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Approved For Release 2 F a 1/09/05: CIA-RDP80BO1139 CIV`. ./C-24-66 I February 1966 future quarto CAVE Task 'o plan for the .soropan betwe the CTP and ), it Report for January 1966 .a ement approve a space a l loca- -ce on the 2nd 'loor which i the Task ?orc . In light t;b rojected nuiiber of pe n vT;~ r for which space had =jai; a-reed by OCR Admin. that assigned to C ` would be obt ec ; ,d the number of nd Floor space frozi 94 to at all Possible, another could be house being given the prob. on the weaker,, the *=Option of G24 toGO412and ivied to 2E45 a xO GEQ444. The next :s ov+ the latter part of space should :ae rready for occu B. Inta. ar:x t on And 1. Phase Group Chief$ and Di and preli-}inry ;?9l orientation n Task Foy. During the ; ^nth, oL I iary, all C': F personnel aup were moved from c . On 25 January the ? programer trai oIM01 t3 sc ci .1i . 25X1A h e av?aiiabl ; ', with hie Eaclade t d~~ ~r r mid deg@v~srr6~,,,in Approved For Release 2001/09/05 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000600140031-9 Approved For Release 2001/09/05 CIA-RDP80B01139A000600140031-9 Considerable effort was expended in determining satisfactory a tam allocation for the `ask rorce 25X1/ idiat,t: -.-,>roblems and to identify sinifican A schedule was set up leading to a complete review of tasks in early Fey-.ruy, to be followed by large- scale revision of` the planning and scheduling chaarts. During the ntz' two management meetings were held to olutior. at the hru ary review. Charts for each 'ask, sfl wi q sub-talk elex nts, their rela- tions with other tafk3, timing, and personnel, which were prepared for ove rber's review, were being update d at the end of the znth. the new members the In for their role by reading, attendance at and by ur=_=~r'takin a co :prehe ;give list ks and assign= nt . The U 1lte revision Of t -ts schelo for rid-to-late February will give ua an overview an( enable us to assess slippages so that adustnts can he made. jr OUP 1, days 13 d ays days its lid Floor space (see above). rid y and tol that ire" o contact point for de initial contact with E have one assistant each in th all-source seeuritj or, when it requires dec The organi2al Mont Delivery Sysi an Physical .: will be resolved as appropriate. 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/05 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000600140031-9 Scurity and space proposals for the Docu.... tainec. in CMVL/W-3-66 entail cunt security questions; these be ~~W The task - Who physical, per- The task team bsence, fir. 25X1A Approved For Release 2001 /09 jLiLIRDP80B01139A00 600140031-9 The draft t :3k description, aid the draft werkin on the au? ntation problem (as reported in r review. i reed all necessary security -, days Irogra=tin Prgra inc was programmer, assia and 25X1A The stop-word dictionary was co lated and key- unnhed. A decisioxa was made to use t- he CODl Tazk e z area code with the extension f the ac ,mini trati e breakdowns for China and the USSR created by the Current Xwarener=3 i .. The proposed security class fiction and ination control codes were coordina- ted with and op proved by the Header sta Input Forms 'e am . he tear. is currently preparing a mock-up C8 index for cispl y when steer interviewing ext . o,tta. The input for .c-p can also used in the pro raa ing effort. joined the teas: on 24 January. The prcres on the ror:. the Current Awareness task is a e that follows (Page 4). Sufficient information en r eeiv -:i from the design section of the task the projra :ing to proceed. a complete list of area stop words is still need in order to test the system. 