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Publication Date: 
January 19, 1954
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Approved For Release 2004/02/19 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA003500570009-2 CLASSIFICATION.- East, Germany Co U NTR`(--.,.....,., a.. _ 1.. On 18 December l`?53, the Dam 'i .iegerhorst installation near Jueterbog was heavily EVVALUAI I O N~ - ., see. " elo -__.PLACE OBTAINED_ 25Xi.& DATE OF CONTENT ~'4 Nave ber to-.1.8- December 1953 REFERENCES _ _ 3 __, - _ -GATE PREPARED 19 January 1954 25X1 C PAGES---- ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE).-. 25X1X 25X1X Military information from Juoterbog and Luckenwalde occupied. All garret windows were lighted after nightfall. One-story temporary quartering buildings, about 70 meters long, were under construction in the installa- tion. Sections of these buildings were daily hauled to the installation. About 400 to 500 troops, mostly recruits, were daily observed at basic training, throwing of hand grenades, close-combat practice, range estimation and entrenching work, as well as service of the piece drill on 4 to 6 x 76-mm field guns and exercises on 3 direction finders. An undetermined number of recruits received o . driving with 3 to 4 trucks and T-34/85 tanks 25X1 C 25X1 C 25X1 C 25X1 C 7FX1X 0 2. On 4 Decerber, the Turin Kaserne was occupied by about 1,500 to 2,0CC troops wear- 25X1 C ing red-bordered black epaulets. About 2CC troo s engaged in the construction o, field fortifications and training in firing. 25X1 25X1 C 3. On 4 December, the Dam,-, Fliege ?horst was occupied by about 1,000 to 1X200 troops wearing red-bordered black epaulets and about 500 to 60C air force personnel. Army units engaged in intensive training activity in the adjoining training area. About 300 recruits received individual training and subsequently engaged in aiming prac- tice. About 70 troops constructed field fortifications and obstacles. 25X1 C 25X1 C 4. 25X1 C 25X1X 6. 25X1 C 25X1 C On December, bout 20 trucks, arrying eectifts of temporary buildings, were seen at the southern awn e o Jueterbog, proceeding toward the center of the town.. .i On 11 Decer-ber, the former Norddeutsche Naschinenfabrik, Luckenwalde, was occupied by about 50C troops wearing red bordered black epaulets. Fifty troops practiced mnrksmansh: p with carbines. Nc other training was observed. At about 4:15 p.m. on 9 December? about 100 troops wearing red -bordered black epaulets and 3 officers left Approved For Release 2004/02/19 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA003500570009-2 Approved For Release 2004/02/19 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA003500570009-2 25X1A SECR,T, 25X1 C 25X1 C Norddautste-he ooods south of the .installation. 1 .3 25X1 C 7. On 11 December, Stalag I was occupied by about 500 troops wearing sped-bordered black epaulets. Nine one-story temporary buildings along the street and 2 buildings in the west corner of the installation were lighted at dusk. No training other than physical training was observed. On 30 November;, 50 to 60 troops wearing red-bordered black epaulets practiced firing with carbines in the gravel pit. 25X1 C 8. On 11 December, Stalag II was occupied by a unit wearing red-bordered black epaulets. Troops observed in the barracks area engaged in physical training 25X1 C and about 40 troops practiced throwing of band grenades at the athletic field east of the camp. On 5 December, about 100 troops wearing red-bordered black epaulets entered the camp, probably coming from an exercise. 25X1 C On 26 and 27 November, 2 rocket launchers con t nu y _=_ _ __ an live aimmmition in the wooded area south of the in- stallation. On 4 December, the Norddeutsche Maschinenfabrik was occupied as previously'by about 300 to 50C troops wearing red bordered black epaulets. Unusually many officers were observed. On 4 December, about 80 unarmed troops entered the 25X1 C 25X1 C 25X1 C 25X1 C 25X1 C 10. On 4 December, Stalag I was occupied by about 400 troops wearing red-bordered black epaulets including some with artillery insignia. About 120, troops engag- ed in cleaning of motor vehicles and drill. On 2 November. troops received instruction on rocks: launchers in the 25X1 C 'immediate vicinity of the installation. 25X1 C 1 11 25X1 C U. On 4 December, Stalag II was occupied by about 40C troops wearing red-bordered black epaulets, including some with artillery insignia. F_ I 25X1 C 12. Between 26 and 27 November, reports of artillery pieces AT gun6 and rocket launchers were heard from the Forst nna training area units who 25X1 had taken position in Jagen (forest section) Nos 16, 40, 43 and 44 in the east portion of the training area fired toward Mehlsdorf. The practice in- volved. 6 x 85-mm AT guns, 4 x 76-m artillery pieces, 1 field gun and 2 rocket launchers: and about. 400 troo >s. 25X1 C 13. On 4 December, the Adolf Hitler Camp near Fors Zinna was occupied by about 2,000 troops wearing red-bordered black epaulets, including some wi~~.h artillery and tank insignia. Large temporary buildings, about 10 x 20 meters, had been erected behind the 2 large tents in the northwei3t portion of the carp during the last days of November. On 26 November, 2 traicks, each towing a _37atn AA gun, entered the installation. On 25 and 27 Nov amber and 3 December, troops observed engaged in drill and in firing; with machine guns at the firi range. 25X1 C SECRET Approved For Release 2004/02/19 : CIA-RDP8O-0081OA003500570009-2 Approved For Release 2004/02/19 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA003500570009-2 14. On 28 November a column of 25X1 0 25X1 C 25X1 25X1A 25X1A 4 uP g via .R7aelinann Strassse. 15. At about 2:30 Poo on 29 November, ll T-34 tanks on the Lu dorf-Kwrmersdorf road. 0 . y - 49th Gde A ez'Regt of the 14th Gds Peas Div. However, no confirmation has 25X1A 25X1 C 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 C 25X1A 0 n . The T Z.serne (32C2), Jueterbee II ig carried oc u ixsd b th,> 25X1 A 3- . This information, go in the occupation of Lucke!twalde. Seel 25X1 C does not indicate 25X1 A 4. I I C nt. Similar firing practices have continually been reported from 25X1 C this section or the training area by same source. I the practice apparently involved el its of the let &oz Div. No Colul Ion by reports on shipments of the let Mecz Div is available, houevor, . 25X1 A 5? fit. 1 1 the Adolf Hitler ZEnp (3207) 25X1 C can a carried as pre ours y by the .q rd Gde Mecz Army and unite of the 62d AAA Div (US) stationed there for protection. 25X1 A 6. a company of the 10th Gdo T 25X1 C g ofthe l4 s Herz Div froex ~ueterbo0; II (3202) . aC:RET 25X1A 25X1 C Approved For Release 2004/02/19 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA003500570009-2 '