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Document Release Date: 
July 28, 2000
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Publication Date: 
July 1, 1969
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Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01826ROQW00150011-6 ACTIVITY AND ACCOMPLISHMNT REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 1969 V, 1. JUL 1969 In addition to maintaining liaison with the Records Administration Branch of the Support Services Staff, DID and other Agency components in. the operation of the Records Management Program for the Office of Personnel, below is a workload report for the ending fiscal year. Record ement Have maintained control of all activities relating to the purge of Record Center holdings by those office with material stored there. It is anticipated that all material scheduled for purging will be screened. prior to the end of the present calendar year. When the purge began last August, 2j501 feet were on hand at the Records Center. Holdings now stand. at 1,855 feet which includes 193 feet of new material deposited during the fiscal year. Breakdown of purge activity thus far is as follows: Material not to be purged 434 feet Material returned to offices for purging - 989 feet Material yet to be purged 902.5 feet Material destroyed from purging .69.5 feet barged material returned to Records Center - 396 feet In conjunction with the purge, the possibility of microfilming certain inactive records was considered, However, it was found to be impractical. During the fiscal year the rewriting of all record control schedules for the Office of Personnel was completed and now all functions of the various divisions and staff a as shown are current. At present work is being done on the establishment of office of record for all OP offices. Vlhen completed it will alleviated all questions as to responsible office. Records Administration Branch, SSs/DD3 will be fur- nished a copy for information purposes in order to verify any duplication of of ort x rich may exist between the Office of Person ,el and other offices of the PD/S. Other records management duties remained unchanged from previous reports. Approved For Release 20 0200150011-6 Approved For ReI se 2000/08/16: CIA-RDP80-01826R0QU00150011-6 Vital Materials Deposits since January have totalled 101. In addition to the routine processing of all Office of Personnel deposits, schedules for the Statistical Reporting Branch and the Office of the Director of Personnel were recently revised to bring 'them up to date. All other schedules are presently current. Forns Pxo;rara A forms survey was conducted, in April. During the fiscal year just ended, 38 forms were revised 15 forms were initiated 10 forms were made obsolete Activities relating to the responsibility of replenishing all. forms, Including those of the Department of Defense as well as standard forms for FOD and exit processing for wasaich the Office of Personnel is office of primary interest, remained unchanged. Approximately one-third of requisitions processed by P 33D for the Office of Personnel were for the replenicbment of non-stocked personnel forms. l?ri.nt:l.n Services requests Processed - 1F Continued unchanged from previous years with special printings and routine reprintims of such items as clerical and professional bro_ chiures, material dealing with fund. drives, seminars, Employee Activ- ity Association, and ous material used as handouts. Bequests for Publications Processed through i,ii)xary Facilities - 116 No change from previous years. Authorized all expenditures for publications purchased through Central Reference Service, Conducted annual survey of periodicals provided specific offices. Recipients contacted, listings updated as necessary and current require-. meats forwarded to the Librva-y. Dist.^ibut:l.oxa Function No change in the responsibility for disseminating all material received w S t;hth the Off ice of Personnel for distribution, including publications :&;'ceivYod from outside sources. Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000200150011-6 Approved For Relea2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01826RO002QW50011-6 Continued to serve as Agency liaison point for procuring and dis- tributing Civil Service Commission documents and other material Which is of Agency interest and on which information is received in the capacity as Distribution Control Officer, Office of Personnel. When requested, verifies accuracy of material on hand used for reference.purposes, inter-Agency as well as antra-Agency, and other information relating; to the above. Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000200150011-6