1 day 2 days 1 day 20 days 1} days 19 days of er xrosr=rs 32 days 5X1A approved. senior 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/05 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000600140031-9 Approved For Release 2001/09/05 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000600140031-9 Approved For Release 2001/09/05 :-CIA-RDP80B01139A000600140031-9 Approved For Release 2001/09/05 0B01139A005600140031-9 ,r he f sl vo r Delivery Sys nt. Task (C IMV1w- 3 .66) , ation ran$ itt c4 wo 3M 2000 carera processors and associated equipment were raved to area G T40 where a four-week Document Delivery System test operation will be can- ducted beginr4nc on 2 February. The 12U r.vt Assistant ror ce trai rer nce the Team Ch+irmrt, and visited the 25X1A Vitro corporation to see the operation a 24c automatic aperture card printer. days 15 days days 4 days ays days days During the first week of Januar was prepared h 4h contained a ditia: terms and conditions for the leasing of the 91, Reader System. ` h memo with attachnts was warded to the Chief, S Operations Division for study and preparation of a final memo for the Copt Of f Ix SECRET Approved For Release 2001/09/05 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000600140031-9 Approved For Release 2001/09/05 :CIA-RDP80B01139A000600140031-9 b. 13C __4i ie t ,o: The task teal hays completed reviow of revision and reached agreement on its organ tion and su _ ct coverage. A index to t o c, is beiitg pre ar d with DAY; assistance. Plans are Laing m e to test the tolete c o d e . ",tivirt in= around t r;i dla of February. i icu gent will used in this test.. Mlh days 16 days 14 gays C. OrganizP-Ation !l2tionarY The survey ci Agency aro uctior analysts re-garding C ? Vz.' a organization selection criteri was c 1et i during the mor't :. Most analysts replied fav r ly with minor reservations. The results of the survey will be lis d in r eb- ru y and tr?3nonitted to OCR Registers for their 25X1 B reactions. 12 i o ys aye $ ui.tih r ainalysis was done # n erect in ildinr a dictionary. 25X1 B Study has been limited qus tar o examining what basic /purpose the dictionary should servo, and what el . ntz of i for a Approved For Release 2001/09/05 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000600140031-9 Approved For Release 2001/09/05 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000600140031-9 included in it. is felt that t indexing and a ditiona asically, at this juncture it 4ictionar should serve as an ification to l , rather th. n as which swmzary--info ation ilex can also be produced. Final decisions on the dictionary's format cannot be made until the re- sults of the uir nts Study (Task 19) ntLuf building dpdent adopted b, Task Toaam which these o tasks have with the ormr. nuary ZInput t rfz -~ Mask a. Header Work cork dbook 6f instruc header forme, aird input docu n ti .4 discussed VAth Ja . latter study will di building of the dictionary. ;a njj~~ dictionary is also Ion agree upon the final for-mat Location and Organi ation Dictionary k of 4 25X1 sore minor modifications have been noted the six r;o .+ t d header forms, T he content indexing for is scheduled to he pr_ pared for e reader use J, n uch the es form as it we for the CRIVE in exl. %v "sari ent Meetings were held with (C? l 25X1 eteriat) (Coll c t. on Gu, .anc Staff) , 25X1 STATSPEC STATSPEC !ation which are to be controlled by other ratings will scheduled with appropriate arson from the W 0092 core limitations, the program has been brc ken clown into two relatively ird. p nd nt phase*. Th 3 first phase handles all i itialiration including the creation of the necessary IBM/360 compatible, antic tape. labels. The second chase is the actual running or SECRET CHI'n Task Force members to discuss ele- of the close inter-relationship 7) developing the Preliminarv using the revised n: a corpus of an pie was reviewed and Approved For Release 2001/09/05 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000600140031-9 Approved For Release 2001/09/05 : CIA-Ro 0B01139A00T600140031-9 The ine., c e O90 is still b make minor progrant rtectians. Tostire'l Lion with t it .out the w? Teatinq using the 6092 in njc- ,drive and teletype unit ender, was begun on 20 January. atus to date on the $092: Phaec 1 Phase 2 90% complete 60% complete stingy, is expected by 2 1/2 days days 7 days for febr uary . 20 days :y Control Filelnterfaca Vgc&b!L1ji Timina t nets continued with the on-line display system, after an. interruption of severe1 weeis al to the failure of a special CRT display tube. The e eriPental. ?rk i scheduled to be completed, in the next few weks. 5 days 9R tai ske 9. 