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Approvea"For Release 2001/11121: CIA-RDP80-00926 U.S. Officials Only COINFTpEA1`].' SECURITY INFORMATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT SUBJECT Jute Export Statistics PLACE ACQUIRED (BY SOURCE) -DATE ACQUIRED (BY SOURCE) THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES. WITHIN THEMEANING OF TITLE 18. SECTIONS 793 AND 794. OF THE U.S. CODE. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVE- LATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS REPORT IS PROHIBITED. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION SOURCE UEN 'ARY 25X1A REPORT NO. RESPONSIVE TO 1 2' CD NO. I DAS NO. r !!!1 . OCI NO 1 DATE DISTR. 2? Sept 52 NO. OF PAGES NO. OF ENCLS. SUPP. TO REPORT NO. 1 25X1A Available on loan in the CIA Library is a copy of the Pakistan Jute Associ\a.tion's Jute Export Statistics for the-period July 1951 to April 1952. 25X1A U. S.- 0ff i',c i a l s Only CONFIDEN'.L'IAL 2X1 A Approved For Release 2001/11/21 : CIA-RDP80-00926AO05400020010-1 Approved For Release 2001/11/21 : CIA-RDP80-00926AO05400020010-1 Approved For Release 2001/11/21 : CIA-RDP80-00926AO05400020010-1 Approved For Release 2001/11/21 : CIA-RDP80-00926AO054000200161 Table VI. Summary of Total Exports COUNTRY BY COUNTRY April- 1952. APRIL EXPORTS. COUNTRIES. Via Via CHITTAGONG CHALNA UNITED KINGDOM FRANCE GERMANY ITALY BELGIUM U.S.A. BRAZIL RUSSIA SOUTH AFRICA PORTUGAL POLAND JAPAN 43. NETHLE,'RLANIIS 14, CZECHOSLOVAKIA ARGENTINE EIRi ". SPAIN 18. SWEDEN AUSTRIA GREECE 21,364 10,533 3,402 K 518 1,014 3,909 Via CALCUTTA TOTAL (In Band) P K 1' 12,708 1,289 10,545 159 4,408, 1,210 3,637 512 1,332 1,095 4,045 531 820 806 23,111 1 720 11,127 500 16,800 5,373 1,777 3,925 3,020 527 , AUSTRALIA CHILE PHILL,II'INES EGYPT RUMANIA YUGOSLAVIA DENMARK EAST AFRICA NORWAY HUNGARY MOROCCO SWITZER LAND PERU NEWZEALANI) WEST INDIES URUGUAY TOTAL :- 1,734 4,418 130, 1,18,618 11,315 56,79) 5,899 7,840 686 521, K P K 34,072 1,807 21,078 1,173 7,810 5,119 7,682 1,043 2,152 1,901 34,238 1,220 16,800 1,777 5,373 6,945 10,121 680 1,141 1,256 5,229 140 752 3,591, 4,352 2,587 926 7,840 760 527 500 3,413 GRAND TOTAL (IN Units of Pucca Bales) CUMULA- TIVE TOTAL July/April (Iii Units of Pucca Bales) 35,517.6 22,016.4 11,905.2 8,516-4 3,672.8 35,214 18,221.6 5,373 6.945 5,16,678" 4,47,253.6 3,63,081.6" 2,77,151.8 2,62,302.2 1,18,472.2 97,680.8 74,177 72,948 67,267 66,856.8 10,665 66,359.2 2,145.S 61,882.8 5,34.1 40,187.6 752 37,323.2 3,594 26,227 _4,352 ,2 ,614.8 3,327.8 21,596.2 7,840 19,004 760 18,395.4 527 17,456 5C0 11,897 1;,653 11,391 9,625 6,480 137.6 6,472.4 1,734 5,578 4,1.18 5,018 2,499.8 2,014.4 1,702 1,283.4 559 5:9 428 284 I 