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Publication Date: 
February 23, 1955
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Approved For Release 2000/ Technical Accounting Staff `, i'rograr Analysis Staff J 23 rebruary 195 .S. "Treasury I dated 2 February 1955 1. Thememorandum referred to above authorizes the Comptroller to return the balance of SSU Reserve to the U. S. Treasury at such time as the Comptroller deems appropriate. to the attention of this office that at the time the e taken over by CIO and later CIA, the established equivalent of these assets was $444r.,002,,87. However, only $219,219.06 was In green dollars. Other assets Included such items as $145.331.41 in advances. $2,211,996.30 in Foreign Currencies of which $2,076,631.04 was reported as being overseas, $1,522. 1.83 to gold of which $651,270.36 was r" rted as being overseas, $313,946.60 in dollar lnstrudaents and 14,045.61 in precious stones and jewelry. (The $14,945.61 In precious stones and jewel are now being carrier' the Agency's books at $18.460.00 as Specia Commodity Assets - Exhibit *W to memorandum for the record dated 17 t'ebruory 1955.) 3. All of the Items referred to above were commingled with GIG and CIA regular funds, and it cannot be determined whether a cash count. was ever made of the book assets acquired fron W. 4. As for as we have boss able to determine cash funds as reported on the Finance Division books have never been reconciled. Thereto; we believe that it would be prudent to establish a procedure for the reconciliation of Finance Division cash and actually reconcile this cash account before any settlement is made with the V.S. Treasury an the SSO Reserve. 5. For some time this staff has been concerned over an inability to reconcile Agency oath from the data availably This the subject of several discussions between members of our respective staffs. We realize the difficulties involved, your heavy work- load, the shortage of available personnel and the complexity of the problem. ?ertheless, the absence of an established procedure for the reconcilistign of oath and our inability to reconcile cash with say degree of certainty make it sufficiently imperative for an to recom-25X1A me that a procedure for the reconciliation of finance a caz DOCUME rv a ' 7 . : ._ Destroy only with consent, rr~tt 'mot of the Historical Officer, 5~0 20II/ 1240A0004001 > r..s k