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s':..S1FICAT1ON SEd_;` Federation Loaders t FOR 1 T COUNTRY Italy SUBJECT Partito Coraunista Italian (PCI) PL ".CE .ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. NO. OF PAGES 2 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. Following is a list of PCI leaders with their respective function in the Party: a0 Aldo Natoli - Communist Deputy, Inspector for the Region of Lazio; RE-PORT I L) TI Approved I'~ ` jlA' ?4r LCA8-LF2 82-00457tTPft- I' 0 Paolo liuffalini - Regional inspector for the provinces of Chieti, Torano, Pescara and Aquila; Umberto Massola - Communist Deputy, Secretary of the Ancona Federa- tion; do Luigi Ruggeri - Coam:aunist Senator, Provincial Secretary of the ANPI (Associazione Nazionale Partigiani d'Italia) of Ancona; ew Umberto Scalia - Secretary of the Aquila Federation; fm Vero Candelaresi - Secretary of the Ascoli Piceno Federation; g,. Orlando Tullio Pietrobono - Secretary of the Caserta Federation; h. Eugenio Snrico Giannetti - Secretary of the Chamber of Labor of Isola Liri and Provincial Secretary of the :ANPI of Caserta; Ferdinando Amicon: - Communist Deputy, Secretary of the Chieti Federation; kiailio Scalandra m- Secretary of the Ferrara Federation; ka Giuseppe Gelli - Provincial Secretary of the ANPI of Ferrara; 1. Luigi Allegato - Communist Senator, Secretary of the Foggia Fed- eration; :.ia.chele Palumbo - Provincial. Secretary of the ANPI of Foggia; no Giorgio Scarabelli - Secretary of the Forli Federation; 00' Nullo Sagradini - Provincial President of the ANPI of Forli; CLASSIFICATIO Next P{eVt'9w (let a: tj jj roved or Release 202/01/03 : C NSRB 25X1A oR -aWoy CD NO. DATE DISTR. 3,9 yhy 5O 1 Approved For Release 2002/01/03 : CIA-RDP82-00457R004900050001-6 S REr/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGIJCY p. Giuseppe Mamini - Provincial Secretary of the AT-PI of Forli; q. Orlando Tullio Pietrobono* - Secretary of the Frosinone Federa- tion; r. Severino Spaccatrossi - Secretary of the Latina Federation; so Carlo Pasquarella - Secretary of the Macerata Federation. He is at present reportedly in Hungary and has been temporarily re- placed by Aristodemo ul:aniera, Communist Deputy, Regional In- spector for the provinces of Ascoli Piceno and Macerata; t. Salvatore Cacciapuoti - Secretary of the Naples Federation; u, Aurelio Spoto - Provincial Secretary of the ANPI of Naples; va Paolo Robotti - Secretary of the PCI Regional organization in Sicily; wG Pancrazio De Pasquale - Secretary of the Palernio Federation; xp Antonio Patti - Provincial President.of the ANPI in Palermo; y. Vincenzo Luntia - Vice President of the ANPI in Palermo: z, Armando Fedeli - Communist Senators Secretary of the Perugia Federation; aa. Riccardo Tenerini - "Extraordinary Commissioner" of the ANPI of Perugia; bb,, Giulio Spallone - Communist Deputy, Secretary of the Pescara Federation; cc. Arrigo T3oldrini - Communist Deputy, Secretary of the itvenna Federation; dd. Agide Saminaritani - President of the ANPI in Ravenna.; ee. Genunzio Guerrini - Provincial Secretary of the ANPI of Ravenna; ff. Adolfo Fiumano - Secretary of the Reggio Calabria Federation; gg. Giuseppe Fragomeni - Secretary of the Confederterra and Vice- Secretary of the Reggio Calabria Chamber of Labor; hh. Alarico Carassi - Secretary of the Rieti Federation; i.i. Otello Nannuzzi -- Acting secretary of the Rome Federation; jj0 Michele Rossi - Secretary of the Salerno Federation; kk. Luigi UQEpifanio - President of the ANTI in the Salerno Province; 3.10 Pierino Vetrini - Secretary of the Teramo Federation; mm.,, Carlo Luciano Farini - Secretary of the Terni Federation; nn. Armando Fossatelli - Proviniul Secretary of the ANPI of Terni; oo. Luciano Gruppi - Secretary of the Turin Federation who reportedly replaced Celeste Negarrille; and pp. Marcello Marroni - Secretary of the Viterbo Federation, Comment: Note that Pietrobono has also been reported above pv~~~~120: CIA-RDP82-00457R004900050001-6 SECft.'T/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY