government canceled it large number of ship registrations between 1939 and 1961. In October 1972. Honduran -flag ships of 1,000 g.r.t. and over comprised 12 refrigerator units totaling 36,792 g.r.t. or 33.79.1 d.w.t. 'These ships range between 2,000 and 7,000 d.w.t. and are from 12 to 20 years old. Six units are diesel powered, and six have oil -fired boilers; seven units liave operating speeds of H to 17 knots, and five have speeds of 18 knots. Two foreign beneficial owners (entities which take the profit or loss from operations) control the 12 ships. United Fruit Company, New York, owns 10 units, eight of which, totaling 41,846 d.w.t., are operated by Empresa Ilondurena de Vapores, S.A., Piierto Cortes, and two of which, totaling 6,966 d.w.t., are operated by Balboa Shipping Company, Inc., Panama. F. Laeisz, Hamburg, owns two units totaling 4,782 d.w.t. Most Honduran international seaborne trade is carried by foreign -flag ships: however, United Fruit F- londuran -flag ships transport it considerable volume of the banana exports to ports of Western Europe, Eastern Europe, including Yugoslavia, Central and j APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070019 -8 J FIGURE 3. Major ports (C) NAME; LOCATION; ESTIMATED MILITARY PORT CAPACITY ACTIYITIE5, HARBOR BERTHS Puerto Cortes........ Commercial center and outlet for Natural coastal; semicircular Alongside --3 large, I :,mall 15 �48'N., 87 �56'N. surrounding area. Main port of bay; good natural protection; ocean-type cargo vessels; 1 2,000 entry for general cargo. N. ter- exposed only to W,: water large ocean -type tanker. minus of Honduras National RR.. area about 4 sq. Hliles; general Anchorage -2 large, 13 standard and an, I interoeeanic highway. depths 24 -42 ft. ocean- and numerous standard Other i {idustrial facilities: ,mall coaster -type cargo vessels. consumer goods factories, shops. Shipments� bananas, coffee, lum- ber. Receipts general cargo, raw materials, crude and refined pe- troleum products. In emergency, RR. shops can make minor repairs to oceangoing vessels. Coast guard headquarters. La Ceiba Principal shipments- bananas, luni- Open, exposed roadstead; no Alongside 2 small ocean 1 15 �47'N., 86 �50'W. ber. Principal receipts general defined limits; protection only standard coaster -t cargo 1,100 cargo, raw materials, nucnufac- from landward' side; general vessels; 1 standard coaster tured goods, refined petroleum depths 29 -5.1 ft. type tanker. products. In emergence, RR. shops Anchorage---2 large ocean 7 can make floating repairs to standard coaster -type cargo oceangoing vessels. vessels. Tela 1'_e,ves as outlet for area banana Open roadstead; no defined Alongside -2 standard ocean 15 �44 37'27 plantations; minor fishing activi- limits; a bight abutlt 15 type and 1 standard coaster 1,600 ties. EXXON has petroleum st.or- miles wide E -W.; protection type cargo vessels. 1 lighter; age terminals in area. Shipments from all but N. winds; general 1 large ocean-type tanker banaijas, coffee, lumber. Re- depths 42 --60 ft. (offshore pipeline). ceipts� general cargo, raw Ina- Anchorage -For large number terials, refined petroleum products. of ships of all sizes. In emergency, RR. shops can make floating repairs to ocean- going vessels. *The estimated military port capacity is the maximum amount of general cargo expressed in long tons �that can be unloaded onto wharves and cleared from the wharf aprons during it period of one 24 -hour day (20 effective cargo working hours). The estimate is based on static cargo transfer facilities of the port existing at the time the estimate is prepared and is designed for comparison rather than operational purposes; it cannot be projected beyond a single day he straight multiplication. South America, the east and west coasts of the United States, and the cast coast of Canada. The only merchant ship of 1,000 g.r.t. and over on :;;der for Honduran -flag registry is a 3,600- d.w.t. rt.frigerator ship ordered by Compania Naviera Aguila, Tegucigalpa, a shipping company established in June 1971 with 989 of the capital shares owned by a U.S, shipping company and 2/ by Honduran private