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CLASSII-WA I I(JINI 1411M90014 Approved For Reletnlitt/q!,7 rilfliNtlitPANW7R00500VEIRM-No. INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. 25X1A2g COUNTRY Finland/Sweden V?our 111- J VILA DATE DISTR. 28 Jim SO NO. OF PAGES 3 SUBJECT The Silvia Foundation RACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO, 25X1A6a 25X1A6a 25X1X6 NO. OF ENOLS. ammo BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. otiv0 6s?" 1. The Simla Foundations or Institute (known in Finnish as Sirola Opisto and in Swedish as Sirolastiftelsen), is located an the Vanaja estate. at Hameenlinna (!ravastehun), Finland, and ie considered one of the more permanent training schools for ftrationaries of the Finnish Comonmiet Party. 2. The Sirola Foundation was named in honor of 7r3o Sirola, one of Finland's leading Co eta. He was Foreign Minister of the Finnish Red Government in 1918, escaped to Russia after the rebellion in Finland and becamerresident of the National University for Minorities in Leningrad. Striaa was a Lenin Communist who was responsible for training Finnish Communists in a nationalistic viewpointe, During his tenure at the Leningrad University, he had a large number of Finnish Communists who were so trained. When the anti-nationalistic purge was carried out in Russia, the majority of these pupils were imprisoned and executed. Sirola himself was transferred to the Lenin University in Moscow, which operated directly under the Comintern. Sirola was an outstanding Marxist expert. 3. An unnamed informant of the source who met Sirola personally in 1936 in Moscow, and who pas well acqtaiLedwith him, said that Simla was very bitter over the arrest of his students, because he was personally responsible for the indoctrination which was considered undesirable. Sirola expresued the opinion at that time that the CPU had deliberately failed to arrest hin for tho purpose of causing bitterness and strife among Finnish Communists of nationalistic sympathies. Sirola died a natural death in Moscow in 1936. 4. Throughout ScnadinaviaFelkhogakoler (public colleges) which specialize in adult education are fairly common. All enjoy government subsidies. In Finland such instititions are maintained by the Social Democrats and Agrarians as well as by the Communists. The curriculum at most CLASSIFICATION STATE ARMY NAVY AIR NSREt FBI DISTRIBUTION ^ Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82- Document No. No Change In Class. 0 Declassified Class, Chalged To: TS S :01A6*?glk By: ply Approved For Release 1999/09/ ENTRAL IMELLIGETICE AGEM Y -2- 009-5 25X1A2g of the schools includes foreign lanauage?, social sciences? the history of Finland, and in the case of the agrarian school, practical agricultural training. The Sirola Foundation, a government-subsidized Foikhoaskola, is openly and officially a Communist Party institution and maintains a curriculum main3y concerned with political science. 5, It is possible that Ture Lehen in his position as an export on barricade street fighting, author of a textboak on such tactics, and a leading Communist Party tactician, may give courses in guerrilla or violence activities. In the opinion of the source, it is not likely that physical military training or training in weapons is part of the curriculum, ae most of the students are young Communists who have already had military service. The source stated that institutions of this kind are required to submit an annual report to the government outlining their activities. The Sirola Foundation did not submit reports in 1947 and 1948. This failure caused considerable newspaper comment, but the source stated that the Finnish government officials did not feel that it woad be rise at the time to take any punitive or restrictive action against the foundation. 6. Finnish Law provides that the faculties of such schools must be Finnish citizens and the president or rector of the school must have an acceptable academic background, 7. The present head of the school is Mrs. Aire Sinervo (married name Kolula). Her husband is a comparatively unimportant. Cour-mist probably identical with Vaikko Vicktor Kolula? who participated in the a/ark of the Finnish Union of Commeeist Youth in 1933. 'dhile in military service in 1942, Kolula wrote letters to the govnrnment threatening to refuse to fulfill his military duties if his wife, who had been arrested ferEspionage? was not released. For this reason Kolula was detained by the military authorities and assigned to a special labor croup. Hrs. Sinervo (who uses her maiden name) has an Mee. degree:, has never been in the USSR but' is an ardent Coreetnist Party member. She resents the fact that she serves only as a "front" for the school and that she was chosen because the Finnish Communist Party is short of academically trained persons who could fulfill the requirements for the position. The vice-president (rector) of the school is Antti Hyvonen, a graduate of the Leningrad University for the Minorities and of the Lenin School in Moscow. I-yvonen is a Finnish citizen who formerly served on the faculty of the Lenin School. . Two other regular faculty members are Eine Vevalainen and Axel Modh, both with backgrounds and training similar to Hyvonen. In addition to the above-named four individuals who constitute the official faculty, the Sirola Foundation 'uses the services of a number of temporary lecturers including such well-known Finnish Communists as Ture Lehen, Ihkeri Lehtinen, Armes Mlle and Herta Kuusinen. 