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Approved For Release 2002/08/06 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700210042-7 CLASSIFICATION RRESTRICTED CENTRAL ItL9GENJFAGENCY N INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS REPORT NO CD NO. 25X1A COUNTRY SUBJECT HOW Hong Kong Economic - Shipping, arrivals, departures DATE OF DATE DIST.2 MAR 1953 PUBLISHED WHERE PUBLISHED Daily newspaper Hong Kong NO. OF PAGES 7 DATE PUBLISHED 16 - 31 Dec 1952 LANGUAGE SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. Tlllf DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OI THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE ^9AMING OF [SPIONAtI ACT 50 U. S. C.. II AND Et. At AN[N0W. ITS TtAN$NIStION ON THl NITtLATION OF Itf CONT[NTf IN AAT MANNER TO AN UNAUTIIODIIID PARSON IS PRO- HISITID AT LAW. ISI0000CTION Of THIS FORM IS PNOHIDITID. HONG KONG SHIPPING ACTIVITIES, 16 - 31 DECEK9ER 1952 This report lists Hong Kong ship arrivals and departures for 16 - 31 De- cember 1952. A total of 141 ships arrived and departed Hong Kong during 16 - 31 December 1952. Of these, 68 were of British registry, 18 Norwegian, 12 Panamanian, 10 Danish, 8 Chinese Nationalist, 8 Dutch, 6 Japanese, 5 Swed- ish, 2 Portuguese, 2 Soviet, one French, and one Greek. During the sam: period, 11 ships arrived from and 9 ships departed for Communist China. Two Soviet ships, the Donbas and Sivash, arrived Hong.Korg on 25 Decem- ber 1952, and the Donbas departed for Ta-ku Bar on 29 December 1952. Neither the name of the port from which the two ships had come, nor the movement of the Sivash since its arrival in Hong Kong, was reported in the source. Both the Donbas and Sivash were chartered by the Hung-chi Company. he Hung-chi Company also charters other ships such as the British ship Eastway, according to 16 Iovember 1952 Hsing-tao Jih-pao, and the British ship Admiral Hardy, ac- cording to 19 November 1952 Hsing-tao Jih-pao 7. The section on ^.argoes for Hong Kong was cmitted from this report as no commodity of significance was reported by the source to have been imported by Hong Kong during 16 - 33. December 1952. 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/08/06 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700210042-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/06 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700210042-7 ARRIVALS AND DEPARTUas Arr1wa ~, ,~p-r._ ~ . ~paQt Oriental Ste" Mabadgiyj tonnW , unknown Navigation Oo J9r(;ine Mathosva ((agent) ElebetW 269 to a British Shun_,h,sne Haiphong Shi 1,9:13 +a~e Peng. u pping Norwegian Jebel un his ing pA g Penang, Co Singa ore y 760 tows p Chinese Nei-chi Co Penang ] Pei- 1,656 B1+itiah China Navigation Bangkok tons Co Eastern Panams- Yu-tai-haing Co Pearl, nian 2'366 tons Tjitjvj=& a Dutch Royal Interocoan 6,3 tans Lines Hormo4 Norwegian China Siam Line 1 603 t , one Le-94arsoi,(- Fk?enoh Messageries lni ee 10,424 tone Tjiluuah Dutch Royal Interocoan Soochow 1,808 tone Hai-ming 1,300 tone Hermelin 904 tons Tolai-oheng 1,010 tons Mathilde Maerak tonnaga unknown Benroooh tonnage unknown Juliana 255 tons La Capirona 3,327 tons Tranquebar 4,725 tons Yung-ohong 1,941 tons British China Navigation Co Norwegian China Siam Line Japan Norwegian China Siam Line Japan British Indochina Steam India, Navigation Co Singapore Danish Maersk Line us Panama- nian Danish Benvorlioh British tonnage unknown Shun-ch'ang Swatow Shipping