interests. This ship is being built in Spanish hipyards for delivery in 1973 and is intended for the `transport of Honduran trade between domestic ports and Miami, Florida. In addition to the ships of 1,000 g.r.t. and over, there are about 20 merchant ships of 100 to 999 g. r: t. employed in the carriage of domestic trade. In Judy 1971, 16 oceangoing fishing vessels of 100 g.r.t. and over totaled about 2,100 g:r.t. Ship registry is available at relatively low cost, but a substantially higher annual tax rate is applied on Ilonduran -flag ships that do not serve domestic ports during the year. Government regulations provide for the carriage of all coastal trade in Honduran -flag ships. No direct or indirect government subsidies are offered Honduran -flag shipowners for shipping operations. Honduras is a member of the Inter Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization (iMCO) and is a party to the IMCO Convention for the Safety of life at Sea, 1960. Merchant marine laws originally stipulated that 50% of the crews of Honduran- flag ships must be nationals, but the number. of Hondurans presently employed on ships of Honduran registry is not available. Although provided for in merchant marine 6 l APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070019 -8 I' laws, it merchant marine training school has not been established. H. Civil air (C) Domestic civil aviation is becoming increasingly important and in many areas of the country is the T usual means of conveyance for passengers and freight. International air services also play it vital rule in the development of the economy. The 24 major civil transport aircraft of at least 20,000 pounds gross weight registered in I londuras are its follows: 2 Convair 140 10 Douglas DC -3 2 Con vair 440 1 Doughts DC-6 2 Convair 580 1 Douglas DC -7 2 Curtiss C -45 4 Lockheed L -188 Electra S Of the approximately 400 persons engaged in civil aviation activities, about half are pilots. About 55 are foreign pilots based in Honduras, and the remainder are indigenous personnel. Regularly scheduled international flights zlxi provided by three foreign airlines and three Honduran airlines. These carriers, operating through La Ceiba, San Pedro Stila, and Tegucigalpa, link I londuras with I) cities in nine countries. Servicio Aereo de Honduras. S.A. (SAt -ISA) is the largest of the Honduran airlines. The privately owned carrier provides scheduled services to 22 domestic points and to the United States, British Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama. Columbia, Guatemala, and Nicaragua. Its fleet includes four DC -Ts, two C- 46's, one DC -6, six Convairs, and two Lockheed Electras. Transportes Acreos Nacionales, S.A. (TAN) is it privately owned company founded in 19 17 for the operation of co;tract cargo flights. Since 19 17 it has expanded operations and now provides scheduled international passenger and freight service. TAN operates out of its home base in Miami, Florida, with two Lockheed Electras and one DC -1. A third carrier, Lineas Aereas Nacionales, S.A. (LANSA) has four DC-Ts and operates it network of scheduled services in the northern coastal regions of Honduras and also to the Islas de la Bahia (Bay Islands) in the Gulf of Honduras. It also provides scheduled international service to Mexico. Another small airline, Aero Servicios, flies scheduled services bety ^en Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sala. I' In addition to these airlines, several private f companies and individuals own light aircraft and provide unscheduled domestic service. Civil aviation is administered by the Director General of Civil Aviation in the Ministry of Communications, 'Transport, and Public Works. 