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Approved For Release 2002/10/30 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001300910006-1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION This Document contains information aifecttng the Na- tional Defense of the United States, within tie mean- ing of Title 18, Sections 793 and 794. of the U.@. Code, as amended. Its transmission or revelation of its contents to or receipt by an unauthorized person is prrohiblted by law. ? The reproduction of this form is prohibited. 25X1A USSR (Kalinin Oblast) SUBJECT Description and Layout of Institute 88, Gorodomlya Island 25X1A PLACE ACQUIRED REPORT NO. DATE DISTR. NO. OF PAGES REQUIREMENT NO. REFERENCES 5X1A 25X1X SOURCE: INSTITUTE WITH CONSTRUCTION WORKSHOP Construction Workshop (Rooms 1-21, 50, 91, and 92)._ (See page 8). The following rooms are shown on my sketch of the layout of Institute 88, Goro- domlya Island (see page 8): Room 1 - Size: .10 x 20 m. Milling machine department. There were about eight. milling machines. ' aiid five" turret. lathes, three high speed, in this room. Room 2 - Size: 20 x 30 m. Machine shop. This room contained one electrical we]d- ing; apparatus, two large truing plates of 3.x_4 m,.:_one.tin scissors (schlagschere) 2.5 m wide, about four folding presses, one drilling ma- chine up to 50 mm, one post drill of'.2Q' mm, three table drilling ma- chines -.of 10 mm, shelves for material,, screws, nuts, and about 20 workbenches. ARMY J#x NAVY AIR 11, FBI AEC (Note: Washington Distribution Indicated By "X"; Field Distribution By "#".) 10 June 1953 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/10/30 : CIA-RDP80-0081 OA001300910006-1 Approved For Release 2002/10/30 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001300910006-1 25X1A Room 3 - Size: 4 x 6 m. This room contained the finest special drilling ma- chine, of 40 mm,'with~attachments. Room 4 - Washroom. Room 5 - Toilets. Room 6 - Size: 6 x 12 ,m. Fine mechanical-workshop. This room contained one post drill of 30 mm, one dividing head, two truing plater of 80 x 8 cm, two table drilling machines which would make 15,000 - 20,000 revolutions per minute, two table drilling machines which would make 600 - 4,000 revolu- tions per minute, general special measuring instruments, and four work- benches. Room 7 - Size: 6 x 6 m. Fine mechanical lathe shop. Five turret lathes were here. Room 8 - Size: 12 x 20 m, Lathe shop. About ten -Uturrat lathes were here. Room 9 - Size: 6 x 10 in. Tool issue. Room 10- Size: 10 x 10 m. Grinding shop. Two horizontal grinding machinfs,~.. two special grinding machines for cutters and dx'illa,':amd generlp,l tools were here. Room 11- Size: 8 x 10 m. Tool storage for all shops. Room 12- Office for Soviet workshop foreman. Room 13- Storage room for greases; shelves for packing material. Room 14- Material testing lab and tempering furnaces. Room 15- Office for technicians. Room 16- Testing paint for finished parts. All rooms from 17 through 49 were located on the ground floor, but these rooms were of different elevations. Rooms 17, 18, and 19 - Surface treatment. Room 20 - Office. Room 21 - Storage room for chemicals for surface treatment. Room 50 - Office for German workshop foreman. Room 91 - This room was intended as a social hall for the employees, but was temporarily equipped as an office (work preparation and works mrtin- tenande). Description of Obyekt II (Oxygen Plant) (See page 9). 2. Obyekt II included the following rooms: Room "a" - Size: 8 x 6 m. Two compressors 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/10/30 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001300910006-1 Approved For Release 2002/10/30 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001300910006-1 25X1A Capacity: 14 liters per minute. Motor: 110 kilowatts. These were compressors for bets, which were very neatly fabricated. Room "a" also contained the air distribution board;aria Ziltery As ell as-the' manometers for each of the compressed air batteries. Room "b" - Size: 7 x 2.5 in. This room contained only an electrical distribution .board; it was accessible from the outside and from the experimental work- shop. Room "c" - Size: 1 x 4 m. Passage from "a" to "d". Room "d" - Size: 4 x 8 m. Contained the foundation socket for the steel body of the jet, which led to room "e". The large pneumatic valves I and II were also located in this room, mounted on foundation plates, just in front of the steel body mentioned above. These valves had a rated width of approximately 80 mm.. The control pressure for the opening of the valves was 882.0 PSI (60 atue). Room "e" - Size: 8 x 4 in, Contained the actual wind tunnel "f", the oscillographs, and other calibration and measuring devices. Tunnel "f" was a vertical re- inforced concrete block with an inside diameter of about 1.5 m; wall thickness was about 40 cm; observation slots with strong glass were set into the wall. Room "g" - Size: 3 x 2 in, The models were prepared for testing in this room; i.e., machined to exact size, and polished, Room "h" - Size: 4 x , 5.m...: Room for general inaintenanc e.:' of: the entire ihstal.ldtion. Room "i" - Offices (test and evaluation). Room "k" - Size: 8 x 5 m. Bottle batteries were located in this room, standing up with bottle necks down. Detail "a" on the drawing shows the cover of a high pressure bottle. Airing and exhaust (be- and entlueftung) was done through opening "b". Condensation was drained through opening "c". Draining was done via valve "d". Contents of compressed air bottle were about 420 liters. Test pressure: 4410 PSI (300 atue); working pressure: 2940 (200 atue). Room "l" - Size: 4 x 4 m; Room "m" - Size-. 