5 1,83,248 17,214 1,97,019.2 27,71,334.2 July/March March i TOTAL July/April 16,46,216.37 27,226.81 1(i,75,43:,.18* r * Felbruary & March figures amended. INDIA Arrivals of I'akistan Jute in Calcutta Mills. (In units of Pucca Bales) Approved For Release 2001/11/21 : CIA-RDP80-00926AO05400020010-1 P K P K P K 0 140 :j'5,2 217 500 1,102 75 393 99 140 Approved For Release 2001/11/21 : CIA-RDP80-00926AO05400020010-1 K P K P K P K P Approved For Release 2001 /11/21 : CIA-RDP80-00926AO05400020010-1 1,901 102 516 1,2:56 820 806 783 - 760 172 19,463 6,760 GRAN 1) TOTA1, (In Units of Pucca Bale, 24,846 14,554 I t-- 4,549.2 4,151 8,927 2,721 2,545 1,636 1,104-2 824 i 0 30~z 3(2.3 s! 4 Qom.-~,~. ,29 71 ` 20.8. 134'_4' 6 . 2 4 24,871_ 172 1,18,618 11,315 1,27,670 '1`OTAL 250 304 300 337 1,656 1,007 824 76u 2,147 1,828 1,7115 1,748 t,591- . 2,099 4,151 3,927 2,721 2,545 24,846 11-,55.1 8,836 8, 279 41 6,201 5,237 3,802 934 Table IV. Exports viii CALCUTTA (In Bond) April-1952. GRAND CHINA TOTAL TOTAL SHIPPER -.~ 1. M. M.Ispahani Ltd. 7,840 - j 7,840 TOTAL:- f 7,840 Approved For Release 2001/11/21 : CIA-RDP80-00926A005400020010-1 (In units of Pucca Bales) 7,840 Approved For Release 2001111121 : CIA-RDP80-00926A005400020010-1 Table V. Summary of Total Exports. SHIPPER BY SHIPPER April- 1952. Via Via APRIL EXPORTS Via GRAND TOTAL CUM )LA- 'I'IVE SHIPPERS CHITTA- GONG CHALNA CALCUTTA TOTAL (In Units of (IN BOND Pacca hales) TOTAL July/Alril . tIii Units of Yucca Pales) P R P K P K P K I. Di. nt. Ispahani ltd. 14,554 - 12,()18 - 7,840 34,412 - 34,412 4,15,109 2. RaiN Brothers Ltd. 24,846 - 14,268 - - 39,114 - 39,114 1,93,530 3. The 1I ran Trading Co. Ltd. 2,721 - 2,120 - - 4,841 - 4,341 1,20,G3a.8 4. luternational Trading Co. 3,803 934 1,500 - - 5,302 934 6,049.2 1,10,704.4w 5. R. Sim & Co. Ltd. 2,545 - 2,52 - - 4.897 - 4,897 99,:05 6. Amitt Jute HaliugCo. Ltd. 1,795 - 1,800 - - 3,595 - 3,595 95,761.2 7. Sonakunda ?,alintt Co. Ltd. 4, 151 - 2,866 - - 7,017 - 7,017 88, l 73 8. 1?ast Hcngal Jute Jig & Shl~,~. Co. Ltd. 5,237 - 5,2tt7 - 5,217 84,203 9. ('Ii ittagong 1)1 g. & Shpg, ('u. Ltd. 8,279 41 8,279 41 8,:111,8 79,191,4 10. The Naravanganj Co. Ltd. 8,83(1 - 9,636 - 9,6:4; 67,458 1 L Saidl'ur Raliugs Ltd. 6,2)1 - 250 159 6,451 159 6,578.2 60,782.8 12. Lazarus ('o. Ltd. 1,(5t - 2,853 4,309 - 4,3) 9 . E9 O,t~.2 13. DufIits & I?lndale Ltd. 2,147 - 3( 2,510 - 2,510 43,619 14. S. M. Hanif ( Dacca ) Ltd. 1:3 - 3,039 3,052 - 3,02 39,928.6 15. 'I'olaram Iiachhraj . - 39,635.8 16. Sarishabari J,tte'I'rading ('o. Ltd. 1,657 9 1,664.2 :47,837.6 17. Askarau Hausraj 372 - 173 545 436 :35,9.8.2 18. Nikhli Jute Piing (Pak) Ltd. 4,200 4,200 - 4,200 :30,126 19. The ~hit'u;on:~ Co. Ltd 3 927 - . , 3,927 - 3,927 26,729 20. Dacca Jute Trading Co. Ltd. 559 2,099 559 12,099 2,238.2 .Z 727,4 2i. I'ni'.