Co Jebshuu Shipping Aangkokr Co East Asia Co US, Japan Indochina Steam -- Navigation Co Ben Line Chi-lung 17 Dec Singapore, .17 Dee Europe Approved For Release 2002/08/06 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700210042-7 M a6 Dan Singapore, Colombo, 16 Dec Europe 16 Dec Haiphong 20 Doe 16 Dee Singapore, 19 Dee Penang 16 Dec Kao-heiung 20 Deo 16 Dec Japan 17 Doc Bangkok 16 Doe Manila, 16 Doc Japan Japan 16 Dee Manila, 16 Dec Marseilles Singapore, 16 Dec Djakarta, Mmkaeoar Japan 16 Dec 17 Dec manila, 18 Dec Sandakan 17 Dec Bangkok 16 Dec 17 Dec Cbi-lung, 19 Dec Japan 17 Dec Japan 19 Doe 17 Dec Swatow 20 Dec 17 Doe 17 Doe Manila 27 Dec 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/08/06 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700210042-7 Ship and Tonnage Reeiat e t Arrived From Date Lady Wolwer ?.'z'?tioi7 J. Marnors -- 1,021 tons and Co Ettrick Bank British Bank Line -- tonnage unknown Departed For Date Borneo 17 Dec Sandakan 17 Doc Hein-an British Ho-fa-cheng Co Saigon 18 Dec SrA-. .:On 25 Dec tonnage unknown Earnest Panama- Hua-oheng Co Manila 18 Dec tonnage nian unknown tonnage Steam Naviga- Colombo, unknown tion Co Singapore Sangola British British India Japan 18 Dee Perseus 5,928 tons Hai-hying 1,918 tons Shong-king 1,492 tone Feng-ning British British British 1,904 tons Hydralook British 365 tons Po-yang British 1,657 tons Akron Lily Chinese 350 tons San Jorge British tonnage unknown Radnorshire British 4,449 tone Yunnan British 1,634 tone Meneetheus British 4,790 tone Bataan Swedish 2,268 tons Pentakota British 3,824 tons Nisoho Ltaru Japanese 8,800 tons Nedan Greek tonnage unknown Hupeh British 1,628 tons tion Co Blue Funnel Line Europe, Singapore Rangoon, India Penang, Rangoon China Navigation Chi-lung 18 Doc Chi-lung 20 Doc Co China Navigation Indonesia 18 Doc Japan 19 Dec Singapore 18 Dec Pusan 18 Dec China Navigation -- -- Singapore 18 Dec Co Wei-chi Co Kao-haiung 19 Doc Kao-haiung 20 Deo Shun-ch'ang Shanghai 19 Dec Shipping Co Blue Funnel Japan 19 Doc Singapore, 21 Doc Line Colombo, Europe China Navigation Shanghai 19 Dec Shanghai 22 Doc Co Line Swedish East Manila 1 . Dao Japan, US Asia Co Peninsular and India oriental Steam Navigation Co Tokyo Senpaku Japan 19 Dec Manila Kaisha Livingston and Hamburg 19 Doe Co (agent) China Navigation Co 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/08/06 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700210042-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/06 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700210042-7 25X1A Ship and Arrived Departed Tonnare RerlelM erator From rate pr Late Ruye Dutch Royal Interocean tonnage unknown Canton British Peninsular and Singapore, 19 Dee 9,298 tons Oriental Steam Colombo, 1~ Navigation Co Europe Taiwan Norwegian China Siam Line Japan, 20 Dec Japan, US 21 Dec tonnage Manila O unknown R blikage Haru Japanese Osaka Shooen Japan 20 Dec Bangkok, 21 Dec 2,752 tons Kaisha Singapore Emile Maorsk Danish Maersk Line Saigon 20 Dec Manila, 24 Dec tonnage Makassar unImewn San Bias Panama- Hua-sheng Co 62C tons Dian Edondale British Shun-ch tang -- Swatow 20 Dec t 9 ons 33 Chun-cheng British China Navigation Rangoon 21 Dee Singapore, 24 Dec 935 tone Co Penang, o n R 0l a .:aorek Danish Izaersk Line US ang o 21 Dec Saigon 21 Doe 5,259 tons Bintang Danish East Asia Co Bangkok 21 Dee Bangkok 22 Dec t 1 1 ons , 57 An-kirtg British China Navigation Kobe 21 Dec Singapore, 