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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
March 11, 1954
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COUNTRY TOPIC__ Approved For Release 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-00810A003900010006,2 CLASSi Fl CAM East Germem_ PFPORT NO.. lilitarv 3nformation from Potsdam 25X1 r, 614813 EVALUATION 25X1 --2)1.11C E. OBTA1NED_:.. 25X1 - DATE OF CONTENT T.' to 3-9:FrabrtrY 19 54 - DATE- OBTAINED._ ? - DATE -PREPARED? ' : REFERENCES - 25X1 PAGES _:...__;ENCLOSUi- 6 (NO. & TyPE) REMARKS 11 March 1954 ,t - ' 25X1 y-f , 25X1 25X1 On 19 February, 2O of abou,t 120%to 140 ,20-rime-me-versr 16Ltruck 2 L'ield kitchens and about 250 trceps Wer:.4 loaded onto an uneetendned ot flatcars and 9 boxcars at the Potsdam fret stationd 11,1e t.,, iel-i, ,?ward Wildpi. ..c /After 17- February,. the southors'seeer4 ,-..2 :'cic.: De- lius Kaserne (2269) was again ligthed 70 to 80 peroent-4hi1e, rrior to :7 Yebrwiry, ' ' section was-lights4 only about 20 percent. Fresh imprints of il.,..rks led to the barracks installation from the direetidn of Wildpark oril7 Pebrnery.--Four trueko 25X1 heft the'inStallation 25X1 lAfter 17 Febr,lary, the -northern -section 0'2 '',;11,..; 4)a:dm: K.uerfle 25X1 (2289) was about 40 to 50 percent lightsd,at'nightfli& Free'vimpr-intS,or tracs- also led to the installation from the direction 'of-ifildpark.)- 2. On 15 February, the Kris Sehule (2288) was occu4ed. Sentries observed wore rod- -bordsied'bleck epaulets including some with roto transportinsignia. Eo en 3 and 15 February, about 60 soldiers r,:racticed-marchin-in the ,barracks yard and about 25X1 25 troops trained with 3 x 120 -mm mortars 'on Bornstedter Feld. Trucke 25X1 I I!ere parked near the mortirs. On 4 and 5_February?*2 x 37-mm AA guns tiltoo-. in front of the halls and, along the wall and fence, ,about 30 mortars and about 40' , trucks were parked.1 25X1 25X1 25X1 3, On 15 Februarr, 'the Adolf Hitler alserno (2287) was occupied.. Sentries were red-bor dered black epaulets with tank insignia. On 5 Febroart,"about 50 sol:liors drilled at group level in the barracks area. Forty other seldiers'trained with tto tanks and about 60 soldiers wearing ed bordered black epaulets with tar.k 1 4i7rLLe left the installation toward Bornstedter Feld./ 4., On 15 February, the Hohenlohe Kaserne (2291) was about 40 percent lighted' at dusk. Sentries wore red-bordered black epaulets with tank insignia. NO training activity was noticed in the barracks yard./ 50 After the Ludendorff Kaserne (2292) was vacated on 10 February, it was again about 50 to 50 percent lighted at dusk after 13 Ft,bruary. Sentries wore rod-berdered black Approved For Release 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-00810A003900010006-2 Approved For Release 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-00810A003900010006-2 SECRET/ . - 2 - epaulets with motor transport inaignia. No training activity was noticed. 6. On 16 February, the Hohenlohe. Xaserne (2291) quartered about 400 men who wore red-bordered black epaulets with rotor transport insimia. No training activity was noticed, 01 13 February, 3 trucks lero parkc,d i4 the barracks yard.'" 7. On 16 February, /the Kavallerle 3cbule (2261) in Kral,..pnitz Wir; cloe,led by 6,000 to 7,000 troop. who wore re4-bordered black opaulots with tall? signal or motor transport insignia. On 22 February, no training ac;Ivity wae noised in the barracks area. Outside the barracks arca in the traLninF. area north of the installatioe? about 1,000 troops onemed in trainink. Several pronps (11: soldiers were seen east of Fahrlandd 25X1 lOn 13 :?ebruary,,-no train!n activity wns not.dosd 11. the barracks area. About t!,0 sold jars Ceparted through the eastern gate toward Dullen- winkel.3 . 