(d lift tihit)ping Co 1,748 - 1,748 - 1,748 25 255 G 22. A. Raltntan A. Ghan1. 337 - 560 897 _ 897 , . 23,766 23. lurid S()ts Ltd. 250 :04 250 304 493.2 20,9.6 24. Muralidhar Bauechand. 20,141 25. Dinajpur h;sl)ort Import Co. 168 - 1,012 1,180 944 19,258 26. Binjraj Gangabishan (Pak) Ltd. 600 600 480 18,117.6 27. Bhannoora Jute Baling Co. 16,645.6 28. Indo Pakistan Corporation Ltd. 760 760 760 16,534 29. Eulchand hlanikchand. 16,434.2 30. Eastern Jute Haling Co. Ltd. aUI) 300 - dOu 15,944 31. A. H. Bhuiya & Co, Ltd. 1 828 , 1,828 - 1,828 15,789 32. 1liashraqui Jute Baling Co. 140 1,000 - 1,140 - 1,140 15,745 33. Orient Jute Press Co. Ltd. 824 1,000 - 1,824 - 1,824 15,541 34. Indarchand Jcthmall. 203 414 50 617 50 657 14,577.6 35. G. Das & Co. Ltd, 80 80 64 13,712.6 36. Khyaliram Jagannath. 1:?, 268, 4 37. Brijlal Nandkishore. 2.4 12,970.4 36. Pakistan Jute Baling Co. 70 70 56 11,648.8 39. I1landco Jute Baling Co. Ltd. 8,365 40. Eastern Produce Co. Ltd. 6,308.8 41. 111aganmali Kushaichand. 6,233.6 42, Transocean Asia. 6,050.4 43 Dada Ltd . . 1,000 1.000 1,000 5,806 412 412 329.6 5,082.4 45. A. Rahman & Co. 399 399 399 4,527 46. Limton Jute Baling (Pak) Ltd. 250 250 250 4,433 47, Jute Traders Ltd. I 33 I 33 106.4 2,899,2 48. Tolaranr Bachhraj Ltd. 750 49. Chandanmall Kishanlall. 500 50. Shafi & Sons. 308 51. Hussain Lbrahinr. 249.6 52. Non-Members of the P. J. A. 19,463 6,760 3,777 3,835 - 23,240 10,595 31,716 4,58,738 TOTAL ... 1,18,618 11,315 56,790 5,899 7,840 1,83,248 X17,214 1,97,019.2 27,7] ,334.2 *March 5garec Amended Approved For Release 2001111121 : CIA-RDP80-00926A005400020010-1 Table-Il. Exports via CHITTAGONG April-1952 SHI1>P1 RS P K P K P K P K P K P K P K F K P K P K P K P K P K P 1. R;;Ili Brot11Lr; Ltd. 1010 162~2 101 510 29:i 869 598 302 1931 2. I. M. I r.ahani Ltd. 7.;76 462 62':6 590 3. The Naravanganj Co. Ltd. 6356 (785 505 860 430 4, Chittagong Baling & Shipping Co. Ltd. 126 4760 317 352 1024 5. Saidpur Ba]ings Ltd. 340 413 1119 3652 1636 6 East Bengal Jute Baling Shipping Co Ltd 5C0 886 10 . . . 250 903 2080 7. International Trading Co. .1S7 1444 1311 934 6"r0 8. Sonakunda Baling Co. Ltd. 2885 1161 99 9. The Chittagong Co. Ltd. 1417 200 699 1000 2;33 10. The 1liran Trading Co Ltd. 2721 11. R. Sim & Co. Ltd. 1600 724 85 275 12. Dacca Jute Trading Co. Ltd. 559 1771 13. IJulTus & Laudale Ltd. 250 421 c7 779 50o 14 131ntiva & Co. Ltd. R A 228 . . . 1600 15. Amin jute baling Co. Ltd. 50 96 1641 16. Luited Jute Shipping Co. 949 799 17. Lazarus Co. Ltd. 35J 749 18. Sarishahari Jute Trading Co. Ltd. 57.' 