26 Dee 2,047 tons Co Penang Toulouco Norwogian Tboresen and Co Europe 21 Dec Manila 24 Dec tcnns3o (agent) unkn oen Jccnn 1,956 tone Grote %ersk 4,097 tons Eastern Panama- Ta-nan Co Trader nian 1,445 Lone Hai-sheng tonnage unknown Thai Swedish Everett Oriental Japan 22 Dec Singapore, Line (agent) Colombo, Karachi Hsiao-oheng British Indochina Xteam Sandakan 22 Dec 257 tons 2 Navigation Co , Yung-nheng British Indochina Steam Chi-lung 22 Dec Chi-lung 24 Dec 941 tone 1 Navigation Co , India Portuguese Portugal Steam- Europe, 22 Dec Macao 23 Dec C(0 tons 7 ship, Co Singapore , Mrplcdall British Ch'ang-haing Co US 22 Dec Manila 22 Dec 5,574 tons Holios Norwegian China Siam Line Rangoon, 22 Dec Singapore, 25 Dec 1,603 tons Singapore Rangoon, i a Ind Horyu darn Japanese Mitsui Senpaku Japan 23 Dec Bangkok 25 Doc 016 tons 2 Baisha , Tjimonteng Dutch Royal Interooean South 23 Dec tonna('o .Linen America unknovm Approved For Release 2002/08/06 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700210042-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/06 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700210042-7 I I 25X1A Ship and Arrived Departed Tonnage Registry Qper!ator From Date For Date Glenroy British Glen Line Europe, 23 Dec -- -- 5,955 tons Singapore Silver British Royal Interocean Java 23 Dec -- -- Sandle tonnage unknown Fukien British Lines (agent) China Navigation Japan 23 Dee Djakarta 26 Dec 1,891 tons Co To-ho Chinese Wei-chi Co Chi-lung 24 Dec Bangkok 24 Dec 1,254 tons Fu-ning British China Navigation Indonesia 24 Dec Japan 27 Doc 1,898 tons Co Te-sheng British Indochina Steam Japan 24 Dec Singapore, 27 Dec 1,851 tons Navigatior. Co Penarg, Ra oon Foochow British China Navigation Penang 24 Dee ng Singapore, 31 Dec 1,891 tons Co Penang Sunnyvillo Norwegian Klaveness Line US 24 Dee Singapore, 25 Doe 3,402 tons o Penang 0kh la British Peninsular and Karachi, 24 Dec Japan 26 Dec 3,180 tons Oriental Steam Singapore .Tuliana British Navigation Co Shun-ch'ang Swatow 24 Dec Svwatow 29 Dec 255 tons Tai-ping British Shipping Co Australia- Kobe 25 Dec Australia 27 Dec 2,582 tons Oriental Line Szechwan British Chine Navigation Kc`ue 25 Dec Bangkok 28 Dec 1,654 tons Co Fernside Norwegian Fernville Far US, Cebu 25 Dec Yokohama 26 Dee tonnage unknown Fast Line Fortune Star Panama- Chung-heing Co Japan 25 Dec -- -- 0 2 i an tons. n 5, 2 Clytoneus British Blue Funnel Japan 25 Dec Singapore, 26 Dec 4,434 tone Line Europe Donbas Soviet flung-chi Co -- 25 Dag Ta-ku Bar 29 Doc tore,age unknown Sivash Soviet tonnage unknown Vim 1,132 tons Panama- nian Nigelock 353 tons La Colorada British Shun-ch'ang may Shipping Co Panana- Chen-sheng Co -- Bangkok 25 Dot, 3,327 tons nian Sheng-king British China Navigation Chi-lung 26 Dec Chi-lung 27 Doc 1,492 tons Cc Sandivikon Norwegian Chen-sheng Co Singapore 26 Dec 1,775 tons Sumatra tonnage unknown Aeneas Swedish Europe, Singapore British Blue Funnel Europe, 26 Dec 26 Dec Nagoya 28 Dec 4,473 tons Line Singapore Glenlogan British Glen Lino Europe 26 Dec -- tonnage unknown Approved For Release 2002/08/06 CIA-RDP80-00809A000700210042-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/06 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700210042-7 R.ESTR.I:CTED Ship and Tonnes North Star tonnage unknown Karsik tonnage unknown Han-heing tonnage unknown Akron Lily 350 tons Kang-shan. 760 tons Mangolore tonnage unknown Burma 9,980 tons Hikers, Maru 11,621 tons Registry