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'Appr'oved Fo lease 20031071d d?d q P80-0106 b0400020030-9 Security formation REPORT TO THE NSC ON NATIONAL PSYCHOLOGICAL PRA JUL 15 1952 The Central Intelligence Agency, in conformity with NSC 10/2 and 10/5, has developed covert programs on a world-wide basis in support of national psychological objectives. From a covert point of view, there is need for forthright exposition and constant repetition of what the U, S. stands for in the present day of inter- national tension, This declaration should reaffirm those principles which characterize our position in the C ty of Nations; our respect for the dignity of the hu an being; our belief in a just economic system which res- pects the rights of private property; free enterprise, which recognizes the responsibilities and privileges of labor and management; recognition of our international responsibilities; our determination not to withdraw from the affairs of Europe; our concern for the cultural, political, and economic integrity of the peoples of Asia; our equal determination to assist the unfor- tunate peoples of the Satellite States in regaining their lost liberties; our friendship for the peoples of the USSR; our dedicated belief in the future of the United Nations; and, finally, our determination to nmintain.the security of the free world. This statement of principles is vital at this time to give meaning and justification to the activities of Radio Free Europe, as well as other covert activities pertaining to Eastern Europe and the Soviet Orbit in general, adiately following is a general report by geographical area of the status and progress of covert activities for the past fiscal year with respect to U. S. national psychological programs, TOP SECRET 25X1 1_1 Copy Sot ?Copies Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A00040002~~ 9 S MY 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020030-9 Next 10 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020030-9 'Approved Folease 2003/07/Np cWMk0-01065y00400020030-9 D. ,bat, ar.a Aq nq .~a r _ an r 3ari~ d t o r~ ~ss~'ul. tiz?! wo thi ea t end oth jr d taro is ivW ?,cc d 1;{,t~s min ~a n as o~ l ~r a 1 o t gtz b e c g? a :, stya, #,~Z ~a `jUhjqh 0'ca e:' 1. g Ned= ~~ ? z The aWOOsEd A acca plis rxt of a. cold progrxa i,,,, contingent upon the dev to n9 and s irate na j of solidarity ani oohesivo streng of the Western Po? rs. b. fAe The greater . single obstacle to the attainent of o? n. bona. paychalogic&i. jrcgrrm io the pre enc of poem continge ti of the Redd ArW in fast Gar=Mr.. rsustrr3 i, Y-b2A ,,, oslo-valda, and H rq The se urity police forces are the grasteat deter nt; for realizis our natioml oio The Ballrn peop7.e8 reportedly fool that little can ba dom' by the West with MOPeet to the Cc n1st ontroll..ed polio forces., earcept under. conditions of war, to free them from the communist yoke. rR, The of a oon olled prolt state %hlah has employed every p l w4I and technical moans to isolete its 1 e ple from TOP ,'F T Approved For Release 2003/07/d$` IA-RDP80-01065AO 25X1 25X6 25X6 Approved F elease 2003/09841@UDP80-0106*4600400020030-9 people from oontsat with n oxa Coa .nist nations a, peo i j' a nt ideology under firm pexty propagation; ability -7 i or its system to l au; doovmutary oorrtwol on to employ coercion without rege -rd the r saveaa nt of peoples F. oonooi itc..nt vi.glancq i ,i oho&,s affo 4 a kes ageat reo: ita;Iar t and. utilization of i.Yadi nouts personal a forn1dabl a obata& :.. There amp hoo A ac t_nIea .tile 2m ZOA: Mt jor deterrents to sw3Cesstul pwo-witiom of a mti no.1 p ho1,ogi. i p m in the 1 ".delis EaA area axwe the rise of i 5 s. ponsible nat ovalis i4 a coa ap tnied by anti-Wostcrnis ? ti olo 'Iris , rol.igiou-,.i t s y and zenop b ; ecoz 1ks insta"bIlity and sot-,W. uxnesty : a i; re ono1 di utese s h as s P&Iesbin a O dr pa.-oh1cirs; i:,itornatio . disputes., h a; the A O- pt a, kaglc- au mad ftnamr-TunUbm cox oversioe; and politiosi i ptitude and is re ponsibi1i y-. ro : UL sin''1oa:I.t 1.14 to i.~,enttr S ONLY -IMM ' TS 81" , 15 Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020030-9 25X1 TOP SECRET 25X1 The c jor di :d-v ntage accruing to the U. S. Covea4 Yri: in t h e Far East is t h e f a c t of its over-all position of relative wwdmew militarily,, econo .aaUy, and psychologically. Isar-~.bil.ity to ' the Korean war to a satisfactory conalusicn and the eontix d tIi .t to Indochina are factors militating against the restoration of gba- bility :bi the Far East. Presont status of recognition andwa cognition of Coi list China among the Allied, powers is a special factor i dirg U. S. psychological pro s; l.ika se, the confiiot in attitudes and ob jea t3: vast in Southeast Paid. betaeu the U. S., Britain, and Fran m. 