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Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP80-0124OA000100140059-3 The data contained herein is class fi -3 as 3T:?;I~hT- atd. is for the use of the Comptroller ibeneral, Ti enrra. Counsel, we the Director, Civil kocauntl;st a .~. tln i visiv It ? be stored in the security t'e ` -r the pew std ai utto of the i. tl F?is ffi`t ist, Director, Civil Aceou.it=n*, and ^ it co talus ne hint of 6117 -A eviewej Date Qocsment 110. Review of this docume-tt by CIA has determined that ^ CIA has no eb;ectlon to declass 'it contains i'Mermattoft of dfA interest that must r$ or ciassitEed at YS T C Authoritye H 10.2 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP80-0124OA000100140059-3 Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP80-01240A000100140059-3 The limited comprehensive revtew of Central Intelligence Agen y (CIA) activities, initiated Ir -T ner 1950. was mtade ;ursuant to interest indicated br thr! Epf, 'w' suban rittee, 'ettre1 Iatelli- audits are usually rroductl-e of ,t,rdfioant evaluations. We do havr sufficient access to make revlevg , thm overt operations of the Intelligence C sonent, but it is ; ap$nion that such reviews will not U productive of signifiee,t evaluations on a continuing basis 0;,Pnoe 44ency of the House `.ossri ~. r. Armed = rvlces. at an exec=,t: v? heartng.in May 1959. In our reviews we tre denied a.cesa to the covert (sensitive security operations) of CIA, incluri in, administrative activities in support of sensitive operatione. We have had no access whatso- ever to activities of the 111ans - v^ ->nent of '.!A. We are unable to evaluate the administrative ae P :~ ' :? t performed in the Support ponent of C1A because tae aotivit:r.. in support of sensitive operr:tL is are cot separated from those in ?-;- ort of n,-,neenaitive operation!. no administrative activities s ea rrorr r,mer-t, contracting. supply, and budgeting am areas r..,..re the General Accounting Office b aline (l} we.eannot feasibly evx`'rate the extent to which needed overt i faraation is available for collection or deterein4 the need for *0 intelligence informatics selected for collation and use in t e prodsst ptf- Of intollit ee reports ash is the jroduattos of 2) such a avat qns tlt7 of inte"Stlos Irate r..Cor onest relates T O r gyro. l and other contraot%" sb that abort 90 T*reest of a* aaamual =' pens itores of the A teW':2003/04/17 CIA-RDP80-01240A000100140059-3 Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP80-01240A000100140059-3 payments for personal services rencersd in selecting on the basis ccf personai judgement under broar. guidelines established by the :ntalli, enee ^ommunlty the spec 'Information to be collected, collated and used In the proauct:.or, of intelligence. BY letters dated -'ay 16, l9 , to the Cttiaircan of the Special . ubconmittee and the irector. :`:.s `-orptroller General set forth these opinions ama oonclusicns. :a these letters the Cosmtroller renAral the audit firn2:rxCs tht.t tie ptliave that (1) CIA is financing ^e fain Library of C. ' ess act5?. 'i.!es which substantially transcend :-i .13 interest hm real )nsibilitl, .r providiid a centralized refer-. ence service as a sera :ce of cosi.on ::oncern to the intelligence , c ommun i ty, The Chair an of the House L? ittse on Armed Services advised the Comptroller General by letter dated MA' 1F, 1961,.that the points raised in the May 16, l%l, latter should be the subject of disc. cussions between the Conant tee, 'AC,, and CIA, and he very strongly rec+astneaded that the auiit should rot be discontinued until such tine as the national interest permits stns disvweion$ to be bald. The Gbairatan stated also that the S*ba' $k.. on a A was of the firs dpinion tA&t even a liadited avdii !:o + riiuct a~ ii set can would servo -s vortb ile peirpms, (I 34 be. taste that could asks a voucher-type sits alit -, i a+Ct qns Fzc4o +~ed in the T1sca1 Division of the Offleit_ ransaations are not of a cahi':dettta ' Pit . aM rhlah: 1sclslds Jr7i OO r?04A M1eaO 2 b# Aa "Mrd~El~4P8 f2 cib b!