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Approver Release 2003/05/29: CIA-RDP79T 75A01SeCre1-0 25X1 DIRECTORATE OF INTELLIGENCE Central Intelligence Bulletin STATE review(s) completed. Secret 39, 6 May 1968 Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP79T00975A011100070001-0 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP79T00975A011100070001-0 Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP79T00975A011100070001-0 Approved Release 2003/"RDP79T0A011100070001-0 No. 0148/68 6 May 1968 Central Intelligence Bulletin CONTENTS Vietnam: Situation report. (Page 1) Czechoslovakia-USSR: The leaders of both countries resolve very little in Moscow talks. (Page 2) Sweden: Top critic of US returns to the attack. Page 6) 'Chile: Uneasiness continues in cabinet and army sigh command. (Page 7) Honduras: The dispute over the election fraud is likely to drag on. (Page 8) Indonesia: Streamlining of national police (Page 9) USSR-Malta: Oil survey (Page 10) Approved For Release 2003/ oQ52ffkDP79T00975A011100070001-0 Adbk Approved For Release 200 6?.R-11 -RDP79T00975AA0011100070001-0 P ORTM Vie Th AJW*Dang Ha. ' avannakntt #Quan~Tri `-~ 'Pakse kttopeu r 1% Pte,ku. L \I / .S,hanouk IJIe PHNOM PENH Bar Me Th iot ~Qui Nhon SOUTH VIETNAM YT[h.r4%OnE ~~ Ilt!Mx K7 roo,ete.~ 0391 "hLI Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP79T00975A011100070001-0 SECRET Approved F Release 2005/..r-RDP79T05A011100070001-0 C South Vietnam: The widespread but generally light wave of enemy attacks over the weekend ap- pears to have been designed to achieve psycholog- ical rather than military advantages at the onset of the Paris talks. Shortly after midnight on 5 May, Saigon time, the Communists carried out coordinated raids against more than 125 military bases and government centers throughout South Vietnam. Most of these actions were confined to mortar and rocket attacks which were not followed by ground assaults. Relatively little property damage and loss of life has been re- ported. In Saigon, the enemy did engage in several fire fights, chiefly at two bridges on Route 1 and in Precinct Five and the Cholori district. The US Chan- cery received small-arms and mortar fire, but no significant damage was reported. The country-wide enemy attacks were accompanied by National Liberation Front radiobroadcasts call- ing for a general uprising in the Saigon area. It appears that the Communists hoped to strengthen their claims of widespread popular revolt and pos- session of the military initiative as negotiations of under way in Paris. 6 May 6 8 1 Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP79T00975A011100070001-0 SECRET Approved For Release 2003AV211-RDP79T0097540 1100070001-0 Czechoslovakia-USSR: Leaders of the two coun- tries appear to have resolved very little during their talks in Moscow on 4 and 5 May. The joint communique' suggests, however, that once again the Soviets have accepted ^zechoslovak assurances that Prague's alliance with Moscow will remain fundamentally unaltered. The two sides were said to have expressed a desire to expand friendly relations on all levels. There is no sign, however, that the conflicting viewpoints on "Communist unity" were reconciled. In- deed, the press polemics between the Czedhoslovaks and the Poles which went on while the Moscow talks were in progress suggest that this gap may continue to widen. The communique also suggests that: there was only agreement to disagree on a number of other is- sues important to both sides. For example, "frank ..views were exchanged" on the roles played by the two Communist parties in their own countries. The Soviets have expressed concern that Czechoslovak Communists might share power with other political forces, or lose it altogether. The Czechs appear to have gained no firm com- mitment on economic aid from the Soviets. Matters of "economic cooperation," according to the communi- que, would be referred to experts for examination. There have been reports that the Czechs went to Mos- cow seeking a large credit, or at least the possi- bility of Soviet payment for Czechoslovak goods in hard currency. Earlier both sides had denied that Moscow had cut off grain shipments to Czechoslovakia as a form of pressure, but some evidence is available that there may have been a slowdown. (continued) 6 May 68 2 Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP79T00975A011100070001-0 SECRET Approved F 'Release 2003/05i C.%- ,r P79T0 A011100070001-0 Although the issue was not mentioned in the communique, Czechoslovakia's participation in War- saw Pact maneuvers scheduled for. this year also may have been a worrisome question, at least in Prague. On 3 May, Czechoslovak Defense Minister Dzur denied a Western press report that Prague had refused to let a pact exercise be held on its ter- ritory. Dzur said that "staff exercises," presum- ably a joint command post exercise, would indeed be held in Czechoslovakia this year. Seemingly concerned about the effect of this announcement on the population, he implied, however, that large numbers of pact troops would not be deployed into Czechoslovakia. Party Chief Dubcek reportedly is scheduled to report today on his trip to the Czechoslovak public. 