8 The initial draft of the SP, conversion has been cot let . The final copy rf the wi i be~ ~. t and ready for typing by lay 1 .y dsy sy report February. b. Intelloi4x Index The final report has been d1ss Mnated and the task has been completed. Approved For Release 2001/09/05 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000600140031-9 Approved For Release 2001/09/d I DP80BOl139A000600140031-9 Ing p, Task The information analyst/content indexer iaati _ test has been co =plete . ip,pro i~? tely 375 oil-source do ??rr ,ts were processe by the test group (2 anrlysts, 3 indexers) The resvIts of this test indicate that tive beeen analyst and indexer can be assur.:-. = y adopting an approach In which the analyst ?,tzt e s each element of inform .. tion which= h considers impxortat, and writes notes to clarify; any problems in the choice of specific ter5= s or concepts. Such an app reg,cires extrer attention to detail on the of the alt and reduces the Job of the indexer . to one of a1-7 st clerical routine The results of this test also in .i.c att the aibility 43i another approach in which t' analyst nriar , t? e cunent to indicate t f the doc mnt which should he processed in4s to word or adds a note only to i. an exception to a standard processing to u a point of special priority or a . basis, a fication of in anhigru*us, a technical, or va ne term or nco t m The job of the indexer i t exploit full, in accordance with existing; that part of the docent marked for prccc The eaei i.l.ity of this latter approach can be enhancc6 ,ay: (1) establishing a processing environm4nt w xich will be conducive to the g of a close riationship hotween the analyst and the indexers- (2) allowing the analyst to acquire an intimate awareness of the indexing syste e? (3) eatahlishir4 additional standare indexing rules to pertit certain recurring du?eont themes t 1->e indexed, ed with the stare amount of routine which is ,ociate with the indexing of 'travel" ~Pc rant " ZC 0 M, U Approved For Release 2001/09/05 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000600140031-9 Approved For Release 2001/09/05 :64-14160801301 139AOW600140031-9 lr* - .- ui i 00ployeez gal Jars a y (Task uct ' with a .qn arLd rvdl 0 ccn'1rs subtle evitviw! 01 dq t t,rr-vt. , s :ra scheduled for I ? a ruar$, in, !I by F e b r u a r y , 14 '> r . rk t? ..s gets study and tlm If was pr*part4 for 20 Sr+, prier tc, of Ps i. cm- bioqAzaphic in form t i xn ban ti vi y r vr a - (I.) anneern that the Z ov Ist will ., t s* 4hi, to root user tier reqp= pricrit ;1 for O * a :ts h Leh 25X1 B a i m cr Approved For Release 2001/09/05 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000600140031-9 Approved For Release 2001/09/05 : ' . 0B01139A000600140031-9 ption reported on in ece z---- or task activities will be Lon of the task dexeription. loft the task as of 3 Staff Assistant in 'tocu =ent. Division. 11. Maps and Gr bi s _LTRsk 23 During the t . was assigned 25X1A to this Task Tee to, scr 7 n _ elf, 77 procedures and flow of nateria13 jr. the 'i: ranch, Graphics Register. A me-vorandum -.18- 28 January 1966) prepared by was issued that describes the Map 'Library Index ecor Flow. It working paper is under preps rati - ot,tli i g the various alternatives and repo :en atia ns for incorporating the map index into the 3iIV1: system. M "I days 3 days 4 1/2 days prelimina. M 2 1/2 days 1> InMMt rroce jn; (Task 12 A sic floe chart showing the structure, flow ant a jor sc -pr rara of the in w i being prep A qeneralize.ri character Checking in test Work is contiz uiz jz * data c heckin sub-rout cutin bi! n Approved For Release 2001/09/05 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000600140031-9 Approved For Release 2001 /09/0 CIA-RDP80B01139A 0600140031-9 uctu , in n speeds and other es, is continuing. work prar ez :,.