250 p 5 250 19, Uncut Jute Press Co. Ltd. 8 876 20. Indo Pakistan Corooration Ltd. 21. Farid Sons Ltd. 250 o1 22. Raman & Co. 1S4 . 215 23. ~. Lahir.an A. Ghaui. 133 204 24. Ramdeo Kedarnath 140 -48 25. Eastern Jute Baling Co Ltd. 300 26. Askaran Hanraj. 2207 27. Indarchand Jethmal. 203 28. Mashraqui Jute Baling Co. 140 29. Diuaj cur Exuort Import Co. 168 30. jute Traders Ltd. 13:3 31. G. Das & Cc. Ltd. 80 32. S. 11. llai~i: acCa; Ito. 13 33. L'::ai a:idKisiwre. 3 34. dun-OtmLer_ of the 1. J..1. 4u,11 12C 124 515 569 3H75 70 1416 2948 I (4o 483 1960 200 3023 220 140 :152 TU'1'AL :- 23,111 720 21,364 518 16,800 1.777 10,533 1.014 8.223 70 34.2 3.9395.x!7,4 4,045 531 3418 - 4,352 - 3,925 - 3,413 - 3,029 140 1,901 K lay 217 50 402 51 SHIPPERS 1. Ralli Brothers Ltd. 2, 1L M Ispahani Ltd. 3. Nikhli Jute Baling (Pak) Ltd. 4. S. M. Hanif ( Dacca) Ltd. 5. Souakuuda Baling Co. Ltd. 6. Lazarus Co. Ltd. 7. R. Situ & Co. Ltd. 8. The 1liran Trading Co. Ltd. 9. Amin Jute Baling Co. Ltd. 10. Iutcruatioual 1'radiug Co. 11. Dada Ltd. 12. 1lashraqui Jute Baling Co. L3. Orient Jute Press Co. Ltd. 14, Dinajpur Export Import Co. 15. The Nara}auganj Co. Ltd. 1 n. Sa~ishabari Jute Trading Co. Ltd. 17. A. Rahman A. Ghani i8. I;iujraj Gaugabishan (Pak) Ltd. 19. Indarchaud Jethmall 20. Saidpar Baliugs Ltd. 21. Dt;tiu & Landale Ltd. 22. Li:uton Jute Baling (Pak) Ltd. A" arau Ilausraj 21. Pakistan Jute Baling Co. 25. Nou-:'\iaubers of the P. J. A. TOTAL : 12,708 1,289 11,127 500 10,515 159 4,408 ,210 3,637 E 512 3,020 P K P. K 2879 1999 8461 1728 $125 250 675 ! 500 850! i 93 475 ~ Approved For Release 2001111121 : CIA-RDP80-00926A005400020010-1 Table III. Exports via CHALNA. April-1952. P K P K P K P I K P i 4590. 1000 2800' 210 619 250: 2289! 575 75 600 500 2120 550 1000 250, s00 20' 560 560 a z GRAND c TOTAL P K P I K 1' K z x :tr 41 W - U (In units of q z w r W x z TOTAL Pucca Bales) ;.L x .11 t!1 q Z P i 14,268 14,268 1000 12,018 i 12,018 248 4,200 4,200 250 3,0.39 3,039 25~t 295 200 247 2,866 2;866 249 500 27 521 2,653 2,653 400 124 300 677 2,852 2,352 I I 2,120 2,120 1,800 1,800 750 1,500 1,500 1,000 1,000 250 1,000 1,000 250 1,000 1,000 1,012 809.6 500 800 800 5tO 560 560 600 480 164 , 50 414 50 454 250 159 377.2 363 363 250 250 I 7:3 173 138.4 70 56 610 872 386 524 625 130 3,777 3,835 6,845 1,598 610 i 1,332 1,095 2,200 686 524 951 625 527 130 56,700 5,899 61,509.2 283 j . Approved For Release 2001111121 : CIA-RDP80-00926A005400020010-1 ,,'y'l.t LIMITED. '- Vf, ., k! 19ipU PAKISTAN JUTE ASSOCIATION ( Narayangaoj, East Pakistan ) JUTE EXPORTS STATISTICS Table 1.-Monthly Totals of Jute Exports July 1951 to April 1952 INDEX. Table I. Monthly Totals of Jute Exports to all destinations July to April, 1952. Tables II-IV. Exports during April 1952, showing shipment figures for each member firm separately, with destinational totals. II. Via Chittagong. III. ? Chalna. 