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STAT STAT Approved For Release 2002/11/13 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000900040057c, September Honorable John M. Butler., : United States Senate Washington 25, D. C. Dear John: I have received a letter dated August 13, 1960, from Mr. , of Baltimore, of which a copy is enclusac states he plans to send a copy of the letter tc you. This letter is very similar to one wrote just before the current session of Congress began. At that time my representatives discussed the letter with you, and I understand you appreciated our own position in the matter. I do not intend to reply to latest letter. I did not reply to his earlier one. Neither merited a reply. Sincerely, SSE Allen W. Dulles Director Enclosure 0/DCl/SJGrogan:abk (30Aug60) Rewritten AWD:at ()rig gE 1 Addressee 1 cc - DCIiefa/Reading 1 cc - ERrw/basic -44 1 cc - Leg. Counsel - i.? 2 cc - SJGrogan FILE 1 cc - gkititiagellINIValag-z002 1/13 : CIA-RDP801301676R00090004 RECiSTFIY 4 STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT Approved For Release 2002/11/13 : CIA-RDP80601676R000900040057-9 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON 25. D. C. OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR Honorable John M. Butler Room 14.203 New Senate Office Building Washington 25, D. C. Dear John: I have received a letter dated\13,\ August 1960 from of Baltimore, states he plans to send a copy of' the letter to you. This letter is aloag-take-esese-leisee-Lair one I I wrote just before the current session, of ?gress began.1 4y representatives discussed therb letter with you I do not Isatend to reply to letter. I not reply to his earlier one. meett a repr. saatilata=2:14. latest 7 14-eleee-Iseet u ! aro....tuai3ptar-adtb?tbe.alliattaa Sincerely, Allen W. Dulles Director ase 2002/11/13 : CIA-RDP80 016rep0900U4005 -9 ; t, 04,, Approved For Release 2002/11/13 : CIA-RDP80601676R000900040057-9 Somorible JdWalt. Butler Roza 11203 by $enate Office Building Vashiagton 25, D.C. Dear Johns I have racial:mod s letter dated 13 August *CO from ,, of Baltimore. states he gloms to send a copy of the letter to you. This letter is along the same limes of Isrrote Just before the current session onel of Congress basin. Vti representatives discussed that letter with you at tbe tide to your complete eatiefactim. I do not intend to ;reply to latest letter. I did not reply to his earlier one. It tines not merit e reply. I feel certain you will agree since you are familiar with th, situation. 0/DOCl/SJGrogan:abk (30 Aug 60) DistTiibution: Crier- Add 01 - DCI via/read 1 - ER Ovasic 1 - Leg, Counsel 2 - WiGrogan etrzu 1 "" C.00iirtAeLA'Y'arYk.-? Sincerely Allen W. Dulles Director Approved For Release 2002/11/13 : CIA-RDP80601676R000900040057-9 4r. Approved For Release 2002/11/13 : CIA-RDP80601676R000900040057-9 August 13, 1960 The Honorable Allen Dulles, Director Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. Dear Mr. Dulles: I enclose copies of newspaper clippings for your perusal. I have h&c some experience in following the apparently extremely accurate report:, of the International Services trt* Information Foundation, Inc. and am somew_iat puzzled as to why the United States government is always surprised over inte-- national events and incidents when these incidents have been predicted by the ISI organization months in advance, sometimes years in advance of their occur- rence. STAT In this particular case they apparently found out that the Soviet .s lied about the shooting down of the RB-47. I have seen no Official release from tie United States government that the Soviets lied -- in fact the United States government has gone along with the theory that the RB-4 7 was shot down. Would you kindly explain to a concerned American citizen why it is that a secret multibillion dollar organization which you direct is without information, continuously, which is provided by a small financially limited private organization? I have talked unofficially to several of my military friends in Washington and they have stated that the information obtained in ISI reports is far more dependable than officia.1 Intelligence from CIA. I also note that ISI is being reported in more and more rews- papers throughout the country. It is incongrous to me that MI called the Korean War months in