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Approved For Release 200( /08 , k RDP8041826RO010000908 2 ~
y.L . lti is recognized that a aepdrate
study- wittth different reco*ehdatianb in regard to the CS Branch, PAD :may have been
(Ngte : This study is resubmitted I(n order to Aresent a eomn1 etw A,.r..,e_Ae4-4
To modernize Personnel A9w1&mti tt Division-support to'-the Clandestine Services.
1. Personnel Assignment Division Officers finally approve personnel actions
on authority delegated by the niredtor of Personnel. In the Clandestine Services,
this approval authority is exercised by PAD Officers who also are designated by
the DeputyDirector (Plans) as his Career Mana~.,,ernent Officers for the Clandestine
Services Career Service. (Referencez Tab A). Thus, the PAD Officer
operates simultaneously as the delegate of the Director of Personnel and as the
appointed agent of the DDP, signing the same personnel action in different blocks
for each principal.
2. Reports by the Inspector General and others have beenaritiue.l of Office
of Personnel's methods of centralized placement services and personnel
action approval. They cite the evils of file shopping, failures to search out the
best man for each job, inaction in weeding out the mediocre, and the like.
3. The Director of Personnel, in replying to the Inspector General, outlined
the proposed future course of personnel administration in the statements:
"I can report that thinking among our personnel officers favors a
substantial decentralization of the responsibility for personnel admin-
istration. to the Career Services. Such decentralization will, in their
view, fix responsibility where it can most effectively. be exercised;
, a rantee to our people that their careers are in the hands of inforiued
and responsible officials; provide a framework for sound planning with
regard to pay scales and recruitment; reduce duplication of effortv and
make more effective our efforts to evaluate personnel, advance the able,
and week out the ineffective.
Clearliy, some of these advantages are already evident in our present-
system of management. There has been avtrend in this direction. It is
rty recommendation that we coabinue to move along these lines,
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-01826R001000090002-4
Approved For eIease 2000/08/07 SgDP80'I 8268001000090002-4
that any a aUl ity,,eonrcerning the resi,ousibilities of the heads of
Career Services be removed, that the personnel mechanisms of these
oervi*as be carefully studied and Gradually strengthened, and that
the Office of peraozel adjust its procedures and practicles in such
a y as to be' in full:. support of the Career Services."
4. The erphasis of Personnel Assignment Division workload has shifted from
the selection and placement of large numbers of new personnel for a rapidly
expanaing agency to tnat or utilizing art aevelopiug our current personnel
ass ;" coupled with the identification and Liispositic,n of those who are less
than sa,tisfaetory.
1. PAD functions, in skeleton, are (1) approval of p?rsonnel actions for the
Director of Personnel, and (2) providing personnel services and staff assistance
to Career Service and Operating Officials.
2. The first function, approval of personnel actions, is normally categorized
as a "control" activity. It is an accepted principle that those exercising dele-
rated authority must be in a clear-cut technical or corttsand channel from the indivi-
dual srho has delegated this authority; they must be able to take objective action
, aistent with regiirements and guidelines promulgated by the principal. Othcr-
w18e, any delegation beeatsca wingless.
3. The' second function, ie_ and staff assistance, it; most inter tart . It
'bed been demonstrated that certain services can most effectivejy be given throw
close physical and command relationships of the personnel man with the organization
he services (e.g;., st"ranging internal p?acements, career board and promotion
p*a l''secretariat service, career planning assistance). Other personnel service and
staff assistance, by Its nature, is of Agency-wide application and is more efficient-
ly located centrally rathan than in an operating ortanizaticn (e.g., recruit.uent,
referral of applicar4, qualification register service).
4+. The C1andhJtine 5e-'ices Branch, Personnel Assignment Division, currently
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-01826R001000090002-4
Approved For Release 2000/08/05 jZDP80-01826 R001000090002-4
exercises the responsibility and authority of the Director of Personnel in
finally approving personnel actions proposed by the Clandestine ;Services. At the
same time, this Branch, Lmder :ite alternt:te title, the Clandestine _'2--,vices Career
Manager;ient Office, is deeply involved in working out difficult problems of personnel
assignrf~ents, utilization, promotion, diaciplinasy actions, etc., und-,r instructions
from the C3 Career 3 (vice. The situation is ideal to accoiapl oh (--lose and active
staff support for the Career Boards anti Panels and has produc'd o neficial and
harraonicu: results-and no irr aconc liable conilic t . How ever, the arr!.ngerient by
which Placement Officers (CS Career Managemen C'ff ic-rs) are also a cnts of the
Heal of the Cl Career Service makes virtually ii, possible their independent, un-
biaseii review of actions as deleg;aces of the Director of Personnel. Needless to
say, the Placement Offic_r quickly conclude: that he cannot forcefully pursue ob-
jection to a proposed action and survive. True, he may technically reco::nenci
aPainst an action; but if the Panel does not accept his adviec, the P1