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ease 2000/08/16 : Clc-Q6161j4)/1814
SU13JECT4 Unclassified Personnel Holding an
There are two unclassified holding and training pools in CIA:
one located at under the'juris
diction of Personnel Division of Central Administration, and on
located at Alcott Hall under the jurisdiction of the Training Division.
Personnel Holdinr, and TrMninn: Pool.
Problems of roralo in the unclassified training
and holding pools are all centered in the pool under
the jurisdiction of the Personnel Division.
The Personnel Division is aware of the problens
in this pool and initiated in Novenber 1951 a survey
which resulted in findin::s and recomendations sub?
ratted approximately 15.Deceuber to hr. roloon?
Goneral Davisents deputy. This survey vas a thorough
and thoughtful piece of Tork. All of its findings
aro justified. Specific reco-litendations have been
rade to solve the probicLis disclosed by the survey,
and, within certain litthatiens discussed below,
substantially all the romlInndations are al.),:reved.
It is unreasonable to c'...c.eot these receenda.tions
to have been carried out only three weeks after they
were made, particularly 1.4-len ten days of this period
coveted the long holiday ween-,unds.
The principal liJiitltione of the survey are the
inadequate consideration of tht.: probleAs raised by
the presence in the pool of a substantial number of
covert and temicovert eoloyees of_zrades iron GC-7
and up. A paper on this problem is being prepared,
however, by the covert offices who have discussed
the problon with the Trainin..,; and Security Divisions.
As these recom-iendations are alh.03t ready, I will
reserve my on rcery;..rendations until I sec this paper.
There 18 also a substantial group of co=o employees
Awaiting clearance in this pool but there is no problem
with them because they are now fully occupied in practice
and training mph.
DOC ,:,102 GEV DATE 22-Z111. BY 0.1-91-2-:/ I
OM COMP =_._ OPI 34:2. yYpl "..
REV GLASS 0-, ? -
01- -Pun Fogt91tg..ifitopotoa4oi:-.ciA-RDp8o701 l6i00.03001,59030
Approved For Release 20000/16 : CIA-RDP80-01826R00030015004114
t?fttvevi .2410 I
tr41,5,if Sectiml
ApprTsvpi; e e 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000300150030-4
Approved Forlitease 2000/08/16?CIA-RDP80-0182641403300150030-4
2 -
. ?
The only rxv.);,..::.-,e,adtims or ti.?.e r'arsonel Sjert-
ment san7-cy.1.1 1:iich I 4-Jo n.c.t a:.asco aro noln the
paraph nurs o te Tec tins I;ranch af:-A
C.3. That a stUisticS1 bo uadertal=
to -detorUne no relationstp 1??et'i;ecn
the t'eekly n.-23:Ier of security LlitiaUeas
and the reehl:?, nu ).:-Lor e:.4-)1ey4oes
ontcrin en 6,1t7,'. I do not so4_1 wItat
this T;ould prove.
D.1. 7111.4t ur,vol:chored ceL,t..:13 to directed
tO cah their pay (h,Lel,:s at Lhe L L-oilq:Lns
bratIch of thk, C:A. Federal crlit nion.
Thtre are 1:):ards of 61) peo:110 recolvin
those chec%s aud thes:it?It%le Z5E:a
accoe=cdat,-: 1/,' or so. I lc:tic-cu.
there is a :.'oro coweniont 147..y of tolvir
thiv proble.7.0 ich I refer to below;
but unless aqd, until ny;:. Me1,21i.C.3are
estzblished, Ia:))rove this r:.:,ort.
0.1. That a periodical revi::wai r4,port be
nado of all c a:1Es of' .7,581nt of fv117
eloarcd ez.:loyees to the pool. 1 do not
think any fully c' oared to-plop.:.e should
be assisned to the Fool.
1,1, Tilat a record of ,eecarit;, iaitiationo on
applicx.Its for cle-ica3 1,er3r:14o1 recruitod
and brous--.;:lt en dAy Ly the covert de,xrt-
;lent be s,bitted to the ClericA
Officer, ?lace ent
Diviaen (Overt). I Cc Lot telieve tit
any recu-L:o of covort s' ould Lo
in the ovort office. This iu in.volvL4 ia
a Isrz;er quoutien diselLioed 1ebs-.7.
The followin reccendations are in addition to
thoso 12ade in the survey report but within, its 5C0pC:
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-0,1826,R000300150030-4
Approved For RWase 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-018261A10300150030-4
-to 1-:;1:7..-1,--;
.17:,1 1.41: tiC) ora:7.