8 iMost major overhaul worn is performed abroad. TAN has it maintenance facility at Miami, and SAI -ISA*s Electras are maintained at the Eastern Airlines facilities there. The services of Cooperativa de Servicios Acre Industrailes. R.L. in Costa Rica have also been used for major aircraft overhaul. Minor maintenance for SAI-ISA and LANSA aircraft is performed at Tegucigalpa. '['here is little training activity except that conducted by the military. The only known facility for civilian training is conducted by :Vas llondurenas, it private pilot school. Honduras is a member of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). Formal or informal agreements or arrangements on air services are in effect with seven nations. I. Airfields (C) The air facilities system of 1- londuras is composed of 216 airfields and hyo seaplane stations. Of this total, 120 are tisablo; 50 are civil, 66 are private, two are arrnv support Landing strips, one is jointly operated by military and civil authorities, and one is abandoned. There are 96 unusable airfield sites. The coastal areas are more favorable than the mountainous interior for airfield construction and use: nevertheless, airfields are rather evenly distributed. An exception is in the northeast portion of the country, near tl.e Nicaraguan border, where the relatively low, sparsely settled coastal plain has very few airfields. \Vith the exception of Toncontin International. La Mesa International, and Goloson International, the airfield system consists of small municipal, private, or company airfields used for charter, agricultural, mining, or lumber operations. Most runways have earth surfaces, eithergraded orsodded. The maximum capacity of most of these airfields is it G-1 or it similar light transport aircraft. Use is seve rely reduced during wet weather. The most important facility is Toncontin International. located near Tegucigalpa. The only joint military and civil airfield and headtlrarters and primary home station for the Honduras Air Force, Toncontin International has runway lights, it VI IF omnidirectional range, it radio beacon, air to ground voice facilities, land telecommunications, airfield maintenance, and personnel accommodations. Mountainous terrain adjacent to the airfield makes instrument approaches very hazardmis. La Mesa =For detailed information on airfields in Honduras see Volume 3, Airfields and Seaplane Stations of the 1Yorld. published by the Defense dapping Agency, Aerospace Center, for the Defense Intelligence Agency. APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070019 -8 J v., i .`i FIGURE 4. Selected airfields (C) Ll) \(IF:s�r RUNWAY: I.AI((IES�r Shl(F�ACF.: DIMENSIONS; AIRCHAFF F:I.FWA�r(oN ABOVE \Olt %IAI.I.Y NAME AND I.oexrION SEA LF%*El, RSN�1.* SUI.1ORTFlt REMARKS Feet Pounds Choluteca Graded Earth.......... 1�1,300 DC- :3............. Civil. Used by domestic airlines. No 13 87 �11'W. 3,000 x 150 11011. 150 Goloson International..... Asphalt 26, 180 DC- 4......... ('ivil. International 15 S6 �ail'11�. 4,020 x 150 airport. Av f gas storage. 32 I,a Ceiba �4 6'N., Graded E'nrth.......... 1.1.200 DC- 3............. Civil. Drum POL storage hangar. 15 86 �48'11'. 3,500 x 80 20 I,a Mesa International.... Asphalt ;12,000 Boeing 707........ Civil. International airport. Avgas, jet 15 87 �55 7,650 x 150 fuel storage. 88 Puerto Lempira.......... �48 Graded Earth.......... 11,200 C- 47 Government. Used by domestic airline.., 15 83 �1,400 x 50 military aircraft. Drum, P01, goragv. �10 I111S RI's Graded Earth.......... 3.5 500 C- 130............. Government. Used h domestic airlines, 14 8.1 6,000 x 200 military aircraft. Area \o 500 access. 'Cell �46'N., Asphalt............... 25,853 Curtis Commando.. 1'01.. Civil. A% available. 15 87 0 20 1 11'. 1 Ill oncom n nte Asphalt 35,500 C- 130............. Joint. International airport, air force l4 b7 13 11'. 11.1:3:1 x 150 headquarters. L'ndergroun(I storage 320.1 of avgas, jet fuel. Equivalent Single- 11'heel Loading: Capacity of an airfield rune.tY to sustain the weight of any nlultipla��t heel landull -gear aircraft in terms of the single -wheel equivalent. International, located near Smi Pedro Sala, h runway lights, a VIII` omnidirectional nutgc, a radio beacon, air to ground voice facilities, laud telecommunications and airfield maintenance. This all- wetnther facility has instrument approach procedure ind is the airfield tnsed b%. the major international uir carriers. Four airfields, Toncontin International, 1,11 International, Goloson Inlertaationul. and 'I'cla halve permanent surface