9, The Sirola Foundation was founded in 1945 and was first located in temporary quarters at Hertonas, near Helsinki', Fiala*. At the time of the Peace Treaty with the USSR, the Soviets acquired a considerable amount of property in Finland formerly owned by German nationals; or persons who were so considered by the Soviets Among such properties was the estate of Willi Deese, the well-known international financier* This property was :known as the Vanaja estate, located at Hameenliena (Tavastehus)a Finland, which is about two hours by rail from Heleieki. In 1947 the property was leased by the Soviet authorities in Finland to the Sirola Foundation, and is now used as the site for the school. It is a large beautiful estate, consisting of a number of houses and a considerable amount of land. It operates as a boarding school vith facilities far 100 students. The regular course lasts from September to June, so that each year 100 fully trained propagandists are graduated. SEC Approved For Reiseneelekt+1461:4124404=0510009-5 4'=aeyeae. Approved For Release 1999/09/09: SEC CialTRA IN2ELLIGEME AGED Y - 3 - 25X1A2g In addition, there are special summer courses of 2 to 3 weeks, SO the total number of graduates of the school, including the short courses, is between 500 and 600 persons per year. The /00 who have taken the bill training arepreaumably loaders and the others may be persons who have taken refresher courses or are receiving limited training. The Finnish Comaaanist Party has on its permanent payroll 400 full-time propagandists. This is double the number employed by the Social Democrats. 10. The amount of the government subsidy received by the school represents only a fraction of the actual cost of maintaining the establishment. The balance is received from abroad in the form of subsidies from the Cominform and gifts from Communists in the United States. Adnal cash transfers or payments are not ueed. Instead a gift of coffee, or some other scarce commodity, is received for -which an import 'Acme is easily obtained inasmuch as no dollar drain on Finnish economy is involved. The coffee, or other commodity, is then sold on the open market at an inflated price and in this manner the actual dollar contri- bution may result in a net return to the Sirola Foundation of as much as 2000 Finnmarks to the dollar, 11. Direct subsidies and grants are given the Finnish Communist Party and the Sirola Foundation by certain Finnish businesses which were turned over to the Soviets in connection with the Peace Treaty at the end of the second war with the USSR. The boards of directors of such businesses usually consist of Soviet and Finnieh citizens -who are Communists. A substantial par:. of the profits of these firms may be diverted to Communist Party activities, if necessary. The source believes that as a result of these methods of obtaining funds, the Finnish Communist groups and organizations have more than adeenate financial resources and can spend as Balch money as is necessary in carrying out their activities, 12. On two occasions in 1948 the Swedish Communist Party transferred money to the Finnish Communists. One transfer in the amount of /5480 Swedish kronor was made to the Sirola Foundation, Kaisaniemerikatu 13A, Helsinki, as a gift to the tlrola Foundation from the Sirola Foundation Help Committee in Sweden. In narch 1948 the Swedish Communist Party directly transferred 5,000 Swedish kronor to the Finnish Communist Party. 13. It is generally believed that the Communist front organ Finland's Democratic People's Organization (Fitlands Folkdemokraters Forbund-FFDF) supports the Sirola Foundation, 14. Although the Sirola Foundation was originally intended to train the advanced party cede% it has recently opened its doors to all Ccumunist Party members in good standing. Karl Staff and Hilding Sarden of the Swedish Ceemnaaist Party have recently attended the Sirola Foundation. 15. It was reported. in February 1950 that anotherzahoel, the rtillykallio School at Lautasaari (Drunso), Helsinki, is also in operation. This school, which is only intended for Party members in the Helsinki district, differs somewhat from the Sirola Foundation in that it mainly specializes in daily lectures and short evening courses, thus making it easier for the average Party member to attend. ** 25X1A6a ** 111110011111 The source was unable to supply aga additional information concerning the NYllykallio School, SEC Approved For Release 1999/09/09 : CIA-RDP82-00457R005000510009-5