1V. ? Calcutta in Bond. Table V. Summary of Total overseas Exports by each member firm . during April, with cumulative totals for the season 1951-1952. Table VI. Summary of Total exports country by country during April, with cumulative totals for the season 1951-1952. N. B. Figures are given in bales and are compiled when actually shipped. P - PUCCA BALES. K - KUTCHA BALES. Totals calculated on the basis of 5 Kutcha Bales equal to 4 Pucca Bales. Figures for Arrivals of Pakistan Jute in Calcutta are based on the monthly statistics issued by the Bengal Chamber of Commerce. OVERSKAS EXPORTS Via Via ICHLTTAGONG CHALNA INDIA Arrivals of Pakistan jute in Calcutta Mill (In units of Pucca Bales) K P JULY 48,399 9,149 10,815 6,457 2,516 61,730 15,606 74,214.8 1,88,978.15 AUGUST 44,049 15,997 39,355 24,464 3,280 1,133 86,684 41,594 1,19,959.2 2,10,296.67 SEPTEMBER 1,50,494 57,578 80,915 26,324 2,074 1,851 2,33,483 85,753 3,02,085.4 2,89,538.89 OCTOBER 1,1 1,372 63,761 94,443 37,517 1,587 10 3,07,402 1,01,288 3,88,432.4 2,47,479.55 NOVEMBER 2,2Z 696 86,003 1,11,122 58,288 6,976 2,017 3,45,794 1,46,308 4,62,840.4 2,11,515.78 DECEMBER 1,52,4515 34,785 49,991 28,497 16,465 622 2,18,918 63,904 2,10,041.2 97,935.26 JANUARY 173,379 41,329 1,10,711 70,629 9,759 1,164 2,93,849 1,13,122 3,84,346.6 1,14,393.26 PEBRUARY 1,43,945 43,201 1,05,309 28,283 5,512 2,54,766 71,484 3,11,953.2 1,55,23;1.48 MARCH 1,13,270 14,413 1,15,664 21,138 3,067 2,32,001 35,551 2,60,44f.8* 1,29,835,33* APRIL 1,18,618 11,315 56,790 5,899 7,840 1,83,248 17,214 1,97,0 19.2 27,226.81 TOTAL 13,83,67 3,77,531 7,75,121 3,07,496 59,076 6,797 22,17,87 5,9 1,824 27,71,334.2 16,'3,433.18 Via CALCUTTA (IN BOND) TOTAl. GRAND TOTAL (In units of Pucca Bales) February & March figures ameuded. Pioneer Pre.., Dieca. Approved For Release 2001111121 : CIA-RDP80-00926A005400020010-1 Sailing, During The Month of April. EX CNITTAGONG. Name of Sailed Pucca Kutch Vessel. on Bales Bales Clan Kenneth. 2.4.52. 24,920 2,556 Mv. Bali. 8.4.52. 18,655 3,208 Exchequer. 9.4.52. 1,600 Warla. 10.4.52. 12,136 70 Clan Macbride. '20.4.52. 30,981 3,704 Myrtlebank. 24.4.52. 27,343 1,771 C/O. Chester. 26.4.52. 2,983 Grand Total : - 118,618 11,315 EX CNALNA. Name of Sailed Pucca Kutcha Vessel. on Bales. Bales. S/s. "City of Glasgow 10.4.52. 17074 2240 Srs "City of Christiania". 2.4.52. 5408 500 S/S "Mong;lia" 18.4.52. 9337 1122 SAS "Halizones" 19,4.52. 10476 5C0 S/S "Steel ArchitecN 10.4.52. 3372 - SfS "Rebeverett" 19.4.52. 1898 610 SI S "City of Durban" 27.4.52. 6813 403 MJV "Ceylon" 25.4.52. 2412 524 Graud Total :- 56790 5899