runways, but only 'I'onconlin and La ivlesat halve facilities capable of supporting sustained aircraft operations. The remaining airfields have natural or graded earth rumvii :s, and most of these are 2,000 to 3,600 feet in lengtlt.:1nu,ng these are two facilities openited by the military as a logistical support facility for army garrisons in remote a reas. The two seuPlatne stations, Puerto Cortez on the northwestern coast and Puerto Castilla on the north central coast, arc in usable eon(lition but have little in the Way of support facilities. The airfield sites provide little potential ill their present state and would require considerable rehabilitation to make them usable. The operational c�apabilit\. of the airfields is severely lin;ited by the surrounding terrain and lack of idl'_ weather runtyays. navigalionil aids, colnrn till ications. and support facilities. Obtaining POI. products is a major proble I "wept for Tela auld the international airfields. fety have jet or aviation feel storage facilities. Occasional airfields ill remote areas pace linnile(1 pOl. drmn storage for ennergency use. Construction ml(1 improvcment projects arc� in progress at major air fa cilities. Periodic studies are made on va rious fields 111(1 include mc�ommendalions for runty iy extensi 111(1 modernization Mork. lowever, action on these studies seldom nmtterilizes. prinwrily bccouse of lionite(I capitol. Details on lh(� most imporki nt airfields ire giyrn in Figure -I. J. Telecommunications (C) The l(Ilec�ontn1- I'll ic�atill's (telecom) network (Figure 5) ranks below those of Costa, Nita and HI Salvador but is on a level with the rvitmining Central i\ mvricun countries in system dcyeloprnettt 111(1 effectiveness of I APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070019 -8 p flAM1A BRITISH p( J J HONDURAS 5 ?S Aoat C.Ii 1A ti/: 1 co,tes Tel. La i lilln m., GUI171S ALA C L G ina P' ro 5 �.n .Uienr rulu j E. Prorrso j YuiG �Purr,,, Irn.l�na i 0 Santa Rosa .cataca acoUan G-- CCIinyaFuA I a j,p- PA EL SA!�ADOQ SAN S ADOft Nacaome San Mguel Somoto i o NICARAGUA C /V /C )CE .1A 1 I �.r,., MANAGUA v ,.I 0 FIGURES. General telecom pattern, 1972 (C) facilities. Facilities continue to improve but remain inadequate to meet domestic requirements. Radio relay and open wire telephone and telegraph net. arks are concentrated in the central and .western parts of the country; very limited facilities serve the largely unpopulated eastern region. The key telecom centers arc Tegucigaipa and Sall Pedro Sula. The radio -relay system, while important has pe; fortn d poorl forcing the radiocommunication network to play a. continued vital role. The open wire networks are extensive hilt in poor condition. Gove rnment and private concerns offer effective international communication services. AM radiohroadcasl cowers major population centers; FM and TV services are much more limited. The government either operates or regulates all telecom facilities through the Directorate General of Electrical Communications (DGCE), under the Ministry of Communications, Transport, and Public Works. DGCF. public facilities include the National "Telegraph and Radio System and the National Telephone System. It also handles the important international radio -relay links in the Comision Tecnica Regional de Telecommunicaciones� COMTF'1LCA network and regulates operations of the commercial broadcast stations. The "Tropical Radio Telegraph Co. (TRT) provides international I I F radiocommunication service, and there are several important privately owned telephone networks. Iomestic intercity traffic is routed over a iadio -relay systenl and extensive open wire telephone and telegraph networks, supplemented by it III radiocomnuinications network. A %reatlx expanded radio relay system was c�umpleted :n m69 using Oki I'Ictric Company (Japan) equipment. 