1n tcc-a?2v;:c?7 1-x.:;:r.)2.-clo,r.:cal ?
? 'That 141..1 n'n1,1 :Zrtflia
to CZ:1 0 f:..f:le_lt) of
1;!"'iCJZ:3, t;'10
?V-.at officio. I% cf.` norz.ao
problenLn t L C'C.f::,"t
tno c:plover..) ;xi" he or cT-lo
vorli '!:.17-tet :.;;!,L1 Lo.
Tho .1a6cklo ia? a.--.?.tit10.1 to a
of tolcx-1;:ta-1:.
3. 7hat thoctn o cd;Love
aridarL9 n oLc r?:.-oro
itdUtbC 71 2iCt to. v:11_0:41
For I rd!cod tolla
of tha:a tor.o 'LA.'" 1 1...orci.
rlor of to poz:41, am.). II:fulroci VIZ!. roarscri.
vf17 I aid Ilf,t? cot a Dor
Sollow (11;1.
'Mlle OV31VC Ct;,Inid cdIT;i111(.1 110t
oatisfloci ar;Tono v,,f.i-.11 ri3. cn I
raccdtcii iy VIoy did rot i?,?::1.vo bottor
0.1-umors tL to tt thc.v voro not
.awtLor12ca t: Lt at all.
Their 1,,,Iporlora Lyo tho
tv.o.;?,.tions Vloy ot ly rcoolvo
and Uley
cth 4.1caxav,.;?.
TO ru>:).-T r7o. bd Vro jvelo?
dictIonal. st.o:--43oi jC?13 r7..7.410 L-r
41417:6?I 1 r/4:1(4 a V; C4 1 boon 1-?,.:.)ro;2c.,' ?t2.2.4.'L
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01826R00600150030-4
Approved ForROase 2000/08/16 : CI 00150030-4
sccuri;! informurn
1. Govcrt recruits, includinc parailitary
recruits, sre in a co:1-_31-1 pool with
eiTley, es Tbis Is a funda?
zental violation of security a7J1 thould to
charw(A, the covert, c7loyees
would also solvs otbtr nornle prollens
rel,:tinz to firanco? mferred to 1-e1oz.
The recoendztios for a t--:_nec holding
pool, Tab Go should be etrriod on.
2, Cricntltien and indoctrination c,:vx.-Jes, going
Lar tvzond those rocerucied in 111,,; suic
are Lecescari to a sense of il;caqing to
all unclassified per:-.,onel in the pool.
There is no r=lon vhy Trainik; cannot
initiate and carr:)- out orient,Ition and idoetri?
natts3 courses adapted for unclu.r,,d rcinel
to c:ive then an vin,lerctandinz, of the general
structnrc of roverm%ent; of the privilecs?
responsibilities and litrttnticniS apiaieable
to all covern:,:cnt e.:,loyees; and outlining
such infon-ztion relating to 01A, its functions,
its place in government, and its orcaninational
structure as veculd not violate seclIrity.
3. EUch greater training with respect to security
problel2s should be given than is now given.
At present, new arrivals come up to Central
Building) are given a few minutes to read a.
security -paper, sign a security oath and aro
shuttled back to the pool so fast that they
Cannot be 0-;7.reeted to understand the purpose
or meaning or what they have done. I moon,-
rend that security- indoctrination be included
with orientation as in 2. above.
4. The responsibility for setting up, carrying
out and evaluating the TraIning 'ranch at
should be f,,,iven to the Training
vision and not to the Pcmonnol Division.
The difference in quality between training in
the unc171_nified tn-j_ninc pro,r- at Llcott
Hall and the umlAsLified trainirg pro ,ran at
is a difference in !rind and not sly
a difference in de-ree, uho is now
in c:Largo of training and testin at
is u very adequate 1:o. 2 nail but, in ny oElnion?
needs direction and .0ich he Ones
not nourhavo.
