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Publication Date: 
May 29, 1959
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Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP80-01240A000100140025-0 Tit COMPTROLLVRC.ENERAL CF THE UNITED STATI.3 tr. artrt iNG.1 ON 25 Mly , 1959 Votiorlitle -Paul J. Illday, Challasn OY!'elal Subenealtteer, CsatrAl IntelJA4r1los Agency C.;,.:mmIttege on Armed Servicte. Yeast of Representatives sear Mr. Charhaut On My 15, 19590 sr. A. T. Samuelson, Direetor of Ova Civil de- r:ounting end Anditing Division, attended an seesentive *settee of your '47,;aZeceedttee to disease our riaelt. responsibilities end activities at Central Infelligenftl Ace:Icy. RI the canclasian of thie meeting, f.t vats sumestee that recoemendnts b* MOIsflittilo for the future audit activities by the Genera Az..rAtrAlLe arrise at this A4me:7. following the enactment ,:;1: the Central Intelligseeeigeoey Act of 19490 the than Director Of Iidi .0g001 requested that neteitlastera- ingthe very broad and unuauel posers granted to the ?Antral Intellignace Acency by the Set an audit of orTendituree at tta site, as previously performed by the General Mc :3r t:gfice be confirmed. Acmrdingly, . the (*a3 Accounting ?fact ,vls continue;,te make waits of v)nchered expenditures, under the sone prIlincements that sere to effect lath the predecessor Central Inte1154rne.i arup.e1,rj17J(?,Litswevviewthe- u,_JLL__sssla-LtjgL.2t,visioef,jjv?Ctsutr .41*mm ex have . I thaw etsee *lex* is payments cane tr:? cow attentioc4 es refer the cotes to the CIA CaaptroLleris Qtfice far corrective action. In using the tc= q:.03ctionab1e pecnecte, 'iv ilk an aiiy mendltures vhict.0 trtNtpt ,or section 10 (a) of the (*,..1., %malt appaar to Iv ivroper or iLlagal oither under les or under tat decisions of the Ccsaptroller Generel.' In cluzudit ell:rfX1t:n have not :::e a subetmetilrree, of Agenz i practices Lmvs aids audit of expenditures of unvauduered funds. Since the enactment of Central Intelligence legislation, us have generally broadened the type of audit eis mmke of the ;atilt/ties of Dat Goveroment agencies, Under our comprehensive audit approadh, our basic purpose is to revive end evaluate the manner in ,which the *VW or activity under audit carriealmstite financial responsibili- ties. We true financial the alters ant o. Rockier: of this docuntent by WA has deternftned that CIA has no abjection to declass D t.. It contains information of CIA interest that must remain ved For Release 2001/09/04 : CIA-RDP803,248A1)00it10140025- A utitority: HR 70-2 It contains nothing of CIA Interest p.,+, 1-LI -ift o-D 9, Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP80-01240A000100140025-0 CISSati We =amine the argablaet?-Ic.c. striza:turt sad review tb4 _ agency _rad** Ivor conformit, vitb irrtent , to agency eel:fit?ties. Re' fa Go ager,try ices r3