'I'hc main route between "Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sala has eg Ili pment operating in the 6 GI1% range and u capacity for 960 channels: between San Pedro Sula and La Ceiba. the system has i00 channels. and spur routes to towns oil the northern coast and in the far south have VIIF or UIIF equipment suitable for 2-1 tcicphone channels. Only it frac�tiotl of tFlc stated capacity is used oil any of these routes. I nterc�onnected telephone and telegraph wirelines T�xlend throughout most o f the country. Some important routes have been improved with carrier equipment for up to 12 channels, but most consist only of poorly maintained single -wire circuits. Government -owned Rodin Nacional furnishes generally dependable nationwide IIF radiocommlmic�ations service to the departmental capitals. Local automatic telephone exchanges are 10cated only in 'Tegucigalpa, San Pedro Sula, and La Ceiba; some 30 manual exchanges provide telephone service for the rest of Honduras. As of mid -1972, an APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070019 -8 x F estimated '15 200 telephone sets were in use, of which ahouk !0,000 were in the Tegucigalpa telephone district. The hulk of the telephone cyuipment was provided by Oki Electric or Bell TvIephone Belgimn Most international telecom traffic is no%y routed over the CO:viTELCA network, which %was inaugu- rated late in 1971. Using Nippon Electric Company (Japan) equipment, which has a planned capacity of 960 telephone channels and one TV circuit, the system is operated by the DGCE and connects "Tegucigalpa with other Central American countries wilt three key repeater stations. T11T operate, public radiotelephone and radiotelegraph circuits to seven foreign countries from stations at Tegucigalpa and La Lima (near San Pedro Sula); this ineludes direct telex service with the United States. The DGCE operates low- capacity wirelines into Guatemala, EI Salvador, and Nicaragua. It k expected that the traffic on the present HF circuits to Central America will be switched over fully to the COMTELCA network. Government and private agencies operate special purpose wire and radiocommunication facilities for administrative, railroad, agricultural, industrial, police, and aeronautical traffic. Some organizations offer their facilities for public service; among the largest are the Tela Railroad Company and Standard Fruit Company. The Special Security Corps (C EIS) has it radiotelephone network interconnecting every departmental capital; Honduras lilts radiotelepriliter circuits in the Central America regional air navigation (COCESNA) and police security (CAI') networks. Generally good AM broadcast coverage is provided to the western two thirds of Honduras by 102 r1M stations. Seven stations have transmitters rated at 10 kilowatts, all of them in Tegucigalpa itlnd San Pedro Sula; nearly all of the other AM stations have power outputs of one kilowatt or less. All stations are privately owned, and many are associated with one of the principal broadcast chains, such as E'misoras Unidas. Four low -power FM stations in "Tegucigalpa and six in San Pedro Stlla provide very limited CONFIDENTIAL CONFIr1F:NTIAI, coverage. TV broadcasts are also hinited to the central part of tlc country and to the northern coastal towns. The Compania Televisora llondurena S.A. operates channel 5 ill the capital cite -and repeaters near Siguatepeque and in San Pcclro Sala. Two other stations in Te9ticigalpa operate on channels r3 and 11, and in San Pedro Stlla, channel with the help of a repeater station, transmits to the northern coastal region. In mid-1972, the number of radiobroadcast receivers was estimated to be :300,000, the number of TV sets, �,000. Honduras has no facilities for the manufacture of telecom equipment. All such materials are imported, the principal suppliers being Japan and the United States. Belgium and Nest Germany also periodically supply significant quantities. Japan has been the most importwit source for radiobroadcast receivers, and the United States has been the major supplier of television transmission and reception equipment'. Wire -line equipment has been provided by sever, :l countries, but Japan has again been the major source, hawing supplied equipment for the country's only telex system. Radioconnmunications equipment, which in recent has constituted the largest portion of telecom equipment imports, has been provided