3 x 4 in, These rooms were kept for the maintenance of thb measuring devices and for the further development of same. Rooms "x"- (See page 8). These rooms were empty. Pipes and cables passed through them. 3. Other rooms in the institute were: Rooms 27 and 28 - Photo labs with the usual equipment. Room 29 - Storage and workshop for switchboard. Room 30 - Central switchboard. Room 31 - Office for chief of switchboard. Room 32 - Restroom for cleaning vgomen. Room 33 - Photostatic reproduction. Approved For Release 2002/10/30 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001300910006-1 Approved For Release 2002/10/30 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001300910006-1 25X1A Room 34 - Not known. Room 35 - Size: 2 x 4 in. Small test stand for propellant testing. This be- longed to chemical lab. The following details are knovin : Test combustion unit, 1 - 2 kg. thrust. The combustion unit was water- cooled and had the shape of the A-4 combustion unit. Propellants equalled 02....0......? (exact mixture unknown). Duration of bura- 'iqga' about 40 seconds. Supersonics. Room 36 - Theoretical propellant 'investigation I 25X1 rosin. . Size: 4 x 5 in. Also, thee:.tests?inl'35 ;wero 'r :n out of this Room 37 - Not known. Room 38 - Further theoretical development of turbines with pumps Size: 4 x 6 m. 25X1 Room 39 - Chemical lab. Room 40 - Office for head of chemistry lab. Room 42 - Toilet, 4. The towing tank (see page 10) included: Room "a" - Size: 7 x 10 m. Water tunnel (towing tank). The water tunnel I was located in chamber "a". The tube was set up on three adjustable legs and exactly balanced. The water flowing back from I to Ia was pressed to the smoothing room Ib through a pump. The measurements were nde in channel Ic9 and by insertion of apertures :different val- 'ies- were probably arrived at. Room "b" - Size: 5 x 7 M. Whatever else existed in this room besides the re- c:eiving container, pump, and motor is not known. Room "c" - Size: 3 x 7 in, Hydraulic testing lab. Servo units and regulators were tested in this room. Room "d" - Size: 7 x 7 in, Lab for analog computers manufacture. Spraying Laboratory (see page 11). 5. In the spray lab, the different jet nozzles were investigated and tested for atom- izing, rate of flow, and angle of pitch (anstellwihkel). Further,, ccxnpl,.te parts (head elements, cooling elements, middle parts, apertures) were tested here for total amounts of flan and spray patterns. The apertures were mostly control chokes. On the whole, almost all parts tested in.the spray lab were used in Obyekt I (test stand). Rooms "c" and "d" belonged to the spray lab. Room "c" lay abcut two cm lower (outside of the institute) than spray room "d", so that water could return through natural drop "g". Size of room? "c.": 3 x 4 M. Con- tainer "g" was mounted on two foundations. Working pressure: 220.5 PSI (15 atue). Filling was done by water main. Whenever tests were conducted, the Approved For Release 2002/10/30 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001300910006-1 Approved For Release 2002/10/30 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001300910006-1 25X1A container was aired (belueftet) with the designated pressure after filling vdIth water. Compressed air was taken -rom a storage battery from Obyekt II. Pipeline NW 10 led from the high pressure battery (Obyekt II) to pressure container "g". Incorporated into the pipeline were one air-in-valve, one aperture of three mm, two manometers, and one exhaust (air-out) valve. If the container carried the designated pressure, water had risen in the vertical pressure pipe "i." NK 40, up to valve "k" (detail "a"). The test could start as soon as the nozzle or choke to he tested was mounted to one of the connectors "1", provided, of course, that all connections to the part to be tested were in order. (For example, connections were made to the level indicators; detail t'bt', or to the appropriate pressure manometers,) Before starting the test, one had to check whether the aperture nm" was suitable for the tests, Starting of test: a, Pressure to container "g" was kept constant via valve "n". b, Valve "kr" was opened up until designated rate of flow was reached. (A U- manometer was connected to the two circular chamber connectors "o" and "p" and showed the exact rate of flow on the scale.) c. As soon as a steady state was reached, all valves were read. 7o After completion of test, container "gtt was exhausted (entlueftet) and the water was permitted to return from "e" into "g", Naturally, more regimes were run during such a test; i.e., with larger and smaller rates of flow. The test results were very important because only in this way was it possible to make a test prederermina- tion for the parts which were later taken to the test field for investigation or testing. It was necessary for a nozzle to have a certain gasification. An exact spray pattern could be obtained if box "r", which