25X1 25X1 8. On /2 February, the Adolf Hitler ZaSerne (2297) was occupied by about 1,000 troops ? ? - who wore red-bordered black epaulets inclUding some with tank and moter transport insignia. About 90 soldiers engaged in radio training in the installatien, and abou ?AO so1dier5: eft the installation toward Bernstedtsr Feld, on 9 aW.4 12 Febranry. 25X1 9. 25X1 25X1 On 12 Feruary, the Kriegs Schule (2288) was occupied by about 1,2O0 troops who were red-bordered black epaulets some with artillery or motor tranoport insignia. Gm 9 February,. about 30 to 40 mortars and about 40 trucks were pared in the yprq, i On 12 !iorruar7 auout, 25 soiolers sraanea in ,,,a i.,,,4?,,,.owe ,-/oLo.. :A- bout 40 other solliersyith-s,ades entered the installation froa,, rc.Jrnatter Pold and about 120 soldiers redIved trainin in the torrain OA Bornstadter Pold. 0 10. On 13 February,' the Adolf Hitler Kflaerne (2287) was occupied 1"oy trcapo who wore. red..bordered black epaulets includLng BDM with on or motor. transport insignia... On 10 February, about 30 soldiers .zrained with as protective ogulment? and on 11.. February, 25 soldiers construct,i4 wooden ,'eds.. Two canvas-covered tanks were par-d in two of the bar s already oomplet(td.I 25X1 11, Oa 13 February, the Erlegs Schule (2288) was occupied. by troops who were rod.,borderod black epaulets including some with artillery pr motor transport insignia. About 4 x 120-Mm mortars were seen in the barraeka area. On 10 February, about 20 soldiers cleaned. mortars. On 12 February, about 40 soldiers eRtered the Installation. from the direction ck Bortin. No vehicular traffic was noticed Approved For Release 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-00810A003900010006-2 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-00810A003900010006-2 SECHET/' 25X1 12. On 10 February, the Ludendorff Kaserne (2292) quartered about 500 troops' who wore red-bordered black epaulets with artillery insignia, and some soldierevea _ny blackbordered black epaulets No trainiw: activity was noticed./ 13. ,.On 10 February, the Hohenlohe Ksserne (2291) quartered about 500 troops wfo wore - red-bordered bleak epR1ulets in nsimti cluding some with artillery i'a. No training . 0-- activity was noticed. 4?? 25X1 r4 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 On 10 February, the, Polizoi Kaaerne (2285) was occupied by about 500 troops who wore red-bordered black epaulets, most of then with artillery insignia. No training activity was noticed. 04 10 February, .the southern section of the Leibgarde ?Husaren,Kaserne (2282) -quarte red about 500 troops who were black,-bordered critheon epaulets and some red-bordered black epaulets.! On 13 February, the Kavallerie Schule in Krampnitz (2261) was oc,,,upied, Sentries seen wore red-bordered black epaulets including some with tank ilsiunia. On 10 February, 6 truckstowing 57-na PT crams am- each carrying 12 soldisrs left the ilstal- lation, On U. February, a column of 7 armored oProonne Ear auer ore olrard Kartzow.I on 13 February, heavy guns wore loaded at the Potsdam freiht,:. - on 16 February, 3.froight ear; with troops 4z16 .i---wow-irea.olactc epaulets, aria an urdetermined number of flatc;-Ars with about 10 x 122-mm field guns, about 10 Trims movers, 2 field kitchens and several trueko 25X1 were soen passing,. Warder railroad station en route toward 1,,Terder. the 25X1._ 6.3d Oth7 Tank Rogt-of. the 10th Gda 7ank Div cEl.n be held in. the Moir Hitler Kaoerne and -'67!_e 229th Ode Mort Ret and 359th Oda AAA RagL of the division in the Kriogs 25X1 3,0Frap.J07!- Gomare0. -with ?previoas infcTmation, the occw..._at1;.ors of these barracks iaf-;tallations. 25X1 report indioatse no ;hviagee in Approved For Release 2003/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-00810A003900010006-2 25X1