-,ii the yst t Mailitenance command external co)%nmud 1,A-,3uaqa. Rveion S eo=. raptiic `e-arch Working Paper w :'i tri t . the t, c aa&p sic Search routine a 1 ti testing is sc a ulet to begin the 3rd week of r. an rl-;.ti n of the regiair test. 1 days 10, days days 4. orr iziti :ter De sign of a numbered During January . nsid ra .1o effort was in esta lishin! oxr a3 system specification develop ; nt of a irtearated EDP design. I day 7 Approxi z itt ly 300 actions t e:r prepared January or the n=ext update of th Steno as Dictiona y,. p. ysi of the current printout from Steno processi q cc ~tinue from the point of v dic " ortf o*ei.rig . Approved For Release 2001/09/05 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000600140031-9 Approved For Release 2001/09/05(0 80B01139A0600140031-9 (Task New disks resulting f n the December update he-Russian and Steno dictionaries were put into 24 Janus. New versions of the LPU jtcess r Unit) core progr were made to be used in conjunction with.. these disks. 3 PU programming at present is concentrat the analysis of physically bead entries in the new disks. As a result, new versions of the Steno LPG: program will be generated for each of the operational photostore test program was written and d to chc the track stepping ability of the photoatore. The new program c be started from the 1401. The previous version required a manual start from the L?U console. A now vrsicra of the Russian LPU being used for production. it inserts the PRussiat; transliteration of art ambiguous preposition followi the English translation. This version is desi ned aid in the post-editing of the printo x 0 program has been altered generate a count of the number at the and of a run. The count a unting , urposas. In addition 1401 core were re_ov by shorten console ss a ces _+-,port. The STATSPEC A word frequency list of apps in two versions was generated for the., op through The two verr 25X1A 3y alpha sort; ) by frequency of word occurr--- once? The data base consisted of 160,000 words (program count). goner ti m nt tion are being The remainder of blew of the edit ECf E? S ud (Not a n xt lines be used 0 positions of the length of nce lookup func- syste. 25X1A voted to the Approved For Release 2001/09/05 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000600140031-9 Approved For Release 2001/09~CM TRDP80B01139A0600140031-9 4. medical on (Not a nu m re ample text of Medical Staff data was processed by the ALP syste: from audio recordings . 'The V.,edical Staff is currently analyzing, the results fry the iew 0 ALP processing of much of their trans- Discussions .re now underway with two .I)D I concerning their w se of ALP Steno processing. Sample text is now being stanotyped for ALP processing. A briefing has e--Ii set up for one of their stenot gists on ALP cok ent .o = , T"'aY -/2 oeessil' j TR tals (Lot a nuif ored tar k) PDT processing via ALP averaged 17,000 wo day of Russian input and approximately 19,000 per day of Steno, Starting with rebruary, a line count will be pr cjvi : of output words for Lot!. Russian and Etem(' tt obtain more accurate . st re of the syzt i pr c u tion. 7. ALP During January, the ALP a to was de nstrat.. to visitors ircE ; NSA, ASA, OR and TiDP". 8. ALP Eyaluatic n (a%o The c : llection of basic: operating data. env r;at.ona were held on this topic w: sheduied to begin is February as soorn as the new piotodisc was i operation. Further work on this t-isk will start as socn as some data has been collected. 1/2 ?day SECRE. T Approved For Release 2001/09/05 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000600140031-9 Approved For Release 2001/09/05 : CU DP$0B01139A00T600140031-9 Ctrs Preliminary ~:.efinition of the scope of this teak, well an clari ?i tion of its overlap with selection Critexia task, was undertaken toward the end of t ?,is onthw. Since fundarental definition r ui.re_ e ? for a central reference faci early been established in earlier phases of act C Z' ..;, it. a?tiara that further ex it u. tion of uld 13e oth non-productive and i =tiv , u ntly ? in the cantext of Phase III, it has been tentatively deci-ried that the custover require e .ts t be li ce- pri rily to oor in t n; the proposals, because most of these reactions Iuat m r reaction to specific Phase will be sought a guidance in esta fish k nt of speri ., fic selection criteria, the two tasks may Yie too closely relate+. k .o :, tr*ated as discrete problem areas. l lwre- been atssinecd to etain this over lap and to draft appropriate task descript Efforts thus fir have been limited to back rou reading and discussion. days Rays Ka) 11 5 Nays 2. Se ctiozt Cr ttr .a {Taak 2 w Discussion o Task 16 applies to Criteria task as well. In addition, work has con- tinued on the priiparation of a list of Agency receipts tainin . iirb c rrati or on z :: nist China. imm5 aaya 1. WIVEe le tter ryl # # nt1h-l' 1 c t . 