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Dear Mr. Kaplan:

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Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000500130007-0 =imp, iwst DRAFT Mr. H. Eliot Kaplan, Chairman, Committee on Retirement Policy for Federal Personnel, Executive Office of the President, Washington 25, D. C. Dear Mt. Kaplan: On November 4, 1953, you very kindly met with representatives of this Agency for the purpose of exploring some of the retirement problems with which we are confronted. In accordance with your suggestion we are setting forth some of these problems for your further consideration and for the possible consideration of the Committee. We note that the legislation which activated the Com- mittee on Retirement Policy indicates that it is within the purview of the Committee to study the need for special benefit provisions for selected employee groups, including overseas personnel and em- ployees in hazardous occupations. As was indicated by our representatives, certain employees of this Agency perform duties which subject them to working conditions Ow* 4Wmivih are substantially different from those of the average recipient of Civil Service retirement benefits. Some serve overseas intermit- tently or for extended periods of time under conditions which limit them in the pursuit of normal living and sometimes expose # them to hazardous conditions of both a physical and. psychological nature. Some serve overseas at postsipiph are considered unhealthful. These individuals are members of/I-the gamer iiervice which may require them to serve at any post throughout the world as operational needs re- quire. Another important factor which in our opinion justifies consid- eration for special retirement benefits for certain of our personnel is that the special combination of mental, physical and psychological characteristics which are required of an employee for the adequate performance of his duties are found in diminishing proportions as em- ployees advance past age 50, and particularly in those employees who have been engaged in these activities for an eitended period of time. Since there are limitations on the employment opportunities in the departmental service for any considerable number of such older in- dividuals, the only proper solution to the problem seems to be an earlier retirement, and since most of these individuals will have served under the conditions previously indicated, it is believed that such retirement should be on a full annuity basis. There are also significant limitations on the employment opportunities which would exist for such individuals following retirement, either in, public Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000500130007-0 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP80-01826R00W0130007-0 service or in private enterprise. Many of these individuals perform functions of a highly specialized nature peculiar to intelligence operations, and the possibilities of such individuals transferring readily and without monetary sacrifice to other employment are ? limited. It is our opinion that the only equitable solution to this prob- lem is to recommend the establishment of a retirement system for these individuals which would permit them to retire on full annuity at an earlier age than is permitted under the existing Civil Service Retirement Act. We think the following formula would accomplish this objective, and are suggesting it for your consideration. Since the type of duty which presents the unusual conditions referred to above is always overseas duty, we would suggest a formula which gives the individual additional creditable retirement service for overseas service, as for instance 18 months' creditable service for each year Of overseas service, or two years' creditable service for each year of overseas service at an unhealthful post. Also, in order to lower the voluntary retirement age for such individuals we would suggest that additional credit toward reducing the voluntary retirement be allowed for overseas service, Xs for example, six months' credit toward reducing the voluntary r t n age for each year of over- seas service and eight months 'Acre t or each year of service at an unhealthful post. We feel that a formula such as this would consti- tute an equitable solution to our retirement problems. However, since a given employee in the course of his career with the Agency would serve overseas only a portion of his time, retirement at an extremely early age would almost certainly be precluded. Your consideration of the above would be much appreciated. Ob- viously we are unable to include many of the details which would give a clearer picture of our problems, but if additional information is required' ) our Acting Personnel Director, 25X1A2a will be available to furnish you such information. L. K. WHITE Acting Deputy Director 151105MKE' Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000500130007-0