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1 e 2003/03/28: CIA-RDP80B01495R 0 00 - .....- ... ? Seabed Committee Session Org. Conf. Dec 73 ? ? Mar 71 Jul Aug 71 Feb Mar 72 Jul Aug 72 Mar Apr 73 Jul Aug 73 Commander Paul AKE, USN Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Department of Defense ? X X X ? Mr. John P. ALBERS' Associate Chief Geologist United States Geological Survey Department of the Interior . . Mr. George H. ALDRICH ' - ? Deputy Legal Adviser Department of State Mr. D. Lee ALVERSON Director North Pacific Fisheries Research Center National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin. Department of Commerce Mr. T. S. ARY Vice President Union Carbide Exploration Corporation New York . Mr. Richard R. BAXTER Counsellor on International Law Office of the Legal Adviser Department of State ? Vice Admiral William W. BEHRENS, Jr., USN ? Assistant Deputy Administrator National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Department of Commerce Mr. John Peter BERNHARDT Legal Assistant 1 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Department of Commerce . ?_._, Approved For Release 2003/03/28 : CIA-RDP80B01495R000800140027-0 1 US front ' ril ?CIA..PflPRflRfl1 itPflflflRflfl1 itflfl77- ? Seabed Committee Session , .........? Org. Mar 71 Jul Aug 71 Feb Mar 72 Jul Aug 72 Mar Apr 73 Jul Aug 73 Conf. Dec 73 Mr. George A. BIRRELL General Counsel ? Mobile Oil Corporation New York . Mr. Robert R. BOETTCHER Staff Consultant International Organization and Movement Subcommittee House of Representatives Lome.i.cumm:i tthe ? Mr. Burdick H. BRITTIN- ? Deputy Coordinator of Ocean Affairs And Special Asst. to the Secretary for Fisheries and Wildlife Department of State X Mr. Charles N. BROWER Acting Legal Adviser Department of State . Commander James BROWN Office of the Chief Counsel United States Coast Guard Department of Transportation Professor William T. BURKE University of Washington Seattle, Washington Captain Herman J. BUSHMAN, Jr., USN Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Department of Defense _ Mr. John A. BUSTERUD Member of the Council on Environmental Quality Executive Office of the President Approved For Release 2003/03/28 : CIA2RDP80601495R000800140027-0 US (cont'd) ? ? ' Seabed Committee Session Org. Cora- Dec 73 Mar 71 Jul Aug 71 Feb Mar 72 Jul Aug 72 Mar Apr 73 ?Jul Aug 73 Mr. Jared G. CARTER Deputy Director of Ocean Affairs Department of Defense X X The Honorable Clifford P. CASE United States Senate . Mr. John M. GATES, Jr.- . . Counsellor Permanent Mission to the UN ' X Mr. Conrad CHEEK, Ph.D. Office of Ocean Affairs Department of Defense - Mr. Thomas A. CLINGAN, Jr. Professor of Law University of Miami . Coral Gables, Florida . Mr. Melvin A. CONANT' Ocean Affairs Committee Exxon Corporation New York ' Mr. David E. COOK ' Office of the General Counsel Council on Environmental Quality Executive Office of the President - Mr. Earle F. COSTELLO United States Senate Committee on Commerce , , ! Approved For Release 2003/03/28 : CIA3RDP80601495R000800140027-0 US (cont'cli ?CIA..PflPRflRfl1 itPflImRflfl1 itflfl77.. . Seabed Mar 71 Committee Session Org. Cent Dec 73 Jul Aug 71 Feb Mar 72 Jul Aug 72 Mar Apr 73 Jul Aug 73 Mr. Francis A. COTTER Assistant Solicitor for International Marine Minerals Division of Public Lands Department of the Interior The Honorable Thomas N. DOWNING The United States House of Representatives - X Rear Admiral %James H. DOYLE, Jr.; USN Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Department of Defense , Mr. Marne DUBS Director Ocean Resources Department Kennecott Copper Corporation New York X X X. . Mr. John A. DUGGER Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs Department of Defense Mr. Jacob J. DYKSTRA Point Judith Fishermen's Cooperative Narragansett, Rhode Island ' Mr. W. Pierce ELLIOTT 'Assistant Solicitor for International Marine Minerals Department of the Interior Mr. Merrill ENGLUND Administrative Assistant United States Senate Approved For Release 2003/03/28 : CIA-RDP80601495R000800140027-0 4 US (cont'd) ? A IJ 1.8 I %I V G %A I %I I i-wighop %.1%.1?JIll?JILk1 . %.0111-1 X I-11- ? ? kn.; I-1.1 1.1,1,11W-Wdbipll 1?7%.1%.1 LI -%.1 Seabed Coma-Mee Session Org. Cent. Dec 73 Mar 71 Jul Aug 71 Feb Mar 72 Jul Aug 72 Mar Apr 73 Jul Aug 73 Mr. Otho E. ESKIN NSC Interagency Task Force on the Law of the Sea Department of State ? XXXX Colonel Frank FEDELE, USAF Law of the Sea Task Force Department of Defense ? ? . . Mr. Harry FEEHANX Office of the General Counsel - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Department of Commerce . Mr. August FELANDO General Manager . American Tunaboat Association San Diego, California X X X Mr. John E. FLIPSE President Deepsea Ventures Incorporated Gloucester Point, Virginia X Mr. John D. Fox International Affairs Division Office of Management and Budget ? X Mr. Richard A. FRANK Center for Law and Social Policy The Honorable Donald M. FRASER United States House' of Representatives Approved For Release 2003/03/28 : ClAfDP80B01495R000800140027-0 US (cont'd) A roved For Rele&e 2003/03/28: CIA-R - ? Seabed Committee Session __? Org. Mar 71 Jul Aug 71 Feb Mar 72 Jul Aug 72 Mar Apr 73 Jul Aug 73 Conf. Dec 73 Mr. Stuart P. FRENCH Director Law of the Sea Task Force International Security Affairs Department of Defense XXXXXX Mr. Richard GREENWALD Deepsea Ventures, Incorporated Gloucester Point, Virginia The Honorable James R. GROVER - ? United States House of Representatives Mr. G. Winthrop HAIGHT Forsyth, Decker, and Murray New York Mr. Robert HALLMAN Environmental Defense Fund Washington, D. C. . Mr. Philip HANDLER President National Academy of Sciences Washington, D. C. ? X Mr. Jon HARTZELL . Director Office of Trade Negotiations Department of Treasury --- Mr. D. Michael HARVEY Special Counsel United States Senate Approved For Release 2003/03/28 : CIA-IVP80B01495R000800140027-0 oJd rRFOase 2003/03/28 : CIA-RDP80601495R0 0140027-0 ? ? ..., ? .....- Seabed Committee Session Org. Cog. Dec /3 -Jul Mar 71 Aug 71 Feb Mar 72 Jul Aug 72 Mar Apr 73 Jul Aug 73 Captain James E. HEG, USN Office of the Assistant Secretary for International Security Affairs Department of Defense X _ Mr. Martin F. HERZ Deputy Assistant Secretary Bureau of International Organization Affairs Department of State . X X X X X X Mr. Robert D..HODGSON- - ? Director . . Office of the Geographer Bureau of Intelligence and Research Department of State ? The Honorable Ernest F. HOLLINGS United States Senate X X Mr. John F. HUSSEY Staff Member United States Senate . ? Mr. James C. IRWIN Adviser Political and Security Affairs Permanent Mission to the UN - Mr. Raud E. JOHNSON General Counsel National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Department of Commerce Mr. David KEANEY ! Consultant , United States Senate Approved For Release 2003/03/28 : CIA-RDP80601495R000800140027-0 7 . . ? Seabed Committee Session Org. Cent Dec 73 ? ' Mar 71 Jul Aug 71 Feb Mar 72 Jul Aug 72 Mar Apr 73 Jul Aug 73 The Honorable Hastings KEITH United States House of Representatives X X Dr. John A. KNAUSS' Provost for Marine Affairs University of Rhode Island Kingston, Rhode Island Mr: H. Gary KNIGHT - - ? Louisiana State University Law School Baton Rouge, Louisiana Mr. Robert B. KRUEGER Nossaman, Waters, Scott, Krueger, and Riordan ? Los Angeles, California Mr. Herbert A. LARKINS Fishery Biologist Office of International Affairs .National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Department2lf_Commarce ' X X X X? Mr. John G. LAYLIN Attorney at Law Convington and Burling Washington, D. C. _ Mr. Terry L. LEITZELL , Office of the Assistant Legal Adviser for Ocean Affairs Department of State The Honorable Alton LENNON United States House of Representatives Approved For Release 2003/03/28 : CIA-gDP80B01495R000800140027-0 US (cont'd /14.4.71 UVWU FIJI rWIlrilairiC Ll.n.h)/l.h.1/40 . %-dm-ru...FrovEm v-Fuurwiejoyavy 1.