advanc:e of its happening not only to the day, but to the hour, and the American governme was surprised -- That MI called the Egyptian invasion by the English and French well in advance of its happening but CIA was evidently surprised -- That ISI called the Communist take-over in Africa, particularly in the Congo area over two years before it occurred, but CIA and the United States governrient evidently still do not know what is going on -- That ISI called the Communist revolution and infiltration into the Caribhean once again years before it occurred, and President Eisenhower still is not sure that the present Cuban government is Communist -- Approved For Release 2002/11/13 : CIA-RDP80601676R000900040057-9 :3EC104 Approved For Release 2002/11/13 : CIA-RDP80601676R000900040057-9 Mr. Dulles -2- August 13, 1960 That ISI has given the real facts concerning the shooting down of the RB-47 although CIA and the United States government apparently still go along with the Soviet lie. I am going to bring to the attention of John Butler and several other of my senatorial and congressional friends the incongruity of a small, finan:11a12:v poor private intelligence organization, which apparently does provide intelli- gence, as compared to a monolithic multibillion dollar governmental organizatiol which apparently provides little or no intelligence;, and, I feel so stronaty about our congressional representatives obtaining accurate information, that at rather large expense to myself I shall provide in 1961 a subscription for every representative plus high-ranking military officials plus many of my military friends on the lower echelon. In the mean time I shall greatly appreciate a letter containing your comments as to why a small private foundation continuously outscoops your multibillion dollar organization. JE ew Very truly yours, Approved For Release 2002/11/13 : CIA-RDP80601676R000900040057-9 STAT 7tr---4414', Approved For Release 2002/11/13 : CIA-RDP80601676R000900040057-9 THE HOUSTON CHRONICLE EDITORIAL PAGE Page /, Section 4 Monday, July 25, 1960 ** Are Russians Lying About Shooting Down Our Plane? s ageand counter-charges are be: mg made in the United Nations Secur- ity Council regarding the United :-.tatos Air Force R13-47 plane which is ,ing over the Barents Sea, but it -pnssible that in the exchange of other Words ? the whole story -hasn t been and will not be told. The Russian delegate demands that ihe United Nations condemn the Unit. ed States, as an aggressor. risking World War III by continuing espionage 'nights over Soviet territory- and ter- Atorial waters. -American chief de le ga tc Henry tibot Lodge denounced the Soviet ,harge that the plane was on an es- luonage mission as a "sinister fabrica- , ritton.". Be described the shooting down of the plane of which the Soviets boast "criminal and piratical.'' .Bitt hat if the Russians are lying _Oen; they say they shot the plane '-down, and the United States has fallen into the trap of believing the lie? The International_ Services of In- 7formation, American rivat-e7liirgiT ,...the iron curtaitt has just issued a bulletin declaring that the Russians did not shoot dOrLlhe plane; that thy ne?? nothing of tlie plane until this 'country reported it missing, that after they joined the hutit.for it they found two tubber dinghies in the Arctic, far outside Soviet territorial waters, and then trumped up a claim that they shot the plane down in their territorial waters. The 151 bulletin "Inform" adds that its sources in Murmansk do not know what brought the R11.47 down, but presume it waS?,ln, accident. If this infeoption is correct, the 'sinistet faby#41)2n:' which Lodge charged was not only the lie that the plane was over:. S?iet waters, but also that they shot ,i And if chis the RUSsianS:kid they claim to they say h.e4 ,as spies, By contrast. 'last Winter the United States Navy rescued four Russian air. ? mei) .awd repatriated them. is Wrrect, d the two airmen mg and whom "Inform" comments: "Americans ?CC .gence organization with contacts. c ind rescue. Soviets kidnap." ? ---"t' Postwar Epic IV onlyow m emory The Brurnhach Intrru,-Lonai, ('e-cus is_no more and none is left tc, shed tear. But what is the Brunibaeh -cm? Eleven years ago it WaS tilf, toast of the Western world and er?1y$41tere it went in West Germany, is troup- TS were hailed asheroes tvtT time if ,g4Sre a performance great eroNecd3 ockediO see the sli4v?