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-KIDP80J04,826A000300150030-4
Approved For Rei1/40e 2000/08/16 : CIA6131
? Svcurity Irjormalon
A finooce officer with a oaeh boo: should
open ao office at the pool once a week to
caoh poy- ol,cc::s for uncleared rovoonorcd
ad to agj.jist per dien ard travel
allolraoceo for soch to'playece a(d ea'..h their
allooaooe c-CC:3. The odninistrotive officers
no in the pool ooend far too nuch tine
tryinr to oLrai:-,hten out travel and ror dier,
al),cc0000ev for cov(rt ol,p1o:7co5. They soot:?
time spend a role Lernio-; on ti,e, telephone
tryin,.,: to eolve thin problem for one persons
Referci;ce is roo'c above to the inadocioacy
of the shuttle if largo numbers should wish
to con cl:ec!,:s on the sao,o dey. Also, to ose
the Credit inion the eilployee oruLt pao- a 25,i
entrance fee, is requeeted to buy a o5.0C1 share
in the Union and then in charcioed l4 every tine
he cashes his pay chocks If he or she arrives
in rashington without sofficient looney to carry
on until tho first pay date a Lonth later, it
costs interest at the usurious rate of one per
cent a month to borrow at the Credit Unions
Attached Tat 111 is a su=ory of a tudr of
this pay pmblero It would be desirable if WO
could loake direct loons to o,olo,yecs in rood
pondinz receipt of their first pay, but tut in
lc I reco:cnd t:nat~r-lo?oes
Tolth unvoocherednay be paid 1,o!oly? as it
appears' froor, the enclosed study t..at this -oould
solve this problems
6. The Unclaf;sified Tro?lnino Creun A(UT) coarse,
doscr1t6d below, could-6-aonmodate
20 nore poorls per class, Uncleared candiatoo
are assigned to this COIXSO lr the division head
under whom the cand:Tdate Trill be onployo4
as rny can-lidatos cone to the pool without having
been aseiF,red to a division, t''cro should he
authority in the toad of the pool to assiETI to the
UTGA rroilo-oan poroorncl hired as intelli7ence
officers but tolassioned to divisicno.
The vorvoT does recomo.end that the gurters at
Street le paLnted and that better toilet facilitiez be
estaLI4ohod. The sitation is really ;ouch torso than the
survey irdioatos. Preolisos are unclean as well as
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : 1515bUFUlth 00300150030-4
Approved For R se 2000/08/16 :(-17,ApirP$0000150030-4
Ufl)l3iflt IefLt..,111 fro:: AcLtrive 25X1A9a
1-.3orvicen, tcn.zro to be
I ha-v;-..'
- and iMAIrAte at o;Ice the21C: eari C?;;.3 ci he inc1-
catod that he \J-co.211to to C.0 Va_lx.
tbc,ro is a r.':;at, deal of tnnotd s?-)ace ay.:dial:le at
The Unoltssified (-:T?ors) A
Tho second pool of Imclassificd c.-pl.:,yes is under
the jurisdiction of 7railw=g. Those e 2loyees are being
given a training c,...xr.se cf six 1,-teks in .:r.A.14111-laf_11--nty.
Present facilities in Prrsonnel could acco=odate twice
that riany;
The course is constructive and interesting and
-loyees ful347 c:7)/cycd. The supervisor,
is sensitive, understnling? and is doing
0 job well. Part of the ti 2e is devotcd to c3 asrocm
work, part to reading acceleration? part to round table
discussions, and p,c,xt to projects 1;14 iCh zrc assigned to
the el,ployee from the division in 1.hich he is to to
eT? loycd. If clear,race has not boon ce-)loted at the
ter.lination of the course, the e:.1-,-1o.e is continued on
his project and encouraged in a coneral Fro -ra,..1 of
reading and education yl'ich :All fit him 'ectir for his
Job, acquaint him vdth his area, etc. The curriculum
is flexMo. More Training has discoverod? for e::a -2/e0
that an 0,...plo;,=e enrolled in the course is a DIsaian
linguist, a course in EL:3biLa has been instituted with
this student as an instructor. Attached hereto is the
current curriculun.
The results of the reading acceleration program
are astounding. Uthout loss of co:17rehcusion, reading
ability has teen increased in class aftcr class from 33
to 300 per cent. The reading acceleration course takes
one hour a day for si:ce. Consideration should be
given to es,ablishing eL-.uiput in such offices as CR
and C7.3 to !lake this course available to all c,-::loyces.'
At UTA? I tzalzed to the supervisor, the instructor,
and to cone of the pupils and later I taned to a !tan
yho has fin_shed the C01,11'3e.
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000300150030-4
Approved For R
e 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01826R0(4300150030-4
? 7 ?
h:).vo no conLtmotIve re.,7-TI:end;Aien.o. It cculd
- be Lrcued that a tijiter cr,trel cuI, 1-.. put upon the
:kind of vol-.% otuczitc do on thclr projct1ut. lster
.a11 tcosL4d.cntr,; arc nli coJi aLraaatc',-; ;and Ithould
be trcaed'az z..waduate c. t3 culd not preparatov
aohool ztudentc4
IS S? TO 51',
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80101826R000300150030-4