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020030-9 Approved Felease 2003/07/08 :CIA-RDP80-010000400020030-9 25X6 25X6 The proven effioioxy id extent of Comm i:st adninietrat ve- and police control are ad:3itio ml restrictive factors to the sup :aa of U. S. p:o .aras. The nationalist aspirations of peoples striving for release f eolonial dominaxtoa (:Zradoe1th , l4ialaya) a the poll ti- c ? is t . ity a ineptitude of those recently released (Inc7onsita, Biz; a.) a a inhibitions which csonsoionsyy lea them suspect of U. So z fives tra d effox 9 no tt how m ell intentiond, The fear in these peoples of odor rmlo dom>lna by the U. S. has sur. ceded the fezw of political eservlenoe,, British and A neri ,.n conflict on policy with r sspert to CbIm h. ~~ has U. con ntration on Ei opeau mtte a, and partioular r the large q .nti.ties of money et:led in that area, have given n'.; a to satin American charges that the U S. is nagleotin its naty ea1. aard ssious,, with the possible ? ception of the a fission to combat anti- A rioanitna In the area, truest :lends. 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A00040 byYO&S 15 Copies Approved Felease 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-010600400020030-9 TOP SEGRET 5.&. Factors that hide the suocessfu1 prosecution of a nat ion 3. psyoholeogit%3 progma arty: aA The continuing inegizlity in the distribution of inc;om. in Western Mwope, particularly rnoe9 Italy9 Ge ny me. the very limited sucoess that 1 (Aryl WA) has had in hm-ln?.;' :, pwess to bear to change this situation., b. The excessively militaristic and aggressive tors of soq of the statements made by our Governint officials which p1e r directly into the hand,a of the Soviet r ce offensive, cc, The imbil.ity of the U. S G r nt on specific is n s relating to colonialisct to to a fim,M and clear stand be ause of the exigencies of than Euopean alliame system. d. The . Achilles heel of the racial issue in the United States and the ineffective efforts- to date to deal with the exploitation of this situation by the Gum stem e. The Warrsxa Act and its lim .tI ng prohibitions on iri m Ta. tion into this country. fo The fact that our thrift structure runs directly counter to our efforts to a and. international trade and severely limits the ability of foreign ao tr s to export to this coua a JIUM MrM ONI ' 'OP S 3E1` TS 81909 Go , cyf 15 Goop` as Approved For Release 2003/07 `L7CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020030-9 Approved Foeleas0MS#X104"?f3P10-0106'00400020030-9 :L. Wbut is ticra is _ b1e tbrouo covezt m s to . t r Voice of mricn broadmgts we a .b' in ite of ~; ri j T b. What2mr thay wn proving effective In achieving our objective? a. Whether the siets have 'begun to p!: t into i,ffec. t - a deuai to eeal off tin Rusin r Ma aad? axaac from 8AY t. ati b"? our r&Iio o trn? ti received in 3,9v 3O and 1951 through Ba rt ?: Im 3ndtcet that V broedce to s a. bit in t 3IR. t areas fr= es i h tbes3i: i*porto or ted cared tom, ftltia . tries W'A tom: U ini Recent is tQ Voe, 2w:'1:? V i ? m tt tNe. v e r o jcaming instituted by t Sovic-ham corei.c r rdduer-m! t bility of the V b:. dt. tsi , 7-1118 is 1 r m tr gated by the i oa tion. obt dne ff?r*s raefta aw e u Prinamm of War, Soviet re a W. air' & m,-?a, A i ic ate that c it b as tr of the USM do cnztti lit$An to V b red ate deepite the ja g and the risk mvo1v&, Im-m-2ch tus the ? I: 0LL 819O9 cowl _ 3c>f /_ gieG Approved For Release 20690/ -RDP80-01065A000400020030-9 I1.. Approved Fcelease 2MOMfIQ8 0106W00400020030-9 ,v as the only 3 lli nce cbtd t o covert c tb V broadcasts c lwimrily frc the tic ca tries and the Sri Sp It, vokLIA he extruMV dUTi- u1t d4tOMIM . apt s time v t r t r o broadcasts n -vi.,. to he eft tive in echievi ob3o ivee? ` ticn obtalmd tjwoqft the ink tion of Soviet defectors, f . C3 i s of War ead recently arrived r r a Wneg ,y injicstec t h a t the V O A broudaasU we not suffie:lmtly f f c e . t t' t a c rable "tioa of t e progrMe is ciev d to it le &t ttero which have no duct effect on the struMU between There has also Won cor, ider c itici t t West. -A iatf e tlF/lii is zimwity amigm a, pWt~jcujAr],V 6 s