almost exclusively by Japan and the United States. Imports from Japan hayc consisted mainly of radio -relay equipment; imports front the United States hay(- been two -way r diocommunica- tions equipment. A national transmission pl un prepared for the DGCE includes development of a hi -level traffic switching scheme and construction of new automatic telephone exchanges in 10 key cities. (More specific plans call for construction of it 960- chany-wl radio -relay link between San Pedro Sula and Puerto Barrios. Guatemala. completion of it 120- r';annel link to Santa Rosa de Copan and it 2-1- channel link to Linnon. construction of several open -wire carrier systernti. and doubling.of tav telephone exchange capacity in the Tegucigalpa area to 20,000 lines. \-0 FOREIGN' DISSE11 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070019 -8 o Places and features referred to this General Survey (U /OU) COORDINATES COORDINATES o IN. o X W. I o IN o 1 111. Agal teca 14 27 87 16 1 imam 15 52 85 33 Agua Salada 14 02 87 12 Los Planes 15 37 86 21 Ahuis 15 29 84 28 Managua, Nicaragua................... 12 09 86 17 An iapala 13 17 87 �10 Marcala 14 07 88 00 Bahia de Tela (bay) 15 IS 87 30 Montana Cerro Azul (ridge) 15 08 88 5.1 Baracoa 15 43 87 52 Montatias de Comayagua (mountains) 14 23 8726 Belize City, British Honduras........... 17 30 88 12 Nacaome 13 31 87 30 B6falo 15 23 88 00 Nueva Ocotepeque.................... 14 24 89 13 Cedeno 13 08 87 25 Ocotepeque (departmernt)............... 14 30 89 00 Canaveral 1.1 57 SS 0 :3 Olanchito 15 30 86 35 Charaelecon 15 26 88 01 Olaucho (department) 14 45 86 00 Choluteca 13 1S 87 12 Potrerillos 15 11 87 58 Comayagua 14 25 87 37 Puerto Barrios, Guatemala............. 15 43 88 36 Comayagua 15 38 8S 17 Puerto Castilla 16 01 86 01 Comayagiiela 1.1 05 87 13 Puerto Cortes......................... 15 48 87 56 Copin 14 50 89 09 Puerto Lempira....................... 15 13 83 47 Cortes department) 15 30 88 00 Rio Aguin (stream) 15 57 85 44 Danli 14 00 86 35 Rio Chanelecon (stream) 15 51 87 49 El Amatillo 14 30 83 48 Rio Choluteca (stream) 13 07 87 19 El Jaral 14 54 SS 03 Rio Coco (stream)........... 15 00 83 10 E1 Llano 15 08 87 54 Rio Goascorlin (stream)................ 13 25 87 48 El Nlochito 14 49 88 07 Rio Lein (stream) 15 47 87 20 El Ojo de Agua 14 03 86 53 Rio Lindo 15 02 87 59 E1 Paraiso 13 51 86 34 Rio Motagua, Guatemala (stream) 15 44 88 1.1 El Paraiso (department) 1.1 ]0 86 30 Rio Negro (stream) 13 87 17 El Progreso 15 21 87 49 Rio Patuca (stream) 15 5n 84 17 El Salitre 1.1 34 89 12 Rio Sulaco (stream) 14 58 87 45 El Socorro 1.1 12 87 50 Rio Ultia (stream) 15 53 87 44 El Triunfo 13 06 87 00 San Lorenzo 15 26 86 55 El Zamorano 14 00 87 02 San Marcos de Colon.................. 13 26 86 48 Esteli, Nicaragua 13 05 86 23 San Miguel. El Salvador............... 13 29 88 11 Goascorlin 13 36 87 45 San Pedro Sula........................ 15 27 88 02 Golfo de Fonseca 13 10 87 40 San Pedro Lacapa..................... 14 42 8S 07 Gracias 14 35 88 3:i San Salvador, El Salvador.............. 13 42 89 12 Grasias a Dios (department) 15 10 S4 20 Santa B 14 53 88 14 15 06 86 07 Santa Rita........................... 15 09 87 53 Guanacastales 15 40 87 51 Santa Rita........................... 14 13 87 49 Guanala 16 27 85 54 Santa Rosa de Copin.................. 14 47 88 46 Gulf of Honduras (gulf) 16 10 87 50 Siguatepeque 14 32 87 49 Henecan 13 10 87 40 Swan Islands, U.S. (islands) 17 25 83 55 Intibuca (department) 14 20 88 15 Tamara 14 03 87 20 Isla del 'Tigre (is land) 1:3 16 87 38 T eguciga 1pa........................... 14 06 87 13 Isla Mcanguera, El Salvador (island).... 13 12 87 �13 Tela 15 44 87 27 Islas de la Bahia (islands). 16 20 86 30 Cocoa. 15 41 86 03 Jicaro Galvin 13 31 87 28 T rujillo 15 55 86 00 Jimilile 14 3.1 88 52 Valle department 13 30 87 35 Jutical pa 1.1 �12 86 15 Valle del Aguin (valley)................ 15 28 86 36 La Ceiba 15 47 86 :ill Valle de Lein (valley).................. 15 46 87 18 L:t Esperanza 14 20 SS 10 Valle de Sula (Talley)................... 