~ o~~9 ~ 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP80-0124OA000100140059-3 not be productiwr of any oafistaactcry osaalusiofs or of results commensurate with the ef" orts i::ti olved.) The Director, 'Vie. airlsed r;.-troller Genera by letter dented .sy 17, 1961, that over L,e - Para the &w it bad beer benef i^ial e+r) he expressed regret cn the to d1sconttrive the audit com- pletely. lie aarressec the deer a :c w!,scuss with he Coi troller General the possibility of eootltuLn.g an audit on some scale before final action is taken. By letters dated `R.&.r 23. I cy., the Controller General advised the ilia iraan atri the .L l rec for that to a ed on the Cba i rman" s firs belief that the audit should not be discontinued, our limited ,audit prcjraa will be 'continued. The C'hairas* was adyissd also- that in view of the *etated interest to further consider the contexts of our letter of 16, 1961, we shsaI be xirparsd to meet with the .;u'bacamittoe at its convenience. Our sonclnsions and opinio s on the listta:tous on our access adainistratire activities of the ,;uppolit Coml,on?nt are based on prelteinary surveys a1 the SWsst# Finance, Fiscal, card I1isistrial i)oitrsot Audit Divisions at the Office of the Cos;_ t" 140r, MIA; the Frooureaent, Supply, Wanspartation, and Printiat. ?ertices Divisions of the Off tee of Lo4ttias; 'ths Audit Staff; and nit - the faoasat ash 20 /04/177 CIA-RDI 8O-0124OA000100140059-3 Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP80-0124OA000100140059-3 ILLEGIB *viewed the oe'Lrt activities of the Odfiees of Operations, Central Reference, Basic Intelligence, Research and Iteportsl, National Tstiar-tesl, and aeientific Intellitenoe1,~a-s ~.r on. a selectivo.basis whether these activities ar~s-sff~ectiveiy and economically carried out ana are it accordance with basic authorizing legislation, National Security Cour-ell Intelligence Directives and other regulations, and whether ade,uate ministrttive Irooedures are used to geode and control the activities of these Offices. Certain organisational changes i..nre been recently made or-are >n the process of being mace. it w.erstand that the significant changes iaeludet (1) separating to the extent possible the functions of the Director -of Central Intef S 1eenee from those of the Director of the Central Intelligenco Agency, (2) creating the position of eeoutive Officer, (3) creating two new staff easssittuos reporting to the Director -- an 1aecut,ye Cosxr.. ttse and a financial Pal icy aad 3NAgot, Committee, (4) creating; a Researob Coasonent frost certain units is Plans and Intelligenoe, which ' ronent will be at the seas oraLaisational level as the Plans, Intelligence, and Support coax. po ets, (S) elevating in the orga=aisatleml structure the stature of-t a ic.s of Comptroller and General Counse(T reaosiag'the& t.T#Stf vs r;... vIrioss are presently being made. We bare certsis questions on Frogrampsing and research guidelines in,. 741" th s. three Off ices ? use- 2003/04117>: CIA-RDP80-0124OA000100140059-3 Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP80-0124OA000100140059-3 from the Su ort Component and establiShin them as separate Offices reporting to the Director, &z .ransferr-ng the Audit Staff from the Supl.ort :oorcrer.t to tae f f c, if the :nspeotor General. There re-en t1y :,Ave beer si -- :' .cast cthaa es in the offiC:xle acettpyiug Key Fos:tiore it the ealud : Direct for Deputy Director ftsoutiwa Officer Deputy Director (1 inns) Deputy _'ire:tor +r.telligr -e Deputy Director G.eseareh) Comptroller 4r. KoCone -- General Garter -- )4r Kirkpatrick formerly spictor General, :IA -- Mr. Nelms formerly in Plans Mr. Clias who we udderstand 2s now to C1A Mr Scoville formerly Director, Qrf i*e of Saientif$e'Iatelligence Mr. Bross who is of legal back- #rowA and who was formerly in ovtrseas and headquarters ac- tivities of Pleas Component Inspector General former affiliation ILLEGIB Is not rno+rn. ) Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-F:?P8o-0124OP000100140059=3