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Publication Date: 
June 24, 1953
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-0UNTV ..1013JECT PLACE g;QUIRED E OF Approved For Release 2002/02/05 : CIA-RDP80-00810A001300660003-2 C1ASIFI(ATi0i, SE:PM/C01.17R0L II, 6, r)FFIC LUZ OULY 5, Et- up.7rP 7.1P1'14 T TON CENTRAL INTF.1LIGEt4CE AGEY REPORT NO INFORM ATION REF )FIT Nat Germany CD NO r)ATF rofIr' 7i 25X1A Production and. ReormaniaPtice at Carl &As Jonsi, NO. OF PAGES 2 i953 - 1957 13 fl1ampr.0 r,c 3t il tL Rathonowe 0 iphewer1,:f1 (formerly Hil.:,,,:s..rand) nnd ke (fornery Beyde) vith Geri Zeiss. , ea reh c31 -.)no- ton techm7 ta perfomed centrsily st Carl Zeiss In ? The planned breakdown of nroduction by attached, plants in 1957 is# NO., OF ENCLS 25X1A ILISTED EW? SJPPLENIEI?IT Tr: REPORT co ptIsche Werke WC, 're Dresdter Fei p' , in such a matr_T- thr , and design-englneer. Toitbe 25X1X (reit, 4.f... ternwillti Floor spal. in squFre mel rs lebor in 1957 of Jena. main plant 9 000 , south plant 155 500 Oaalfeld. old plant 10 1 000 . building 38 1/ 10 l)0 pm) Weimar, new plant 10 cD0 , old plant 3 0!0 1 2(Y' rieebech 8 OW 8O: .tAsfeld 3 l'fIC Dresden Yieirqr. 5 C`00 anterstein 1 000 1;irfyrt_.(Pptima) o.9.,() Total. 220 000 21 (-!'X) fr.ok Net production for 1957 (production of roads f.:q. sale) 160 million DI $ Gross production for 1957: 200 million DM Eas. 3, The planned production for 1953 by 11Th Carl Zeiss, ileA good tion is 106 million DM Ease, planned roods prodwVifx, is 114 mAlIon to be broken down so*ordina to indiyidukl plants a:: :rallows: a, The main pinrt at Jena will produce scleatific omnutern optical systems surveying instruments, lenses fcr glasses measuring devices. CLASS FICATION sitmprinrwRryir. n PW1TAT.q ra?v. - 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/02/05 : CIA-RDP80-00810A001300660003-2 Approved For Release 2002/02/05 : CIA-RDP80-00810A001300660003-2 =HET/CONTROL -n S. OFFIGIA4S 411L! 16,, The soath plant at jena vill product pbotogrammetrie innaruttaaa, 4;tzat apparatus, special eleatriosl instramente, optical systana, sairthaV gams, and oscillator al-natal,: Apprantice training a? The old plant at paalfeld vtil pr dance parts of simple acmaza ot4aaltnaa, optlaal systems, and individual and avaaMbled pct m for rariaa rssm instruments. ? The plants at Weimar- will produae sound motion picture apparatus aalaanAltaa to other produntions now belag antlined, 25X1A e. The Seebach plant is preparing for the production of indiridual paraa Vor ttana - instruments and during 1.7.3 vial produce aoundamovie apparatna, f, The plant at iisfeld will do preparatory produationg for an atnsr plants. g.. Special optical systems, prinaipally for cameras, are planned far naariat? tion at Dresden Reicta ? The Wti-AoemcIa ,7?rip.r; oa thJA 1 tti: The piannmet pror,:ii,os for 1957 lay -MB Carl Zeiss ct.approxia. . DM East) is to be narignod to IlldiTtdu0 lionte as fcilaava, Zeiss main Oint at Jena i411 b tte AVAA6 of finanalal 1Id p:4,411 administratiora research and develapeant, design engiratrint: ,T.17Trf,rj laboratories, and faxpertmatnal shope. Scientifio oolnatr, 110 quality optical system', annoying instruments, micro/4=06a aid opll urn., apparatus, and pomsibly high grade military aquipment will be prodaala this plant, la- The south plant at Am* will feature machine construction and repaian foundry, pressure casting, carpentry, shoot metal, tool manufasturint punnhing.and goer wheel shops. Precision measuring deVicer, pactoaniaqaca instruments, astronapparatus, military equipment (posetbly,? speliat electrical instruments, optical systems, lenses for glassaa? einthetti Jewels, and oscillator crystals are also slated for prodvatioe at taa4 plant. oe Simple camera objectives and optiaal systems are to be prntloed at ihe old plant at Saalfeld. d, Production of binoculars, telescopes, military equipment da: op' systems (possibly) will be done at Saalfeld? building e. The Weimar and Seetaaa plants 4/1 produce sound motion piire trpJfe; and will eonduat adjratmenta for preatsion instrumants, fl% The Elora/4 plant will be the sits at groap samenbly and ductnon for nther 7a1as Speuiftl Opti.velLgurtt i,r111,4;11ALII for .c.xnerna, ari tgon by tio Droodnr Flw5,14r, 14,tTTT r, b, The plant at 10.nUmt,Tliz! -ilat?:1. ftapro-41- Frvdn.:t4Ltt. ?? special optical ayratemo, 1. Projectors, motion plature apparatus, and eleetrtnal Inatroaaaa produced at the Erfurt (Optima) plant, o=eatt Saalfeld, Bau 38? requisitioned now by Wimmut AG ard Ittliasn billeting mineworkera, is beicg faceted.' , 'AV1104/ Apparently rough maohining and other prelimiaeryinaaductaamo 4s1 aa * i.... lit 4 4 SECRET/tONTROL -U..nitnriCia$ Approved For Release 2002/02/05 : CIA-RDP80-00810A001300660003-2 25X1A