6 May 68 3 Approved For Release 2003/05 J- P79T00975A011100070001-0 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP79T00975A011100070001-0 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP79T00975A011100070001-0 Approved For Release 2003%ti572T.1CtA-RDP79T00975AO411100070001-0 Sweden: LThe government's leadincritic of the US recently returned to the attack,] cIn a televised speech to a May Day rally in Stockholm, Edu- cation Minister Palme avoided specific criticism of the US role in Vietnam, but came close to de- fying a ban imposed two months ago by party leaders on any fur- ther efforts on his part to "make" Swedish foreign policy. The ban was the result of virulent re- marks he made against the US at an anti-Vietnam rally on 21 February ULUI ALMt LPalme clearly had the US in mind, however, when he denounced "pressure from a foreign power," and declared that Swedish neutrality would not be de- termined "by a foreign ambassador."" He also alluded to racial disturbances in the US_] Despite the unpopularity of Palrne's views among many of the governing Social Democrats, neither the party leadership nor the opposition parties in this election year have chosen to challenge him seri- ously. Popular acceptance of the view that the US was exerting pressure on Sweden has strengthened his hand .j LPrime Minister Erlander and other Social Demo- cratic leaders have occasionally been embarrassed by Palme, but they apparently believe any damage done by his remarks is offset by his popularity with left-wing and radical elements both within and out- side the party. Support of these groups may be vital for Social Democrats in order to keep the carte in power after the September elections.] 6 May 68 6 25X1 p~-RDP79T00975A011100070001-0 r- I Approved For Release 2009/'I; Approved `(' Release 200310517JFC1A-RDP79T0l5A011100070001-0 Chile: Uneasiness continues in the wake of changes in the cabinet and army high command. The US Embassy reports that unrest in the mili- tary is very real and, although there is no evi- dence of any coup plotting, the conditions for de- veloping a coup mentality have not been as good for many years. The new defense minister, General Tulio Maram- bio, plans to submit a supplemental military pay bill to congress within the next two weeks. Failure to obtain its passage could trigger a wave of mili- tary resignations and deprive the government of military support to back up police action against labor agitation. The unsettled situation within the military has put great pressure on the government to obtain a quick settlement of the teachers' and postal and telegraph workers' strike. There are indications that the labor unions are beginning to consider softening their demands for pay increases in the fear that the cabinet changes will precipitate strong-arm tactics by the government. The Communist Party in particular fears that it would be the prin- cipal victim of a crackdown on the left, and is therefore advocating a better deal for the military. 6 May 68 Approved For Release 20 RE A-RDP79T00975A011100070001-0 Amok Approved For Release 200b'CK-RDP79T00975A0 1100070001-0 Honduras: The month-long dispute between the oppositi n Liberal Party and President Lopez over the fraudulent municipal elections in March is likely to continue for some time. On 1 May Lopez offered to grant the Liberals control of as many as 40 municipalities in addition to those they had won in the election, but this was rejected. The President has stated that he is will- ing to continue discussions with the liberals at an unspecified future date provided complete annulment of the election is not a precondition to further talks. The President probably would have made other conciliatory gestures, but his Minister of the Pres- idency Ricardo Zuniga, who was responsible for the massive electoral fraud, apparently persuaded him not to. As long as Zuniga remains on the scene, opposition participation in the government is likely to be minimal. The Liberals probably will try to reach some compromise with Lopez, however, so that they will not be completel isolated from the 1971 presidential elections, 6 May 68 8 Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP79T00975A011100070001-0 SECRET Approved r Release 2003/ 5129 :~1. RDP79T0 15A011100070001-0 Indonesia: In a move designed to purge and reorganize the national police, Djakarta has an- nounced the dismissal of Police Commander Sutjipto, one of the few remaining significant holdovers from the Sukarno years. He will be replaced by police Lt. Gen. Hugeng as commander and police Maj. Gen. Aziz in the newly created post of vice commander. Of the two, Aziz is the more capable. Hugeng is expected to serve as a figurehead, running in- terference while Aziz works to restore the police to its traditional nonmilitary role. Indonesia's national police, especially its 23,000-man mobile bri- gade combat force, has long played a quasi-military role which the Suharto government is anxious to change. The new appointees take over on 15 May. They probably will move cautiously at first until they are assured of the strong backing they need from the government in order to carry out their mission. (continued) 6 May 68 9 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/"p DP79T00975A01 1100070001 -0 Approved For Release 2003/ kF99 A RDP79T00975A0i1100070001-0 USSR-Malta Moscow has renewed a longstanding offer to Malta to conduct an offshore oil survey. According to a representative of a Soviet state trading company in Malta, the USSR would supply equipment and 80 experts to undertake the survey at Malta's expense. Prospects for finding commercially exploitable petroleum are not rated too high, but a large Soviet presence in Malta could afford Moscow favorable publicity.) Although Soviet economic relations with Malta have been minimal, two commercial officers from the Soviet Embassy in Rome visited Malta last month to seek increased trade. The USSR also sent its first ship to the Malta drydocks last month for repair, and although Soviet officials were not impressed with Maltese skill or efficiency, other Soviet com- mercial ships may use this facility in the future .1 6 May 68 10 Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP79T00975A011100070001-0 SECRET SCG11Gtved Forlease 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP79T0097011100070001-0 Secret Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP79T00975A011100070001-0