was equipped with test tubes, was opened for a certain length of time. The test tubes carried consecutive num- bers and were weighed separately after the test. 8 o The following is an example of the calibration of a control choke. (The c ont rol chokes were used for 02, B-Stoff, and K-Stoff regulation at the test stand - Obyekt I,) The handwheel at the control choke had, in closed position, a marking at the top. With everything ready for the test, valve "k" was opened all the way, in contrast to other tests. The handwheel at the control choke was opened one-quarter tarn, awaiting a steady state condition. Then'.the,U-level indicators and manometers were being read. As already described, U-level indicators permitted a reading of the exact rate of flow. Opening increased one-quarter turn at a time until completely positioned. Naturally, the aperture had to be exchanged for a larger one with con- stantly rising rate of flow,, 9. The following values were marked in a log: a, Rate of flow (read at the U-pipe). b. Pressure before exit at the choke (read at the level indicator I -detail nb"). co Tank pressure of container "g". d. Time in seconds. Approved For Release 2002/10/30 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001300910006-1 Approved For Release 2002/10/30 : CIA-RDP80-00810A001300910006-1 25X1A -6? e. The collected amount of water in kg. The amount of water collected during a certain length of time and at a constant regime was caught in a container and weighed with scale "5k', 10. Room "t" was located outside of the institute below the ground, the same as room "c", and was not used for a definite purpose. Rooms "u" and "v" served as storage rooms for electrical parts. 1t. Other rooms in the institute included. Rooms 51, 52, 53, and 56 - Labs for radio controlling (funksteuerung). The radio control group moved in the spring of 1952. Forrorly this group occupied rooms 80-88. The reason for this move was secrecy. Nobody was to know the status of the latest developments. Room 61 - Typing and interpreter office. Roam 61a- Storeroom for records (no secret drawings were stored here). Rooms 64-66 - Drawing archives (most secret drawings). Rooms 67-71 - Secret archives (reports, etc.). 25X1 Room 72 - Guard. Room 73 - Test evaluati f th t t 25X1 ons o e es results from Obyekt I Room 74 - New development systems test directives f l 25X1 , or spray a and evaluation b, Room 75 - Unknown, Room 76 - Size: 4 x 5 in. Typewriter room 25X1 Room 77 - Size: 3 x 5 m. Office for head of Sector 3 25X1 Room 78 - Office for Se cto r Deputy, Sector 3 25X1 Room 79 - Chief and head of all secret administrative offices. Size: 3 x 5 In . Room 80 - Assembly and farther development of analog computers. Size: 7 x 10 in. Room 81 - Office for Chief of Sector 4 25X1 Room 82 - Parts manufacture for analog computers. Size: 4 x 5 in. Room 83 - Parts manufacture for analog computers. Size. 4 x 4 in. Room 84 - Parts manufacture for radio control. Size: 4 x 4 m. Approved For Release 2002/10/30 : CIA-RDP80-00810A001300910006-1 Approved For Release 2002/10/30 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001300910006-1 25X1A -7- Room 85 - Parts manufacture for radio control. Size: 4.z 4 in. Room 86 - Parts manufacture for analog computers. Size: 4 x 4 in. Room 87 - Development of four and six component scales 25X1 general measuring device construction Sze: 120 12. 25X1 Room 88 - Radio control. Size: 10 x 20 in, Rooms 89 and 91 - Toilets. Room 90 - Theoretical dete xminati ons for radio control Room 92a- Toilets. Room 93 - Probably preparatory constructian work for analog computers. Room 94 - Theoretical and practical work on flush-mounted instruments for analog computers. Size: 4 x 5 in. Room 95 - bsequent and new developments for gas Lthdrawal burners Size: 3 x 5 m. Room 96 - unknown. Rooms 97 and 98 - Technical library. Size: 5 x 10 m. Room 99 - Leader of the German Collective Room 100 Dep zty Chief:;:Ing. Size: 5 x 5 MI. Room 101 - :Soviet Project Ing. Size: 3 x 5 m. Room 102 - Toilets. Room 103 - Ballistid's. Size: 4 x 5 m. Room 104 - Ballistics. Size: 3 x 5 m. Room 105 - Building acid general construction. Room 106 - Conference .room for director Room 107 Office. Size: 4 x 5 m. Room 108 - Alain office of Chief Ing. Room 109 - Designi Room 110 - Static ng hall ize: 10 x 18 in. Size: 7 x 10 in. 25X1 Size: 3 x 5 in. 25X1 Size: 10 x 12 in. 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/10/30 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001300910006-1 Approved For Release 2002/10/30 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001300910006-1 25X1A hh8yovr O 21 6rir!/T SECRET 8 SECRET Erl Approved For Release 2002/10/30 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001300910006-1 Approved For Release 2002/10/30 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001300910006-1 25X1A mm Approved For Release 2002/10/30 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001300910006-1 4 Approved For Release 2002/10/30 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001300910006-1 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/10/30 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001300910006-1 Approved For Release 2002/10/30: CIA-RDP80-00810A0013jRffl6-1 Approved For Release 2002/10/30 : CIA-RDP80-0081OA001300910006-1