Operato Chinese Te-chin Co Arrived Departed 26 Deo Saigon, 31 Dec Phnom Penn Dutch Royal Interocean -- Lines Chinese Wei-chi Co Chinese Wei-chi Co British Gilman and Co , Japanese Swedish East Asia Co Nippon Yuser. Kaiaks Benrinnes British 10,000 tone Aron Swedish 2,067 tons Lo-sheng 1,851 tons Tudor 3,118 tons Prosper 1,377 tons Elsbeth 269 tons India 7,000 tons Edendale 933 tons Tasman ' 3,018 tons Sirdhana 5,057 tons tonnage unknown Bougain- ville 3,430 tons Eastern Venture 3,355 tons Boissevain 8,755 tone San Fernando 4,441 tons Anthony tonnage unknown Ben Line Australia West Pacific Line British Indochina Steam Navioontion Co Norwegian Barber Line Norwegian Chen-sheng Co British Portu- guese British Dutch Shun -chfang Shipping Co Portugal Steam- ship Co Shun-ch'ang Shipping Co Royal Interocean Lines British India Steam Naviga- tion Co Phnom Penh 26 Dec Phnom Penh, 27 Dec Saigon 30 Dee Saigon Chi-lung 27 Dec chi-lung 31 Dec Kao-hsiung 27 Dec Kao-hsiung 29 Dec Europe 27 Dec Singapore 23 Dee Japan 27 Dec Singapore, 29 Dec Europe Europe 27 Dec Manila, 28 Dec Japan London, 27 Dec Manila, 31 Dec Singapore Europe Japan 27 Dec Australia 28 Doc India 27 Dee Kao-hsiung, 29 Dec Japan Japan 27 Dec Bangkok 27 Dec Bangkok 30 Dec Haiphong 27 Dec Haiphong 31 Dec Passe, 27 Dec manila, 28 Dee Europe Swstow 28 Dec Swator 29 Dec Belawan, 28 Dec Japan 30 Dec Singapore India, 28 Dec Japan 30 Doc Penang, Singapore Bangkok 28 Dec Bangkok 30 Dec Panama- Yu-tai-being Co Borneo 28 Dec Dutch Royal Interocean South 28 Dec -,Japan 29 Dec Lines America Panama- J. Manners nian and Co Panama- J. Manners -- 28 Dec nian. and Co Rosita British Hua-an Co 336 tons 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/08/06 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700210042-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/06 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700210042-7 F ,. ~'RIs Ship and Tonnage Redd gggator Arrived From Yung-sheng 1,941 tons Han-Sang 1,629 tons Britiab British Irld*china Steam Chi-lung Navigation Co China navigation Bangkok Co Changte 2,579 tons British Australia- Oriental Line Australia, Manila Tjiwangi Dutch Royal Interocean Makassar, 5,784.tons Tungus Lines Norwegian Barber Line Singapore -- 3,1/+3 tons Bali Danish Gilman and Co Europe, 3,405 tons (agent) Singapore Asia Danish East Asia Co Japan 7,050 tons Hsien-shong British Indochina Steam Japan 1,885 tone Navigation Co Eitoku Marit nxi~.=Zzz Pr~~ , UoYCl? 6,863 tons "aisha Hopovillo Norwegian Thoresei, and Co US tonnage (agent) unknown Yochow' Penang, 1,630 tons Co Singapore Vigan Norwegian Barber Line US, Manila tonnage unknown 1Tn .da Maero'k Danish tonnage unknown Mai-an Norwegian 1,495 tons Hunan 1,621 tone Astyanax 4.,935 tons Inchiray 1,791 tons Yunnan 1,634 tons lni-vuan /?137 tons Siago Marti 4,642 tons iieng-pheng 1,356 tons British British British British British Japanese British Departed Date For ate 29 Dec -Chi-Jung 31 Dec 29 Dec -- -- 29 Dec 29 Dec -- Ta-ku Bar 29 Dec 30 Dec -- -- 30 Dec Manila 31 Dec 30 Dec su Dec Singapore, 31 Dec 30 Dec Penang, Karachi -- -- 30 Dee 30 Dec Japan, US 31 Dec China Navigation Tientsin 31 Dec Co Blue Funnel Ta-ku Bar, 31 Dec Line Japan Williamson and Chin-buang- 31 Dec Co tao China Navigation Shanghai 31 Dec Co China Navigation Australia, 31 Dec Co Manila Nippon Xusen Japan 31 Dec Kaisha Indochina Steam Sandakan 31 Dec Navigation Co Approved For Release 2002/08/06: CIA-RDP$0-i