/: And on every such occasion, Soviocti'llutiiaa plopa- ..naluffered a 'scrai 3 lialY blow and Familia list f1f0; ' , ly tor e Ctinniundst pollee. The eir- S0'6I1 after the enillI'Vritlit War II, ? the iTeteran -3L,/mtv.3? G af,ju Brum. cus never played- for the Border But a brilliant and daring piani hatched in the old man's mind. Why not take the ;whole,circus with him, is CS dom lions, elephant's-, tigers, monkeys, ham horses as well as clowns, actors, wag- with ons and the other paraphernalia of a equa ? It circus? The troupe was ling, wag. ons were loaded an frcus set out fOr the border :1x a e going to play a special dt foF our comrades in the Border a s,'Ibld Brumbach bland- bath orMigatittk 5ifseYmRig- ggvt2do itisa1tiAIRIDP*deb1eT6Rtleoijoe :74one of occupied CI'Rest Germany tinder the noses of the ?ti v. roriql?Vhile ? bolsi t and 7: the 4 isten*4 Krerf renrc revol pie v 743' Approved For Release 2002/11/13 : CIA-RDP80601676R000900040057-9 August 13, 1960 The Honorable Allen Dulles, Director Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D. C . Dear Mr. I enclose copies of newspaper clippings for your perusal. I Mesta hai some experience in following the apparently extremely accurate rspoirtS of it International Servicesdlti-Information FoUnletiOn, Inc. and ern Semilmittlitt puzzled as to why the United States governdleint is always atirOrieed 04+,0 IntIt national events and incidents when theta Incidents have been orttdictift by fltv ISI organization months in advance, sornatifts years in adYante of thiler OJ- rence. STAT In this particular nese they apparently found out that the fioyietsIiei about the shooting down of the R3-47. I have seen no *Mote1 tiefisoiap htirn United States government that the Soviets lied -- in fact the United Sttites government has gone along with the theory that the RB-4 7 was *hot clevim. Would you kindly explain to A concerned American citizen Why it is tha7: ft multibillion dollar organization which vou direct is without information, cont-rtcsusly, which is provided by a small financially limited private organitation? av?F,Liced unofficially to several of my military friends in Washington and they heve that the the information obteined in [SI reports is far more dependable than nfficlni intelligence from CIA. I also note that ISI is being reported in more and inot- *- papers throughout the country. It is incongraus to me that ISI celled the Korean War months in hdvsnest it its happening not only to the day. but to the hour, and the American gouernip.,t T was surprised -- That ISI called the Egyptian invasion by the English and Prench well ? I advance of its happeninc but CIA was evidently surprised -- That ISI called the Communist take-over in Africa,particularly 1v thecer ins area over two years before it occurred, but CIA and the United States cit iartarert evidently still do not know what is doing on -- That ISI called the Communist revolution and infiltration into once again years before it occurred, and President Eisenhower still is the present Cuban government is Communist -- Appioved For Release 2002/11/13 : CIA-RDP80B11676R000900040057-9 Approved For Release 2002/11/13 : CIA-RDP80601676R000900040057-9 -2- August 1 That WI h.as givan the real facts concerning the shooting iown :.f th 1111-47 although 01A and the United States government apparently still g%) akmu with the Soviet lie. I an going to bring to the attention of 'btu! Butler and several 01:ler rity senatorial end congressional friends the incongruity of a small, titti,noia:,1 poor private intelligence organization, which epipererftly does provide iateLl gee, as compared to a motiolithic itibillion dollar governmental ofcaniAat (43 wkich apparently provides Little or no intelligericui, and, 1 feel so strongly about our oongressional representatives obtaining accurate information, the-7 rather large expense to aryseif I shall provide in 1961 a subscription ft-: every representative plus high-ranKing stilitery officials plus many of my stivalry friends on the /owe: echelon. in the mean time I shFill greatly appreciate a letter containing r as to why a small private boundation eontinuously outscoops yam- ruultiai dollar rani zatio . TENtw Very truly yours, Approved For Release 2002/11/13 : CIA-RDP80601676R000900040057-9