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May 23, 1961
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A11111T coR,'/i5 proved For Release 2001/09/04: CI ? 00100140Aj~r1g,;ce COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON 25 MAY '2 3 1961 Honorable Allen Dulles, Di>rectcx Central Intelligence Ag ncyr Dear Mr. Dullest youx irette r dated May 17, 1961, #esponding to work of the G neral Accounting Office has been most $aneficial to you. audit at this time. Your letter notes that over the years the, Congress and for this reason tic? planned to discontinue the to permit us to stake revie#s sufficient in scope to be helpfu Intelligence Agency and your comm?nt that the review made by our representatives have been helpful. As noted in our latter of May 16, 1962., we do not b" lieve th t re have hh%d suf icient access expand the General Accounting Office activities at the Centra We acknowledge aisc your epprrciation in our joint attempt to Intelligence .Age?}ncy . our ,letter of May 16 to you relatinrci to our reviews it the Ce We believe it is appxcpriatl: here to clarify the scope of our work program prr%ceding t; t r-lvI uI~~s that our exchange of letters in October 1959. underta* n following Following the enactment of the central Intellie, 4gtce Agency Act in 1949, the then of the Agency rsquesteii that not- withstanding the very broad and unusual powers grant 4i to the Central Intelligence Agency b - tot an audit of 4enditures at the site as previously performed by the General Accounting Office be continued. Accordingly th General Accoun Offic: continued to make audits of vouch?.re1 axpcnditures ur~lvr the; arrangements that re~ in effect Fitz the predecessor Central Intelligence Group. In vi.eq of the provisions of 3-.-ion 8 of the Central Intelli;enc~ Agency Act no excerptions wex 3 taken to any expenditures but que:itionabl payments cc ,nq to our attention were referred to the CIA Co patrollsr's Office for co#~e>ctive action. We did not make a substantive, review of Agency policiu-:s nor of its practices and proc -dur,-s ant we rn ie no audit of exp aditures of 0016 [AUtIsofte 40 ;34 that Iwo r ei i i at 11 I Approved For Release 2001/09 1240160V !"114 1041 1~ 014 frybttm! r!t G Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIAalb0100140015-1 or, Fiowev wr, at the tiase of th enact nt of CIA le fi.slation in 1949 we were in the proocass of applying the cospreheraive audit approach to the activi ti as of most Goverment sgenci >. Under this audit approach our 'b1sic purpose is to review ar1ri evalust: the manner in which the irancy --)r activity under audit carries out its financial responsibilitl-,~; . Wa construe fin cial rc - sponsibilit: es a3 including .he ~xponcliture of funds :ind th? utilization of property and ,3sxsonnel in furtherance manly of authorized programs or ?etivities in art effective, efficient and economical manner. In c rrying out this type of audit we examine the organization's sstr4cture and revie# the gstablishe:J agency policies for confoxt.i?ry to legislative intent .and applica- bility to agency activities. A,? also examine Lge-ncy _oractices and procedures followed in carrying out the agency aaticies and make a selective examineticn of actual transactions is a means of appraising the application of :=gsncy practices and procedur s. It was this kind of a rs-via= that we proposed for V,4 Central Intelligence Agency in decor-1encaa with wheceve' agre4ment we could reach with you as to access to the records. ij~r work dur- ing the last 18 months has dras`rste=:t to us that u der existing security restrictions wr :c Wit have sufficient aces s to make coraprrhensivo revie34s of CIA activities on a ctntinu nc basis; that roul,d be productive ci :va.leu,,Mons h lpfuk to the Congress. We deeply appreciate lour Interest in the, posssii lity of continuing our work at the Central Intelligencl Agen4y on some scale and we arc prepared to discuss this prospect at your con- venience. For the present and pending ctiscussl.ons .~ th you and appropriate congressional inter s ws, we .ill continue our limited program. 3 ncately yours, Comptrollevr General a f the United Vtates EMI Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP80-0124OA000100140015-1