+VVLI Seabed Committee Sessiou -V Org. Conf. Dec 13 ? ? Mar 71 Jul Aug '71 Feb Mar 12 Jul Aug 72 Mar Apr 73 Jul Aug 73 Mr. David E. LINDGREN ? Associate Solicitor Division of Public Lands Department of the Interior X The Honorable Warren G. MAGNUSON United States. Senate . ? ? X ? The Honorable William S. MAILLIARD United States House of Representatives Mr. Franklin 0. McCORD Bureau of International Organization Affairs Department of State )( . Mr. Stuart H. McINTYRE? Staff Director NSC Interagency Task Force on the Law of the Sea Department of State ' ? The Hohorable Vincent E. McKELVEY Director, Geological Survey Department of the Interior The Honorable Donald L. McKERNANX , Ambassador Coordinator of Ocean Affairs and Special Assistant to the Secretary for Fisheries and Wildlife Department of State Mr. Robert E. McKEW Adviser, Political and Security Affairs United States Mission to the UN ? X X X Approved For Release 2003/03/28 : CIAIRIDP80B01495R000800140027-0 US (cont'd) rwviuveu rurzelease 2003/03/28? CIA-RPP8Q118%1MAIMONSMOO . . eaueu _ Mar 71 Jul Aug 73 og. Conf. Dec 13 Jul Aug '71 Feb Mar 72 Jul Aug 72 Mar Apr 73 The Honorable John Norton MOORE Chairman, The National Security Council Interagency Task Force on the Law of the Sea and Deputy Special Representative of the President for the Law of the Sea Conference X X X Rear Admiral Max K. MORRIS, USN Joint Chiefs of Staff Representative for the Law of the Sea Matters - Department of Defense . X X. Captain Robert E. MORRIS, USN Assistant for?Ocean Affairs ? Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Affairs Department of Defense The Honorable Edmund S. MUSKIE United States Senate - ? Mr. William NEBLETT Executive Director National Shrimp-Congress, Incorporated Key West, Florida Mr. Edgar L. NEWHOUSE, III Executive Secretary Commerce Committee on Law of the Sea National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration X X ? X X X Department of Commerce Mr. Myron H. NORDQUIST NSC Interagency Task Force on the Law of the Sea Department of State Mr. Cecil J. OLMSTEAD Vice President and Assistant to the Chairman of the Board Texaco Inc. New York X X X X Approved For Release 2003/03/28 :,d1R-RDP8OB01495R000800140027-0 US (cont'd1 ? - - . Seabed Committee Session Org. Conf. Dec 73 . Mar 71 Jul Aug 71 Feb Mar 72 Jul Aug 72 Mar Apr 73 Jul Aug 73 Mr. Bernard H. OXMAN Assistant Legal Adviser for Ocean Affairs and Special Asst. to the Special Presidential Rep. for the LOS Conference Office of the Legal Adviser Department of State X XXXXXX Mr. Arthur PANKOPF ' United States Senate Committee on Commerce ? . The Honorable .Claiborne'PELL United States Senate ? ? X X X X X Mr. Basil PETROU X . The Honorable Christopher H. PHILIPPS Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN ? Mr. Charles J. PITMAN Office of the Assistant Legal Adviser for Ocean Affairs Department of State ? The Honorable Howard W. POLLOCK , Deputy Administrator National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Department of Commerce The Honorable Joel KZITCHARD United States House of Representatives X Approved For Release 2003/03/28 : GI1S-RDP80B01495R000800140027-0 US (contIcIL Approvea ror Kelearre ZULLMUJ/ZiS : Ulik-KUViSUIJU14U3KUMMPUU14WW-U ? - Seabed Committee Session Org. Conf. Dec 73 Mar 71 Jul Aug 71 Feb Mar 72 Jul Aug 72 Mar Apr 73 Jul Aug 73 Mr. Anthony RASPOLIC Economic Adviser for Director, Office of Ocean Resources Department of the Interior X Mr. Leigh S. RATINER Director, Office of Ocean Resource Department of the Interior 110? ? XXXXXXX . ? Mr. Herbert K. REIS . Legal Adviser ? ? Permanent Mission to the UN X X Miss Rozanne L. RIDGEWAY Bureau of Inter-American Affairs Department of State X . . Rear Admiral Horace B. ROBERTSON, USN Deputy Judge Advocate General of the United States Navy . Department of Defense X Mr. Philip M. ROEDEL Coordinator Marine Recreation Programs National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Department of Commerce , - X Mr. Pedro A. SAN JUAN Deputy Dir. for Negotiations and Arms Control Office of the Asst. Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs Department of Defense X Mr. Richard T. SCULLY Bureau of International Organization Affairs Department of State X Approved For Release 2003/03/28 : ClIeRDP80B01495R000800140027-0 US (cont'd) Approvcd For 2003/03/28 : CIA-RDP80B01495R0410800140027-0 ? ? . Seabed Committee Session Org. Mar 71 Jul Aug 71 Feb Mar 72 Jul Aug 72 Mar Apr 73 Jul Aug 13 Conf. Dec 13 Mr. Anthony W. SMITH Attorney at Law . X Mr. Louis B. SOHN Consultpat to Inter-Agency Law of the Sea Task Force . ? Mr. David P. STANG ' Staff Member ? United States Senate The Honorable Ted STEVENS United States Senate The Honorable John R. STEVENSON Ambassador Special Representative ofthe President for the Law of the Sea Conference The Honorable Leonor K. SULLIVAN United States House of Representative Mr. George TAFT National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Department of Commerce _ Captain James D. TAYLOR, Jr., USN Office of the joint Chiefs of Staff Department of Defense , Approved For Release 2003/03/28: CIA1131DP80B01495R000800140027-0 USdJFarRel se 2003/03/28: CIA-R . ? Seabed Committee Session Org. Conf. Dec 73 Mar 71 Jul Aug 71 Feb Mar 72 Jul Aug 72 Mar Apr 73 Jul Aug 73 Mr. William TERRY Director, International Affairs National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Department of Commerce X X Mr. Joshua I. TRACEY - Research Geologist Geological Survey Department of the Interior X X Mr. William N.. UTZ American Shrimp Association . ? . Mr. Lowell WAKEFIELD Wakefield Seafoods, Incorporated Port Wakefield, Alaska ' Mr. David H. WALLACE Associate Administrator for Marine Resources National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Department of Commerce X X Mr. James P. WALSH United States Senate Committee on Commerce The Honorable John W. WARNER ' Under Secretary of the Navy and Director of Ocean Affairs Department of Defense Mrs. Mary B. WEST Office of the Legal Adviser Department of State Approved For Release 2003/03/28 : CIA-RDP80601495R000800140027-0 14 US (cont'd) Approved For Rel ? - .. _ ? ? Seabed Committee Session Org. Mar 71 Jul Aug 71 Feb Mar 72 Jul Aug 72 Mar Apr 73 Jul Aug 73 Conf. Dec 13 The Honorable Robert M. WHITE Administrator National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Department of Commerce X Ms. Rebecca WRIGHT Foreign Affairs Assistant Office of the Director for Ocean Resources Department of the Interior ? . . ? X X _ Mr. Norman A..WULF - ' " Office of the General Counsel . ? National Science Foundation X X X Mr. George G. WYNNE Permanent Mission to the UN - X X ? Mr. Walter V. YONKER Executive Vice President Association of Pacific. Fisheries Seattle, Washington X X Captain Paul A. YOST United States Coast Guard Department of Transportation X X X , _ ' Approved For Release 2003/03/28: CIAIIDP80B01495R000800140027-0