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dZ aY1OCr CLASSIFICATION COMFIULAIAL Approved For Releabg~Ue9Lfb~' (gWOA 8~R004600 Af NO. INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY Chi le CONFIDENTIAL SUBJECT Activities of (Nationalist Party PLACE 25X1A ACQUIRED OF= DATE DISTR, 7 %PR 50 NO, OF PAGES NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) DATE OF z)urrs_c.-V-n-v - s L INFO?5X1X REPORT NO. 1. Meetings of leaders of the Nationalist Party of Chile verc held on 11 February and 26 February 1950 at party headquarters in Santiago. Representatives of the Nationalist University Legion attended the second meeting. At both meetings leaders stressed the need for an immediate unification of all pro-Nationalist groups under the name of the Chilean Nationalist League, in order to conform with the practice of other American nationalist groups and to comply with the terms of the Ibero- American Nationalist Pact. The first international congress of the Ibero-Nationalist Union is being planned for late 1950 in Montevideo or Buenos Aires. 2. The Nationalists stressed, at these two meetings, the deterioration of the status of the Chilean working classes. No political group, except the Nationalists, is primarily interested in the workers' plight, they claimed. It was charged that the Communist-controlled unions have become involved In political agitation, to the detriment of the workers' Interests. The government-controlled unions have offered no better solution, since they have sold out to the capitalists. The Nationalist leaders felt that the time was ripe for them to establish a new syndical movemoub independent of the two currents in Chilean labor. 3. At the 26 February meeting, Mario Barros Van Buren, representative of the University group, urged an immediate and total union of all. Nationalists in the country. The slightly leftist composition of the cabinet which was already foreseen at the time of the meeting was deplored and a rallying of all Nationalist forces was urged, to counteract thin; Communist tendency. It was claimed that the Communist tinge in the government would cause strained relations with the United States, which would result in a decline of American-Chilean trade, and lead to increased economic crisis. All patriotic citizens were called upon to organize a movement the motto of which would be "enough of this suffering; it is better to die fighting than to die of hunger." it was recalled that a corrupt, popular-front group of patriotic citizens government in Spain was overthrown by a small headed by the Falange. Chile was urged to heed this example and unite all pro-nationalist forces. NAVY __NS DIST BtfTIONV FAR~'l TEI'Fe _ ! ?_ - - - _ This document is hereby refired ^d -c ordanco w1:'. a i ' n e ~F{DEN tAL letter of 19 Gcxo:~or ;~Ya from < i t Dl,SCtOr ci Cc t ~tt~ id t0 Archivist Of tts Ap rev As 00/05/18: CI CLASS) CATION C(M FIDE TT IAL Change to aasftlasstfbL'd Blass. Clay Auth.: Date: -L?-' 1 9L. IY 1! AT23 Approved For Release 2000/05/18 : (AA M "57R00460"f-IDENTI 1A 09*10 CENTRAL INTEi.LIGENCE AGENCY 4. It was proposed that new aggressive methods, new uniforms, and now propaganda brt adopted by the Party. 5. Announcement wc.s made of the proposed appointment of Mara Montero Schmidt, a former member of the old Chilean Nazi Moist.) Party and an intimate of General Carlos Ibanez del Campo, as bead of the new unified Nationalist Party. A meeting of the Party's National C,Lencil was proposed for 1 April 1950 to appoint Liontero legally as party lrader, with an indefinite term of office. F-3 ~~. The Nationalists are reported to believe that the prccent coalition government will last only a short time, and that Its fall will lead to chaos of which the Communists will seek to take advrctage. The Nationalists can avoid giving the Communists a chance to gain co:trol of the government by carrying out the following programx a) Nationalist Provincial Congresses should t: called throughout the country. These Congresses would be a? tended by members of the Executive Council of the party who wcild inform the party members that Chile's current situation It extremely serious and warn them of the present Communist treat to the nation's stability. b) Street demonstrations should be organised immediately which would attack the Communists, fellow=-t avellere, Masonry and international Jewish groups. a) Santiago should be divided into 28 see'ions, each headed by a Comisario . The Comi.sario is a".so to be mhief of the "Brigade.. 5 de Septiembre", which viii 'se organized in each section for direct action against-the 'ommunists. These brigades will be composed of sma"1, we,l-trained and wel'-- armed groups of aggressive Natio,:alist3. d) The Comite de Ayuda a la Democracia Erpanola (Committr3 for Aid to Spanish Democracy) should be dk nounced as Cor,?.unist- controlled and it should be pointed olt that this ,ganization is used by the Communists for distribition of inp uctions to Communist Party members. e) Radical Party leaders who have been : irting r:th Communist elements should be publicly exposed. f) A patriotic Third Front, to be comps-3d o retiree, military groups and of individuals not interea bed n polititi,s should be formed immediately. g) In order to avoid possible reprisa.& `;,r their opponents, the Nationalists should immediately cep .a using the Party Headquarters at Calls Huerfanocx 1164. Santiago, Party liaison should be maintained by means of daily cont,ot among the various Comisarios. __ Comment. The Nationalist Universit? League no lf)nger exists as a separat p, having now joined the Nat onalist Party. S%ould Montero become the leader of the Nationalist Par,/, or the ationalist League, it is possible that the National Syndicate and the Union Libertadora del Trabaja por is. Revoluci,.l Americana ' (1MT.4 will also join this merger of nationalist parties. I+' s also possible at such a combination might seek recognition and Y. its new title as b legal political party in Chile. Approved For Release 2000/05/18 : CIA-RDP82-00 t"If