15 27 87 52 La Fragua 15 38 87 49 Toro department 15 15 87 15 Lago de Tojoa (lake) 14 50 88 00 Villa de San Antonio 1.1 1(i 87 .'5 La Junta 15 -12 87 49 La Libertacl 1�I 13 87 :3fi Selected airfields La Lima 15 24 87 56 Choluteca 13 1S 87 11 La Mesa 15 25 87 53 Goloson I nte_rnat.ional 15 �14 S6 51 Lit Paz (departmevl) 14 15 87 50 Lit Ceiba 15 46 SG 48 Las Cl tsitas I.1 02 87 16 La illesa International................. 15 27 87 55 Las T apias La Union, 1.1 02 87 17 Puerto Lempira....................... 15 16 83 48 El Salvador 13 20 87 51 Rus Rus 14 45 84 20 Lenlpira (department) 1.1 20 88 40 rcia 15 46 87 29 Lepateriq 1 1 0 2 87 27 I'o icon tin International................ 1.1 04 87 t3 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070019 -8 Isla de Rr p 5 5 t- 5ac J t Baracoa 1 La Ceiba o Barrios To un. r '3593... A' atemiala .4347 sO La Manta _.-.r r 7989' I; J [J ,3970 p t I t n i d a De pO r �J/'. r "11//VV ..San Pedro Sula '\'1.�1 $R6- 7354 'La olancnRo RIO Po %o Chamelec6n Lima th chic 5 0 San Lorenzo U SJs G0 S El orogreso RP L G E3utalol i A L L E J t A San Wlanueva GoP Marcos l 1 i 1 Santa Rita f O r O T P renllos� E 1. 9892 nniCad_ Punta Garda C, 1 Isla tie Ulila 1 a/ RI 0 8rs Modesto Puerto Cortes Wridez Livingston A S anta Llano r oro 1 Gualan 7497' 1 Lindo Barbara IPa I 7546 C 1 �pan 9003 Santa 1 _0 y25� X )Nueva Ocote ue�._ r P -P 7 0 101 IntibuCa BArbara Yore, 'l{ La Paz J G 7 76. �r'' Las Morns Chi uimula Santa Rosa de Copan Q �O In Pedro Zaca a p p" b La L ertad p-p -v C t71 f o aY'agu 1. i Te9Valp L a f quatbpeque 'C.ji)q r J O Cedros N 934' C 0 Ye e q U ....i�. 9 Cr. C.ornaya O C f i3 'i �C I S C 0 1 1. _0 y25� X )Nueva Ocote ue�._ r P -P 7 0 101 IntibuCa Lem p ira La Es eranza l La Paz J G 7 76. �r'' Las Morns l �i_ Paz 1. i Te9Valp L a 1/ V t Yusciran --r 'EI Salvador 5243 6204 r' 3944, 1 San Salvador''_ sa r 'Vicente' t c yo ue J roadrigo 7i 9 V a I e Zacat coluc8 0 \'9h,,,. GoascorArr- ILa Ltbertad Nac ao_m_e San Marcos J San Miguel Lo San de Colon i S USulUtall ica IAn Union holwn ,2507 Amapala 1" F Choluteca EI T No Sompt lfo K725 gbhins 501374 5.73 Y U Central Intelligence Agency For Official Use Only APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070019 -8 Patuca ;~Golan 3553 a2 '5856 E Barra dl Ca!ala Sl.:l 1 Puerto Len: a +4 Gracias a Dias Duke Nombre de Culmi U a 4uasbla C 1 I 0 v Leimus i Waspan 1 1 883 4357 �3714 J Put nu CabCLati st Honduras 5758 International boundary Railroad r.. International boundary, indefinite Surfaced road 7 /Nicaragua Departamento boundary Unsurfaced road National capital Airfield 1 La Ceiba Departamento capital Major port F 2444 4 5725 Populated places Tuna, f 7um 1 Jr rcyuugaroa :oaono 7, o00 p[p tut at` +,9nr: O 51000 to ?5.000 Under 5,000 Malagalpa r C' Spot clevat+on oil lcet 0/ Scale 1:1,500.000 0 25 50 75 25 50 7b Kdnay.1 -1 Namos and boundary representation 84 a,e not necessarily au thoritative Ten ain and Transportation Figure 6 APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA- RDP01- 00707R000200070019 -8 C H d r i s 'la de Roafjn i A A gar Isla rye Utila 6e isles de- Guanwa Puerto Castill Puerto Curies iruji Llo 2 ty La Ceiba' 0 -I To por6 n, Jutiapa --L-B'alfate P' 7 IT 0 onagw. San Pedro 0 La Masica Los Planes Sula .�..Sula .3970 A t 16 n t i d a 0 ,356 43 Olanch'to Ouemado Charnolec6n U -a 0 C) .5856 0 San Lorenz Lorenzo El Progreso &faloo' L E L A L o Sar, Marcos (Villanueva 0 Santa Rita o r to Trinidad rerillos� El S a n t a Llan Dulce Numore de Culmi B a' r b a r a iollindo r 7546 9003 Sa L7 qta Bkbara Lago., `J Ci r f ja y0i CC) 171)ILLe San Pedro o Zaca -P, 6 0 pa 7 La Libertad -P q. r '0 4 jutialpa S,gua tepeque i Cedros 0 7897. ya a c F Comagua C, 0 0 l n t i b u C 6 C) n r a:'---.) (a La Eseranza op 7176. Las/Momse x 4 /Teguj!c!% !Ea CIO La Pa z Darill S Jalapa El \Parai Y i El Prraiso 6204 (r 5456. 6909 '944. O J A 0G otal V a I I e 5758 'GoasccrAn� San Marcos So to is n Coo S an Lorenzo de Col6n N i c a r a g JicatoGalin La Union 5528. C 24507 Ama aia -A CholutCholuteca 1 h o 1 t e ca El U Bras K c hinandega, .2444 .5725 Aparm:; 6fo Z1 Estelp 0 .1 J,notega \1 to R 5085, San Isidro Matagalpa baco .3676 Alij Only APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200070019-8