cleil that the VQ broad to ore not udTicie nt t'e e0eetfiti of the denims and ati.ona of t pcaplej inside t a The $Y ian eaii 1 *a i iet that the VOA on b acts ahou2A be made awe tne.jawl in character :i SbWM tape cojplzmace of the Ukrainian atruggle far liberation. TA A .al, tbare is sUfi isle evidence to in sate that, rite tJn ap d r t in-nerfections which be inbereut in acne of i WA pr , t4was b c C4 PUY an et W ca1 roles In the o,lee of the UM that there is an alternate vaj of life aM, at the sew tin, providing with a bo-De of tIti to li ratio i from the t3-rre sal oppression of the Soviet Re a The ececti ee of theme broadcasts, however, not be w-aaw,4d in terms 25X1 11-2 Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400034-9?f / cies TOP Sz= Approved For4@Ieas603'A*0 44#180-0106500400020030-9 be mommumed in terser of iaa ediate reactiesas or attainment of sh ort- ra s objectives. T eir value lies aces in the field at praaratici for a, lcg-ran paaycb,o ical ganditiooi'ig which oervem to reinforce all. other efforts directed to win the support of the peoples of i'tbe to o Cause. There is no definitive evidence obtained through covert chls which vould indicate that the, Soviets have begun to pat into effect seasues desioaed? to seal off the Soviet radio audience frogs my penetration by oestera radio vroarme. Obviously, Jmmlu has been Instigated for this specific purpose. In addition, them we uncaufft"d reports which indicate that the recent se'de1s of Soviet seen fmcture& radios are ben ddsigssd to prevent tubilg in to the broadcasts originating fro outside the a 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/07/08 Ai-RDP80-01065A000400m?f%3ieas TOE' BBMW 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020030-9 Next 7 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020030-9 Approved Foi jelease 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065000400020030-9 So, arity : n o ation of 'votiveness of as Voice of Ame ?iea a rd b. Radio Free Asia I the .r? mass t sewer to tits Chine10? CIA has received little eridence through covert c aannels of this offectiveneas of 'A'CA or F TA to date. The scarcity of radios on the mainland and the ; yaten cf controls impos by the Communist Gov?er ent are, of course., contxib; Ling factors; i o 'e spasifically however, our agenta or the mainland at, this W me are too e'er and too busy to handle anything but the highest priority ..rstn;.ligenceo Intelligence reps)rts :inecicate that brf adca.ets to the main-- land of China via RFA reach only those government offieia ,e who are .lowed radios, and offs 3i?al radio op :rators. al'-on of facilltioe for broadcasting; to the m,..ainland of Ckdna would appaa:' to be useloas. 25X1 . 0 LI 81909 of 5oow Approved For Release 2003/070eyP80-01065A000400020030-9 I31.2 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020030-9 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020030-9 'App'roved For' (ease 2003M MB : 6AR RSB 4?10654abO400020030-9 Security Information 25X1 C 25 X1C Ar T raverl Far Release 9003107/0 -RfP$0-01065lgQ400020030-9 of . c1T Approved For ,lease 2003471W Cf*8e b65 W0400020030-9 25X1 C 25X1 C Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020030-9 Approved Release 2003/071.0&pCI -jng6 i 00400020030-9 25X1 C' 25X1 C - _ETES ONLY Approved For Release 2003/0 Oft CIA-RDP8 5A( 04P020=9Q?~ T-O.P S? .G..R E T 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020030-9 Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020030-9 'Approved For*lease 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-0106500400020030-9 25X1 C 25X1 C am. EYES ONLY 81909 Copy of copy Approved For Release 2003/07/ :1A-RDP80-01065A000400020030-9 a 25X6 Approved Foic.BIease 2003/A@8??DP80-01069'00400020030-9 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/07/0$ :"'t-RDP80-01065A0004 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020030-9 Next 7 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020030-9 T? SECR ET Approved Foi lease 26@?18' :IIi@lb1065,p00400020030-9 PAR FAST A. ,Korea l6 Has the Korean debate led to w W conclusion an to the a d vacs . or otherwise of coordinati machine in the ps3yohol gia warfare field both with civilian and milita authorities? Coordinating machinery as operating between civilian a and military authorities in the field of psychological warfare in Korea has given evidence of certain inadequacies4 Inasmuch as responsibility for tactical psychological warfare is vested in