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Approved For Release 2001/11/21 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA002600830002-0 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY Cuba SUBJECT 25X1A 25X1X 25X1A This Document contains information affecting the Na- tional Defense of the United States, within the mean- ing of. Title 18, Sections 783 and 704, of the U.S. Code, as amended. M transmission or revelation of its contents to or receipt by an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. The reproduction of this form 1s prohibited. REPORT NO. Weekly Meeting of the National Executive DATE DISTR. Committee of the Partido Socialista Popular NO. OF PAGES 28 October 1953 1. The National Executive Committee of the Partido Socialista Popular (PSP, Cuban Communist Party) met on the evening of 25 September 1953. Among those in attend- ance were Cesar VILA, Ladislao GONZALEZ Car ajal, Anibal ESCALANTE, Carlos Rafael RODRIGUEZ, sAd Dr. Arnaldo ESCALONA Almeida. POLITICAL SITUATION 2. Dr. Arnaldo ESCALONA Almeida, the PSP contact with other political parties, reported that the Partido del Pueblo Cubano (Ortodoxo) (PPC (0) ) is completely disorganized because of the rfcent imprisonment of Emilio OCHOA, the departure from Cuba of Jose PARDO Llada , and the absence of other leaders. For these reasons ESCALONA has been unable to make much progress in his negotiations. However, he had been in contact with Nicolas CASTELLANOS concerning the PSP's desire to unite with other opposition parties. As a guide to the government's future policy, the government or the Electoral Commission will ask the opposition parties to express their views. Twenty days after this has been done, the government will indicate its political position and election plans. The PSP has not been invited by the government or the Electoral Commission to empress its opinion, but Dr. Juan MARINELLO.. through Ramon VASCONCELOS , is endeavoring to bring this about. 3. The National Executive Committee plans to form a national commission to continue political contacts. ESCALONA Almeida and other leaders will be members, but the formation of this committee must be postponed until imprisoned leaders are freed. Joaquin URDOQUI was mentioned as being one of the most able members for this task, and it was hoped that he would be released, as stated to the Committee by his attorney, Dr. Jose Miguel PEREZ Lamy. LABOR MATTERS Carlos Rafael RODRIGUEZ again emphasized that militant Communists in the various labor unions must begin their preparatory work with a view toward the elections which will take place in most unions in November, December, and January. The ,National Commission for Union.Affairs will address a communication to all Party Approved For Release 2001/11/21 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA002600830002-0 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/11/21 :E@P80-00810A002600830002-0 labor units instructing them to make the necessary contacts, organize the prop- aganda for the elections, and formulate the list of unitary candidates. The Party hopes to regain much of its lost prestige in the labor field as a result of the coming union elections. IMPRISONMENTS 5. A letter from Dr. Jose Miguel PEREZ Lamy was read assuring the Committee that Joaquin ORDOQUI and Lazaro PEMA would be released soon as a result of his efforts, especially. in view of the fact that the accusations against them have been with- drawn because of Fidel (Ab`PRU's admission of being solely responsible for the Oriente uprising and his denial of involvement with the Communists. PARTY r'INANCLS 6. Manuel LUZARDO reported on the grave economic situation of the ?arty and stated that the National Executive Committee would have to take j.mmediate remedial action. LUzARDo's economic plan, agreed upon and adopted by the Committee, consists of an appeal to Communist leaders who have been able to regain control of their unions to commit themselves to making monthly contributions as done previously. The collection of these amounts will be justified to the workers in future meetings. In addition, there will be a demand for the collection of ?arty dues, extraordinary and voluntary' contributions from leaders,? militant members, sympathizers, and fellow travellers; collections in various labor centers; organization of raffles of refrigerators, television sets, and an automobile in various labor centers throughout the Republic. In this way the ?arty hopes to obtain the funds so desperately needed. 7. LUZARDO's plan for a campaign to speed up payment of back subscriptions and other debts of the correspondents and agents of Hoy was accepted by the Committee. A revision of the finances of A 2Z, La Ultima Hora, and Yundamentos will. be made so that all may begin publication at the earliest possible date. The expected restoration of constitutional'"guarantees, coupled with the fact that the.Cuban Government will consider a new interp- tation of the Public Order Law in regard to the press, as 'a 3onsequence of ?resident bAf1S'1'A's agreement with the Cuban Press Bloc,. are reasons for an accelerated reorganization of PSP publications. The National Executive Committee decided to address an appeal for support to all Party groups, especially to correspondents and agents of Her. Props Banda commissions of the various Party committees will be studied and a reorganization undertaken if deemed necessary. 8. All Communist Parties of the world will be asked to organize demonstrations before the various Cuban diplomatic installations throughout the world demanding that the liberty and interests of the Communists in Cuba be respected by the BATISTA Government. This move will also include flooding President BA'1'i TA and the Cuban diplomatic missions and representatives with telegrams protesting government repression of Cuban Communists. 25X1A 2. Cf. bEGRET Approved For Release 2001/11/21 : CIA-RDP80-00810A002600830002-0