4 ry V U r Dec,ember?? 1565, CuiIV /C-.. .-, 6 , pp., Se Approved For Release 2001/09/05 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000600140031-9 Approved For Release 2001/09/u:4 F DP80B01139A000600140031-9 D9 um t 1oI .ver Task Team Pt :,-=mot C IV /C 4 5r Confi mnt4 t .. -Nn- V is - y Copies of Phase II r cu ntati , HI' /C -12 -66, -Mentia1..: January 4an ua.*, 7` 1996 S PDa s 'COn AenLi.a.3..w 10 SECRE P. o Approved For Release 2001/09/05 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000600140031-9 Approved For Release 2001/09/05 1CIAtPDP80B01139A00T600140031-9 ustratjo znD I auar-y fa personnel, C. i' fC-17. , C 1 - 6, 2 January s Dcgc: Ciasmi , e f. C-16-6 6, 1. C.sI /'C-1 nary 1966 Wit Intl . o 'Vautcas an, 5 CCU who onne I in zogra' so in Approved For Release 2001/09/05 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000600140031-9 Approved For Release 2001/09/05 par. Mr. January, Briefed meribers-of 25X1A nces D ''r 9 on, 0a d their a the Air rorc In titut of Patho oW (A1?IP) O CHI'. Interest in the Phase 11 report was expressed by the people fro the - 1 P since they are presently oms- barking on a similar d elo nt. Copies of Voli . . I, III, and IV were su1; q aptly forwarded to they through 3. ryn 12 , nom r 25X1A faaaor John Tukoty of Princeton 'Univermoity maker. 4. On 20 Janus was the quest a la- 801301139A0000140031-9 of -lt, Beranek, and eA The CHIVE T .ssk Force ker at the ) `r t; ter 6 7. Itz t, ^ tuts: he attended the briefing of the Knox n . i on a ry 196? . A meeting of all task teams associated with the 21 Januarv) to :tads objectives, status, and c is n Group was held over a two-,day pa problems snociate with, each task. Attendees inc1t rs nni recently r. LL s i. d to the 7P as well as observers from other orz-anizations. with - 'iscuxs ap literatu an C3 I"ft1 L activities a future 9. ^ the Icnox and Ito 21 January. with th'l ?1'i$ of COl 1966w k yea . IV (lnstaflatio: SE M fed biographic processing concepts r.1: levied on the CEI sys on substantive B papar to USID reviewin 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/09/05 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000600140031-9 i Approved For Release 2001/09/05 CIA..:RDP8 B01139A000600140031-9 A. mini .._ n ec '--AtPlent joi two ., att de :k a course in U4f]. taught from qw- - 3a u ry. -cot p1ete?i a one- 25X1A course in PL/1. 2. Recording the 21 pwoople. from OC who are to the CAVE? TTas orco, 14 are presently on board; z ore a est li. sh .. Er b dates, and. three Others in Dry a is. rLilia loaves two to be id nti iz . aai the fourteert entered on duty on 3 J a r the OC contingent he 1iowin- ?exson el from OCR entered a' fj. att. 25X1A 1e C1:I' Task 3. left the ".TV to acc p. aition a tor. A* .stet in Document Division, Approved For Release 2001/09/05 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000600140031-9 Approved For Rel ase 2001/09/05 : 801301139A0T0600140031-9 urry) an January) . This bri i s the n technical pF;~rso r i p 4. Agency rsc; mm 1 assigned f win the report purio , were as fol Cantor. 1fforts arrb i ii underway to, r c u t :ry/steno for the r,::c ect, e er on temporary asaignment onmel cuz-rer_tly assigned to Project cI Approved For Release 2001/09/05 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000600140031-9 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Rel'se 2001/09/05+ 31 RDP80B01139A0 6600140031-9 1. The total during the month 0 43% of the budgeted funds have been spent over budgeted time of the project. CRI Tee F.rue The total number of ?.