the military, a quasf-j. military organisation headed by a designee of the theater commander 25X1 was eatablished.q This orgy suction has seed as as a rdinating element in tactical psychological warfare ' measures operated both on the part of the military and CTh but has failed to include the operations of USIE services in Koreao Two major plans formulated by the Psychologi Strategy Board regarding the overall propaganda approach to Korea have to this date failed to produce anything concrete aae to an agreed upon coordinated effort especially where command and support are concerned. Likewleep policy with regard to the Korean situation has been inadequate in meeting aumnt and long=range propaganda requirements o It has often b.wen necessary for the field to formulate its own policy to meet situations aas ' they arise. Has the experience TOP g~SECRET 11.29 '' EYES O"LY T. SRNO,,81909 Copy .3 of / iC.sspies Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020030-9 T O P S E C R E T Approved Fos lease IMBSVtWlNOkkvPk$ftKOlO654WO0400020030-9 30 It Is posib1e,, from r?ri11a setivitiee in Kofmo. to draw useful conclusions which might. become practical in other a ?eas Original CIA efforts in Korea were designed to recruit, trains equip and launch classical guerrilla teases who were assigned the task of organizing a resistance organization simultaneously with and as a result of guerrilla operations. However, after a year of .directing and supporting this operation, the program was reoriented so that the first objective of the now program ward be towsird the establishment of a politieal/psycholopic el resistance organisation TOP SECRET 11.30 jam EYES ONLY T C So NO0 819 Copy 3- of SCopi. s 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020030-9 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020030-9 Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020030-9 Approved For (ease" SECRET ' -0106550400020030-9 25X1 has been able to. support, the military with battle intelligence. In ps holagieel. warfare operations,) the Eighth United States Array in Korea and CIA have for some tip worked in close cooperation in 25X1 implementing their different responsibilities o 11-32 Approved For Releasee2&09107/00 :FCI%-W[ 90-01065A0004 ONLY 82909 ?~' Copy 3 or S~opie~e 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020030-9 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020030-9 Approved Forlease 2003jG0lip, mil Al RDP80-010650400020030-9 Soeuri infbrmati LATIN ACA 1., at RjEw are under consideration to utilise all powfhe 2avert re umes to Clack the recent rs grDlth or ao Qo0'a atld b o ILP? :W certain n rican aoi -1'jee? (. L) a There is a very strong. Cfl - dst drive thravghout Latin America, It U. aimed not so much at converting the Lain Aararioansa but at .paralyzing action on their part through separating what are largely pro-U.S. governments (now more responsive to public opinion than formerly) from the people.. Comm in general presents its threat through alliie with these nationalistic and social forces on an anti- U4800 as i'free-enterprise basis. The great period of growth of the Comnuni et- parties in Lami , , erica" in''t-le trl or three yews a ter BJ-Cay and goa6aral7 r. Speaking t isyr lave`',, limed t in strength and influence sin E them'' The "recent gx ro, therefore, is 14mf ted an to sib and inflw nce to Guatemala and to a ]ewer extent Bolivia, mid W toi i .uc to` rg.6btir a'end ta. a lesser extent Chile, T moot basia underlying ` influm+rea: 'to bs dealt -with in tirii Americas hDVWVI6r, "axe the tremendous -drives for natioralisn 'arm social justice ? going on i.n theca aountriea ae "tiny energe from ~fh teas into the modern'sociil and iacluatt revolutionti Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020030-9 25X1 TOP SW4=1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020030-9 Next 4 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020030-9 Approrved For lease 2003/07/qp c p80-01065AA00400020030-9 25X1 C TOP SECRET +I- EYES ONLY Approved for Release 2003/07/08 ClA-RDP80-01065A0004000200339 9 ?~of Coj B Copy`3 25X1 C I Approved For`Olease 2003/07 ,:q Aff P80-01065AJO0400020030-9 Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020030-9 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020030-9 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/07/08 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000400020030-9 . 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